HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection to Incorporate the Town of Pasco - 09.03.1891I l ,,,,· r,- S S F orm 3lli-500 •1 -10-13 No •.................. 89 ....... . Copy of Proceedings had in the matter of the .... El.ect.i.an .... t.o .... Inc.or.por.a.t.e .... :the ...... . .... T.o w .... n .... of. .... P.asco ....................................................... . STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss . Filed in the office of the Secretary of State ............. . ...... .S.ep.t .•..... 3.,-... l89l ....... at ............... o' clock ........ _..M. Entered at page ..................... of Boolt... ............................ , Register of Incorporated Cities and Towns . .............. ALLE.N ... .WEIR. ........................................ . Secretary of Stole Special Certificate No...................... .. . .............. , mailed to ........................................................................................................ . Fee $5.00. (Remittance No ................................................ .) INDEXED • \t #92. State of washington County of Franklin ) l Board of county Commissioners convened this 31st da.y of August l89l, for the purpose of canvasaing the election returns of an election held in the town of Pasco in Franklin County, State of Washington on the 29th dti1.y of August 1891, for the purpose of voting on the incorporation of the town of paaco, in said County and stu.te 1 and for the el.ec,tion of. officera to fill t30 various offiees of the said proposed corporation, as provided in Chapter seven of session ~-..-u v.r ioo-.> d.o -.>o-1 ---1.,.;..~1. .... .a = A.ot p:cov-i.d:tng f'or the Organization• Classification, incorporation and government of nnm1cipal corporations Present V. D. Lay J. H. Barry Cor:Jr.1isaioners and c. E. Stahl Chairman. Upon canva.aaing the returns of said election it was found that fifty five (55) votes were cast for incorporation, and twenty (20) votes were cast against incorporation. There being a majority in favor of' the said. incorporation, 1 t is therefore Ordered that ,, the to,m of Pasco be and is hereby deol,ared duely incor1)orated, as a municipal corporation of the fourth clasH, under the nar.1e and style of the town of Pasco, according to the boundaries descr:i'.Jred in t ll e publiahed notice of said election. And the following persona are declared ~uell elected officers of the said corporation. For Mayor Ransom Olney. '~ ,.~ ·:f. r "Treasurer George w. Haznie. "Councilman Fred Ku:rtz~a.n. ft " Jrohn w. o•Keefe u n Dewitt Owen. " II James waters " " w-1 :~liam n. Wehem1re • li ,.t : JsG I •,~· Signed. c~ E~ Stahl Cha.:i rr.i.an • W. H .. Bro1111, Cle,rk. I,· w. H. J3rown, Cp,unty Auditor and Clerk of the noard of County Co .cm issionera of Frhrtklin County, State of waahington, do .. ·. hereby cert ify that t he wi t )iin and foregoing is a true copy of the Order of the Board of couint:y·Com.missionera of said county, declaring the town of -pa.aco in said County incorporated under the nane and style of the town of paaco. Witness my ha.nµ. a.~d official seal thia 1st day of ~epteL1ber A. D. 1891. w. H. J3r0\m County Audi ~;or and Clerk of' the Board of county Commissioners. (Seal) ( E/1I D O R S . }; tr}:1) "Filed for ,.record in t'}1e ;office or the secretary of Btate Sept. 3, 1891 • Allen Weir, Se,~retary o-f' State 11 , . .__ _ __._ /; / ! i .. ;,1.-f! ' . ''-- j .. ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ... 00 ,.. ,.., ~ ..... .... l I tj !; 1 '. I 1 i : l) LEGHORN ABSrRAOT FROM GJDo. D. !!.ARN.ARD & Co., S,:. l.:un ,.. ~l~, 1-- (- 2 :3 I ·<I, ' ( -5 Ir '6 /I 7 8 9 lO 1.1 12 13 14 15. l6 17 18 19 20 21 2-2 23 ( (~'-8-z~ -/-·7'- Ct-•~--r of ~.~•-. .. ..~-,,::: ..... ,-,r --e n t ,•V-«' .. Bl r ::::-:::,.,,+ (( ---._....1 -L---"'O"""'"c J I t.C n.. *1 b:ii , .:. V i J 2~11 .,~~···,_•/4.:;'~~---~--,. ~ '~tt.uw~ ,_ VC'?,,-,U--Z/z----vt«~~ I --~ -~--,.,.•Q,: ·,!wlin ,.;,., ..,. 27.~~~~~==== 28.~========== 29 1~============== 30 . 1------------------------------------------------31 .==~--===== 32 .L__...:.___ __ _ -