HomeMy WebLinkAboutILA - BI-PIN - Bi-County Police Information Network - Third Restated Interlocal e � 2021-039440 AGR 08123/2021 10:59;56 AM Pages: 14 Fme: $216.50 Kennewick City Clerk Benton County� Benton County Ruditor's OFfice �III l��1�LY��ih,I�b'�h I���iL�M�h4�f M��ti�4 M��Y4�h �I II I After Recording Return to: Kennewick City Clerk P.O. Box 6108 Kennewick, WA 99336 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND, WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act codified in RCW 39.34 allows public agencies to exercise their powers jointly, thereby maximizing their ability to provide setvices and facilities which will best fulfill the needs of the corrununity as a whole; and WHEREAS, the joint exercise of a regional criminal justice record and infornlation system promotes the deterrence and solution of criminal incidents by providing increased access to local incident and warrant infonnation,reducing the need for redundant data entry,iinproving the protection of criminal files against loss or destruction, and increasing the responsiveness of the respective la�v enforcement agencies through crime analysis and investigative support functions; and WHEREAS, the counties of Benton and Franklin, along with the cities of Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland first entered into an Interlocal Agreement in 1982 which created the BiCounty Police Information Network('BI-PIN"); �nd WHEREAS, the original BI-PIN Interlocal was amended in 1988, 1992, 1995, and 2003; and restated in 2009. WHEREAS, the restated BI-PIN Interlocal was restated again in 201 1 and amended in 2012; and WHEREAS,the Counties of Benton and Franklin and the Cities of Connell,Kenr►ewick, Pasco, Richland, West Richland, and Prosser, tlu-ough their respective law enforcement departments, desire to jointly utilize an expanded law enforceinent records management system to be operated by the Kennewick Information Technology Division; and BIPIN Interlocal A�reement 5/20�'2021 Page l of 14 WHEREAS, therefore the parties wish to resci�ld the existiug BI-PIN Interlocal and enter into this ihird restated agreement to clearly set forth existing and future obligations and objectives of the parties hereto, a�id to accouiit for possible �ie�� members a�ld the obli��atioiis that ���ould apply to ne�� t11Clllllel'S; NOW THEREFORF: BL� I"l' AGREED, in accordance with the provision�of RCW 39.34.030: Seetion 1 —Formation and Purpose of BI-PIN.The Counties of Benton and Franklin and the Cities of Con�iell, Kenne«ick, Pasco, Riehlaiid. West Richla�id and Prosser hereby establish the BiCou�lty Police Infornlation Network ("BI-PIN"). Benton County, Franklin County, Keii�iewick, Pasco a�id Richland are tl�e tive cliarter ageticies ("Charter Agencies") that have e�lhanced voting rights as set fortll in this agreement. In order to assist the participatiiig police and sheritfs departme�its in tl�e deterrence and sc�lution of criminal incidents, and in recognition of the high cost of technology and c�peration of information systems,the participating members are entering into this Interlocal agreement t�� continue to jointly utilize a common law enforcement and jail records mauagetuent system for the foll�win�puip�ses: • Increase access to local incident and «�ant/warrant infonuation. • Enhance the sharing of infonnation amoii�the criminal justice agencies. • Improve a��ailability of operational and management intonnation. • Pmvide for increased responsiveness to crime ailalysis and investigative support functions. • Reduce tlle need for reduiidant data ei�try and duplicate data t71es. • Provide for improved protection against loss or destruction ot�criminal inti�rmation tiles. Section 2—Or�anization of BI-PIN. In c�rder to pro��ide for the on-going administration of BI-PIN, the iollowing organizational structure is adopted tor the organization: 2.1 Ezecuti��e Committee. The Executive C ommittee is composed of the City Managers, Ciry Administrators, and County Administrators or their desig�iee, as appropriate, fmm each of�the member a�:encies and each shall be a voting member. A liaisan from the Bi-County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs and from Benton County Emergency Services shall be ex �f'ticio, non-voting members. .A chainnan shall be elected by the Executive Cc�mmittee and will serve a tive-year tenn with no limit as to the number of consecuti��e tive-year tenns that may be served. The Exerutive Committee ���ill nieet at least quarterly or moi•e often as required. 7'he conui�ittee��ill keep miilutes of its meetings,and copies of these minutes shall go to all members ��f the committee. It is the responsibility of the Executive Conuilittee to set policie5 regarding all aspects of BI-PIN a�tivities, approve contracts «�hich shall be signed by the chairman, re��iew the cost sharing methodolc��y set forth in Section�.3 annually as part ��f the bud�et,appm��e the proposed a�ulual budget and work program, set the cost recovery for ne��� B1-PIN members, and make tinal decisions on adopti�n �f software applications a»d minimum hardware requireluents for systems that are owned or operated by BI-PIN, or for systems ownecl by parties to this agreement that interface with B1-PIN. 2.2'I'echnical Committee. The technical committee is co�nposed of the Into►-matiun Systems Manager (or ecluivaleiit positioii) of each ��f� the BI-PIN mcmber agencies and Benton Cc�u�Ity Emergency BIPIN Intrrluc�il A�rccmcnt 5�2U 2U21 Pagc 2 uf 14 Ser��ices. The Operating Jurisdiction's IT Manager���ill chair the Technical Committee. The Technical Coinmittee will provide reconui�endations tllrough the Operating Jurisdictioil to the Executive Committee on teclu�ical decisions that affect the BI-PIN system. The Technical Committee will meet on an as-needed basis. 2.3 Bl-PIN User Change Control I3oard.The BI-PIN User Change Control Board shall be comprised of representatives of each law enforcement agency from member jurisdictions and a representative froiu Benton County Emergency Services. This Board shall be responsible for evaluating proposed system chailges, recommending software development priorities, actively partici�ating in system selection activities to procure the most appropri��te system to meet their respective requirements, and resolving any operational problems to ensure successful joint operation of the system. The IT Manager or delevate of the OperatinQ Jurisdiction shall chair this board. Section 3 — Operational Responsibilit��. The City of Kennewick shall be designated the BI-PIN Operating Jurisdiction. Tl�e Operating Jurisdiction is solely and completely responsible for operating BI-PIN. The rules, regulations and ordinances of the Operating Jurisdiction, unless other���ise specitically provided for, apply to BI-PIN at all times. Employees supporting BI-PIN are emp(oyees of the Operating Jurisdiction. Support perso�u�el for the BI-PIN system software shall be dedicated to the support of the BI-PIN system and any and all costs associated�vitfi those employees shall be borne by B[-PIN as a whole. The Operating Jurisdiction will provide all necessary support services for the operatioti of BI-PIN such as executiiig contracts on behalf of BI-PIN as approved by the Executive Coinmittee, accountiiig, legal services, risk management c111CI infonnation techrlology services. The Operating Jurisdiction is entitled to collect an overhead rate for the perfonnance of its duties, the cost of which shall be included in the BI-PIN Operating Budget. "I'he parties to this Inte�rlocal Agreement acknowledge that by eiitering into t}lis agreement tliey� autllorize the Operatiilg Jurisdiction and BI- PIN, acting through the Executive Conunittee, s�a-��to execute a separate Agreement defining the services and responsibilities of both parties. Section 4—O�cnership of Assets. O���nership interests in property, equipinent, or funds acquired by or throu`�h BI-PIN shall be shared by all member agencies in proportion to a 3-yr rolling average percentage allocation of each party'S COI1tClbUtlOI1S. BI-PIN is responsible for maintenance and upgrades for their software modules & supporting enviroiunent. BI-PIN is not respotisible for the maintenance and upgrade of BCES or any specific agency owned modules or interfaces. Section 5 — P�rticipation in BI-PIN. Recognizin� that BI-PIN member agencies benefit from the participation of all local jurisdictions, BI-PIN wants to promote and eneaurage inclusion of all agencies inte�rested in joining BI-PIN. To facilitate tllis effort, BI-PIN has adopted the following policies regardin� joining and membership of additional local agencies in the BI-PIN local Qovernmental agency: 5.1 Adding Members by Addendum. When the BI-PIN Executive Conunittee decides by majority vote to�rant men7bership to a iiew jurisdiction, the new member a�ency shall become a member of BI- PIN upon satisfaction of the buy-in and software/infrastructure obligations, and upon execution of an BIPIN Interlocal Agrccmcnt 5�20%?p21 Pa�c 3 of 14 addendum to this agreement signed by the Executive Conunittee Chair and the Mayor or Chairperson of the joining jurisdiction. 5.2 Membership Buy-In. • Participation in BI-PIN by new tnember agencies will require a tnajority vote by the BIPIN Executive Con�mittee. • Buy-in of inembership to the BI-PIN interlocal agency will be based on a per-capita fee. The fee will be set at$3.52 per capita beginning in 2020 and inflated using the Seattle CPI-U factor to increase the per capita fee to retlect the time value of money for any future buy-ins. • The BI-PIN Executive Committee will set minimum requirements for hardware and connectivity based on the reconunendations of the Technical Committee. Any system that interfaces with the BI-PIN system will require Technical Coinmittee review and appropriate recommendation to the Executive Comnlittee for final approval. • All hardware and connectivity costs associated �vith participation in BI-PIN will be born by the appropriate agency. 5.3 Operations Cost Sharing Formula. The fonnula for distribution of BI-PIN's operations costs will be distributed in the following method. � The total amount to be allocated annually will be determined by taking total Expenditures less any outside Revenue sources.Outside Revenue sources include Non-Member Fees and Interest Earnings. • Each member agency will be assessed an annual base fee of$10,000. The base contributions will be deducted from the remaining budget amount to be allocated. • The balance of the annual budget will be split 50/50 between law enforcement and jail management based on number of cases for law enforcetnent agencies and number of jail bookings for jail agencies. 5.4 Voting power of inember agencies. All matters to be decided by the Executive Committee shall be determined by simple majority of votes cast by member agei�cies present after a quorum is called; provided, however,any vote shall also require approval of at least four of the five Charter Agencies. A quorum requires a simple majority of inember agencies as well as 4 of the 5 Charter Agencies to be present. The five charter agencies are Benton County, Franklin County, Kennewick, Pasco and Richland. All five Charter Agencies are authorized to cast two votes each and all other member agencies are authorized to cast one vote each. Section 6— Withdrawal (Replacement). Any member agency �nay withdraw from this agreeinent and lnembership in BI-PIN by serving a notice of withdrawal upon all members of BI-PIN. This notice shall be given at least one year in advance of the date of withdrawal. Membership shall tenninate on the last day of the calendar year. Upon withdrawal from membership,the member agency shall receive no further distribution of income proceeds and all software must be uninstalled by the withdrawing agency. The withdrawing member shall pay its pro-rata share of any outstanding obligations incurred up to the effective date of withdrawal under the fonnula outlined in section 5.3 of this agreement. The withdrawing member(s) shall be provided with all outstanding obligations within 45 days of the BIPIN Interlocal Agreement 5/2O 2021 Page a of 14 effective date of withdrawal. Upon such receipt, the withdr�wing member(s) shall pay all outstanding obligations within 4� days of receipt. The outstanding contribution(s) shall include all amounts due to BI-PN and any cost directly associated �vith the member's���ithdrawal. Section 7 — Termination of Ayreement. This agreement may be terminated upon a resolution to terminate this agreement. Such resolution sl�all require approval of at least four of the five Charter Agencies. Upon adoption of a resolution to terniinate this agree►nent, the effective date of tennination shall be detercnined by a simple majority of all votes cast. However, in no event shall the temlination date be more than one hundred and eighty days(180) from the date of the resolution. After the effective date of tennination, the activities of BI-PIN shall cease and no further business shall be conducted nor shall any financial obligations be incurred. In the event of ternlination of this agreement, each member agency shall be respoiisible for its pro-rata share of a�1y recnaining costs or penalties under the forn�ula outlined in section 5.3 of this agreement. In the event of terniination,BI-PIN shall immediately provide notice of terniination to eacl� known creditor and party in which BIPIN has a contractual relationsl�ip. All parties to this agreement shall be obligated to participate in the winding-up of BI-PIN-related activities which shafl include: collection of any outstanding payables, the payment of any outstanding obli�ations, satisfaction of any and all contractual obligations, and the distribution of assets. To the extent legally pennissible and upo►1 written request, the Operating Jurisdiction shall provide a copy of any or all data belonging to BI-PIN to any requesting member agency on the most feasible medium in retunl for the actual cost of such copy. Any remaining assets owned by BI-PIN prior to ternlination will be distributed back to the member agencies based on their pro-rata share in BI-PIN as outlined in the cost allocation methodologies in the BIPIN Policies. In the event of termination, ati existing member or members may negotiate for the acquisition of soft�a�are, data,and other information specific to that member ar member's jurisdiction to the eYtent perniitted by the tenns of any applicable software licetisin� a�reements. Nothing shall prevent the parties from negotiating the release of sofrivare, data, or other infonnation that is specific to one member. Section 8 — Securitv of Data. Cach member agency shall safeguard, by appropriate means, the confidentiality of the infonnation contained iu the BI-PIN system. Additionally, each member agency shall maintain netevork security that meets FBI and industry standards for any net��ork that may interact with the Operating Jurisdiction's network. Each member agency will protect access �vith specific sign-on controls and procedures as developed by the BI-PIN Teclulical Advisory Committee with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Operating Jurisdiction is responsible for maintaini�lg tlie security of the BI-PIN network based on FBI and industry standards. Section 9 — Liabilitv Covera�e. Each member agency shall be solely responsible for its own wrongful or negligent conduct. Each member agency promises to indemnify and hold harmless and release all other member agency from any loss, claim or liability arising from or out of the negligent tortious actions or inactions of its employees, officers and officials. Such liability shall be apportioned among the member agencies or other at-fault persons or entities in accordance ���ith the laws of the State of Washington. Nothing herei�� shall be interpreted to: 1. Wai��e any defense arising out of RCW "I'itle �1. 2. Limit the ability of a me�mber agency to exercise any right,defense,or remedy which a member agency may have with respect to third parties or the employee(s)whose action or inaction gave BIPIN Interlocal Agrecment S120!2021 Pagc 5 oY'14 rise to loss, claim or liability, including, but not limited to, an assertion that the employee(s) acted beyond the scope of employment. 3. Cover or require indemnification or payment of anvjudgment against any individual or agency for intentionally wrongful conduct outside the scope of employment of any individual, or for judgment for punitive damages against any individual or agency. Payment of punitive damage awards, fines or sanctions shall be the sole responsibility of the individual against whom said judgment is rendered and/or his or her member agency employer, should that employer voluntarily elect to make said payment. This Agreement does not require indemnification of any punitive damage awards or for any order imposing fines or sanctions. Section 10—Term of A�reement. This agreement shall become effective upon the esecution of this agreement by all the parties identified above. Once effective, this third restated agreement shall run to December 31, ?0?5 and shall continue thereafter for successive tive year periods, unless a member requests a revision of the agreement by giving notice in writing to all other members at least 180 days before the expiration date of the agreement; such requested revision must be approved by each member agency as an amendment pursuant to section 12 below. Section 11 — Recordkeeqin�. The Operating Jurisdiction shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records includina accurate records of eYpenditures made durin�the year and the purpose they were made. On an annual basis, the Operating Jurisdiction shall provide the member agencies with an operating and financial report. Section 12 — Entire A�reement. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior written and/or oral agreements, including all prior BI-PIN Interlocal Agreements and amendments. This agreement may be altered or modified only in writing signed by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands this a� s fday of Jt,tr� . ?021. Sigr�ature pages to follow. [3[PIN lnterlocal Agreement 5/20/2021 Page 6 of 14 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 1 CITY OF KENNEWICK �1 � � 1 Mari E. Mosley City anager ATTEST: � �i�,�l c Terri L. Wright City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: �� ���� Lisa Beaton City Attorney BIPIN Interlocal Agreement 5!2012021 Page 7 oti 14 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 2 CITY OF RICHLAND on mundson Interim City Manager ATTEST: Je nif r Ro ers City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Heather Kintzley City Attorney BIPW Interlocal Agreement 5'?0 2021 Page 8 of 14 SECOND RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNT[ES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, R[CHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 3 CITY OF PASCO �. Q, I��ncal'� �a�^ David abell �� � i� /�'l�^��- City anager ATTEST: ��,� C.�h� Debra C. Barham City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kerr rguson Law, PLLC Attorney BIPIN Interlocal Agreement 5/20/2021 Page 9 of 14 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 4 COUNTY OF BENTON V Jerom elvin Chairman ATTEST: '�� U Cami McKenzie Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ryan K. Brown Deputy Prosecuting Attorney BIPfN Interlocal Agreement�r�0/�0?1 Page 10 of 14 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 5 COUNTY OF FRANKLIN Clint Didier Chairman ATTEST: . Karin ilham Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Je ohnson Attorney BIPIN [nterlocal Agreement 5/20/2021 Page 1 I of 14 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 6 CITY OF CONNELL Lee Barrow Mayor ATTEST: , , � �� ,1 _ � Mariss�a Ortiz City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dan ultgrenn City Attorney BIPIN Interlocal Agreement 5/20/2021 Page 12 of 14 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 7 CITY OF PROSSER G Randy aylor Mayor ATTEST: ��c�, ��� �� Rachel Shaw City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Howard Saxton City Attorney BIPIN Interlocal Agreement 5/20/2021 Page 13 of 14 THIRD RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF CONNELL, KENNEWICK, PASCO, RICHLAND AND WEST RICHLAND AND PROSSER(POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) SIGNATURE PAGE 8 CITY OF WEST RICHLAND J � Brent Gerry Mayor ATTEST: te an Ha ' Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: � Bronson J. Brown City Attorney BIPIN Interlocal Agreement 5/20l2021 Page 14 of 14