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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022.02.22 Council MinutesMINUTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Tuesday, February 22, 2022 City Council Chambers & GoToWebinar CALL TO ORDER City of VS co Washington The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Blanche Barajas, Mayor. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present: Blanche Barajas, Craig Maloney, Joseph Campos, Pete Serrano, Nikki Torres, David Milne, and Zahra Roach Councilmembers absent: None Staff present: Dave Zabell, City Manager; Adam Lincoln, Deputy City Manager; Colleen Chapin, Human Resources Director; Craig Briggs, Assistant City Attorney; Bob Gear, Fire Chief; Zach Ratkai, Administrative & Community Services Director; Ken Roske, Police Chief; Richa Sigdel, Finance Director; Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director; Steve Worley, Public Works Director; and Debby Barham, City Clerk. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Meeting Minutes To approve the minutes of the Pasco City Council Regular Meeting and Regular Workshop held on February 7, 2022 and February 14, 2022. Bills and Communications To approve claims in the total amount of $4,626,316.76 ($2,765,673.34 in Check Nos. 246637-246899; $998,167.88 in Electronic Transfer Nos. 834721, 834749, 834752-834755, 834759-834761; $3,946.39 in Check Nos. 53839-53842; $858,529.15 in Electronic Transfer Nos. 30171520-30172046). Page 1 of 5 To approve bad debt write-off for Utility Billing, Ambulance, Cemetery, General Accounts, Miscellaneous Accounts, and Municipal Court (non -criminal, criminal, and parking) accounts receivable in the total amount of $277,023.17 and, of that amount, authorize $0.00 to be turned over for collection. Resolution - Orthophoto Mapping Intergovernmental Agreement To approve Resolution No. 4151, authorizing the City Manager to execute an InterGovernmental Agreement with Benton County for Aerial Photography and Orthophoto Mapping of Areas within the City of Pasco. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Maloney moved, seconded by Councilmember Torres (RC) MOTION: to approve the Consent Agenda as read. RESULT: Motion carried unanimously 7-0 AYES: Mayor Barajas, Mayor Pro Tem Maloney, Councilmember Campos, Councilmember Serrano, Councilmember Torres, Councilmember Milne, and Councilmember Roach VISITORS - OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS Mark Middleton, Pasco resident, commented on AirBNBs and his Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) located on his property. He asked Council to change the Pasco Municipal Code to allow AirBNB rentals within the City. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS Verbal Reports from Councilmembers Mayor Pro Tem Maloney commented on the Pasco Public Facilities District Board meeting he attended recently and he also noted that he testified on behalf of the City with the House and Senate Transportation Committees for a multimodal transportation project over the Sylvester Street overpass over US -395. Mr. Campos commented on the Benton, Franklin & Walla Walla Counties Good Roads & Transportation Association meeting he attended recently. Ms. Torres commented on the Downtown Pasco Development Authority (DPDA) meeting she attended recently and she announced the Peanuts Park grand opening is scheduled for March 11, 2022. Endorsement of Nomination - Naval Air Station (NAS) Pasco Tower National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) (HIST 2022-001) Mr. White introduced Historic Preservation Commission Chair Dan Stafford and member Malin Bergstrom. Page 2 of 5 Mr. Stafford and Ms. Bergstrom provided a brief update on the Historic Preservation Commission's activities including the Historic Preservation Award Ms. Bergstrom received from the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution for her efforts in preserving the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pasco Air Traffic Control Tower. General Fund Monthly Report - December 2021 Ms. Sigdel provided a brief report on the General Fund account. Mayor Pro Tem Maloney asked for a status of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding including what has been expended, allocated and what funding is remaining to be distributed out to various projects and priorities. Ms. Sigdel stated staff is waiting for a report for the Life Safety issue within the downtown area and will bring that report to Council after it is received from the consultant. She also announced that a report from the Pasco Chamber of Commerce for the Business Assistance program will be coming to Council at the next workshop. Mayor Pro Tem Maloney also asked for a status of the homelessness, substance abuse and mental health issues and how ARPA funds can address those issues as it relates to vitality of the Pasco downtown area. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATING TO HEARINGS Ordinance - Amending the PMC to Establish a Fiduciary Fund for the Receipt and Transmittal of Funds to the Administrative Office of the Courts Ms. Sigdel provided a brief report on the required establishment of a fiduciary fund for the receipt and transmittal of Funds to the Administrative Office of the Courts. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Maloney moved, seconded by Councilmember Roach to adopt Ordinance No. 4580, establishing a fiduciary fund for the receipt and transmittal of the funds to the Administrative Office of Courts, create a new Chapter 3.237 "Administrative Office of the Courts Fund" of the PMC, and further, authorize publication by summary only. RESULT: Motion carried unanimously 7-0 AYES: Mayor Barajas, Mayor Pro Tem Maloney, Councilmember Campos, Councilmember Serrano, Councilmember Torres, Councilmember Milne, and Councilmember Roach Page 3 of 5 Resolutions - Project Acceptances - 1) PWRF Irrigation Pump Station, 2) Columbia East Forcemain, 3) Grimmway Connection to Columbia East, 4) PWRF Pipe Modifications Mr. Zabell introduced Construction Manager Kent McCue who provided a brief overview of the four (4) Public Works projects ready to be closed and accepted by Council. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Maloney moved, seconded by Councilmember Milne to approve Resolution No. 4152, accepting work performed by Apollo, Inc. under contract for the Irrigation Pump Station project. RESULT: Motion carried unanimously 7-0 AYES: Mayor Barajas, Mayor Pro Tem Maloney, Councilmember Campos, Councilmember Serrano, Councilmember Torres, Councilmember Milne, and Councilmember Roach MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Maloney moved, seconded by Councilmember Roach to approve Resolution No.4153, accepting work performed by DW Excavating, Inc. under contract for the Columbia East Force Main project. RESULT: Motion carried unanimously 7-0 AYES: Mayor Barajas, Mayor Pro Tem Maloney, Councilmember Campos, Councilmember Serrano, Councilmember Torres, Councilmember Milne, and Councilmember Roach MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Maloney moved, seconded by Councilmember Campos to approve Resolution No.4154, accepting work performed by C&E Trenching, LLC. under contract for the Grimmway Connection to Columbia East project. RESULT: Motion carried unanimously 7-0 AYES: Mayor Barajas, Mayor Pro Tem Maloney, Councilmember Campos, Councilmember Serrano, Councilmember Torres, Councilmember Milne, and Councilmember Roach MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Maloney moved, seconded by Councilmember Campos to approve Resolution No.4155, accepting work performed by DW Excavating, Inc. under contract for the Process Water Reuse Facility (PWRF) Pipe Modifications project. RESULT: Motion carried unanimously 7-0 AYES: Mayor Barajas, Mayor Pro Tem Maloney, Councilmember Campos, Councilmember Serrano, Councilmember Torres, Councilmember Milne, and Councilmember Roach Page 4 of 5 MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION Mr. Zabell stated that the City's first open house forum was held Pasco Chamber of Commerce on February 17, 2022. He also announced the next open house is scheduled for Thursday February 24th and it will be conducted virtually starting at 6:00 PM. He noted that the topics discussed during these forums will be presented to City Council at their upcoming retreat. Mayor Barajas announced that the Tri -Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is seeking volunteers for their "Point in Time Count" related to the homeless within the community and it is scheduled for February 24, 2022. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM. PASSED and APPROVED this � I day of Gk , 20 ( e APPROVED: Blanche Barajas, Mayor ATTEST: Debra Barham, City Clerk Page 5 of 5