HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 FinancialsMCAG NO. 0292 Exhibit 1 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON COMBINED BALANCE SHEET ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1995 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1994) FIDUCIARY ACCOUNT GROUPS TOTALS GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FUND TYPES GENERAL GENERAL (MEMORANDUM ONLY) SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL INTERNAL TRUST AND FIXED LONG-TERM GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS ENTERPRISE SERVICE AGENCY ASSETS DEBT 1995 1994 ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS ASSETS: Cash and Imprest Cash $1,597,665 $1,317,869 $ 970,008 $ (2,992,540) $ 8,430,116 $ 944,347 $1,257,323 $ 0 $ 0 $11,524,788 $10,809,732 Cash with Fiscal Agent 848 60,000 7,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 68,248 17,937 Investments (Note 3) 0 13,204 0 0 0 0 344,920 0 0 358,124 353,794 Receivables (net): Truces 320,039 24,003 23,576 0 0 0 0 0 0 367,618 461,871 Accounts 358,142 21,507 0 1,386 411,304 0 878,854 0 0 1,671,193 1,305,729 Special Assessments 0 0 696,909 0 0 0 0 0 0 696,909 926,712 Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 247,293 0 0 247,293 216,274 Grants 0 413,966 0 0 1,914,443 0 30,000 0 0 2,358,409 940,632 Loans/Advances Receivable 0 168.452 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 168,452 1,208,734 lnterfund Loans Receivable (Note 13) 500,000 93,600 0 0 0 205,000 274,107 0 0 1,072,707 605,154 Inventories, at Cost (Note 1) 0 0 0 0 179,965 16,233 0 0 0 196,198 191,866 Prepaid Expenses 0 0 0 0 12,738 (916) 0 0 0 11,822 5,841 Restricted Assets: (Note 1) Cash and Investments 0 0 0 0 1,307,621 0 0 0 0 1,307,621 734,545 Fixed Assets (Note 6) 0 0 0 0 32,199,211 1,036,963 0 19,983,473 0 53,219,647 40,850,191 OTHER DEBITS: Unamortized Debt Discount 0 0 0 0 161,946 0 0 0 0 161,946 177,697 Amount Avail. in Debt Service Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,454 11,454 (13,307) Amount For Other Long-Term Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 785,071 785,071 744,183 Amount to be Provided for Retirement of Long-Term Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,678,546 10,678,546 9,678,307 TOTAL ASSETS $2,776,694 $2,112,601 $1,697,893 $ (2,991,154) $44,617,344 $2,201,627 $3,032,497 $ 19,983,473 $11,475,071 $84,906,046 $69,215,892 FIDUCIARY ACCOUNT GROUPS TOTALS GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FUND TYPES GENERAL GENERAL (MEMORANDUM ONL Yt SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL INTERNAL TRUST AND FIXED LONG-TERM GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS ENTERPRISE SERVICE AGENCY ASSETS DEBT 1995 1994 LIABILITIES, EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS LIABILITIES: Outstanding Checks Payable $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 91,585 $ 0 $ 0 $ 91,585 $ 86,479 Accounts Payable 199,214 44,174 365 65,048 926,516 27,929 38,250 0 0 1,301,496 1,546,660 Matured Bonds Payable 0 60,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 15,000 Matured Interest Payable 848 0 2,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,248 2,937 Retainage Payable 0 34,067 0 5,134 275,532 0 0 0 0 314,733 189,810 lnterfund Loans Payable (Note 13) 184,407 791,000 97,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,072,707 605,154 Due to Other Governmental Units 57,460 300,000 0 0 13,566 14 58 0 0 371,098 15,088 Accrued Interest Payable 0 0 803 0 104,888 0 0 0 0 105,691 148,362 Accrued Employee Benefits (Note 1) 0 0 0 0 43,340 14,780 0 0 765,770 823,890 759,725 Deposits Payable 55,835 0 0 0 18,419 0 0 0 0 74,254 100,699 G. 0. Bonds Payable (Note 10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,690,000 10,690,000 9,665,000 Revenue Bonds Payable (Note 10) 0 0 0 0 10,281,560 0 0 0 0 10,281,560 10,590,001 Other Long Tenn Liabilities 0 0 0 0 9,580,337 0 0 0 19,301 9,599,638 1,991,061 Deferred Revenue 425,899 12,506 93,820 0 301,375 0 31,312 0 0 864,912 906,341 Deferred Compensation (Note 8) 0 0 0 0 0 0 878,514 0 0 878,514 680,859 Total Liabilities 923,663 1,241,747 199,688 70,182 21,545,533 42,723 1,039,719 0 11,475,071 36,538,326 27,303,176 EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS: Investment in General Fixed Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,983,473 0 19,983,473 15,819,948 Contributed Capital (Note 14) 0 0 0 0 9,056,509 0 0 0 0 9,056,509 5,182,574 Retained Earnings: (Note 14) Reserved 0 0 0 0 230,661 2,097,110 0 0 0 2,327,771 2,113,945 Unreserved 0 0 0 0 13,784,641 61,794 0 0 0 13,846,435 10,898,994 Fund Balances: (Note 14) Reserved 506,750 589,949 1,498,205 (3,061,336) 0 0 1,992,778 0 0 1,526,346 1,364,552 Unreserved-Designated 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 1,681,380 Unreserved-Undesignated 1,345,721 280,905 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,626,626 4,851,322 Total Equity and Other Credits 1,853,031 870,854 1,498,205 (3,061,336) 23,071,811 2,158,904 1,992,778 19,983,473 0 48,367,720 41,912,716 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS $2,776,694 $2,112,601 $1,697,893 $ (2,991,154) $44,617,344 $2,201,627 $3,032,497 $ 19,983,473 $11,475,071 $84,906,046 $69,215,892 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements MCAG NO. 0292 Exhibit 2 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1994) SPECIAL DEBT GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE REVENUES Taxes $8,567,061 $ 1,113,268 $ 411,235 Licenses & Permits 232,732 1,590 0 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,111,108 1,582,679 0 Charges for Services 1,263,772 166,144 0 Fines & Forfeitures 374,779 0 0 Special Assessments 0 0 63,773 Interest 134,678 91,357 46,773 Miscellaneous Revenue 286,115 320,557 0 Total Revenues 11,970,245 3,275,595 521,781 EXPENDITURES Current: General Government 2,241,245 0 0 Security of Persons & Property 6,401,711 0 0 Physical Environment 606,336 153,301 0 Transportation 0 702,375 0 Economic Environment 275,956 805,888 0 Mental & Physical Health 163,132 0 0 Culture & Recreation 1,300,734 411,841 0 Capital Outlay 340,289 4,963,738 0 Debt Service Principal 128,560 260,000 150,000 Interest 301,756 56,620 249,436 Total Expenditures 11,759,719 7,353,763 399,436 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 210,526 (4,078,168) 122,345 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Bond Proceeds 0 1,523,327 0 Disposition of Fixed Assets 0 155,577 178,476 Operating Transfers • In (Note 13) 0 534,012 109,000 Operating Transfers• (Out} (Note 13} (492,538) (285,578) (109,000) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses} (492,538) 1,927,338 178,476 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses {282,012} (2,150,830) 300,821 Fund Balances, January 1 2,135,043 3,021,958 1,378,548 Prior period adjustments 0 (273) 0 Assessment Adjustment for Foreclosures 0 0 (181,164) Fund Balances, December 31 $1,853,031 $ 870,855 $1,498,205 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 {123,850) 0 (123,850) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,554,002 0 0 2,554,002 (2,677,852) 0 0 237,291 0 237,291 (2,440,561) (620,776) 0 0 $ (3,061,337) CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES· BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 REVENUES Taxes Licenses & Permits lntergovermental Revenue Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Interest Miscellaneous Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Current General Government Security of Persons & Property Physical Environment Transportation Economic Environment Mental & Physical Health Culture & Recreation Capital Outlay Debt Service Principal Interest Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Disposition of Fixed Assets G.O. Bond Proceeds Operating Transfers/lnterfund Loans -In (Note 13) Operating Transfers/lnterfund Loans -(Out) (Note 13) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Fund Balances, January 1 Prior period adjustment Fund Balances, December 31 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. BUDGET $ 8,422,000 206,100 1,178,050 1,245,500 390,000 120,000 245,900 11,807,550 2,247,610 6,508,270 625,780 0 258,790 163,000 1,326,950 688,400 128,600 301,438 12,248,838 (441,288) 0 0 4,000 (141,025) (137,025) (578,313) 2,100,305 0 Exhibit 3 GENERAL FUND VARIANCE Favorable ACTUAL (Unfavorable} $ 8,567,061 $ 145,061 232,732 26,632 1,111,108 (66,942) 1,263,772 18,272 374,779 (15,221) 134,678 14,678 286,115 40,215 11,970,245 162,695 2,241,245 6,365 6,401,711 106,559 606,336 19,444 0 0 275,956 (17,166) 163,132 (132) 1,300,734 26,216 340,289 348,111 128,560 40 301,756 (318) 11,759,719 489,119 210,526 651,814 0 0 0 0 0 (4,000) (492,538} (351,513) (492,538) (355,513) (282,012) 296,301 2,135,043 34,738 0 0 $ 1,853,031 $ 331,039 MCAGNO0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS/ FUND BALANCES· ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES AND SIMILAR TRUST FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1994) PROPRIETAFIY FUND TYPES FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES NON-INTERNAL EXPENDABLE PENSION ENTERPRISE SERVICE TRUST TRUST OPERATING REVENUES Sales $ 5,698,768 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Charges for Services 94,872 67,537 8,271 0 Intergovernmental Revenue 0 1,252,787 0 20,909 Total Operating Revenues 5,793,640 1,320,324 8,271 20,909 OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel Services 754,068 807,986 0 67,183 Supplies 161,574 116,155 0 0 Services and Charges 935,103 159,149 0 0 Taxes on Revenues 689,474 0 0 0 Depreciation 636,671 151,097 0 0 Total Operating Expenses 3,176,890 1,234,387 0 67,183 Operating Income (Loss) 2,616,750 85,937 8,271 (46,274) NON-OPERA TING REVENUE(EXPENSES) Gain on Sale of Assets 0 3,043 0 0 Interest Income 262,060 53,414 12,791 90,874 Interest Expense (635,529) 0 0 0 Misc. Non-Operating Revenue 512,316 0 0 0 Amortization Expense (39,117) 0 0 0 Total Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 99,730 56,457 12,791 90,874 Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers 2,716,480 142,394 21,062 44,600 Operating Transfers • ln/(Out) (Note 13) 12,605 7,000 (12,791) 0 Net Income 2,729,085 149,393 8,271 44,600 Retained Earnings/ Fund Balances, January 1 11,116,081 1,896,858 178,645 1,563,410 Assets purchased in other funds (8,210) 112,653 0 0 Amortization of Contributed Capital 173,625 0 0 0 Prior Period Adjustment 4,721 0 0 0 Retained Earnings/ Fund Balances, December 31 $14,015,302 $2,158,904 $ 186,916 $1,608,010 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit4 TOTALS (MEMORANDUM ONLY) 1995 1994 $ 5,698,768 $ 4,480,274 170,680 114,080 1,273,696 1,176,366 7,143,144 5,770,720 1,629,237 1,443,340 277,729 181,195 1,094,252 1,029,845 689,474 560,707 787,768 718,190 4,478,460 3,933,277 2,664,684 1,837,443 3,043 4,706 419,139 255,715 (635,529) (246,712) 512,316 13,950 (39,117) (37,703) 259,852 (10,044) 2,924,536 1,827,399 6,814 1,462 2,931,350 1,828,861 14,754,994 12,813,212 104,443 0 173,625 129,107 4,721 (16,185) $17,969,133 $14,754,994 MCAG NO. 0292 Exhibit 5 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES ANO SIMILAR TRUST FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1994) TOTALS PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES MEMORANDUM ONLY NON-INTERNAL EXPENDABLE PENSION ENTERPRISE SERVICE TRUST TRUST 1995 1994 Cash Flows Form Operating Activities: Cash received from customers and users $ 5,564,085 $1,320,326 $ 7,790 $ 20,909 $ 6,913,110 $ 5,733,122 Cash paid to suppliers and employees (905,176) (993,005) 0 (67,183) (1,965,364) (1,707,338) Cash paid for other operating expenses (796,475) (93,689) 0 0 (890,164) (250,189) Cash paid for taxes on revenues (686,666) 0 0 0 (686,666) (549,264) Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 3,175,768 233,632 7,790 (46,274) 3,370,916 3,226,331 Cash flows from non-capital financing activities: Prior year correction 4,707 0 0 0 4,707 0 Refund of replacement funds 0 0 0 0 0 67,023 Non-operating revenue 512,316 0 0 0 512,316 13,950 lnterfund transfers -ln/(Out) 12,605 7,000 (12,791) 0 6,814 1,462 529,628 7,000 (12,791) 0 523,837 82,435 Cash flows from financing activities: Additional Loan Receipts & Loan Repayments 0 440 0 0 440 255,419 Proceeds from State Grant 2,527,018 0 0 0 2,527,018 0 Proceeds from sale of assets 0 5,424 0 0 5,424 13,304 Proceeds from State Loan 8,699,377 0 0 0 8,699,377 0 Proceeds from sale of revenue bonds 0 0 0 0 0 8,561,934 Bond Anticipation Note Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 Bond Anticipation Note Payments 0 0 0 0 0 (3,000,000) Purchase of fixed assets (8,442,297) (225,489) 0 0 (8,667,786) (10,992,606) Principal payments -bonds (370,000) 0 0 0 (370,000) (330,000) Principal payments -loans & leases (61,561) 0 0 0 (61,561} (144,144) Interest paid (678,199) 0 0 0 (678,199) (151,064) Capital contributions and advances 434,407 0 0 0 434,407 251,133 Net cash provided by financing activities 2,108,745 (219,625) 0 0 1,889,120 (2,536,024) Cash flows from investing activities: Principal received on loan & leases receivable 0 0 3,300 24,948 28,248 170,204 Interest received 262,060 53,414 12,791 59,854 388,119 225,501 Net cash provided (used) by investing activities 262,060 53,414 16,091 84,802 416,367 395,705 Net increase (decrease) In cash 6,076,201 74,421 11,090 38,528 6,200,240 1,168,447 Cash, January 1 3,661,536 869,010 155,986 722,720 5,409,252 4,240,805 Cash, December 31 $ 9,737,737 $ 943,431 $ 167,076 $ 761,248 $ 11,609,492 $ 5,409,252 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. NOTE 1 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements of the City of Pasco have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP) as applied to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard-setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the City's accounting policies are described below. A. REPORTING ENTITY The City of Pasco was incorporated on May 4, 1891 and operates under the laws of the State of Washington applicable to a Non-Charter Code City with a council/manager form of government. As required by the generally accepted accounting principles the financial statements present the City of Pasco the primary government -and its component units. The City is a general purpose government and provides police, fire, court, ambulance services, and a public library. The City also owns and operates a cemetery, a water system, and a sewer system. The City has contractual relationships with the following governmental organizations which provide services within the City, but are not included in the accompanying financial statements because they do not meet the criteria for inclusion in the reporting entity: Benton/Franklin County Humane Society Benton/Franklin Regional Conference Benton/Franklin Public Health Department Franklin County Jail Franklin County District Court Mid-Columbia Regional Library Trade, Recreation, Agricultural Center Other governmental entities operating within the City's boundaries, but for which the City has no oversight responsibility or financial connection include the following: Ben Franklin Transit Authority Franklin County Public Utility District Pasco Housing Authority Pasco School District Port of Pasco B. BASIS OF PRESENTATION -FUND ACCOUNTING The accounts of the City of Pasco are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Each fund is accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. The City's resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds depending on what they are to be spent for and how they are controlled. The individual funds are summarized by fund type in the financial statements. The following are the fund types and account groups used by the City: GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES: All Governmental funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered a measure of "available expendable resources." Governmental fund operating statements focus on measuring changes in financial position, rather than net income; they present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. General (or Current Expense) Fund This fund is the general operating fund of the City. It accounts for all financial resources and transactions except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds These funds account for revenues derived from specific taxes, grants, or other sources which are designated to finance particular activities of the City. Debt Service Funds These funds account principal, interest term (bonded) debt. for the accumulation of resources to pay and related costs on ( certain) general long-Capital Projects Funds These funds account for financial resources which are designated for the acquisition or construction of general government capital improvements. PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES: Proprietary funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement focus. This means that all assets and all liabilities (whether current or non-current) associated with their activfty are included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund operating statements present increases (revenues and gains) and decreases (expenses and losses) in net total assets. Proprietary funds disclose cash flows by a separate statement that presents their investing and financing activities. Enterprise Funds These fund account for operations that provide goods or services to the general public and are supported primarily through user charges or where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of net income is needed. Internal Service Funds These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to other departments or funds of the City or to other governmental units on a cost-reimbursement basis. FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES: Fiduciary funds account for assets held by the City on behalf of outside parties, including other governments, or on behalf of other funds within the government. These funds earn revenue and make expenditures on behalf of the parties for which a trust was established. The entire income and principal ( or corpus) of an expendable trust may be disbursed in the course of its operations; accordingly, expendable trust funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as governmental funds. 'I'hese funds earn revenue on behalf of the parties for which the trust was established, but the principal (or corpus) of the trust must remain intact. Nonexpendable trust funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner a proprietary funds, since capital maintenance is a primary consideration. Pension Trust Funds These funds are used to account for the operations of trusts established for employee retirement benefits. They are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary fund because of the need for determining the periodic income of the trust. Agency Funds These funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve the measurement of results of operations. ACCOUNT GROUPS: The City uses two self-balancing account groups to distinguish between fixed assets and general long-term debt related to specific funds and those of general government. General Fixed Assets This group establishes accounting control over all fixed assets used in general government operations. and trust funds account for their own fixed assets. the recorded Proprietary This group accounts for the outstanding principal of debt of the City not supported by proprietary and trust funds. This includes special assessment debt for which the government is obligated in some manner, as defined in GASE statement 6. C. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures ( or expenses) are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed in the governmental fund types and expendable trust funds and agency funds. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual, i.e., both measurable and available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay current liabilities. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes, special assessments and charges for services. Sales taxes collected and held by the State at year end on behalf of the City is also recognized as revenue. Investment earnings are not accrued in the governmental fund types and expendable trust and agency funds. Expenditures are recorded when the liability is incurred, except for interest on long term debt and vacation and sick pay which are recorded when paid. Accrual Basis of Accounting The accrual basis of accounting is followed in all proprietary funds and nonexpendable trust and pension trust funds. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when earned, and expenses are recorded when incurred. The revenues of the water and sewer utility, which are based upon service rates authorized by the City Council, are determined by monthly billings to customers. Investment earnings are accrued in proprietary nonexpendable trust and pension trust funds. funds and The City reports deferred revenue on its combined balance sheet. Deferred revenues arise when a potential revenue does not meet both the "measurable" and "available" criteria for recognition in the current period. Deferred revenues also arise when resources are received by the government before it has legal claim to them. As when grant monies are received prior to the encurance of qualifying expenditures. In subsequent periods, when both revenue recognition criteria are met, or when the government has legal claim to the resources, the liability for deferred revenue is removed from the combined balance sheet and revenue is recognized. D. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting 1. Scope of Budgetary Accounting Annual appropriated budgets are adopted for the general and special revenue funds and for all proprietary funds on the modified accrual basis of accounting. For governmental funds, there are no differences between the budgetary basis and generally accepted accounting principles. Budgetary accounts are integrated in fund ledgers for all budgeted funds, but the financial statements include budgetary comparisons for annually budgeted governmental funds only. Budgets for debt service and capital project funds are adopted at the level of the individual debt issue or project and for fiscal periods that correspond to the lives of debt issue or projects. Since these funds are not budgeted on an annual basis, budgetary comparisons are not presented. Annual appropriated budgets are adopted at the level of the fund. Subsidiary revenue and expenditure ledgers are used to compare the budgeted amounts with actual revenues and expenditures. As a management control device, the subsidiary ledgers monitor expenditures for individual functions and activities by object class. Appropriations for general and special revenue funds lapse at year-end, except for appropriations for capital outlays, which are carried forward from year to year until fully expended or the purpose of the appropriations has been accomplished or abandoned. 2. Procedures for Adopting the Original Budget The City's budget procedures are mandated by RCW 35A.33. in the budget process are as follows: The steps a. Prior to the first Tuesday in November, the City Manager submits a proposed budget to the Council. This budget is based on priorities established by the Council and estimates provided by departments during the preceding months, and balanced with revenue estimates made by the Finance Director. b. The Council conducts public hearings on the proposed budget in November and/or December. c. The Council makes its adjustments to the proposed budget and adopts by ordinance a final balanced budget no later than December 31. d. Within 30 days of adoption, the final budget is available to the public. 3 . Amending the Budget The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between departments within any fund; however, any revisions that alter the total expenditures of a fund, or that affect the number of authorized positions, salary ranges, hours, or other conditions of employment must be approved by the City Council. When the City Council determines that it is in the best interest of the City to increase or decrease the appropriation for a particular fund, it may do so by ordinance approved by a simple majority after holding one public hearing. The budget amounts shown in the financial statements are the final authorized amounts as revised during the year. E. Encumbrance Accounting For Purposes of budgetary control, the City utilizes an encumbrance procedure through an automated centralized purchasing system. Encumbrances are recorded when items or services are requisitioned (based upon estimated or known costs) . When payment occurs, the encumbered value is reversed and the actual cost is recorded. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are cancelled and must either be rebudgeted in the ensuing year or absorbed in the established appropriations of the ensuing year. The outstanding encumbrances at December 31, 1995 are not reservations of fund balance and are not recorded as expenditures unless susceptible to accrual. F. Assets, Liabilities and Equities 1. Cash and Equivalents It is the City's policy to invest all temporary cash surpluses. At December 31, 1995, the Treasurer was holding $11,469,529 in short-term residual investments of surplus cash. This amount is classified on the balance sheet as cash and equivalents in various funds. For purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, the City considers all highly liquid investments (including restricted assets} with a maturity of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. 2. Temporary Investments -See Note 3. 3. Receivables Taxes receivable consists of property, gambling, and utility taxes. ( See Note 4.) Accrued interest receivable consists of amounts earned on investments, notes, and contracts at the end of the year. Special assessments are recorded when levied. Special assessments receivable consist of current and delinquent assessments. Deferred assessments consist of unbilled special assessments that are liens against the property benefited. As of December 31, 1995, $622,490 of special assessments were delinquent. Customer accounts receivable consist of individuals or organizations for goods contracts receivable consist of amounts private individuals or organizations rendered. amounts owed from private and services. Notes and owed on open accounts from for goods and services -.,,.:,.: 4 . Amounts Due to and from Other Funds; Interfund Loans and Advances Receivable These accounts include all interfund receivables and payables. A separate schedule of interfund loans receivable and payable is furnished in Note 13. Noncurrent portions of long-term interfund loan receivables are reported as advances and are offset equally by a fund balance reserve account which indicates that they do not constitute expendable available financial resources and therefore are not available for appropriation. 5. Amounts Due to and from Other Governmental Units These accounts include amounts due to or from other governments for grants, entitlements, temporary loans, taxes and charges for services. 6. Inventories Inventories in governmental funds consist of expendable supplies held for consumption. The cost is recorded as an expenditure at the time individual inventory items are purchased. The reserve for inventory is equal to the ending amount of inventory to indicate that a portion of the fund balance is not available for future expenditures. A comparison to market value is not considered necessary. Inventories in proprietary funds are valued using a floating average of costs for each item. 7. Restricted Assets and Liabilities These accounts contain resources for construction, debt service, and customer deposits including current and special assessments receivable, in enterprise funds. The portion of related liabilities are shown as r Specific debt service requirements are described in Note 10. The restricted assets of enterprise funds are composed of the following: Cash and Investments -Debt Service $1,289,203 Cash Deposits _ll_,_Ua_ Total Restricted Assets $1,307,621 8 . Fixed Assets and Depreciation -See Fixed Assets Note 6. 9 . Other Property and Investments See Investments Note 3 • 10. Other Assets and Debits These accounts reflect future resources needed to retire general long-term principal and amounts currently available in debt service or other funds to retire general long-term debt. amount, each is proportionately reduced until the total is at or below the 1 percent limit. The City"s general levy for 1995 was $3.0334 per $1,000 on an assessed valuation of $551.062 million for a total regular levy of $1,672,943. NOTE 5 INTERGOVERNMENTAL GRANTS AND ENTITLEMENTS A Schedule of Financial Assistance is attached. It provides a listing of all federal and state (and interlocal) assistance programs in which the City participates and summarizes the City's grant transactions for 1995. NOTE 6 -FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION A. General Policies Major expenditures for fixed assets, including major repairs that increase useful lives, Maintenance, repairs, and minor renewals are expenditures or expenses when incurred. capital leases and are capitalized. accounted for as All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated cost where historical cost is not known. B. General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are long-lived assets of the City as a whole. When purchased, leased, or constructed, such assets are recorded as expenditures in the governmental funds and capitalized in the general fixed assets account group. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets, nor has interest been capitalized. General fixed assets purchased or constructed from special assessment funds, and all infrastructure assets such as roads, bridges, curbs, and sidewalks, are considered public property and are not accounted for in the general fixed assets account group. A summary of general fixed assets follows: Equity in Joint Ventures Land Buildings & Structures Improvements Machinery & Equipment Work-in-Progress Total $ Balance Jan. 1, 1995 78,696 967,581 4,077,387 1,094,382 1,706,140 ~ $15,819,948 Balance Dec. 31, Additions Deletions 1995 $ 0 $ 10,576 $ 68,120 37,129 0 1,004,710 8,321,957 0 12,399,344 3,669,134 54,719 4,708,797 95,289 85,307 1,716,122 ~ 7,895,7f;i2 86 380 $12,209,889 $8,046,364 $19,983,473 The amount shown as total pension benefit obligation is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits, adjusted for the effects of projected salary increases and any step-rate benefits (LEOFF only) estimated to be payable in the future as a result of the employee service to date. Use of the standardized measure enable readers of Washington's financial statements to: (a) assess on an ongoing basis the funding status of each system; (b) assess progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due; and (c) make comparisons among other states or other retirement systems. The standardized disclosure method is independent of the actuarial funding method used to determine contributions to the retirement system. Historical trend information showing each system's progress in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due is presented in the State of Washington's June 30, 1995 comprehensive annual financial report. Please refer to said report for detailed trend information. A. Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) The state legislature established PERS in 1947 under chapter 41.40 RCW. PERS is a cost sharing multiple-employer retirement system. Membership in the system includes: elected officials; state employees; employees of the Supreme, Appeals, and Superior courts (other than judges); employees of legislative committees; college and university employees not in national higher education retirement programs; judges of districts and municipal courts; noncertificated employees of school districts; and employees of local governments. Approximately 47 percent of PERS members are state employees. PERS contains 2 "plans". (As used in this context, the term "plans" refers to tiers within PERS. The actual plan is PERS.) Participants who joined the system by September 30, 1977, are Plan I members. Those who joined thereafter are enrolled in Plan II. Retirement benefits are financed from employee and employer contributions and investment earnings. Retirement benefits in both Plan I and Plan II are vested after completion of 5 years of eligible service. Plan I members are eligible for retirement after 30 years of service, or at the age of 60 with 5 years of service, or at the age of 55 with 25 years of service. The annual pension is 2 percent of the final average salary per year of service, capped at 60 percent. Plan II members may retire at the age of 65 with 5 years of service, or at 55 with 20 years of service, with an allowance of 2 percent per year of service of the final average salary. Plan II retirements prior to 65 are actuarially reduced. There is no cap on years of service credit and a cost-of-living allowance is granted, capped at 3 percent annually. During the 1995 Washington Legislative session, the Washington State Legislature approved a change in retirement law that will not become effective until after the close of fiscal year '1995. The existing Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) benefits based on the loss of purchasing power in PERS 1 and TRS 1 were repealed and replaced with purchasing power in PERS 1 and TRS 1 were repealed and replaced with a COLA based on years of service. The COLA will increase employer contribution rates .16 and . 09 percent in PERS and TRS, respectively. The material changes made during the 1994 Legislative Session that became effective during the 1995 fiscal year were disclosed in last year's annual report. None of the other bills that passed affected contribution rates. The City of Pasco's covered payroll for the year ending December 31, 1995 was $3,276,389. The total current-year payroll for all employees was $7,182,075. Each biennium the legislature establishes Plan I employer cont ribution rates and Plan II employer and employee contribution rates. Employee contribution rates for Plan I are established by legislative statute and do not vary from year to year. Employer rates for Plan I are not necessarily adequate to fully fund the system. The employer and employee contribution rates for Plan II are developed by the Office of State Actuary to fully fund the system. All employers are required to contribute at the level established by the legislature. The methods used to determine the contribution requirements were established under state statute. The City of Pasco's contribution rates expressed as a percentage of covered payroll, for the year ending December 31, 1995 were: Employer Employee Total Plan Required 7.48% __§_,__Qj2% 13. 48% --I Actual 7.42% 6.00% 13 .42% Plan II Required Actual 7.48% 7.42% ---5......Q..6. % 5.08% 12.54% 12.50% The actuarially determined contribution requirement and actual contribution for the year ending December 31, 1995 were: Plan I Plan II Required Actual Required Actual Employer $ 50,897 $ 50,488 $194,177 $192,620 Employee ~ ~ 3 , 131,874 Total $91,723 $91,314 $325,532 $324,494 The City of Pasco' s actuarially determined employer contribution requirement represents approximately 0.061 percent of the total for all employers covered by PERS. B. Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters (LEOFF) LEOFF was established in 1970 by the legislature under Chapter 41.26 RCW. LEOFF is a cost-sharing multiple-employer retirement system. Membership includes all full-time, fully compensated, local law NOTE 14 -FUND EQUITIES A. Governmental Fund Types Reservations of Fund Balance Fund balance in governmental fund types is reserved for two purposes: ( 1) Where certain amounts are legally committed for specific future uses, such as outstanding purchase orders (encumbrances), continuing appropriations, capital projects, or debt service; and (2) where assets are not available for appropriation, because they have been expended as inventories or prepayments. B. Proprietary Fund Types Contributed Capital Contributed capital in internal service funds records the amounts of working capital and fixed assets received from other funds. Contributed capital in enterprise funds consists of contributed fixed assets or contributions for fixed asset acquisition from other funds, governments, customers, developers and other sources. Contribution in the Water/Sewer Fund is amortized off on a basis of the percentage relationship of contributions to utility plant assets. When closing the depreciation expense account, the percentage applicable to contributions is charged to the contributions account, the remaining amount is charged to retained earnings. The following is a schedule of Contributed Capital at December 31, 1995. Source Municipal Customers Intergovermn. Beginning Balance $ 280,259 2,322,547 2,579,768 $5,182,574 1995 Contributions $ 2,500,000 434,406 1,113,153 $ 4,047,559 Reservations of Retained Earnings 1995 Ending Amortization Balance $ 51,707 $ 2,728,552 52,218 2,704,735 f;i9,700 3,656,221 $ 173,625 $ 9,056,508 Retained earnings in proprietary fund types is generally reserved to indicate that a portion of retained earnings has been externally restricted for specific purposes. The amount reserved equals total restricted assets except for amounts intended for payment of current payables and construction projects. C. Designated Fund Balances and Retained Earnings This category is used to set aside fund equity when City management has plans or tentative commitments to expend resources for certain purposes in future periods. Further legal action will be required to authorize the actual expenses or expenditures. Exhibit A-4, cont. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL. FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995AND 1994 1995 1994, VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable} BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (continued) Non-Departmental Personnel Benefits 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 8,400 9,485 (1,085) 2,400 3,024 (624) Other Services & Charges 272,450 252,999 19,451 107,300 145,570 (38,270) Intergovernmental 10,000 0 10,000 18,400 7,134 11,266 Total Non-Departmental 290,850 262,484 28,366 128,100 155,728 (27,628} TOTAL PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT $ 625,780 $ 606,336 $ 19,444 $ 425,230 $ 459,567 $ (34,337} ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT City Manager Personal Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 33,750 $ 28,902 $ 4,848 Personnel Benefits 0 0 0 8,650 7,953 697 Supplies 0 0 0 150 0 150 Other Services & Charges 0 0 0 7,075 997 6,078 Intergovernmental 0 0 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 49,725 37,852 11,873 Community Development Personal Services 180,950 193,415 (12,465) 156,460 158,406 (1,946) Personnel Benefits 23,750 55,223 (31,473) 38,110 37,076 1,034 Supplies 1,350 965 385 1,730 1,089 641 Other Services & Charges 44,940 19,034 25,906 29,940 26,627 3,313 Intergovernmental 600 150 450 1,000 393 607 251,590 268,787 (17,197) 227,240 223,591 3,649 Non Departmental Other Services & Charges 7,200 7,169 31 0 (900) 900 7,200 7,169 31 0 (900) 900 TOTAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT $ 258,790 $ 275,956 $ (17,165} $ 276,965 $ 260,543 $ 16,422 MENTAL ANO PHYSICAL HEAL TH Non-Departmental Intergovernmental $ 163,000 $ 163,132 $ (132) $ 159,500 $ 155,907 $ 3,593 CULTURE AND RECREATION Parks & Recreation Personal Services $ 577,900 $ 476,706 $ 101,194 $ 412,690 $ 400,121 $ 12,569 Personnel Benefits 118,650 110,418 8,232 98,920 96,015 2,905 Supplies 66,000 60,397 5,604 62,550 58,070 4,480 Other Services & Charges 135,330 215,623 (80,293) 199,435 222,818 (23,383) Intergovernmental 1,200 0 1,200 1,910 709 1,201 Total Parks & Recreation 899,080 863,144 35,936 775,505 777,733 (2,228) See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit A-4, concluded CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL1 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 AND 1994 1995 1994 VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) CULTURE AND RECREATION (continued) Non Departmental Other Services & Charges 125,220 125,733 {513) 0 0 0 Library Supplies 2,500 514 1,986 900 4,114 (3,214) Other Services & Charges 29,900 37,970 (8,070) 23,950 33,983 (10,033) Intergovernmental 270,250 273,373 (3,123) 254,950 254,953 (3} Total Library 302,650 311,857 (9,207} 279,800 293,050 (13,250! TOTAL CULTURE AND RECREATION$ 1,326,950 $ 1,300,734 $ 26,216 $ 1,055,305 $ 1,070,783 $ (15,478} CAPITAL OUTLAY Court $ 300 $ 0 $ 300 $ 0 $ 5,872 $ (5,872) City Manager 3,000 1,771 1,229 112,900 112,229 671 City Attorney 500 1,142 (642) 500 150 350 Police 14,500 14,366 134 9,080 1,885 7,195 Fire 3,100 1,064 2,036 3,600 1,574 2,026 Parks & Recreation 9,100 15,901 (6,801) 2,300 531 1,769 Community Development 0 644 (644) 3,650 3,146 504 Engineering 1,000 644 356 22,000 1,782 20,218 Finance 3,500 3,467 33 500 347 153 Non-Departmental 653,400 301,290 352,110 916,700 943,062 (26,362} TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 688,400 340,289 348,111 1,071,230 1,0701578 652 OTHER FINANCING USES Non-Departmental Intergovernmental 141,025 492,538 (351,513) 6,064,100 6,064,081 19 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 141,025 492,538 (351,s13z 6,064,100 6,064,081 19 DEBT SERVICE Principal Councilmanic G.O. Bonds 115,000 115,000 0 105,000 105,000 0 Non-Bonded G.O. Debt 13,600 13,560 40 295,200 13,385 281,815 Interest Councilmanic G.0. Bonds 284,888 284.835 53 34,630 93,730 (59,100) Non-Bonded G.O. Debt 16,550 16,921 (371} 222,750 219,513 3,237 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 430,038 430,316 (278} 657,580 431,628 225,952 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 12,389,863 $ 134,060 $ 18,021,595 $17!549,905 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES • BUDGET AND ACTUAL Exhibit 8·2, cont. FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1994) DEMOLITION AND REPAIR T.R.A.C. DEVELOPMENT & OPERATION VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) REVENUES Taxes s 0 s 0 s 0 s 145.000 s 147,163 s 2.163 Licenses & Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intergovernmental Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges For Services 0 423 423 0 0 0 Interest 0 33 33 2,500 4,746 2.246 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Revenues 0 456 456 147,500 151,909 4.409 EXPENDITURES Current: Physical Environment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Economic Environment 0 0 0 292.300 292,289 11 Culture & Recreation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 292,300 292,289 11 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 0 456 456 (144,800) (140,380) 4.420 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service-Principal 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proceeds From Sale of Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest Expense 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfers -In 0 0 0 4,800 4,800 0 Operating Transfers -(Out) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 0 0 4,800 4,800 0 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 0 456 456 (140,000) (135,580) 4,420 Fund Balances, Jan. 1 0 482 482 140,000 136,349 (3,651) Prior Period Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund Balances, Dec. 31 s 938 s 769 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. s BUDGET 0 0 0 0 8,000 12,000 20.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 160,000 0 $ 180,000 s PARK ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 7,999 17,080 25.079 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25.079 160,693 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 0 0 0 0 (1) 5,080 5,079 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,079 693 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ BUDGET 80,000 0 0 0 5.000 0 85.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 85,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85,000 50,000 0 $ 135,000 $ ACTUAL 104,931 0 0 0 7,595 0 112.526 0 0 0 21,460 0 21.460 91.066 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91,066 108,869 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 24,931 0 0 0 2,595 0 27.526 0 0 0 (21,460) 0 (21,460) 6.066 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,066 58,869 0 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES • BUDGET AND ACTUAL Exhibit B-2, continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1994) WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEVELOPEMENT STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) REVENUES Taxes s 0 s 0 s 0 s 137,000 s 148,756 s 11,756 Licenses & Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intergovernmental Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges For Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest 0 824 824 8,000 4,874 (3,126) Miscellaneous Revenues 0 41,280 41,280 485,800 137,524 (348,276) Total Revenues 0 42,104 42,104 630,800 291,154 (339.646) EXPENDITURES Current: Physical Environment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Economic Environment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Culture & Recreation 0 0 0 168,345 167,193 1,152 Capital Outlays 0 0 0 3.662,005 3,586.854 75.151 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 3,830,350 3.754,047 76,303 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 0 42,104 42.104 (3,199,550) (3.462.893) (263.343) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service-Principal 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proceeds From Sale of Bonds 0 0 0 1,978,500 1,523,327 455,173 Interest Expense 0 0 0 (43,750) (43,806) 56 Operating Transfers • In 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfers• (Out) 0 (58,020) (58,020) 0 0 0 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 (58.020) (58.020) 1,934,750 1.479.521 455,229 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 0 (15,916) (15,916) (1,264,800) (1,983,372) 191,886 Fund Balances, Jan. 1 0 58,020 58,020 1,274,000 1,331,609 57,609 Prior Period Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund Balances, Dec. 31 $ 9.200 $ (651,763) $ 249.495 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, ANO CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1994) 1995 VARIANCE Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL /Unfavorable) BUDGET REVENUES Taxes S 1,054,000 S 1,113,268 s 59,268 S 1,085,200 Licenses & Permits 1,400 1,590 190 1,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,414,567 1,582,679 168,112 563,818 Charges For Services 189,000 166,144 (22,856) 78,400 Interest 67,200 91,357 24,157 173,100 Miscellaneous Revenues 538.972 320.557 (218,415) 316,557 Total Revenues 3.265,139 3.275.595 10,456 2,218,075 EXPENDITURES Current: Physical Environment 175,980 153.301 22,679 0 Transportation 811,230 702,375 108,855 686,900 Economic Environment 911,864 805,887 105,977 304.098 Culture & Recreation 448,405 411,841 36,564 341,259 Capital Outlays 4,737.005 4.963.738 (226.733) 784,450 Total Expenditures 7,084,484 7,037,142 47,342 2,116.707 Excess {Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (3,819.345) (3,761,547} 57,798 101,368 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 552,950 155,577 (397,373) 215,850 Debt Service-Principal (397,700) (260,000) 137,700 (2,147,300) Proceeds From Sale of Bonds 1,978,500 1,523,327 (455,173) 0 Interest Expense {54,000) (56.620) (2,620) (249,700) Operating Transfers • In 394,675 534,012 139,337 . 2,434,750 Operating Transfers• (Out) (392,000) (285,578) 106,422 (345,000) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 2,082.425 1,610,718 (471,707) (91,400) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses (1,736,920) (2,150,829) (413,909) 9,968 Fund Balances, Jan. 1 2,660,750 3,021,958 361,208 1,901,340 Prior Period Adjustments 0 (273) (273) 0 Fund Balances, Dec. 31 $ 923,830 s 870,856 s (52,974) $1,911,308 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit B·2, concluded 1994 VARIANCE Favorable ACTUAL (Unfavorable) s 1,092,893 s 7,693 1,830 830 1.563,293 999,475 177,540 99,140 299,737 126,637 428.717 112.160 3,564.010 1,345.935 112,048 (112,048) 665,785 21,115 414.261 (110,163) 384,093 (42,834) 898.069 (113,619) 2.474,256 (357,549} 1,089,754 988.386 221,235 5,385 (1,981,994) 165,306 0 0 (198,255) 51,445 2,386,833 {47,917) (482,499) (137.499) (54,680) 36,720 1,035,074 1,025,106 1,996,884 95,544 (10,000) (10,000) $ 3,021,958 $1,110,650 MCAG NO. 0292 CITY OF PASCO (CITY/TOWN) ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS ' For The Year January 1, 19.22.._ Thru December 31, 19 ...2.2.,_ Schedule 17 Part 1 Include: public works projects greater than $5,000 that are not let by contract and projects performed by a county for a city under RCW NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE ONLY APPLIES TO CITIES AND TOWNS NOTE: This part of the schedule is optional/or first class cities with populations greater than 150,000 per RCW 35.22.620(4). (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Tolal Prior Current Current Project Remaining BARS Project Years Year Year Life-To-Date Budget Account Budget Completion Budget Acrual (c)+(e) (b)-(0 I ~ !\ EFF DATE SUPERSEDES BARS MANUAL: YQL fI CH £A.OE 1-1-96 1·1-93 1 4 6 52 ·......_,,,,. Animal Control -Bar-King 946-4487 Basin Disposal 547-2476 Better Business Bureau 783-0892 Chamber of Commerce 547-9755 City Dump 547-4802 Community Action Council 545-4042 Dept. of Revenue 585-1501 DSHS (Welfare Office) 545-1400 F.C. Commissioner's office 545-3535 F.C. Assessor 545-3506 F.C. Auditor -Marriage Lie. 545-3536 F.C. District Court 545-3593 F.C. Historical Museum 547-3714 F.C. Irrigation District 547-3831 F.C. Jailor 545-3549 F.C. Licenses --Vehicle 545-3533 F.C. PUD 547-5591 Elected Officials: F.C. Sheriff 545-3501 Mayor: F.C. Superior Court -Passports 545-3525 Charles Kilbury 547-3821 F.C. Treasurer 545-3518 Farmer's Market Info: 545-0738 Council members: Health Department -Health Permits 582-7761 Mike Garrison 545-9743 Health Department -Pasco Office 547-9737 Rebecca Francik 545-6134 Humane Societ~ 545-9301 Joe Jackson 547-0316 Kennewick, Cit~ of --Switchboard 585-4200 Chris Jenson 547-0335 Labor & Industries 735-0100 Dan Lathim 545-0808 Library -Pasco 545-1019 Carl Strode 545-9824 Pasco Flea Market 547-5035 Pasco Housin9 Authority 547-3581 Port of Pasco 547-3378 Posse Office 545-6111 Richland, Cit~ of --Switchboard 942-7390 TRAC Box Office 543-2997 TRAC General Office 543-2999 \. : --· 1979 G.O.B. Bridge 1994 G.O.B. Series B 1995 L T.G.O.B. Stadium 1993 G.O.B Civic Center PWTF Loan #89036 1991 WIS Refunding Bonds 1994 WIS Revenue Bonds State Revolving Loan Fund PWTF Loan #95025 PWTF Loan #95926 1998 WIS Revenue Bonds 1998 WIS Refunding Bonds 1998 WIS Revenue Bonds Council of Governments Loan BEGINNING UNMATURED DEBT $145,000 3,715,000 1,455.000 5,315,000 4,170,000 $9,485.000 $738,737 655.000 8,275,000 J].746,872 •. 692,934 2,291,277 0 0 0 0 $ 30.399.820 $0 0 0 0 0 $0 AMOUNT DUE THIS PERIOD s10.o✓ 75,0~ 50,0 195,000 180,00✓ $ 375.000 ENDING UNMATUREO. DEBT $75,000 3,640,000 1,405,000 5,120,000 3,990.000 $9,110,000 $0 $61,561/ $677,176 0 500,00IV .,, 155,000 < 5,925,ooo)✓ 230,ooov"' 2,120,000 3,494,314 · 0 / 21,241,186 81,27(),-"' 43,011:" / 731,193 0 127,28~ 2,163,984 2,255,EJ. / 0 2,255,SO c;:::.. 6,725,000 V . o 6,725,ooo--//11,,D / 1,515,000 0 1,515, eoo. ----"'o_ sao.ooo $8,835,584 $961,865 $ 38,273,539