HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 FinancialsMCAG NO. 0292 Exhibit 1 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON COMBINED BALANCE SHEET ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1994 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1993) FIDUCIARY ACCOUNT GROUPS TOTALS GOVERNMENT AL FUND TYPES PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FUND TYPES GENERAL GENERAL (MEMORANDUM ONLY} SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL INTERNAL TRUST AND FIXED LONG-TERM GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS ENTERPRISE SERVICE AGENCY ASSETS DEBT 1994 1993 ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS ASSETS: Cash and Imprest Cash $2,188,950 $2,994,998 $ 636,853 $ (35,587) $ 2,926,993 $ 871,919 $1,225,606 $ 0 $ 0 $10,809,732 $ 10,685,720 Cash with Fiscal Agent 537 0 17,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,937 22,131 Investments (Note 3) 0 8,874 0 0 0 0 344,920 0 0 353,794 350,175 Receivables (net): Taxes 400,290 28,923 32,658 0 0 0 0 0 0 461,871 485,314 Accounts 340,049 18,600 0 0 266,362 0 680,718 0 0 1,305,729 1,376,418 Special Assessments 0 0 926,712 0 0 0 0 0 0 926,712 1,165,635 Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 216,274 0 0 216,274 186,061 Grants 2,000 80,324 0 0 828,308 0 30,000 0 0 940,632 1,346,273 Loans/Advances Receivable 0 173,833 0 0 1,034,901 0 0 0 0 1,208,734 26,455 lnterfund Loans Receivable (Note 13) 0 97,360 0 0 0 205,440 302,354 0 0 605,154 1,266,149 Inventories, at Cost (Note 1} 0 0 0 0 184,323 7,543 0 0 0 191,866 170,282 Prepaid Expenses 0 0 0 0 8,750 (2,909) 0 0 0 5,841 8,575 Restricted Assets: (Note 1) Cash and Investments 0 0 0 0 734,545 0 0 0 0 734,545 1,203,966 Fixed Assets (Note 6) 0 0 0 0 24,193,826 836,417 0 15,819,948 0 40,850,191 23,886,862 OTHER DEBITS: Unamortized Investment Premium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unamortized Debt Discount 0 0 0 0 177,697 0 0 0 0 177,697 48,968 Amount Avail. in Debt Service Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (13,307) (13,307) 1,260,230 Amount For Other Long-Term Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 744,183 744,183 535,890 Amount to be Provided for Retirement of Long-Term Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,678,307 9,678,307 6,235,564 TOTAL ASSETS $2,931,826 $3,402,912 $1,613,623 $ (35,587} $30,355,705 $1,918,410 $ 15,819,948 $10,409,183 $69,215,892 $50,260,668 MCAGNO0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS/ FUND BALANCES -ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES AND SIMILAR TRUST FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1993) PROPRlETAFIY FUND TYPES FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES NON-INTERNAL EXPENDABLE PENSION ENTERPRISE SERVICE TRUST TRUST OPERATING REVENUES Sales $ 4,480,274 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Charges for Services 45,876 59,995 8,209 0 Intergovernmental Revenue 0 1,153,205 0 23,161 Total Operating Revenues 4,526,150 1,213,200 8,209 23,161 OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel Services 613,445 764,495 0 65,400 Supplies 81,879 99,316 0 0 Services and Charges 845,835 184,010 0 0 Taxes on Revenues 560,707 0 0 0 Depreciation 607,934 110,256 0 0 Total Operating Expenses 2,709,800 1,158,077 0 65,400 Operating Income (Loss) 1,816,350 55,123 8,209 (42,239) NON-OPERA TING REVENUE (EXPENSES) Gain on Sale of Assets 0 4,706 0 0 Interest Income 113,269 51,723 6,584 84,139 Interest Expense (246,712) 0 0 0 Misc. Non-Operating Revenue 12,351 1,599 0 0 Amortization Expense (37,703) 0 0 0 Total Non-Operating Revenues(Expenses) (158,795) 58,028 6,584 84,139 Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers 1,657,555 113,151 14,793 41,900 Operating Transfers -ln/(Out) (Note 13) 8,000 0 (6,538) 0 Net Income 1,665,555 113,151 8,255 41,900 Retained Earnings/ Fund Balances, January 1 9,337,605 1,783,707 170,390 1,521,510 Assets purchased in other funds 0 0 0 0 Amortization of Contributed Capital 129,107 0 0 0 Prior Period Adjustment (16,185) 0 0 0 Retained Earnings/ Fund Balances, December 31 $11,116,081 $1,896,858 $ 178,645 $1,563,410 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit 4 TOTALS (MEMORANDUM ONLY) 1994 1993 $ 4,480,274 $ 3,979,811 114,080 33,770 1,176,366 1,124,222 5,770,720 5,137,803 1,443,340 1,309,889 181,195 259,956 1,029,845 936,968 560,707 464,833 718,190 648,998 3,933,277 3,620,644 1,837,443 1,517,159 4,706 8,048 255,715 194,858 (246,712) (147,576) 13,950 1,475 (37,703) (35,190) (10,044) 21,615 1,827,399 1,538,774 1,462 8,185 1,828,861 1,546,959 12,813,212 11,113,332 0 39,008 129,107 116,262 (16,185) (2,349) $ 14,754,994 $ 12,813,212 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1993) 1994 VARIANCE Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) BUDGET REVENUES Taxes $1,085,200 $1,092,893 $ 7,693 $ 901,800 Licenses & Permits 1,000 1,830 830 1,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 563,818 1,563,293 999,475 560,056 Charges For Services 78,400 177,540 99,140 76,150 Interest 173,100 299,737 126,637 77,300 Miscellaneous Revenues 316,557 428,717 112,160 315,050 Total Revenues 2,218,075 3,564,010 1,345,935 1,931,356 EXPENDITURES Current: Physical Environment 0 112,048 (112,048) 0 Transportation 686,900 665,785 21,115 672,260 Economic Environment 304,098 414,261 (110,163) 258,911 Culture & Recreation 341,259 384,093 (42,834) 300,717 Capital Outlays 784,450 898,069 (113,619) 799,280 Total Expenditures 2,116,707 2,474,256 (357,549) 2,031,168 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 101,368 1,089,754 988,386 (99,812) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 215,850 221,235 5,385 187,750 Debt Service-Principal (2,147,300) (1,981,994) 165,306 0 Interest Expense (249,700) (198,255) 51,445 0 Operating Transfers -In 2,434,750 2,386,833 (47,917) 225,320 Operating Transfers -(Out) (345,000) (482,499) (137,499) (122,025) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (91,400) (54,680) 36,720 291,045 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 9,968 1,035,074 1,025,106 191,233 Fund Balances, Jan. 1 1,901,340 1,996,884 95,544 1,115,016 Prior Period Adjustments 0 (10,000) (10,000) 0 Residual Equity Transfers-In 0 0 0 0 Fund Balances, Dec. 31 $1,911,308 $3,021,958 $1,110,650 $1,306,249 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit 8-2, concluded 1993 VARIANCE Favorable ACTUAL (Unfavorable) $1,041,604 $ 139,804 1,310 310 886,132 326,076 173,797 97,647 90,941 13,641 381,024 65,974 2,574,808 643,452 111,961 (111,961) 658,782 13,478 548,168 (289,257) 341,992 (41,275) 351,671 447,609 2,012,574 18,594 562,234 662,046 189,963 2,213 0 0 (48,778) (48,778) 195,601 (29,719) (814,372) (692,347} (477,586) !768,631) 84,648 (106,585) 1,904,092 789,076 (1,856) (1,856) 10,000 10,000 $1,996,884 $ 690,635 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1994 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1993) 1993 G. 0. CIVIC CTR LLD. L.I.D. BOND ASSESMENTS GUARANTY ASSETS Cash $ (13,307) $ 40,468 $ 609,691 Cash with Fiscal Agent 0 17,400 0 Investments 0 0 0 Taxes Receivable 17,789 0 14,869 Accounts Receivable 0 0 0 Assessments Receivable: Current 0 23,174 0 Delinquent 0 824,223 0 Deferred 0 79,315 0 Interest Receivable 0 0 0 lnterfund Loan Receivable 0 0 0 TOTAL ASSETS $ 4,482 $ 984,580 $ 624,560 LIABILITIES & FUND BALAN LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 70 $ 0 $ 0 Matured Bonds Payable 0 15,000 0 Matured Interest Payable 0 2,400 0 lnterfund Loans Payable Cemetery Trust Fund 0 22,800 0 Fire Pension Fund 0 86,800 0 L.I.D. Guaranty Fund 0 0 0 City Street Fund 0 0 0 Accrued Interest Payable 0 803 0 Deferred Revenue 13,607 79,315 14,279 Total Liabilities 13,677 207,118 14,279 FUND BALANCES Reserved for lnterfund Loans 0 0 0 Reserved for Debt Service (9,195) 777,462 610,281 (9,195) 777,462 610,281 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES $ 4,482 $ 984,580 $ 624,560 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit C-1 TOTALS 1994 1993 $ 636,853 $ 385,000 17,400 10,738 0 0 32,658 38,655 0 0 23,174 36,357 824,223 995,382 79,315 133,896 0 0 0 4,800 $1,613,623 $1,604,827 70 $ 0 15,000 5,000 2,400 5,738 22,800 22,800 86,800 106,400 0 4,800 0 18,279 803 4,230 107,202 172,551 235,075 339,797 0 4,800 1,378,548 1,260,230 1,378,548 1,265,030 $1,613,623 $1,604,827 ExhibitC-3 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 1993 G. 0. CIVIC CTR BONDS L.l.D. ASSESSMENTS VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) REVENUES Property Tax $ 397,000 $ 402,110 $ 5,110 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Principal Payments 0 0 0 0 54,580 54,580 Assessment Penalties and Interest 0 0 0 0 54,539 54,539 Interest & Miscellaneous Income 0 3,441 3,441 0 $ 4,158 4,158 Total Revenues 397,000 405,551 8,551 0 113,277 113,277 EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service: Principal 150,000 150,000 0 0 10,000 (10,000) Interest and Fiscal Agent Charges 247,000 264,746 (17,746) 0 10,495 (10,495) Total Expenditures 397,000 414,746 (17,746) 0 20,495 (20,495) Excess (Deficiency} of Revenues Over Expenditures 0 (9,195) 26,297 0 92,783 133,772 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfers • In 0 0 0 0 6,058 6,058 Operating Transfers• (Out) 0 0 0 0 (149,667) p49,667) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 0 0 0 (143,609) (143,609) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 (9,195) (9,195) 0 (50,826) (50,826) Fund Balances, January 1 0 0 0 0 988,680 988,680 Residual Equity Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assessment Foreclosure Adjustment 0 0 0 0 (160,392) (160,392) Fund Balances, December 31 $ 0 $ (9,195) $ (9,195) $ 0 $ 777,462 $ 777,462 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1993) ARTERIAL CITY STREET STREET CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION REVENUES Intergovernmental $ 0 $ 0 EXPENDITURES Other Services & Charges 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 0 0 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Bond Proceeds 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 Operating Transfers -In 0 11,835 Operating Transfers• (Out) (102,500) (45,644) Total Other Financing Sources (102,500) (33,809) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources over Expenditures (102,500) (33,809) Fund Balances, January 1 102,500 33,809 Prior Period Adjustment 0 0 Fund Balances, December 31 $ 0 $ (0) See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit D-2 GENERAL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION $ 0 0 7,676,361 7,676,361 (7,676,361) 0 100,000 4,366,047 0 4,466,047 (3,210,314) 3,699,806 0 $ 489,492 STREET OVERLAY CONSTRUCTION $ $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 0 (47,652) (43,852) (43,852) 43,852 0 (0) LID CONSTRUCTION $ 0 0 1,092,117 1,092,117 (1,092,117) 0 (4,910) 0 (13,031) (17,941) (1,110,058) (210) 0 $ (1,110,268) $ 1994 0 0 8,768,478 8,768,478 (8,768,478) 0 98,890 4,377,882 (208,827) 4,267,945 (4,500,533) 3,879,757 0 $ (620,775) TOTALS 1993 $ 633,251 0 2,373,474 2,373,474 (1,740,223) 4,792,531 770,840 (2,171) 5,561,200 3,820,977 58,780 0 $3,879,757 INVESTMENTS DEBT SERV CLAIMS P/R TRANSFERS OTHER DISBURS ENDING PURCHASED &MED/DENT TRANSFERS TRANSFERS OUT ADJUSTMTS BALANCE FUND 0 215,107 4,847,991 5,521,685 7,375,543 267,561 18,227,887 2,112,251 010 0 0 270,547 193,974 185,252 14,254 664,027 557,653 110 0 0 645,598 0 121,873 -593,354 174,117 425,805 120 0 0 431,045 0 45,222 -54,554 421,713 51,919 130 0 0 185,761 49,615 502,312 6,622 744,310 -13,484 140 0 0 26,570 0 0 0 26,570 -13,007 142 0 0 40,770 27,820 3,798 -8,999 63,389 10,528 145 0 0 9,810 0 0 0 9,810 140,998 155 0 600 36,191 42,126 34,020 2,072 115,009 11,352 160 0 0 57,710 13,283 1,596 1,324 73,913 60,011 165 0 0 220,724 162,430 53,213 -148,139 288,228 -5,034 170 0 0 2,054 0 0 8,355 10,409 -9,255 175 0 0 1,077 932 348 941 3,298 10,880 185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 482 190 0 0 31,244 0 0 27,892 59,136 136,349 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,693 192 0 0 12,704 0 0 75,000 87,704 108,869 193 0 2,157,334 198,118 0 0 0 2,355,452 58,020 194 0 0 151,340 0 0 -8,862 142,478 1,255,582 195 0 0 13,826 0 188,196 10,592 212,614 46,024 196 0 0 244,407 0 0 57,191 301,598 -35,746 197 0 0 125,565 0 0 56,995 182,560 295,217 198 0 396,723 21,450 0 0 -27,963 390,210 -13,306 270 0 0 18,191 0 121,678 -18, 190 121,679 0 301 0 0 955 0 47,390 -596 47,749 0 340 0 0 7,130,426 0 2,289 271,277 7,403,992 786,617 360 0 0 0 0 47,652 0 47,652 0 375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -13,239 393 0 0 0 0 0 343,288 343,288 0 410 0 3,475,655 8,551,963 528,397 4,098,554 -1, 176,844 15,477,725 2,957,142 410 0 0 0 0 0 209,793 209,793 704,395 410-1 0 0 192,979 87,219 34,440 ·2,820 311,818 34,102 510 0 0 444,540 0 3,559 -21,523 426,576 680,697 515 0 581,782 162,975 0 0 1,841 746,598 153,661 520 0 0 22,603 0 0 -493 22,110 550 530 0 0 0 0 6,538 0 6,538 155,986 605 0 13,054 0 0 0 -1,086 11,968 2,908 615 0 0 23,574 0 42,048 -222 65,400 722,720 620 0 0 5,641 0 6,058 16,586 28,285 609,691 625 16,750,000 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 19,750,000 -10,260,084 650 0 0 0 0 14,856 6,610,787 6,625,643 51,028 690 0 0 0 0 0 24,700,138 24,700,138 35,451 695 0 0 288,355 0 19,036 496,663 804,054 ·808,965 700 0 11,025 1,612 0 154,797 281 167,715 40,468 701 16,750,000 6,851,280 24,418,316 6,627,481 13,110,268 34,115,808 101,873,153 1,205,929 MCAG NO. 0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON OPERATION OF INVESTMENTS· ALL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 FUND FUND NO. DESCRIPTION 010 General Fund 142 Revolving Loan Fund 160 Cemetery Fund 410 Water/Sewer 620 Fire Pension 650 Surplus Cash TOTAL INVESTMENT BALANCE 1/1/94 $ 0 5,253 0 0 344,920 10,893,770 $ 11,243,943 SCHEDULE12 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENT {AT COSTS} BALANCE ACQUIRED LIQUIDATED 12/31/94 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 3,623 0 8,876 611 0 611 0 0 0 0 0 344,920 20,201,457 20,835,143 10,260,084 $ 20,205,691 $20,835,143 $ 10,614,491 MCAGNO0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON CASH AND INVESTMENTS -SHORT-TERM INTEREST-BEARING DEBT• CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 All MONEY HELD FOR REDEMPTION OF LONG-TERM DEBT CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash and Deposits $ Federal Securities Federal Agency Securities Other Securities $ SHORT-TERM INTEREST-BEARING DEBT Balance as of Beginning of Year Balance as of End of Year $ CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Retirement Programs To Federal Social Security System To State Administered Employee Retirement System To Locally Administered Employee Retirement System For Commerical Annuity Plans Direct Pension Payments TOTAL ALL RETIREMENT PROGRAMS Insurance Programs For Health, Hospital, Dental and Disability Insurance For Life Insurance For Workmen's Compensation Insurance For Unemployment Compensation Insurance TOTAL ALL INSURANCE PROGRAMS 636,670 0 0 0 636,670 0 0 SCHEDULE13 SCHEDULE14 SCHEDULE15 UNEXPENDED PROCEEDS OF BOND ISSUES $ $ $ $ $ $ 431,174 0 0 0 431,174 403,276 415,879 0 0 22,464 841,619 740,835 10,022 82,354 22,525 855,736 All OTHER MONIES $ 8,701,727 117,365 350,000 377,555 $ 9,546,647 $ 10,614,491 MCAG NO. 0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 SCHEDULE16 Federal Assistance Received Directly From A federal Agency Or Indirectly Through A state Agency Or Other Local Government Granter/ BARS Federal Other Total Pass-Through Granter Account CFDA Identification Award Program Title Number Number Number Amount DIRECT FEDERAL ASSISTANCE: H.U.D. Community Development Block Grant 331.14 14.218 B-92-MC-56009 $339,000 331.14 14.218 B-93-MC-56009 545,000 331.14 14.218 B-94-MC-56009 592,000 331.14 14.218 WA 19SPG22 30,000 Total HUD Direct Federal Assistance $1,506,000 INDIRECT FEDERAL ASSISTANCE: H.U.D. Program Income Community Development Block Grant 14.218 0 Total CFDA # 14.218* $1,506,000 Dept. of Comm. Development 333.16 16.579 1 ·93-706015 $250,000 Narcotics Task Forces Dept. of Comm. Development 333.16 16.579 1-94-372014 259,403 Narcotics Task Forces Total CFDA #16.579 $509,403 INDIRECT FEDERAL ASSISTANCE Wa. St. D.O.T. Lewis St/Oregon Ave 333.22 20.205 HES-3530(003) $118,980 10th Avenue Overlay 333.22 20.205 STPF-3523(003) 61,675 Court/Sylvester St 333.22 20.205 M-9911 (004) 278,844 Lewis St. Overlay 333.22 20.205 STPF-3530(004} 83,300 East A Street Overlay 333.22 20.205 STPF-3534(002) 247,390 Old Bridge Demolition 333.22 20.205 BRM-3407(002) 2,055,376 Total CFDA #20.205 $2,845,565 MCAG NO. 0292 Balance at Current Year Award Beginning of Awards And Current year Current Year Balance at Current Year Amendments Revenues Expenditures Year-End $0 $0 $4,414 $0 NIA 475,046 0 545,000 416,946 N/A 0 592,000 254,124 254,124 337,876 30,000 0 30,000 0 $0 $505,046 $592,000 $833,538 $671,070 $337,876 0 0 81,092 81,092 N/A $505,046 $592,000 $914,630 $752,162 $337,876 $250,000 $0 $250,000 $147,739 $0 0 259,403 29,852 102,407 $229,551 $250,000 $259,403 $279,852 $250,145 $229,551 $115,200 $0 ($816) $0 $116,016 33,015 0 0 0 33,015 NIA 0 (649) 0 N/A NIA 0 1,575 0 N/A NIA 0 (35,048) 0 NIA N/A 11,142 11,142 0 N/A $148,215 $11,142 ($23,796) $0 $149,031