HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-12-2021 Hearing Examiner Meeting Packet 0" FI7of AGENDA 44co HEARING EXAMINER MEETING City Hall—525 North Third Avenue Council Chambers WEDNESDAY,MAY 12,2021 6:00 PM L CALL TO ORDER II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Preliminary Plat RP Development Inc./Pro Made Construction- Barker Ranch I"Addition Plat- 206 Single Family Lots (MF#PP 2021-001) B. Rezone Pro Made Construction- Rezone Lots 3 & 4 of Short Plat 2020-022 from R-S-1 to R-1 (MF# Z 2020-002) C. Preliminary Plat J&J Kelly Construction- Wernett Ridge Plat- 56 Single Family Lots (MF#PP 2021-004) D. Special Permit Elodia Gutierrez- Daycare Center in an "O" (OFFICE) Zoning District (MF# SP 2021-006) III. NEW BUSINESS IV. ADJOURNMENT To best comply with Governor's Inslee's Emergency Proclamation and Extension regarding Open Public Meetings Act,the City asks all members of the public that would like to comment regarding items on the agenda to fill out a form via the City's website (www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment) to obtain access information to comment. Requests must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. This meeting is broadcast live on PSC-TV Channel 191 on Charter Cable and streamed at www.pasco-wa.com/psctvlive. Audio equipment available for the hearing impaired;contact staff for assistance. CIty0 REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER 04ii" vs�co PUBLIC LAND USE HEARING oil I I City Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers WEDNESDAY May 12,2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: PP 2021-001 APPLICANT: RP Development Inc./Pro Made Construction 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 Kennewick, WA 99336 REQUEST: PRELIMINARY PLAT: Barker Ranch 1"Addition Plat (206 Single- Family Lots) BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legal: Lots 3 &4 of Short Plat 2020-22 recorded in Volume 2 of Short Plats at Page 361 recorded under Auditors File Number 1918957 records of Franklin County,WA. (Parcels#115-180-076 and #115-180-077). General Location: Two parcels of land located near the northwest corner of Burns Road and Broadmoor Boulevard. Property Size: The site consists of two parcels comprising 53.6 acres total. 2. ACCESS: The property has access from Burns Road via Road 108 located along the western boundary of the Barker Ranch subdivision located to the south. 3. UTILITIES:The site is one of eight parcels participating in the Northwest Area Sewer LID project, which involves the construction of approximately 11,000 linear feet of gravity sewer transmission main to connect the growing Broadmoor area to the existing sanitary sewer system. Pasco municipal water is available along Burns Road to the south. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is currently vacant and zoned R-S-1 (Suburban). Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: RR-5 (County) Farming (County) EAST: R-S-1 Vacant SOUTH: R-1 Vacant (Barker Ranch Subdivision) WEST: R-S-20 (County)Vacant (Pasco School District) 5. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan indicates this site is intended for Low-Density Residential development. According to the Comprehensive Plan, Low-Density Residential development means 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The criteria for allocation under the future land use section of Volume II of the Comprehensive Plan (Vol. II, page 17) encourages development of lands designated for low-density residential uses when or where sewer is available, the location is suitable for home sites, and there is a market demand for new home sites. Policy H-1-E encourages the advancement of home ownership, and Goal H-2 suggests the City strive to maintain a variety of housing options for residents of the community. Goal LU-2 encourages the maintenance of established neighborhoods and the creation of new neighborhoods that are safe and enjoyable places to live. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist (SEPA 2020-063), the adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information, a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)was issued for this project on April 7, 2021 (WAC 197-11-355). ANALYSIS LOT LAYOUT: The proposed preliminary plat contains 206 single-family lots, which would have access from dedicated internal streets, via future dedicated Roads 104 and 108 extending north from Burns Road and through the Barker Ranch subdivision located to the south; and at least two roads extending west from Broadmoor Boulevard/Road 100 westward through the future Barker Heights subdivision. The lots range from 7,409 square feet to 12,748 square feet, the average lot size being 8,045 square feet. Applicant is concurrently requesting a rezone from R-S-1 (Suburban)to R-1 (Low-density Residential)for this project;the proposal would be consistent with the development standards of the R-1 zoning district per PMC 25.45.050. RIGHTS-OF-WAY:All lots will have frontage on streets to be dedicated as part of the plat. Roads 104 and 108 will be fully improved and completed with this subdivision. UTILITIES: Municipal water is available in Burns Road. The site is one of eight parcels participating in the Northwest Area Sewer LID project, which involves the construction of approximately 11,000 linear feet of gravity sewer transmission main to connect the growing Broadmoor area to the existing sanitary sewer system.The applicant will be required to extend utilities to each lot. The City Engineer will determine the specific placement of fire hydrants and streetlights when construction plans are submitted.Generally,fire hydrants are located at street intersections and with a maximum interval of 500 feet between hydrants on alternating sides of the street; streetlights are located at street intersections, with a maximum interval of less than 300 feet on residential streets, and with a maximum interval of 150 feet on arterial streets. The intervals for streetlight placements are measured along the centerline of the road. Streetlights are placed on alternating sides of the street. IRRIGATION: This parcel is located within South Columbia Basin Irrigation District service area. The existing agricultural water allotment shall be released for any lands associated with the subdivision prior to the approval of the plat. WATER RIGHTS: The assignment of water rights is a requirement for subdivision approval per Pasco Municipal Code Section 26.04.115(8) and Section 3.07.160. If no water rights are available to transfer to the City the property, owner/developer must pay a water right fee in lieu thereof. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT State law (RCW 58.17.110 ) and the Pasco Municipal Code require the City to develop Findings of Fact as to how this proposed subdivision will protect and enhance the health, safety, and general welfare of the community.The following is a listing of proposed "Findings of Fact": Prevent Overcrowding: Density requirements of the R-1 zone are designed to address overcrowding concerns.The Comprehensive Plan suggests the property in question be developed with 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The proposed plat has a density of approximately 3.91 units per acre. No more than 40 percent of each lot is permitted to be covered with structures per the R-1 standards. Parks Open Space/Schools:The closest park,Vintage Park,is located over a mile and a half away to the south and east. The Pasco School District owns the parcel adjacent to the west; it was previously designated for a 2 future high school, but plans are not firm; Ray Reynolds Middle School is approximately% mile to the east on Burns Road; Columbia River Elementary School is about a quarter mile further east along Burns Road. The City is required by RCW 58.17.110 to make a finding that adequate provisions are being made to mitigate the impacts of the proposed subdivision on the School District. At the request of the School District,the City enacted a school impact fee in 2012.The imposition of this impact fee addresses the requirement to ensure there are adequate provisions for schools. A school impact fee in the amount of$4,700 will be charged for each new dwelling unit at the time of building permit issuance. Effective Land Use/Orderly Development: The plat is designed for single-family development as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. The maximum density permitted under the Comprehensive Plan is 5 dwelling units per acre.The developer is proposing a density of 3.91 units per acre. Safe Travel &Walking Conditions:The proposed plat includes adequate streets and sidewalks. Curb,gutter, and sidewalk shall be installed and constructed to current City standards and to the standards of the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA). Adequate Provision of Municipal Services: All lots within the plat will be provided with water, sewer, and other utilities. Provision of Housing for State Residents: The proposed plat contains 206 single-family lots providing the opportunity for the construction of 206 new dwelling units in Pasco. Adequate Air and Light: The maximum lot coverage limitations, building height restrictions, and building setbacks will assure that adequate movement of air and light is available to each lot. Proper Access &Travel: The plat will be developed to City standards to assure proper access is maintained to each lot. Connections to the community will be provided by the construction of Roads 104 and 108 northward from Burns Road;the proposed Barker Heights subdivision located to the east of this site plans to extend at least one road from Broadmoor Boulevard/Road 100 to the site as part of that subdivision development. The preliminary plat was submitted to the Transit Authority for review (the discussion under "Safe Travel" above applies to this section also). Ben Franklin Transit's Routes 67 and 225 have stops about 1.15 miles to the southeast near the corner of Broadmoor Boulevard/Road 100 and Sandifur Parkway. Comprehensive Plan Policies & Maps: The Comprehensive Plan designates the plat site for low-density residential development. Policies of the Comprehensive Plan encourage the advancement of home ownership and suggest the City strive to maintain a variety of housing for residents. Housing Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan that pertain to this development include: H-1: Encourage housing for all economic segments of the city's population; H-2: Strive to maintain a variety of housing consistent with the local and regional market; Policy H-2-A: Allow for a full range of residential environments including single family homes, townhomes, condominiums, apartments and manufactured housing. The applicant is proposing to construct 206 single-family lots at a density of 3.91 dwelling units per acre to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 3 Other Findings: 1. The Public Notice was mailed out and published in the Tri-City Herald on April 23, 2021. 2. The site is within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary. 3. The State Growth Management Act requires urban growth and urban densities to occur within the Urban Growth Boundaries. 4. The site is currently vacant. 5. The site is not considered a critical area, a mineral resource area or a wetland. 6. The site's Comprehensive Plan designation is for Low Density Residential development, which specifies residential development of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. 7. The site is zoned R-S-1 (Suburban) 8. Applicant is seeking a rezone concurrent with this application from R-S-1 (Suburban) to R-1 (Low Density Residential). 9. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the R-1 zoning requirements of the site. 10. The minimum lot area in the R-1 zone for single-family dwellings is 7,200 square feet. 11. The developer is proposing 3.91 dwelling units per acre. 12. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the advancement of programs that promote home ownership and development of a variety of residential densities and housing types. 13. The Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the interconnection of neighborhood streets to provide for the disbursement of traffic. 14. The interconnection of neighborhood streets is necessary for utility connections (looping) and the provision of emergency services. 15. Per the ITE Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition,the proposed subdivision,when fully developed, will generate approximately 9.52 trip/unit * 206 units= 1,961.12 trips per day. 16. The current park impact fee is $1,679 per dwelling unit. 17. RCW 58.17.110 requires the City to make a finding that adequate provisions have been made for schools before any preliminary plat is approved. 18. The City of Pasco has adopted a school impact fee ordinance compelling new housing developments to provide the School District with mitigation fees.The fee was effective April 16, 2012. 19. Past correspondence from the Pasco School District indicates impact fees address the requirement to ensure adequate provisions are made for schools. 20. Plat improvements within the City of Pasco are required to comply with the 2020 Standard Drawings and Specification as approved by the City Engineer. These improvements include but are not limited to water, sewer and irrigation lines, streets, streetlights and storm water retention. The handicapped-accessible pedestrian ramps are to be completed with the street and curb improvements prior to final plat approval. Sidewalks are installed at the time permits are issued for new houses,except sidewalks along major streets,which are installed with the street improvements. 21. The assignment of water rights is a requirement for subdivision approval per Pasco Municipal Code Section 26.04.115(B) and Section 3.07.160. 22. The developer is responsible for all costs associated with construction, inspection, and plan review service expenses incurred by the City Engineering Office. 4 23. The City has nuisance regulations(PMC 9.60)that require property owners (including developers)to maintain their properties in a manner that does not injure, annoy, or endanger the comfort and repose of other property owners. This includes controlling dust, weeds and litter during times of construction for both subdivisions and buildings including houses. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of the proposed Plat the Hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusion (PMC 21.25.060)therefrom as to whether or not: (1) Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, transit stops, schools and school grounds, sidewalks for safe walking conditions for students and other public needs; The proposed plat will be required to develop under the standards of the Pasco Municipal Code and the standard specifications of the City Engineering Division. These standards for streets, sidewalks, and other infrastructure improvements were designed to ensure the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community. These standards include provisions for streets, drainage, water and sewer service and the provision for dedication of right-of-way. The preliminary plat was forwarded to the PUD, the Pasco School District,Cascade Gas,Charter Cable, Franklin County Irrigation District,and Ben-Franklin Transit Authority for review and comment. Based on the School District's Capital Facilities Plan the City collects school mitigation fees for each new dwelling unit. The fee is paid at the time of building permit issuance. The school impact fee addresses the requirements of RCW 58.17.110.All new developments participate in establishing parks through the payment of park fees at the time of permitting. (2) The proposed subdivision contributes to the orderly development and land use patterns in the area; The proposed Plat makes efficient use of vacant land and will provide for the looping of utilities and interconnectivity of streets as supported in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision will provide arterial street improvements along Roads 104 and 108; the proposed Barker Heights subdivision located to the east of this site plans to extend at least one road from Broadmoor Boulevard/Road 100 to the site as part of that subdivision development. (3) The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies, maps, and narrative text of the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan land use map designates the site for Low Density Residential development and may be developed with modified factory-assembled homes and single-family dwelling units.Adjacent areas to the east and south have Comprehensive Plan Land Use designations of Low Density Residential.The property to the west is designated for government/public use and is currently owned by Pasco School District#1. Low Density Residential specifies development at a density of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. Policies of the Comprehensive Plan encourage the advancement of home ownership and suggest the City strive to maintain a variety of housing for residents. The plat indicates a density of 3.91 dwelling units per acre, which meets the density range established by the Comprehensive Plan. The Housing Element of the Plan encourages the promotion of a variety of residential densities and suggests the community should support the advancement of programs encouraging home ownership.The Plan also encourages the interconnection of local streets for inter-neighborhood travel for public safety as well as providing for traffic disbursement. 5 (4) The proposed subdivision conforms to the general purposes of any applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the City Council; Development plans and policies have been adopted by the City Council in the form of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies, maps, and narrative text of the Plan as noted in number three above. (5) The proposed subdivision conforms to the general purposes of the subdivision regulations. The general purposes of the subdivision regulations have been enumerated and discussed in the staff analysis and Findings of Fact.The Findings of Fact indicate the subdivision is in conformance with the general purposes of the subdivision regulations provided certain mitigation measures (i.e., school impact fees are paid). (6) The public use and interest will be served by approval of the proposed subdivision. The proposed plat, if approved, will be developed in accordance with all City standards designed to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the community are met. The Comprehensive Plan will be implemented through development of this plat. These factors will ensure the public use and interest are served. TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVAL CONDITIONS 1) All improvements shall be in accordance to the Pasco Municipal Code.The Pasco Municipal Code adopts the most recent versions of the City of Pasco Standard Specifications,the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridges, and Municipal Construction, the International Building Code, and the International Fire Code. If there are any conflicting regulations in any of these documents, the more stringent regulation shall apply. 2) The face of the final plat shall include this statement: "As a condition of approval of this final plat the owner waives the right to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District for sewer/water/road/sidewalk improvements to the full extent as permitted by RCW 35.43.182. 3) The face of the final plat shall include this statement: "The individual or company making improvements on a lot or lots of this plat is responsible for providing and installing all trench, conduit, primary vaults, secondary junction boxes, and backfill for the PUD's primary and secondary distribution system in accordance with PUD specifications; said individual or company will make full advance payment of line extension fees and will provide all necessary utility easements prior to PUD construction and/or connection of any electrical service to or within the plat." 4) The developer/builder shall pay the City a "Common Area Maintenance Fee" of$475 per lot upon issuance of building permits for homes. These funds shall be placed in a fund and used to finance the maintenance of arterial boulevard strips.The City shall not accept maintenance responsibility for the landscaping abutting said street until such time as all fees are collected for each phase that abut said streets. 5) Any existing water rights associated with the subject property shall be transferred to the City as a condition of approval. If no water rights are available then the property owner, in accordance with PMC 21.05.120, shall pay to the City, in lieu thereof, a water rights acquisition fee as established in the City Fee Summary Ordinance as identified in PMC 3.35. 6) Only City and other utilities with franchise agreements are allowed in the public right of way. Overhead utilities shall be placed underground. 7) It shall be the responsibility of the property owner/developer to contact all utility owners to determine their system improvement requirements. Prior to subdivision construction plan 6 submittal and/or review the property owner/developer shall provide to the City of Pasco written support/approval of the proposed development from all outside utilities, public and private. 8) Final Plat shall not be approved until availability of sewer utilities (Northwest Sewer LID) and the completion of Fire Station #83. 9) Plat must be resubmitted should the rezone fail. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat with conditions per above. 7 Barker Ranch I st Addition • ■ Preliminary Plat N Overview Item: Applicant: RP Development Pro Made Construction 1 , 1 PP 00 ■■ ww -K 11 Na m� -' s1 ■■■ ®� � �_� Fes' " `� _ ■■■ !�Rfi�Li•�� ., ! �1a-y.��. Jay ' � ■■■_. ����'�� .��® i■1 IIIA -�.-�- �- � � ■■■■e■■■�I`�� � �J�II■say � �` � �' nn ��-:E mmm�nn °= mo Illlu IIII - IIIIIIIIIIIIII\ ME po � rad ■■■■��7■■ : .+_c�+ Ilos�rer.�;, aI ���+ - - IN local Ai: 1 I i Il■11 11 1 w w! 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Addition• 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Vidn'ty Applicant: RP Development Pro Made Construction W+E 1 File . . 202 1-001 S r WKWUM ULI i • • g NOW di t111111� �■ ■i 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,004 � ^ U Feet Land Use Item: Barker Ranch 1 st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Applicant: RP Development / Pro Made Construction w E Map File #: PP 2021-001 S 99c Agriculture Residential - Other 0 SF 6 4 5 SITELT L Q J can U U5- C-ITY-H.M�I-TSS Residential a an I OFOU - Other c o v L Vacant a n a 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,00 ~ U1 —1 Lr�r-7-"-Trr7r-n0 BURNS R1 I�N-1; Feet Agriculture Item: Barker Ranch I st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Zoning Applicant: RP Development Pro Made Construction W+E Map File #: PP 202 1-001 S AP-20 (County) AP-20 (County) son RS-20 (County) MENEM OFA 1 250 50 1,000 1,500 2,6-0-4]a I I I I I I I I Feet Com Plan Item: Barker Ranch 1 st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Comp Applicant: RP Development / Pro Made Construction w E Map File #: PP 2021-001 S J U) ~ LU z 0 ,9 p w SITE J CH G H U_ O O GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC C-IIY-LI'MFT-S m HIG DENSITY IZ21 RE IDENTIAL 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,00 BURNS UR Feet Barker Ranch , 1 st Addition LOCATED IN THE SE '/4 OF SEC 6,T 9 N, R 26 E OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 6 g PRELIMINARY PLAT P,uG1nnHA 3" �y ��iia 6D ExTG RES. 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Looking North _ 'd , y IL tf;w ;•."`�tiyT�"'`��� ,8 ,� ^� s�; -•}�� r - ri ;� —s . `. � —off,, � - � 1 .1kAM;�r PascoCly Community&Economic Development Department Fee:$1,075 max PO Box 293,525 N 3rd Ave,Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION Master File # - III( Date Submitted: 3 / Z'0 Z) Applicant Info Owner Info (if different than applicant) Name: Name: RP Development, Inc Pro Made Construction, LLC Address: Address: 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 Kennewick, WA 99336 Kennewick, WA 99336 l Phone: Phone: (509) 440-1555 (509) 392-7092 Email: Email: steve.b.bauman@gmail.com Project Address: n/a Project Parcel Number: 115-180-076 and 115-180-077 Current Zoning: R-S-1 Suburban. R-1 Pending approval of concurrent rezone application. Gross square footage of property: 2,116,878 Number of lots proposed: 206 Source of domestic water: City Water Method of sewage disposal: City Sewer Development variations (density increase, planned density development, planned unit development, etc.): Description of proposal: 206 lot residential subdivision meeting zoning for R1 Low Density Residential Updated October 2019 Access to proposed plat (existing or proposed):_Proposed north south road connecting to Burns Road approx. 2,600 feet west of Broadmoor Blvd. identified as West Avenue on the Preliminary Plat NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of $50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. Application fee _ $700 + $30 per lot ($950 max) . (Combined with rezone) Radius Notification - 50.00 $ 1,000.00 Preliminary Plat 0 SEPA checklist 0 Fee 0 Title Report (physical & (Combined with rezone) electronic) A*riig�nature Date ..�� 2 _ -- s- Zr . Owner Signature Date w6i" �� °� 44co Community Development Department PO Box 293,525 N 3`d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (Optional DNS Process) Issuance Date: April 7, 2021 Project Name: Barker Ranch 15t Addition Preliminary Plat Project Number: SEPA 2021-015, PP 2021-001 &Z 2021-0021 Proponent: Pro Made Construction, LLC 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 Kennewick WA 99336 Applicant: Pro Made Construction, LLC 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 Kennewick WA 99336 Description of Proposal:Approval of a Preliminary Plat application for a 206-lot single- family residential subdivision and a Rezone Application from R-S-1 to R-1 on two parcels consisting of 53.6 acres. Location of Proposal: The northwest corner of the intersection of Burns Road and Broadmoor Boulevard (Parcel #s 115180075 and 115180076) in Pasco, WA. Mitigation: An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. Lead Agency: City of Pasco The City of Pasco, acting as lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This MDNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the MDNS. Appeals must b filed within 10 days of this determination. Responsible Official: ---- Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director Address: PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301-0293 Phone: (509) 545-3441 Appeals:You may appeal this determination of non-significance by submitting an appeal to the address below no later than 10 days from issuance. The appeal must be in written form, contain a concise statement of the matter being appealed and the basic rationale for the appeal. A fee is required per the City's Fee Resolution. Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under City code. All comments or appeals are to be directed to the City of Pasco Planning Department, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA, 99301, Attn: Rick White. coCommunity Development Department PO Box 293, 525 N 3 d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P: 509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 PUBLIC NOTICE Si necesita ayuda para entender este aviso o necesita mas informacion, por favor Ilame al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Economico de la Ciudad de Pasco a 509-545-3441. Proposal: RP Development and Pro Made Construction, LLC have submitted an application for a 206-lot residential subdivision "Barker Ranch 111 Addition" (MF# PP 2021-001), and a rezone application (MF#Z 2021-002)from R-S-1 to R-1 for Lots 3&4 of Short Plat 2020-22 recorded in Volume 2 of Short Plats at Page 361 recorded under Auditor's File Number 1918957, records of Franklin County, WA (Parcels #115-180-076 and #115-180-077). Said property is situated near the northwest corner of Burns Road and Broadmoor Blvd. in Pasco, WA. The proposal is subject to regulations contained in the Pasco Municipal Code. Open Record Hearing:The Hearing Examiner will conduct the open record hearing at 6:00 p.m. on 12 May 2021 in the Council Chambers in Pasco City Hall at 525 N 3rd Avenue in Pasco, Washington. The Hearing Examiner will consider public testimony concerning the above 206-lot residential subdivision application (MF#PP 2021-001), and rezone application (MF#Z 2021-015)from R-S-1 to R-1 applications at this meeting. If you wish to participate in the virtual hearing,please register at least 2 hours prior to the meeting at the following registration link: www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment After registering,you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Public Comment Period: Written comments must be submitted to the Community Development Department by 5:00 p.m. on 12 May 2021. Only comments received up to the close of the hearing will be included in the Hearing record. If you have questions on the proposal, contact the Planning Division at (509) 545-3441 or via e-mail to: planning@pasco-wa.gov. Determination of Completeness: The application has been declared complete for the purpose of processing. Preliminary Determination of Regulations Used for Project Mitigation: Titles 12 (Streets and Sidewalks), 16 (Buildings and Construction), 21 (Urban Area Subdivision Regulations), 25 (Zoning), regulations of the Pasco Municipal Code, and the land use policies contained in the Pasco Comprehensive Plan. Prepared 20 Apr 2021 by:Jeffrey B.Adams,Associate Planner, PO Box 293 Pasco,WA 99301(509)545-3441 Overview Item: Barker Ranch 1 st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Applicant: RP Development / Pro Made Construction W - E Map File #: PP 2021-001 S r I. i SITE II �� loc_ - .r. CITY LIMITS I T 'I Clilll /� IGI �CJRiL N .-- �+�-- rri�rllJvr �,_ iiiu�u��tt��rr flrf9l�ll,C��l�Firlr�l��. f� 00 IT FT I illl NfIVu ' �' '. �y"t� � . �°k -Eli HARRIS RDS nro Q �F PI _ . L. C. E.1 F� 1� CoQ � �I �, �---� �' 5001,000 2,000 3, -4 00 1 _. -. � �. I 1182 '� , f3 Z RQAU 0. p Felt Qt2 1gL I-18 R CIty0 REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER 04ii" vs�co PUBLIC LAND USE HEARING oil I I City Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers WEDNESDAY May 12,2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: PP 2021-004 APPLICANT: J&J Kelly Construction 1802 Rd 76 Pasco, WA 99301 REQUEST: PRELIMINARY PLAT: Wernett Ridge Plat (56 Single-Family Lots) BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legal: Lots 3 &4 of Short Plat 2020-22 recorded in Volume 2 of Short Plats at Page 361 recorded under Auditors File Number 1918957 records of Franklin County, WA. (Parcel 118621028). General Location: Two parcels of land located near the northwest corner of Burns Road and Broadmoor Boulevard. Property Size: The site contains approximately 13.7 acres (569,374.57 square feet). 2. ACCESS: The site is accessed from Roads 52 and 56, and Wernett Road 3. UTILITIES:The site is located in the County and was recently zoned R-1 (Low-Density Residential) and is vacant. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is currently vacant and zoned R-S-1 (Suburban). Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: RS-20 SFDUs EAST: RS-20 (County) SFDUs SOUTH: RS-20 (County) SFDUs; Vacant Land; Floodplain WEST: R-1; RS-20 (County) SFDUs; Vacant Land 5. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for Low-Density Residential. Goal H-2 suggests the City strive to maintain a variety of housing options for residents of the community including single-family housing. Land Use goal LU-2 directs the City to "maintain established neighborhoods and ensure new neighborhoods are safe and enjoyable places to live, and Policy LU-2-A, "Design major streets, schools, parks, and other public facilities that will encourage the individual identities of neighborhoods." ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist (SEPA 2020-063), the adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information, a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) was issued for this project on April 20, 2021 (WAC 197-11-355). Mitigation included the following: 1. An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. 1 2. A traffic impact analysis to determine the impacts of additional vehicle trips and the need for traffic mitigation measures shall be prepared in accordance with the City of Pasco's most recent Design and Construction Standards and Specifications. ANALYSIS LOT LAYOUT: The proposed preliminary plat contains 56 single-family lots, which would have access from dedicated internal streets,via Road 52 and West Wernett Road; a stub is designed to accommodate a future connection westward to Road 56. The lots range from 6,120 square feet to 10,013 square feet,the average lot size being 7,322 square feet.The area was recently annexed and assigned R-1 (Low-density Residential) zoning. The proposal would be consistent with the development standards of the R-1 zoning district per PMC 25.45.050. RIGHTS-OF-WAY: All lots will have frontage on streets to be dedicated as part of the plat. All roads will be fully improved and completed with this subdivision. UTILITIES: Municipal Water is available to the proposed annexation area via 6" and 12" lines in Road 56 and Wernett Road, respectively. Applicant is working with the City Engineers to bring sewer service to the site. IRRIGATION: This parcel is within Franklin County Irrigation District service area, currently served and assessed by FCID. KID maintains irrigation mainlines along the western side of Road 52 and the northern side of Wernett. Owner shall be required to build a system within the plat to deliver irrigation water to each of the new lots with proper irrigation easements for all new lines installed. Prior to building of this system an engineering drawing shall be submitted to KID for review and comments. In addition a grading plan shall also be submitted to help determine if any work will need to be done on the Road 52 line. Development shall comply with RCW 58.17.310. WATER RIGHTS: The assignment of water rights is a requirement for subdivision approval per Pasco Municipal Code Section 26.04.115(6) and Section 3.07.160. If no water rights are available to transfer to the City the property, owner/developer must pay a water right fee in lieu thereof. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT State law (RCW 58.17.110 ) and the Pasco Municipal Code require the City to develop Findings of Fact as to how this proposed subdivision will protect and enhance the health, safety, and general welfare of the community.The following is a listing of proposed "Findings of Fact": Prevent Overcrowding: Density requirements of the R-1 zone are designed to address overcrowding concerns.The Comprehensive Plan suggests the property in question be developed with 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The proposed plat has a density of approximately 4.32 units per acre. No more than 40 percent of each lot is permitted to be covered with structures per the R-1 standards. Parks Open Space/Schools: The closest park, Pasco School District Soccer Fields on Road 48 is about a half mile away via Wernett and Road 48; Mark Twain Elementary School is approximately 1% miles to the east via West Wernett Road and Road 40. The City is required by RCW 58.17.110 to make a finding that adequate provisions are being made to mitigate the impacts of the proposed subdivision on the School District. At the request of the School District,the City enacted a school impact fee in 2012.The imposition of this impact fee addresses the requirement to ensure 2 there are adequate provisions for schools. A school impact fee in the amount of$4,700 will be charged for each new dwelling unit at the time of building permit issuance. Effective Land Use/Orderly Development: The plat is designed for single-family development as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. The maximum density permitted under the Comprehensive Plan is 5 dwelling units per acre.The developer is proposing a density of 4.32 units per acre. Safe Travel &Walking Conditions:The proposed plat includes adequate streets and sidewalks. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be installed and constructed to current City standards and to the standards of the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA). Adequate Provision of Municipal Services: All lots within the plat will be provided with water, sewer, and other utilities. Provision of Housing for State Residents: The proposed plat contains 56 single-family lots providing the opportunity for the construction of 56 new dwelling units in Pasco. Adequate Air and Light: The maximum lot coverage limitations, building height restrictions, and building setbacks will assure that adequate movement of air and light is available to each lot. Proper Access &Travel: The plat will be developed to City standards to assure proper access is maintained to each lot. Connections will be made to West Wernett Road and road 52 with a stub for future westward connection to Road 56. Comprehensive Plan Policies & Maps: The Comprehensive Plan designates the plat site for low-density residential development. Policies of the Comprehensive Plan encourage the advancement of home ownership and suggest the City strive to maintain a variety of housing for residents. Housing Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan that pertain to this development include: H-1: Encourage housing for all economic segments of the city's population; H-2: Strive to maintain a variety of housing consistent with the local and regional market; Policy H-2-A: Allow for a full range of residential environments including single family homes, townhomes, condominiums, apartments and manufactured housing. The applicant is proposing to construct 56 single-family lots at a density of 4.32 dwelling units per acre to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Other Findings:The Public Notice was mailed out and published in the Tri-City Herald on April 28, 2021. 1. The site is within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary. 2. The State Growth Management Act requires urban growth and urban densities to occur within the Urban Growth Boundaries. 3. The site is currently vacant. 4. The site is not considered a critical area, a mineral resource area or a wetland. 5. The site's Comprehensive Plan designation is for Low Density Residential development, which specifies residential development of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. 6. The site is zoned R-S-1 (Suburban) 7. Applicant is seeking a rezone concurrent with this application from R-S-1 (Suburban) to R-1 (Low Density Residential). 8. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the R-1 zoning requirements of the site. 9. The minimum lot area in the R-1 zone for single-family dwellings is 7,200 square feet. 3 10. The developer is proposing 4.32 dwelling units per acre. 11. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the advancement of programs that promote home ownership and development of a variety of residential densities and housing types. 12. The Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the interconnection of neighborhood streets to provide for the disbursement of traffic. 13. The interconnection of neighborhood streets is necessary for utility connections (looping) and the provision of emergency services. 14. Per the ITE Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition,the proposed subdivision,when fully developed, will generate approximately 9.52 trip/unit * 56 units= 1,961.12 trips per day. 15. The current park impact fee is$1,679 per dwelling unit. 16. RCW 58.17.110 requires the City to make a finding that adequate provisions have been made for schools before any preliminary plat is approved. 17. The City of Pasco has adopted a school impact fee ordinance compelling new housing developments to provide the School District with mitigation fees. The fee was effective April 16, 2012. 18. Past correspondence from the Pasco School District indicates impact fees address the requirement to ensure adequate provisions are made for schools. 19. Plat improvements within the City of Pasco are required to comply with the 2020 Standard Drawings and Specification as approved by the City Engineer.These improvements include but are not limited to water, sewer and irrigation lines, streets, streetlights and storm water retention. The handicapped-accessible pedestrian ramps are to be completed with the street and curb improvements prior to final plat approval. Sidewalks are installed at the time permits are issued for new houses,except sidewalks along major streets,which are installed with the street improvements. 20. The assignment of water rights is a requirement for subdivision approval per Pasco Municipal Code Section 26.04.115(B) and Section 3.07.160. 21. The developer is responsible for all costs associated with construction, inspection, and plan review service expenses incurred by the City Engineering Office. 22. The City has nuisance regulations(PMC 9.60)that require property owners (including developers)to maintain their properties in a manner that does not injure, annoy, or endanger the comfort and repose of other property owners. This includes controlling dust, weeds and litter during times of construction for both subdivisions and buildings including houses. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of the proposed Plat the Hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusion (PMC 21.25.060)therefrom as to whether or not: (1) Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, transit stops, schools and school grounds, sidewalks for safe walking conditions for students and other public needs; The proposed plat will be required to develop under the standards of the Pasco Municipal Code and the standard specifications of the City Engineering Division. These standards for streets, sidewalks, and other infrastructure improvements were designed to ensure the public health, safety, and general welfare of the 4 community. These standards include provisions for streets, drainage, water and sewer service and the provision for dedication of right-of-way. The preliminary plat was forwarded to the PUD, the Pasco School District,Cascade Gas,Charter Cable, Franklin County Irrigation District,and Ben-Franklin Transit Authority for review and comment. Based on the School District's Capital Facilities Plan the City collects school mitigation fees for each new dwelling unit. The fee is paid at the time of building permit issuance. The school impact fee addresses the requirements of RCW 58.17.110.All new developments participate in establishing parks through the payment of park fees at the time of permitting. (2) The proposed subdivision contributes to the orderly development and land use patterns in the area; The proposed Plat makes efficient use of vacant land and will provide for the looping of utilities and interconnectivity of streets as supported in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision will provide street improvements within the plat as per City standards; connections will be made to West Wernett Road and road 52 with a stub for future westward connection to Road 56. (3) The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies, maps, and narrative text of the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan land use map designates the site for Low Density Residential development and may be developed with modified factory-assembled homes and single-family dwelling units.Adjacent areas to the east and south have Comprehensive Plan Land Use designations of Low Density Residential.The property to the west is designated for government/public use and is currently owned by Pasco School District#1. Low Density Residential specifies development at a density of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. Policies of the Comprehensive Plan encourage the advancement of home ownership and suggest the City strive to maintain a variety of housing for residents. The plat indicates a density of 3.91 dwelling units per acre,which meets the density range established by the Comprehensive Plan. The Housing Element of the Plan encourages the promotion of a variety of residential densities and suggests the community should support the advancement of programs encouraging home ownership. The Plan also encourages the interconnection of local streets for inter-neighborhood travel for public safety as well as providing for traffic disbursement. (4) The proposed subdivision conforms to the general purposes of any applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the City Council; Development plans and policies have been adopted by the City Council in the form of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies, maps, and narrative text of the Plan as noted in number three above. (5) The proposed subdivision conforms to the general purposes of the subdivision regulations. The general purposes of the subdivision regulations have been enumerated and discussed in the staff analysis and Findings of Fact.The Findings of Fact indicate the subdivision is in conformance with the general purposes of the subdivision regulations provided certain mitigation measures (i.e., school impact fees are paid). (6) The public use and interest will be served by approval of the proposed subdivision. The proposed plat, if approved, will be developed in accordance with all City standards designed to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the community are met. The Comprehensive Plan will be implemented through development of this plat. These factors will ensure the public use and interest are served. 5 TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVAL CONDITIONS 1) A City of Pasco approved traffic impact analysis shall be required for this project 2) The traffic impact analysis required for this project shall be completed and City approval shall be obtained prior to the City Engineering Departments' review of any civil plans. 3) All improvements shall be in accordance to the Pasco Municipal Code. The Pasco Municipal Code adopts the most recent versions of the City of Pasco Standard Specifications, the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridges, and Municipal Construction, the International Building Code, and the International Fire Code. If there are any conflicting regulations in any of these documents, the more stringent regulation shall apply. 4) The face of the final plat shall include this statement: "As a condition of approval of this final plat the owner waives the right to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District for sewer/water/road/sidewalk improvements to the full extent as permitted by RCW 35.43.182. 5) The face of the final plat shall include this statement: "The individual or company making improvements on a lot or lots of this plat is responsible for providing and installing all trench,conduit, primary vaults, secondary junction boxes, and backfill for the PUD's primary and secondary distribution system in accordance with PUD specifications; said individual or company will make full advance payment of line extension fees and will provide all necessary utility easements prior to PUD construction and/or connection of any electrical service to or within the plat." 6) Any existing water rights associated with the subject property shall be transferred to the City as a condition of approval. If no water rights are available then the property owner, in accordance with PMC 21.05.120, shall pay to the City, in lieu thereof, a water rights acquisition fee as established in the City Fee Summary Ordinance as identified in PMC 3.35. 7) Only City and other utilities with franchise agreements are allowed in the public right of way. 8) Any and all overhead power is required to be re-routed below ground. 9) It shall be the responsibility of the property owner/developer to contact all utility owners to determine their system improvement requirements. Prior to subdivision construction plan submittal and/or review the property owner/developer shall provide to the City of Pasco written support/approval of the proposed development from all outside utilities, public and private. 10) Final Plat shall not be approved until availability of sewer utilities. 11) All fee payments for bonding of ROW improvements and Water Rights must be paid at the time of Final Plat being submitted for signatures. 12) Justification shall be provided for Tract A and its purpose, compliance with the PMC. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat with conditions per above. 6 Overview Item: Wernett Ridge 56-Lot Preliminary Plat N Applicant: J&J Kelly Construction W+E 1 File 2021-004 r � fr'J ia• i City Limits < JL _tel - : W..a.. .'ti! � � 1 � _ �a `."'I � -' r _ • - - • r. •ems _.�-./. � � � ., - r ■ 9 yi •, r � '. w r • . -w-- \� iG _ - 'r' '� r r. _ t _ I • aeu �� �� r.{ .. + '/ -, r i1�.4 y�r.. 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Cityt1. vsco Community& Economic Development Department Fee:$1,775 max 5 PO Box 293, 525 N 3`d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION Master File # Date Submitted: Owner Info Applicant Info (if different than applicant) Name: Name: J&J Kelly Construction, Inc. Address: Address: 1802 Rd 76, Pasco, WA 99301 Phone: Phone: 509-539-3414 Email: Email: kellyfamily87@gmail.com Project Address:TBD Project Parcel Number: 118621028 Current Zoning: R1 (upon annexation and zoning approval) Gross square footage of property: 5883060 Number of lots proposed: 56 Source of domestic water:City of Pasco Method of sewage disposal: City of Pasco Development variations (density increase, planned density development, planned unit development, etc.): Refer to separate page for development variations. Description of proposal: Wernett Ridge subdivision with 56 single-family residential lots. Updated October 2019 Access to proposed plat (existing or proposed): Road 52 Nernett Rd, and proposed interior roads including extension of Road 54 and two unnammed east/west roads. NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of $50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. Application fee - $ 700.00 $ 30.00 per lot ($950.00 max) Environmental Checklist - $ 75.00 Radius Notification - 50.00 Preliminary Plat 0 SEPA checklist 1:1 Fee [3 Title Report (physical & electronic) I Applicant Signature Date Owner Signature Date Wernett Ridge Preliminary Plat Development Variations 1) Reduce setback for Lot 8 on Road 54 to 15' minimum except for the garage and set the south side for the rear yard setback. 2) Allow a length to width ratio of greater than 2.5:1 for cul-de-sac lots if that ratio is based on the longest length to width at the frontage. This is applicable to lots 19- 22, and lot 30. If the City uses the width at the setback line rather than along the frontage, then the length to width ratio is within the standard. 3) Lot 31 is a flag lot with a frontage width of 25.10', putting in a knuckle on the 900 turn would reduce the depth for the adjacent lots (Lot 30 and Lot 32). The 25.10' width for the driveway access is larger than the 12' required by PMC 20.20.060. 4) Lot 30 has a frontage width of 33.17' (35' minimum for a cul-de-sac per, which is 1.83' shorter than the code. The narrower width is to allow room for a 25' wide access for lot 31, the flag lot. coCommunity Development Department PO Box 293, 525 N 3 d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P: 509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 PUBLIC NOTICE Si necesita ayuda para entender este aviso o necesita m6s informaci6n, por favor Ilame al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Econ6mico de la Ciudad de Pasco a 509-545-3441. Proposal:J&J Kelly Construction has submitted an application to develop a 56-lot residential subdivision "Wernett Ridge" (MF#PP 2021-004),south of Wernett Road and west of Road 52 in Pasco,WA. Said property is located at The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M., except the East 151.13 feet of the North 165.77 feet thereof; and except portion conveyed to Franklin County by instrument recorded under Auditor's file No.48051;together with the East half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22,Township 9 North, Range 29 East,W.M., except the North 165.77 feet of the West 242.26 feet thereof; all records of Franklin County, Washington (Parcel#118 621028). The proposal is subject to regulations contained in the Pasco Municipal Code. Public Comment Period: Written comments must be submitted to the Community Development Department by 5:00 p.m. on 12 May 2021. Only comments received up to the close of the hearing will be included in the SEPA record. If you have questions on the proposal, contact the Planning Division at (509) 545-3441 or via e-mail to: planning@pasco-wa.gov. Open Record Hearing:The Hearing Examiner will conduct the open record hearing at 6:00 p.m. on 12 May 2021 in the Council Chambers in Pasco City Hall at 525 N 3rd Avenue in Pasco, Washington. The Hearing Examiner will consider public testimony concerning the above 56-lot residential subdivision application (MF#PP2021-004)at this meeting. If you wish to participate virtually in the hearing,please register at least 2 hours prior to the meeting at the following registration link: www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment After registering,you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Determination of Completeness: The application has been declared complete for the purpose of processing. Preliminary Determination of Regulations Used for Project Mitigation: Titles 12 (Streets and Sidewalks), 16 (Buildings and Construction), 21 (Urban Area Subdivision Regulations), 25 (Zoning), regulations of the Pasco Municipal Code,and the land use policies contained in the Pasco Comprehensive Plan. Prepared 21 April 2021 by:Jeffrey B.Adams,Associate Planner, PO Box 293 Pasco,WA 99301 (509)545-3441 Item: Wernett Ridge 56-Lot Preliminary Plat N Exhibit � Applicant: J&J Felly Construction w E A File #: PP 2021-004 S I � TIL r W RICHARDSON Rd W RICH .A PS M Rd C-. . SLIM . C- • • L-IMMS N _... . - — Ln o W MELVILLE Rd - C-•-=L•IM • S SITE OUS St LA St 140 280 560 840 1 ,1 0IM.ITS Feet _.�.-_ -_ - C- •. 4--IMi IA Ct v4i4co Community Development Department PO Box 293,525 N 3"Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441./F:509.545.31 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (Optional DNS Process) Issuance Date: April 20, 2021 Project Name: Wernett Ridge Preliminary Plat Project Number: SEPA 2021-022 & PP 2021-004 Proponent: Jeff Kelly 1802 Rd 76 Pasco, WA 99301 Applicant: Jeff Kelly 1802 Rd 76 Pasco, WA 99301 Description of Proposal:Approval of a Preliminary Plat application for a 56-lot single- family residential subdivision in an R-1 Zoning District on a parcel consisting of 17.15 acres. Location of Proposal:Generally in the area south of Wernett Road between Roads 52 and 56, in Pasco, WA. The Northeast % of the Northeast % of the Southeast % of Section 22, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M., Except the East 151.13' of the North 165.77' thereof, and except a portion conveyed to Franklin County by instrument recorded under Auditor's file No. 48051;Together with the East % of the northwest%of the Northeast of the Southeast % of Section 22, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M., Except the North 165.77' of the West 242.26' thereof; All records of Franklin County, Washington (Parcel 118-621-019). Mitigation: 1. An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. 2. A traffic impact analysis to determine the impacts of additional vehicle trips and the need for traffic mitigation measures shall be prepared in accordance with the City of Pasco's most recent Design and Construction Standards and Specifications. Lead Agency: City of Pasco The City of Pasco, acting as lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement(EIS)is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This MDNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the MDNS. Appeals mist a filed AJ w hin 10 days of this determination. Responsible Official: Rick White, Community& Economic Development Director Address: PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301-0293 Phone: (509) 545-3441 Appeals:You may appeal this determination of non-significance by submitting an appeal to the address below no later than 10 days from issuance. The appeal must be in written form, contain a concise statement of the matter being appealed and the basic rationale for the appeal. A fee is required per the City's Fee Resolution. Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under City code. All comments or appeals are to be directed to the City of Pasco Planning Department, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA, 99301, Attn: Rick White. CIty0 REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER 04ii" � s�co PUBLIC HEARING oil I I vCity Hall—525 North Third Avenue—Council Chambers Wednesday 12 May, 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: SP 2021-006 APPLICANT: Elodia Gutierrez 1803 W Bonneville Street Pasco, WA 99301 REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: Daycare Center in an "0" (OFFICE) Zoning District BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legal: Lots 14, 15, and 16, Block 11 Helm's 2"d Addition to Pasco,together with 10'vacated from 18th Avenue (Franklin county Tax Parcel#112 212 428). General Location: 1731 West Clark Street Property Size: .23 acres (9,781.16 square feet) 2. ACCESS:The site has access from North 18th Avenue and West lark Street 3. UTILITIES:The site is served by both water and sewer services from the alley located to the north. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The property is currently zoned "0" (Office) and is developed with a commercial office structure. Surrounding properties zoned as follows: North R-1/R-2 SFDUs East R-2 SFDUs South C-1 Commercial West C-3 Motel 5. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan indicates the site is primarily intended for Low- density Residential uses. The Plan does not specifically address daycare centers, but elements of the Plan encourage the promotion of orderly development including the development of zoning standards for off- street parking and other development. Plan goal OF-5 suggests provisions should be made for educational facilities throughout the Urban Growth Area. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist, the adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information,a threshold determination resulting in a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)was issued for this project on April 14, 2021, under WAC 197-11-158. ANALYSIS Proposal Applicant wishes to operate a daycare facility to be located at 1731 West Clark Street. 1 Property Description The site is located at 1731 West Clark Street,which is located in a residential neighborhood near West Lewis Street, a major east/west arterial. As such, the site has good transportation access. A Ben-Franklin Transit (BFT) Stop is located about a third of a mile to the west of the site on North 20th Avenue. History The site was annexed into the City in 1889 as part of Helm's Second Addition to Pasco. R-2 (Residential) Zoning was assigned in 1938 as part of the original City of Pasco zoning (Ordinance #435). The site was rezoned to C-1 (Retail Commercial) zoning in 1995 (Ordinance #3118), and subsequently to "0" (Office) zoning in 2016 (Ordinance#4310) Daycare facilities are considered Community Service Facilities, level one, and as such, require Special Permit review under the provisions of Pasco Municipal Code (PMC) 25.200.020(4) Unclassified uses. Community service facilities of the level one category include day-care centers, nursery schools, hospitals, sanitariums, nonprofit community health clinics,governmental and quasi-governmental activities,and related uses,which provide similar services for citizens. Educational facilities(schools)and daycares are typically located in or near residential neighborhoods. While the proposed facility is not a public school, it will operate somewhat like a school. Another Fun to Learn Daycare is located north and west of the site less than a block away at 1803 W Bonneville St. The City of Pasco population has grown from 59,781 to 77,100 in the last 10 years, according to the 2020 Office of Financial Management estimate. Population growth has created a demand for preschool and daycare facilities. Pasco Municipal Code 25.185.170(3) requires one parking space for each employee and one space per 6 children (0.17 per child). The proposed facility would accommodate up to 4 employees and 22 children, ranging in age from 18 months to 5 years old. Based on these numbers,the total parking requirement would be 9 spaces, rounded up, as follows: Proposed Number Spaces per Total Required Employees 4 1.00 4 Students 22 0.17 5 Total 9 Applicant has indicated there are 9 on-site parking places, in line with the required 9 spaces. According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 91h edition, daycare centers(code 565)generate approximately 4.38 trips per student,which translates to around 96.36 trips per weekday with 22 students. Daycare facilities are required to meet WSP Fire Protection Bureau Fire and Life Safety Inspection requirements; Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM). 2 INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of Fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report. The Hearing Examiner may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public notice of this hearing was sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property and in the Tri-City Herald on 27 April, 2021. 2. Applicant wishes to operate a daycare facility. 3. The site is located at 1731 West Clark Street. 4. The site is located in a residential neighborhood. 5. The site is near West Lewis Street, a major east/west arterial. 6. The site has good transportation access. 7. A Ben-Franklin Transit (BFT) Stop is located on North 201h Avenue 1/3 mile away. 8. The site was annexed into the City in 1889. 9. The site was platted as part of Helm's Second Addition to Pasco. 10. R-2 (Residential) Zoning was assigned in 1938 as part of the original City of Pasco zoning(Ordinance #435). 11. The site was rezoned to C-1 (Retail Commercial) zoning in 1995 (Ordinance#3118). 12. The site was rezoned to "O" (Office) zoning in 2016 (Ordinance#4310). 13. Daycare facilities are considered Community Service Facilities, level one. 14. Community Service Facilities, level one require Special Permit review. 15. Community service facilities level one include day-care centers, nursery schools, and related uses. 16. Educational facilities (schools) and daycares are typically located in or near residential neighborhoods. 17. Another Fun to Learn Daycare is located north and west of the site at 1803 W Bonneville St. 18. The City of Pasco population has grown from 59,781 to 77,100 in the last 10 years. 19. Population growth has created a demand for preschool and daycare facilities. 20. Pasco Municipal Code 25.185.170(3) requires one parking space for each employee and one space per 6 children (0.17 per child). 21. The proposed facility would accommodate up to 4 employees and 22 children, ranging in age from 18 months to 5 years old. 22. Based on these numbers, the total parking requirement would be rounded up to 9 spaces. 23. Applicant has indicated there are 9 on-site parking places. 24. According to the ITE daycare centers generate approximately 4.38 trips per student. 25. The site would generate around 96.36 trips per weekday with 22 students. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of the proposed plat the Hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusion (PMC 25.200.080 and 25.200.100)therefrom as to whether or not: 1. Will the proposed use be in accordance with the goals, policies, objectives and text of the Comprehensive Plan? The Comprehensive Plan indicates the site is primarily intended for Low-density Residential uses. The Plan 3 does not specifically address daycare centers, but elements of the Plan encourage the promotion of orderly development including the development of zoning standards for off-street parking and other development. Comprehensive Plan goal OF-5 encourages educational facilities to be located throughout the Urban Growth Area. 2. Will the proposed use adversely affect public infrastructure? The proposed facility is located near an arterial street that is capable of handling significant traffic. The preschool and daycare use of the property will increase water usage at the site slightly. The building is served by both City water and sewer services. 3. Will the proposed use be constructed, maintained and operated to be in harmony with existing or intended character of the general vicinity? The proposed interior remodel will be required to meet PMC residential building code standards. Surrounding properties are already fully developed. 4. Will the location and height of proposed structures and the site design discourage the development of permitted uses on property in the general vicinity or impair the value thereof? Surrounding properties are fully developed with residential single-family units, and various commercial structures. The proposed daycare facility is a single-story structure, and is shorter than many surrounding structures. 5. Will the operations in connection with the proposal be more objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibrations, dust, traffic, or flashing lights than would be the operation of any permitted uses within the district? The proposed use will create some increased traffic and noise. 6. Will the proposed use endanger the public health or safety if located and developed where proposed, or in any way will become a nuisance to uses permitted in the district? Daycare uses typically do not endangered public health;children playing outside may create a minor nuisance. PROPOSED APPROVAL CONDITIONS 1) The special permit shall apply to Parcel #112 212 428; 2) The applicant shall obtain approval from the applicable City development review process. 3) Parking shall be provided as per PMC 25.185.170; 4) The building and grounds of the daycare/preschool shall be maintained in a professional manner at all times; 5) The applicant shall maintain all necessary Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) licenses; 6) The special permit shall be null and void if a City of Pasco building permit is not within two calendar years of City Special Permit approval. 7) The special permit shall be null and void if the above conditions are not met. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a daycare facility to be located at 1731 West Clark Street, (Franklin county Tax 4 Parcel# 112 212 428) in an "O" (Office) zoning district with conditions as set forth herein. 5 Overview Item: Special Permit - Daycare in "0" (Office) Zone N Map Applicant: • • . Gutierrez W+E • JUN 1104i AL spoor RAW W_: IJ Wklk CIE � :1 - ■ 111F: A W, Vicinit Item: Special Permit - Daycare in "O" (Office) Zone N y Applicant: Elodia Gutierrez W E Map File #: SP 2021-006 s W BONNEVILLE St ob SITE { : s , r ;; r. _ Q Go z wr -- - W CLARK St -� M 46 Fw'S st # 35 70 140 210 280 TM Go > Pasco GI-S—fie o Feet 1-1Q U) w �;— Land Use Item: Special Permit - Daycare in "O" (Office) Zone N Applicant: Elodia Gutierrez W E Map File #: SP 2021-006 S SFDU ulti-Fa School SF U W BONNEVILLE St SFDU ulti-Faro Restaurant 0 Q SITE = Q 00 SFDU Z z W CLARK St Commercial SFDU FwIS St 35 70 140 210 28 _ 0 � Q Feet Vacant Ln krnmercia Va ant Zoning Special Permit - Daycare in "O" (Office) Zone N g Applicant: Elodia Gutierrez W E Map File #: SP 2021-006 s R-2 7R-3 C-1 W BONNEVILLE St R- C-1 SITE Q C-3 0 Z z W CLARK St W4F1vIsst C-1 R-3 C-1 35 70 140 210 28 Feet 00 Q L„ C-3 Com Plan Item: Special Permit - Daycare in "O" (Office) Zone N Comp Applicant: Elodia Gutierrez W E Map File #: SP 2021-006 S L C.a Low Density Residential W BONNEVILLE St Low Density Residential Mixed Residential Commercial SITE = Q 0 Z Z Low Density Residential W CLARK St Commercial ISst 35 70 140 210 28 _ Feet T a' Ln Item: Special Permit - Daycare in "O" (Office) Zone N "Exhibit All Applicant: Elodia Gutierrez W E File #: SP 2021-006 s W BONNEVILLE St Q SITE = Q 0 Z z W CLARK St sst 35 70 140 210 28 _ 0 Feet � Q Looking North 9�0,-M� �, _" -,4 �` , \` ._y W�l�! �;�� � �� u :�Pa�"s�L' �,t� '3'_ `°.��0`:��1►w�l �'�+ TTT ___ c - � •- - r y '.7. .ate ��- \ �v. � � - L 1 r l � i (, } ��� � p a-n �Tr�` k� T yy ��•. ��.-� r' �P {f-,Fj���f s.:.� ,- — �1� �y -��( r Y - y.. 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I !. � _ �� � ;yam• - � r� � s• _ /r �.f i;�j`�' `SSI !� 1 �•.f�,r }''�� � -- � �/_ r �-��'�'y�,:�Y� IF -•.sem^'- - � 4�`i� � .,� ��°is"*�iR�}ly�*••�,�C r�yal�w6{i�'� r.r if r�•�ft'i7` ' .. ^ .nom - yr,.r 7 _ 7.� illohn—W City of Community& Economic Development Department Fee: $625 PO Box 293,525 N 3rd Ave,Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Master File # Date Submitted: �Q�f Applicant Info Owner Info _ (if different than applicant) Name: Name• , /Odzza �r� � r> t. ,, r� Address: p6iJ(_6`tvA- Address: "tie u f l hone: Phone: Email: Email: U n I / • D uyt [Cr vi? = 1,IA tit o P'-1 Project Address:_ 3 v" Jr 4 0 Project Parcel Number: Current Zoning: Source of domestic water: c4 C® Method of sewage disposal: _ UT <-1 SG C) Present use of the land and structure(s) if any: Updated April 2019 Please describe any existing violations of the zoning ordinance upon the property: Give a detailed description of the proposed use that requires a special permit (attach separate sheet if more space is necessary): /2 rr,42o-5e cL v sz ' S W t-Q-1 r. NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of $50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. Fee for Special Permit - $500.00 Environmental Checklist - $ 75.00 Radius Notification - 50.00 $625.00 13SEPA Checklist 13Site map 0 Fee of$625 Cityo� Community&Economic Development Department Fee:$625 Co P:.O509.5 5Box 33441/F:509.545.3499wA 99301 Signature of Applicant State of Washington ) ss. County of Franklin } On this . day of 4GLYLh before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared L��A /.7v?';1V.n 670�1j r L being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and read the foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this_ day of r' SE%AR1F�, ►��� p �i� Notary Public in nd for the State of Washington ara + f� � Residing at =" 208752 "= My Commission expires �? VV Illi`►1111\���`'� Updated April 2019 Community Development Department PO Box 293, 525 N 3rd Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 w4co P: 509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 PUBLIC NOTICE Si necesita ayuda para entender este aviso o necesita mas informacion, por favor Ilame al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Economico de la Ciudad de Pasco a 509-545-3441. Proposal: Elodia Gutierrez has submitted a Special Permit application for the location of a Daycare Facility at 1731 West Clark Avenue Street (Parcel # 112 212 428) in Pasco, WA. The proposal is subject to regulations contained in the Pasco Municipal Code. Public Comment Period: Written comments must be submitted to the Community Development Department by 5:00 p.m. on 12 May 2021. Only comments received up to the close of the hearing will be included in the Heraing Examiner record. If you have questions on the proposal, contact the Planning Division at (509) 545-3441 or via e- mail to: planning@pasco-wa.gov. Open Record Hearing: The Hearing Examiner will conduct an open record hearing at 6:00 p.m. on May 12,2021 in the Council Chambers in Pasco City Hall at 525 N 3rd Avenue in Pasco,Washington.The Hearing Examiner will consider public testimony concerning the above application at this meeting. If you wish to participate virtually in the hearing,please register at least 2 hours prior to the meeting at the following registration link: www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment After registering,you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Determination of Completeness: The application has been declared complete for the purpose of processing. Prepared 04/26/21 by:Jeffrey B.Adams,Associate Planner, PO Box 293 Pasco,WA 99301(509)545-3441 Vicinit Item: Special Permit - Daycare in "O" (Office) Zone N y Applicant: Elodia Gutierrez W E Map File #: SP 2021-006 s W BONNEVILLE St ob SITE { : s , r ;; r. _ Q Go z wr -- - W CLARK St -� M 46 Fw'S st # 35 70 140 210 280 TM Go > Pasco GI-S—fie o Feet 1-1Q U) w �;— City°� Community Development Department Rdsco PO Box 293,525 N 31d Ave, Pasco,WA 99:301 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (Optional DNS Process) Issuance Date: April 14, 2021 Project Name: Gutierrez Daycare Project Number: SEPA 2021-019 Proponent: Elodia Gutierrez 1803 West Bonneville Street Pasco, WA 99301 Applicant: Elodia Gutierrez 1803 West Bonneville Street Pasco, WA 99301 Description of Proposal: Child daycare facility. Location of Proposal: 1731 West Clark Street (Parcel #112 212 428) in Pasco, WA. Lead Agency: City of Pasco The City of Pasco, acting as lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement(EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the DNS. Appeals must filed w' hin k� days of this determination. Responsible Official: Rick White, Community& Economic Development Director Address: PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301-0293 Phone: (509) 545-3441 Appeals: You may appeal this determination of non-significance by submitting an appeal to the address below no later than 10 days from issuance. The appeal must be in written form, contain a concise statement of the matter being appealed and the basic rationale for the appeal. A fee is required per the City's Fee Resolution. Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under City code. All comments or appeals are to be directed to the City of Pasco Planning Department, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA, 99301, Attn: Rick White. Cltyof REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER rysco PUBLIC HEARING City Hall—525 North Third Avenue— Remote WEDNESDAY, May 12, 2021 6:00 PM MASTER FILE#: Z 2020-002 APPLICANT: Pro Made Construction 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 Kennewick, WA 99336 REQUEST: REZONE: Rezone Lots 3 & 4 of Short Plat 2020-22 (Parcels 115 180 076 and 115 180 077) from R-S-1 (Suburban) to R-1 (Low Density Residential). BACKGROUND 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legal: Lots 3 &4 of Short Plat 2020-22 recorded in Volume 2 of Short Plats at Page 361 recorded under Auditors File Number 1918957 records of Franklin County, WA. (Parcels#115-180-076 and #115-180-077). General Location: Two parcels of land located near the northwest corner of Burns Road and Broadmoor Boulevard. Property Size: The site consists of two parcels comprising 53.6 acres total. 2. ACCESS: The property has access from Burns Road via Road 108 located along the western boundary of the Barker Ranch subdivision located to the south. 3. UTILITIES: The site is one of eight parcels participating in the Northwest Area Sewer LID project, which involves the construction of approximately 11,000 linear feet of gravity sewer transmission main to connect the growing Broadmoor area to the existing sanitary sewer system. Pasco municipal water is available along Burns Road to the south. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is currently vacant and zoned R-S-1 (Suburban). Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH:RR-5 (County) Farming (County) EAST: R-S-1 Vacant SOUTH:R-1 Vacant (Barker Ranch Subdivision) WEST: R-S-20 (County)Vacant (Pasco School District) 5. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan indicates this site is intended for Low-Density Residential development. According to the Comprehensive Plan, Low-Density Residential development means 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The criteria for allocation under the future land use section of Volume II of the Comprehensive Plan (Vol. II, page 17) encourages development of lands designated for low-density residential uses when or where sewer is available, the location is suitable for home sites, and there is a market demand for new home sites. Policy H-1-E encourages the advancement of home ownership, and Goal H-2 suggests the City strive to maintain a variety of housing options for residents of the community. Goal LU-2 1 encourages the maintenance of established neighborhoods and the creation of new neighborhoods that are safe and enjoyable places to live. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist (SEPA 2020-063), the adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information, a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued for this project on April 7, 2021 (WAC 197-11-355). ANALYSIS Request Pro Made Construction has applied to change the zoning designation of two parcels comprising 53.6 acres total located near the northwest corner of Burns Road and Broadmoor Boulevard (Parcels 115 180 076 and 115 180 077) from R-S-1 (Suburban) to R-1 (Low Density Residential) to facilitate a concurrent application for a 206-lot single-family subdivision. Per PMC 25.40.050(1) "Development standards" the minimum lot area for all newly created lots in the R-S-1 zoning district is 10,000 square feet. Taking into consideration dedicating approximately 25%of the lots for required right-of-way, the parcels have a potential for approximately 175 single-family building lots under the R-S-1 zoning designation;the R-1 zoning district requires a 7,200 square-foot minimum lot size, which translates to approximately 243 building lots. Applicant is proposing 206 lots. Site The site consists of approximately 53.6 acres and has been farmed for many years.The site slopes slightly downward to the south. History The site was annexed into the City in 2017 (Ordinance 4330), and zoning was assigned R-S-1 (Ordinance 4331) as part of said annexation. Rezone Criteria The initial review criteria for considering a rezone application are explained in PMC.25.88.030.The criteria are listed below as follows: 1. The date the existing zone became effective: The current zoning classification was established in 2017(Ordinance 4331). The County zoning designation prior to the annexation was AP-20. 2. The changed conditions, which are alleged to warrant other or additional zoning: The proposed annexation area has been identified as a low-density residential area in the City's Comprehensive Plan for about 40 years. Nearby properties in the City (including the Mullen Annexation Area) are zoned R-1 Low Density Residential. The Sharma Annexation area adjacent to the Barker Annexation area was also zoned low-density residential. The residential development to the west in the County is zoned RS-20 due to the lack of a sanitary sewer system in the area. Due to Pasco's rapid population increase, developing the remaining infill properties around the City has become crucial to accommodate future growth. By rezoning the property to R-1 which permits the creation of lots at a greater density than R-S-1, the applicant may then develop the property with more single family homes to serve the population. 2 •Archer Estates, Goose Hollow, Quail Bluff, Pelican Pointe, Spencer Estates and Eagle Crest are all single- family subdivisions that have been developed to the west in the County. •Maya Angelo Elementary School and Delta High School are both located to the southeast of the proposed annexation area. • Burns Road has been identified in the Comprehensive Plan as the rout for a major trunk line to serve the properties north of Burns Road. • The City is in the process of completing a detailed sub-area development plan for the Adams property to the south of Burns Road and west of Broadmoor Boulevard As well, the City has recently revised its Urban Growth Area (UGA) as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update. The draft UGA update is smaller than current projections for low-density residential growth as developed in the past would allow,as such, residential lots would be needed within the current UGA. 3. Facts to justify the change on the basis of advancing the public health,safety and general welfare: The proposed zoning request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan which has been determined to be in the best interest of advancing public health, safety and general welfare of the community. The rezone could lead to the creation of a single family residential subdivision providing housing and job opportunities for Pasco residents. The Comprehensive Plan designates the property"Low-Density Residential."As such, the site may be zoned RS-20, RS-12, RS-1, R-1, or R-1-A. The Low-Density Residential designation includes "Residential development at a density of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre." 4. The effect it will have on the value and character of the adjacent property and the Comprehensive Plan: A change in zoning classification may ultimately result in the establishment of a single family residential subdivision consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant's end goal is to establish low density housing similar in nature to developments to the east and southeast. A plat of approximately 53.6 acres with 206 proposed residential lots will align with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, which allows the proposed R-1 zoning designation under the "Low Density Residential"designation of the site. 5. The effect on the property owner or owners if the request is not granted: The property owners would be able to subdivide and develop at a density of approximately 175 single- family building lots under the R-S-1 zoning designation as opposed to approximately 243 building lots under R-1 zoning. Applicant is proposing 206 lots with the rezone. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report.The hearing Examiner may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 1. Public Notice was mailed out and published in the Tri-City Herald on April 23, 2021. 2. Applicants are seeking to rezone Lots 3 &4 of Short Plat 2020-22 (Parcels#115-180-076 and #115-180-077)from R-S-1 (Suburban)to R-1 (Low-density Residential). 3. The lot is approximately 53.6 acres. 4. The rezone is to facilitate future subdivision of the property. 3 5. The rezone application has been filed concurrently with a Preliminary Plat application for a 206- lot residential subdivision. 6. The minimum area of all newly created parcels with the current zoning is 10,000 square feet Per PMC 25.40.050(1) (R-S-1 Suburban District),. 7. R-1 zoning permits 7,200-square-foot lots. 8. The site is vacant and has been farmed over many years. 9. The site slopes toward the south. 10. The site was annexed into the City in in 2017 (Ordinance 4330) 11. The site was assigned R-S-1 (Ordinance 4331) as part of said annexation. TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of a rezone,the hearing Examiner must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusions based upon the criteria listed in PMC 25.210.060. The criteria are as follows: 1. The proposal is in accordance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is in accordance with the Comprehensive plan; The Comprehensive Plan indicates the site is intended for low-density residential development. According to the Comprehensive Plan, low-density residential development means 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The criteria for allocation under the future land use section of Volume 11 of the Comprehensive Plan(Vol. ll,page 17)encourages development of lands designated for low-density residential uses when or where sewer is available, the location is suitable for home sites, and there is a market demand for new home sites. Policy H-1-E encourages the advancement of home ownership, and Goal H-2 suggests the City strive to maintain a variety of housing options for residents of the community. Goal LU-2 encourages the maintenance of established neighborhoods and the creation of new neighborhoods that are safe and enjoyable places to live. 2. The effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity will not be materially detrimental. The Comprehensive Plan designates the property"Low-Density Residential."As such, the site maybe zoned RS-20, RS-12, RS-1, R-1, or R-1-A. The Low-Density Residential designation includes "Residential development at a density of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre." 3. There is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole. The City is revising its Urban Growth Area (UGA) as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update. The UGA update will likely be smaller than current projections for low-density residential growth as developed in the past would allow,as such, more residential lots are needed within the current UGA. 4. Conditions should be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal. No special conditions are proposed. 5. A Concomitant Agreement should be entered into between the City and the petitioner, and if so, the terms and conditions of such an agreement. A concomitant agreement would not be required in this circumstance. 4 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions herein that Lots 3&4 of Short Plat 2020- 22 (Parcels #115-180-076 and #115-180-077) be rezoned from R-S-1 (Suburban) to R-1 (Low-density Residential). 5 Barker Ranch I st Addition • ■ Preliminary Plat N Overview Item: Applicant: RP Development Pro Made Construction 1 , 1 PP 00 ■■ ww -K 11 Na m� -' s1 ■■■ ®� � �_� Fes' " `� _ ■■■ !�Rfi�Li•�� ., ! �1a-y.��. Jay ' � ■■■_. ����'�� .��® i■1 IIIA -�.-�- �- � � ■■■■e■■■�I`�� � �J�II■say � �` � �' nn ��-:E nnnnnm mo Illlu IIII - IIIIIIIIIIIIII\ ME po � rad ■■■■��7■■ : .+_c�+ Ilos�rer.�;, aI ���+ - - IN local Ai: 1 I i Il■11 11 1 w w! 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Addition• 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Vidn'ty Applicant: RP Development Pro Made Construction W+E 1 File . . 202 1-001 S r WKWUM ULI i • • g NOW di t111111� �■ ■i 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,004 � ^ U Feet Land Use Item: Barker Ranch 1 st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Applicant: RP Development / Pro Made Construction w E Map File #: PP 2021-001 S 99c Agriculture Residential - Other 0 SF 6 4 5 SITELT L Q J can U U5- C-ITY-H.M�I-TSS Residential a an I OFOU - Other c o v L Vacant a n a 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,00 ~ U1 —1 Lr�r-7-"-Trr7r-n0 BURNS R1 I�N-1; Feet Agriculture Item: Barker Ranch I st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Zoning Applicant: RP Development Pro Made Construction W+E Map File #: PP 202 1-001 S AP-20 (County) AP-20 (County) son RS-20 (County) MENEM OFA 1 250 50 1,000 1,500 2,6-0-4]a I I I I I I I I Feet Com Plan Item: Barker Ranch 1 st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Comp Applicant: RP Development / Pro Made Construction w E Map File #: PP 2021-001 S J U) ~ LU z 0 ,9 p w SITE J CH G H U_ O O GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC C-IIY-LI'MFT-S m HIG DENSITY IZ21 RE IDENTIAL 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,00 BURNS UR Feet Barker Ranch , 1 st Addition LOCATED IN THE SE '/4 OF SEC 6,T 9 N, R 26 E OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 6 g PRELIMINARY PLAT P,uG1nnHA 3" �y ��iia 6D ExTG RES. 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ENTOwNER NAME 76.0SF 11SDSOFSOBJECTPan°ELs: SECTION NCLCARDUOESC�LOCPL ACCESS&THEFTS.THsrewc b:JEF N�� ,AS URB&GUTTERS AND SIE'- 157 iflfi 189 190 '.91 1792 194 "9`� "9G 19J 1�� 199 200 y�Ci ifl6 202 $1> LL BE EXTENDED To IRRIGATION, WITHIN T o oCwzsoTT hFaae.°28J* a vwsz,. ,sz,vasr vHesz z. �ne,esi P1°ss' PER THE vlwsza. w.aozsr I I I\ ON LLC N PROPossosmsrrvnm0s Ill `-��— —����— — � —Y---Y-- -J� REWIREMENTS OFTHECITYFlRE CHIEF. f/ SANITARY SEWER =M1 �A,P $ F MADE CONSTRUCTION, LLEDANO LOCATED PUT.FIRE � ,`�/s6����y$O Scale H:I'1N -- R 11.+0 SceleV N/A v xsPG.. »ro .aro swo � � 7aroe.ro `�awo v 2,am wv ,a.m w Kenn kWAar8099e G DNe: wuLnccFss: as IF08sFzq� AND 11111 UTT IDPDUD caLlEcroe. me'sRsrzcl . IN Calln r GPEwAPPLLT,IN POP TRISPRwEr BD y e AP,6,2D2, Tx / — — — -- K. k wA 99ss a DEpEp =f �����=1-=-1-��-��_�- � X11 / EVELGPMENT.IN Know what's 80W. �o R you tli. - P100 1 ' �I V � t ��►�' .� alb �"'���� ,� � ' �- 1� * i. 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Looking North _ 'd , y IL tf;w ;•."`�tiyT�"'`��� ,8 ,� ^� s�; -•}�� r - ri ;� —s . `. � —off,, � - � 1 .1kAM;�r Cii]1of Community&Economic Development Department Fee: $825 dsco PO Box 293,525 N 3rd Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 I PP:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 CITY OF PASCO PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE Master File # Z2-12Z- ooz. Date Submitted: -3 Applicant Info Owner Info (if different than applicant) Name: Name: PRO MADE CONSTRUCTION LLC PRO MADE CONSTRUCTION LLC Address: Address: 6159 W Deschutes Ave Suite 509 6159 W Deschutes Ave Suite 509 Kennewick, WA 99336 Kennewick, WA 99336 Phone: Phone: (509)440-1555 (509) 440-1555 Email: Email: steve.b.bauman@gmail.com I steve.b.bauman@gmail.com Project Address: 7128 Iris Lane Project Parcel Number: 115180076 and 118180077 Current Zoning: R-S-1 Requested Zoning: R-1 Describe the nature and effect of the proposed change:_Rezoning of the subject property is being requested to address the affordable housing shortage in the Tri-Cities and specifically the City of Pasco. Increased density at this location, reduces urban sprawl and reduces the impacts to the City's transportation and utility systems by concentrating densities near the core development area. Estimated time frame of development: Likely mid 2021 through 2022. Updated July 2019 What conditions warrant the proposed rezone? Development of this property at 10,OOOsf minimum lot sizes will contribute to urban sprawl and additional loading on the City's transportation and utility' systems (in the form of additional traveled miles and extended upsized utilities). How will the proposed rezone advance the health, safety, and general welfare of the community? The increased density will help reduce urban sprawl, increase home ownership, easier access to residents who live closer to urban areas, and provides for more neighbors that provide "the eyes on the street" to protect personal property. Lot increases provide more options to buyers What effect will the proposed change have on the value and character of adjacent property? Properties to the east and south are planned to be similar single family homes on similar lot sizes. Property to the north is developed in the County as rural residential, 5-acre min. This area is anticipated to be soon be incorporated into the City's UGA. Adjacent prop. values are not expected to be negatively_ impacted by this rezone. Property to the west is owned by the Pasco School District. How does the proposed rezone relate to the City's Comprehensive Plan? The proposed request is consistent with the City's current Comp Plan designation of low density residential. What effect will be realized by the owner(s) if the proposed rezone is not granted? A reduction in revenue from future home sales. NOTE: Provide a variance report giving a list and mailing address of owners of all property within 300 feet of the applicant's property, as shown by a local title company OR payment of$50.00 which shall be utilized by the City to obtain a current list of property owners of all properties within 300 feet of the applicant's property. PCtryof Community& Economic Development Department Fee:$825 asco Po 09 545 3441 Box 293, 525"F:509.545 34993 d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 Fee for Rezone - $700.00 Environmental Checklist - $ 75.00 Radius Notification - $ 50.00 $825.00 13SEPA Checklist 13Site map 13Fee of$825 Signature of Applicant *Notarized Signature of Property Owner State of Washington ss. County of Franklin On this Q(E "jay of Lu � G�) before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and --Lor the Stat� of Washingt n, duly commissioned an sworn, personally appeared being duly sworn on his/her oath that he/she has prepared and read the foregoing statements and has acknowledged to me that the recitations contained therein are true, and has signed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. SUBSCRIBED AND SW"Rkjo before me this (:> day of R M 0 4VAO 1� ; p'`" '�� tart' ' u cin and far the S tate of Washington �, UB�IG - � A. �, �� Residing a l--� pF`••,•••• N. ' My Commission re�La-;n .421 WA5� Updated July 2019 coCommunity Development Department PO Box 293, 525 N 3 d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P: 509.545.3441/F: 509.545.3499 PUBLIC NOTICE Si necesita ayuda para entender este aviso o necesita mas informacion, por favor Ilame al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Economico de la Ciudad de Pasco a 509-545-3441. Proposal: RP Development and Pro Made Construction, LLC have submitted an application for a 206-lot residential subdivision "Barker Ranch 111 Addition" (MF# PP 2021-001), and a rezone application (MF#Z 2021-002)from R-S-1 to R-1 for Lots 3&4 of Short Plat 2020-22 recorded in Volume 2 of Short Plats at Page 361 recorded under Auditor's File Number 1918957, records of Franklin County, WA (Parcels #115-180-076 and #115-180-077). Said property is situated near the northwest corner of Burns Road and Broadmoor Blvd. in Pasco, WA. The proposal is subject to regulations contained in the Pasco Municipal Code. Open Record Hearing:The Hearing Examiner will conduct the open record hearing at 6:00 p.m. on 12 May 2021 in the Council Chambers in Pasco City Hall at 525 N 3rd Avenue in Pasco, Washington. The Hearing Examiner will consider public testimony concerning the above 206-lot residential subdivision application (MF#PP 2021-001), and rezone application (MF#Z 2021-015)from R-S-1 to R-1 applications at this meeting. If you wish to participate in the virtual hearing,please register at least 2 hours prior to the meeting at the following registration link: www.pasco-wa.gov/publiccomment After registering,you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Public Comment Period: Written comments must be submitted to the Community Development Department by 5:00 p.m. on 12 May 2021. Only comments received up to the close of the hearing will be included in the Hearing record. If you have questions on the proposal, contact the Planning Division at (509) 545-3441 or via e-mail to: planning@pasco-wa.gov. Determination of Completeness: The application has been declared complete for the purpose of processing. Preliminary Determination of Regulations Used for Project Mitigation: Titles 12 (Streets and Sidewalks), 16 (Buildings and Construction), 21 (Urban Area Subdivision Regulations), 25 (Zoning), regulations of the Pasco Municipal Code, and the land use policies contained in the Pasco Comprehensive Plan. Prepared 20 Apr 2021 by:Jeffrey B.Adams,Associate Planner, PO Box 293 Pasco,WA 99301(509)545-3441 Overview Item: Barker Ranch 1 st Addition - 206-lot Preliminary Plat N Applicant: RP Development / Pro Made Construction W - E Map File #: PP 2021-001 S r I. i SITE II �� loc_ - .r. CITY LIMITS I T 'I Clilll /� IGI �CJRiL N .-- �+�-- rri�rllJvr �,_ iiiu�u��tt��rr flrf9l�ll,C��l�Firlr�l��. f� 00 IT FT I illl NfIVu ' �' '. �y"t� � . �°k -Eli HARRIS RDS nro Q �F PI _ . L. C. E.1 F� 1� CoQ � �I �, �---� �' 5001,000 2,000 3, -4 00 1 _. -. � �. I 1182 '� , f3 Z RQAU 0. p Felt Qt2 1gL I-18 R w6i" �� °� 44co Community Development Department PO Box 293,525 N 3`d Ave, Pasco,WA 99301 P:509.545.3441/F:509.545.3499 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (Optional DNS Process) Issuance Date: April 7, 2021 Project Name: Barker Ranch 15t Addition Preliminary Plat Project Number: SEPA 2021-015, PP 2021-001 &Z 2021-0021 Proponent: Pro Made Construction, LLC 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 Kennewick WA 99336 Applicant: Pro Made Construction, LLC 6159 W Deschutes Ave, Suite 509 Kennewick WA 99336 Description of Proposal:Approval of a Preliminary Plat application for a 206-lot single- family residential subdivision and a Rezone Application from R-S-1 to R-1 on two parcels consisting of 53.6 acres. Location of Proposal: The northwest corner of the intersection of Burns Road and Broadmoor Boulevard (Parcel #s 115180075 and 115180076) in Pasco, WA. Mitigation: An inadvertent discovery protocol must be established for the potential discovery of cultural or historical artifacts before or during improvements/construction. Lead Agency: City of Pasco The City of Pasco, acting as lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This MDNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the MDNS. Appeals must b filed within 10 days of this determination. Responsible Official: ---- Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director Address: PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301-0293 Phone: (509) 545-3441 Appeals:You may appeal this determination of non-significance by submitting an appeal to the address below no later than 10 days from issuance. The appeal must be in written form, contain a concise statement of the matter being appealed and the basic rationale for the appeal. A fee is required per the City's Fee Resolution. Please note that failure to file a timely and complete appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative appeal under City code. All comments or appeals are to be directed to the City of Pasco Planning Department, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA, 99301, Attn: Rick White.