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REGULAR MEETING January 8, 1970
The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
January 8, 1970, in the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 p.m.
Members present: Absent:
Robert Lovelace, Chairman G.E. Carter
Barbara Olson, Vice Chairman Ethel Sylvester
Ralph Oakley
Tom Jackson
Bonnie Hart
Donald Matson
A.J. Tate
Delbert Lincoln
Stuart Nelson
Also present were: J.H. McCurry, Acting Secretary
O.D. Villines, Assistant Planner
Sandra R. Stanley, Director, Community Development
Max Pope, City Manager
Minutes of the regular meeting held December 11 , 1969, were approved as written.
The Chairman declared the Regular Meeting open. The secretary checked the file
and explained to the commission why Mr. Ealy requested the fence variance. It
was explained that during construction of this new home a fire had been set by
arson. In rebuilding the fire damage, a family room with a large picture window
has been added to the north side of the house and in order to protect this
window, and the house, from future damage, he would like to build a six (6) foot
high chain link fence approximately twelve (12) feet in from the back portion of
his house. This would also discourage people from cutting across the corner of
his property. Mr. Oakley questioned Mr. Ealy's intention of building completely
around the rear yard. Mr. Ealy stated that he intended to enclose the entire
rear yard with this six foot fence and would provide a three (3) foot gate on
each side yard plus a ten (10) foot gate for an alley entrance.
Mr. Matson made motion, seconded by Mrs. Olson, to grant the Ealy Fence Variance.
The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Pope was introduced to the members of the Pasco Planning Commission by the
secretary. Mr. Pope spoke to the commission on the subject of reorganization of
City employees and specificly emphasized the structure of the Department of
Community Development, explaining the shortage of staff in this department and
assuring the filling of vacancies. He further stated that should any questions
arise concerning City government, that the Commission, or any member, should not
hesitate to direct any question to either himself or the staff.
The secretary presented the commission with the problem of Mobile Home Subdivis-
ions, one of which was recently annexed into the City limits. He stated that the
City presently has no Ordinance regulating this type of subdivision and that the
commission should set a priority on completing a good mobile home subdivision
City Planning Commission, January 8, 1970, page g
ordinance. He further emphasized the trend toward mobile home living and
stated that there should be controls set up to govern this type of subdivision.
Mrs. Olson suggested that the commission hold a workshop meeting to go over a
proposed Mobile Home Subdivision Ordinance. The Chairman directed the secretary
to mail each member of the commission a copy of the proposed ordinance prior to
the workshop meeting.
The secretary also advised the commission of the problems that have arisen in
regard to the present Sigh Ordinance. At present there is no provision for
variances and any appeal must be heard by the City Council . It was suggested
that amendments be made to the sign ordinance to provide for a variance action
to go before the Board of Adjustment.
Thursday, January 22, 1970, was set for the workshop meeting.
There being no further business, Mrs. Olson made motion, seconded by Mr. Jackson,
that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfulyl)y^ submit/teed,
aures H. McCurry, Act' g Secretary
Pasco Planning Comm- sion
REGULAR MEETING February 12, 1970
The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday
February 12, 1970, in the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent
Robert Lovelace-Chairman G. E. Carter
Barbara Olson-Vice-Chairman Bonnie Hart
Ralph Oakley A. J. Tate
Tom Jackson
Donald Matson
Delbert Lincoln
Stewart Nelson
Ethel Sylvester
Also present were:
James H. McCurry-Acting Secretary
0. D. Villines, Asst. Planner
Sandra R. Stanley-Director Community Development
Max L. Pope-City Manager
Richard German-Planner Liaison for Franklin County
Minutes of the regular meeting held January 8, 1970, were approved as written.
Weisz Fence Variance-1027 W. Margaret File #70-4
Chairman Lovelace declared the public hearing open. The Secretary checked
the file and explained to the Commission why Mr. Weisz requested the fence
variance. Mr. McCurry explained that the fence would be 5 feet high in the
back portion of the property for privacy, and would be three feet high in the
front yard. Mr. McCurry also explained that there was a letter from Mr. Weisz's
neighbor, stating that he had no objection to the installation of the fence.
Mr. Oakley questioned Mrs. Weisz concerning the type of fence to be con-
structed. Mrs. Weiz explained it would be a wood fence. There being no one
in opposition to the variance, the Chairman declared the public hearing closed.
The motion was made by Mr. Olson and seconded by Mr. Oakley to grant the
fence variance. The motion was carried unanimously.
Conoco Oil Co. Service Station Alteration-File No. 70-3
The Chairman declared the public hearing open and Mr. McCurry checked
through the file and explained that the application was originally sub-
mitted in January of 1970 and is for the addition of a wash bay to the
original building. He further explained that Mr. Ray Poland, who was in
the audience, is the contracter. Mr. McCurry presented the plans to the
Planning Commission for their review. After review, the Chairman called
for opposition from the floor concerning the addition to the service
station. There being no one in opposition, the Chairman declared the public
hearing closed. The motion was made by Mr. Matson and seconded by Mr.
Oakley to grant the permit for a service station alteration. The motion
was carried unanimously.
C. B. D. Study-Mark Pence of Pence and Stanley & Associates
Mr. Pence explained that the study originally started out to be a traffic
study, but on August 18, 1969, Pence and Stanley & Assoc. received a
formal notice to proceed on the second phase of the traffic study for the
Pasco Central Business District. It was agreed on October 28, 1969 that
the traffic study for the CBD was too limited. Therefore, it was agreed
at this meeting that a broader approach to the study of Central Business
District was needed. Mr. Pence presented the study in three stages,
particularly bringing out the history and growth of the area, land use,
parking, traffic-street system and flow, the pedestrian-his needs and
requirements and the solutions to some of these major problems.
Mobile Home Subdivision ordinance File #70-5
Mr. McCurry recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the
City Council the adoption of the ordinance because it has reached a point
which he felt that it was adequate for approval. After some discussion
there was a motion by Mrs. Olson and seconded by Mrs. Sylvester to
recommend to the Council approval of the Mobile Home Subdivision Ordinance.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Sign Ordinance File X170-6
Mr. McCurry presented the Planning Commission the results of the Planning
Commission Work Shop meeting and the changes made to the Sign Ordinance.
After considerable discussion on the non-conforming sign, it was recommended
by Mr. Matson that a non-conforming sign, which was legally erected shall
remain until repairs are warranted, or is of no longer use. This motion
was seconded by Mr. Lincoln and the motion was carried unanimously.
There was considerable discussion on section 14-5 of the sign ordinance.
The motion was made by Mrs. Olson to leave it as it read. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Matson and the motion was carried unanimously. The
representatives in the audience from the Columbia Basin Outdoor Advertising
Agency expressed to the City Planning Commission that there should be a
specific definition for an Advertising Sign and a specific definition for a
Business Sign. They were also concerned that an advertising sign should
be allowed in a commercial I Zone, which section 14-5 of the proposed
Sign Ordinance would eliminate. After much consideration and discussion
of section 13-1, concerning non-conforming signs, and their removal or
alteration of these signs and the adoption of the proposed ordinance, the
City Planning Commission recommended that the staff rewrite this section.
It was mutually agreed that the entire sign ordinance would then be reviewed
at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting of March 12.
There being no further business, Mrs. Olson moved for adjournment. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Nelson and approved unanimously. The meeting was
adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
aes H. McCurry
Acting Secretary (/
REGULAR MEETING March 12, 1970
The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
March 12, 1970, in the Pasco City Hall, at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Robert Lovelace, Chairman G. E. Carter
Barbara Olson, Vice-Chairman Del Lincoln
Ralph Oakley A. J. Tate
Ethel Sylvester Don Matson
Bonnie Hart Tom Jackson
Stuart Nelson
Also present were:
James H. McCurry, Acting Secretary
Sandra R. Stanley, Director, Dept. of Community Development
Minutes of the regular meeting held February 12, 1970, were approved as
Chairman declared the public hearing open and requested the Secretary check
the file to see that it was in order. The zone change request was verified
and an explanation given indicating that the request was to change the zoning
from R-3 to C-1 on the property located at 507 N. 4th Avenue. This structure
is commonly known as the Hallmark Apartments and was constructed in 1954.
The building is designed for retail commercial use on the ground floor and
contains 60 dwelling units on the upper 5 floors. Since construction, there
have been various businesses located on the ground floor. Chairman asked if
anyone from the audience wished to speak in favor of this change and
Mr. Gleyn Bledsoe, co-owner of the property, stated his position and displayed
a diagram of the existing first floor area, stating that he had several
individuals interested in locating in his building, but they were apprehensive
regarding the sign ordinance which does not allow business signs in the R-3
zone. He also displayed a diagram indicating the present land use in the
immediate area. Ralph Oakley asked the Secretary to compare the permitted
uses of the R-3 Zone to the C-1 Zone. This was done and it was determined
that both zones were fairly close in permitted uses. Chairman asked if there
was anyone who wished to speak against this zone change. There being no one
present who opposed this zone change, the public hearing was declared closed.
Motion was made by Barbara Olson, seconded by Stuart Nelson, that recommendation
be made to the City Council to approve changing the zone from R-3 to C-1.
Motion approved by unanimous vote.
Chairman requested this application be presented to the commission by
the Secretary. Letters from the applicant, David Campbell, 1728 W. Hopkins,
and his neighbor, I. R. Gustin, 1724 W. Hopkins, were read. Request is
to permit erection of a 6 foot high fence between the two houses to extend
from the front corner of the house to the rear corner. This fence would
act as a separation between the two existing patios. Motion was made by
Ralph Oakley, seconded by Barbara Olson, to permit construction of this
fence. Motion approved by unanimous vote.
Letter from Virgle Cowen, Lot 30, Flamingo Village, was read to the
Commission by the Secretary, requesting that a workshop meeting date be
set for the commission and other interested parties to review the Mobile Home
Park Ordinance. The Ordinance was written in 1956 and no changes have been
made to it since that time, although there has been considerable changes
made in the mobile home industry. Copies of the Ordinance were distributed
to the commission members for their pursual. After some discussion, a
workshop meeting was scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on 3-26-70.
Chairman Lovelace stated that it has been brought to his attention that the
Planning Commission By-Laws might also be outdated and he thought that some
changes should be considered at this workshop meeting on 3-26-70. He cited
Chapter 4 of the Citizen's Guide to Planning as a model By-Law. Since some
members do not have a copy of this booklet, copies of this chapter will be
made and distributed to the commission members.
Sandra R. Stanley explained to the Commission that the City has received a
petition to annex several acres both north and south of Court Street at the
west City limits. The owners have requested that this property be zoned
Commercial since it is presently zoned commercial under Franklin County
Zoning. The City Council has requested that the Planning Commission review
this proposal and make recommendation to them for the public hearing date
of April 7, 1970. This should be done in time for their workshop meeting on
3-17-70. After discussion by the commission members, a motion was made by
Barbara Olson, seconded by Stuart Nelson, to recommend Commercial C-1 Zoning
for the following listed property:
All of the Dale Mathes property
All of the Center Developer property
All of the Kidwell property
All of the A.L. Tomich property
All of the R.L. Fisher property
South 295' of the Pat Griffin Co. property
South 295' of the Virginia Miazga property
and to recommend Residential R-2 Zoning for the following listed property:
North 500' of the Pat Griffin Co. property
North 500' of the Virginia Miazga property
Motion approved by unanimous vote.
Secretary pointed out that the proposed sign ordinance has been approved by
the Commission with the exception of Section 13-1, which was scheduled for
discussion at this meeting. The new section was read and explained by the
Secretary. This is a 'grandfather clause' dealing with existing noncon-
forming signs. Motion was made by Stuart Nelson, seconded by Ethel Sylvester,
that this new section be approved as written and that recommendation be
made to the City Council to adopt this new sign ordinance to supercede
Ordinance #1179. Motion approved by unanimous vote.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjoured at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
ltleas4H. McCurrying Secretary
The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
April 9, 1970, in the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Robert Lovelace, Chairman G. E. Carter
Barbara Olson, Vice-Chairman Ethel Sylvester
Ralph Oakley Stuart Nelson
Tom Jackson Bonnie Hart
Del Lincoln
Don Matson
A. J. Tate
Also present were: 0. D. Villines, Acting Secretary
Minutes of the regular meeting held March 12, 1970, were approved as written.
JIM BRIDGE - Fire Hydrants
Mr. Jim Bridge, one of the owners of the Red Lion Motor Inn, spoke to the
Commission in reference to two fire hydrants, which he stated the City
Council promised to him.when he originally leased the property that the Red
Lion is currently on. Mr. Bridge stated that he is requesting the two fire
hydrants at this time to get his fire insurance rates down to the level
where they should be. Mr. Bridge further explained that he would certainly
appreciate seeing some action being taken towards getting the two hydrants
in. Mr. Lovelace questioned why Mr. Bridge was presenting this material to
the City Planning Commission, and Mr. Bridge explained that Mrs. Schlegal,
the City Manager's Secretary, stated that this would be the point where he
would begin. The Secretary was directed to check into this and recommend
or take whatever action was necessary to try to get Mr. Bridge his two
Chairman declared the public hearing open and requested the Secretary check
the file to determine that it was in order. The zone change request was in
order and an explanation was given indicating that the request was a change
of zoning from Residential R-1 to Commercial C-3 on the property located
north of the 410 By-Pass, but east of the Highway 395 but incorporated in
the city limits of the City of Pasco. The Chairman, then, asked if anyone
from the audience wished to speak in favor of this change, and Mr. Allen
Stanley stated his position and displayed a sketch of where the property
was located and what was to be rezoned. A diagram was also displayed
indicating the present land use in the immediate area. The Secretary
explained that development in the area under the existing zone was unlikly,
} and that the Commission should look at possibly changing the zone class-
ification in this area for future development. The Chairman asked if there
was anyone who wished to speak against the zone change. There being no one
present who opposed the zone change, the public hearing was declared closed.
The motion was made by Mrs. Olson and seconded by Mr. Jackson to recommend
to the City Council a zone reclassification from Residential R-1 to Comm-
ercial C-3. The Motion was approved unanimously.
The Chairman declared the public hearing open and requested the Secretary
check the file to determine that it was in order. The Subdivision request
was varified by the Secretary and an explanation was given by him, explaining
where the Subdivision was located and defined land use in the area. The
Subdivision location is commonly known as that portion of property located
North of the 410 By-Pass, but East of the Highway 395 incorporated in the
City Limits of the City of Pasco. Correspondence was read by the Secretary
from the Benton-Franklin Counties District Health Department, recommending
approval of the Columbia East Subdivision. A letter from the Public
Utilities District No. 1, Franklin County was read, which approved of the
Columbia East Subdivision, and a letter from the State Department of High-
ways, Washington State Highway Commission was read, which disapproved of
the preliminary plat on the Columbia East Subdivision. The reason the State
Highway Department disapproved of the preliminary Subdivision, was because
the easterly end of the approved route for Interstate 182 was to provide a
connection with State route 395 and State route 12 East of Pasco. The letter
explained that the connection was not fully designed at this time and it
was difficult to determine how much additional right of way would be needed
in the vicinity of the proposed plat. Mr. Allen Stanley, the Subdivider of
the property, explained a diagram he had showing what portion of the property
would be subdivided. He further explained that the lots would be approx-
imately two acres in size. Mr. Stanley explained that the only major problem
he ran into in subdividing this property, was obtaining an 80 foot access
into the subdivision at the North end of the property. The North end access
would be directly adjacent to Hillsburo Road, which is located East of Highway
395. The Secretary explained that if the Commission approved of the pre-
liminary Subdivision, it would be asked of them to request the City Council
contact State Highway Department and request that an 80 foot access be granted
to the property. The reason the City Council is the body to make this request,
is because the property is located inside the city limits. The City Council
is the enity in authority to request the State Highway Department to review
or change the limited access ruling that is on Highway 395. Mr. Allen Stanley,
further explained that if the Subdivision were not granted, the only other
alternative use that this area would have would be for agricultural purposes.
He further explained that to his knowledge there was no zone in the City of
Pasco Zoning Ordinance, which would allow for large scale agricultural
activity. Mr. Harold Thompson also spoke in favor of the Subdivision. Mr.
Thompson is the applicant and the co-owner of the property to be subdivided.
Mr. Thompson explained that he had businesses interested in locating in this
area immediately. The Chairman asked if there was anyone who wished to speak
against this Subdivision. There being no one present who opposed the Sub-
division, the public hearing was declared closed. The motion was made by
Mr. Oakley and seconded by Mr. Tate that the preliminary plat for the Columbia
East Subdivision be approved. The motion was amended by Mr. Matson to add
providing that an 80 foot access be granted. The amendment was seconded
by Mrs. Olson. Both the motion and the amendment were carried unanimously.
The Chairman declared the public hearing open and requested the Secretary
check the file to determine if it was in order. The zone change request
was varified and an explanation given by the Secretary explaining that the
zone request was from the Residential R-1 to Residential R-3 on the property
located at 2000 Block W. Pearl Street. The Secretary explained that he had
received no correspondence or telephone calls, either in favor or opposing
the proposed zone change. Mr. Harry H. Moore, realtor from Fowler Realty,
representing the applicant and owner, Mr. Lyle Neff, presented the Commission
with plot plans of the area in question, and plans for the four-plexes
to be constructed on the site. He explained that if the zone change were
granted, there would be immediate development in that area. The Chairman
asked if there was anyone who wished to speak against the zone change. There
being no one present to oppose the zone change, the public hearing was declared
closed. The motion was made by Mrs. Olson and seconded by Mr. Matson to
recommend approval of the zone change from Residential R-1 to Residential
R-3, providing that construction starts in one year. The motion was carried
The Chairman declared the public hearing open and requested the Secretary
check the file to determine that it was in order. The zone change request
was varified by the Secretary and an explanation was given by him that the
request was to change the zoning from Residential R-1 to Commercial C-3.
This property is commonly known as 921 N. Oregon Avenue. The Secretary
explained that he received no correspondence either written or verbal that
opposed the zone change or that were in favor of the zone change. The
Chairman asked if anyone from the audience wished to speak in favor of this
change. There was no one in the audience to speak in favor of the change.
The Chairman declared the discussion open among the Commission members,
regarding the change of zone from R-1 to C-3. The Secretary explained that
in a letter dated May 29, 1969 signed by the Secretary of the City Planning
Commission, Mr. Lyle E. Balderson, which was submitted to the City Council
requesting defined changes in the Comprehensive Plan along Oregon Street and
East Pasco. Refer to File 1169-12. The proposed changes were submitted on a
map along with a letter to the City Council. The only action that was taken
on the recommendation by the City Planning Commission, was to table the
request. The Chairman designated the Secretary the authority to write the
City Council a letter requesting the decision be made on the proposed changes
to the Comprehensive Plan as submitted in the May 29, 1969 letter. The motion
was made by Mr. Oakley and seconded by Mrs. Olson to continue the public
meeting until the next regularly sceduled City Planning Commission meeting,
in order to receive a determination from the City Council regarding the pro-
posed changes to the Comprehensive Plan in this area. The motion was carried
The Chairman declared the public hearing open and requested the Secretary
check the file to determine that it was in order. The zone change request
was verified by the Secretary, and an explanation was given by him that
the request was to change the zoning from Residential R-2 to Industrial I-1
on the property commonly known as 300 Block East Ainsworth Avenue. The
Secretary explained that he had received five letters of protest to the
change of zone in this area. These five letters had eleven signatures.
The Secretary described the area to be rezoned and the current zoning in that
area. The Chairman asked if anyone from the audience wished to speak in
favor of this change. There being no one, the Chairman asked for those
opposed to the zone change to speak. Mr. Orvin A. Skolrud, spoke in oppo-
sition to the proposed zone change, stating that a change of zone from
Residential R-2 to Industrial I-1 in this area would ruin the area as far
as Residential development and would decrease the existing property values
in this area. He further explained that he didn't want a body shop in the
area to downgrade the property. Mr. Richard German, 1616 Marie, City of
Pasco, spoke not in opposition to the zone change, but in opposition to cha-
nging a zone going contradictory to the Comprehensive Plan. He further
explained that if the Comprehensive Plan in the area was zoned incorrectly,
then he would be in favor of changing the Comprehensive Plan. There being
no one else opposed to the zone change request, the public hearing was
declared closed and a,motion was made by Mrs. Olson and seconded by Mr.
Oakley, to disapprove the change of zone from Residential R-2 to Industrial
I-1. Motion was carried unanimously.
The Secretary explained that the Building Inspector on, March 17, 1970,
notified Mr, and Mrs. Fricke that they were in violation of the City Zoning
Ordinance #1203, erecting a fence without a permit and in violation of the
fence ordinance. The Building Inspector, at that time, recommended that
Mr. & Mrs. Fricke obtain a permit or remove their fencing. The Secretary
also read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Fricke dated March 24, 1970, stating
that they were unaware that they were required to obtain a building permit
prior to constructing the fence and retaining wall. A note was also read
from Mr, and Mrs. Joesph Frare, who live at 904 Empire Way and are the
neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Fricke. This note was dated March 31, 1970,
addressed to the City Planning Commission, stated that "we the undersigned
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frare, have no objection to the fence installed by our
next door neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Fricke." The Secretary explained
that there is an existing retaining wall constructed without a building
permit, which is currently 30" high. A five foot pumace block fence was
constructed on top of the 30" retaining wall, making a total height of 711'
high. The Secretary further explained that Mr, and Mrs. Fricke considers
the portion of the lot facing the circular street in the mobile home sub-
division as the rear portion of their lot. The Secretary explained that any
lot which has access from a street is considered the front portion of the lot.
The Secretary explained that irregardless of whether this portion of the lot
was considered the back or the front, the fence was still in violation of
the fencing ordinance and would have to come in compliance. Mr. Fricke
explained that the fence was not 731' high. He stated that they have a 30"
retaining wall, which is not considered as a part of the fence. The Secretary
explained that height of a fence is measured from the curb level and that
the retaining wall was 30" high, would have to be considered as part of
the fence, as it was above the curb level. Chairman Lovelace explained
that the Planning Commission has the authority to grant a fence variance
from the rear most portion of the house to the front portion of the house
and this variance would be allowed up to 6'. He further explained that
to his knowledge, this was the only variance that the Planning Commission
could give an applicant. Mr. Oakley moved and Mr. Tate seconded that this
fence variance be taken to the proper authority. The motion was carried
unanimously. The Chairman designated the Secretary to find out exactly
who the proper authority was.
The Secretary read a letter from Mr. W. A. Slipp, President of Slipp and
Company requesting the City Planning Commission give their opinion con-
cerning him locating a retread shop from 2703 E. Lewis to the location of
the old Tri-City Bowl Building on N. Arthur and W. Brown St. Mr. Slipp,
in his letter, also stated that they agree to enclose the present blacktop
area with an 8' cyclone type slanted sight obscuring fence, so that all
merchandise will be within the limits of the building or fenced area and
out of sight. Mr. Bob Welch, representing Mr. Slipp, was present and spoke
in favor of the special permit. Mr. Welch presented the Commission with
an architects drawing of the building and some of the improvements which
would be made on the building. After considerable discussion concerning
the legality of locating a retread shop at this location, the Chairman
directed the Secretary to get a legal determination from the City Attorney.
Having called Mr. Campbell, the City Attorney, the Secretary explained to
the Planning Commission that the Attorney's opinion was that a retread shop
could be located in this location and could be classified as a public garage.
After announcing the decision of the City Attorney, the Secretary explained
to the Commission that it was their prerogative to decide whether they
wanted to see a retread shop in this area or protect this area for resi-
dential development west of Arthur Street. A motion was made by Mr. Oakley
that the Slipp Special Permit be considered and deemed within the scope
of Section 6-1-3,garages and service stations, in the zoning ordinance of
the City of Pasco. The motion was seconded by Mr. Tate and carried unan-
imously. A motion was also made by Mr. Oakley that the request be granted
under the provisions of section 6-1-3 and providing that a fence be put
up around the blacktop area. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion and it was
carried by a majority.
The Planning Commission approved unanimously the correction to ordinance
11858 as presented.
To be considered at the next regularly scheduled City Planning Commission
f meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
00 92�Y
0. D. Villines
Acting Secretary
City Planning Commission
The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
May 14, 1970, at the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Chairman Lovelace G. E. Carter
Vice-Chairman Olson Thomas Jackson
Ralph Oakley Del Lincoln
Don Matson
Ethel Sylvester
Bonnie Hart
Stuart Nelson
A. J. Tate
Also present were: 0. D. Villines, Acting Secretary
Minutes of the regular meeting held April 9, 1970, were approved with the
following correction.
SLIPP SPECIAL PERMIT - File #70-17 Mrs. Olson made the motion and it was
seconded by Mr. Tate to correct the last sentence under the Slipp Special
Permit File No. 70-17. The last sentence should read Mr. Jackson seconded
the motion and it was carried by a majority. The motion to approve the
minutes as corrected was carried unanimously.
There were no public hearings.
Gordon Mercier, Chairman of the Recreation and Park Advisory Board, spoke to
the Planning Commission concerning the subject of creating an ordinance to
set aside land for park sites relative to new subdivision and housing projects.
The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Mercier dated March 25, 1970, addressed
to Mr. Bob Lovelace, Chairman of the City Planning Commission, expressing the
interest of the Recreation and Park Advisory Board in creating additional park
and open space areas in new subdivisions in the City limits of the City of
Pasco. Mr. Mercier further explained that he wished to bring this to the
attention of the Planning Commission and wished that this be considered in
approving future subdivisions. The Secretary explained that under our existing
subdivision ordinance, the Planning Commission does have the authority to
require a subdivider to provide for parks and open space as deemed necessary
and of the best interest to the public. The Secretary further explained that
under R.C.W. 58.16.060, the State law allows a Planning Commission to adopt
an ordinance with regulations governing the establishment of parks or open
spaces in new subdivisions. The Secretary further explained that having
received a legal opinion on the state law, it was expressed by the City Attorney
that it was in the best interests of the City of Pasco not to incorporate a
specific regulation in the subdivision ordinance which would specify that
each and every subdivision should provide park or open space land. The
Attorney further felt that it was at the discression of the Planning Comm-
ission to review each submission of a subdivision based upon its own merits.
Chairman Lovelace declared the hearing open and requested the Secretary check
the file to determine that it was in order. Chairman Lovelace directed the
Secretary to read all correspondence concerning the service station alteration.
The Secretary read a letter from Mr. W. H. Brandenburg, Standard Oil Company
of California, addressed to the City Planning Commission, stating that they
are requesting that a third lubrication bay to the Chevron Station, located
at Fifth and Clark, be granted. There was no further correspondence. The
Secretary then presented the service station alteration plans to the Planning
Commission for their review. The Secretary explained that ingress and egress
to the station would not change and that setback requirements were met. There
being no further discussion, Mr. Nelson made the motion and it was seconded
by. Mrs. Olson that the service station alteration to the Chevron Station loca-
ted at Fifth and Clark be granted. The motion was approved unanimously.
Chairman Lovelace requested the Secretary read the letter to the Commission.
The Secretary read the letter and it was determined that Mr. Burd was re-
questing a zone interpretation of Section 3-2-6 of the Pasco City Zoning
Ordinance. He further expressed, in his letter, that it was his desire to
be classified in a C-1 Zone and come under the classification of a bakery or
doughnut shop. He explained to the Planning Commission that the Franklin
County Planning Commission classified his business as allowable in a C-1
zone, but failed to approve a zone change from residential to C-1 in two
locations. The letter further explained that he had everything ready to go
except for the location. He further stated that he has lost two months
trying to secure a location. He further explained that he had two locations
available in a C-1 zone awaiting the Planning Commissions' approval. The
Secretary explained that Mr. Burd has, on a number of occassions, coordinated
with the staff of the Department of Community Development in trying to locate
in an adequate building, suitable to his purposes and type of activity for
his new food product. Chairman Lovelace then asked Mr. Burd to speak and
explain where the two locations were in the C-1 zone where he was contemplating
locating his business, and to explain the food producing process. Mr. Burd
expressed that he was interested in a commercial site in the old Snow White
Laundry building located on Margaret Street. His second location was the old
laundry building located on the S.E. corner of Nixon and First Street. Mr. Burd
explained to the Commission that processing this new food product would not
produce noise or smoke, nor would the odor be offensive. He explained that
it would be the same type of a process that a doughnut shop would use. He
would be using the same 60 lb. deep fat fryer and would be deep frying this pro-
duct. He further explained that he was sure that his product would sell, but
he wasn't willing, at this time, to invest in a new building in an industrial
zone in order to try his product out. He feels that if the product was a
success, he would locate, at a later date, in an industrial zone. Mr. Burd
then gave samples of his new food product to the Planning Commission, for
sampling. The motion was made by Mrs. Olson and seconded by Mrs. Sylvester
to allow Mr. Burd to operate his business in the Snow White Laundry Building
located at 312 Margaret Street.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr. Matson explained to the City Planning Commission
what happened at the last regular City Council meeting of May 5, 1970,
concerning the change in the Comprehensive Plan, along Oregon Street and in
East Pasco. Mr. Matson explained that the Council did not approve of changing
the Comprehensive Plan South of Superior Street between Oregon and Main bordered
on the South by Clark Street. The Council also did not approve of running the
commercial line as far east as the center line of the block, bordered on the
west by California Street and to the east by Montana Street. Mr. Matson expl-
ained that this should be cut back one whole block to the middle of the block
between Idaho and California Street. After considerable discussion, the
Commission recommended that the change in the Comprehensive Plan along Oregon
Street in East Pasco, should be as follows: That property bordered by Salt
Lake Street on the North, Oregon Street on the West, Lewis Street on the South,
and the center line of the block between Idaho and California Street with the
exception of the East half of Block 142, Pasco's Addition, should be commercial.
Also, that portion of property from the center line of the block with the
exception of Block 142, Pasco's Addition, bordered by Idaho on the west and
California on the east, Salt Lake Street on the north, Alvina Street on the
south, and Wehe Street on the east, should be changed to high density resi-
dential or R-3. The motion was made by Mrs. Olson and seconded by Mr. Matson
and carried unanimously.
The Chairman reopened the public hearing and requested the Secretary check
the files and determine if they were in order. The Secretary clarified
that the file was in order and explained that no new correspondence had been
received expressing favor or opposition to the zone change. The Chairman
asked if anyone from the audience was to speak in favor of this change from
Residential R-1 to Commercial C-3. Mr. Tom Kidwell, owner of the property
in question, did speak in favor of the zone change. He explained that every-
thing was ready to go except for the zone change and the building permit.
He further explained that this would be a farm supply type of business where
they would be providing a chemical called Bi-Culture, to the farmer to de-
compose the soil in order to receive a better crop production. He explained
that this chemical would be stored in underground tanks and it would be sales
and dispersion only similar to the type of a business of an oil distributor.
Members of the Planning Commission questioned Mr. Kidwell as to whether the
material would produce an odor or be noxious. The Commission also questioned
Mr. Kidwell concerning the undergrounding of utilities. Mr. Kidwell explained
that the P.U.D. and the telephone company would be undergrounding from the prop-
erty line to the building. Mr. Matson was in opposition to a zone change in
conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. He felt that if any change should be made,
it should be made in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Kidwell ex-
pressed that the time factor was crucial and that he wished the Commission would
take immediate action upon his case. There being no further discussion in favor
or opposition to the Kidwell Zone change from Residential R-1 to Commercial C-1,
I the Chairman declared the public hearing closed. The motion was made by Mr.
Nelson and seconded by Mr. Tate to recommend to the City Council that the zone
change be granted. The motion was approved by a majority.
Mr. Scott was introduced to the Planning Commission by the Secretary, and
the Secretary explained that Mr. Scott was the Planner for the Benton-
Franklin Community Action Committee. Mr. Scott explained to the Planning
Commission that the Community Action Committee is writing an application
for a neighborhood facility in East Pasco. He stated that the purpose for
his presence at the meeting, and the reason for the presentation of the letter,
was that in compliance with the Neighborhood Facility Grant Program Appli-
cation Handbook, a statement from the local Planning authorities certifying
that the facility is consistant with Comprehensive Planning for the Community
and establish the basis for this finding. He further explained that an
immediate time factor was not crucial. Mr. Oakley recommended that this item
be considered at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting
and by mutual agreement, the Planning Commission approved of Mr. Oakley's
Under Article VIII of Resolution #1, Rules of Procedure of the Planning Comm-
ission of the City of Pasco, Mr. Oakley made the motion that Article VIZI
be changed to read as follows: The Planning Commission shall convene regularly
each month, and upon such other occassions as the business of the Commission
may require. Mr. Oakley's motion was seconded by Mr. Matson and approved
Mr. Oakley explained that the reason he made this motion was that Planning
Commissions in the future may not determine that the second Thursday of each
month at 8:00 would be the best time or the best date for a Planning Comm-
ission meeting. He further felt that a motion should be made to be entered
in the regular minutes that the Planning Commission has the authority to
change the meeting time and date without changing the Rules of Procedure,
and this is the reason that he made this motion under Article VIIII in the City
Planning Commission's Rules of Procedure. Mr, Matson moved that the Commission
meet the second Thursday at 8:00 P.M. in the Pasco City Hall. The motion was
seconded by Oakley after considerable discussion. It was determined by Mr.
Matson's motion that the Planning Commission could change their meeting time
and date without changing the Rules of Procedure. The motion was carried
unanimously. Under Article XI, after considerable discussion, Mr. Matson
moved and it was seconded by Mrs. Sylvester to change the Article to read as
follows: A majority of the membership of the Commission, not less than six
of whom shall be appointed members, shall constitute a quorum for the trans-
action of business. Any action taken by a majority of those present when
those present constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the
Commission, shall be deemed and taken as the action of the Commission. The
ex-official members of the Commission have a vote. The motion was carried
unanimously. There were no other changes in the Rules of Procedure of the
Planning Commission of the City of Pasco. The Chairman directed the Secretary
to prepare the new amended Rules of Procedure and have them present for signing
on the June 11, meeting.
The Secretary explained that the control sheet is for the Commissions' own
personal knowledge and record of the actions the Commission recommended to
the Council, and the Council actions and the date of that action. The
Control Sheet also shows actions refered to the Board of Adjustment, the
action taken on this item by the Board of Adjustment and the date the
action was taken. The Secretary went through the control sheet and updated
it as of May 14, 1970.
Mr. Matson recommended that the Secretary not send out the minutes of the
previous Planning Commission meeting until the Monday prior to the meeting.
The Planning Commission members were in agreement with Mr. Matson's request
and the Secretary was directed to comply with the request.
Mrs. Olson made a motion directing the Secretary to write a letter to the
Chairman of the Board of Adjustment protesting the approval of the Fricke
Fence Variance. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hart and carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
V. G
0. D. Villines
Acting Secretary
City Planning Commission
City Planning Commission
Regular Meeting June 11, 1970
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
June 11, 1970, at the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 p.m.
Members Present: Members Absent;
Mrs. Olson, Vice-Chairman G. E. Carter
Don Matson A. J. Tate
Ethel Sylvester Robert Lovelace - Chairman
Bonnie Hart
Del Lincoln
Ralph Oakley
Tom Jackson
Stuart Nelson
Also present were: 0. D. Villines, Acting Secretary, Mr. McCurry, Building
Inspector, Mr. Snyder, Building Inspector, Mr. Williams, Engineering Aid.
Minutes of the regular meeting held May 14, 1970, were approved with the
following corrections:
Page 4, Paragraph 2, lines 19 & 20, shall read: The ex-officio members of
the Commission have a vote.
KELTCH ZONE CHANGE - File #70-22 The Chairman declared the public hearing
open and directed the Secretary to check the file to determine if it was in
order. The zone change request was varified by the Secretary and an explan-
ation was given by him. He explained that the request was to change the
zoning classification from Industrial I-1 to Residential R-3, on the property
described as follows:
The West 17.93 rods of the east 25.93 rods of the Government lot 3,
Section 25, Township 9, N. , Range 29 east. , W.M. except roads.
The Secretary further explained that he had received no letters of protest or
approval of the change of zone. The Chairman asked if anyone from the audience
wished to speak in favor of the zone change. Mr. John Keltch, Road 28 & West
'A' Street, Pasco, Washington, spoke in favor of the zone change. Mr. Keltch
stated the reason he was requesting the zone reclassification was in order to
locate a mobile home subdivision at the above-described property. He stated
that there was an extreme demand for this type of housing in the City of Pasco.
He, also, stated that he owned property west of the proposed Mobile Home Sub-
division. Mr. Earl and Bill Warren, also, spoke in favor of the proposed zone
change. A representative from Red's Trailer Market, Avenue 'C' , Kennewick,
Washington, was also present to speak in favor of the zone change. The rep-
resentative stated that there was an extreme shortage of mobile home subdi-
visions, therefore, the demand for them was great. The Chairman then asked
for anyone to speak in opposition to the Zone Change. There was no one present
to speak in opposition. The Chairman, then, declared the Public Hearing closed.
Discussion was opened among the Planning Commission members and Mr. Lincoln
was concerned of spot zoning Residential R-3 property surrounded by Indus-
trially zoned property. The Secretary explained that the property in question
was zoned as average density residential according to the Comprehensive Plan.
The motion was made by Mr. Nelson and seconded by Mrs. Sylvester to approve
the zone reclassification from Industrial I-1 to Residential R-3 providing
that once an R-4 Zone is adopted, all mobile home subdivisions would auto-
matically be incorporated into an R-4 zone classification. The motion was
carried by a majority.
EAGLE ESTATES SUBDIVISION - File No. 70-23 The Chairman declared the public
hearing open and directed the Secretary to check the file and determine if it
was in order. The file was in order. Correspondence was read from the public.
The Public Utility District #1 of Franklin County, stated they had no objec-
tion to the proposed subdivision. They further stated that the subdivision
would be served underground and that primary and secondary conductors would be
located in the street right-of-way. Further, padmount transformers would be
located on easements on the front of the lot. They also emphasized that P.U.D.
plans to provide underground services to this plat, therefore, covenances
requiring all utility lines and services to be underground must be provided by
the developer. Another letter was read by the Secretary from the Benton-Franklin
District Health Department. The Health Department recommended approval of the
preliminary plat providing that the City of Pasco water and sewage disposal
systems would be utilized. There was no further correspondence, either written
or verbal. The Secretary then located the proposed mobile home subdivision on
the map and explained the lot width and depth. Vice-Chairman Olson, then,
requested those present to speak in favor of the Mobile Home Subdivision.
Mr. John M. Keltch, Road 28 & West 'A' Street, Pasco, Washington, spoke and
explained to the Planning Commission that the lots would be approximately 63
feet in width and approximately 118 feet in depth with a 10 foot easement along
the perimeter of the subdivision. No one else present spoke in favor of the
Mobile Home Subdivision. The Chairman, then, asked if there was anyone present
in the audience who wished to speak in opposition to the proposed Mobile Home
Subdivision. There being no one present, the Chairman declared the public
hearing closed. Discussion was opened among the Planning Commission members.
Mr. Matson was concerned with the dedication of a portion of the property for
park or open spaces. Mr. Keltch explained that there were no present plans for
a park in the proposed subdivision. Mr. Chuck Keltch, suggested to the Planning
Commission that there was Corp of Engineer property south of the proposed
Mobile Home Subdivision, which might possibly be utilized as a park site. The
Secretary explained that he was unaware that the Corp owned property in the
vicinity, but a letter could be written to get a determination from the Corp
to decide whether the land could be utilized for a park site or not. Mr. Matson
made the motion to approve the plans for the preliminary plat of the Eagle
Estates Subdivision, providing recreational facilities are incorporated. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Jackson and was carried unanimously.
HULSWIT ZONE CHANGE - File No. 70-24 Vice-Chairman Olson declared the public
hearing open and directed the Secretary to check the file and determine that it
was in order. The file was in order. There was no correspondence either in
opposition or in favor of the proposed zone change. The Secretary, then, ex-
plained to the Planning Commission the reasoning behind Dr. Hulswit's request
for zone reclassification from Residential R-1 to Commercial C-1. Vice-Chairman
Olson, then, asked for anyone present to speak in favor of the zone reclass-
ification. There being no one present, Vice-Chairman Olson, then, called for
those in opposition to the zone change to speak. There being no one in oppo-
sition, discussion was opened among the Planning Commission members. After
considerable discussion, the Planning Commission members were in consensus
that the property should be zoned as R-3 but have no higher zone classifi-
cation. Mrs. Hart moved and Mr. Lincoln seconded the motion to continue
the hearing on the Hulswit Zone Reclassification from Residential R-1 to
Commercial C-1 on the July 9, 1970, regular Planning Commission meeting.
The motion was approved by majority.
The Planning Commission agreed that a workshop meeting should be set for
7:00 Thursday, June 18, 1970, to consider the change in the Comprehensive
Plan along Sylvester Street and Chase Avenue.
Mr. James McCurry, Building Inspector, City of Pasco, presented the Comm-
ission with the Six-Year Street Construction Program. He stated that the
City Engineer, Mrs. Sandra R. Stanley, requested comments from the Commission.
He further explained that the Engineer stated that a definite recommendation
to approve the Six-Year Street Construction Program was not necessary, but
she did request their comments and recommendations. Mr. McCurry further
explained that their comments and recommendations should reach the City Eng-
ineers office prior to June 16, 1970.
The Secretary explained the location of the alley vacation to the Planning
Commission members, of the proposed East-West Alley Vacation between Chestnut
and Walnut Streets. The Secretary, also, read the petition signed by three
of the property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Pierce, 820 S. Chestnut,
Mr, and Mrs. Merle W. Baker, 819 S. Walnut, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lund, 816
S. Chestnut. The Secretary, also, read a letter from the City Engineer and
Director of the Department of Community Development, Mrs. Sandra R. Stanley,
which stated the staff is also in agreement that the alley running east and
west between Walnut and Chestnut Avenue and A & B Streets, located in Block 2,
Owen's Addition to the City of Pasco, should be vacated, providing Northwest
Bell Telephone Company and the Franklin County P.U.D. ill, can retain a utility
easement which will allow access for maintenance and repair. A letter from
the Pacific Northwest Bell Company was also read. It stated, that they have
an existing aerial plant in that alley which was established about 1946. The
Telephone Company also stated that they have no objection to the closure,
providing they are awarded utility easement, which would allow access for
maintenance and repair. The Secretary explained that there was no further
correspondence either in favor or against the proposed alley vacation. After
considerable discussion, the motion was made by Mr. Nelson and seconded by
Mr. Jackson to recommend approval of the closure based upon the Engineer's
recommendation. The motion was approved unanimously.
The Secretary explained to the Planning Commission the location of the pro-
posed street vacation and, also, read a letter from the City Engineer, Mrs.
Sandra R. Stanley. The letter stated that the Engineering staff of the City
of Pasco is in agreement that the Pueblo Street running east and west between
north Main Street and north Oregon Street should be vacated. That portion
of Pueblo Street to be vacated lies entirely between Block 27 and Block 30
of Frey's Addition to Pasco. The Secretary explained that he had no further
correspondence either in favor or in opposition to the proposed Pueblo Street
Vacation. After discussion by the Planning Commission members, Mr. Matson
made the motion which was seconded by Mr. Nelson, to recommend approval to
the City Council of the Pueblo Street Vacation. The motion was approved
The Secretary explained to the Planning Commission that the colors on the
old zoning map were difficult to interpret because of the likeness in color.
He further stated that five new zoning maps have been recolored and all new
zoning maps have an additional provision for a new zone classification,
entitled R-4, which is a zone for mobile home subdivisions. After discussion,
the Planning Commission recommended approval to the City Council of the change
of color code to the City of Pasco Zoning Map.
The Secretary read a letter to the Planning Commission dated May 14, 1970,
from Mr. Roger Scott, Planner, Benton-Franklin County Community Action Comm-
ittee, Pasco, Washington, requesting the Planning Commission give a determi-
nation as to whether or not the proposed Neighborhood Facility to be located
between Richland Park and the Housing project is in conformity with the
Comprehensive Plan of the City of Pasco. The Secretary also read a letter in
answer to Mr. Scott's letter. The Planning Commission recommended the Chair-
man sign the letter, providing that the correction be made on the second page,
striking: "a recommendation of the City Planning Commission was made to the
City Council to approve the Central Business District Study done by Pence
and Stanley_ & Associates in January 1970."
The Secretary read a letter addressed to Mr. David Squires, Chairman of the
City of Pasco Board of Adjustment, stating that at the regular meeting of May 14,
1970, the City Planning Commission passed a unanimous motion directing the Sec-
retary to the City Planning Commission to write a letter to the Board of Ad-
justment expressing their protest to the Board for approval of the Fricke Fence
Variance. The Commission felt that by granting the variance, a presidence was
set which would allow an individual to construct a fence in violation of the
fence and side screen regulations in other areas of the City. The Commission,
further, expressed that they hoped decisions in the nature of the Fricke Fence
Variance will be averted in the future. It was unanimous consensus that the
letter be sent to the Chairman of the Pasco Board of Adjustment.
The Secretary explained that the City Council did Iapprove a change in the
Comprehensive Plan. The land use designation from average density residential
to commercial was changed for the boundary described as follows:
Beginning at the center of the intersection of Salt Lake
and Oregon Streets, thence easterly along the center line
of Salt Lake Street to the center of the alley of BLOCK 14,
Frey's Addition to the City of Pasco, as recorded in Volume
B, Page 16, Book of Plats, Franklin County, thence southerly
to the center line of Duluth Street, thence easterly along
the center line of Duluth Street to the center of the inter-
section of Duluth and California Street, thence southerly
along the center line of California Street to the center of
the intersection of California and Spokane Street, thence
westerly to the center line of the alley of Block 143, Pasco
Land Company's First Addition to the City of Pasco as recorded
in Volume B, Page 39, Book of Plats, Franklin County, thence
southerly along the centerline of said Block 143, 144, 145, 146,
147, all in Pasco's Land Company's First Addition to the City
of Pasco, Block 7, Long's First Addition to the City of Pasco
as recorded in Volume B. Page 30, Book of Plats, Franklin
County, to the center line of Clark Street, thence westerly
along the center line of Clark Street to the intersection with
the northerly extension of the west line of Ludwig's Artesian
Well Tract, Long's First Addition to the City of Pasco, as
recorded in Volume B, Page 30, Book of Plats, Franklin County,
thence southerly along the said westerly boundary, to the center
of the east-west alley, Block 5, of said Addition, thence
westerly along the center line of said alley to the center of
Oregon Street, thence northerly along the center line of Oregon
Street to the point of intersection with Salt Lake Street, which
is the point of beginning.
The existing land use designation from average density residential to high
density residential was changed for the boundary described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Salt Lake Street and the
north-south alley of Block 14, Pasco Land Company's First
Addition to the City of Pasco, as recorded in Volume B, Page
39, Book of Plats, Franklin County, thence easterly along
the Center line of Salt Lake Street to the east line of
Section 20, T9N, R30E, W.M. , thence southerly along said
east Section line and the east line of Section 29, T9N, R30E
(also being the center line of Wehe Street), to the center
line of Alvina Street, thence easterly to Franklin Street,
thence southerly along Franklin Street to the center of inter-
section with the center line of Clark Street, thence westerly
along the center line of Clark Street to the intersection
with the north-south alley of Block 7, Long's Addition to the
City of Pasco, as recorded in Volume B, Page 30, Book of Plats,
Franklin County, thence northerly along said north-south alley
and Blocks 147, 146, 145, 144, 143 Pasco Land Company's First
Addition to the City of Pasco as recorded in Volume B, Page 39,
Book of Plats, Franklin County, to the intersection with Spokane
Street, thence easterly along the center line of Spokane Street
to the intersection with California Street, thence northerly
along the center line of California Street to the intersection
with Duluth Street, thence westerly along the center line of
Duluth Street to the intersection with the north-south alley
of Block 14, Frey's Addition to the City of Pasco, as recorded
in Volume B, Page 16, Book of Plats, Franklin County, thence
northerly along said north-south alley to its intersection
with Salt Lake Street being the point of beginning.
unanimously approved of the amendments to resolution #1, Rules of Procedure
for the City Planning Commission, of the City of Pasco, providing that the last
sentence of Section 11, be changed to ex-officio members of the Commission
have a vote, instead of the Ex-official members of the Commission shall have
a vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
0. D. Villines
Acting Secretary
y City Planning Commission
Pasco, Washington
Regular Meeting July 9, 1970
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The Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
July 9, 1970, at the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Robert Lovelace - Chairman Ethel Sylvester
Don Matson G.E. Carter
Bonnie Hart Barbara Olson - Vice Chairman
Del Lincoln
Ralph Oakley
Tom Jackson
Stuart Nelson
A.J. Tate
Also present were: O.D. Villines, Acting Secretary, Mr. James McCurry,
Building Inspector, Mr. Howard Johnston, Building Inspector, Mrs. Sandra
Stanley, Director Department of Community Development, Mr. Williams,
Engineering Aid, Ben Rea, Benton-Franklin Governmental Conference.
Minutes of the regular meeting held June 11, 1970, were approved as
declared the Public Hearing opened and directed the Secretary to check
the file to determine if it was in order. The file was in order. The
secretary described the location of the platt and explained to the
Planning Commission that the final platt procedures established in the sub-
division ordinance of the City of Pasco were met. The Secretary further
explained that he had received one letter from Mr. John M. Keltch, Box
2038, Pasco, Washington. The letter stated as follows: "we have set
aside lot #11 to be used as a Playground Park, if and when the City can
acquire government ground south of A Street. We will develop that park
in exchange for return of lot #11. Our help would include leveling,
seeding and planting of trees." There was no further correspondence
either in favor or opposition to the final platt of the Eagle Estates
Subdivision. The Chairman then asked for those present to speak in
favor of the Final Platt. Mr. John Sawyer, Sawyers Realty, Pasco,
Washington, spoke in favor of the subdivision. He stated there was an
extreme need for this type of development in the City. He also stated
that Mr. Keltch was probably two years ahead of time in preparing for
this type of development. The Chairman then asked for those present
to speak in opposition to the Final Platt. There was no one present that
spoke in opposition. Chairman Lovelace then declared the Public Hearing
closed. Discussion was open among the Planning Commission members. The
surveyor was directed to change the name of the street in the subdivision
from Road 25 to 25th Avenue. Mr. Oakley moved and Mr. Jackson seconded
the motion to approved the Final Platt on the Eagle Estates Subdivision.
The motion was carried unamiously.
HULSWIT ZONE CHANGE-File No. 70-24 The Secretary was directed to
check the file to determine if it was in order. The file was in
order. The Secretary explained that Dr. Hulswit was requesting a
zone reclassification from Residential R-1 to Commercial C-1 located
at 1514 Sylvester Street, Pasco, Washington. The Secretary further
explained the Dr. Hulswit's application was before the Planning
Commission on June 11, 1970. A motion was passed at that time to
postpone the action on the Hulswit Zone Change until July 9, 1970, in
order to have a representative or Dr. Hulswit himself present at the
meeting. The Secretary further explained that he had received no
correspondence in favor or in opposition to the proposed zone
reclassification. The Secretary stated that he had received one
telephone call from Dr. Hulswit, who explained that' if the C-1 request
was not approved he would accept an R-3 zoning reclassification. The
Chairman declared the Public Hearing open and asked for those present
in the audience to speak in favor of the zone change request from
Residential R-1 to Commercial C-1. Mr. John Sawyer, Sawyers Realty,
Pasco, Washington, spoke in favor of the proposed zone change. He
stated that Dr. Hulswit would be remodeling the existing residence
located at 1514 Sylvester Street, and would be improving the building
by about 12,000 dollars by remodeling. Dr. Hulswit was also present
and spoke in favor of the proposed zone change. He stated that he
would accept an R-3 zoning reclassification at this location. There
being no one else present to speak in favor of the proposed zone
change the Chairman then asked for those in opposition to the zone
change to speak. There being no one present, the Chairman declared the
Public Hearing closed. Discussion was open among the Planning
Commission members. After a considerable discussion, Mr. Nelson moved
and Mr. Jackson seconded to approve the zone reclassification from
Residential R-1 to Residential R-3. The motion was carried unamiously.
NETTLESHIP ZONE CHANGE-File No. 70-28 The Secretary was directed to
check the file to determine if it was in order. The file was in order.
The Secretary further explained that Mr. Nettleship was requesting a
zone reclassification from Residential R-1 to Residentieal R-3 on the
property directly north of the Robert Frost School and Hillcrest
Nursing Home, but south of the 410 Bypass Highway. The Secretary also
explained that Mr. Nettleship has plans of immediate development of
54 one, two, and three bedroom units of 236 rent supplement apartment
housing. The Secretary presented the Planning Commission plot plans
and typical floor plans for the 54 unit apartment complex. The Chairman
then declared the Public Hearing open and asked for those present in
the audience to speak. Mr. Arnie Nebble, of Sherwood and Roberts Realty,
spoke in favor of the proposed zone change. He stated that there was
a need for additional housing in the area for college students. He
further stated that it would assist the community as far as providing
more housing to accomodate the increase in the student enrollment at the
college. No one else was present to speak in favor of the proposed
zone change. The Chairman then asked for those present to speak in
opposition to the zone change. There was no one present who spoke in
opposition. The Chairman then declared the Public Hearing closed and
opened discussion among the Planning Commission members. Mr. Lincoln
questioned Mr. Nebble concerning access to the proposed development. Mr.
Nebble stated that they were considering reopening vacated Jay Street.
He also stated that they have permission from the Mormon Church who
will give up 30 feet of the vacated Jay Street, as well as Jack Nettleship,
who will give up 30 feet to allow for a sixty foot street at this location.
Mr. Matson stated that it has been a policy of the Planning Commission to
revert the zoning back to R-1 if development does not occur within one year.
i Mr. Nelson moved to approve the Nettleship Zone reclassification from
Residential R-1 to Residential R-3, providing that development does occur
in one year. Mr. Matson seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
was directed to check the file and determine if it was in order. The file
was in order. The Secretary explained that the Planning Commission was
considering the change in the Comprehensive Plan from average density
residential to high density residential on the north and the south half of
the block bordering Sylvester Street between Chase Avenue and Adams Avenue.
The Secretary further explained he had received no correspondence in favor
or in opposition to the proposed change to the Comprehensive Plan other
than a personal contact by Mrs. Avery Castiel, 1727 West Sylvester, who
expressed that she was in favor of the proposed change in the Comprehensive
Plan. She further stated that she would like to see the vacant property on
the north and the south half of the block bordering Sylvester Street be
developed. The Chairman then declared the Public Hearing open and asked
for those present to speak in favor of the proposed change in the Comprehensive
Plan. Mr. John Sawyers, Sawyers Realty, Pasco, Washington, was present and did
speak in favor of the change of zoning to the Comprehensive Plan. He stated
that there was a need for more high density residential property in the City
of Pasco. Mr. Harry H. Moore, Fowler Realty, was also present and spoke
in favor of the proposed change in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Moore
expressed that high density residential, R-3, zoning of the City of Pasco,
was misleading. He stated that there should be a zone between the high
} density residential and commercial. Mrs. Stanley stated that other cities
in the State of Washington did have a Business Zone, which would allow
certain businesses in the zone that were not allowed in the high density
residential zone. There being no one else present to speak in favor of
the propsed change to the Comprehensive Plan, the Chairman asked for anyone
present to speak in opposition to the change in the Comprehensive Plan.
There being no one present, the Chairman declared the Public Hearing closed,
and opened discussion among the Planning Commission members. It was the
concensus of the Planning Commission that the suggestion by Mrs. Stanley,
concerning a business zone between the residential R-3 (high density
residential) and commercial should be considered for inclusion in the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Pasco. The motion was made by Mr. Matson
and seconded by Mr. Jackson to recommend to the Council the change in the
Comprehensive Plan from average density residential to high density
residential on the north and south half of the block boarding Sylvester
Street between Chase and Adams Avenues. The motion was carried unanimously.
KNANESTER FENCE VARIANCE-File No 70-21 The Secretary was directed to
check the file to determine if it was in order. The file was in order.
The Secretary read a letter from Hazel Knanester, of 2003 and 2007 North
Hickory, stating they wished to construct a six foot high fence from the
rear corner to the front corner of their house, in accordance with Section
6-6 or Ordinance 1203. The Secretary stated that the Planning Commission
had the authority to grant such a variance under this section of the Zoning
Ordinance. A letter was also read from Mr. George Stork of 1723 West
Marie Street, stating that he had no objection to Mr. & Mrs. John Knanester
j of 2003 and 2007 North Hickory, erecting a six foot fence between their
property and the property that Mr. Stork owns at 935 West Liola Street.
The Secretary then presented the Planning Commission a sketch of the
proposed fence and its location. After considerable discussion by the
Planning Commission, Mr. Nelson moved and Mr. Tate seconded to approve
the erection of a six foot fence between the rear portion of the house
and the front portion of the house located at 2003 and 2007 North Hickory
Street. The motion was carried unanimously.
SCHOR FENCE VARIANCE-File No. 70-27 The Secretary was directed by the
Chairman to determine if the file was in order. The file was in order.
A letter was read from Mr. & Mrs. Al Schor, 1011 West Park Street, stating
that they wished to construct a five foot high fence from the front corner
to the rear corner of their home, and continue with a six foot high fence
from the rear corner of their home to the rear of their property in
accordance with Section 6-6,Ordinance 1203. A letter was also read from
Mr. & Mrs. Helen Schouviller, of 4013 West Nixon, Pasco, Washington, stating
that she granted permission to Mr. & Mrs. Al Schor to construct a five and
six foot fence between his property and the property that they owned at
4013 West Nixon Street. The Secretary also presented the Planning
Commission with a sketch of the proposed fence construction and stated that
the Planning Commission had the authority under Section 6-6, Ordinance
1203 to allow a six foot fence between the front portion of the house to
the rear portion of the house. After considerable discussion by the
Planning Commission, Mr. Oakley moved, and Mr. Jackson seconded, to approve
the erection of the five foot fence between the rear portion of the house
to the front portion of the house, and from the side fence to the front
portion of the house, located at 1011 West Park Street. The motion was
carried unamiously.
APPLICANTS A motion was made by Mr. Matson and seconded by Mrs. Hart
not to consider any application for a zone change request or a petition
for a fence variance by the Planning Commission if the applicant or a
delegated representative was not present at the City Planning Commission
meeting. The motion was approved by a majority.
explained that at their workshop meeting on June 18, 1970, the City
Planning Commission directed him to write a letter to the Washington State
Water Pollution Control Commission, expressing the Planning Commission's
objection to the water discharge permit application number 3285 by Mr.
Charlie Cox Potato Farms, 1315 First Avenue, Pasco, Washington. The letter
stated as follows: "At a Workshop Meeting on June 18, 1970, the City
Planning Commission directed me to write a letter protesting Mr. Charlie
Cox's application for a permit to discharge industrial waste waster into the
ground at the approximate location of 1315 North First Avenue, Franklin
County, Washington. The Planning Commission has, on a number of occassions,
received numerous complaints regarding odors originating from potato debris
and potato wash water at the above named location, and from other potato
plants in the area. Having consulted with the City Engineer, Mrs. Sandra
R. Stanley, also the Director of the Department of Community Development
for the City of Pasco, we believe that a washwater lagoon is not the most
effective way of handling potato washwater. A recommendation was made
by the City Planning Commission that Mr. Cox make proper connection to
municipal sewage systems."
SIGN ORDINANCE-File No. 70-6 Mr, Matson moved and Mr. Lincoln seconded
the motion to continue the hearing on the Sign Ordinance File Number
70-6 until Thursday, July 16, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. The motion was carried
unanimously. It was the concensus of the Planning Commission that the
Secretary was to mail copies of all letters received from the various
sign companies, gas and oil companies, and businessmen, to them prior
to the sign hearing on July 16, 1970,
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
O.D. Villines
Acting Secretary
City Planning Commission
Pasco, Washington
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The continuation of the Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission
held on Thursday, July 9, 1970, was scheduled and held on Thursday, July
16, 1970, at the Pasco City Hall, at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Robert Lovelace - Chairman G.E. Carter
Barbara Olson - Vice Chairman Ethel Sylvester
Don Matson Del Lincoln
Bonnie Hart
Ralph Oakley
Tom Jackson
Stuart Nelson
A.J. Tate
Also present were: O.D. Villines, Acting Secretary; Mrs. Sandra Stanley,
City Engineer and Director of the Department of Community Development; Mr.
James McCurry, Building Inspector; Mr. E.A. Snider, Building Inspector; and
Mr. Harold Johnston, Building Inspector.
CITY SIGN ORDINANCE - File No. 70-6 The Chairman declared the Public Hearing
opened and directed the Secretary to check the file to determine if it was
in order. The file was in order. The Chairman explained that the reason
for this hearing was to get the opinion and concern of the businessmen and
sign companies concerning the proposed sign ordinance. The Chairman then
called for those present to speak in favor of the proposed sign ordinance.
There being no one present who spoke in favor of the ordinance, the Chairman
called for those present to speak in opposition to the sign ordinance.
SIZE OF SIGN IN C-1 ZONE Mr. Howard Young, representing Young's of Pasco,
was concerned with why a new sign ordinance was needed. He stated that if the
existing sign ordinance was amended to some extent, we would not have the problem
that we are facing tonight. He also expressed that the size of the sign in a
C-1 zone was to small. He explained that five years ago when the existing sign
ordinance was being written, considerable effort was expended by all entities
concerned, including the City, in arriving at a workable, livable sign ordinance.
Mr. Young felt that the existing sign ordinance was good, all that was needed
were a few amendments. Mr. Al Levitt, representing the Greater Pasco Business-
men's Association, stated that he was in favor of the proposed sign ordinance
and especially in favor of the Board of Appeals Section to the Ordinance.
Mr. Dick Wallingford, representing Heath Northwest, Inc. , expressed to the
Planning Commission that the esthetics of a sign can't be controlled by the
size of the sign. He felt that the 60 foot limitation should be dropped, and
the size of the sign in a C-1 zone should be increased from the 60 square
feet that is proposed. He further stated that the Planning Commission should
be concerned with the esthetics of the sign, not the size of the sign.
Mr. Fred Robertson, Top Hat Cafe, expressed that he was in agreement with
Mr. Young's comments. He also questioned the Planning Commission concerning
why a new ordinance was necessary. Mr. Perry Clark, Dwinell's Central Neon,
stated that the 60 square foot limitation was to small for a sign in a C-1
zone. He felt that this should be dropped, and the square footage of a sign
should exceed 60 square feet. He further stated that oil companies have national
standardized signs which exceed 60 square feet. He further stated that if
a new ordinance were passed, 89 signs that Dwinell's Central Neon have up
would not comply with the proposed sign ordinance in the City of Pasco.
HEIGHT OF FREE STANDING SIGNS Terry Robertson stated that the proposed
ordinance does not encourage new business or encourage an individual to
improve his business in the City of Pasco. He stated that a new ordinance
would discourage businessmen and new business coming into the City of
Pasco. He stated that the businessmen should not be hurt by the proposed
ordinance. He suggested that the City devise a workable ordinance which would
encourage new business in the City of Pasco. Mr. Harold Young further stated
that the Planning Commission was opening up a can of worms by considering a
new ordinance when actually an amendment to the existing ordinance is all
that would be necessary. Mr. Dick Wallingford, Heath Northwest, Inc. , stated
that the 50 foot limitation of the height of the sign might be to restrictive,
and he proposed a 65 foot height of a sign. He stated that 65 feet would
not be detrimental to the City, if they were adequately spaced. Mr. Perry
Clark, Dwinell's Central Neon, stated that there should be no limitation on
the height of a sign unless it was unsafe. He further stated that no sign should
be installed over 50 feet unless engineering and architectrial specifications
were submitted along with the plans of the sign. Mr. Dick Mankie, Pence and
Stanley & Associates, questioned Mr. Clark, concerning whether their company
installed signs 50 feet in height, without engineering and architectrial designs.
Mr. Clark stated that all major signs installed by the Dwinell's Central Neon
were engineered. Mr. Al Levitt, representing the Greater Pasco Businessmen's
Association, stated that in large metropolitan area signs exceeding 50 feet in
height should possibly be considered, but not in the City of Pasco. Mr. Dick
German stated that the Enco Station at the approximate location of Court Street
} and the U.S. 12 Bypass had considered installing a 65' flashing light type
sign which would have possibly been distractful to the residents in the area.
The County backed the City of Pasco in keeping the height of the sign down to
50 feet. Mr. Grosbeier, representing the Greater Pasco Businessmen's Association,
stated that there should definitly be a standard height limitation of signs.
He further stated that if the new ordinance were approved with a 65' height sign
limitation it would be unfair to people who had complied with the existing
sign ordinance. Mr. Perry Clark, Dwinell's Central Neon, further stated that the
Federal Aviation Administration regulates the height of some signs in the City of
Pasco. There was a question from the Planning Commission concerning the height
limitation of a sign regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration. Mr. Clark
stated that it was 50 feet in some areas of the City.
FLUSH MOUNTED SIGNS Rick Parkey, representing the Columbia Basin Outdoor
Advertising Company, Pasco, Washington, stated that he wished to go on record
as indorsing the existing sign ordinance. Mr. Harold Young, representing Young's
of Pasco, stated that he was in favor of amending the existing ordinance. Mr.
Matson, Planning Commission Member, questioned Mr. Grosbeier representing the
Greater Pasco Businessmen's Association, concerning the percentage of Pasco's
businessmen who were members of the Greater Pasco Businessmen's Association.
Mr. Grosbeier stated that approximately 85 per cent of the businessmen in the
City of Pasco were in favor of the Greater Pasco Businessmen's Association
recommendation to the City Council, and to the City Planning Commission. Mr.
Harold Young, Young's of Pasco, stated that he thinks Article 13 should be
changed to include a time limit which would require an individual to come into
conformance with the proposed sign ordinance. He stated that there should not
be a Grandfather Clause, which would allow a distractful sign to remain standing
until infinity. Mr. Richard German, Planning Liason Aid Franklin County,
Washington, stated that the size of the sign and the zone should be
regulated in relationship to the land use of that zone. Mr. Perry Clark,
J representing Dwinell's Central Neon, stated that he would like to go on
record as indorsing the existing sign ordinance, and making amendments, but
not adopting a new sign ordinance.
OFF PREMISE SIGNS Mrs. Sandra Stanley, City Engineer and Director of the
Department of Community Development stated that a section should be inserted
in the proposed sign ordinance which would allow for off premise signs.
She further stated that off premise signs should go to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a determination as to whether they are needed for the betterment
of the business and to direct traffic to that business. She stated one
example is the Sage and Sun Motel. . When the State Highway moved, the Sage
and Sun Motel would have been out of business if they did not have an off
premise sign directing traffic to their business. Mr. Wallingsford, represent-
ing Heath Northwest, Inc. , stated that off premise sigrjs should be allowed, in
addition to directional signs. There being no further discussion, concerning
the proposed sign ordinance, Mr. Matson moved, and Mr. Tate seconded, to set
a workshop meeting for 7:00 P.M. Thursday, July 23, 1970. The motion was carried
ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Mr. Matson, and seconded by Mrs. Bonnie
Hart, to adjourn. The motion was approved unamiously. The meeting was
adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Acting Secretary
City Planning Commission
Pasco, Washington
REGULAR MEETING August 13, 1970
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The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
August 13, 1970, at the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Robert Lovelace - Chairman Don Matson
Barbara Olson - Vice Chairman Ralph Oakley
Bonnie Hart G.E. Carter
Tom Jackson Ethel Sylvester
Del Lincoln A.J. Tate
Stuart Nelson
Also present were: Ben D. Rea, Secretary; Mrs. Sandra Stanley, Director,
Department of Community Development.
Minutes of the meeting held July 9 and 16, 1970, were approved as written.
Chairman read the petition signed by four of the property owners, Virgil
L. Layton, 820 S. Walnut; Mary S. Bozlee, 819 Myrtle, Ellen M. Dahl,
815 S. Myrtle; and Roger D. Besack, 205 E. 3rd, Kennewick, Washington.
The Chairman also read a letter from the City Engineer, and Director of
Department of Community Development, Mrs. Sandra R. Stanley, which stated
that the staff was in agreement with the vacation of the alley running
east and west between Walnut and Myrtle Streets, and A and B Streets,
located in Block 3, Owen's Addition, City of Pasco. She believes that it
should be vacated, providing Northwest Bell Telephone, and the Franklin
County P.U.D. #1 can retain the utility easement which would allow for
access for maintenance and repair. A motion was made by Mrs. Barbara
Olson, and seconded by Mr. Stuart Nelson, to recommend approval of the
vacation based on the Engineers recommendation. The motion was unanimously
of the Department of Community Development, Pasco, Washington, explained
that this was an informational item, and that there was no rush in considering
any proposal to the City Council on the undergrounding ordinances. The
Commissioners should read and be familiar with these, and have any meaningful
comments for future meetings. Mrs. Stanley also explained that there was
very possibly be a meeting in September of the City Council meeting with
the traffic engineer of the City of Renton concerning Renton.'s underground
ordinance. It was generally agreeded to wait for the joint meeting with
the City Council on the undergrounding ordinances.
SIGN ORDINANCE-File No. 70-6 The Secretary presented the Commission with
the suggested additions to the proposed sign ordinance. Mr. Stuart Nelson
commented that the sign ordinance was not to put any companies out of
business. He further commented that we should put billboards on highways,
and that we should define the downtown section, which no billboards are
allowed in this downtown section. Mr. Perry Clark, Dwinell's Neon, commented
that we should restrict signs in the C-1 zone, but not C-2. Mrs. Barbara Olson,
commented that we should recommend adoption of the sign ordinances with
proposed revisions to the City Council. Mr. Struart Nelson disagreed. Mr.
Nelson commented that we should not hurt business, but should beautify the
City. Mr. Perry Clark, Dwinell's commented that the variance on all
permanent signs should be up to 350 sq. ft. , not 200 sq, ft. as presently
suggested, on off premise signs. Mr. Smith, Heath Company, commented
that we should not restrict the Board of Adjustment on variances allowed.
Mr. Smith further commented that we could not forsee all circumstances in
the future, and therefore, should not put restrictions on the Board of
Adjustment. Mr. Charles Grigg commented that the proposed ordinance as
suggested, would cost him a large amount of money, but he was in favor of
this, because it would make a nicer city in appearance. He further commended
the Commission on many hours of work and time put into the ordinance. Mr.
Young also commented on the wonderful job that the City Planning Commission
had done in considering this ordinance, but that we should have some control
on what can happen in the Board of Adjustment. A suggestion was made to limit
billboards to the major arterials in the City, and these arterials should be
named. Mr. Stuart Nelson made a motion to exclude billboards from 12th to
Tacoma; Bonneville to A. This is to be the CBD. The motion died for lack of
second. Mrs. Barbara Olson made a motion to recommend, to the Council, the
proposed ordinance with the suggested changes. Tom Jackson seconded.
ELECTION FOR SECRETARY The Chairman called for nominations for the position
for Secretary. Mr. Robert Lovelace nominated Ben D. Rea, Assitant Planner,
City of Pasco. Mrs. Barbara Olson seconded. The motion unanimously carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Ben D. Rea
City Planning Commission
City of Pasco, Washington
Regular Meeting September 10, 1970
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on September 10,
1970, at the Pasco City Hall, at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Robert Lovelace, Chairman G.E. Carter
Barbara Olson, Vice-Chairman A.S. Tate
Bonnie Hart Del Lincoln
Tom Jackson
Donald Matson
Stewart Nelson
Ralph Oakley
Ethel Sylvester
Also Present: Ben D. Rea, Secretary, Pasco Planning Commission; Mrs. Sandra
R. Stanley, Director, Department of Community Development.
The minutes of the regular meeting held August 13, 1970, were approved as
Sign Ordinance - File No. 70-6 Mrs. Stanley presented the revised proposed
ordinance. This revised ordinance was slightly different than the one which
was presented and recommended to the City Council at the last Planning
Commission Meeting. The changes in most part were merely editorial changes,
but needed confirmation from the Planning Commission. These changes were
presented and considered. Mr. Donald Matson moved that we accept the revised
proposed ordinance. Mr. Tom Jackson seconded. The vote was 7-1, opposing
vote coming from Mr. Stuart Nelson.
Landing Field Zone Mrs. Sandra Stanley further commented that probably in the
next meeting there would be a proposed airport landing zone. This ordinance is
necessary for the Port of Pasco to further expand the Tri-City Airport.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ben D. Rea
City Planning Commission
Pasco, Washington
Regular Meeting October 8, 1970
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The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
October 8, 1970, at the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Members Absent:
Barbara Olson, Vice-Chairman Robert Lovelace, Chairman
Bonnie Hart G.E. Carter
Thomas B. Jackson Ralph, D. Oakley
Del Lincoln Ethel Sylvester
Stewart Nelson A.J. Tate
Donald Matson
Also Present: Ben D. Rea, Secretary
Minutes of the meeting held September 10, 1970 were approved as written.
Gifford-Hill Zone Change - File No, 70-34 The Vice-Chairman declared the
Public Hearing open. The Secretary checked the file and it was determined
to be in order. The Secretary pointed out the property in question on the
zoning map, and explained the proposed zone change. The Vice-Chairman then
asked if there was anyone present to speak for the proposed zone change.
Mr. Lawrence Whiteley, area manager, Gifford-Hill Company was present. He
explained his division of the company is an irrigation business. A business
with circular irrigation system. They hope to have plastic pipe in the
future. If the zone change is approved, this will be the operational north-
west headquarters for Gifford-Hill & Company. Mr. Donald Matson asked what
the immediate use of the land would be. Mr. Whiteley explained that at first
it would be sales and warehousing. If the sales in the Columbia Basin warrant,
manufacturing at a future date could be a possiblity. They are presently
anticipating using 10 of the 33 acres, but they want room to expand if
manufacturing at a future date becomes a necessity. Mrs. Barbara Olson asked
how many would be employed immediately. Mr. Whiteley explained not to many.
There was noone to speak in opposition. Mr. Stewart Nelson moved that the
Commission recommend to the City Council that the property be rezoned from
R-1 to I-1. Motion was seconded by Tom Jackson, and was carried by unanimous
Mr. Stewart Nelson moved that we recommend to the City Council the following
amendment of the Sign Ordinance. The amendments states that "off premise
directional sign may be permitted in a C-1 zone by the Board of Adjustment,
but in no instance shall the size of the off premise directional sign be 200
square feet in a C-1 Zone, or exceed this figure. A definition of an off
premise directional sign shall be "a sign indicating the distance and route to
J a business or service that is erected on a parcel other than that of the
business." This motion was seconded by Bonnie Hart. The motion carried
Petition Costs The Secretary suggested that the cost for a rezone petition
land a variance be raised. It was the Secretary's suggestion that the
petition for a change of zone be raised from $45.00 to $75.00, and that the
petition for variance be raised from $15.00 to $25.00. Mr. Donald Matson
recommended that the fee be raised to $60.00 on a petition for zone change
and left the same on a variance. Mr. Stewart Nelson seconded. The vote
carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ben D. Rea
City Planning Commission
Pasco, Washington
November 6, 1970
Dear Planning Commission Member:
The regular scheduled meeting of the Pasco Planning Commission
for the month of November, 1970, is cancelled.
This was to be held on November 12, 1970. The next scheduled
meeting will be December 10, 1970.
Sincerely yours,
134'M a OcL..
Ben D. Rea
City Planning Commission
Special Meeting December 16, 1970
The special meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on Wednesday,
December 16, 1970, at the Pasco City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members present: Members absent:
Robert Lovelace, Chairman G. E. Carter
Barbara Olson, Vice Chairman Bonnie Hart
Ethel Sylvester Thomas Jackson
A. J. Tate Ralph Oakley
Stuart Nelson Donald Matson
Del Lincoln
Also present, Ben D. Rea, Secretary
Minutes of the meeting held October 8, 1970 were approved as written.
New Business
R-1 Suburban Zone Ordinance Change File No. 70-43
The Commission was presented with a possible amendment of Section 2.3 and 2.5 of
Ordinance No. 1203. This is the R-1 Suburban Zone section. Mrs. Sandra Stanley,
Director of the Department of Community Development, explained that no land presently
within the City limits is zoned R-1 Suburban, and that with a few changes it would
become compatible with Franklin County's Suburban Zone. She further explained that
the present ordinance does not specifically allow the keeping of animals. The proposed
changes would specify the number of animals per acre allowed in accordance with the
existing zoning in Franklin County. The other change as presented would allow
nurseries and greenhouses by Special Permit in the R-1 Suburban Zone. Mrs . Stanley
further stated that most of the land in the proposed annexation area would be zoned
R-1 Suburban and these changes were needed to insure no hardship would be incurred
in the proposed annexed area. Mrs. Barbara Olson moved that we recommend to the
Council the proposed Ordinance that allows specific animal .units on specific acreage
and allows nurseries, green houses by Special Permit. Mr. Stuart Nelson seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Nettleship Plot Review File No. 70-28
e Secretary presented the Commission with a copy of the proposed development of the
Nettleship land in the Headlight Addition. The Secretary further explained that in
this plan Mr. Nettleship was to dedicate twenty feet of right of way on the southern
boundary of his land. This combined with the existing thirty feet of right of way
would make a fifty foot right of way from Road 22 to Road 24 on Jay Street. Mr. Del
Lincoln moved to accept a fifty foot right of way between Road 22 and Road 24 on
Jay Street instead of the sixty foot as previously stated by Mr. Nettleship. Mrs.
Barbara Olson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Sign Ordinance File No. 70-06
Del Lincoln moved that we recommend to the City Council an amendment to the Sign
Ordinance consisting of the following changes:
Page 2
Special Meeting December 16, 1970
1 . Rewording of:
Section 6.6 SPACING One freestanding sign may be placed and maintained
on any parcel that is 10,000 square feet or less. An additional freestanding
sign may be permitted on any parcel for each additional 15,000 square feet
or portion thereof.
Freestanding signs consisting of over 200 square feet shall not be placed
closer than 250 lineal feet to each other.
Public gasoline filling stations may have one additional freestanding sign
limited to 32 square feet, between the property line and pump line/or
building line.
2. Rewording of:
Section 14.6 (b) The total display area of all types of signs located in
any one parcel in a C-1 Zone shall not exceed 600 square feet, except in parcels
of 10,000 square feet or more, where the provisions of Section 14.12 (c) apply.
3. Rewording of:
Section 14.9 (b) The total display area of all types of signs located in any
one parcel shall not exceed 750 square feet or more, where the provisions of
Section 14.12 (c) apply.
Mrs . Barbara Olson seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ben D. Rea, Secretary
City Planning Commission