HomeMy WebLinkAboutILA - Franklin County - 2009 Aerial Photography - Orthophoto Mapping INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is between Franklin County, a municipal corporation, and the City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, as amended, and codified in Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington provides for interlocal cooperation between governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this agreement is to cooperatively undertake and complete an aerial photography and orthophoto mapping project of FRANKLIN COUNTY, including the areas lying within the CITY OF PASCO; and WHEREAS, this project will benefit both PARTIES. The COUNTY has a need to update its ortho-imagery of the county in 2009. The CITY OF PASCO has a need to update its ortho-imagery of those areas lying within the limits of the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary in 2009; and WHEREAS, both PARTIES have the capability to independently acquire and/or produce 2009 ortho-imagery. If each PARTY acted independently, the results would involve significant redundancies and increased costs. A major goal of this Agreement is to reduce and/or eliminate duplication and save governmental costs; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY requires ortho-imagery to be delivered at a scale of 1:24,000 (12" pixels); and WHEREAS, the CITY OF PASCO has requested that the COUNTY provide and deliver to #hem the ortho-imagery of the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary at a scale of 1:12,000 (6" pixels); and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has entered an interagency Agreement between the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION and FRANKLIN COUNTY for the purpose of undertaking and completing an aerial photography and orthophoto mapping project of Franklin County, WSDOT Agreement No. GCA-5169, executed on May 24, 2007; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY included, as part of its agreement with the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WSDOT, WSDOT Agreement No. GCA-5169, ali provisions necessary to deliver the ortho-imagery of the areas lying within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary to the CITY OF PASCO at the scale requested (1:12,000); and WHEREAS, the CITY OF PASCO has agreed to pay the COUNTY the difference in cost between the delivery of ortho-imagery at 1:12,000 (6" pixels) and 1:24,000 (12" pixels); and NOW, THERFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. The COUNTY shall provide all data and resources necessary for the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to complete the work as outlined in the Interagency Agreement between the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION and FRANKLIN COUNTY for the purpose of undertaking and completing an aerial photography and orthophoto mapping project of Franklin County, WSDOT Agreement No. GCA-5169, executed on May 24, 2aa7. 2. The COUNTY shall provide all preliminary data received from the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary to the CITY OF PASCO for their review and comment. 3. The COUNTY shall deliver the ortho-imagery of the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary to the CITY OF PASCO at a scale of 1:12,000 in accordance with the Interagency Agreement between the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION and FRANKLIN COUNTY, WSDOT Agreement No. GCA- 5169. 4. The COUNTY shall submit an invoice to the CITY OF PASCO for reimbursement to the COUNTY upon the successful delivery of the ortho-imagery of the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary. 5. The CITY OF PASCO shall reimburse the COUNTY all expenditures for the difference in cost between the delivery of ortho-imagery at 1:12,000 (6" pixels) and 1:24,000 (12" pixels). Cost that shall not exceed a sum of 26,338 dollars and 80/100 ($26,338.80). BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF PASCO FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON PASCO, W INGTON , . Rick Miller, Chairman Cit e se ive C,A'it'�L�lr `�'"J Bob Koch, Chair Pro Tem Title erad Pedc -Absent �ate: 2'��'D�7 Brad Peck, Member Date: a�— /�1-�0�7 tl ATTEST: � � Clerk to t Board INTERGOVERNMENTAI COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN Franklin County And The City of Pasco Cost Breakdown Franklin County Calculated Cost: Pasco Urban Growth Boundary Project Area estimate for 1:24,000 (92') Total Cost Estimate = $17,067.98 Pasco Urban Growth Boundary Project Area estimafe for 1:12,000 (6') Total Cost Estimate = $43,406.78 City of Pasco Calculated Cost: Pasco Urban Growfh Boundary Project Area Total Cost = $43,406.78 - $17,067.98 = $26,338.80 Note: Please see Exhibits A, and B of the Interagency Agreement between the Washington srare Department of Transportation and Franklin County (WSDOT Agreement No. GCA-5169), for coverage areas and project #otals used to calculate cost as shown above. Exhibit A STATEMENT OF WORK Introduction Franklin County and WSDOT use geographic products and data to accomplish operations and planning work_ Geographic praducts such as aerial photography and arthophotos allow organizations to accomplish work in a more efficient and effective manner. The cooperating organizations will jointly undertake a project to produce digital orthophoto data of Franklin County(see attached Exhibit D -Project Maps)usable by each agency. Project Specifications Specifications for this cooperative project will be as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Project Specifications Aerial Photography, (Leaf-OffFlight) As soon as weather permits, after 3/1/09 Aerial Camera Jena LMK 2021 w/IMC,AEC,GSM Aerial Camera Lens Jena Lamegoron P/I, NFL 210mm, (8 '/a inch) Aerial Film AGFA AVIPHOT COLOR X-100 Scale of Photography Option lA, 1:12,000 Scale of Photography Option 1B, 1:24,000 Airborne GPS Trimble 4000 S5 I i ital Ortho hotos Digital Elevation Model U dated USGS, 10 meter DEM's Photograininetric Control Airborne GPS, aerial triangulation and tar eted coun suroe data Washington State Plane South Zone Coordinate System NAD 83/HARN Pixel Size at Ground Level 6 or 12 inches Tiling Format 1 Section blocks for 6"or %4 TWP for 12 inches Elevated Structure Correction Brid es and ove asses Format of Digital Orthophoto Files Uncompressed TIFF with World Files Primary Media for Data Transfer Portable Hard Drives Primary Media for Backup DVD-R Accuracy As can be achieved using updated USGS l OM DEM and Franklin Coun surve control. Leaf-off Flight Coverage Item 1: Pasco Urban Growth Boundary area (90 sq miles) Leaf-off Flight Coverage Option Item 2: Burbank Boundary area(35 sq miles) A-1 WSDOT Agreement No.GCA-5169 Responsibilities and Contributions of Cooperating Organizations This project will be undertaken with the spirit of joint cooperation, responsibility and success. Both parties will: • Work cooperatively to accomplish all project tasks. • Provide timely response in accomplishing all tasks. • Work cooperatively to resolve any technical ar administrative issues that arise during the joint accomplishment of this project. Each agency will pravide the following resources to this project: Franklin County will provide at no charge to WSDOT: � County survey control data and records with NSSDA Part 3 Accuracy Statement • County survey and GIS staff expertise • Survey control targets in place: 0 1:12,OOQ scale project-target size is: 5' long legs with 0.5' width, center circle with 0.5' dia. with a 0.5' gap between leg and center point, (12' overall). 0 1:24,000 scale project-target size is: 8'-10' long legs with 1.0' width and a center `dot' 1.0' with 1.0' gap. • Field check of final product and NSSDA Part 3 Accuracy Statement. WSDOT will provide: • Aerial photo lab technology and staff expertise • Photogrammetric technology and staff expertise • Updated USGS 10 Meter DEM • Flame and heat resistant vault to archive all film negatives A-2 WSDOT Agreement No.GCA-5169 Project Tasks,Responsibilities and Schedule Both Parties will undertake and accamplish this project on the proposed schedule shown in Table 2. Table 2: Project Tasks and Proposed Schedule Task Lead Completion Date Project Planning All To Be Determined Flight Planning WSDOT To Be Determined Photogrammetric Targets Franklin County Paneling in place March 23, 2009 Leaf-Off Fli ht Aerial Photography and GPS WSDOT Completed before Apri120, 2009 Leaf-Off Fli ht Photogrammetric Scanning WSDOT June 30, 2009 (all flights) Aerotriangulation WSDOT July 23, 2009 (all flights) Orthophoto Rectification and WSDOT October 31,2009 Color balance Licensed land surveyor review WSDOT October 31, 2009 and a roval Data archiving and distribution WSDOT October 31, 2009 to artners Project Review All October 31, 2009 Shared Data Available to both Parties The following data sets are contributor, interim and final products produced by this project: Flight Planning Data • Survey coordinate data for photogrammetric targets • Raw photogrammetric image scans • AeroTriangulation Residual Error Report • Section tiled format digital orthos • Uncompressed orthos in GeoTIFF format imagery � Orthophoto mosaic(s) • Access to photographic hardcopy prints at direct cost A-3 WSDOT Agreement No.GCA-S lb9 Expectations of Digital Ortho Image Prodnct Quality Image Ortho rectification options � Use base pboto for each section tile. • Mosaic along flight lines. • All imagery is true-color, 24-bit. Although provided in GeoTIFF format, world files will be generated for each tile to broaden application compatibility. • The image tile boundaries will be based upon 1 section or '/4 TWP blocks, which will be provided ta WSDOT by Franklin County in ASCII format. Tiles will be clipped so as to contain no non-data (blackout) areas. Tile size will be the minimum bounding rectangle for the area fully covered by that image. • Delivery will be made via portable hard drive. Cosmetic appearance • Use of film camera will result in some dust/ lint visible in scanned imagery. The film and photogrammetric scanner will be cleaned prior to scanning to reduce dust and lint as much as possible. • An 8 1/4 inch focal length lens will be used on the project to minimize image layover due to camera to target geometry. • Use of base images will result in image"layover", mostly at tile edges. • Use of mosaics from in-line photos will result in seam lines. • All images will be globally color balanced and may result in seam lines between frames. • Mosaics of multiple tiles will result in seam lines. • Image smearing may result in areas of high relief. • Water bodies will be processed to reduce sun glint and seams. 1�-4 WSDOT Agreement No.GCA-5169 Exhibit B Budaet O tion Item 1A-1:12 000 Pasco Urban Growth Baunda Pro"ect Area Quanti Hours Rate Amount Aerial Photo ra h : GPS Centered Ne atives 218 35 $7 630.00 Aerial Photo ra h : Fli ht Hours 4 2200 $8,800.00 Hi h Resolution Di ital Scannin '�2.71 $2,770.7 Subtotal Aerial Photo ra h $19,200.78 Aerotriangulation 54.5 104 $5,668.00 Project planning- wrap up 16 104 $1,664.00 Im ort/Format Ima e 4 104 $416.00 DTM ValidationlU date 95 38 104 $3,952.00 Ortho Creation: Seamline creation/mani ulation 95 23.75 104 $2,470.00 Ortho Creation: Brid e correction 3 1.5 '[04 $156.00 Ortho Creation: Ortho Tile creation 95 95 104 $9,880.00 Ortho Com ression: Tile Com ression/MrSid Subtotal Photo rammet $24,206.00 Total Pasco Urban Growth Bounda Area $43 406.78 O tion Item 1B -1:24,000 Pasco Urban Growth Boundary Pro"ect Area Quantity Hou�rs Ra#e Amaunt Aerial Photo ra h : GPS Centered Ne atives 58 35 $2,030.00 Aerial Photo ra h : Fli ht Hours 2 2200 $4,400.00 Hi h Resolution Di ital Scannin �l2�7'�! $737.18 Subtotal Aerial Photo ra h $7,167.18 Aerotriangulation 14.5 104 $1,508.00 Project planning- wrap up 16 �pq $1,664.00 Im ort/Format Ima e 4 104 $416.00 DTM ValidationlU date 58 232 104 $2 412.80 Ortho Creation: Seamline creation/mani ulation 58 14.5 104 $1,508.0 Ortho Creation: Brid e correction 0 104 $0.00 Ortho Creation: Ortho Tile creation 23 23 104 $2,392.00 Ortho Com ression: Tile Com ression/MrSid Subtotal Photo rammet $9 90d.80 Total Pasco Urban Growth Bounda Area $17,067.98 O tion Item 2A-1:12,000 Burba�nk Prz�ject Area Quantity Hours Rate Amoun# Aerial Photo ra h : GPS Centered Ne atives 89 35 $3,115.00 Aerial Photo ra h : Fli hk Hours 1.6 2200 $3,520.00 Hi h Resolution Di ital Scannin '12.71 $1 131.19 Subtotal Aerial Photo ra h $7,766.19 Aerotriangulation 22.25 104 $2,314.00 Project planning- wrap up 6.4 �pq $665.60 Im ort/Format Ima e 1.6 104 $166.40 DTM Validation\U date 40 16 104 $1,664.00 Ortho Creation: Seamline creation/mani ulation 40 10 104 $1,040.00 Ortho Creation: Brid e correction Ot#ho Creation: Ortho Tile creation 40 40 104 $4,160.00 Ortho Com ression: Tile Com ressionlMrSid Subtotal Photo rammet $10,010.00 Total,Burbank Pro'ectArea $17,776.19 O tion Item 2B -1:24,000 Burbank Pro"ect Area Quanti Hours Rate Amaunt Aerial Photo ra h : GPS Centered Ne atives 30 35 $1,050.00 Aerial Photo ra h : Fli ht Hours 1.6 2200 $3,520.00 Hi h Resolution Di ital Scannin 12.71 $381.30 Subtotal,Aerial Photo ra h $4,951.30 Aerotriangulation 7.5 104 $780.00 Project planning- wrap up 6.4 �pq $665.60 Im ort/Format Ima e 1.6 104 $166.40 DTM Validation\U date 30 12 104 $1,248.00 Ortho Creation: Seamline creationlmani ulation 30 7.5 104 $780.00 Ortho Creation: Brid e correction Ortho Creation: Ortho Tile creation 12 12 104 $1,248.00 Ortho Com ression: Tile Com ression/MrSid Subtotal,Photo rammet $4 888.00 Total Burbank Pro ect Area $9,839.30 B-1 WSDOT Agreement No.GCA-5169 y ' � 1� � �j L__ 4� �--�A�__-_ " �� � . �J �. ...{ { �;.� �r���'.�,^��. x �t ;_� ., r�:-, f -- .� .� - xhibit � - -; �. r� -� . � � , rvx � :��:_ t ��'� ' ,.T �j'� e J/ !� ,�X +, .�.;�. 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OY', . - - - , ' � � � y �r��� 3`....... ., '�' � '�D, ' .c ' � �r ' '' �.,�.�. :�,_ � � ?�' ,�� V �.. r -� - . �'� . . � . - .1��� f ���:., ..._....._. - FRANKLIN COLJNTY RESOLiJTION NO. 2009-077 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIVIlVIISSIONERS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON RE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN FRANKLIN COUNTY AND CITY OF PASCO FOR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND ORTHOPHOTO MAPPING PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.01.010 and RCW 36.32.120 the legislative authority of each county is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the county and have the care of county property and management of county funds and business; and WHEREA5, the Board of Franklin County Commissioners constitutes the legislative authority of Franklin County and desires to enter into the attached agreement as being in the best interest of Franklin County. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the attached Interlocal Governmental Cooperation Agreement between Franklin County and City of Pasco for aerial photography and orthophoto mapping project is hereby approved by the Board. APPROVED this 18th day of February, 2009. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON �� Rick Miller, Chair Attest: Robert E. Koch, Chair Pro Tem � �� � Brad Peck -Absent Clerk to e Board Brad Peck, Member Originals: Auditor Public Works City of Pasco RFCEIVEJ �EB 1 9 2009 cii� ��A�����'s � �U