HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout4480 Ordinance - Rezone from C-1 to R-S-12 Z 2019-013 - Recorded4481 Ordinance - PMC 25.140 - Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendments4482 Ordinance - First OMNIBUS Amending PMC Sections Starting with 2.45.0204483 Ordinance - Pasco LID 151 Formation4483A Ordinance - Pasco LID No. 151 Formation Scrivener's Error4484 Ordinance - Rezone Z 2019-014 KOA Sandy Heights RV Park Expansion - Recorded4485 Ordinance - Amendment to PPFD Charter4486 Ordinance - Donations to COP4487 Ordinance - Waterworks Utility Bond for water and sewer projects4488 Ordinance - Chapel Hill Blvd Speed Limit4489 Ordinance - VAC2020-001 - Recorded4490 Ordinance - VAC2020-002 - Recorded4490A Ordinance - VAC2020-002A - Scriveners Errors -Recorded4491 Ordinance - VAC2019-007 - Recorded4492 Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.20 and 3.1754493 Ordinance - Rezone Z 2020-001 - Recorded4494 Ordinance - Omnibus 2 PMC Chapter 9.1004495 Ordinance - Enacting PMC Chapter 3.26 Sales & Use Tax for Affordable_Supportive Housing4496 Ordinance - Amending PMC Related to Hearing Examiner4496A Ordinance - Amending PMC Related to Hearing Examiner - CA 2020-007 - Scrivener's Errors4497 Ordinance - 2021 Property Tax Levy Increase4498 Ordinance - Duluth Street VAC2020-004 - Recorded4499 Ordinance - South Cedar Avenue Vacation VAC2020-005 - Recorded4500 Ordinance - Amendment PMC Title 21 Prelim Plat Timeline Extension CA 2020-0084501 Ordinance - Extended Unauthorized Parking Amending PMC 10.65.0304502 Ordinance - Pueblo Street ROW Vacation VAC2019-006 - Recorded4503 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Operating Budget4504 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Capital Projects Budget4505 Ordinance - Rezone Road 84 Rezone Z 2020-003 - Recorded4506 Ordinance - Rezone N 3rd Avenue Rezone Z 2020-004 - Recorded4507 Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.15.010 Special Lodging Assessment4508 Ordinance - 2019-2020 Operating Budget Supplement4509 Ordinance - 2019-2020 Capital Budget Supplement4510 Ordinance - Non-Rep Non-Managment Wages 20214511 Ordinance - Management Wages - Merit 20214512 Ordinance - Amending PMC 6.05 Breed Specific and Potentially Dangerous Animal4513 Ordinance - Rezoning a Portion of Parcel 118-080-014 (4011 Road 96) - Recorded4514 Ordinance - CA2019-007 Waterfront Development District4515 Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.35.030 and Title 164516 Ordinance - HPC Composition CA 2021-0014517 Ordinance - Rezone Z 2020-008 Sawyers from RS-12 to R-S-1 - Recorded4518 Ordinance - Amending PMC Section 5.05.160 Bus License Fees4519 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget4520 Ordinance - Amending PMC 23.35.070 SEPA Appeals4521 Ordinance - Correcting Rezone Sawyers RS-12 to R-S-1 Z 2020-008 - Recorded4522 Ordinance - Amending PMC Related to Lot Size Averaging4523 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget Land Purchase4524 Ordinance - Malhan Rezone Z 2021-004 - Recorded4525 Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 28 Critical Areas4525A Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 28 Critical Areas - Scrivener's Errors4526 Ordinance - Development Regulations4527 Ordinance - JJ Kelly Construction ANX 2020-002 - Recorded4528 Ordinance - JJ Kelly Construction ZD 2020-0014529 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Capital Projects Budget Carryover4530 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget PWRF Embankment Repair 14531 Ordinance - VOID4532 Ordinance - PMC Update - Chronic Nuisance and Duty of Enforcement4532A Ordinance - PMC Update - Chronic Nuisance and Duty of Enforcement - Scriveners Errors4533 Ordinance - Northwest ULID No. 1514534 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget LID 151 Interim Financing4535 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget 20 009 Road 68 Widening South of I-182 CBClean4536 Ordinance - Amending PMC 21.20.060 - Lots Without Public Street Frontage4537 Ordinance - Adopting the 2018-2038 Pasco Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map4538 Ordinance - Amending the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget4539 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget Chapel Hill Park Supplement (2)4540 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget - Argent Road Improvement Phase 14541 Ordinance - Rezoning a Portion of Parcel No. 117-642-072 from C-1 and RS-12 to R-4 (Z 2021-005) - Recorded4542 Ordinance - Rezone Broadmoor Properties RT to C-1 - Z 2021-006 - NOT RECORDED4543 Ordinance - Rezone LFRE Fielding Midland Ln. C-1 to R-4 - Z 2021-007 - NOT RECORDED4544 Ordinance - Rezone LFRE Fielding Road 92 C-1 to R-4 - Z 2021-008 - NOT RECORDED4545 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Operating Budget COVID-19 Grants4546 Ordinance - Cox Family Land LLC Annexation (ANX 2021-001) - Recorded4547 Ordinance - Vacate a Portion of Rainier Ave for Big Apple Travel Stop (VAC 2021-002) - Recorded4548 Ordinance - Cox Family Land LLC Zoning Determination - ZD 2021-001 - NOT RECORDED4549 Ordinance - PMC New Chapter 10.100 Wheeled All-Terrain Vehicles4550 Ordinance - Rezone Columbia Riverwalk Apts - Z 2021-009 - NOT RECORDED4551 Ordinance - Rezone Bedford St Duplexes- Z 2021-010 - NOT RECORDED4552 Ordinance - Amending Restating PPFD Charter4553 Ordinance - AMI Pasco Rezone from C-1 to R-3 (Z 2021-011) - Not Recorded4554 Ordinance - Three Rivers Wright Rezone from C-1 to R-4 (Z 2021-011) - Not Recorded4555 Ordinance - Liberty Lake Rezone from C-1 to CR (Z 2021-003) - Not Recorded4556 Ordinance - Amending PMC Chapter 25.90 C-2 Central Business District Zoning - OPTION B4557 Ordinance - Amending PMC Sections 10.70.080_10.70.090 Parking Prohibited4558 Ordinance - 2022 Ad Valorum Property Tax Levy Increase4559 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Mid-Biennium Operating Budget Adjustments4560 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Mid-Biennium Capital Projects Budget Adjustments4561 Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.35.160 & 3.35.170 Utility Rate Adjustments 2022-20264561A Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.35.160 & 3.35.170 Utility Rate Adjustments 2022-2026 Scrivener's Error4562 Ordinance - Non-Rep Non-Management Wages 20224563 Ordinance - Management Wages - Merit 20224564 Ordinance - New ARPA Fund Budget Creation and Budget Adjustment4565 Ordinance - Creating PMC 3.143 ARPA Fund4566 Ordinance - Reppointment of Pasco Municipal Court Judge Jan 2022 to Dec 20254567 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Budget Adjustment - Pasco Public Facilities District4568 Ordinance - Port of Pasco - Reimann Industrial Center Annexation (ANX 2021-006) - Recorded4569 Ordinance - Port of Pasco - Reimann Industrial Center Zoning Determination (ZD 2021-006)4570 Ordinance - Vinh Pham - Parcel No 119341123 Rezone R-2 to R-4 (Z 2021-014) -Not Recorded4571 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget Burns Pathway4571A Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget Burns Pathway - Scrivener's Error4572 Ordinance - Thanksgiving Limited Partnership Annexation (ANX 2021-002) - Recorded4573 Ordinance - Thanksgiving Partnership Zoning Determination (ZD 2021-002)4574 Ordinance - Olberding Farm 2005 Annexation (ANX 2021-003) - Recorded4574A Ordinance - Olberding Farm 2005 Annexation - Amending the Legal Descpt. (ANX 2021-003) - Recorded4575 Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 25 Zoning - Increasing Residential Building Capacity - E2SHB 19234576 Ordinance - SG Land Management LLC_Harris Road Annexation (ANX 2020-001) - Recorded4577 Ordinance - SG Land Management LLC_Harris Road Zoning Determination (ZD 2020-002)4578 Ordinance - The Dunes RT to R-3 Rezone (Z 2021-015) - Not Recorded4579 Ordinance - Voided4580 Ordinance - Creating PMC 3.237 Municipal Court Fiduciary Fund4581 Ordinance - CBHA Rezone R-T to C-1 (Z 2021-018) - Not Recorded4582 Ordinance - Valdez Rezone C-1 to R-3 (Z 2021-019) - Recorded4583 Ordinance - Amend PMC 3.70 Misc Late Fees4584 Ordinance - Olberding Farm 2005 Zoning Determination (ZD 2021-003)4585 Ordinance - Affinity & Hydro at Broadmoor RT to R-4 - PP Rezone (PUD 2021-001)4585A Ordinance - Affinity & Hydro at Broadmoor RT to R-4 - PP Rezone (PUD 2021-001) Scrivener's Error - Recorded4586 Ordinance - Duarte Rezone from RS-12 to R-1 (Z 2021-017) - RECORDED4587 Ordinance - VOIDED4588 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget Argent 24589 Ordinance - Campbell Alley Vacation (VAC 2022-001) - RECORDED4590 Ordinance - Columbia River Walk Rezone (Z 2022-002) - RECORDED4591 Ordinance - Eickmeyer - Roundy Annexation (ANX 2022-002) - RECORDED4592 Ordinance - Formation of LID No. 152 East UGA Sewer Expansion Alt B4593 Ordinance - Lamb 5 LLC Annexation (ANX 2021-007) - RECORDED4594 Ordinance - Lamb 5 LLC Zoning Determination of Annexed Property (ZD 2021-007)4595 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget PWRF PH 14596 Ordinance - E Lewis Place ROW Vacation (VAC 2022-003) - RECORDED4597 Ordinance - Chaher Rezone from RT to C-3 (Z 2022-003) - RECORDED4598 Ordinance - Broetje Orchards Rezone RT to R1 (Z 2022-004) - RECORDED4599 Ordinance - Jubilee Foundation Rezone from RT to R-4 (Z 2022-005) - RECORDED4600 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget WPWTP Phase 24601 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget Fire Station No. 85 Site Work4602 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget Purchase 414 W Columbia St Property4603 Ordinance - Brantingham ROW Vacation & Dedication (VAC 2022-004) - RECORDED4604 Ordinance - Amendment to Pasco Public Facilities District Charter-August 20224605 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget Schlagel Park Boating Facility4606 Ordinance - Amending PMC Regarding RCW Changes - Domestic Violence and Protective Orders4607 Ordinance - Amending 2021-2022 CIP Budget for Citywide Ph 2 Project4608 Ordinance - Peake Contractors Rezone RS-12 to R-1 (Z 2022-006) - Recorded4609 Ordinance - Eickmeyer Mullen Rezone RT to R-4 (Z 2022-007) - Recorded4610 Ordinance - Budget Amendment for Water Main Replacement at Animal Shelter Facility4611 Ordinance - Tri Cities Animal Shelter Streets ROW Vacation (VAC 2022-005)4612 Ordinance - Final Assessment Roll LID No. 151 - RECORDED4613 Ordinance - Budget Amendment ARPA Funding for Behavioral Health Clinician PSA4614 Ordinance - 2023 Ad Valorem Property Tax Levy Increase - Zero-Percent Increase From 20224615 Ordinance - Road 40 LLC Rezone I-1 to I-2 (Z 2022-009) - RECORDED4616 Ordinance - Ramgar Commons Rezone O to R-1 C-1 (Z 2022-010) - RECORDED4617 Ordinance - Magnolia Heights Rezone O C-1 to R-3 (Z 2022-011 012) - RECORDED4618 Ordinance - Forming Broadmoor Tax Increment Area for Tax Increment Funding (TIF)4619 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Biennial Operating Budget4620 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Biennial Capital Projects Budget4621 Ordinance - Court St-Road 68 ROW Vacation (VAC 2022-008) - RECORDED4622 Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.35.010 Ambulance Utility4623 Ordinance - 2023 Non-Rep Non-Management Wages Plan4624 Ordinance - 2023 Management Salary Plan4625 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Supplemental Budget Zone 3 Reservoir Storage Tank MLS4626 Ordinance - 2021-2022 Operating Budget Supplement4627 Ordinance - Alford-Cole Annexation (ANX 2022-003) - RECORDED4628 Ordinance - Vera Acevedo RS-12 to R-1 (Z 2022-014) - RECORDED4629 Ordinance - Gerig Rezone R-2 TO R-4 (Z 2022-015) - RECORDED4630 Ordinance - Davidson RS-20 to R-1 (Z 2022-016 05) - RECORDED4631 Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 3 Creating Animal Control Fund4632 Ordinance - Adopting the Redistricting Plan and Amending the Pasco Municipal Code Chapter 1.15 Voting Districts4633 Ordinance - Montez Rezone R-2 to R-4 (Z 2022-017) - RECORDED4634 Ordinance - ICCU Rezone RT to C-1 (Z 2022-018) - NOT RECORDED4634A Ordinance - ICCU Rezone RT to C-1 (Z 2022-018) Scrivener's Errors - RECORDED4635 Ordinance - Budget Amendment to WPWTP CO 114636 Ordinance - Budget Amendment to WWTP Phases 1_24637 Ordinance - Zoning Determination for Eickmeyer et al Annexation (ZD 2022-002)4638 Ordinance - Zoning Determination Alford-Cole Annexation (ZD 2022-003)4639 Ordinance - 2023-2040 Revenue Bond for LID No. 151 Debt Service4640 Ordinance - Amending PMC Chapter 13.80 Storm Water Mangt Utility4641 Ordinance - Mendoza Frontage ROW Vacation (VAC 2022-007) - RECORDED4642 Ordinance - VOIDED4643 Ordinance - Amend PMC 2.05 Related to Regular Meetings and Workshops4644 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Budget Amendment to Court St Overlay4645 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Budget Amendment WWTP Improvements Phase 2 Project4646 Ordinance - Jubilee Foundation ROW Vacation (VAC 2022-009) - RECORDED4647 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Budget Amendment Solstice Sewer Lift Station Forcemain4648 Ordinance - Empire Bros ROW Vacation (VAC 2022-010) - RECORDED4649 Ordinance - FLU - Broadmooor Blvd-Burns Rd (CPA2022-001)4650 Ordinance - FLU W. Argent - Road 68 (CPA2022-002)4651 Ordinance - FLU - Broadmoor Blvd (CPA2022-004)4652 Ordinance - FLU Burns Rd Between Convention Dr Ochoco Ln (CPA2022-006)4653 Ordinance - FLU Wrigley Dr (CPA2022-007)4654 Ordinance - FLU Chapel Hill Blvd (CPA2022-008)4655 Ordinance - FLU Broadmoor Blvd (CPA2022-009)4656 Ordinance - FLU N 28th Ave (CPA2022-010)4657 Ordinance - FLU W Court St (CPA2022-011)4658 Ordinance - Amending PMC Chapter 25.95 Creating Downtown Pasco Overlay District (CPA2022-013)4659 Ordinance - Broadmoor Master Plan Creating PMC Chapter 25.97 Broadmoor Overlay District (CPA2022-014)4659A Ordinance - Broadmoor Master Plan - PMC Chapter 25.97 Broadmoor Overlay District Sriveners Errors4659AA Ordinance - Broadmoor Master Plan - PMC Chapter 25.97 Broadmoor Overlay District Sriveners Errors4660 Ordinance - FLU Heritage Blvd_Ramgar Estates (CPA2022-015)4661 Ordinance - FLU W Court Between 19th Ave N 14th Ave (CPA2022-016)4662 Ordinance - FLU S 10th Ave Between W A St W Washington St (CPA2022-017)4663 Ordinance - Future Land Use Map Descriptions Amending PMC Section 25.215.0154664 Ordinance - Columbia Shores PUD (PP_PUD2021-002) - RECORDED4665 Ordinance - Amending PMC Chapter 1.15 Council Voting Districts4666 Ordinance - Amending PMC Chapter 8.07 - Compost Procurement4667 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Supplemental Capital Projects Budget Carryover4668 Ordinance - Amending PMC 25.127 Mixed Use District4668A Ordinance - Amending PMC 25.127 Mixed Use District - Scrivener's Errors4669 Ordinance - Budget Amendment to Lewis Street Overpass CO 18-214670 Ordinance - Amending Sections in PMC Titles 9 & 25 Related to Cannabis Retail Facilities4671 Ordinance - Lewis Place LLC - Jefferson Landing Rezone R-1-A to R-4 (Z 2022-013) - RECORDED4671 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#1986047 ORDIN4672 Ordinance - Mendoza Rezone from C-1 to C-2 (Z 2023-001) - RECORDED4673 Ordinance - Amending Chapter 9.45 Blake Fix SB-55364674 Ordinance - LTGO Bonds 2023 (101461882.5)4675 Ordinance - Refunding Revenue Bonds 2023 (101442482.6)4676 Ordinance - Budget Amendment Phase 1-B Utilities in Broadmoor Area4677 Ordinance - Budget Amendment GESA Stadium Improvements4678 Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 17 Sign Code and Creating Title 18 Public Arts and Murals4678A Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 17 Sign Code and Creating Title 18 Public Arts & Murals Scriveners Errors4679 Ordinance - 2023-24 Budget Amend for PWRF P2 Winter Storage Ponds4680 Ordinance - Amending PMC 25.180.050 Corner Lot Fencing4681 Ordinance - Ziply Optic Fiber Cable Franchise4682 Ordinance - Cole's Estates Rezone from C-1 to MU (Z 2023-002) - RECORDED4683 Ordinance - Barker Heights Rezone from R-S-1 to R-3 (Z 2023-003) - RECORDED4684 Ordinance - TSK Kidwell Rezone from R-4 to C-1 (Z 2023-004) - RECORDED4685 Ordinance - PMC Title 29 Shoreline Regulations4685A Ordinance - PMC Title 29 Shoreline Regs - Scrivemer's Errors4686 Ordinance - Budget Amend for Aquifer Storage Recovery Feasibility Study Ph 24687 Ordinance - Amending PMC 10.35.030 Burns Rd Speed Limit4688 Ordinance - Amending PMC Chapter 3.40 Impact Fees4689 Ordinance - Asmus Road 76 Overpass ROW Vacation_Dedication (VAC 2023-002)4690 Ordinance - Barker Ranch 1st Rezone R-S-1 to R-1 (Z 2021-002)4691 Ordinance - Glacier Park Rezone C-1 to R-3 Z 2023-0054692 Ordinance - Helena Addition #2 Rezone C-3 to R-1 (Z 2023-006)4693 Ordinance - Reciprocal Franchise Agreement - Pasco - Franklin County Irrigation District & FCID Res 2023-0034694 Ordinance - Amend PMC Title 21 for Street Connectivity4694A Ordinance - Amend PMC Title 21 for Street Connectivity - Scrivemer's Errors4695 Ordinance - 2024 Ad Valorem Property Tax Levy4696 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Mid-Biennium Operating Budget Adjustments4697 Ordinance - Voided4698 Ordinance - 2024 Non-Rep Non-Management Wages Plan-EF edits4699 Ordinance - 2024 Management Salary Plan4700 Ordinance - Amending PMC for Residential Design Standards4700A Ordinance - Amending PMC for Residential Design Standards Scrivener's Errors4700AA Ordinance - Amending PMC for Residential Design Standards Additional Scrivener's Error4701 Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.35.160, 13.15.030 and 13.45.060 Water Rights Fees4701A Ordinance Amending PMC 3.35.160, 13.15.030 & 13.45.060 Water Rights Fees - Scrivener's Error4702 Ordinance - KS Family Enterprises row Vacation (VAC2023-001)4703 Ordinance - 1028 W Nixon St Rezone from C-1 to R-1 (Z2023-007) - RECORDED4704 Ordinance - LID No.152 Bond Anticipation Notes (101434497.5)4704 Ordinance - LID No.152 Bond Anticipation Notes (101434497.5) Scrivener's Error4705 Ordinance - Kelly Rezone RS-12 to R-1 (Z2023-009) - RECORDED4705 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#1986048 ORDIN4706 Ordinance - Jankelson RS-12 to R-4 (Z2023-011) - RECORDED4706 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#1986049 ORDIN4707 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#1986050 ORDIN4707 Ordinance - Welch Rezone RS-12 to R-1 (Z2023-013) - RECORDED4708 Ordinance - Budget Amendment for A Street Sports Complex Phase 1.5 Lighting4709 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#1986051 ORDIN4709 Ordinance - Valley View Rezone from R-3 wConcomitant Agr to R-3 No Agr (Z2023-015) - RECORDED4710 Ordinance - PSD Orion CCA High School ROW Vacation (VAC 2023-003) - RECORDED4711 Ordinance - Dissolving Downtown Pasco Development Authority4712 Ordinance - Amending PMC 02.05.020 to Include Public Comment During Council Workshops4713 Ordinance - Ochoa Rezone RS-20 to R-1 (Z 2024-001) RECORDED4713 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#1986052 ORDIN4714 Ordinance - Amending PMC Section 3.35.060 Cemetery Fees4715 Ordinance - Glacier Park Rezone II (Z 2023-014) - RECORDED4716 Ordinance - Amending PMC 13.15.030 and 13.45.060 Related to Water Rights4717 Ordinance - Creating PMC 9.80.035 Sitting Lying on Sidewalk in Designated Zone4718 Ordinance - Amending PMC 3.35.160 Water Utility Billing Rates 10-Inch Pipes4719 Ordinance - Amending PMC 9.80.035 Sitting Lying on Sidewalk in Designated Zone Adding Streets4720 Ordinance - LTGO Bond 2024 for TIF Area4721 Ordinance - MACA LLC Alley Vacation (VAC 2024-001) - RECORDED4721 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#1989369 ORDIN4722 Ordinance - Amending PMC Titles 5 & 25 Related to Pasco Public Space and Mobile Vending4723 Ordinance - US Cellular Small Cell Deployment Franchise4724 Ordinance - Authorizing Condemnation at Broadmoor & Sandifur Parkway Intersection4725 Ordinance - Creating New Section PMC Title 3 for System Development Charges Waiver for Affordable Housing (Commerce CHIP Program)4726 Ordinance - Amending PMC Section 3.40.070 Time of Payment of Impact Fees4727 Ordinance - Alvarado Place ROW Vacation (VAC 2024-002) - RECORDED4727 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#19907394728 Ordinance - Osprey Pointe Rezone from I-3 to Mixed Use (Z 2024-004) - RECORDED4728 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN#19907384729 Ordinance - Amending Titles 17 & 25 Related to Billboards (CA 2024-002)4730 Ordinance - FLU Amendment for New Heritage Industrial to Mixed Residential Commercial (CPA 2022-003)4731 Ordinance - DENIED at 10.7.2024 Council Mtg4732 Ordinance - Peak Towneplace Rezone C-1 to R-3 (Z 2024-002) - RECORDED4732 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19929854733 Ordinance - Alvarado Rezone from RS-20 to R-1 (Z 2024-003) - RECORDED4733 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19929864734 Ordinance - Amending PMC Sections 25.15.270 25.180.050 Related to Fencing4735 Ordinance - Amending PMC Sections 10.31.010 & 10.31.020 Related to Automated Traffic Camera System4736 Ordinance - 2025 Ad Valorem (Property Tax) Levy with 1% and Banked Capacity4737 Ordinance - Annexing Property into Pasco City Limits - Valdivia (ANX 2024-001) - RECORDED4737 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19929874738 Ordinance - Annexing Property into Pasco City Limits Shumway Taylor Flats Road (ANX 2024-002)4738 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19929884739 Ordinance - Valdivia Annexation Zoning Determination (ZD2024-001)4740 Ordinance - Shumway Annexation Zoning Determination (ZD2024-002)4741 Ordinance - Creating PMC 3.245 TIF Bond Fund4742 Ordinance - Creating PMC 3.250 TIF Capital Construction Projects4743 Ordinance - Creating PMC 3.255 Development Fee Fund4744 Ordinance - Creating PMC 3.260 Public Safety Special Revenue Fund4745 Ordinance - Creating PMC 3.265 Affordable Housing Tax Fund4746 Ordinance - 2025 Non-Rep Non-Management Wages Plan4747 Ordinance - 2025 Management Salary Plan4748 Ordinance - 2023-2024 Operating Budget Supplement4749 Ordinance - 2025-2026 Biennial Operating Budget4750 Ordinance - 2025-2026 Biennial Capital Projects Budget4751 Ordinance - Amending PMC Titles 3 & 13 Related to Process Water Reuse Facility4752 Ordinance - Gisi Water Tower Apts Rezone C-1 to R-4 (Z2023-008)4752 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19953774753 Ordinance - Budget Amendment for Additional Pasco PD Staff - Tri-Cities Regional Airport ILA4754 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19953784754 Ordinance - The Grove at Broadmoor Rezone R-T to R-4 (Z2024-005)4755 Ordinance - Marroquin Heaton Duarte Rezone RS-12 to R1 (Z2024-006)4755 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19953794756 Ordinance - Broadmoor Aquatic Facility Rezone R-T to MU (Z2024-008)4756 Ordinance - RECORDED AFN #19953804757 Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 25 to allow for Overnight Truck Habitation4757A Ordinance - Amending PMC Title 25 to Allow for Overnight Truck Habitation Scrivener's Errors4758 Ordinance - Repealing Pasco Municipal Code Chapter 5.60 Rental License And Amend Section 3.35.050 Business Licenses4759 Ordinance - Amending PMC Seciton 10.35.030 Related to Speed Limits