HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks _ Recreation Advisory Board - 05 Aug 2021 - Agenda - Pdf AGENDA Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 5:30 PM - Thursday, August 5, 2021 GoToMeeting - 709-606-653 Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL (a) Boardmembers: Nolvia Salinas, Tom Davenport, Julie Campos, Edgar Delgado, Bradyn Leyde, Jason Ruud, Kate Bonderman and David Milne (City Council Rep.). City Staff: Zach Ratkai, Patty Martin, Dan Dotta. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3 - 24 (a) MOTION: I move to approve the minutes from the May 6, 2020 meeting. 4. COUNCIL REP & BOARDMEMBER REPORTS 5. STAFF REPORTS (a) Recreation (b) Parks & Facilities (c) A&CS Director 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS 25 - 26 (a) Chapel Hill Park - Name Recommendation Selection Discuss possible park names to recommend to City Council. Page 1 of 26 MOTION: I move to recommend to City Council the name _____________, for the new park located at 5801 Chapel Hill Blvd., according to Resolution No. 2499, Policy for Naming of City Parks and Recreation Facilities. (b) Regional Park Board Meeting - October 7 Discuss and select location, catering & presenter for meeting. 8. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION (a) Next Meeting: September 2, 2021. 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 26 MINUTES Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 5:30 PM - Thursday, May 6, 2021 GoToMeeting CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm, by Edgar Delgado, Vice - Chairperson ROLL CALL Boardmembers Present: Nolvia Salinas, Tom Davenport, Julie Campos, Edgar Delgado, Bradyn Leyde, Jason Ruud, and David Milne (City Council Rep.). Boardmembers Absent: Kate Bonderman City Staff Present: Dan Dotta, Brent Kubalek. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Edgar Delgado move to approve the minutes from the March 4, 2021 meeting. Jason Ruud seconded. Motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL REP & BOARDMEMBER REPORTS • (Rep) Dave Milne - Attended the Ray Reynolds Middle School open house. Went to look at the land off Road 100 and discussed possible future development. Commented that the dog waste bags at West Chiawana should be filled more often • Edgar - Nothing to report • Bradyn - Just started winter sports at High Schools • Jason - Middle School sports - intermural sports only, focused on skill development • Julie - Participated in selection of consultant for Park and Rec Master Plan. Live by Chapel Hill Park - house shaking and progress seams slow. • Nolvia - Neighbors excited to see some progress on Chapel Hill Park. Observed more trash at Rd 48. Page 1 of 22Page 3 of 26 • Tom - Impressed by amount of dirt moved at Chapel Hill Park. Asked the Question: Are water fountains going to be turned on this year? Dan said waiting on Inslee announcement in 2 weeks, but plan to turn them on. Commented that the batting cages look good at GESA Stadium and glad Dust Devils are playing again. STAFF REPORTS Recreation Report attached at end of minutes. Parks & Facilities Report attached at end of minutes. A&CS Director No Report due to absence. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Project Updates • Chapel Hill Park - The earthwork is done. The walking path and basketball court prepped for paving and the basketball standard is installed. The bench pads are poured. The irrigation was delayed due to PVC pipe shortage resulting from winter storms but is scheduled to arrive tomorrow (May 7), so irrigation installation should be able to start soon. Still waiting for the Shelter manufacturer to send the Engineer drawings for the footings for the shelters. • Parks & Recreation Master Plan - Selected consultant on Friday and are now working on the Professional Services Agreement. Once in place work will begin quickly. There will be various points throughout the process that will require Park Board input and help. • A Street Sports Complex - Is now out to bid and is due back June 2. If all works out should be able to start work in July. Have applied for an RCO extension through Feb 2022. • Peanuts Park - Construction is moving forward. • Highland Park - Are within approved Grant funding. Should finalize grant agreement by July and go out to bid around September. • Batting Cages at Dust Devils Stadium - They are now complete and the Dust Devil's have started their season. Are starting planning for other improvements at the stadium that will be Page 2 of 22Page 4 of 26 necessary under MLB requirements for single A minor league stadiums. • Schlagel Park Boat Launch - Have applied for all needed permits and are ready to move forward when issued. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION Next Meeting: Thursday, June 3, 2021 @ 5:30 pm. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 5TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2021 Page 3 of 22Page 5 of 26 Meeting Subject: Park Board Meeting - 5/6/2021 Meeting Date: 5/6/2021 5:30 PM Location: GoToMeeting RECREATION HIGHLIGHTS Events: Foodie's Fridays - 4-5 Food Trucks each Friday at Volunteer Park starting April 30 Grand Old 4th of July - To be held on July 4th unless directed otherwise by City Council. Will not be holding all activities due to COVID but plan to hold the following o Bike Ride Challenge o DIY Patriotic Luminaries o Cardboard Regatta o Car Show o Fireworks - Have two separate proposals, one for phase 2 and one for phase 3. Council will decide how to move forward. Mom & Son's Night - Revised to be a self-led scavenger hunt went well on March 27 o 55 boys with mom/guardian many of whom were new to Mom & Son's event Drive Thru Egg Hunt with Pasco Jaycees - Was held April 3 - Went well with approximately 300 cars Programs: Senior News Letter going well. One recipient recently wrote in saying, "THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR WORK ON THIS SR CITIZEN NEWSLETTER. I FORWARD IT TO ALL MY SR FRIENDS AND A SR GROUP I LEAD AT CHURCH. EACH NEWSLETTER GETS BETTER AND BETTER!" Youth Softball League has started, games started this week Adult Softball League to begin week of May 17 Adult Ultimate Frisbee League to begin week of May 17 DIY Kits: o Father's Day o Grow Big and Grow Home o Grand Old 4th Luminarias Opened Community Garden at Kurtzman park o All 30 plots sold out Around Town Scavenger Hunt - One for Elementary, One for Middle and High School will start at end of May. Youth XC League - 1st year (47 of 48 spots) went very well. Feedback to evaluations was very positive with most wishing it was not so short. We will look to extend from a 4 to a 6 week season and hold another season this fall. Other: Shelter rentals are reopened Page 4 of 22Page 6 of 26 Softball Complex running again - Have had tournaments/competitions most weekends. Not as large as past years due to COVID restrictions and no out of state teams, but doing okay. Pool - Bringing on lifeguards - it is filled and the Channel Cats are using it. Richland High has asked for use time. Will have Swim Lessons, Open Swim, & Lap Swim as well as a few other programs but all will look a little different due to continued COVID guidelines. Applied for and received a community grant in support of the Afterschool program from Walmart in the amount of $1500. Will be of great benefit to the program once we are able to reopen. Page 5 of 22Page 7 of 26 Memorial Pool After Being Closed for a Year.Page 6 of 22Page 8 of 26 Memorial Pool After being Drained.Page 7 of 22Page 9 of 26 Memorial Pool After a Week of Cleaning.Page 8 of 22Page 10 of 26 Memorial Pool After a Week of Cleaning. Page 9 of 22Page 11 of 26 The Final ProductPage 10 of 22Page 12 of 26 Preparing for Memorial Day Page 11 of 22Page 13 of 26 New Plaque Page 12 of 22Page 14 of 26 New Plaque Page 13 of 22Page 15 of 26 Plaque for the new flag pole.Page 14 of 22Page 16 of 26 New Water Feature Page 15 of 22Page 17 of 26 Newly Seeded Area Page 16 of 22Page 18 of 26 Tumbleweeds …..Page 17 of 22Page 19 of 26 Irrigation Charged..Page 18 of 22Page 20 of 26 Pesticide Applications …Page 19 of 22Page 21 of 26 Little League Page 20 of 22Page 22 of 26 Cemetery $33,000 business: 7 funerals Preneed and headstonesPage 21 of 22Page 23 of 26 Gesa Stadium Batting Cages Page 22 of 22Page 24 of 26 Catherine D Seainan,Leland Kerr,City Atto yDeputyCityClerk RESOLUTION NO.2499 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A POLICY FOR NAMING OF CITY PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES. WHEREAS,the City Council has determined it to be bene?cial to approve a policy and procedure for the naming of City Parks and Recreation Facilities as occasion may require,and WHEREAS,the City Parks and Recreation Advisory Council hasdevelopedandrecommendedtheestablishmentofsuchapolicy,Now,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the attached policy for naming of City Parks and RecreationFacilitiesisherebyapproved. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 7th day of February,2000. ichael L.Garrison,Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM:ATTEST: Page 25 of 26 Policy for Naming of City Parks and Recreation Facilities PuI_“9ose: The purpose of this policy is ‘to provide a process whereby City parks and recreational facilities may be named. Policy: When authorized by the City Council,the City Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall be charged with the responsibility of making recommendations for the naming of City parks and recreational facilities.The City Council shall consider the recommendations of the Advisory Council and make ?nal determinations. Procedure: 1.When,in the opinion of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Council,it is necessary to name or rename a City park or recreation facility,it shall advise the City Council of its opinion and may suggest a process whereby a name shall be chosen. The City Council shall review the matter and,if it concurs with the Advisory Council,shall authorize the Council to proceed.Otherwise the Council shall give such direction to the Advisory Council as it deems appropriate. The Advisory Council may conduct public hearings or use contests, solicitations,historic evidence or any other appropriate means under thecircumstances,and within the direction of the City Council,to generateideasandrecommendationsforaname.Names for parks and facilities should be appropriate for the facility and the community served.If for aneighborhoodfacility,the name should support or help establish aneighborhoodidentity.If for a facility serving the entire community,thenameshouldbeappropriateconsideringthediversityofusers.Namesshouldbesuchthattheirmeaningandsigni?cance to the neighborhood or the community will remain over time. Council for ?nal consideration. Page 26 of 26