HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-2021 Hearing Examiner Meeting Packet w4co AGENDA HEARING EXAMINER MEETING City Hall-525 North Third Avenue Council Chambers WEDNESDAY,JULY 14,2021 6:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Preliminary Plat Tim Story- Carly's Addition(20-Single Family Lots) (MF# PP 2021-005) B. Rezone Timothy Ufkes/Broadmoor Properties- Rezone From RT to C-1 (MF#Z 2021-006) C. Rezone Cody Fielding/LFRE Development, LLC-Rezone from C-1 to R-4 Midland(MF#Z 2021-007) D. Rezone Cody Fielding/LFRE Development, LLC-Rezone from C-1 to R-4 Rd 92 (MF#Z 2021-008) E. Special Permit TCA Architecture c/o City of Pasco- Road 100 Fire Station#85 (MF# SP 2021-010) F. Variance Apolinar Yam Ku- Upholstery Shop in a R-1 Zoning District (MF#HE 2021-001) G. Zoning Determination Peter Strizhak c/o SG Land Management LLC-Harris Farm Annexation- located near the corner of West Court Street and Harris Road(MF#ZD 2020-002) H. Zoning Determination Cox Family Land LLC- Cox Family Land Annexation located near the southwest corner of Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue (MF#ZD 2021-001) I. NEW BUSINESS IL ADJOURNMENT This meeting is broadcast live on PSC-TV Channel 191 on Charter Cable and streamed at www.pasco-wa.com/psctvlive. Audio equipment available for the hearing impaired;contact staff for assistance. CIty0 REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER 04ii" vs�co PUBLIC LAND USE HEARING oil I I City Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers WEDNESDAY 14 July 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: PP 2021-005 APPLICANT: Tim Story/Story Family Five, LLC PO Box 2289 Richland, WA 99352-0100 REQUEST: PRELIMINARY PLAT: Caryl's Addition (20 Single-Family Lots) BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Le�That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 17,Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M., Franklin County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter; thence South 88°24'03" East along the center line of said Section 17, a distance of 73.90 feet; thence North 02°26'28" East a distance of 296.58 feet to the True Point of Beginning;thence continuing North 02°26'28" East a distance of 595.64 feet to a point on a line 100.0 feet Southwesterly and parallel to the center line of the Franklin County Irrigation District No. 1 Canal, which point lies 75.0 feet East of the West line of said Southeast quarter;thence 100.0 feet Southerly and parallel to said canal by the following courses and distances: South 65°21' East 213.84 feet; South 73°49' East 281.37 feet; South 48°59'30" East 213.57 feet; thence South 72°11 '30" East 10.24 feet; thence South 02°44'West a distance of 302.58 feet;thence North 88°24'03"West parallel to the center line of said Section 17, a distance of 646.68 feet to the True Point of Beginning (Parcel #118 080 014). General Location: at 4011 Road 96, Pasco, WA 99301 Property Size: The site contains approximately 6.6 acres (285,435.03 sq.ft.). 2. ACCESS: The parcel has access from Road 96 and Balfour Drive. 3. UTILITIES: Municipal water is available in Road 96 and sewer extends to the intersection of Balfour Drive and Road 96. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: lot was recently rezoned from RS-20 (Suburban Residential) to R-1 (Low-density Residential;Ordinance 4513)and is developed with an earth-sheltered single family dwelling unit,a garage, a pole building,and a horse shelter/lean-to shed.Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: R-1 Single Family Dwellings/FCID Canal R-O-W EAST: RS-20 Single Family Dwellings SOUTH: RS-20 Single Family Dwellings/pasture WEST: RS-12 Single Family Dwellings 5. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan indicates the site is intended for low-density residential development. According to the Comprehensive Plan, low-density residential development means 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The criteria for allocation under the future land use section of Volume II of the Comprehensive Plan (Vol. II, page 17) encourages 1 development of lands designated for low-density residential uses when or where sewer is available, the location is suitable for home sites, and there is a market demand for new home sites. Policy H-1-E encourages the advancement of home ownership, and Goal H-2 suggests the City strive to maintain a variety of housing options for residents of the community. Goal LU-2 encourages the maintenance of established neighborhoods and the creation of new neighborhoods that are safe and enjoyable places to live. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist(SEPA 2020-063),the adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information, a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) was issued for this project on 29 June 2021 (WAC 197-11-355). Mitigation included the following: a. An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. ANALYSIS LOT LAYOUT:The proposed preliminary plat contains 20 single-family lots,all but three(proposed lots 11, 14 & 15)of which would have access from dedicated internal streets,via a single access/egress point at Road 96 and Balfour Drive.As the distance from the proposed Balflour right-of-way and the northern property line is approximately 300'a looped road would create an island of undesirable double-frontage lots;eliminating the non-frontage lots (proposed lots 11, 14, and 15) would reduce the density from 20 lots to 17, and thus defeating the purpose of the recent rezone. The provisions of Pasco Municipal code 21.20.060 concerning lots without street frontage would apply in this case. The lots range from 8,644 square feet to 18,699 square feet, the average lot size being 12,423 square feet. The area was recently rezoned from RS-20 (Suburban) to R-1 (Low-density Residential) zoning.The proposal would be consistent with the development standards of the R-1 zoning district per PMC 25.45.050. RIGHTS-OF-WAY: All lots but three (proposed lots 11, 14 & 15) will have frontage on streets either existing (Road 96) or to be dedicated (the extension of Balflour Lane) as part of the plat. All roads will be fully improved and completed with this subdivision. Lots without street frontage would be serviced via 24'-wide paved access and utility easements. The provisions of Pasco Municipal code 21.20.060 dealing with lots without street frontage would apply in this case. UTILITIES: Municipal Water is available via an 8' line in Road 96. Sewer service is available from Balflour Lane. IRRIGATION: This parcel is within Franklin County Irrigation District service area, currently served and assessed by FCID. Owner shall be required to build a system within the plat to deliver irrigation water to each of the new lots with proper irrigation easements for all new lines installed. Prior to building of this system an engineering drawing shall be submitted to KID for review and comments. Development shall comply with RCW 58.17.310. WATER RIGHTS: The assignment of water rights is a requirement for subdivision approval per Pasco Municipal Code Section 21.05.120(1) and Section 3.35.160. If no water rights are available to transfer to the City the property, owner/developer must pay a water right fee in lieu thereof. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT State law (RCW 58.17.110) and Pasco Municipal Code require the City to develop Findings of Fact as to how this proposed subdivision will protect and enhance the health,safety,and general welfare of the community. The following is a listing of proposed "Findings of Fact": 2 Prevent Overcrowding: Density requirements of the R-1 zone are designed to address overcrowding concerns.The Comprehensive Plan suggests the property in question be developed with 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The proposed plat has a density of approximately 2.9 units per acre. No more than 40 percent of each lot is permitted to be covered with structures per the R-1 standards. Parks Open Space/Schools: City of Pasco Liberty Park and Tri-Cities Prep Private Catholic School are both within % mile of the site; Chiawana High, McLaughlin Middle School, and Three Rivers Elementary are all within % mile of the site; Delta STEM High School and Chiawana Park are within 1 mile of the site. The FCID canal is in the process of being undergrounded and the FCID has been slated for a future linear park in the City of Pasco Comprehensive Plan. The City is required by RCW 58.17.110 to make a finding that adequate provisions are being made to mitigate the impacts of the proposed subdivision on the School District. At the request of the School District,the City enacted a school impact fee in 2012.The imposition of this impact fee addresses the requirement to ensure there are adequate provisions for schools. A school impact fee in the amount of$4,700 will be charged for each new single-family dwelling unit at the time of building permit issuance. Effective Land Use/Orderly Development: The plat is designed for single-family development as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. The maximum density permitted under the Comprehensive Plan is 5 dwelling units per acre.The developer is proposing a density of 2.9 units per acre. Safe Travel &Walking Conditions:The proposed plat includes adequate streets and sidewalks. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be installed and constructed to current City standards and to the standards of the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA). All lots but three (proposed lots 11, 14 & 15) will have frontage on streets either existing (Road 96) or to be dedicated as part of the plat. All roads will be fully improved and completed with this subdivision. Lots without street frontage would be serviced via 24'-wide paved access and utility easements. Adequate Provision of Municipal Services: All lots within the plat will be provided with water, sewer, and other utilities. Provision of Housing for State Residents: The proposed plat contains 20 single-family lots providing the opportunity for the construction of 20 new dwelling units in Pasco. Adequate Air and Light: The maximum lot coverage limitations, building height restrictions, and building setbacks will assure that adequate movement of air and light is available to each lot. Proper Access &Travel: The plat will be developed to City standards to assure proper access is maintained to each lot. A connection will be made to the Road 96/Balflour Drive access/egress point. All lots but three (proposed lots 11, 14 & 15) will have frontage on streets either existing (Road 96) or to be dedicated (the extension of Balflour Lane) as part of the plat. Lots without street frontage would be serviced via 24'-wide paved access and utility easements. The provisions of Pasco Municipal code 21.20.060 concerning lots without street frontage would apply in this case. Comprehensive Plan Policies & Maps: The Comprehensive Plan designates the plat site for low-density residential development. Policies of the Comprehensive Plan encourage the advancement of home ownership and suggest the City strive to maintain a variety of housing for residents. Housing Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan that pertain to this development include: H-1: Encourage housing for all economic segments of the city's population; H-2: Strive to maintain a variety of housing consistent with the local and regional market; Policy H-2-A: Allow for a full range of residential environments including single family homes, townhomes, condominiums, apartments and manufactured housing. 3 The applicant is proposing to construct 20 single-family lots at a density of 2.9 dwelling units per acre to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Other Findings:The Public Notice was mailed out and published in the Tri-City Herald on 25 June 2021. 1. The site is within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary. 2. The State Growth Management Act requires urban growth and urban densities to occur within the Urban Growth Boundaries. 3. The site is developed with an earth-sheltered single family dwelling unit, a garage, a pole building, and a horse shelter/lean-to shed. 4. The site is not considered a critical area, a mineral resource area or a wetland. 5. The site's Comprehensive Plan designation is for Low Density Residential development, which specifies residential development of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. 6. The site is zoned R-1 (Low-density Residential) 7. A rezone from RS-20 (Suburban)to R-1 (Low Density Residential) was approved in 2020. 8. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the R-1 zoning requirements of the site. 9. The minimum lot area in the R-1 zone for single-family dwellings is 7,200 square feet. 10. The developer is proposing 2.9 dwelling units per acre. 11. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the advancement of programs that promote home ownership and development of a variety of residential densities and housing types. 12. The Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the interconnection of neighborhood streets to provide for the disbursement of traffic. 13. The interconnection of neighborhood streets is necessary for utility connections (looping) and the provision of emergency services. 14. All but three lots will have frontage on either existing or future streets as part of the plat. 15. Lots without street frontage would be serviced via 24'-wide paved access and utility easements. 16. Per the ITE Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition,the proposed subdivision,when fully developed,will generate approximately 9.52 trip/unit * 20 units= 190.4 trips per day. 17. The current park impact fee is $1,679 per dwelling unit. 18. RCW 58.17.110 requires the City to make a finding that adequate provisions have been made for schools before any preliminary plat is approved. 19. The City of Pasco has adopted a school impact fee ordinance compelling new housing developments to provide the School District with mitigation fees.The fee was effective April 16, 2012. 20. Past correspondence from the Pasco School District indicates impact fees address the requirement to ensure adequate provisions are made for schools. 21. Plat improvements within the City of Pasco are required to comply with the 2020 Standard Drawings and Specification as approved by the City Engineer. These improvements include but are not limited to water, sewer and irrigation lines, streets, streetlights, and storm water retention. Handicapped- accessible pedestrian ramps are to be completed with the street and curb improvements prior to final plat approval. Sidewalks are installed at the time permits are issued for new houses, except sidewalks along major streets, which are installed with the street improvements. 4 22. The assignment of water rights is a requirement for subdivision approval per Pasco Municipal Code Section 21.05.120(1) and Section 3.35.160. 23. If no water rights are available to transfer to the City the property, owner/developer must pay a water right fee in lieu thereof. 24. The developer is responsible for all costs associated with construction, inspection, and plan review service expenses incurred by the City Engineering Office. 25. The City has nuisance regulations(PMC 9.60)that require property owners(including developers)to maintain their properties in a manner that does not injure, annoy, or endanger the comfort and repose of other property owners. This includes controlling dust, weeds and litter during times of construction for both subdivisions and buildings including houses. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of the proposed Plat the Hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusion (PMC 21.25.060)therefrom as to whether or not: (1) Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, transit stops, schools and school grounds, sidewalks for safe walking conditions for students and other public needs; The proposed plat will be required to develop under the standards of the Pasco Municipal Code and the standard specifications of the City Engineering Division. These standards for streets, sidewalks, and other infrastructure improvements were designed to ensure the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community. These standards include provisions for streets, drainage, water and sewer service and the provision for dedication of right-of-way. The preliminary plat was forwarded to the PUD, the Pasco School District,Cascade Gas,Charter Cable, Franklin County Irrigation District,and Ben-Franklin Transit Authority for review and comment. Based on the School District's Capital Facilities Plan the City collects school mitigation fees for each new dwelling unit. The fee is paid at the time of building permit issuance. The school impact fee addresses the requirements of RCW 58.17.110.All new developments participate in establishing parks through the payment of park fees at the time of permitting. (2) The proposed subdivision contributes to the orderly development and land use patterns in the area;The proposed Plat makes efficient use of vacant land. The proposed subdivision will provide street improvements within the plat as per City standards; a connection will be made to Road 96/Balflour Drive to the west. (3) The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies, maps, and narrative text of the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan land use map designates the site and all surrounding properties for Low Density Residential development and may be developed with modified factory-assembled homes and single-family dwelling units. Low Density Residential specifies development at a density of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. Policies of the Comprehensive Plan encourage the advancement of home ownership and suggest the City strive to maintain a variety of housing for residents. The plat indicates a density of 2.9 dwelling units per acre, which meets the density range established by the Comprehensive Plan. 5 The Housing Element of the Plan encourages the promotion of a variety of residential densities and suggests the community should support the advancement of programs encouraging home ownership. The Plan also encourages the interconnection of local streets for inter-neighborhood travel for public safety as well as providing for traffic disbursement. (4) The proposed subdivision conforms to the general purposes of any applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the City Council; Development plans and policies have been adopted by the City Council in the form of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies, maps, and narrative text of the Plan as noted in number three above. (5) The proposed subdivision conforms to the general purposes of the subdivision regulations. The general purposes of the subdivision regulations have been enumerated and discussed in the staff analysis and Findings of Fact.The Findings of Fact indicate the subdivision is in conformance with the general purposes of the subdivision regulations provided certain mitigation measures (i.e., school impact fees are paid). (6) The public use and interest will be served by approval of the proposed subdivision. The proposed plat, if approved, will be developed in accordance with all City standards designed to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the community are met. The Comprehensive Plan will be implemented through development of this plat. These factors will ensure the public use and interest are served. TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVAL CONDITIONS 1) A City of Pasco approved traffic impact analysis shall be required for this project. 2) The traffic impact analysis required for this project shall be completed and City approval shall be obtained prior to the City Engineering Departments' review of any civil plans. 3) All improvements shall be in accordance with the Pasco Municipal Code. The Pasco Municipal Code adopts the most recent versions of the City of Pasco Standard Specifications, the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridges, and Municipal Construction, the International Building Code, and the International Fire Code. If there are any conflicting regulations in any of these documents, the more stringent regulation shall apply. 4) The face of the final plat shall include this statement: "As a condition of approval of this final plat the owner waives the right to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District for sewer/water/road/sidewalk improvements to the full extent as permitted by RCW 35.43.182. 5) The face of the final plat shall include this statement: "The individual or company making improvements on a lot or lots of this plat is responsible for providing and installing all trench,conduit, primary vaults, secondary junction boxes, and backfill for the PUD's primary and secondary distribution system in accordance with PUD specifications; said individual or company will make full advance payment of line extension fees and will provide all necessary utility easements prior to PUD construction and/or connection of any electrical service to or within the plat." 6) Any existing water rights associated with the subject property shall be transferred to the City as a condition of approval. If no water rights are available then the property owner, in accordance with PMC 21.05.120, shall pay to the City, in lieu thereof, a water rights acquisition fee as established in the City Fee Summary Ordinance as identified in PMC 3.35. 7) Only City and other utilities with franchise agreements are allowed in the public right of way. 6 8) Overhead utilities are required to be re-routed below ground. 9) It shall be the responsibility of the property owner/developer to contact all utility owners to determine their system improvement requirements. Prior to subdivision construction plan submittal and/or review the property owner/developer shall provide to the City of Pasco written support/approval of the proposed development from all outside utilities, public and private. 10) All fee payments for bonding of ROW improvements and Water Rights must be paid at the time of Final Plat being submitted for signatures. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat with conditions per above. 7 Overview Item: Caryl's Addition - 20-lot Preliminary Plat N Applicant: Story Family Five LLC W+E Map File #: PP 2021-005 S elm A Wi 1�4 6 I'LL. LL -oA!4r;.- lu ;z! 1 6 1 4i — Ir \ ............ 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W.M. o moo PASCO, WASHINGTON Zo TI11 Elf Lu w VICINITY MAP � PROJECT INFO v a N SITE INFORMATION \ NTS TAX PARCEL 118980014 z 10 511E AGERES4 4011 ROAD 96,PA5CO3 WA 9931N RD 96 E%)STING CROWN IIz \ „T - 0 / TAX PARCEL AREA:655 AC AND PROPOSED f N zz'1 \ \_ \ �n^� B (PORTIONS OF PROPERTY­N NORTH ROAD 96 ROADWAY CORRIDOR EXCLUDED FROM TAX PARCEL) a OWNER/APPLICANT: E%PROPERTY LME -x 1 \ \\, m§� \\ U 3 STORY FAMILY FIVE.LLC C 3 —_^ CHAP PO BOX 2289IC LAND,N C aJgl/ R`5 \R=5]z.96'`i\ \.\�\ \\ \ \ i 3 H.509fi34.POfi2352-0100 ® J1, L=84.95' \ \ \ CWTACi:TODD STORY 10,115 SF \ \ w Q 1O \� ]2\ a Q ` CIVIL ENGINEER J ITT IM ESMT \ �E ZJa is•. \\ \^\ \ \ Cqq AOTERA FAN REERMO a * w, o SITE 2705 sI ArvoaExs LOW,SUITE c 112 ,U, \\ \� \ \ TELA R PASCI.WA 99301 N \ \\\ \ S BALROUR PH.509. LL CON845.0208 TACT:CALEB SIRWSTPD,PE �1 SURVEYOR $ 1 ^I 0,644 SF I US,—SF I� 74 9 OH \ \\ \\ �\ \ N TR AHBL,INC CC pry 5804 ROAD 90,SUITE H C a \ 15,324 SF r �\ y.�y \ PASCO,WA 99301 rc Tz e I 6 113 __415 EG®5'INTERVALS(TOP) I /13163 SF �' �� JSf,\\ �\® \ PH.509300.5003 J M x \ \ m W MAPIE OR CONTACT:JOHN BECKER.PLS w BASIS OF BEARING 4 l 1 �� \\ r µAD 1983/11 a Y F 31 n / ' SHIrvCTON STAGE PLANE SCUM PENECTION,BASED ON GPS $ I I 8,]31 ff / _/ T� 1 ]0 i , 145]'33'\\ OBSERVATIONS USING TSAR AND GEOID FEEE 90 98 101 T I 18,699 SF i R=14324' \ UN OF MEASUREMENT ARE US SURVEY fEEi 70 - //J — / `\ Q�;/ xT / PO/rJ v' L=3A40' y W ARDENT RO VERTICAL DATUM \ 24'ACCESS AND \ 24'ACCESS AND NAw 88 "0.' — CITY OF PASCO BENCHMARK 48-16 WELL RADIUS of UTIL ESM\i 5 I $1 UTIL ESMT /� ' — PROMISED LOi BRASS DISK Ai ARDENT AND RD 92 NUMBER I-) KEY NOTES ELEV MGM CONVERTED ro NA*USING xoAA wRTCOM i CONNECT i0 Qj 1 — 9 NAw68-392.68 EXISTING WATER ^1 m � a l i \ a 10,3]2 SF L"J _1 �3 I� 12 1 i 14530 ff EMERGENCY VEHICLE LOOPED ACCESS WMM AND RADII PER APPENDIX D(FIRE UTILITIES/SERVICES Is Is 12,90]SF 14,6]4 SF ELAN,SF APPARANS ACCESS ROADS)OF ME 2015 IxlUtrvnilOMAL FIFE CODE AnD PW1C CONNECT TA E%IS WE `` �,' L 1-- !S�� ROADS/WATER/SEWER: CITY OF PASCO O SANITARY SEWER 3s \;a\ --------_ --—— —415--R=55'� i ft=55'L=60' 'YSY`V Yv 21.20060 dB' R=2301=q8' 6 X PSS LHBISA$O L FRANKLIN COUNTY IRRIGATION DISTRICT - R>ZJp ` L=33' PROPOSED STREET PER CITY STANDARD DETAIL ST-2A LOCAL ACCESS STREET 1co PON£a: FRANKLIN PUD B"LOURLANE ®E%MELLI yRz [[/ \�T� ] ❑ NANRAL GAS. CASCADE NANRAL GAS WRPORAnON s—ss�n—ss ss�W / 1)OL`3a R=I)Ol_SO' '--- -----R='I"/ V3 $ UNDER(RWND INFILTRATION FACILITIES PROPOSED FOR DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT W _ COIIMUNIGnON: CHARIER COMMUNICATION 8 LUMEN \ o ®EXISTING WELLS TO I'DECOMMISSIONED. __ PRE PLAT INFORMATION s CONECi TO NI� � R'1]OL a9' J�u -ss ss h/ ®\ 3 EXISTING HOUSE,GARAGE,HORSE SHELTER,SHED AND SHOP TO BE REMOhD TOTAL ttAi PRG:].01 AC BALFLOURL e/ \ r PARCEL:u8080041 ❑5 DURlxc consMucnoN. Eg51MC WATER ! \W / 13,]94 sF \ PROPOSED USE:SINGE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL KS M ; � I I\ \ R_ / —�biJ �JW W p9 ©EXISTING FENCE TO BE REMWED. NUMBER OF LOTS 20 \ R=I7p�1JOY=9 1 _i y 3 R=2307=43' 40 _ 03� )6 CRO55 DENSITY 29 LOTS/AC / _ L=12 —j -- - -\- --- -- IF DEEMED NECESSARY,CITY TO PRONOE DIRECTION ON SIDEYARO sNBWT P S 9,9fi1 SF R=55' �E%TENSION. M WMUM IDT AREA:8,644 SF(LOT 19) \ L'T ❑ MAXIMUM LOT AREA:18,699 SF(LOT 10) ' Q 6 I \ $ E%[STING O HEAD TO BE RELOCATED UNDERGNOUw. 117' \ Q a�W \ PROPOSED LIT AVERAIF LOT AREA:12,423 SF Ld W ZE 3 b RD 96 EXISTING CROWN 3 I -Ex WELL® I I It,6]0 ff. L9J\ O$ _ © \ O DIMENSION(1YP) EXISTING OVERHEAD TO BE RELOCATED. CITY ROW AREA 5],050 SF W a o AND PROPOSED f ) I / 9,992 BE \ 9,996 SF 9,99]SE 1 = u 1 L PROM 55' T O I I 14,]50 RE 16 ROAD 9fi STREET AND MM7AGE IMPROWMENTs PER DEi I. Ex 16'\ Raw rll 39.ROWe,fin sF I ' 8 \I �- M PARCEL AREA TABLE = sg o ROW OEDICAnON .LTry—- E%R/W PROP R/W ;m N09'24 18°W MI.RN 55 ROW LOT i AREA(SE) LOT I AREA(SF) 4 / ———— \ IRWOSED LOT I z]5' z].5' 1 9,961 12 ELMS @ ROW —°PARCEL1181180103 I PARCEL1180800I8 AREA(T1P) E%CRONN/PRV e 2 S6]3 13 14,6]4 OF ROW 19.5 100'PROTECTIVE \ CENIEPo]14 3 11,6]0 14 15.324 WELL RADIUS =14' 3.5' 5'SW 4 9,992 IS 10.064 E%PAVT EX PAVI WIDENING 59.996 16 12,907 ,�pDD STg0 23 2% 6 9,99] I] 10,3]2 V4'e'�oe�dybSa LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ] 14,]54 1a B,n1 PER CITY STC DWI ST-2A 8 13,]94 19 8.644 �' P PER BENTON FRANKLIN ROLE COMPANY ORDER N0.BF 11418 DATED SEPTEMBER 18,2020. 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PS ��� Community De elopmerit D partme t PO Box 293, 525 N 3 d Ave, Pasco,WA 993 1 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (Optional DNS Process) Issuance Date: June 29, 2021 Project Name: Caryl's Addition Preliminary Plat Project Number: SEPA 2021-032 & PP 2021-005 Proponent: Tim Story/Story Family Five, LLC PO Box 2289 Richland, WA 99352-0100 Applicant: Tim Story/Story Family Five, LLC PO Box 2289 Richland, WA 99352-0100 Description of Proposal:Approval of a Preliminary Plat application for a 20-lot single- family residential subdivision in an R-1 Zoning District on a parcel consisting of 6.6 acres. Location of Proposal: 4011 Road 96, Pasco, WA 99301. That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M., Franklin County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter; thence South 88°24'03" East along the center line of said Section 17, a distance of 73.90 feet;thence North 02'26'28" East a distance of 296.58 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 02°26'28" East a distance of 595.64 feet to a point on a line 100.0 feet Southwesterly and parallel to the center line of the Franklin County Irrigation District No. 1 Canal, which point lies 75.0 feet East of the West line of said Southeast quarter; thence 100.0 feet Southerly and parallel to said canal by the following courses and distances: South 65021' East 213.84 feet; South 73049' East 281.37 feet; South 48'59'30" East 213.57 feet; thence South 72'11 '30" East 10.24 feet; thence South 0244' West a distance of 302.58 feet; thence North 88'24'03" West parallel to the center line of said Section 17, a distance of 646.68 feet to the True Point of Beginning (Parcel #118 080 014).). Mitigation: 1. An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. Lead Agency: City of Pasco The City of Pasco, acting as lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This MDNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the MDNS. Appeals must be filed within 10 days of this determination. Responsible Official: v..,j L,-�o - Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director Address: PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301-0293 Phone: (509) 545-3441 Appeals: You may appeal this determination of non-significance by submitting an appeal to the address below no later than 10 days from issuance. The appeal must be in written form, contain a concise statement of the matter being appealed and the basic rationale for the appeal. A fee is required per the City's Fee Resolution. Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under City code. All comments or appeals are to be directed to the City of Pasco Planning Department, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA, 99301, Attn: Rick White. GLYy f Riko PUBLIC HEARING who" City Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers DATE: WEDNESDAY,June 9, 2021, 2021 1qjj1 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: Z 2021-006 APPLICANT: Timothy Ufkes/National Multi Housing Group c/o Broadmoor Properties LLC 601 Union Street, Suite 2710 Seattle WA 98101 REQUEST: REZONE: Broadmoor Properties LLC Rezone RT to C-1 BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1. Legal: The north 600 feet of Lots 4 & 5 of Record Survey #1932652, Section 7, Township 9 North,Range 29 East,W.M.records of Franklin County,Washington(Parcels 115210034 and 115210035). 2. General Location: Along the west side of Broadmoor Boulevard between the western extensions of Buckingham Drive to the north and Sandifur Parkway to the south, in Pasco, WA. 3. Property Size: 53.53 acres (2,331,671.59 square feet). 2. ACCESS:The parcel has access from Broadmoor Boulevard. 3. UTILITIES: Existing water and sewer utilities in Broadmoor Boulevard. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: Both lots are undeveloped; The north 600 feet of Lots 4 & 5 are zoned RT (Residential Transition); the balance to the south is zoned C-1 (Retail Commercial). Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: RT Vacant Land EAST: C-1 STEM High School, Commercial SOUTH: C-1 Vacant Land WEST: RT; C-1 Vacant Land 5. Comprehensive Plan: The site lies within the Broadmoor Planning Area. According to the Comprehensive Plan, "The Broadmoor area encompasses over 1,600 acres of land in northwest Pasco. Efforts have been underway to maximize the development potential for this land that benefits the community and the region. This will occur through specific design and development standards that will lead towards offering a mix of housing, retail, commercial, and open space uses that incorporate walkable and transit friendly design." The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated and approved by City Council; the new Land Use designation for the site is Mixed-use Regional. The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation is intended for the Broadmoor area only, and designed to accommodate general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, higher density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. The preferred zoning is "MU-R" (Mixed-use Regional) which has not yet been defined in the Pasco Municipal Code. However, for the purposes of the current application, C- 1 zoning functionally approximates the desired retail character of the site. Other goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan related to this proposal are as follows: Land Use Goal U-1: TAKE DELIBERATE, CONSISTENT, AND CONTINUOUS ACTIONS TO IMPROVE THE COMMUNITY'S QUALITY OF LIFE Land Use Policy LU-1-8: Enhance the physical appearance of development within the community through land use regulations, design guidelines, and performance and maintenance standards including landscaping, screening, building facades, color,signs, and parking lot design and appearance. Land Use Policy LU-1-C: Encourage conservation design with cluster commercial development and discourage strip commercial development. Land Use Goal LU-2: PLAN FOR A VARIETY OF COMPATIBLE LAND USES WITHIN THE UGA Land Use Policy LU-2-A: Maintain sufficient land designated to accommodate residential, commercial, industrial, educational, public facility, and open-space uses proximate to appropriate transportation and utility infrastructure. Land Use Goal LU-4: INCREASE COMMUNITY ACCESSIBILITY THROUGH PROPER LAND USE PLANNING Land Use Policy LU-4-13: Encourage infill and higher density uses within proximity to major travel corridors and public transportation service areas. Land Use Goal LU-6: ENCOURAGE DISTINCTIVE QUALITY COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS THAT SUPPORT THE CITY'S OVERALL DEVELOPMENT GOALS Land Use Policy LU-6-A: Encourage commercial and higher-density residential uses along major corridors and leverage infrastructure availability. Land Use Policy LU-6-113: Promote efficient and functional neighborhood level and major commercial centers to meet community demand. Land Use Policy LU-6-C: Ensure attractive hubs for activity by maintaining and applying design standards and guidelines that will enhance the built environment of each community. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") checklist, Comprehensive Plan, applicable regulations, and other information, a threshold Page 2 of 8 determination resulting in a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) is anticipated for this project under WAC 197-11-158. ANALYSIS Request Timothy Ufkes, on behalf of Broadmoor Properties LLC, has submitted an application to rezone the north 600 feet of Parcels 115210034 and 115210035, located along the west side of Broadmoor Boulevard between the western extensions of Buckingham Drive to the north and Sandifur Parkway to the south,from RT(Residential Transition)to C-1 (Retail Business District). Applicant anticipates developing a large, high-volume regional retail use on the site. Site The site has frontage access on Broadmoor Boulevard, and it is anticipated that Sandifur Boulevard will be developed in conjunction with the site along the length of the south property line. Both Broadmoor boulevard and Sandifur Parkway are arterial streets. The site contains approximately 2,331,671.59 square feet or 53.53 acres. The Comprehensive Plan designates the property "Mixed-use Regional," The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation is designed to accommodate general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, higher density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. The rezone request and its intended use are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan "Mixed- use Regional" designation. History The site was annexed into the City in 1982 (Ordinance 2388) and assigned RT (Residential Transition) zoning, which acts as a "holding pattern," pending appropriate utility and transportation facility development to the area. The south part of the site was rezoned to C-1 (Retail Business District) in 2016 (Ordinance 4206) while the north 600 feet remains RT (Residential Transition). Development has occurred to the east and is occurring or contemplated for areas to the north, south, and west of the site. The City has recently approved a major update to its Comprehensive Plan. The revised Land Use Element of the approved Plan designates the property "Mixed-use Regional," The Mixed- use Regional Land Use designation is intended to accommodate general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. Page 3 of 8 Rezone Criteria The initial review criteria for considering a rezone application are explained in PMC 25.210.030. The criteria are listed below as follows: 1. The date the existing zone became effective: The current zoning classification has been in place since the site was annexed into the City in 1982 (Ordinance 2388) 2. The changed conditions, which are alleged to warrant other or additional zoning: Development has occurred to the east and is occurring or contemplated for areas to the north, south, and west of the site. City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the property "Mixed-use Regional," The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation is designed to accommodate general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. 3. Facts to justify the change on the basis of advancing the public health, safety and general welfare: The rezone application and proposal are consistent with the Pasco Comprehensive Plan, which has been determined to be in the best interest of advancing public health, safety and general welfare of the community. The rezone would allow for general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses., including the construction of the anticipated large, high-volume regional retail use on the site. 4. The effect it will have on the value and character of the adjacent property and the Comprehensive Plan: A change in zoning classification may ultimately result in the development of general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses, in alignment with the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Proximal residents would have access to nearby neighborhood commercial establishments. The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the newly revised and approved goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The effect on the property owner or owners if the request is not granted: If the property remains with the current mixed zoning designation(RT and C-1), the opportunity for applicant's specific large, high-volume regional retail development would be lost, possibly to another site in the Tri-Cities region; The site would likely continue to remain vacant. 6. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property The Comprehensive Plan designates the property "Mixed-use Regional." The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation is intended to accommodate general retail operations and Page 4 of 8 shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. 7. Such other information as the Hearing Examiner requires The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and City Council Goals on housing. The opportunity for additional general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses in this area supports the Broadmoor Planning Area goals. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report. The Planning Commission may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public notice of this hearing was sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property and posted in the Tri-City Herald on 25 June 2021. 2. Applicant wishes to rezone the north 600 feet of Parcels 115210034 and 115210035 from RT (Residential Transition) to C-1 (Retail Business District). 3. The site is located along the west side of Broadmoor Boulevard between Buckingham Drive and Sandifur Parkway. 4. Applicant anticipates developing a large, high-volume regional retail use on the site. 5. The site has frontage access on Broadmoor Boulevard. 6. It is anticipated that Sandifur Boulevard would be developed to continue along the south property line of the site. 7. Both Broadmoor Boulevard and Sandifur Parkway are arterial streets. 8. The site contains approximately 2,331,671.59 square feet or 53.53 acres. 9. The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated for the area. 10. The new Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for the property is"Mixed- use Regional." 11. The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation allows general retail, grocery, residential above commercial/office, higher density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. 12. The rezone request and its intended use are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 13. The site was annexed into the City and assigned RT zoning in 1982 (Ordinance 2388). 14. The RT zone acts as a "holding pattern," pending development of appropriate utility & transportation facilities. 15. The south part of the site was rezoned to C-1 in 2016. Page 5 of 8 16. The north 600 feet remains RT zoned. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of a rezone, the Hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusions based upon the criteria listed in PMC 25.210.060. The criteria are as follows: 1. The proposal is in accordance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan;the Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the property"Mixed-use Regional,"The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation is designed to accommodate general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. The proposal also aligns with the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: Land Use Goal U-1: TAKE DELIBERATE, CONSISTENT, AND CONTINUOUS ACTIONS TO IMPROVE THE COMMUNITY'S QUALITY OF LIFE Land Use Policy LU-1-8: Enhance the physical appearance of development within the community through land use regulations, design guidelines, and performance and maintenance standards including landscaping, screening, building facades, color, signs, and parking lot design and appearance. Land Use Policy LU-1-C: Encourage conservation design with cluster commercial development and discourage strip commercial development. Land Use Goal LU-2: PLAN FOR A VARIETY OF COMPATIBLE LAND USES WITHIN THE UGA Land Use Policy LU-2-A: Maintain sufficient land designated to accommodate residential, commercial, industrial, educational, public facility, and open-space uses proximate to appropriate transportation and utility infrastructure. Land Use Goal LU-4: INCREASE COMMUNITY ACCESSIBILITY THROUGH PROPER LAND USE PLANNING Land Use Policy LU-4-8: Encourage infill and higher density uses within proximity to majortravel corridors and public transportation service areas. Land Use Goal LU-6: ENCOURAGE DISTINCTIVE QUALITY COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS THAT SUPPORT THE CITY'S OVERALL DEVELOPMENT GOALS Land Use Policy LU-6-A: Encourage commercial and higher-density residential uses along major corridors and leverage infrastructure availability. Land Use Policy LU-6-e: Promote efficient and functional neighborhood level and major commercial centers to meet community demand. Land Use Policy LU-6-C: Ensure attractive hubs for activity by maintaining and applying design Page 6 of 8 standards and guidelines that will enhance the built environment of each community. 1. The effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity will not be materially detrimental. The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated for the area and now designates the property "Mixed-use Regional," The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation is intended to accommodate general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. The application for rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element for the area and meets the intent of the Goals and Policies for the property. The proposal will not be materially detrimental to the immediate vicinity. 2. There is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole. The proposed rezone application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Goals and Policies as adopted by the Pasco City Council (Ordinance 4537) The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated for the area and now designates the property "Mixed-use Regional," The Mixed-use Regional Land Use designation is designed to accommodate general retail operations and shops, grocery stores, residential above commercial/office, high-density residential, dining, and entertainment uses. 3. Conditions should be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal. The rezone application and anticipated project are subject to the regulations and requirements ofthe Pasco Municipal Code and the City of Pasco Design and Construction Standards.The Design and Construction Standards require a Traffic Study for proposals that generate 25 or more peak hour trips. The City (Lead Agency) issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on May 11, 2021 advising for the following likely mitigations upon project submittal: Likely Mitigation Upon Project Application: a. An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. b. A traffic impact (TIA) analysis is likely considering the ITE Trip Calculation preformed, and the anticipated impacts on the 1-182/Broadmoor Freeway interchange, as well as on surrounding arterial streets. 4. A Concomitant Agreement should be entered into between the City and the petitioner, and if so, the terms and conditions of such an agreement. A concomitant agreement would not be required in this circumstance. Page 7 of 8 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions that the north 600 feet of Lots 4 & 5 of Record Survey #1932652, Section 7, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M. (Parcels 115210034 and 115210035), located along the west side of Broadmoor Boulevard between the western extensions of Buckingham Drive to the north and Sandifur Parkway to the south, in Pasco, WA be rezoned from RT (Residential Transition) to C-1 (Retail Business District. Page 8 of 8 Overview Item: Rezone to Applicant: Broadmoor Pr Map - - 2021-006 . ���'���■111 � _ ®■�e� is ��■Ii■Ir����i IIII!! � `�®eeee eei���■■11110 �_ � m � HIN �,o■•■•••■ m IIIII�O•J ® r .rAmi ■o��. 1■■1•� �� • 11111111�� ■■ � ■v■P� � � `�■■■■■Iii�p0�r ��� ■If■�Qa� IIII■�.���� ► i\ m IVI1►�. ; MINI■inn ■ ■■■I■ no .15 .■ ���j ■IIII Iii■■ - ��IIIII IIIIIII.r■ �I1 r.o ./ �ru�r��n�.� — ■II■ 11 III■■II■: .•N r il�,��''4 Qllill.:��1111►/ _ �■II■�a\aNII1aa■ �b 14'�%� �v0 ►IIII!! == e=_ r fill■ Ii�1 ■Ia ■■S■■■SIMM IIoOf■ V�i�r ♦♦ �� cowl = 5 IN: H: _ �D' � ���i ■ m 111111 ��..,: . . 111111111111111�� _ �_ rI111I IIIIIIIII4!f1�_. .•••• . 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Ii1II�1\♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ q .r • 4 MR r X111. 4 s li//q �►��uuluuull-:Iru.ui♦+♦♦♦i♦♦♦i♦i ei�i r�rriiiii p � �•••�•• ��r 5001,000 2,000 3,000 � im111u11■1 umrri���♦���e%�i�i�+�Y1rIr ��•�••••••��r�.���r1 .nuuuu�♦����� .,q null. .►•• .••�••.•. • ♦i ����-� ° �1 //,i���`r�:=' Iu.unlld.�i♦i�i,4 ,riii�i i: �'••� •�.�r1 Feet \ �,�`WSW /gym uluuun min- �, �1 O 0��A ��7■ �� .Q r�r�r �i rrnuu: �n.1 r...ON �Mollie �ii� a`l.�A rGe.a� _e0�.'!�,�i ° ■I�1r.. _'w� L_��:r:r r,r. rrnuu ■ r �+.. .� �rola Vicinity Item: Rezone - RT to C-I N Applicant: Broadmoor Pr Map - - 2021-006 �rilANNE —11 M ����e �-A . \ �IIlIIIlll�dill "' kg;g i p LOSS ° 440i1ii111111ii_I=7 m IMM i - -- � D D ■ , . � P o 0 I - 1 I f 210 430 850 1,300 1 I I I 1 11 Land Use Applicant: Broadmoor Pr•p" 1 1 File - 2021-006 ire Agriculture UREP Agriculture Fe IF W,9-M, WANI a . , WN ■■■ moons 68 \ \\\\\\\\\\ ����IIIIIIIIIIIII '-�. IIIIIIII11111111� �i�� - • .: -Educational Vacant VJ HARRIS R • 210 4300• 1,704 Zoning Applicant: Broadmoor Properties LLC W+E1 lu Iloilo milli \ ��mmmmnq/Q�00�mmmmmi� �i O� mmmmmunuQ�ri%rumumm►� 1,704 210 430 8;0 1,300 F et � I I� t1 • �- -� �\111111 1 ��vj��V�i Comp Plan Item: Rezone - RT to C-I N Applicant: Broadmoor Properties LLC W+E Map File #: Z 2021-006 S Mimi MEN q �MORnn �.. - • :•mmmmmmiuQQ�II/imnimmi►� '■ I lop :11 210 430 850 1,300 1,704 Feet � 1 Item: Rezone - RT to C-1 N "Exhibit A" Applicant: Broadmoor Properties LLC W E File #: Z 2021-006 S BURNS RD BURNS RD 0 Tr J m C- 1 0 0 0 0 m HARRIS RD SANDIFUR PKWY 210 430 850 1,300 1,70 Feet RECORD OF SURVEY SURVEY & DEED REFERENCES SECTION DIAGRAM SECTION DIAGRAM FOR EXEMPT PARCEL SEGREGATION (R1) SPENCER ESTATES PHASE 3 FINAL PLAT-VOL. "D" OF PLATS, PG. 604, AFN 1900941 BY BECKER (R2) SHARMA SHORT PLAT No. 2019-09-VOL. 2 OF SHORT PLATS, PG. 246, AFN 1893491 BY MATARAZZO X I X X I X LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 AND THE S 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE (R3) SURVEY-BOOK 3 OF SURVEYS, PG. 992, AFN 19003700 BY WAGNER 28 EAST AND ALL OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST ALL IN THE WILLAMETTE (R4) ARCHER ESTATES PHASE 2 FINAL PLAT-VOL. "D" OF PLATS, PG. 511, AFN 1849582 BY DYCK NW NE xNWx x NE x (R5) SURVEY-VOL. 3 OF SURVEYS, PG. 585, AFN 1825179 BY AMMANN MERIDIAN, CITY OF PASCO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON (R6) SURVEY-VOL. 3 OF SURVEYS, PG. 524, AFN 1810453 BY SHEA x x x x x x LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS (177) SURVEY-VOL. 3 OF SURVEYS, PG. 514, AFN 1810004 BY BETHJE SW SW (R8) SURVEY-VOL 3 OF SURVEYS, PG. 426, AFN 1788906 BY CHRISTENSON SE SE (R9) SHORT PLAT NO. 2010-13-VOL. 1 OF SHORT PLATS, PG. 834, AFN 1754445 BY DYCK X X X X X X X X O FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT, SEE MONUMENT NOTE SHEET 5 (R10) SURVEY-VOL. 2 OF SURVEYS, PG. 978, AFN 1686716 BY CHRISTENSON FOUND ROAD MONUMENT OR AS NOTED, SEE MONUMENT (R11) SURVEY-VOL. 2 OF SURVEYS, PG. 883, AFN 1658232 BY BAALMAN SECTION 12 SECTION 7 NOTE SHEET 5 (R12) RIVER SHORE ESTATES FINAL PLAT-VOL.-D- OF PLATS, PG. 244, AFN 1629996 BY CHRISTENSON T 9N. ,R 28E. T 9N. ,R 29E. O CALCULATED POSITION NOTHING FOUND OR SET (R13) SURVEY-VOL. 2 OF SURVEYS, PG. 145, AFN 522098 BY JOHNSTON (R14) SURVEY-VOL. 2 OF SURVEYS, PG. 259, AFN 534017 BY GOLLADAY - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING LOT LINE (R15) SHORT PLAT NO. 95-28-VOL 1 OF SHORT PLATS, PG. 377, AFN 524803 BY STRATTON BASIS OF BEARINGS EXISTING EASEMENT LINE (R16) SURVEY-VOL 1 OF SURVEYS, PG. 723, AFN 474742 BY CHRISTENSON WASHINGTON STATE PLANE, SOUTH ZONE GRID (R17) SURVEY-VOL. 1 OF SURVEYS, PG. 451, AFN431068 BY BECKER Scale 1" = 600' S00'03'04"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE (D1) QUIT CLAIM DEED PER AFN 1725816 QUARTER OF SECTION 7 OF TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH IN (D2) DEDICATION DEED PER AFN 1722336 RANGE 29 EAST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. BOUNDARY AND NEW PARCEL LINE N 0 300 600 1200 DISTANCES SHOWN ARE TRUE GROUND LENGTH SECTION OR SECTION SUBDIVISION LINE CENTERLINE (- O — — — — — — — EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED BY DEED I RPC RED PLASTIC CAP I W NOCKING POINT Q 8 AFN AUDITOR FILE NUMBER 1'R8� Q 3 ROAD I �/ BLUE PLASTIC CAP 1 (2647.27'R1)(2647.3 ) r /_ – BURNS ROAD 06 05 BPC 01 (2647.30'R11)(2647.29'R15) 01 06 - C# DENOTES CURVE NUMBER SEE TABLE - -N89'17'37"E 2647.28' I— - - N89'28'18"E 2643.37'(R2)_ -0'7 N89'28'03"E 1331.37_ N89'29'03"E 1330.83' 07 08 FD. FOUND SURVEY MARKER 12 ' \\ BURNS ROAD 12 07 / (2643.39'R4)(2634.43'R8)— — I Q L# DENOTES LINE NUMBER SEE TABLE OPC ORANGE PLASTIC CAP I \ ( Z I I NOTTINGHAM QCD QUIT CLAIM DEED \\ I ( O 3 2 1 DRIVE \\ I y I I ROS RECORD OF SURVEY 19.33 AC. 18.46 AC. 18.50 AC. i \\ II W �. S.F./AC. SQUARE FEET/ACRES I �/I I 8 �) I BUCKINGHAM 'C YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ( , n I 147.36 AC. _ ( DRIVE Q MONUMENTATION NOTE, SEE SHEET 5 7 Ckf � 'n 59.17 AC.® EASEMENT NOTE, SEE SHEET 5 A- NLo V N 22. I o m rWO rN6 VINCENZO Li DRIVE C14 C�' OF 0 6 5 4 Q 27.75 AC. 26.65 AC. 26.82 AC. O o MONUMENTATION NOTE e`'�,P�o I �����o��` N 46 F N89'56'58"E SEE "SURVEY MONUMENT NOTE" ON SHEET 5 OF 5 FOR Q"?7�� p 17 220.07' DESCRIPTION OF FOUND SURVEY MONUMENTS. A` �Jam' 1�s 43 / 'Q % (220.00'R13) 9 6.93 AC. N I 40.03 AC. y G� — — — —I I — —(FUTURE] SANDIFUR PARKWAY SANDIFUR I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 PARKWAY (wr1 99 I 7.57 AC. I I S89'33'30"W 2664.63' � 14 I _ S89'33'30"W 2641.81'(2642.79'R5) M (2663.28'R5) N89'05'10"E 5280.52'(5280.51'R15) 07 08 �-- – –12 07 12 11 11 11 12 ' I / I 12 I 3.91 AC. i 1 CALCULATED 1O I Q 1 N ' CENTER OF I I 17.39 AC. 9.67 AC. 25.22 AC. Gpv T LO 2 I II i Z ' SECTION 29E,TWM. Z I 29.13 AC. TOTAL 15 N I I / < O ILI 47 \ I ° m p ( (o 13 – I- o � cfl LL I w 11.90 AC. OQO to •� I I coo �' N co ( ...i N I co—Z I r to Of _ _ _ �n 16 15 GC (o,N� 14 Q�Q' wiLLml o Qo- - - - - - - - - - -V-- - - - - - �`�Q�' o � � Q N N N 108.32 AC. I 48.88 AC. Q o Q' c6 w \ �- I �Q° oa,� =I O 34.84 AC. / pco0 GOVT \ c,�"� o � ( � TOTAL M N LOT 3�\ I \ I LpT 5 ( QP�o° Z N I I 35.09 AC. ( oo v Q G0� I �} �o �. I � o m SEE SHEETS 2 THRU 4 FOR \ Gp�'�T I DIMENSIONING OF RIGHT �� \ I I 45 OF WAYS, EASEMENTS & OF \ \ – ' LOTS 1 THROUGH 18 � � ( o- - - - - - - - - - T \\ 1 TAX PARCEL #126-160-118 I \� I (INTERSTATE NC. AND HARRIS '// 0.25 AC. o ��ry NOTE 22 - 12 0 0 — — 29 0 —ROAD 12 07 0 — 07� 07 08 CREATION OF AN EXEMPT PARCEL DOES NOT VEST THE _ -�- -r - - S89'16'24"W 2666.90'(177,179) OWNER WITH THE RIGHT TO DEVELOP THE LOT WHEN IT S89'05'04"W 2668.84'(2668.81'176) 32 13 18 S89'59'38"E 2640.38'(R3,R7,R9) /18 2666.67'175) 18 17 DOES NOT MEET ACCESS OR USE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 23 13 (2668.82'1711) 34 (2640.15'R5) 43 / 42 ZONING DISTRICT IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. SHORELINE CTS" 33 Q I 0 4s WATERS NARRATIVE EDGE DR OURT ST I AUD T R'S CERTIFICATE, THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AT THE REQUEST OF BROADMOOR PROPERTIES, LLC., TO PREPARE THIS SEGREGATION SURVEY AS ALLOWED BY CITY OF PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE 21.55. THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON A FIELD RETRACEMENT OF THE PARENT PARCEL BOUNDARIES FILED FOR RECORD THIS AY OFf bYlA 2021 ATZ�IIPM. IN VOLUMEAOF SURVEYS AT PAGE 125 AT AND COMPILATION OF EXISTING RECORDS. D �tg THE REQUEST OF PBS ENGIN ERING & TAL INC. �g THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AS A REAL TIME KINEMATIC SURVEY USING DUAL FREQUENCY TRIMBLE R8 GPS RECEIVERS HAVING AN I aF waskf ?q ACCURACY OF ONE CENTIMETER +/- 1 PPM. THE CONTROLLING MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREUPON WERE ALL VISITED IN DECEMBER, 2020. 's �`�� -o� COUNTY AUDITOR PARCEL BOUNDARIES WERE NOT MARKED ON THE GROUND AT THIS TIME. ,.w� �`2 �� CLIENT: BROADMOOR PROPERTIES,LLC PROJECT NO.: 66211 a QSURVEYOR'S ' a PBS Engineering and N N Q SURVEYOR S CERTIFICATE a° Environmental Inc. SURVEYOR: ALEX D.MATARAZZO DATE: 02/19/2021 N N CIJ o THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE Wf1H THE SURVEY ��'�, 46318 0 , 4w 400 Bradley Blvd,Ste 106 r - RECORDING ACT AND AT THE REQUEST OF BROADMOOR PROPERTIES, LLC. ssCISTER �4 Richland,WA 99352 CALC BY: ROP DRAWN BY: DWW SCALE: 1"=600' z_N zNa °LL. L LAT39 S 509.942.1600 6 LL N x� 2/19/2021 SECTION: 1217 TOWNSHIP: 9 NORTH RANGE: 28129EAST ALEXANDER D. MATARAZZO, PLS 46318 DATE 2/19/2021 pbsusa.com CITY: PASCO COUNTY: FRANKLIN SHEET 1 OF 5 City of co Ab AWL- w0h F r 1: � • 't�°' �.i+t �• .. _ a• ';.W.�. � � �3.`.. �� •�'is fir. !f � •' Y' �-•� 'r--.F� s ��.'• Y; � '. .tiler_ .`�r Y r. i( City of co M j�;�w.. y Northeas* . ... .. Mill - -��- �.,;,:� :.;tic (i�'.[:2r ✓w _ �Z ._ y-�. :'�.FSC•- - �Sr �. _ ;�:,:�:�':'*f�.... •: - �y YS 'Y•r y� �-ti nom. ��'".3ri� ._ - - --�r� ♦Y:�' f l' " -'�. "h;4_P_. �.4 _.� y.,�+. 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" -• I/.��rl���E:,. - r' �'C�' - - �a1f• Alp 49 71161,r a lF, „ •t Vi�co00fCommunity&Economic Development Department Fee:$825 PO Box 29 ,525 N 3 rd Ave, Pasco, P:509.545.33441/F:509 545.3499WA 99301 CITY OF PASCO PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE Master File # Z 2021-006 Date Submitted: 11 June 2021 Applicant Info Owner Info (if different than applicant) Name: Name: Timothy Ufkes/National Multi Housing Group Broadmoor Properties LLC Address: Address: 601 Union Street, Suite 2710 6070 Lake Geneva Dr. Seattle WA 98101 Reno NV 89511-5074 Phone: Phone: (206) 399-9337; (206) 826-5700; (206) 826-5710 fa Email: Email: timothy.ufkes@marcusmillichap.com Project Address: Lots 4 & 5 of Record Survey #1932652 Project Parcel Number: 115210034 & 115210035 Current Zoning: C-1 & RT Requested Zoning: C-1 Describe the nature and effect of the proposed change: Rezoning the parcels from C-1 & RT to C-1 would allow the zoning to align with the City's "Mixed Use Regional" Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation; development could occur in alignment with the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use goals and policies. Estimated time frame of development: N/A Updated July 2019 What conditions warrant the proposed rezone? Properties are currently zoned C-1 & RT; C-1 allows for commercial development; RT acts as a "holding pattern," pending appropriate zoning designation for development activities. Development is occurring or contemplated for areas to the north, south, and west of the site. A "Broadmoor Plan" has also been under development for many years. How will the proposed rezone advance the health, safety, and general welfare of the community? Rezoning the area to align with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan will allow for orderly development of the area, including appropriate infrastructure. What effect will the proposed change have on the value and character of adjacent property? Aligning the zoning with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan will increase the value and improve the character of the area; the rezone will also help realize the Broadmoor Area Plan. Surrounding parcels will most likely increase in value. How does the proposed rezone relate to the City's Comprehensive Plan? The rezone is in alignment with the goals and policies of both the City's comprehensive Plan and the Broadmoor Area Plan What effect will be realized by the owner(s) if the proposed rezone is not granted? The parcels may remain vacant and unused; surrounding properties may remain vacant. NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of $50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. Vi�coGoofCommunity&Economic Development Department Fee:$825 PO Box 29 ,525 N 3 rd Ave, Pasco, P:509.545.33441/F:509 545.3499WA 99301 Fee for Rezone - $700.00 Environmental Checklist - $ 75.00 Radius Notification - 50.00 $825.00 0 SEPA Checklist 0 Site map 0 Fee of$825 Signature of Applicant *Notarized Signature of Property Owner State of Washington ) ss. County of Franklin ) On this day of _ , before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and read the foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _ day of , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My Commission expires Updated July 2019 airy°f_ CoCommunity Development Department PO Box 293, 525 N 3 d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P: 509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Si necesita ayuda para entender este aviso o necesita mas informacion, por favor Ilame al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Economico de la Ciudad de Pasco a 509-545-3441. Comment Period Deadline: 14 July 2021 Proposal:Timothy Ufkes, acting on behalf of Broadmoor Properties LLC has submitted an application(MF#Z2021- 006)to rezone from RT(Residential Transition)to C-1(Retail Business) Lots 4&5 of Record Survey#1932652 located in Section 7, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M., records of Franklin County, Washington (Parcels 115210034 and 115210035). Said property is situated along the west side of Broadmoor Boulevard between the western extensions of Buckingham Drive to the north and Sandifur Parkway to the south, in Pasco, WA. The proposal is subject to regulations contained in the Pasco Municipal Code. Public Comment Period: Written comments on the rezone proposal submitted to the Community Development Department by 4:00 p.m. on 14 July 2021 will be included in the Hearing Examiner's meeting packet.You may also submit comments at the Hearing Examiner meeting advertised below.If you have questions on the proposal,contact the Planning Division at(509)545-3441 or via e-mail to: planning@pasco-wa.gov. Open Record Hearing:The Hearing Examiner will conduct the open record hearing at 6:00 p.m. on 14 July 2021 in the Council Chambers in Pasco City Hall at 525 N 3rd Avenue in Pasco, Washington. The Hearing Examiner will consider public testimony concerning the above Rezone application(MF#Z2021-006)from RT to C-1 at this meeting. If you wish to participate virtually in the hearing,please register at least 2 hours prior to the meeting at the following registration link: www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment After registering,you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Required Permits:A City of Pasco grading permit,right-of-way permit,and building permits will be needed for future construction. Preliminary Determination of Regulations Used for Project Mitigation: Titles 12 (Streets and Sidewalks), 16 (Buildings and Construction), 21 (Urban Area Subdivision Regulations), 25 (Zoning), regulations of the Pasco Municipal Code,and the land use policies contained in the Pasco Comprehensive Plan. Estimated Date of the Decision:The City Council is estimated to make a decision on the requested rezone on 16 August 2021. Prepared 22 June 2021 by:Jeffrey B.Adams,Associate Planner, PO Box 293 Pasco,WA 99301 (509)545-3441 Pasco PUBLIC HEARING City Hall — 525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers DATE: WEDNESDAY, 14 July 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE #: Z 2021-008 APPLICANT: Cody Fielding/LFRE Development LLC 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C Pasco, WA 99301 REQUEST: REZONE: Road 92 Rezone C-1 to R-4 BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: L� Lot 22, Coles Estates; in the NW 1/4 of Section 8,Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington (Parcel #115392068). General Location: Generally located east of Road 92, approximately 505 feet north of the Road 92/Sandifur Parkway intersection in Pasco, WA. Property Size: 1.91 acres (83,192.04 square feet). 2. ACCESS: The parcel has access from Road 92. 3. UTILITIES: Existing water and sewer utilities in Road 92. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The lot is undeveloped and is zoned C-1 (Retail Commercial). Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: R-3 Lot-line Homes EAST: C-1 Commercial SOUTH: C-1 Vacant WEST: C-1 Vacant; Mini-Storage 5. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated and approved by City Council; the lot has been designated "Mixed Residential/Commercial."The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation allows for R-1 through R-4, C-1 and 0, as well as Waterfront zoning; this Land Use designation allows a combination of mixed-use residential and commercial in the same development, and uses may include single-family dwellings, patio homes, townhouses, apartments and condominiums. Residential densities may range between 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre. Neighborhood shopping and specialty centers, business parks, service and office uses. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") checklist, Comprehensive Plan, applicable regulations, and other information, a threshold determination resulting in Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS)was issued on June 29, 2021 for this project under WAC 197-11-158. 1 ANALYSIS Request Cody Fielding, in behalf of LFRE Development LLC, has submitted an application to rezone Parcel #115392068, located east of Road 92, approximately 505 feet north of the Road 92/Sandifur Parkway intersection in Pasco, WA, from C-1 (Retail Business District) to R-4 (High-density Residential). Applicant anticipates developing "apartments that look and feel like townhouses" on the site. Site The site has frontage access on Road 92, which connects to Sandifur Parkway to the south. The site contains approximately 1.91 acres (83,192.04 square feet). The Comprehensive Plan designates the lot "Mixed Residential/Commercial." The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation allows for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. Residential density may range from 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation. The rezone request and its intended use are consistent with both Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations. History The site was annexed into the City in 1982 (Ordinance 2388) and assigned RT (Residential Transition) zoning.The RT zoning functions as a "holding zone," Pending future development and more precise assignment. In 2007 the site was rezoned from RT to C-1 (Retail Commercial; Ordinance 3833). The parcel adjacent to the east was developed in 2017 with a retail office building. The Ferrara Terrace lot-line homes to the north were developed around 2018-2020. The City has recently approved a major update to its Comprehensive Plan. The revised Land Use Element of the approved Plan designated the site "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Rezone Criteria The initial review criteria for considering a rezone application are explained in PMC 25.210.030. The criteria are listed below as follows: 1. The date the existing zone became effective: The site was rezoned from RT to C-1 In 2007. 2 2. The changed conditions, which are alleged to warrant other or additional zoning: Development has occurred to the north and east,further development is contemplated nearby. City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the site "Mixed Residential/Commercial." The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation allows for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. Residential density may range from 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial"designation. 3. Facts to justify the change on the basis of advancing the public health, safety and general welfare: The rezone application and proposal are consistent with the Pasco Comprehensive Plan, which has been determined to be in the best interest of advancing public health, safety and general welfare of the community. The rezone would allow for residential density between 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial"designated area. 4. The effect it will have on the value and character of the adjacent property and the Comprehensive Plan: A change in zoning classification may ultimately result in the development of single-family dwellings, patio homes, townhouses, apartments, and/or condominiums, all of which are appropriate for this area, in alignment with the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the newly revised and approved goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The effect on the property owner or owners if the request is not granted: If the property remains with the current C-1 zoning designation the site would likely continue to remain vacant for a while, as the property does not front on an arterial street, and residential demand is currently outpacing commercial in the area by a fair margin. 6. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property The City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the site "Mixed Residential/Commercial." The "Mixed Residential/Commercial"designation allows for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. 7. Such other information as the Hearing Examiner requires The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and City Council Goals on housing. The opportunity for additional high-density residential uses in this area supports the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. 3 STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report.The Hearing Examiner may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public notice of this hearing was sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property and posted in the Tri-City Herald on 25 June 2021. 2. Applicant wishes to rezone Parcel #115392068 from C-1 to R-4. 3. The site is located east of Road 92, approximately 505 feet north of the Road 92/Sandifur Parkway intersection. 4. Applicant anticipates developing "apartments that look and feel like townhouses" on the site. 5. The site has frontage access on Road 92, 6. Road 92 connects to Sandifur Parkway to the south. 7. Sandifur Parkway is an arterial street. 8. The site contains approximately 1.91 acres (83,192.04 square feet). 9. The Comprehensive Plan designates the lot "Mixed Residential/Commercial." 10. The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation allows for R-4 zoning. 11. The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation may be developed with townhouses and apartments. 12. Residential density may range from 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation. 13. The rezone request and its intended use are consistent with both Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations. 14. The site was annexed into the City and assigned RT zoning in 1982 15. The site was rezoned from RT to C-1 in 2007. 16. The parcel adjacent to the east was developed with a retail office building in 2017. 17. The Ferrara Terrace lot-line homes to the north were developed around 2018-2020. 18. The City has recently approved a major update to its Comprehensive Plan. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of a rezone, the Hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusions based upon the criteria listed in PMC 25.210.060. The criteria are as follows: 1. The proposal is in accordance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the site "Mixed Residential/Commercial." the "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation allows for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. 4 Residential density may range from 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial" Land Use designation. The proposal also aligns with the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: Land Use Policy LU-4-A: Encourage infill and higher density uses within proximity to major travel corridors and public transportation service areas. Land Use Policy LU-4-e: Encourage the development of walkable communities by increasing mixed-use (commercial/residential) developments that provide households with neighborhood and commercial shopping opportunities. Housing Goal H-1: Encourage housing for all economic segments of the city's population consistent with the local and regional market. Housing Policy H-1-A: Allow for a full range of housing including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums, apartments, manufactured housing, accessory dwelling units, zero- lot-line, planned unit developments, etc. 2. The effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity will not be materially detrimental. The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated for the area and the Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the site "Mixed Residential/Commercial." The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation allows for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. The application for rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element for the area and meets the intent of the Goals and Policies for the property. The proposal will not be materially detrimental to the immediate vicinity. 3. There is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole. The proposed rezone application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Goals and Policies as adopted by the Pasco City Council (Ordinance 4537) The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated for the area and now designates the site "Mixed Residential/Commercial." The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation allows for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. 4. Conditions should be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal. The rezone application and anticipated project are subject to the regulations and requirements of the Pasco Municipal Code and the City of Pasco Design and Construction Standards.The Design and Construction Standards require a Traffic Study for proposals that generate 25 or more peak hour trips. The City (Lead Agency) issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) on 29 June 2021. Upon Project Application, mitigation will likely include the following: a) An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. 5 b) A traffic impact (TIA) analysis is likely considering the ITE Trip Calculation preformed. It is the responsibility of the developer to inform the City as to whether they would like to self-perform the TIA or if they would like the City to do it. 5. A Concomitant Agreement should be entered into between the City and the petitioner, and if so, the terms and conditions of such an agreement. A concomitant agreement would not be required in this circumstance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions that Lot 22, Coles Estates; in the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington (Parcel #115392068), located east of Road 92, approximately 505 feet north of the Road 92/Sandifur Parkway intersection in Pasco, WA be rezoned from C-1 (Retail Business District) to R-4 (High-density Residential). 6 Overview Item: Rezone - Road 92 - C-I to R-4 N Applicant: LFRE Development LLC - Cody Fielding W+E • 1File 00i �;a��f1:�.i �� �� ■111111111111■ ; 11111111111111\1 IOrd� n WWo wig L. �® red■��■�iii� �� ■� �� I■�����I'rq`+��i a `�i�-_..� � -� � c�wa r sari rdrr� w� '� orbd nor a Mite WIN A *4 - Hrm 1 n X-d �■ wW � �i�3�0� �i���i3Z I�1® I+� do �, _ ram I re ,rr �d�1 ��I �Lr• 4111 � A L� WM ,a -Rim �kudlil !fir ®.�■� : ' ► ���i ��� '' ' �����II�IIII'lll�ll�,��{ ��`�11��1���■I�ill��l� err ru a .r_r u v r s.r r�'�� �;, me Ix 11204 490MMMa' NUNN _ .;'� �- - ,� � ����������'■�W��� - �j�� Rd ---� - - � -� �A. _an log s lily FA 0641! 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' ��:Y ...tif j ✓ y�t s� Yn �:�rG "�' xj-. ``�. -i 'e� _. i -,i _ _ - _ Lookinj Northwest i -r plow .... �' f ♦ _Y 1. 1'x`'[��'�F ���,� ��( ' i S Ft� k, `��l.'l t F, s r I . , h r FF � rr '�� { ►,::F f ` ti f���^�'+ �_ ..r� .� �.�,�+-n s ��1; '�=X �i �l�{,L- 1`e e� i i ISI � - F /� r y�yA '-, ` 'r� " —5'y ."`�= r *. �.%r'.�:i+�"'.� 'y �.} s r F,•T_''y { ►- Xv rlf: City0f Community&Economic Development Department Fee:$825 PO Box 293,525 vs�co P:509,545 3441/3'11 Ave,Pasco,WA 99301 1 F:S09.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE Master File # DI$ Date Submitted: S 1 --1 Applicant Info Owner Info (if different than applicant) Name: Name: LFRE Development LLC-Cody Fielding, Principal LFRE Development LLC-Cody Fielding, Principal Address: Address: 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C, Pasco, WA 99301 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C, Pasco, WA 99301 Phone: Phone: 509.492.8611 509.492.8611 Email: Email: cody@Ifre.com cody@Ifre.com Project Address: Unaddressed - east side of Road 92 Project Parcel Number: 115392068 Current Zoning: C-1 Retail Business Requested Zoning: R-4 High Density Residential Describe the nature and effect of the proposed change: Rezoning the site to the R-4 zone will provide consistency with the City's recent comprehensive plan change that reclassified the site as Mixed Residential/Commercial. Development will be apartments that look and feel like townhouses. Many are unable to afford a house, so this product is a suitable alternative while working towards home ownership. Rental rates will be affordable in that they will not be at a luxury price point. Estimated time frame of development: Development construction plans will begin to be prepared after the rezone request is approved, with full build-out within 2 years. Updated July 2019 What conditions warrant the proposed rezone?The city's changing of the land use classification necessitates the rezone so that there is consistency between the future land use and the zone. The city's 2018 land capacity analysis identifies the need for accommodation of an additional 17,866 residents and further notes that 1,965 acres of residential land is needed for the additional people. How will the proposed rezone advance the health, safety, and general welfare of the community? This rezone will help to meet the Comprehensive Plan's goals of providing the opportunity for additional housing development to take place in accordance with the city's goals, standards, and rules. Development will include installation of/improvements to public infrastructure, utilities, streets. What effect will the proposed change have on the value and character of adjacent property? There will be minimal to no adverse impact since adjacent sites have the same future land use as the site, which will result in similar uses on the undeveloped adjacent property. Developed sites are residential and neighborhood commercial uses, consistent with the proposed project's use. How does the proposed rezone relate to the City's Comprehensive Plan? It is in keeping with the following 2027 Comprehensive Plan goals - Land Use Goals 1, 2, and 3; Housing Goals 1, 2, and 4 Capital Facilities Goal 2; Utilities Goals 2 and 3; and Transportation Goal 1. Brings into compliance with future land use classification, avoids urban sprawl, and meets future housing needs. What effect will be realized by the owner(s) if the proposed rezone is not granted?The undeveloped site has been for sale for several years with its C-1 zone, with no buyers. Multi-family land is in very short supply and would allow the owner to build and provide much-needed housing for the city, thus making the land more valuable to the owner since esidential is the highest and best use of the site. NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of$50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. C1Of Community&Economic Development Department Fee:$825 I' vs�yco PO Box 293,525 N 3`d Ave,Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 Fee for Rezone $700.00 Environmental Checklist $ 75.00 Radius Notification 50.00 $825.00 SEPA Checklist 0 Site map Fee of$825 Signat aof Applicant — ra� Fjj4-, *Notanz gnature of Pro y Owner State of Washington } ss. County of Franklin ) On this day of—� � s I before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared _0a� �e- '57 to _ being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and reachhe foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of yvt-A _ _�a-I . M,OUNNgyC � ''• '' Washington NOTAOPUBUC RASidingat FV-G4l�ll�� '} COMM.EXPIRESM4 Commission expires 1 od 10126/2024 `+i ° OF WASt�� Updated July 2019 "—MO"`"°G City v4isco Community Development Departmen ' PO Box 293, 525 N 3d Ave, Pasco, WA 99301 509.545.3441/ F: 509.545.3499 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (Optional DNS Process) Issuance Date: June 29, 2021 Project Name: LFRE Development LLC Site Development Rezone Project Number: SEPA 2021-040 and SEPA 2021-041/Z 2021-007 and Z 2021-008 Proponent: Cody Fielding, c/o LFRE Development LLC 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C Pasco, WA 99301 Applicant: Cody Fielding, c/o LFRE Development LLC 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C Pasco, WA 99301 Description of Proposal:Approval of two rezone applications (MF# Z 2021-007 and Z 2021-008) from C-1 to R-4 for Franklin County, Washington Parcels #115430172, 115430173, 115430174, and 115392068. Location of Proposal: Site #1: Lots 12, 13, and 14 of Binding Site Plan 2002-005; Generally located east of Midland Lane,approximately 710 feet north of the Midland Ln/Sandifur Pkwy intersection (Parcels #115430172, 115430173, and 115430174), in the NW 1/4 of Section 8,Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington. Site #2: Lot 22, Coles Estates; generally located east of Road 92, approximately 505 feet north of the Road 92/Sandifur Parkway intersection (Parcel #115392068), in the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington. Likely Mitigation Upon Project Application: 1. An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. 2. A traffic impact (TIA) analysis is likely considering the ITE Trip Calculation preformed. It is the responsibility of the developer to inform the City as to whether they would like to self-perform the TIA or if they would like the City to do it. Lead Agency: City of Pasco The City of Pasco, acting as lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This MDNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the MDNS. Appeals must be filed within 10 days of this determination. Responsible Official:ai Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director Address: PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301-0293 Phone: (509) 545-3441 Appeals: You may appeal this determination of non-significance by submitting an appeal to the address below no later than 10 days from issuance. The appeal must be in written form, contain a concise statement of the matter being appealed and the basic rationale for the appeal. A fee is required per the City's Fee Resolution. Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under City code. All comments or appeals are to be directed to the City of Pasco Planning Department, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA, 99301, Attn: Rick White. Pasco PUBLIC HEARING City Hall — 525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers DATE: WEDNESDAY, 14 July 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE #: Z 2021-007 APPLICANT: Cody Fielding/LFRE Development LLC 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C Pasco, WA 99301 REQUEST: REZONE: Midland Lane Rezone C-1 to R-4 BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: L� Lots 12, 13, and 14 of Binding Site Plan 2002-005; (Parcels #115430172, 115430173, and 115430174), in the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington. General Location: Generally located east of Midland Lane, approximately 710 feet north of the Midland Ln/Sandifur Pkwy intersection in Pasco, WA. Property Size: 6.47 acres (282,025.90 square feet). 2. ACCESS: The parcel has access from Midland Lane. 3. UTILITIES: Existing water and sewer utilities in Midland Lane. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: All three lots are undeveloped and are zoned C-1 (Retail Commercial). Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: R-3 Mediterranean Villas Condos EAST: C-1 Mini Storage Facility SOUTH: C-1 Offices WEST: C-1 Vacant Land 5. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated and approved by City Council; the north 3/ of the northernmost lot has been designated "Medium- Density Residential" by the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; the balance is designated "Mixed Residential/Commercial." The "Medium-Density Residential" designation allows for R-2 through R-4 and RP zoning, and single-family dwellings, patio homes,townhouses, apartments, and condominiums are all appropriate for this area. Residential density may range from 6 to 20 dwelling units per acre. The "Mixed Residential/Commercial" allows for R-1 through R-4, C-1 and 0, as well as Waterfront zoning; this Land Use designation allows a combination of mixed-use residential and commercial in the same development, and uses may include single-family dwellings, patio homes, townhouses, apartments and 1 condominiums. Residential densities may range between 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre. Neighborhood shopping and specialty centers, business parks, service and office uses. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") checklist, Comprehensive Plan, applicable regulations, and other information, a threshold determination resulting in Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS)was issued on June 29, 2021 for this project under WAC 197-11-158. ANALYSIS Request Cody Fielding, in behalf of LFRE Development LLC, has submitted an application to rezone Parcels #115430172, 115430173, and 115430174, located east of Midland Lane, approximately 710 feet north of the Midland Ln/Sandifur Pkwy intersection in Pasco, WA., from C-1 (Retail Business District)to R-4(High-density Residential).Applicant anticipates developing"apartments that look and feel like townhouses" on the site. Site The site has frontage access on Midland Lane, which connects to Sandifur Parkway to the south. The site contains approximately 6.47 acres (282,025.90 square feet).. The Comprehensive Plan designates the north % of the northernmost lot "Medium-Density Residential" and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Both the "Medium-Density Residential" and "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designations allow for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. Residential density may range from 6 to 20 dwelling units per acre in the "Medium-Density Residential" designated area, and 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation. The rezone request and its intended use are consistent with both Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations. History The site was annexed into the City in 1982 (Ordinance 2388) and assigned C-1-D (Designated Shopping Center) zoning. In 1994 the upper lot was rezoned to R-T and the lower two lots were rezoned to C-1 (Retail Commercial; Ordinance 3002); in 2000 the upper lot was also rezoned to C-1 (Ordinance 3415). The parcel adjacent to the east was developed in 2000 as the Desert Ice Skating Arena; the owners received approval for a Special Permit to convert it into a mini storage facility in 2005, and again to expand the use in 2014. 2 The Mediterranean Villas condominiums expanded in 2007 with the development of Phase 4 located to the north of the site. two medical/professional office buildings, one in 2003 and another in 2012, were constructed to the south along Sandifur Parkway. The City has recently approved a major update to its Comprehensive Plan. The revised Land Use Element of the approved Plan designated the north % of the northernmost lot "Medium-Density Residential" and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Rezone Criteria The initial review criteria for considering a rezone application are explained in PMC 25.210.030. The criteria are listed below as follows: 1. The date the existing zone became effective: The lower two lots were rezoned to C-1 In 1994; the upper lot was rezoned to C-1 in 2000. 2. The changed conditions, which are alleged to warrant other or additional zoning: Development has occurred to the north, east and south;further development is contemplated for the area west of the site. City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the north % of the northernmost lot "Medium-Density Residential" and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Both the "Medium-Density Residential"and "Mixed Residential/Commercial"designations allow for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. Residential density may range from 6 to 20 dwelling units per acre in the "Medium-Density Residential" designated area, and 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial"designation. 3. Facts to justify the change on the basis of advancing the public health, safety and general welfare: The rezone application and proposal are consistent with the Pasco Comprehensive Plan, which has been determined to be in the best interest of advancing public health, safety and general welfare of the community. The rezone would allow for residential density between 6 to 20 dwelling units per acre in the "Medium-Density Residential"designated area, and 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial"designated area. 4. The effect it will have on the value and character of the adjacent property and the Comprehensive Plan: A change in zoning classification may ultimately result in the development of single-family dwellings, patio homes, townhouses, apartments, and/or condominiums, all of which are appropriate for this area, in alignment with the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. 3 The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the newly revised and approved goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The effect on the property owner or owners if the request is not granted: If the property remains with the current C-1 zoning designation the site would likely continue to remain vacant for a while, as the property does not front on an arterial street, and residential demand is currently outpacing commercial in the area by a fair margin. 6. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property The City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the north %of the northernmost lot "Medium-Density Residential"and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Both the "Medium-Density Residential"and "Mixed Residential/Commercial"designations allow for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. 7. Such other information as the Hearing Examiner requires The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and City Council Goals on housing. The opportunity for additional high-density residential uses in this area supports the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report.The Hearing Examiner may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public notice of this hearing was sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property and posted in the Tri-City Herald on 25 June 2021. 2. Applicant wishes to rezone three Parcels (#115430172, 115430173, and 115430174) from C-1 to R-4. 3. The three parcels are located on Midland Lane and north of Sandifur Parkway. 4. Applicant anticipates developing "apartments that look and feel like townhouses." 5. The site has frontage access on Midland Lane. 6. Midland Lane connects to Sandifur Parkway to the south. 7. Sandifur Parkway is an arterial street. 8. The site contains approximately 6.47 acres (282,025.90 square feet). 9. The Comprehensive Plan designates the north % of the northernmost lot "Medium- Density Residential" and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." 10. Both the "Medium-Density Residential" and "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designations allow for R-4 zoning. 4 11. Both the "Medium-Density Residential" and "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designations may be developed with townhouses and apartments. 12. Residential density may range from 6 to 20 dwelling units per acre in the "Medium- Density Residential" designated area. 13. Residential density may range from and 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation. 14. The rezone request and its intended use are consistent with both Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations. 15. The site was annexed into the City and assigned C-1-D (Designated Shopping Center) zoning in 1982. 16. In 1994 the upper lot was rezoned to R-T and the lower two lots were rezoned to C-1. 17. In 2000 the upper lot was rezoned to C-1. 18. Adjacent parcels to the north, east, and south have all been developed between 2000 and 2014. 19. Adjacent uses include condominium, mini storage, and medical/office uses. 20. expanded in 2007 with the development of Phase 4 located to the north of the site. 21. The City has recently approved a major update to its Comprehensive Plan. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of a rezone, the Hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusions based upon the criteria listed in PMC 25.210.060. The criteria are as follows: 1. The proposal is in accordance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the north % of the northernmost lot "Medium-Density Residential" and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Both the "Medium-Density Residential" and "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designations allow for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. Residential density may range from 6 to 20 dwelling units per acre in the "Medium-Density Residential" designated area, and 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre in the "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designation. The proposal also aligns with the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: Land Use Policy LU-4-A: Encourage infill and higher density uses within proximity to major travel corridors and public transportation service areas. Land Use Policy LU-4-B: Encourage the development of walkable communities by increasing mixed-use (commercial/residential) developments that provide households with neighborhood and commercial shopping opportunities. 5 Housing Goal H-1: Encourage housing for all economic segments of the city's population consistent with the local and regional market. Housing Policy H-1-A: Allow for a full range of housing including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums, apartments, manufactured housing, accessory dwelling units, zero- lot-line, planned unit developments, etc. 2. The effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity will not be materially detrimental. The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated for the area and the Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the north % of the northernmost lot "Medium-Density Residential" and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Both the "Medium-Density Residential" and "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designations allow for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. The application for rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element for the area and meets the intent of the Goals and Policies for the property. The proposal will not be materially detrimental to the immediate vicinity. 3. There is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole. The proposed rezone application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Goals and Policies as adopted by the Pasco City Council (Ordinance 4537) The Comprehensive Plan has recently been updated for the area and now designates the north of the northernmost lot "Medium-Density Residential" and the balance "Mixed Residential/Commercial." Both the "Medium-Density Residential" and "Mixed Residential/Commercial" designations allow for R-4 zoning and may be developed with townhouses and apartments. 4. Conditions should be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal. The rezone application and anticipated project are subject to the regulations and requirements of the Pasco Municipal Code and the City of Pasco Design and Construction Standards.The Design and Construction Standards require a Traffic Study for proposals that generate 25 or more peak hour trips. The City (Lead Agency) issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) on 29 June 2021. Upon Project Application, mitigation will likely include the following: a) An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. b) A traffic impact (TIA) analysis is likely considering the ITE Trip Calculation preformed. It is the responsibility of the developer to inform the City as to whether they would like to self-perform the TIA or if they would like the City to do it. 6 5. A Concomitant Agreement should be entered into between the City and the petitioner, and if so, the terms and conditions of such an agreement. A concomitant agreement would not be required in this circumstance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions that Lots 12, 13, and 14 of Binding Site Plan 2002-005 in the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington (Parcels#115430172, 115430173, and 115430174), located east of Midland Lane, approximately 710 feet north of the Midland Ln/Sandifur Pkwy intersection be rezoned from C-1 (Retail Business District) to R-4 (High-density Residential). 7 Overview Item: Rezone - Midland Lane- C-I to R-4 N Applicant: LFRE Development LLC - Cody Fielding W E + I Map - 2021-007 S �V1�■■■� �� �� iia Oro W, WIN A im Nd W 240 Wa Pew If :� ��������� F'. , � � � .� b�� �� ate® ��������i� �� ■� �� ����i��J_��A+��� �s Aim" w +�e� a rc s �r.� Ld -- �`!,t■.■r■err enr.eur■ei! io�iiu�ll�illl�f il��r� �i�iiiiiiiill11�1�1���11^� �� � � � Mom ~ �■nr n�■■r� _�,� r �`�����{Ib��II� vs i� �I�iiiii��li 1� �� � _�� ���� iiNiiiiil�i�� l�i�iiii� "PIP. .� . =� � � � ► : d MAU -IMU"M bp Sm ' err ai AF}e■ V o — e v 9 8 6 • D • e �i Y'i` .�ii3 � �IIR� M� Development111111111 E Vicin Item: Rezone - Midland Lane- C-I to R-4 N 1 Map - 2021-007 s r7 ' ,, wmr -xis- ire `tiN nw sw sr r _M`iri A.r+ia•.k � R� 1 1 1 6 'A lLawk IL IL '-s-_ � -.--a�� .-���-ave � ��7.•�` e�) Aj OIL 110 210 _ o _ d . 0 630m ;Nr' o��iieso���/� Illuuulll �����r� �� �, m � 0l00��o+os.•�►vv tat�ootdtllRQQttO�e� o DevelopmentLand Use Item: Rezone - Midland Lane- C-I to R-4 N Applicant: LFRE • W+E 1 File - 2021-007 S {GLrVrrA "ii�r"i�■GG;���■�■■GGJG• 4V�IL:V:�G�fGrGrl��l K-:Lamm EWEJ 61 161 � �112 OD 117 trit ServicesMiscMEN. 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Development will be apartments that look and feel like townhouses. Many are unable to afford a house, so this product is a suitable alternative while working towards home ownership. Rental rates will be affordable in that they will not be at a luxury price point. Estimated time frame of development: Development construction plans will begin to be prepared_ after the rezone request is approved, with full build-out within 2 years. Updated July 2019 What conditions warrant the proposed rezone?The city's changing of the land use classifications_ — necessitates the rezone so that there is consistency between the future land uses and the zone. The city's 2018 land capacity analysis identifies the need for accommodation of an additional 17,866 residents and further notes that 1,965 acres of residential land is needed for the additional people. How will the proposed rezone advance the health,safety, and general welfare of the community? This rezone will help to meet the Comprehensive Plan's goals of providing the opportunity for additional housing development to take place in accordance with the city's goals, standards, and rules. Development will include installation of/improvements to public infrastructure, utilities, streets. What effect will the proposed change have on the value and character of adjacent property? There will be minimal to no adverse impact since adjacent sites have the same future land use as the site, which will result in similar uses on the undeveloped adjacent property. Developed sites are residential and neighborhood commercial uses, consistent with the proposed project's use. How does the proposed rezone relate to the City's Comprehensive Plan? It is in keeping with the following 2027 Comprehensive Plan goals - Land Use Goals 1, 2, and 3; Housing Goals 1, 2, and 4 Capital Facilities Goal 2; Utilities Goals 2 and 3; and Transportation Goal 1. Brings into compliance with Comp Plan future land use classification, avoid urban sprawl, meet future housing needs What effect will be realized by the owner(s) if the proposed rezone is not granted?The undeveloped site has been for sale for several years with its C-1 zone, with no buyers. Multi-family land is in very short supply and would allow the owner to build and provide much-needed housing for the city, thus making the land more valuable to the owner since residential is the highest and best use of the site. NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of$50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. owimLL. Community&Economic Development Department Fee:$825 Pd— C�ty5C0 PO Box 293,525 N 31d Ave,Pasco,WA 99301 I P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 Fee for Rezone - $700.00 Environmental Checklist - $ 75.00 Radius Notification - 50.00 $825.00 O SEPA Checklist 13 Site map t(Fee of$825 Foul Signatur of pplicant *Notarize ature of Pro Owner State of Washington ss. County of Franklin ] yJJ - On this':)& day of_Yyt�� -I , before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared _r(o ' -,Id) ,, - being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and rea the foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 00 dayof .•oy N •....,,031 9ZOEM/0L ¢Notary Public in and for the State of Washington s3aidx� wwo� Residing at_ i�o�t/fv� e xn911d AMON • I My Commission expires_1 � 4 Updated July 2019 roil Community&Economic Development Department Fee:$825 PO Box 293,525 N 3i"Ave,Pasco,WA 99301 Paseo P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 Fee for Rezone - $700.00 Environmental Checklist - $ 75.00 Radius Notification - 50.00 $825.00 WSEPA Checklist 0 Site map bFee of$825 Signatu Applicant *Notarized Signatureo opertyowner State of sWngton— S`bv k Coff ss. County of- rld4ft- } On this day of_ � , 7_62t before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State ofe&Gp, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared _L,f P': (' �'� being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and read the foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. ,- 41- SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of A11�ii [�SmrrHNow vpum-Arbana Notary Public in and for the State of asia+s+g% �iaorsti NM%Vftk0Pa C" *%aOn0847764 Residingat_1645- G f.'il 1 �, Cm1f5 e, A C 'mss J'20.� My Commission expires_rn,_T7�1:2 rj? Updated July 2019 City v4isco Community Development Departmen ' PO Box 293, 525 N 3d Ave, Pasco, WA 99301 509.545.3441/ F: 509.545.3499 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (Optional DNS Process) Issuance Date: June 29, 2021 Project Name: LFRE Development LLC Site Development Rezone Project Number: SEPA 2021-040 and SEPA 2021-041/Z 2021-007 and Z 2021-008 Proponent: Cody Fielding, c/o LFRE Development LLC 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C Pasco, WA 99301 Applicant: Cody Fielding, c/o LFRE Development LLC 6119 Burden Blvd, Suite C Pasco, WA 99301 Description of Proposal:Approval of two rezone applications (MF# Z 2021-007 and Z 2021-008) from C-1 to R-4 for Franklin County, Washington Parcels #115430172, 115430173, 115430174, and 115392068. Location of Proposal: Site #1: Lots 12, 13, and 14 of Binding Site Plan 2002-005; Generally located east of Midland Lane,approximately 710 feet north of the Midland Ln/Sandifur Pkwy intersection (Parcels #115430172, 115430173, and 115430174), in the NW 1/4 of Section 8,Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington. Site #2: Lot 22, Coles Estates; generally located east of Road 92, approximately 505 feet north of the Road 92/Sandifur Parkway intersection (Parcel #115392068), in the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Pasco, Franklin County, Washington. Likely Mitigation Upon Project Application: 1. An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. 2. A traffic impact (TIA) analysis is likely considering the ITE Trip Calculation preformed. It is the responsibility of the developer to inform the City as to whether they would like to self-perform the TIA or if they would like the City to do it. Lead Agency: City of Pasco The City of Pasco, acting as lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This MDNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the MDNS. Appeals must be filed within 10 days of this determination. Responsible Official:ai Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director Address: PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301-0293 Phone: (509) 545-3441 Appeals: You may appeal this determination of non-significance by submitting an appeal to the address below no later than 10 days from issuance. The appeal must be in written form, contain a concise statement of the matter being appealed and the basic rationale for the appeal. A fee is required per the City's Fee Resolution. Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under City code. All comments or appeals are to be directed to the City of Pasco Planning Department, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA, 99301, Attn: Rick White. Clty(Y REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER 0"_1 I Co s� PUBLIC HEARING City Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers WEDNESDAY, 14 July, 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: SP 2021-010 APPLICANT: TCA Architecture c/o City of Pasco 6211 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: Road 100 Fire Station #85 BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legal: A Portion of the Northeast % the Southeast % of the Northeast % of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, Except a portion of street for State Road 182. General Location: 3624 Road 100; A parcel of land located along Road 100 between Chelan Court to the north and Maple Drive to the south (Franklin County Tax Parcel 118102142). Property Size: Approximately 3.93 acres (171,342.12 square Feet). 2. ACCESS: The site has access from Road 100; a new public street will be constructed along the north property line to serve the fire station and future residential lots. 3. UTILITIES: Water and sewer services are available in Road 100. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is zoned RS-12 (Suburban) and has recently been vacated of two manufactured housing units and a garage. Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: RS-12 SFDUs EAST: RS-20 SFDUs SOUTH: RS-12 SFDUs; vacant land WEST: RS-20 SFDUs 5. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates the site and all surrounding properties for Low-density Residential. Volume II of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically pages 30-32 pertain to Capital Facilities and their placement. The Plan encourages the setting aside of adequate lands for public facilities (Goal CF-3) and the maintenance of a fire protection service that is effective and cost efficient (Goal CF-6). Policy CF-6-A encourages the city to "Strive to provide a sufficient number of fire stations in appropriate locations throughout the community." 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist, the adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information, a threshold determination resulting in a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) has been issued for this project under WAC 197-11-158. 1 ANALYSIS The applicant, TCA Architecture, has submitted a Special Permit proposal for a fire station (Fire Station #85) with Fire department administration offices for the City of Pasco.The facility is to be located along Road 100 between Chelan Court to the north and Maple Drive to the south (Parcel #119 541 023). Pasco Municipal Code (PMC) 25.15.050 defines fire stations as "Community Facilities Level 1." As per PMC Section 25.200.020(4))Community Service Facilities are an unclassified use and as such,are subject to special use permit review. It is estimated the project will be complete in 12 months; applicant proposes to begin construction the first quarter of 2022. The proposed project is an approximately 12,600 square-foot fire station with associated site improvements. The use will include sleeping and living areas for employees, apparatus bays and supporting spaces for the apparatus and firefighting equipment.The east half of the property will be further subdivided and developed with City streets and approximately 6 residential building lots. The exterior of the building will be composed of metal siding, fiber composite boards, and accent materials as seen in the attached elevation exhibit.The highest proposed structure is 35 feet. As seen in the "Fire Station Distribution and Response Zones" map, much of the Broadmoor Area of Pasco is not adequately served by City of Pasco emergency services if each fire station has a 6-minute response distance(each circle is a 3-mile radius,or approximately 6 minutes).Considering the rate at which West Pasco is growing, it is necessary to ensure the timely provision of new services, like fire stations,to support existing and future development. Fire stations are outlined as capital facilities in the Comprehensive Plan and are approved in the capital budget based upon the needs of the community. A primary consideration is benefit to the environment and public health.The Plan stresses the importance of siting necessary facilities in appropriate locations and the protection of life and property. The proposed use will follow requirements of the City of Pasco noise ordinance to prevent nuisance situations. INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of Fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report. The Planning Commission may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public notice of this hearing was sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property and posted in the Tri-City Herald on 25 June 2021. 2. Applicant wishes to develop a fire station (Fire Station #85) with Fire department administration offices for the City of Pasco. 3. The fire station facility is to be located along Road 100 between Chelan Court and Maple Drive. 4. Pasco Municipal Code (PMC) 25.15.050 defines fire stations as "Community Facilities Level 1." 5. Community Service Facilities are an unclassified use subject to Special Permit review. 6. The proposed project is a 12,600 square-foot fire station. 2 7. The project will include sleeping and living areas for employees, apparatus bays and supporting spaces for the apparatus and firefighting equipment. 8. The east half of the property will be subdivided, developed with City streets, and approximately 6 residential building lots. 9. The exterior of the building will be composed of metal siding, fiber composite boards, and accent materials as seen in the attached elevation exhibit. 10. The highest proposed structure is 35 feet. 11. Each fire station has a 6-minute response distance (each circle is a 3-mile radius, or approximately 6 minutes). 12. Much of the Broadmoor Area of Pasco is not adequately served by City of Pasco emergency services. 13. It is necessary to ensure the timely provision of new fire stations to support existing and future development. 14. Fire stations are outlined as capital facilities in the Comprehensive Plan. 15. Fire stations are approved in the capital budget based upon the needs of the community. 16. The proposed use will follow requirements of the City of Pasco noise ordinance to prevent nuisance situations. CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of the proposed plat the Planning Commission must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusion (P.M.C. 26.24.070)therefrom as to whether or not: 1. Will the proposed use be in accordance with the goals, policies, objectives and text of the Comprehensive Plan? a. The Plan stresses the importance of siting necessary facilities in appropriate locations and the protection of life and property. The site is located within a developed and growing portion of the community and on a major arterial, which provides excellent access to the surrounding neighborhoods. 2. Will the proposed use adversely affect public infrastructure? a. The proposal will generate little demand for public utilities such as water and sewer.Traffic generation of the proposal will be minimal and easily accommodated by the existing road system. The activity does involve the intermittent dispatching of emergency service vehicles,yet the direct access to Road 100 will not negatively impact traffic circulation. 3. Will the proposed use be constructed, maintained, and operated to be in harmony with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity? a. The general vicinity is residential in nature.As a conditional use,the building may be subject to additional site and elevation design regulations to promote an aesthetically pleasing environment that will complement the appearance of the residential development in the area. 4. Will the location and height of proposed structures and the site design discourage the development of permitted uses on property in the general vicinity or impair the value thereof? 3 a. This proposal will complement the appearance of the surrounding properties and is not expected to discourage future residential development.The highest structure is proposed at 35 feet. 5. Will the operations in connection with the proposal be more objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise,fumes, vibrations, dust, traffic, or flashing lights than would be the operation of any permitted uses within the district? a. Emergency vehicles will be leaving the site with lights and sirens activated and may be more objectionable than permitted uses. However, the use of sirens at night and in the early mornings will be limited, which is a measure to minimize the potential audio impact of this activity. 6. Will the proposed use endanger the public health or safety if located and developed where proposed, or in any way will become a nuisance to uses permitted in the district? a. It is expected that the proposed fire station will not cause harm to public health and safety and that the associated activity will not become a nuisance to permitted uses in the vicinity. The proposal will locate an emergency service facility in a rapidly growing area of Pasco that has an increasing need for emergency services. APPROVAL CONDITIONS 1. The Special Permit shall apply to tax parcel 118 102 142 and the subsequent subdivision of same; 2. No outdoor storage of equipment or materials shall be allowed without adequate site-screening;any required site screening shall be accomplished with materials complementing the architecture of the primary structure; 3. The site shall be developed in substantial conformity to approved site and building plans submitted; 4. The Special Permit shall be null and void if all necessary building permits have not been obtained within two years of approval of this Special Permit. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the 12,600 square-foot Fire Station #85 facility to be located at 3624 Road 100; (Parcel#119 541 023), with conditions as set forth herein. 4 Overview Item: Road 100 Fire Station 485 N Applicant: City of ' + Map File 9: ' 2021 -010 ���- '�• ■ tiaa l.ia:: a!rw y Haaa � .aua.. •:i::i:i ui:u� ..,, rid 4W /n:M fr. a .:r.... ...-rs....a i S - �• '" ovaria!`- ai:a I'd a�•.i.a..:.,. r. a•►..a■: . :/..L.r/ Oaarufaa= ,+s..t" ��. .,,..• +:....ar,.j is ° na . rl.::. . adI aL. * •y}� y .r.+rad - :i.c:a.a� i•� � � •�rr r��Y � rte- a.ir.. ..�•:i...aa� aa.aa r fi-• - o® e. .- �� r yr� - `-.n+.ri a ....L.,.,�.aiiiii.i: aid •,.../.AiLri r ' - YOB •_• � - �- a�Y i ,1� a,Larr/- �.- : q■ _ _ �.r..Lre..; ❑❑ r•e..�rv.....r a.r4 �� . ■ i • 9j.. �u•:r a°:.a.iaa a.rMasu�a•;a...L,.L■ .u,u.n.a ...nn.,r� - y�ai .aasaa Jra a.rrarra 'n: 1 *■Jr`r�� •I� f�'�� ��' rseawa/Ld ■[Itaa.L �. aae... �■ �����/w� � y *�4 n =_ �- iils it .ilii:iii'7 iiii:si�=i�:�W.F'::�=`•,;;. _{'.. ara..r.r a.aaa'os ■+.ail: ► - fps..as.l aMLa arar r + ri r• ♦Yjr -..,• _,+. 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'r.gra'• � .. .�'� �} .x"- s I - r r vs�co -= •. -czar tT -7J y a �� ,Y,�' . �f - �.�•;^'�`a- ,;;:�, `��: . _ Vis= `... i•. ; r;.:;�r :x� �_...C 1. •w.'c. ,�;?�• City°f CO x• •nom - �:-� �:w:- _ - yam, _.� ■ 3525 r � — *.1.., . �-•F=it _ .-7.C�• '+.�;�.., '�iy a• 0-14 4% C I ty ad Community&Economic Development Department Fee:$b25 vsco PQ Box 293,S25 N 3'd Ave, Pasco, WA 99301 ' P: 509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION GENERAL PROVISIONS: Unclassified uses enumerated in Section 25.86.020 (listed below), conditional uses listed within each zoning district, and any other uses specifically referred to this chapter shall be subject to the regulations contained in this chapter, in addition to all applicable requirements of this Title. UNCLASSIFIED USES: 1. High schools, colleges, universities, vocational schools, business colleges and other similar academic or skills training facilities or institutions not heretofore permitted within any district; 2. Cemeteries, crematories, mausoleums, and other places of burial or interment of remains; 3. Churches; 4. Community service facilities, as defined in Sections 25.12.155 and 25.12.156; 5. Airports, heliports, or any other landing or maneuvering space for aircraft, together with terminals and other customary facilities accessory to the unclassified use, 6. Golf courses, pitch and putt courses, miniature golf courses, water parks, sports complexes, riding stables, and similar facilities for public, private or membership use; 7. Monasteries, convents or other functionally similar facilities; 8. Landfills, garbage dumps, and resource recovery facilities; 9. Off-site parking lots, except those required for a residential use, provided such parking area is not more than five hundred feet from the building; 10. Electrical substations and load transfer stations, natural gas booster stations, and other similar utility facilities; 11. Park and ride lots, off-street transfer stations or other similar facility involving the storage, start-up, idling and movement of public or private operated carrier, charter or transit buses, vans, and similar vehicles; and 12. Agricultural use (commercial) except in areas 1,000 feet from a residential zoning district, subdivision or dwelling unit. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fee of$625 ($500 application fee + $75 SEPA fee + $50 radius notification) 2. Completed SEPA form 3. A site map or plan drawn neatly and to scale, showing the following: a. Exterior property lines and any adjacent public street or alley rights-of-way b. Existing and proposed buildings and other structures. c. Existing and proposed points of ingress and egress, drives and driveways and circulation pattern. Updated April 2019 d. The location of existing and proposed parking areas with each parking space shown. e. Existing and proposed open spaces and landscape areas. 4. The property owner's notarized signature acknowledging the application PUBLIC HEARING: Upon the filing of a complete application for a special permit, the application shall be scheduled for an open record hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Notice of such open record hearing shall be given as provided for in PMC 25.210.040, except that in the case of commercial agricultural uses, the notification distance shall be increased to 1,000 feet. The open record hearing may be continued as deemed necessary by the Hearing Examiner, provided the applicant consents to any such continuance. In the event the applicant does not consent to a continuance, the Hearing Examiner shall close the public hearing and render a decision in accordance with the provisions of PMC 25.200.080 and 25.200.100. Upon conclusion of the open record hearing, the Hearing Examiner shall make and enter findings from the record and conclusions thereof as to whether or not: 1. The proposal is in accordance with the goals, policies, objectives, maps and/or narrative text of the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal will adversely affect public infrastructure; 3. The proposal will be constructed, maintained and operated to be in harmony with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity; 4. The location and height of proposed structures and the site design will discourage the development of permitted uses on property in the general vicinity or impair the value thereof; 5. The operations in connection with the proposal will be more objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibrations, dust, traffic, or flashing lights than would be the operation of any permitted uses within the district; and 6. The proposal will endanger the public health, or safety if located and developed where proposed, or in any way will become a nuisance to uses permitted in the district. SHOPS/ GARAGES: The Hearing Examiner shall consider the following for special permits dealing with increased heights and/or floor area for detached shops and garages: 1. Will the shop/garage match the principle structure in design and exterior treatments such as roofing materials, siding, color, window and door openings, eave overhangs, fenestrations and other architectural features? 2. Will the existing topography and elevation of the site and surrounding property exacerbate or attenuate the height of the proposed shop/garage? 3. Will the proposal include landscaping features or berms to ameliorate the height and/or floor area of the shop/garage? 4. Will the shop/garage be erected on the property utilizing minimum setbacks? 5. Is the site larger than the minimum lot size requirement for the zoning district? REVOCATION OF PERMIT: Any special permit may be revoked by the Hearing Examiner if, after a public hearing, notice of which shall be given in accordance with PMC 25.210.040, it is found that the conditions upon which the special permit was authorized have not been fulfilled or if the use authorized has changed in size, scope, nature or intensity so as to become a detriment to the surrounding area. Clt ,of Community& Economic Development Department Fee:$625 vs)�co PO Box 293, 525 N 3`d Ave,Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Master File # Date Submitted: 5/28/2021 Applicant Info Owner Info (if different than applicant) Name: Name: TCA Architecture (Sarah Elley) City of Pasco (Chief Robert Gear) Address: Address: 6221 Roosevelt Way, NE P.O. Box 293 Seattle, WA 98115 525 North 3rd Ave, Pasco, Wa 99301 Phone: Phone: 206-522-3830 Email: Email: sarah@tca-inc.com gearb@tca-inc.com Project Address: 3624 Road 100, Pasco Wa 99301 Project Parcel Number: 118102142 Current Zoning: RS-12 Suburban Source of domestic water: City of Pasco Method of sewage disposal: City of Pasco - 6" line connected to main Present use of the land and structure(s) if any: Existing well Updated April 2019 Please describe any existing violations of the zoning ordinance upon the property: none Give a detailed description of the proposed use that requires a special permit (attach separate sheet if more space is necessary): The project being proposed for this property is a new Fire Station for the City of Pasco. A Fire Station is defined in the City of Pasco Municipal code Section 25.86.020 Section 25.12.155 a "Community Facilities - Level 1". Community facilities are unclassified zoning use (section 25.86.020). Therefore, we are required to apply for a Special Use Permit. NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of $50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. Fee for Special Permit - $500.00 Environmental Checklist - $ 75.00 Radius Notification - 50.00 $625.00 i2rSEPA Checklist Site map 0 Fee of$625 Check to be submitted separately C3Ps� yGif�� Community& Economic Development Department fee:$625 1� PO Box 293, 525 N 3'd Ave, Pasco, WA 99301 P: 509.545.3441/f: 509.545.3499 Signature of Applicant *Notarized Signature of Property Owner State of Washington } ss. County of Franklin } On this day of before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared ,4-t V�- U�-'UtV being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and read the foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of /Y1 a 5EA& Irt r�/l/1I`— Notary Public in aril or the State of Washington Q74# =0 m. Residing at Z4 /off c� 20110307 ws A �, - My Commission expires / "' Ga L" - �i 6; /,/,III WASH\ ~ +'1►►►111% \�`�`'_� Updated April 2019 coCommunity Development Department PO Box 293,525 N 3rd Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Si necesita ayuda para entender este aviso o necesita mas informaci6n, por favor Ilame al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Econ6mico de la Ciudad de Pasco a 509-545-3441. Comment Period Deadlines: Special Permit application: 14Ju1y2021 Proposal: Sarah Elley, on behalf of the City of Pasco, has submitted a Special Permit application (SP 2021-010) for the location of Fire Station #85, a 12,600 SF facility which will include sleeping and living areas for employees, apparatus bays and supporting spaces for the apparatus and firefighting equipment at 3624 Road 100 (Parcel 118102142) in Pasco, WA. The east half of the property will be further subdivided and developed with City streets and approximately 6 residential building lots. The proposal is subject to regulations contained in the Pasco Municipal Code. Public Comment Period: Written comments submitted to the Community Development Department by 5:00 p.m. on 14 July 2021 will be included in the Hearing Examiner's meeting packet.You may also submit comments at the Hearing Examiner meeting advertised below. If you have questions on the proposal,contact the Planning Division at(509)545-3441 or via e-mail to:adamsi@pasco-wa.gov. Open Record Hearing:The Hearing Examiner will conduct an open record hearing at 6:00 p.m.on 14Ju1y2021 in the Council Chambers in Pasco City Hall at 525 N 3rd Avenue in Pasco,Washington.The Hearing Examiner will consider public testimony concerning the above application at this meeting. If you wish to participate virtually in the hearing, please register at least 2 hours prior to the meeting at the following registration link: www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Required Permits:A building permit and right-of-way permit will be required. Estimated Date of the Decision: It is estimated that the Hearing Examiner will make a decision on the Special Permit within ten (10) business days of the hearing. Prepared 06/24/21 by:Jeffrey B.Adams,Associate Planner, PO Box 293 Pasco,WA 99301 (509)545-3441. The City of Pasco welcomes full participation in public meetings by all citizens. No qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded or denied the benefit of participating in such meetings. If you wish to use auxiliary aids or require assistance to comment at this public meeting, please contact the Community Development Department at(509)545-3441 or TDD(509)585-4425 at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting to make arrangements for special needs. 111111111 11110 1111111 Vicinity Item: Road 100 Fire Station #85 N Applicant: ' . 1 1 File - 1 1 10 1 O IK o ; w4p , o fir' ll � POP AL O "All -mow r � At Mir- 1 110 210 420 630 840 Ili Banton Gcounv meqFeet ,Pasc �V o sr✓IrKaK i-I loc�oso �- REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER 0 City Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers WEDNESDAY, 14 July 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: HE 2021-001 APPLICANT: Apolinar Yam Ku 4418 Muris Ln Pasco, WA 99301 REQUEST: VARIANCE: Upholstery Shop in an R-1 (Low-density Residential) Zoning District BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: tg. Lot 1: LOVIISA FARMS II PHASE 7 LOT 51 General Location: 4418 Muris Lane, Pasco, WA 99301 (Parcel 118 010 199) Property Size: .18 acres (7,865.59 square feet) 2. ACCESS: The property has access from Muris Lane. 3. UTILITIES: Municipal water and sewer service are available from Muris Lane 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site and all surrounding properties are zoned R-1 (Low-density Residential) and developed with Single-family Dwelling units. ANALYSIS Request Applicant Apolinar Yam Ku is requesting a variance from Pasco Municipal Code 25.1 50.020, which prohibits upholstery shops from operating in residential zoning districts. History On 17 April 2021 Applicant Apolinar Yam Ku applied for a business license (Application #37681; see attached "Exhibit A"). The license application was categorically denied on 23 April, 2021 by Planning Staff (see attached "Exhibit B"), based on the restrictions found in Pasco Municipal Code (PMC) 25.195.020, as follows: 25.150.020 Prohibited home occupations. 1 Due to the increased possibility for generating hazardous or nuisance conditions, the following uses and those similar in nature shall not be permitted as home occupations: dog boarding/kenneling; vehicle repair and/or maintenance; rebuilding motors; painting vehicles; welding; sheet metal shops; upholstering; firewood cutting and any group H Occupancy as defined in the International Building and Fire Code adopted by the City. Applicant subsequently applied for a variance(see"Exhibit C");the variance application was received on 21 May 2021. PMC Code Requirements As per Pasco Municipal Code (PMC) 25.195.020 Land Use Decision Authority. (1) Variances. Applications for variances from the terms of this title; provided, that any variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zoning in which the subject property is situated, and that the following circumstances are found to apply: (a) Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location of surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found to deprive subject property of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. (b) The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. (c) The special circumstances applicable to the subject property were not created through the action(s) of the applicant or any predecessor in interest. According to PMC 25.195.020 All three of the above criteria need to be met In order for the Hearing Examiner to grant a variance. Insofar as criterion #1 is concerned Applicant has cited no "special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location of surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found to deprive subject property of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification." Staff likewise finds none. For criterion#2 Applicant has suggested that"There are other small home based businesses in Pasco;1 do not believe my business to be a nuisance or hazardous type of business."However,Applicant has brought to bear no evidence or mitigation strategies that would suggest the sought-after upholstery operation would be in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. As Applicant has cited no special circumstances, criterion#3 would also be moot, and thus unsupportable by the facts. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Notice of the public hearing was sent to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property and the newspaper on 22 June 2021. 2. Applicant applied for a business license on 17 April 2021. 3. The license application was categorically denied on 23 April. 4. The license application was denied based on PMC 25.195.020. 2 5. PMC 25.195.020 categorically prohibits upholstering as a home occupation. 6. On 21 May 2021 Applicant applied for a variance. 7. Asper Pasco Municipal Code(PMC)25.195.020 a variance may only be granted if all three of the following criteria are met: a. Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location of surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found to deprive subject property of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. b. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. c. The special circumstances applicable to the subject property were not created through the action(s) of the applicant or any predecessor in interest. 8. Applicant has cited no "special circumstances applicable to the subject property;" Staff likewise finds none. 9. Aside from a brief comment that"There are other small home-based businesses in Pasco; I do not believe my business to be a nuisance or hazardous type of business,"Applicant has brought to bear no evidence, or mitigation strategies that would suggest the sought-after upholstery operation would be in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. 10. Criterion#3 is moot, as Applicant has cited no special circumstances. CONCLUSIONS Generally speaking staff is of the opinion that there are no special circumstances applicable to the subject property that deprive subject property of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; that barring new evidence to the contrary, the granting of the variance could very well be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and that any possible special circumstances applicable to the subject property would have been created through the action(s) of the applicant or any predecessor in interest. As such, Staff recommends denial of the Variance request. 3 Date: Mar 2, 2021 State of Washington Page: 1 Business Licensing Service City Endorsement Information Report Pasco Home Occupation Business In City Limits: Yes Endorsement Status: Pending Status Reason: Location Information Business Structure: Individual UBI Number: 604550812-001-0001 Legal Entity Name: YAM KU, APOLINAR Application ID: 502086908 Firm Name: YAM KU, APOLINAR Application Date: Feb 18, 2021 Location Phone: (509)531-6330 Fees: 80.00 Location Fax: Expiration Date: Feb 28, 2022 Email Address: POLINEYAM45@GMAIL.COM Business Open Date: Jul 1, 2020 Location Address: 4418 MURIS LN PASCO WA 99301-8346 Mail Address: 4418 MURIS LN PASCO WA 99301-8346 Product/Sery Description: UPHOLSTERY REPAIR City Endorsement Information Previous Business License: Number of rental units: 0 Interior/Exterior Modifications: No General Specialty Contractor#: Square Footage: 600 Gross Income: $16,000.00 Number of full-time employees at this location: 1 Number of part-time employees at this location: 0 WA State professional/occupational license: Conducting Business From Residence: Yes Customers Visiting Premises? No Per Week: 0 Business Activities: Hazardous Materials: Emergency Contact 1: APOLINAR YAM KU (509)531-6330 Emergency Contact 2: Alarm Monitoring Service? No Company: Contact: Contact Phone: Previous Business Owner? No Name: Firm name: Pasco Home Occupation Business 604550812-001-0001 Date: Mar 2, 2021 State of Washington Page: 2 Business Licensing Service City Endorsement Information Report Phone: Other Location Endorsements Approval Information Zoning Fire Date Date Building _ Police Date Date Finance Planning Date Date Comments: Pasco Home Occupation Business 604550812-001-0001 CIIST();V FR SERVICE (509)545-3488 FAX(509)543-5742 C:i[vPO Box 293, 525 North 3"Av .. Pasco, kVA 99301 N-uw.pascu-«,a.goN I Property Owner Authorization for Tenant some Occupation Notarized Authorization for Tenant Home Occupation Business The City of Pasco is hereby advised that, by my signature affixed and notarized hereon, I hereby grant Apolinar Yam Ku,Yam Ku Upholstery . (tenant name & business name) tenant occupying residential property of which I am the record owner and situated at 441 Muds Ln _ _ (street address), Pasco, Washington, the authorization to license and conduct a home occupation in accordance with Pasco Municipal Code Sections 5.05 and 25.150 on the leased premises. The home occupation activity to be conducted on the premises is _upholstery&upholstery repair (enter business activity e.g.bookkeeping,consulting,home child care,etc.). This authorization for Tenant Home Occupation is specific to the tenant named above and is non- transferrable and non-assignable to a thud party, and shall become null and void upon termination of tenant . Property Owner's Signature Phone Number Date ✓ ,7w Property Owner's Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2-3c_0 day of_K�V ere h-e,c , 20-2-U . ` RE k q�C�rrerr �t►5N51��y Notary Public for tf� State of Washington � 4+- ��r Residing at _ �� ,. - - = ai "�o here) s, Expires: _ (� -O"t �2 y $,�y HBc 04 r �r Josie Perez From: Business License Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 11:04 AM To: 'polineyam45@gmail.com' Subject: FW:City of Pasco Endorsement Request for more information - YAM KU APOLINAR 604550812 Attachments: Property Authorization APRIL 2019.docx; Home Occ Bsn Inspection info.docx Importance: High Dear Business Owner; Thank you for your interest in obtaining a business endorsement in the City of Pasco. We are currently in the process of reviewing your application but require some additional information before we can approve your application. 1) In order to process your request at this time, please respond to following by no later than, MARCH 16, 2021 to avoid your application from being withdrawn and your will become null and void. 2) Property Owner Authorization, have your landlord/manager complete and sign in front of a notary. 3) Additional Info: Please answer these questions: *Please note PMOS.66.150(6):one(1)work vehicle is allowed in a residential zone area if you have second vehicle(trailer) it cannot be parked at the residence.* Will you be parking any business vehicles (including trailers) at the home? Yes No Type _ II,^� _ Gross Vehicle Weight If No, where? At aa!icg CJ� EFm M, 0o bwme&e &r Will you store business supplies, materials or equipment at your home? Yes No Explain what kind, amount and the location you store them This is al tion that must be conducted as part of the City of Pasco endorsement process. Inspections are required and the City is wanting you to be ready. Please see the attachmenic that will give you information on how to be ready. Josie Perez 509-545-3402 City of Pasco Building Department;Business License businesslicense n Pasco-WA.GOV •Y I arca 509-545-3402 City of Pasco Building Department; Business License businesslicense@Pasco-WA.GOV n�SCO "O ! From: Business License Sent:Tuesday, March 2, 202111:00 AM To: 'PLINEYAM45@GMAI L.COM' <PLINEYAM45@GMAIL.COM> Subject:City of Pasco Endorsement Request for more information -YAM KU APOLINAR 604550812 Importance: High Dear Business Owner; Thank you for your interest in obtaining a business endorsement in the City of Pasco. We are currently in the process of reviewing your application but require some additional information before we can approve your application. 1) In order to process your request at this time, please respond to following by no later than, MARCH 16, 2021 to avoid your application from being withdrawn and your will become null and void. 2) Property Owner Authorization, have your landlord/manager complete and sign in front of a notary. 3) Additional Info: Please answer these questions: *Please note PMC25.66.150(6):one(1)work vehicle is allowed in a residential zone area,if you have second vehicle(trailer) it cannot be parked at the residence.* Will you be parking any business vghicles (including trailers) at the home? Yes 0 Type - d - :/ / Gross Vehicle Weight 170 If No, where?_�y <�s (J ��yr6s d. 19e af d CIO Will you store business supplies, materials or equipment at your home? Yes ® r Explain what kind, amount and the location you store them _(�'a 9 e-p ('e )47,pro A /W V This is also to inform new business owners of the Fires Safety and Business Inspection that must be conducted as part of the City of Pasco endorsement process. Inspections are required and the City is wanting you to be ready. Please see the attachments that will give you information on how to be ready. Josie Perez 509-545-3402 City of Pasco Building Department; Business?deense businesslicense Of�Pasco-WA.GOV Pasta � � z Citynt Business License Department ' co 525 N 3rd Ave,Pasco, WA 99301 P: 509.545.3442 www.pasco-wa.gov I business license@pasco-wa.gov April 23, 2021 YAM KU APOLINAR 4418 MURIS LN PASCO WA 99301 Dear YAM KU APOLINAR: The City of Pasco has reviewed your Business License application for YAM KU APOLINAR at 4418 MURIS LN. The application has been DENIED by the following department(s) for the noted reason(s). ® Planning Department. Contact Jeff Adams at 545-3441. ® 25.150.020 Prohibited home occupations. Due to the increased possibility for generating hazardous or nuisance conditions, the following uses and those similar in nature shall not be permitted as home occupations: . . . upholstering . . . . [Ord. 4301 § 1, 2016; Ord. 3354 § 2, 1999; Code 1970 § 25.66.020.] Please contact the appropriate person(s) listed above (leave a message if necessary) to resolve this issue within 5 days. If no response is received from you within 30 days your Business License Application may become void and your license fee forfeited. City of Pasco—Business Licensing Department 509-545-3442 BusinessLicense(4pasco-wa.gov 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Fee:$750 PO Box 293,525 N 3rd Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 ~ P: 509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO HEARING EXAMINER REVIEW APPLICATION Master File# Date Submitted: The undersigned hereby applies for review by the Hearing Examiner. Owner Info Applicant Info (if different than applicant) Name: Name: Apolinar Yam Ku Merkys Sanchez Address: Address: 4418 Muris Ln 1005 N Rd 56 Pasco, WA 99301 Pasco,WA 99301 Phone: Phone: (509)531-6330 (509)460-2164 Email: Email: polinyam45@gmail.com merkys0l@gmaii.com Project Address:^4418 Muds Ln, Pasco, WA 99301 Project Parcel Number: 118010199 Current Zoning: Residential Present Land Use: Residential Give a detailed description of the proposed use that requires a variance: I would like to operate a small upholstery repair out of my garage. Everything I do can be done in the garage. I will not be having any employees and I pick up and deliver everything I work on. Special circumstances applicable to the property: Apparently upholstering is a violation of Municipal Code 25.150.020 Updated August 2018 How does the strict interpretation of the zoning ordinance deprive the applicant of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under an identical zoning classification? There are other small home based businesses in Pasco; I do not believe my business to be a nuisance or hazardous type of business. Staff decision which is being appealed: NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of $50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property Fee for Hearing Examiner - $700.00 Radius Notification - 50.00 $750.00 Signature of App icant f *Notarized Signature of Property Owner State of Washington J ss. County of Franklin On this stn day of may 2021 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared _MerkysSanchez being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and read the foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. SUBSCRIBED AND S%4&M%gPefore me this_stn day of May 2021 ►`¢'I A CL,4 '►►►i 10 87604 • i i A I Notary Public in and for State of Washington[n 1XIk 0 Residing at Pasco,WA ►14+0+`waSO, ►'� My Commission expires 10-09-2024 Overview Item: Upholstery Shop in an R-I Zoning District N Applicant: Apolinar Yam Ku W+E • File2021-001 S IM bD ` r d 1'11111 1141- 1111 a 1 Iln -aEL : , _ 0 ° D° ! f r r � ♦ y ♦ � � , O o s 1+ �" �► j l v Ak Jat op r7:f Mil •'�` 4 �! � c Vim, 1 � � !■ ls- 40 • �/,� `..��•.. �� '�.� `` _. ; + , �� � � � � '1 � � ley � �jtl4r .t R I� rR l ., �; ad,�0:7 ©L77�j„( a USS �I�,T✓. . Vicinity Item: Upholstery Shop in . • District N Applicant: Apolinar Yam Ku Map File #: HE 2021-001 S 1 • l • ine op �' ~ qr _ w - '" 0 35 70 140 210 284: �p ��L on CC ul .soft Land Use Item: Upholstery Shop in an R-1 Zoning District N Applicant: Apolinar Yam Ku w E Map File #: HE 2021-001 S SFDUs MU SITE SFD1 Iq z J v Q V � O 99 - Undeveloped g - Undeveloped - Other F Us MOLINE LN SF Us 35 70 140 210 28 FDUs Feet ZoninItem: Upholstery Shop in an R-1 Zoning District N g Applicant: Apolinar Yam Ku w E Map File #: HE 2021-001 S 1 MU SITE z J V � Q O� a R1 MOLINE LN 1 0 35 70 140 210 28 1 1 1 � � � � E: D R-1 Feet ] Orw North ,- City Of co Northeast mm e`e. �.�-•y - 6:: :r.^'�r'?ti'^ s.�i.� :Yy,� ,y.?.=;�^�4�' -=L.�'� -,•n.-ate..••-.,�!-; ';�_r.t_'-. '7.'+;::rc'-.:• �:3'z+�ti �?' - -Y East _ v - N:f+ '•s� .s..•�M1 - -:�•a`�'-`:' --�t;�.•'.- ''s: 'rte J��f-• F Tr. V7 ;�. - , - T .• " • Lei Southeast � 's_ •s`3 •.y'`"�t:a7C3._ arr ai.• '[r .� S �-w5':'2-G� ti��'?�..�._c'.?':.�71�:.�{...'.w^��.`-.-a.+�r w>�• '�'_ �.,-f:�a`i r_ _ 4_`°;ri�.n`•� I Y pp- ON Site o .I. ......... a_. ------- r... .... T - -^ - -. .. . . - ���`��-�.�¢.s�-���-:..t:�r-i�rx=�`�-`a4+�.~>�- '�i-s''. ��+'.�.-afoi:�sr'5.iS-acr.::�^-s`-�a-'.ice"�� _.i:r��.ie%:�:lva4riFi7:rGf-• ., - - � ." City of co • �" _ —. Now— } rl �"'Y•.... i• :� .y:r Y;'• -_ .r. :;,.y,_ ice•V•�'..:�`>:_�,, .y::•'-- _�;r..�= ^.v-,. .i� F.•.s:�-'a•�:,,- _ 5. ....--- ��'xt�• :A�,r•e b."`t5. �;:].'�,.;.:. c^ '-;.:... :r V, y• ... - ��-• :+.;. fix ���- �>:. �, y.c;•��.. -;� �'���r 2.-.�-:..••'-="�-•�-r:: _- "•=i..;:?'r Y--v= �'L tii....,��. ..'y�" .•�•�Y'Ta�c'YY�'R'5:• 3'" "y,I:�y4•�. .: ��ry� City of co 4 ir-- - - - +4• �..y:.'-F. �.-YM1�'�x+Y+�- -^_2 i ..r^2 • _ ':��•�• Yom'•, _ i"�.�.� �.- - ~,ice-6'�F-._cEr ?•�?]- :4-.'i n'f�?r'"'i.;�,r� -��''i-.c.'. �„�r- of- ,'� �'•' <'���. - WOW - Alk Northwest coCommunity Development Department PO Box 293,525 N 3rd Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 NOTICE OF APPLICATION -VARIANCE Si necesita ayuda para entender este aviso o necesita mas informaci6n, por favor Ilame al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Econ6mico de la Ciudad de Pasco a 509-545-3441. Proposal: Apolinar Yam Ku has submitted a Hearing Examiner application for a variance as part of a business license application to operate an upholstery business as a home occupation at 4418 Muris Lane(Parcel#118010199) in Pasco,Washington.The proposal is subject to regulations contained in the Pasco Municipal Code. Public Comment Period: Written comments submitted to the Community Development Department by 4:00 p.m. on 14 July 2021 will be included in the Hearing Examiner's meeting packet.You may also submit comments at the Hearing Examiner meeting advertised below. If you have questions on the proposal,contact the Planning Division at(509)545-3441 or via e-mail to:.adamsl@pasco-wa.gov Open Record Hearing: The Hearing Examiner will conduct an open record hearing at 6:00 p.m.on 14July2021 in the Council Chambers in Pasco City Hall at 525 N 3rd Avenue in Pasco,Washington.The Hearing Examiner will consider public testimony concerning the above application at this meeting. Determination of Completeness: The application has been declared complete for the purpose of processing. Project Permits Associated with this Proposal: A business license is associated with this proposal.The business license will be issued if variance approval is granted. Estimated Date of the Decision:The Hearing Examiner will make a decision within ten (10)days of the hearing. Prepared 22 June 2021 by:Jeffrey B.Adams,Associate Planner, PO Box 293 Pasco,WA 99301(509)545-3441 The City of Pasco welcomes full participation in public meetings by all citizens. No qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded or denied the benefit of participating in such meetings. If you wish to use auxiliary aids or require assistance to comment at this public meeting, please contact the Community Development Department at(509)545-3441 or TDD(509)585-4425 at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting to make arrangements for special needs. To best comply with Governor's Inslee's Emergency Proclamation and Extension regarding Open Public Meetings Act, the City asks all members of the public that would like to comment regarding items on the agenda to fill out a form via the City's website (www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment) to obtain access information to comment. Requests to comment at the 9 September 2020 Hearing Examiner Meeting, must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. For further questions, please contact us at the following, Community & Economic Development Department at 509-545- 3441, or go to the City of Pasco website @ www.Pasco-WA.Pov and click on "Public Notices". City 01, REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER y4dty Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers WEDNESDAY 14 July 2021 sco Ci 6:00 PM MASTER FILE #: ZD 2021-001 APPLICANT: Cox Family Land LLC 1802 ROAD 76 Pasco WA 99301 REQUEST: Zoning Determination: Development of a zoning recommendation for the Cox Family Land Annexation located near the southwest corner of Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue. BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legals: Tax Parcel No. 113-130-450: Lot 3, SHORT PLAT 96-01, according to the survey thereof recorded under Auditor's file NO. 527099. Records of Franklin County, State of Washington. Tax Parcel No. 113-130-193: Tract 1, that portion of the West half of the Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., defined as follows: Beginning at the West 1/161h corner of said Section; thence North 89°34' West along East/West center section line, 129.7 feet; thence North 13° 17' West along Easterly right of way of Highway 11 (US Highway 395), 1,154.31 feet; thence North 76°42' East, 430 feet; thence South 13°17' East, 227.97 feet; thence South 4° 20' West along East line of said West half, 1,004.19 feet to the point of beginning, together with access and utility easement along North and East 30 feet thereof. Records of Franklin County, State of Washington. Tax Parcel No. 113-130-184: Tract 2, that portion of West half of the Northwest quarter, Section 8,Township 9 North Range 30 East, W.M., commencing at the West 1/161h corner of said Section; thence North 89°34' West along East/West center Section line 129.7 feet; thence North 13° 17' West along Easterly right of way line of Hwy 11 (US Highway 395), 1,154.11 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 1317' West, 510 feet; thence North 76° 42' East, 430 feet; thence South 13' 17' East, 510 feet; thence South 76° 42' West, 430 feet to the true point of beginning, together with access and utility easements along North and East 30 feet thereof. Records of Franklin County, State of Washington. Tax Parcel No 113-130-166: Tract 3, that portion of West half of the Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 30 North, W.M. commencing at the West 1/161h corner of said Section; thence North 89° 34' West along East/West center Section line 1 129.7 feet; thence North 13° 17' West along Easterly right of way line of Highway 11 (US Highway 395), 1,664.31 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 13° 17'West 510 feet;thence North 76°42' East,430 feet;thence South 13° 17' East 510 feet; thence South 76° 42' West, 430 feet to the true point of beginning, together with access and utility easement along North and East 30 feet thereof. Records of Franklin County, State of Washington. Tax Parcel No 113-130-157: Tract 4, a portion of the West half of the Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., Franklin County, Washington, lying Easterly of primary State Highway No. 11 (US Highway 395), and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the West sixteenth corner of said Section 8; thence North 89°34'34"West along the East/West center Section line of said Section 8 a distance of 129. 70 feet; thence North 130 17' 10" West along the Easterly right of way line of Highway No. 11 (US Highway 395), a distance of 2,174.31 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 130 17' 10" West a distance of 245 .36 feet to the point of curvature of tangent spiral curve to right a long chord bears North 120 32' 14" West a distance of 197.04 feet; thence along the spiral curve, a distance of 197.05 feet to a point on the said spiral curve, a long chord bears North 09° 18' 58" West distance of 191.07 feet; thence continuing along said spiral curve a distance of 191.11 feet; thence South 89°46' 13" East along North line of said Section 8 a distance of 460.00 feet; thence South 00° 13' 47" West a distance of 50.00 feet to a point of curvature of a tangent curve to the left, whose long chord bears North 6° 31' 42" West a distance of 181. 73 feet; thence along the curve a distance of 182.15 feet.Thence South 13° 17' 10" East a distance of 296.41 feet; thence South 76° 42' 50" West a distance of 430.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 5.792 acres gross more or less and subject to access and utility easements along the northerly 30.00 feet and the Easterly 30.00 feet thereof. Tax Parcel No. 113-130-148: Tract 5, that portion of the West half of the Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., defined as follows: Beginning at the West 1/16t" corner of said Section; thence North 4° 20' East along the East line of said West half, 2,220.74 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 89° 46' West, 378.94 feet; thence North 13 ° 17' West, 296.41 to a point of curve of tangent curve to the right, whose long chord bears North 6° 31' West, 181.73 feet; thence along curve, 182.15 feet;thence North 00° 13' East, 50 feet;thence South 89°46' East along North line of said Section, 536.83 feet; thence South 4° 20' West along East line of said West half, 520 feet to the true point of beginning, subject to access and utility easement along Northerly and Westerly 30 feet thereof. Records of Franklin County, State of Washington. Tax Parcel No. 113-130-175: Tract 6 that portion of the West half of the Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., commencing at the West 1/16t" corner of said Section; thence North 4° 20' East along the East line of said West half, 1,004.19 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 13° 17 West, 1,247.97 feet; thence South 89°46' East, 378.94 feet; thence South 4° 20' West along East line of said West half, 1,216.55 feet to the true point of beginning, together with access and utility easement along Northerly and Westerly 30 feet thereof. Records of Franklin County, State of Washington. 2 General Location: In the area near the southwest corner of Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue. Property Size: Parcel Taxpayer Name Acres 113130193 COX FAM I LY LAND LLC 8.30 113130184 COX FAMILY LAND LLC 5.03 113130166 COX FAMILY LAND LLC 5.03 113130157 COX FAM I LY LAND LLC 5.81 113130148 COX FAM I LY LAND LLC 5.41 113130175 COX FAM I LY LAND LLC 8.30 113130450 COX FAM I LY LAND LLC 77.85 Total 115.74 2. ACCESS: The site is accessed from Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue 3. UTILITIES: Water is available in both Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue. Sewer is installed in Capitol Avenue. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is zoned 1-2 (General Industrial) and is being farmed with two irrigation pivots. Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: 1-2 (County) Farming; SFDUs EAST: RR-5 &AP-20 (County) Farming; SFDUs SOUTH: 1-1 Industrial; Produce Storage WEST: 1-2 Industrial; Food Processing 5. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for Industrial. ANALYSIS On June 7, 2021, the City Council approved a resolution accepting a notice of intent to annex 115.74 acres generally located in the area near the southwest corner of Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue. Following acceptance of the Notice of Intent and prior to Council action on an annexation petition, the Hearing Examiner is to hold a zoning determination hearing. The purpose of said hearing is for the Hearing Examiner to recommend appropriate zoning districts for the proposed annexation area in the event it may become part of the City. In determining the most appropriate zoning for the annexation area,the Hearing Examiner needs to consider the existing land uses, nearby development, zoning, policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Designations of the Land Use Map. The Hearing Examiner also needs to 3 be guided by the criteria in PMC 25.210.060 (as discussed below) in developing a zoning recommendation. The purpose of the annexation is to assist with the expansion of industrial businesses within the area. To maintain consistency with current zoning, land uses, utility planning and the Comprehensive Plan industrial zoning should be applied to the proposed annexation area. The use of the 1-1 Light Industrial zone for the area will allow for future expansion of industrial enterprises. The initial review criteria for considering a rezone application are explained in PMC 25.210.030. The criteria are listed below as follows: (1) The date the existing zone became effective; The current zoning was initiated by the County (No known date). (2) The changed conditions which are alleged to warrant other or additional zoning; • The property is located within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary. • The property in question is being annexed to the City of Pasco. • Upon annexation the property will need to be zoned. • Considerable utility planning and construction has taken place to support existing and future industrial development within the proposed annexation area. (3) Facts to justify the change on the basis of advancing the public health, safety and general welfare; The property is being annexed to the City and will need to be zoned. The justification for the rezone is the fact that if a zoning designation is not determined the property could become annexed without zoning. For the advancement of the general welfare of the community the property needs to be zoned. (4) The effect it will have on the value and character of the adjacent property and the Comprehensive Plan; Applicant has requested 1-1 zoning for the area; rezoning the property to 1-1 will result in a less intense zoning than the current County 1-2 zoning, but will still allow industrial development in the neighborhood. The nature and value of adjoining properties will not be impacted by retaining industrial zoning in the area. (5) The effect on the property owner or owners if the request is not granted; Without the annexation area being assigned a specific zoning district, the area will essentially be un-zoned upon annexation. The area needs to be zoned to provide certainty and benefit to the property owners and the adjoining property owners. (6) The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property; The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the property is Industrial. (7) Such other information as the Hearing Examiner requires. 4 The site contains approximately 115.74 acres and is located near the southwest corner of Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue. Surrounding contiguous properties to the south and west were annexed in 1963 (Ordinance 1078) and 1992 (28760), respectively. The parcels are all located within the Urban Growth Area (UGA); all parcels in the proposed annexation area are designated by the Comprehensive Plan map for industrial development. The Description and Allocation Table of the Comprehensive Plan specifies that Industrial areas allow for Manufacturing, food processing, storage and wholesale distribution of equipment and products, hazardous material storage and transportation related facilities, and are appropriate for 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 zoning. Criteria for annexation in these areas may include the following: • Port of Pasco properties • Land convenient to rail yards • Land convenient to industrial waste water treatment facility • Land convenient to the regional transportation system • Availability of necessary utilities to serve the use • Relatively level land suitable for heavy building sites The proposed annexation area is within the City's service area as identified in the Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plans. Land annexed within the area typically adopts the current County zoning designation for that parcel, which is 1-2 (Industrial) for all parcels. However the County does not have 1-1 zoning, so an exact match is not critical. INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report.The Hearing Examiner may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public notice of this hearing was posted in the Tri-City Herald and sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property on May 7, 2021. 2. The City Council approved a resolution accepting a notice of intent to annex on 7 June 2021. 3. The proposed annexation area comprises 115.74 acres. 4. The site is located near the southwest corner of Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue. 5. The current zoning was initiated by the County (No known date). 6. The property is located within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary. 7. Considerable utility planning and construction has taken place to support existing and 5 future industrial development in and around the proposed annexation area. 8. Applicant has requested 1-1 zoning for the area; 9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the property is Industrial. 10. The site contains approximately 115.74 acres. 11. Surrounding contiguous properties to the south and west were annexed in 1963 (Ordinance 1078) and 1992 (28760), respectively. 12. The Comprehensive Plan specifies that Industrial areas allow for a. Manufacturing, b. food processing, c. storage and wholesale distribution of equipment and products, d. hazardous material storage and transportation related facilities, 13. The Comprehensive Plan specifies that Industrial areas allow for 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 zoning. 14. The proposed annexation area is within the City's service area as identified in the Comprehensive Water Plan. 15. The proposed annexation area is within the City's service area as identified in the Comprehensive Sewer Plan. 16. Land annexed within the area typically adopts the current County zoning designation for a parcel. 17. County zoning designation for the site is 1-2 (Industrial) for all parcels. 18. The County does not have 1-1 zoning. 19. Surrounding properties to the south and west are mostly developed with industrial uses. 20. Water is available in both Foster Wells Road and Capitol Avenue. 21. Sewer is available in Capitol Avenue. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of a rezone the Hearing Examiner must develop its conclusions from the findings of fact based upon the criteria listed in PMC 25.210.060 and determine whether or not: 1. The proposal is in accord with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Industrial and agricultural related activities have been encouraged to locate in the northeast and eastern sections of the UGA. These areas already contain or are adjacent necessary infrastructure to support industrial land uses. The City and the Port of Pasco have spent many years developing utilities and streets to serve these industrial lands. King City, including the Pasco Processing Center has been designated in City of Pasco 6 comprehensive plans as industrial areas for three decades and the continued designation as such will preserve the areas for industrial needs for future generations. 2. The effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity will not be materially detrimental. Zoning the proposed annexation area 1-1 will cause the site to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. There is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole. There is merit and value in following the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan when assigning zoning to properties within the community. The Plan has indicated this property should be zoned Industrial. Assigning Industrial zoning will lead to additional employment opportunities for Pasco residents. 4. Conditions should be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and no mitigation measures are needed. Applicant shall be required to install improvements and infrastructure per City of Pasco requirements. 5. A concomitant agreement should be entered into between the City and the petitioner, and if so, the terms and conditions of such an agreement. A concomitant agreement is not needed. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council zone the Cox Family Land Annexation Area to 1-1 as depicted on the proposed zoning map ("Exhibit A") attached to the June 9, 2021 Hearing Examiner report. 7 Overview Item: Cox Family Land LLC Annexation N Map Applicant: Cox . . 1 LLC W+E 00 / -001 S l Ito go DAW �. i. Boom y - w o O 0M a - 1 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4., Deg' s 0 q Paseo GRI1n maxi Vicinity Item: Cox Family Land LLC Annexation N Applicant: Cox Family Land LLC W + E Map File #: ANX 2021 -001/ZD 021-001 S r� J FOSTER WELLS jk ` •� 3' r - •f A A .~ Annexation Area f � a U . � C«ITY LI�M�ITS aN - ■ 0 210 430 850 1,300 1,70 Fft Benton Count WA, Pasco GIS, Maxar ,• , Y Feet Land Use Item: Cox Family Land LLC Annexation N Applicant: Cox Family Land LLC W E Map File #: ANX 2021-001/ZD 021-001 S J A riculture U Agriculture Agriculture E FOSTER WEL■LS�RD SFDU FDU other SFDU other Vaca t F d P cessing Annexation ` Area Cn 2 Q U • Industrial3 Vacant Misc \ � trial Mi C-IW-LI M ITS QCommercial J, Trade Vacant � w � Fr Food a Processing 0 210 430 850 1,300 1,70 z Feet i Comp Plan Item: Cox Family Land LLC Annexation N Applicant: Cox Family Land LLC W + E Map File #: ANX 2021 -001 s Ln J U L fo m� UP�i L, Annexation Area I ustrial Of N Industrial 3 CITY-L-I M-ITS- Confederated Confederated Indust ial Tribes - Colville �,�E �:� �. �. ..mom - ��.., x�. .��� •� �.� r ��--. North Looking I %'' :- _ -,rte :� • i1 - `� °:- �� . .. ,i: ,,, ,,° ,,•.r �yy,�.� •:tea ,A`.a _ ,i,a�•', ' .sem - �j, Looking Northeast r I Pks - ►- - tt .4 C Looking East . ► _ -• ss'f - ' �`U/:�►r.,l _ i ►�<�� iLA Ilo-""L91 E E9;P�—Ivor r r Looking Southeast - a... Tr F �`.'4, IMr,= swy �' M Looking gas moor vl k46 OF `>. 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CItyOf REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER r4dsco City Hall-525 North Third Avenue-Council Chambers P r WEDNESDAY 14 July 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE #: ZD 2020-002 APPLICANT: Peter Strizhak c/o SG Land Management LLC 6159 W Deschutes Ave Ste 509 Kennewick WA 99336-7741 REQUEST: Zoning Determination: Development of a zoning recommendation for the Harris Farm Annexation, located near the corner of West Court Street and Harris Road. BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Leaa I: Parcel "A" (APN #118 180 068): That portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 9 North, Range 29 East and that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 13,Township 9 North Range 28 East, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 18; thence South 00°19'39" West, 40.00 feet along the West line of said Section 18 to a 5/8" rebar stamped "Worley" on the Southerly right-of-way of Harris Road;thence North 89°38'39" East, 177.98 feet along said right-of-way to a 5/8" rebar stamped "Worley" and the true point of beginning: (said corner being the Northeast corner of Parcel 1 of Record Survey No. 978 recorded in Auditor's File No. 1686716, Records of Franklin County); thence South 89°55'20" East, 477.00 feet along said right-of-way; thence South 00°19'30" West, 1021.10 feet parallel with the West line of said Parcel; thence South 34°08'44" West, 532.53 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of Court Street; thence North 55°51'17" West, 467.81 feet along said right-of-way to a 5/8" rebar stamped "Worley" marking the most Southerly corner of said Parcel 1 aforementioned; thence North 21°47'33" East, 82.11 feet along the Easterly line of said Parcel to a 5/8" rebar on the West line of said Section 18; thence continuing along said Easterly line, North 74°31'02" East, 185.00 feet; thence North 00'19'30" East, 1074.27 feet along said East line of said Parcel to the true point of beginning. Together with that portion of said Northwest quarter of Section 18, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 18; thence South 00°19'39" West, 1162.58 feet along the West line thereof to a 5/8" rebar marking an angle point in the Easterly line the above described Parcel; thence continuing along the West line of Section 18, South 00021'56" West, 168.59 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of Court Street and 1 the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 00°21'56" West, 216.68 feet to a USACE Brass cap on the McNary project boundary; thence South 55°07'35" East, 154.46 feet along said boundary to the most Westerly corner of Lot 14, plat of Harris subdivision according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume C of Plats, Page 92, Records of Franklin County; thence North 35'08'12" East, 170.80 feet along the West line of said Lot 14; thence North 87°50'12" East, 19.06 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of Court Street; thence North 55°51'16" West, 293.23 feet along said right-of-way to the true point of beginning. Containing 15.93 acres, more or less. Parcel "B" (APN #118 180 139): That portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 18. Township 9 North, Range 29 East described as follows: commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 18; thence South 00019'39" West, 40.00 feet along the West line of said Section 18 to the Southerly right-of-way of Harris Road; thence North 89038'39" East 177.98 feet along said right-of- way; South 89055'20" East, 477.00 feet along said right-of-way to the true point of beginning: Thence continuing South 89055'20" East. 405.75 feet to a 5/8" rebar stamped "Stratton" marking the Northwest corner of Lot 2, Short Plat No. 2010-13 according to the survey thereof, recorded in volume 1 of Short Plats, Page 834, Records of Franklin County;thence South 01°20'30" West, 437.43 feet along the West line of said Lot 2 to the Southwest corner thereof; thence South 89°59'51" East, 686.68 feet along the South line of said Lot to a 5/8" rebar stamped "Stratton" marking the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence South 03°04'35" East, 216.66 feet along the Southerly prolongation of the East line of said Short Plat to a 5/8" rebar stamped "Rogers" on the Westerly right-of-way of State Route 182; thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way the following five courses: thence South 49°14'59" West, 250.70 feet; thence South 53°09'39" West, 150.33 feet; thence South 51°38'31" West, 1000.40 feet; thence South 32°59'13" West, 104.95 feet; thence South 21°44'58" West, 12.90 feet to a point of non-tangent curve concave to the Southwest on the Northerly right-of-way of West Court Street; (the long chord of said curve bears North 54°59'24" West, 164.44 feet) thence Westerly, 164.45 feet along said right-of-way on the arc of said curve through a central angle of 02°12'37"; thence North 55°51'17" West, 129.54 feet along said right-of-way;thence North 34°08'44" East, 532.53 feet; thence North 00°19'30" East, 1021.10 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 22.77 acres, more or less. General Location: Near the southeast corner of West Court Street and Harris Road. 2 Property Size: No Parcel SQ. FT. Acres 1 118180068 650,350.80 14.93 2 118180139 991,861.20 22.77 Total 1,642,212.00 37.70 2. ACCESS:The site is accessed from West Court Street and Harris Road 3. UTILITIES: Water and Sewer services are available to the proposed annexation area via a 12" water line and an 18" sewer line in West Court Street; a 30" sewer line has recently been installed along the east property line of Parcel 118180139. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is located in the County and is currently zoned R-T and is used for agriculture. The site is being cleared of all structures preparatory to future development. Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: RT Agriculture/vacant EAST: RS-20; C-1; Freeway SFDU; former manufacturing; 1-182 SOUTH: RT SFDUs; Vacant Land WEST: RT Agriculture Vacant Land 5. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The recently approved City of Pasco Comprehensive Plan designates the site for Medium-High-Density Residential. Goal H-2 suggests the City strive to maintain a variety of housing options for residents of the community. Land Use goal LU-2 directs the City to "maintain established neighborhoods and ensure new neighborhoods are safe and enjoyable places to live, and Policy LU-2-A, "Design major streets, schools, parks, and other public facilities that will encourage the individual identities of neighborhoods." ANALYSIS The City is in the process of annexing two parcels into the City. The annexation petitioners are seeking to rezone the site consistent with the Medium-High-Density Residential land use designation. The site contains approximately 37.70 acres and is located near the southeast corner of West Court Street and Harris Road, all north of the Columbia River and west of the Interstate 182 bridge. Properties to the north were annexed in 1982 and simultaneously assigned RT (Residential Transition) zoning (Ordinance 2388), which has been used as a "holding zone" for future zoning designation upon annexation and application for future development. Land to the east and across 3 Properties to the east including the 1-182 interstate bridge were annexed and assigned RS-20 (Suburban) zoning in 2001 (Ordinance 3462). Properties to the west were annexed in 2002 (Ordinance 3570) and assigned RS-12 (Suburban) zoning (Ordinance 3571). The parcels are both located within the Urban Growth Area (UGA), and also within one of several county "islands;" both parcels in the proposed annexation area are designated by the Comprehensive Plan map for Medium-High-Density Residential. The Description and Allocation Table of the Comprehensive Plan specifies that Medium-High-Density Residential areas allow for MHDR (Medium-High-Density Residential) zoning, with single-family dwelling units,townhouses, condominiums and multi-family; and density from 8-15 dwelling units per acre. For the moment the MHDR zoning definition has not yet been created and is thus not available for current application; as such, Staff recommends R-3 zoning, which approximates the density of the proposed MHDR zoning district, accommodating the 8-15 units/acre range specified for that area in the newly-approved Comprehensive Plan. Criteria for annexation in these areas include sewer availability, land suitable for home sites, market demand. The proposed annexation area is within the City's service area as identified in the Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plans are based on future services needed within the annexation area for more intense land uses as identified in the land use map of the Comprehensive Plan. Water service is available to the proposed annexation area via a 12" water line in West Court Street; Sewer services is available to the proposed annexation area via an 18" sewer line in West Court Street and a recently installed 30" sewer line along the east property line of the easternmost of the two proposed parcels (Parcel 118180139). Land annexed within the County island areas typically adopt the current County zoning designation for that parcel, which is RT for both parcels; however with the availability of sewer, more density may be contemplated; R-3 (Medium-density Residential) zoning is being recommended for the area. As per PMC 25.65.050, R-3 zoning allows for one dwelling unit per 4,500 square feet of lot area for single-family dwellings and 3,000 square feet of lot area for multiple-family dwellings and dwellings part of zero-lot-line developments except as provided in PMC 25.65.030(8). The initial review criteria for considering a rezone application are explained in PMC 25.210.030. The criteria are listed below as follows: 1. The changed conditions in the vicinity which warrant other or additional zoning: • The site in question is in process of being annexed. • The site is located within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary. • The site is located within one of the County islands surrounded by City-annexed lands. • Contiguous properties to the north were annexed in 1982 and simultaneously assigned RT (Residential Transition) zoning (Ordinance 2388). 4 • The RT zoning designation has been used as a "holding zone"for future zoning designation upon annexation and application for future development. • Properties to the east were annexed in 2001 and assigned RS-20 zoning in 2001. • Properties to the west across West Court Street were annexed and assigned RS-12 zoning in 2002. • The property adjacent to the west is zoned RT and is vacant. • Properties west of Court Street are mostly developed with single-family dwellings. • Water service is available to the site in West Court Street. • Sewer services is available to the site in West Court Street and a recently installed sewer line along the east property line of Parcel 118180139. 2. Facts to justify the change on the basis of advancing the public health, safety and general welfare. The property is in process of being annexed and needs to be zoned. The justification for the zoning designation is the fact that if a zoning designation is not determined the property could become annexed without zoning. For the advancement of the general welfare of the community the property needs to be zoned consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed zoning would incorporate a higher density zoning than that currently existing in the County, based on the availability of sewer services to the site, and within the Comprehensive Plan Medium-High- Density Land Use designation. 3. The effect rezoning will have on the nature and value of adjoining property and the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed zoning will be a higher density than the existing County zoning for the property. R-3 (Medium-density Residential) zoning is supported by the Comprehensive Plan where utilities are available and would be considered a proper implementation of the Plan.The nature and value of surrounding properties will likely be impacted by increased density, increased traffic, greater efficiency of service delivery and thus lower per-capita costs, as the result of proximity to said zoning. 4. The effect on the property owners or owner if the request is not granted. Without the annexation area being assigned a specific zoning district, the area will essentially be non-zoned upon annexation. The area needs to be zoned for the benefit of the property owners and property owners adjoining the proposed annexation area. 5. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property. The Plan indicates the proposed annexation area can be zoned MHDR (Medium-High-Density Residential) zoning, with single-family dwelling units, townhouses, condominiums and multi- family units, and density from 8-15 dwelling units per acre. As MHDR zoning definition has not yet been created and is thus not available for current application, Staff recommends R-3 zoning, which would accommodate the 8-15 units/acre range specified in the newly approved Comprehensive Plan. 5 INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report.The Hearing Examiner may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public notice of this hearing was posted in the Tri-City Herald, and sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property on 25 June 2021. 2. The City is in the process of annexing two parcels into the City. 3. R-3 zoning is being proposed for the site. 4. The site contains approximately 37.70 acres. 5. The site is located near the southeast corner of West Court Street and Harris Road. 6. The Columbia River is located to the south of the site; The 1-182 freeway bridge runs along the east of the site. 7. Contiguous properties to the north were annexed in 1982 and simultaneously assigned RT(Residential Transition) zoning (Ordinance 2388). 8. The RT zoning designation has been used as a "holding zone" for future zoning designation upon annexation and application for future development. 9. Properties to the east were annexed and assigned RS-20 zoning in 2001. 10. Properties to the west across West Court Street were annexed and assigned RS-12 zoning in 2002. 11. The parcels are all located within the Urban Growth Area (UGA); 12. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for Medium-High-Density Residential. 13. The Medium-High Density Residential Comprehensive Plan designation allow for Medium-High-Density Residential (MHDR) zoning. 14. The MHDR zoning definition has not yet been created/is not available for current application. 15. R-3 Zoning is being proposed for the site. 16. R-3 zoning would accommodate the 8-15 units/acre range specified in the newly approved Comprehensive Plan. 17. Goal H-2 suggests the City strive to maintain a variety of housing options for residents of the community including single-family housing. 18. Land Use goal LU-2 directs the City to "maintain established neighborhoods and ensure new neighborhoods are safe and enjoyable places to live. 19. Policy LU-2-A, "Design major streets,schools, parks,and other public facilities that will encourage the individual identities of neighborhoods." 6 20. All parcels are located within a County island. 21. The proposed annexation area is within the City's Comprehensive Water Plan service area. 22. The proposed annexation area is within the City's Comprehensive Sewer Plan service area. 23. Both the Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plans anticipate increased future services needs within the annexation area based on the higher intensity land uses identified in the land use map of the Comprehensive Plan. 24. Water service is available to the proposed annexation area via a 12"water line in West Court Street 25. Sewer services is available to the proposed annexation area via an 18" sewer line in West Court Street and a recently installed 30" sewer line located along the east property line of Parcel 118180139. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of a rezone the Planning Commission must develop its conclusions from the findings of fact based upon the criteria listed in PMC 25.210.060 and determine whether or not: 1. The proposal is in accord with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning the proposed annexation site to R-3 supports Plan Policy H-1-E. 2. The effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity will not be materially detrimental. Rezoning the proposed annexation area R-3 will cause the site to be approximately consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. There is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole. There is merit and value in following the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan when assigning zoning to properties within the community. The Plan has indicated this property should be zoned Medium-High-density residential. Rezoning the area R-3 will lead to additional housing opportunities for Pasco residents. 4. Conditions should be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and no mitigation measures are needed. 5. A concomitant agreement should be entered into between the City and the petitioner, and if so, the terms and conditions of such an agreement. A concomitant agreement is not needed. 7 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council assign R-3 zoning to the Harris Farm Annexation Area as depicted on the proposed zoning map ("Exhibit 1")attached to the 14 July 2021 Hearing Examiner report. 8 Exhibit Item: Harris Road Annexation - Applicant Proposed Annexation Area N Applicant: SG Properties LLC w E #1 File #: ZD 2020-002 S HARRIS Rd CITY LIM'I'TS HARRIS Rd sy oRF�INF ct Annexation Area C!� 00 ti o Lti o c OAK Ln Lti 180 350 700 1,100 1,40 a oP Feet Overview Item: Harris Road Annexation N Applicant: p" 1 Map File #: ZD 2020-002 S - J t ~� ■!:: '� fl571y,Ti�i- � M:I�1J�■:IIS■:jam■ .; L�SU`N�S UU �, - ; ��, 14,x: •�,�!-��D � �`�`~'�'"�"�. '��-o�� � i �';' Is w A16- Vicinit Item: Harris Road Annexation N y Applicant: SG Properties LLC w E Map File #: ZD 2020-002 S k' - L HARRIS R HARRIS Rd C«ITY LI�M�ITS C«ITY LI�M�ITS r� _ n i — � ✓ / syo � r c� N SITEIr•s �� r T SCO \ ��\ r� �:��� .. • URT t 1 140 280 560 840 1,100 111 dent®n Feet r � Land Use Item: Harris Road Annexation N Applicant: SG Properties LLC w E Map File #: ZD 2020-002 S Industrial Agriculture HARRIS Rd HARRIS Rd 0 �CITY-L-1MC-I•IY-L-1MI-T-S TO I �S�DU 11�� Manufaring L MkFERS " Residential - Other 0 U- Ln C FAIN �Qa�oo SITE '\MR\\ 4 O / Ul) V Rrst L I I 1\1 t7 �� oyti .� pQ D L� o Vacant r-> S 'cr S 'ao�a 140 280 560 840 1,10 yq0 J SA, O/ Feet O fF a ZJ 1 No = . •: 11 � i _ r . rr I..wes!JrnrR�.. I..m...lrurls� loom l..r1 I�I\C1....Ir.... 7....\..Ir.... I...RI`\Ir.... I...ri..a:::11 .I I..R... I.... IMMIU ..II.... /CUM\Ir.... LSI\NY.MIr.... vDr.V..lr.... 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