HomeMy WebLinkAbout4194 Resolution - Six-Year Transporation Improvement Plan 2023-2028 RESOLUTION NO. 4194
WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 provides for annual revision and extension of the
comprehensive transportation program of each city and town, after public hearing thereon; and
WHEREAS,the City shall annually review the work accomplished under the program and
determine current city transportation needs and from these findings shall prepare and adopt a
revised and extended comprehensive transportation program before July 1 of each year; and
WHEREAS, on June 20, 2022, the City Council held a public hearing on the revision and
extension of the comprehensive transportation program, received no comments; and
WHEREAS,it is now time to revise and extend the comprehensive transportation program
as identified as the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and
WHEREAS, the City has determined, based on an assessment of the work accomplished
under this program and the current City transportation needs, that this revised comprehensive
transportation program adequately addresses the City's future transportation needs.
That the City of Pasco hereby adopts the revision and extension of the comprehensive
transportation program for the ensuing six years as attached hereto as Exhibit A and labeled"Six-
Year Transportation Improvement Program 2023-2028"incorporated by this reference as though
fully set forth herein; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the comprehensive transportation program shall be filed with
the Benton-Franklin Council of Governments and the Washington State Department of
Resolution—2023-2028 TIP- 1
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco,Washington this 20th day of June, 2022.
Craig Maloney
Mayor Pro Tem
� G�-
Debra Barham Kerr u aw, PLLC
City Clerk Ci to eys
Resolution—2023-2028 TIP-2
20212026 Transpertaflon ImprovamNft Plm(7'IP)
ProJect Infortnatlon &Year Planning
1.D1 Mnual Pavement Preservation Qty Wide Mukiple Locations Muitipie Lowtions Maintenance Ongoing $ 6,470,D00 $ 1,00[i,00� 5 1,03o,000 $ 1,06i3Ooa S 1,043,000 $ ],726.OW $ 1,160,Opp
1.02 City Wide Treffic Signal improvements(Phase 3) City Wide Multiple Locations Multiple Locations Signal $ 2,139,595 $ 2Ci,000 S 2,119,595 S � S - S - 5
2.01 W'A'SU6thAVePedest�anGossing �� �Centrel AStreM 6thAve 9ike/Ped vew $ g71,U00 $ SSO,DOU 5 1Q0,000 5 621,000 $ � $ $
2.02 CourtStOverlay-USHwy395to20thAve Central CourtStreet USHwy395/20thAve Maintenance New $ 965,40A 5 $65,ODD 5 $ - j _ $ 5
2.03 !_ewis Street Corrtdor ImDrovements(Phase 1) � Cerrtral lewis Street 2nd Ave/Sth Ave improvement Ongoing $ 4,634,030 $ 339,000 $ 4,295,030 $ - S . $ $
2.04 lewis5treetCoMdorlmprovemeMs�phase2� Central LewlsStreet 5ffiAve/10[hAve Impravement [arryover S 5,20�,�4p 5 - $ - S 400,000 $ 300,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,OQ0,000
2.65 South 4th AvE{Fest'wal Street lmpro�emerttsl Central S 4th Avenue tawis Street/Columbia Sheet Imprwement Carryover $ 500.000 $ - S � 5 50,000 $ 450,000 5 - $
2.Ofi SylvesterStOverpassPedestrian/HfcycleAccesz Central SylvesterStreet U53950verpa55 Bkke/Ped Ongoing $ 3,95q,Op0 $ 750,OD� S S�Q,OtlO $ 3,200,ppp 5 $ - $
2.07 Sylvester5t5afetyimprovements Central Sylvester5treet Roatl54/3rc!llve Improvement Ongoing S 3,839,900 $ 3,839,OIX} $ $ S $ - $
2.08 SylvpSter St/L15 395 NB Off-Ramp Intersection Improvement5 Central SylvesterStreet US 395 NB Off-Ramp Slgnal C2rryover $ 1.5p0,000 $ l,SOD,000 $ $ S $ - $
2.09 Clark St Impravemants Central Clark Streex lOth St/2nd St 8ike(Ped New $ 1,OW,000 $ - $ - 5 $ - $ 25U,000 $ 750,000
2.10 Columbia St Improvements Central Columbia Street 10[h SVZnd St Bike/Ped New S 1,WO,OW $ - S - 5 $ - $ 250,000 $ 750,000
3.01 James St Improvements East lames Street Oregon Ave/Frontier Lp Improvement Ongoing $ 1.653,000 $ 3,653,000 $ $ � S S
3.02 Lewfs St Overpass East LeWIs Street Oregon Ave/2nd AVe Impravement Ongoing $ 6,3�6,000 $ 6,320,000 $ $ S $ - $
3.03 Lewis St/Herftage BNd Intersection Improvements East Lewis Street HeNtage Blvd Slgnal Carrymer $ 1,5pp,ppp $ - $ i,gpp,ppa $ - $ - $ - $
3.04 Oregon Ave(SR 397)Overlay East O�egOn Avenue I-182//Unsworth pefvr6lshment pngoing $ 3.Opp,ppp $ 3,flpp,ppp $ $ 5 S 5
3.05 TrafflcMalysfsforU512 East U512 A/TankFartnRaad Study Carryaver $ 250,90p $ 25p,ppp 5 - $ _ $ _ 5 $
3.06 Rd 40 E Extension East Road 40 East 'A'Street/East Lewis Place Ext./New Road New $ 3,325,000 S 3,325,000 $ - S $ - $ . $
3.07 RainierAve/KartchnerStlntersecUonlmprwements East RainierAve Kartchner Slgnai tarryover 5 ].,200,OOtl S - $ 1,200,000 $ $ $ $
3.08 'A'St/Herkage BHd Intersection Improvements East A Street Herita Blvd g g g $ 1,200,000 5 - $ 1,200,000 $ $ - $ - $
3.09 Rd 40 East Pathway � Si nal On oifi
East Road 40 Eas[ Sacajawea Paric/EaSt Lewis Pl�ce Blke/Ped Carryaver S 633,000 $ 103,000 $ 53D,000 $ $ S 5
3.10 Sacajawea Park Rd Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway-WSDOT East Sacajawea Park Road Sawjawea Park/US 12 9lke/Ped Carryover 5 1,557,000 S 1,557,000 $ 5 $ - S 5
3.11 Herkage Blvd EMension East Heritage Boulevard A Street/Burbank Rd F�ct./New Road New $ 7,361,000 S - $ 3,680,500 $ 3,680,500 $ - $ - $
3.12 CedarAveExtension East CedarAvenue AStreet/DStreet Ext./NewRoad New $ 7,075,000 $ $ 7,015,000 $ - $ . $ - $
3.13 South Elm Ave Extension East South Elm Avenue A Street/C Street EM,/New Road New $ 2,388,000 5 2,388,000 $ - $ - $ - 5 S
3.14 New Road(Burbank Rd) East (Burbank Road� Heri[age Blvd/Road 40 E Ext./New Road New $ 6,473,900 S � $ - $ 8,473,000 $ - $ 5
3.15 New Road(East C Stj East (C Street) Elm Street/Heritage BNd Ext,/New Hoad New $ 6,255,�00 S $ - $ 6,255,000 $ 5 - $
3.16 New Road(East D St) East (D Street) Cedar Ave/Heritage 81vd Ext./New Road New $ 2,59$,pp0 $ $ _ 5 2 588 ppp S _ 5 _ $
3.17 SacaJawea Park Rd Realignment East Sacajawea Park Road Road 40 E/U512 Improvement New $ 12.199,000 5 $ $ $ $12,199,000 $
3.18 US 12/Tank Farm Rd Connectfon East US 12 Tank Farm Road Ex[./New Road New $ 7,387,S�p 5 $ - $ � $ $ 7,387,500 $
3.19 Commercial Ave Extension East Commerclal Avenue VeMure Road/Tank Fartn Road Ext/New Road New $ 12,150,000 5 5 - $ - $22,150,000 5 $
4.01 Argent Rd Pedestrian/Bike Pathway South Argent Road Road 68/Road 70th Place Bike/Ped Ongoi�g $ 500,000 5 500,000 $ $ S $ - $
4.02 Argent Rd/Rd 88 PedestNan Crossfng South Argent Road Road 88 Bike/Ped New $ 550,000 S 150,000 $ 500,000 $ 300,000 $ - 5 j
4.03 Court StJRd 681ntersection Improvements South CourtStreet Road 68 Intersec[ion Ongoing $ 2,435,000 S 2,435,000 $ - $ . 5 - $ $
4.04 Court St Werlay-Rd 44 to Rd 68 South Court Street Road 44/Road 68 Maintenance Ongoing $ S,SSO,ODO $ 1,850,000 $ - $ - $ - $ . $
4.05 CourtStSafetylmprovements South CaurtStreet Road40/Road68 Imprrnement New 5 270,000 $ 270,000 $ - S $ - $ - $
4.06 Crescent Rd Extensfon South Gescent Road Road 108/Chapel Hili Fxt./New Road Carryover $ 400,OOD $ - $ fp,ppp $ 3qp,ppp 5 - 5 $
4.07 Franklin County Irrigatlon District Canal Bicycle/Pedestrian Pathway South N/A Road 300/Road 76 Bike/Ped Carryover $ 870,000 $ $ $ 450,D00 $ 420,000 $ S
4.08 Rd 100 Widening South Road 100 Court St/Chapel Hill Blvd Road Widening Carryover $ 7,900,000 $ $ 375,000 $ 950,000 $ 3,250,000 $ 3,325,000 $
4.09 Sacajawea HerRage Troil Levee Lowering South Sacajawea Heritage Treil Road 54/Road 72 Bike/Ped Carryover $ 2,580,000 $ 70,000 $ 2,510,000 5 - $ - $ - 5
4.10 Rd 68 Widenin South Road 68 Cha 1 HIII Blvd/A eM Road Road Widenln New $ 5,500,000 $ - $ 5 $ $ 5,500,000 $
Page 1 of 2
292&2028 Transportylon Improveme�t Plan(TIP)
ProJect Intormatlon 6-Year Pianning
5.01 Argent Rd Widening(Phase 3) North Argent Road Road 36/Saraceno Way Road Widening 4ngaing $ 4,000,000 5 4,000,000 $ $ - 5 - $ - i
5.02 6urns Rd Extenslon North Rums Roaq goatl 68/ftlo Grande Lanr r x�_lNew Raad Canyover 5 1.A42,Uf1D S 1,OS1,EN.�` . 2,)91AW 5 S y
5.03 Treffi�Mglyslsfor I-182/US Hwy 3951/C North I-182 MP 11/MP 13 Study Carryover $ 265,000 $ - $ 2fi5,000 $ - S $ - $ -
SA4 Rtl 4a Ar ent RA loxersectian trriprovemen[s-County Partinpation Yath Noad 44 Argeni Road Intersect�nn Grtyover 5 1ZS,W0 5 - S $ 125.pQ0 5 - 5 S
5.05 Rd 52 Extenslon North Road 52 Burns Road/Clark Road Ext/New Road Carryover $ 16,160,000 $ $ - $ - $ $ 4,423,000 $11,737,000
5.Ob SandifurVkwylmprovemenn North SantlifurParkway RoadbBJCornenEion�nve Improvement Hew S 1307.W0 S $ 1.307,000 S � S S - S
5.07 Clemente Ln EMenslon North qemente Lane Sandifur Pkwy/Wrigley Drive ExL/Npw Road New $ 1,850,000 5 � $ - $ 1,850,000 $ $ - $
5.08 Rd 76 0verpais NORh Rnad 76 Chapei FIiI�JBurden 9Nd fmprovement Ongving 5 22,870,852 5
5.09 Rd 76 Widening - S 2,125,W0 S 1.940.650 3 10,162,501 5 9,562,501. $ -
North Road 76 WMgley Dr/Cordero Dr Road Widening New $ S10,OOU $ - $ 50,000 $ 460,OQ0 $ - $ - S
510 Rtl 68&Hurns Rd Tra7f7c Signai North Roed 68 8ums qoad Signai pngoing $ 2,500.000 S 100,F10p 5 �tp0,ppp 5 2Ap0.ppp S S $
5.11 Trafflc Malysls for i-162/Rd 68 I/C North Road 68 Id82 Study New $ 250,06U S 250,000 $ - $ $ - $ - �
5.12 Sandlfur PkwyJRq 90 Petlestrian Crossing North SandYFur Parkway Road 40 Bike)P�d Nrw $ 37qt109 $ 70,000 5 7.50,00� $ - � $ _ 5
6.01 I-182/BroadmoorBlvdl/Clmprovements Wesi Broadmoor8oulevard I-182 Improvement Ongoing $ 5,600,000 5 5,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $
6.02 I-1ffi/Broadmoor Blvd I/t Mukluse Pathway/Bridge West eroadmoor Boulevard 1-182 Bike/Ped Ongoing $ 8,p00,000 $ • $ 700,000 $ 3,650,0� $ 3,650,000 $ - 5
6.03 Broadmoor Btvd Improvements West Broadmoor Boulevard I-182/Burns Road Improvement Ongoing $ 4,333,600 S 4,333,600 $ $ $ $ $
6.04 Buckingham Dr Eztension&Signai West Buckingham Drive Broadmoor Blvd/Dent Road Fxt/New Road Ongang $ 9,82Z,400 $ 9,822,400 $ - $ $ - $ - $
6.05 Burns Rd/Broadmoor Blvd Intersection Improvements West eums Road Broadmoor Blvd Intersectlon Ongoing $ 2,560,000 $ 2,560,000 $ $ S $ S
6.06 Bums Rd Widening West Bums Road Broadmoor/Dent Road itoad Widening Grryover $ 6,552,000 $ 3,276,OOD $ 3,276,000 $ $ $ _ S
6.07 Dent Rd Extenslon West Dent Road Burns Road/Sandffer Pkwy Ext./New Road Hew 5 3,005,000 $ 822,000 $ 2,183,000 $ $ - $ $
6.08 Hartis Rd/Gescent Rd Overpass West Ha�Hs Road Harris Road/Gescent Rd Ext./New Road Rlew $ 25,000,000 $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $25,000,000
6.09 New Road 103 West Road 103 Harris Road/Bums Road Ext./New Road New $ 7,q69,pp0 $ - $ 7,469,000 $ - $ - $ . $
6.10 New Road SOS West Road 305 Harris Road/Bums Road Ezt./New Road New $ 8,649,000 $ - $ 8,549,ppp s - $ $ - $
6.11 New Road 108 West Road 108 HaMs Road/Burns Noad Ext./New Road Carryover $ 12,981,000 $ 5,461,500 $ 7,519,500 $ 5 $ $
6.12 New Road(Bridger Rd) West (BNdger Noad) Road 108/Road 303 Ezt/New Road New $ 3,538,000 $ - $ _ $ 3�53g,ppp s _ $ $
6.13 Sandifur Pkwy Improvements&Extension West Sandifur Parkway Bedford Street/Shorellne Road Ext./New Road Carryaver S 34,452,500 $ 7,416,500 $27,036,000 $ � $ - $ S
6.14 Sandifur Pkwy/Broadmoor Blvd Intersectlon Improvementr West Sandffur Parkway Broadmoor BNd Intersectlon Naw $ 3,600,000 $ 3,600,000 $ - $ . 5 $ - S
6.15 Shoreline Rd Reali nment West Shoreline Road Shoreline Courtto Bums Hoad Study Ca er S 250,000 $ - $ - S - $ S $ 2��
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� 2.03 Lewis Street Corcidor Improvements(Phase 1)
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I � �, 2.05 South 4th Ave(Festival Street Improvements)
� � 2.06 vester St Ove
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023 TIP Projects _
/ Intersecdon
—B"�"� N 2023 Transportation Improvement Plan
� Other �
— New Road
- ��� View: Central
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z b Projects
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yo � o A � - " -- 3.01 James St Improvements
� �` � ' 9� � :3.02 Lewis St Overpass
� ,�� _ 3.03 Lewis St/Heritage Blvd Intersection Improvements
; EriI�LSBORo st ' 3,p7 ,i - � �' 3.04 Oregon Ave(SR 397)Overfay
N�1�!�! �;`N ' � �� y f/ 3.05 Traffic Malysis for US 12
��� `�� �'. ��} 3.06 Rd 40 E Extensfon
i Z , w �y,�f��„ 3.07 Rainier Ave/Kartchner St Intersection Improvements
y'~ +I tlk :i '� � _` u � 3.08 'A'St/Heritage Blvd Intersectlon Improvements
I � 3.09 Rd 40 East Patfiway
-- 3.10 Sacajawea Park Rd Pedeshian/Bicycle Pathway-WSDOT
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- ; Z yy �.4 E ea�Aow.Av�st a �.��.� � �� , 3.17 Sacajawea Park Rd Realignment
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023 TIP Projects - -- ° -_ ;� . -,:.
r Intersection
i B"�'� N 2023 Transportation Improvement IPlan
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-New Road
Area Study
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4.01 Argent Rd Pedestrian/Bike Pathway
� ��S u� .��� 4.02 Argent Rd/Rd 88 Pedesfian Crossing
�'-.. � 4.03 Court St/Rd 68 Intersection Improvements
,�✓�JrT� ' � i ]��,_ „s_ SAN�DIFi1R 8kwy_���_� - ,���� _ 4•04 Court St Overlay-Rd 44 to Rd 68
�4.05 Court St Safery Improvements
h �! � ��"��`F ,NO.R";TH 4.06 Crescent Rd Extension
�`f�% � p 4.07 Franklin County Irrigation District Canal Bicycie/Pedestrian Patfiway
'� '�- � � 4.08 Rd 100 Widening
ARRa�Rd / } __ . �yqP�` '� BURCfEN slvd 4.09 Sacajawea Heritage Trail Levee Lowering
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023 TIP Projects --
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—B"�'�° N 2023 Transportation Improvement Plan
—Other �
—New Road
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Map ID Proiect Name
� � �6.01 I-182/Broadmoor Blvd I/C Improvements
6.02 I-182/Broadmoor Blvd I/C Multiuse Pathway/Bridge
� � 6.03 Broadmoor Blvd Improvements
6.06 6.04 Buckingham Dr Extension&Signal
6.05 Bums Rd/Broadmoor Blvd Intersection Improvements
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6.07 Dent Rd Extension
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U23 TIP Projects ;�'.
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— B`�'�' N 2�23 Transportation Improvement IPlan
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Area Study . �4C�
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2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
City Wide Projects:
1.01 Annual Pavement Preservation
The City has implemented an annual Pavement Preservation Program to assess and maintain
quality streets within the City.The program includes crack seal, overlay, and microsurfacing of city
1.02 City Wide Traffic Signal Improvements(Phase 3)
This project will replace obsolete signal equipment with updated signal controllers,signal
equipment,optimized corridor timing plans,vehicle detection system and emergency vehicle
priority system. Pedestrian access will be upgraded to meet current ADA right of way accessibility
design guidelines for the signalized intersections.
Centr�f Pra�ects:
2.01 W'A'St/6th Ave Pedestrian Crossing
This project will improve the pedestrian facilities at the intersection of W"A"Street and S 6th
Avenue by installing a Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB)and street lighting on the west
side of S 6th Avenue crossing W"A" Street.
2.02 Court St Overlay-US Hwy 395 to 20th Ave
This project provides mill and overlay of Court Street between Hwy 395 to 20th Ave.
2.03 Lewis Street Corridor Improvements(Phase 1)
This project will include roadway,sidewalk, and safety improvements in downtown along Lewis
Street corridor between 2nd Ave and 5th Ave. This project will connect the improvements made by
the Lewis St Overpass project and Peanuts Park Improvement project.This project will focus on
walkability, bike access,and increasing vibrancy downtown.
2.04 Lewis Street Corridor Improvements(Phase 2)
This project will include roadway, sidewalk, and safety improvements in downtown along Lewis
Street corridor between 5th Ave and 10th Ave. This is a continuation of the Lewis Street Corridor
Improvements(Phase 1)-2nd Ave to 5th Ave.This project will focus on walkability, bike access,
and increasing vibrancy downtown.
2.05 South 4th Ave(Festival Street Improvements)
This project will adjust roadway programming and install sidewalk furnishings, lighting,street trees
and landscaping to create a Festival Street on South 4th Avenue from Lewis Street to Columbia
Street.The street will be able to be closed to motor vehicles during special events and further
enhance the completed Peanuts Park improvement project to allow for greater and more varied
use of Peanuts Park Plaza.The proposed improvements will help activate and increase vibrancy in
the downtown central business district.The project will balance the needs of pedestrians, cyclists,
motorists, and business owners.The sidewalk furnishing, lighting, and landscaping, and design will
create a welcoming street where people want to be.The project will improve the aesthetics and
safety of the street, draw residents,visitors,and new businesses to downtown,and boost
economic growth.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
2.06 Sylvester St Overpass Pedestrian/Bicycle Access
This project will provide a new separated pedestrian/bicycle bridge across US 395 along Sylvester
2.07 Sylvester St Safety Improvements
This project will re-stripe Sylvester St from Road 54 to N 3rd Ave to three lanes. Proposed
improvements include bicycle lanes,pedestrian enhancements,and intersection
2.08 Sylvester St/US 395 NB Off-Ramp Intersection Improvements
This project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Sylvester Street and the US 395 NB Off-
Ramp and include any necessary ADA improvements.The US-395 Northbound ofF-ramp to
Sylvester Street has been a continued safety concern for the area.The bridge crossing US-395
creates a visual barrier for cars turning onto W.Sylvester 5treet.A traffic signal at this location will
help to provide a safer, more efficient entrance to south Pasco from US-395.
2.09 Clark St Improvements
This project will adjust Clark Street roadway programming to include appropriately sized cart ways,
bike lanes,sidewalk furnishings, lighting,street trees and landscaping. It will also include
intersection improvements.This is currently being studied by the Downtown Masterplan.The
proposed improvements will help activate and increase vibrancy in the downtown central business
district.The project will balance the needs of pedestrians,cyclists, motorists, and business owners.
The sidewalk furnishing, lighting, and landscaping,and design will create a welcoming street where
people want to be.The project will improve the aesthetics and safety of the street, draw residents,
visitors,and new businesses to downtown, and boost economic growth.
2.10 Columbia St Improvements
This project will adjust Columbia Street roadway programming to include appropriately sized cart
ways, bike lanes, sidewalk furnishings, lighting,street trees and landscaping. It will also include
intersection improvements.This is currently being studied by the Downtown Master Plan.The
proposed improvements will help activate and increase vibrancy in the downtown central business
district.The project will balance the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, motorists,and business owners.
The sidewalk furnishing, lighting,and landscaping, and design will create a welcoming street where
people want to be.The project will improve the aesthetics and safety of the street,draw residents,
visitors, and new businesses to downtown, and boost economic growth.
3.01 James St Improvements
Currently,the majority of the properties along James Street have unrestricted motor vehicle access
along their entire frontage.This project will construct a defined roadway with sidewalks and
increased access control of affronting properties.This project will improve safety and pedestrian
features and consolidate access.The sidewalks will connect to existing sidewalks along N Oregon
Ave to extend the defined pedestrian network.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
3.02 Lewis St Overpass
This project will construct a new overpass and connecting infrastructure between 2nd Ave and
Oregon Ave on Lewis St to replace the existing underpass, built in 1937.
3.03 Lewis St/Heritage Blvd Intersection Improvements
This project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Lewis Street and Heritage Blvd and
include any necessary ADA improvements.As this area continues to develop,this critical truck
route intersection will experience increased traffic volumes.To promote safe operation of this
intersection, additional control will be required.
3.04 Oregon Ave(SR 397)Overlay
This project involves the overlay and restriping of Oregon Avenue(SR397)from the WSDOT
boundary of Interstate 182 to E Ainsw�rth Avenue.
3.05 Traffic Analysis for US 12
This project is a traffic analysis for US 12 from the intersections of A Street to Tank Farm
Road/Sacajawea Park Road.This study will be completed in partnership with WSDOT who has
requested funding.
3.06 Rd 40 E Extension
This project will extend Road 40 E, as a 3-lane industrial collector, north of A street to connect to E
Lewis Place. It will include bike lanes and sidewalks.This extension will eliminate a dead-end road
at East Lewis Place.This increases connectivity and improves traffic capacity and management by
allowing for alternative routes. Improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco will be
necessary to accommodate the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage Industrial
3.07 Rainier Ave/Kartchner St Intersection Improvements
This project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Rainier Avenue and Kartchner Street at
the location of the US 395 56 On/Off Ramps and include any necessary ADA improvements.
Anticipated development will increase demand at this intersection and a traffic signal will help to
provide a safer, more efficient entrance to east Pasco from US-395.
3.08'A'St/Heritage Blvd Intersection Improvements
This project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of A Street and Heritage Blvd and include
any necessary ADA improvements.As this area continues to develop,this critical truck route
intersection will continue to experience increased trafFic volumes.To promote safe operation of
this intersection, additional control will be required to maintain operational safety.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
3.09 Rd 40 East Pathway
This project will construct a multi-use pathway along Road 40 E from East Lewis Place to Sacajawea
Park.A 12-foot-wide asphalt paved pathway will run along the west side of Road 40 E.This project
will provide a designated pedestrian facility where currently non-exists. It will provide a safe
pedestrian and bicycle connection for surrounding residential communities and employees of the
developing Heritage Industrial Area to E A Street and Sacajawea State Park.The Benton-Franklin
Council of Governments Bicycle Map of Tri-Cities Urbanized Area shows Road 40 E as a Class 3 bike-
route(streets designated for bicycle travel shared with motor vehicles).This project will upgrade
this classification to a Class 1 shared-use path (paved pathway completely separated from motor
vehicles). It will extend the existing Class 1 system by connecting the existing Class 1 pathway along
E A Street south to Sacajawea State Park and north to E Lewis Place.The Class 1 system will further
be extended with the Sacajawea Park Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway project.
3.10 Sacajawea Park Rd Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway-WSDOT
This project is state funded and will construct a multi-use pathway along Sacajawea Park Road from
Sacajawea State Park to US 12.This project will provide the missing connection of the Class 1
shared-use path system between the shared-use path along US 12 that crosses the bridge to
Burbank and the shared-use path along the Columbia River.
3.11 Heritage Blvd Extension
This project will extend Heritage Blvd, as a 3-lane minor arterial,south of A Street to a future east-
west road (Burbank Rd). It will include a multi-use pathway on one side of the roadway and
sidewalk on the other.This extension is part of the improvements to the transportation system in
east Pasco that will be necessary to accommodate the proposed and anticipated development of
the Heritage Industrial Area.
3.12 Cedar Ave Extension
This project will extend Cedar Avenue,as a 3-lane commercial collector,south of A Street to a
future east-west road (D Streetj. It will include bike lanes and sidewalk.This extension is part of the
improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco that will be necessary to accommodate
the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage Industrial Area.
3.13 South Elm Ave Extension
This project will extend South Elm Avenue, as a 3-lane commercial collector, south of A Street to a
future east-west road (C Street). It will include bike lanes and sidewalk.This extension is part of the
improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco that will be necessary to accommodate
the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage Industrial Area.
3.14 New Road(Burbank Rd)
This project will be a new east-west orientated road (Burbank Rd)that connects S Road 40 East to
extended Heritage Boulevard. It will be a 3-lane industrial collector with bike lanes and sidewalks.
This road is part of the improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco that will be
necessary to accommodate the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage Industrial
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
3.15 New Road (East C St)
This project will construct an east-west oriented road from extended South Elm Avenue to
extended Heritage Boulevard. It will be a 3-lane commercial collector with bike lanes and
sidewalks.This road is part of the improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco that
will be necessary to accommodate the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage
Industrial Area.
3.16 New Road (East D St)
This project will construct an east-west oriented road from extended Cedar Avenue to extended
Heritage Boulevard. It will be a 3-lane commercial collector with bike lanes and sidewalks.This road
is part of the improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco that will be necessary to
accommodate the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage Industrial Area.
3.17 Sacajawea Park Rd Realignment
This project will realign Sacajawea Park Road and move the connection of US 12 and Sacajawea
Park Road/Tank Farm Road northwest along US 12 from its current location. It will be a 3-lane
commercial collector with bike lanes and sidewalk. East B Circle will be extended to connect to the
realigned Sacajawea Park Road.The intersection of Sacajawea Park Road and US 12 has been a
continued safety concern for the area.The bridge crossing the Snake River creates a visual barrier
for cars turning onto US 12.This project will realign Sacajawea Park Raad so its connection to US 12
will be at a safer location,with better visibility.The extension of East Circle B will eliminate a dead-
end.This increases connectivity and improves traffic capacity and management by allowing for
alternative routes. Improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco will be necessary to
accommodate the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage Industrial Area.
3.18 US 12/Tank Farm Rd Connection
This project will construct a roundabout between US 12 and Sacajawea Park Road/Tank Farm Road
in its new crossing location.The intersection of Sacajawea Park Road/Tank Farm Road and US 12
has been a continued safety concern for the area.The bridge crossing the Snake River creates a
visual barrier for cars turning onto US 12.This project will relocate the connection between US 12
and Sacajawea Park Road/Tank Farm Road northwest of its current location (farther from the
bridge)to be in a safer location,with better visibility. Improvements to the transportation system
in east Pasco will be necessary to accommodate the proposed and anticipated development of the
Heritage Industrial Area.
3.19 Commercial Ave Extension
This project will extend Commercial Avenue,as a 3-lane industrial collector,from Venture Road to
Tank Farm Road to create a frontage road along US 12. It will include bike lanes and sidewalks.This
project will create a connection between the new location of US 12 and Sacajawea Park Road/Tank
Farm Road connection to Commercial Avenue. This increases connectivity and improves traffic
capacity and management by allowing for alternative routes between US 12 and the Heritage
Industrial Area.The new frontage road also supports the opportunity for development northeast of
US 12. Improvements to the transportation system in east Pasco will be necessary to accommodate
the proposed and anticipated development of the Heritage Industrial Area.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
4.01 Argent Rd Pedestrian/Bike Pathway
This project will continue pedestrian and bike facilities from Road 68 to Road 70th Place.This
project will extend the network of safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the city, allowing for
more transportation options.
4.02 Argent Rd/Rd 88 Pedestrian Crossing
This project provides for safety improvements for pedestrians crossing Argent Road at the
intersection of Road 88.The scope includes ADA ramps, pavement markings,and installation of
Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB).
4.03 Court St/Rd 68 Intersection Improvements
The project will construct a roundabout at the intersection of Road 68 and Court St as well as
pedestrian improvements.
4.04 Court St Overlay-Rd 44 to Rd 68
This project provides mill and overlay of Court Street between Road 68 and Road 44.ADA upgrades
will be included as needed.
4.05 Court St Safety Improvements
This project reconfigures Court Street from Road 40 to Road 68 to three lanes, with one lane in
each direction and a center two-way-left-turn lane and provides designated bike lanes in each
direction,and pedestrian facility enhancements.This project will be developed in conjunction with
the Court Street Overlay project. This project will improve safety on Court Street and extend the
network of safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the city,allowing for more transportation
4.06 Crescent Rd Extension
This project will construct an asphalt core road to extend Crescent Rd from Road 108 to Chapel Hill
Blvd.A core road refers to the construction of vehicle travel lanes only without curb,gutter or
4.07 Franklin County Irrigation District Canal Bicycle/Pedestrian Pathway
This project will construct a multi-use pathway along the piped irrigation canal from Road 100 to
Road 76.
4.08 Rd 100 Widening
This project will widen the Road 100 corridor to a 3-lane section from W Court St to Chapel Hill
4.09 Sacajawea Heritage Trail Levee Lowering
This project will lower the levee and install pathways for pedestrians from Road 52 to Road 72.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
4.10 Rd 68 Widening
This project will widen Road 68 to 5 lanes from Chapel Hill Boulevard to Argent Road.This project
will continue the widening of Road 68 from 1-182 to Chapel Hill Boulevard that was completed in
North Projects:
5.01 Argent Rd Widening(Phase 3)
This project is Phase 3 of urban road improvements to Argent Road from Road 36 to Varney
Lane/Saraceno Way. Improvements include street widening, illumination,stormwater facilities,
curb/gutter,sidewalk, and related improvements.This project has been coordinated with Columbia
Basin College(CBC)and The Port of Pasco. Previous phases improved Argent Road from Varney
Lane/Saraceno Way to 20th Ave and installed a signal at Road 36 and Argent Road.
5.02 Burns Rd Extension
This project will extend Burns Road,as a 3-lane minor arterial,from Road 68 to Rio Grande Lane
and a new traffic signal at the intersection of Road 68 and Burns Road.This is a critical connection
that currently doesn't exist and impedes the ability for residential traffic to access an important
commercial area. Surrounding property is undeveloped,these improvements will be largely
accomplished through developer improvement.
5.03 Traffic Analysis for I-182/US Hwy 395 I/C
This project will analyze the I-182/US 395 Interchange for improvements.
5.04 Rd 44/Argent Rd Intersection Improvements-County Participation
This project will improve the intersection of Road 44 and Argent Road and include any necessary
ADA improvements.
5.05 Rd 52 Extension
This project will construct a 3-lane minor arterial roadway to extend Road 52, north to Clark Road.
Due to anticipated development in an area in which adequate fire coverage does not exist, a
connection to this area would allow for Franklin County Fire Station No. 36 to assist in responding
to emergency calls in this area.
5.06 Sandifur Pkwy Improvements
This project will complete missing elements such as a 3-lane road section,curbs, and sidewalks of
the Sandifur Parkway road section from Road 68 to Convention Drive.This project will eliminate a
pinch point at this location on Sandifur Parkway by completing the road section. It will complete
the missing link in designated pedestrian facilities and allow for more transportation options across
Road 68.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
5.07 Clemente Ln Extensian
This project will extend Clemente Lane, as a 2-lane commercial collector,from Wrigley Drive to
Sandifur Parkway.When this property is developed, this project will provide a connection from
Sandifur Parkway to Wrigley Drive.This increases connectivity and improves traffic capacity and
management by allowing for alternative routes.
5.08 Rd 76 Overpass
This project will extend Road 76 north from Chapel Hill Blvd to Burden Blvd by constructing an
overpass across I-182 to connect communities north and south of the existing interstate.This
project will include bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
5.09 Rd 76 Widening
This project will construct the east side of Road 76 between Cordero Drive and Wrigley Drive,to
provide a consistent road width.
5.10 Rd 68&Burns Rd Traffic Signal
This project will provide for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Road 68 and
Burns Road, along with pedestrian facilities.
5.11 Traffic Analysis for I-182/Rd 68 I/C
This project will analyze the I-182 and Rd 68 interchange for improvements.
5.12 Sandifur Pkwy/Rd 90 Pedestrian Crossing
This project will provide for pedestrian crossing, including ADA ramps and Rectangular Rapid
Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and crosswalk striping.
6.01 I-182/Broadmoor Blvd I/C Improvements
This project will add an eastbound deceleration lane and exit loop ramp from I-182 to a new
roundabout at Broadmoor Blvd (Road 100).
6.02 I-182/Broadmoor Blvd I/C Multiuse Pathway/Bridge
This project provides bicycle and pedestrian facilities across I-182 at Broadmoor Blvd/Road 100
through the construction of a bridge.
6.03 Broadmoor Blvd Improvements
This project will widen Broadmoor Blvd to 5 lanes from I-182 Westbound Ramp to Burns Road.This
project is under consideration for Tax Increment Financing(TIF). Large commercial and residential
developments in the area have driven the need for infrastructure improvements to accommodate
the increase in vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
6.04 Buckingham Dr Extension&Signal
This project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Buckingham Drive and Broadmoor
Boulevard and extend Buckingham Drive,as a 3-lane commercial collector,west of Broadmoor
Boulevard to the extension of Dent Road.A portion of this project is under consideration for Tax
Increment Financing (TIF).
6.05 Burns Rd/Broadmoor Blvd Intersection Improvements
This project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Burns Road and Broadmoor Blvd.
Sidewalks and any necessary ADA improvements will be included.
6.06 Burns Rd Widening
This project will widen Burns Road to be a 3-lane minor arterial and include sidewalk and multi-use
pathway.This project will be completed in phases in coordination with the development and the
Broadmoor Master Plan.
6.07 Dent Rd Extension
This project will extend Dent Road, as a 3-lane commercial collector,from Burns Road to the
extension of Sandifur Parkway and install a traffic signal at Dent Road and Burns Road intersection.
This project will provide a connection between the extension of Sandifur Parkway and Burns Road
through the proposed Medium & Low Density Residential land use zones of the Broadmoor Area
and will connect these residential zones to the Mixed Residential/Commercial Zone and Burns
Road. It will also connect the residential developments north of Burns Road to the commercial
services of the Broadmoor area as they develop.The street design will incorporate comfortable
bicycle and pedestrian facilities and be designed to encourage and accommodate a walkable
mixed-use neighborhood,which,when properly executed, increases access to services, catalyzes
economic growth, maintains or increases property values, enhances connectedness and the quality
of life of its residents and visitors.
6.08 Harris Rd/Crescent Rd Overpass
This project will construct an overpass over I-182 to connect Harris Road and Crescent Road.This
project will connect the communities north and south of I-182 and relieve some of the demand at
Broadmoor Boulevard and the I-182 interchange.
6.09 New Road 103
This project will construct a north-south oriented 2-lane neighborhood collector road from Harris
Road to Burns Road. It will include street parking and sidewalks.This project will be completed in
phases in coordination with development and the Broadmoor Master Plan.This project will provide
a connection between Burns Road and Harris Road through the proposed Commercial and Mixed
Residential/Commercial land use zones of the Broadmoor Area.The street design will incorporate
comfortable bicycle and pedestrian facilities and be designed to encourage and accommodate a
walkable mixed-use neighborhood,which, when properly executed, increases access to services,
catalyzes economic growth, maintains or increases property values, enhances connectedness and
the quality of life of its residents and visitors.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
6.10 New Road 105
This project will construct a north-south oriented 2-lane neighborhood collector road from Harris
Road to Burns Road. It will include street parking and sidewalks.This project will be completed in
phases in coordination with development and the Broadmoor Master Plan.This project will provide
a connection between Burns Road and Harris Road through the proposed Commercial and Mixed
Residential/Commercial land use zones of the Broadmoor Area.The street design will incorporate
comfortable bicycle and pedestrian facilities and be designed to encourage and accommodate a
walkable mixed-use neighborhood,which,when properly executed, increases access to services,
catalyzes economic growth, maintains or increases property values, enhances connectedness and
the quality of life of its residents and visitors.
6.11 New Road 108
This project will construct a north-south oriented 3-lane minor arterial road from Harris Road to
Burns Road. It will include a multi-use pathway and sidewalk.A portion of this project is under
consideration for Tax Increment Financing(TIF).This project will be completed in phases in
coordination with development and the Broadmoor Master Plan.This project will provide a
connection between the Harris Road and Burns Road through the proposed Commercial and Mixed
Residential/Commercial land use zones of the Broadmoor Area, providing an important resource to
spur development.The street design will incorporate comfortable bicycle and pedestrian facilities
and be designed to encourage and accommodate a walkable mixed-use neighborhood,which,
when properly executed, increases access to services,catalyzes economic growth, maintains or
increases property values,enhances connectedness and the quality of life of its residents and
6.12 New Road (Bridger Rd)
This project will construct an east-west oriented 2-lane neighborhood collector road from new
Road 108 to new Road 103 south of Sandifur Parkway. It will include street parking and sidewalks.
This project will be completed in phases in coordination with development and the Broadmoor
Master Plan.This project will provide a connection between new Road 108 and Road 103 in the
proposed Commercial and Mixed Residential/Commercial land use zones of the Broadmoor Area.
The street design will incorporate comfortable bicycle and pedestrian facilities and be designed to
encourage and accommodate a walkable mixed-use neighborhood,which,when properly
executed, increases access to services,catalyzes economic growth, maintains or increases property
values, enhances connectedness and the quality of life of its residents and visitors.
6.13 Sandifur Pkwy Improvements& Extension
This project will improve and expand Sandifur Parkway from Bedford Street to Broadmoor
Boulevard and extend Sandifur from Broadmoor Boulevard to Shoreline Road.A portion of this
project is under consideration for Tax Increment Financing(TIF).This project will be completed in
phases in coordination with development and the Broadmoor Master Plan.
2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Project Descriptions
6.14 Sandifur Pkwy/Broadmoor Blvd Intersection Improvements
This project will improve the intersection of Sandifur Parkway and Broadmoor Boulevard to meet
the capacity and multimodal needs for future development in the Broadmoor area.This project is
under consideration for Tax Increment Financing(TIF).This praject will be completed in
coordination with the Broadmoor Masterplan.This project will extend Sandifur Parkway through
the proposed Commercial and Mixed Residential/Commercial land use zones of the Broadmoor
Area, providing an important resource to spur development and then extend on to Shoreline Road.
The street design will incorporate comfortable bicycle and pedestrian facilities and be designed to
encourage and accommodate a walkable mixed-use neighborhood,which,when properly
executed, increases access to services,catalyzes economic growth, maintains or increases property
values,enhances connectedness and the quality of life of its residents and visitors.
6.15 Shoreline Rd Realignment
This project will study the possible realignment of Shoreline Road from Shoreline Court to Burns
Road.A planning analysis, environmental study, and preliminary design will be included.Shoreline
Road, in its current location, does not allow for an efficient or effective use of property along an
important stretch of the shoreline. Realignment to the east will provide for additional riverFront
land for development.The realignment is anticipated as part of a larger private development.