HomeMy WebLinkAbout4257 Resolution - Change Order No. 7 for Lewis Street Overpass with Cascade Bridge, LLC RESOLUTION NO.4257 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH CASCADE BRIDGE, LLC. FOR THE LEWIS STREET OVERPASS PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City and Cascade Bridge, LLC. entered into a Construction Contract on March 1, 2021, to provide for the construction of the Lewis Street Overpass Project; and WHEREAS,this project involves the construction of a new 562-foot, 4-span,pre-stressed concrete overpass, over the BNSF Railway yard and a new 63-foot, voided slab, overpass over First Avenue. Along with roadway improvements,backfilling,partial structure removal, retaining wall construction, earthwork,paving with HMA, landscaping, storm drainage, illumination, water mains, sanitary sewer, and other associated work; and WHEREAS, the City and Cascade Bridge, LLC. executed Change Order No. 1 through Change Order No. 6 to provide for additional wark not included in the original contract; and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 7 relates to additional work related to the replacement of a waterline within the project site between Alleys C &D; and WHEREAS, previously approved change orders were authorized under the authority provided to the City Manager and the Public Works Director; and WHEREAS, the $153,555.91 amount of Change Order No. 7, added to the cumulative sum of previously approved change orders, exceeds the City Manager's authority and thus requires Council approval. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON: That Change Order No. 7 to Cascade Bridge, LLC. is hereby approved by City Council. Be It Further Resolved that the City Manager of the City of Pasco,Washington,is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute Change Order No. 7, a copy of which is attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference as Exhibit A, on behalf of the City of Pasco. Resolution—Lewis Street Overpass project-CO 7 with Cascade Bridge,LLC.- 1 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, and approved as provided , by law this 3rd day of October, 2022. , Blanche arajas Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ��� Debra Barham, CMC erguson Law, PLLC City Clerk ity Attorneys Resolution—Lewis Street Overpass project-CO 7 with Cascade Bridge,LLC.-2 EXHIBIT A cirr oF Pnsco ��SC� PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT �„�� CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.7 �` UNILATERAL CHANGE � Project No: Project No:73007 Project Title: Lewis Street Overpass FED-AiD#:STPUS-HLP-3530(0a6) WSDOT:TA4087 Contractor. Cascade Bridge tLC Reason for Change: Replace Watedine at Alley C and D Detail as Appropriate: At the request nf the City of Pasco,Cascade Bridge replaced the existing wateriines in Alley C and D,and removed and replaced the existing hydrant on First Ave. This work was perfortned off of a Notice to Proceed. This change is being issued as a unilaterai change at the reqeust of Cascade Bridge in SL039 MoP tor Change Order No.7 Replace Waterline at Alley C and D with no additionai working days. Contract Bid Amount: $22,344,999.98 SALES TAX 6`18.6%: Tofal: $ 22,344,999.98 PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDER __ CURRENT CHANCiE aRDER Suhtptal $205 fi73.78 Subtotal $141,285.79 Sales tax Ldi 8.7°r6 $3 065.56 Sales tax�8.7% S 12 290.12 Totai 5208,739.34 Total S 153,555.91 Total Change Orders To Date S 362,295.25 NewContractAmount 5 22,707,295.23 IS CONTRACT TIME AFFECTE�BY THIS CHANGE ORDER NO Contract Time Prior to this Change Order................................. 530 Modification to Contract 6me 6y this Change Order.................... _ 0 Revised Total Confract Time.................................................... 530 It is mutually agreed by both parties thai this Change Order fully describes the change(s)that is(are)being made and that tha compensation for this Change Order is iull and complete and is the only compensation due or owing for this Change Order. Further,it is mutually agreed that thfs document will supplement the present Contract Documents and that the provisions of the previously executed Contract Documents shall apply to this Change Order. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED: APPROVED: CONTRACTOR Dale PROJECT bIANAGER Dale APPROVED: AP'PROVED: �c q�-Zz `�[Y�13�2z ST.MANAGER DMe � C1P :,W,GER Dale - WBUC WORKS DIRECTOR Oale Add the Following Bld Items: Bid Hem: C57 RepJace Waferline at AIley C and D 4 tS $ 941,265.79 $ 141,265.79 Sales Tax 8.7% $ 12,290.12 Subroral,Addiaions ............................................... $ 12,290.12 TotalthisChangeOrder •�••�••••���••�•••••� �• �• •-�����••�• �� S 153,555.9'I CHANGE ORDER �a�CQ NUMBER iCHANGE ORDER JUSTIFICATION 007 ' s»s�soaz Page 1 of 7 PROJECT; Pasco Lawis Street Overpass PROJECT#: TA4Q87 FED AID# STPUS-HLP-3530(006) RESIDENT ENGINEER: Ailison Zimmerman WRITTEN JUSTlFICATION 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE. Replace the existing waterlines in Alley's C and D, and tie into existing lines on First Ave and Clark. 2.WHAT IS REQUIRED BY CONTRACT?WHY THE CHANGE?(REF.PLAN SHEETS&SP�C SECTIONS.) The change was a request by the City to expand the scope of the original contract. 3.HOW IS CHANGE ORDER THE SOLUTION? We need it to add scope to the contract for items that cannot be covered under existing bid items as well as to cover inflation for pipe and fittings. 4, ALTERNATIVE(5)CONSIDERED. We explored paying with a combination of FA and eixsting bid items but the scope was large enough to warrant a change order. 5.REASON FOR ENTITLEMENT AND WHY IT CANNOT BE PAID UNDER EXISTING CONTRACT. Inflation for pipe is significant($24/If more then at bid time for 10"y as well as the addition of new items not eixsting in the ori inal hid. 6.APPROVALS:PROIECT MAlVAGER,TECHNICAL ADVISOR (TRA�FIC,STRUCTURAL{.JURISDICTION, �THER AGENCY. Project Manager __ 7.T1ME:INCREASE OR DECREASE WORKING DAY5. No change in working days. 8.CUST: ESTABLISH OR VERIFY INCREASE OR DECREASE. (CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL,ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE,NEGOTIATED,SUPPLIER,BID ITEM,ETC.) Increase in cost by$141,265J9 Iter�� �����down - Alley C and D Waterline PC06•01 Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 101N.Dia 550 LF S 147.95 $ 81,372.50 PG06-02 Ductile tron Pipe for Water Main 81N.�ia 20 LF $ 133.11 $ 2,662.20 PCOb-03 Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 6 IN.Dia 20 �F 5 161.12 $ 3,222.40 PC06-04 Connect to Existing Water Main 10" 1 EA � 6�•�� $ �•� - PCQ6-OS 101NHymaxCoupling Z EA 5 914.25 $ 1,828.50 PC06-06 101N 22,5 Degree Bend MJ x MJ 2 Eq $ 827.08 $ 1,654,16 PC06-07 Plugging Existing Water Pipe 101N. Z Eq $ 255.60 $ 510.00 PC06-09 10 IN x 101N x 101N 7ee FL x FL 1 EA � 5,4Q5.00 $ 5,405.00 PC06-10 101N Butterfly Valve FL x FL 1 EA S 3,600.00 S 3,600.00 PC06-11 8"IN Hymax Coupling 1 ER S ��0.50 $ 770.50 PC06-12 10 IN x 10 IN x 6 IN 7ee FL x FL 1 EA $ 3,524.�5 $ 3,524.75 PC06-13 10 W x 1 IN Reducer FL x FL w/MJ Adapter 8 IN 1 EA � Z.081.SQ $ 2,081.SD PC06-14 Connect to Existing Water Main 8" 1 EA 5 4,134.25 $ 4,134.25 PG06-15 Fire Hydrant Assembly 1 Ep $ 8,248.38 $ 8,24838 PG06-16 Hydrent Service Connection 1 EA $ 3,703.00 $ 3,703.00 PC06-17 10 IN 45 Degree Bend Ml x MJ 2 Eq $ 80.1.23 $ 1,682.46 PC06-18 Temp3INHMATrenchPatch 1 EA 5 10,723.75 $ 10,723.75 PC06-19 Driveway Prep&Fine Grading 1 EA $ 4,305.03 $ 4,305.03 PC06-20 Sawcut Roadway 1 LS $ 603.75 $ 603.75 PC06-21 TrafflcControl 1 LS $ 633.66 5 633,66 7ofa( $ 141,265.79 � '1 � ) R�ni�eSt fnr Prc�c�c�s�! Date: 5/05/2022 Subject: Notice to Proceed — Remove and Replace V1/aterline:Alley C and Alley D Lewis Street�verpass—City of Pasco From: Allison Zimmerman, WSP To; Yuski Seo, Cascade Bridge Cc: Stefanie Edwards, Perteet Route To: Jason Cadle, KLB bear Mr. Seo, This letter is a notice to proceed with the procurement of materials required to complete the repiacement of the waterline at Aliey's C and D. WSP accepts the quote as is and is drafting Change Order 008 Alley C and D Waterline Replacement and expects ta have a draft to Cascade Bridge this week. It should be no#ed that the City will not require a pressure cap, and is ok with just plugging the existing line. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you, AI►ison Zimmerman, Resident Engineer 10�1Fourth Avenue Seattle,WA 98'154 +1 20&-382-5200