HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 FinancialsFIDUCIARY ACCOUNT GROUPS TOTALS GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES PAOPRIET ARY FUND TYPES FUND TYPES GENERAL GENERAL !MEMORANDUM ONL Yl SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL INTERNAL TRUST AND FIXED LONG-TERM GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS ENTERPRISE SERVICE AGENCY ASSETS DEBT 1992 1991 UABILmES, EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS UABILmES: Outslanding Checks Payable $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 140,467 $ 0 $ 0 $ 140,467 $ 160,556 Accounts Payable 111,918 12,471 44 34 23,554 14,773 0 0 0 162,794 587,927 Matured Bonds Payable 5,000 0 30,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 105,000 Matured Interest Payable 683 0 10,169 0 140 0 0 0 0 10,992 8,683 Relainage Payable 0 0 0 419 18,585 0 0 0 0 19,004 106,186 lnterfund Loans Payable (Note 13) 517,206 550,000 201,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,268,606 1,338,791 Due lo Olher Governmental Units 2,931 10,867 0 0 1,023 14 58 0 0 14,893 104,371 Accrued Interest Payable 0 0 803 0 58,341 0 0 0 0 59,144 54,686 Accrued Employee Benefits (Note 1) 0 0 0 0 46,951 10,131 0 0 496,400 553,482 505,933 Deposits Payable 51,246 880 0 1,746 10,913 1,534 0 0 0 66,319 50,193 G. 0. Bonds Payable (Nole 10) 0 0 0 0 2,505,000 0 0 0 720,000 3,225,000 3,770,000 L.I.D. Bonds Payable (Nole 10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 935,000 935,000 1,465,000 Certificates of Participation (Note 10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,930,000 1,930,000 1,940,000 Notes Payable (Nole 10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,147 43,147 52,156 Other Long Term Liabilities 0 0 0 0 930,460 0 0 0 154,794 1,085,254 1,150,236 Deferred Revenue 952,596 22,890 251,147 1,559 211,970 0 245 0 0 1,440,407 1,285,765 Deferred Compensation (Note 8) 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,945 0 0 500,945 441,334 Total Liabilities 1,641,580 597,108 493,563 3,758 3,811,937 26,452 641,715 0 4,279,341 11,495,454 13,126,797 eourrv AND OTHER CREDITS: Investment in General Fixed Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,832.455 0 7,832,455 7,581,937 Contributed Capital (Note 14) 0 0 0 0 4,961,743 0 0 0 0 4,961,743 4,041,613 Retained Earnings: (Note 14) Reserved 0 0 0 0 18,920 1,694,725 0 0 0 1,713,645 1,589,029 Unreserved 0 0 0 0 7,750,017 1,784 0 0 0 7,751,801 7,233,601 Fund Balances: (Note 14) Reserved 6,650 847,884 1,882,921 58,780 0 0 1,847,886 0 0 4,244,121 4,289,070 Unreserved-Designated 13,094 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,094 12,994 Unreserved-Undesignated 583,398 1,256,208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,839,606 2,213,213 Total Equity and Other Credits 603,142 1,904,092 1,862,921 58,780 12,730,680 1,696,509 1,847,886 7,832,455 0 28,356,465 26,961,457 TOTAL UABILmEs, EQUrrY AND OTHER CREDITS $2,244,722 $2,501.200 $2,376,484 $ 62,538 $16,542,617 $1,722,961 $2,289,601 $7,832,455 $4,279,341 $39,851,919 $40,088,254 See Accompanying Noles lo Financial Statements Investment in State Treasurer's Investment Pool $4,900,000 Savings Account U.S. Government Securities Federal Agency Securities Bankers Acceptances Mutual Funds** Total 1,705 117,365 650,000 500,000 $6,169,070 CATAGOR:IES 2 $ $ 0 0 0 0 0 Investment in Deferred Compensation Total Investments 3 $ 0 0 0 0 227.555 $227,555 CARRYING AMOUNT MARKET* VALUJ!L $4,900,000 $4,900,000 1,705 117,365 650,000 500,000 227.555 6,396,625 1,705 276,789 650,000 500,000 227.555 6,556,049 500.945 500,945 $6,897,570 $7,056,994 * Investment cost approximates market value with the exception of discounted treasury coupon listed under U.S. Government Securities. ** The Pension Trust Fund owns 100% of the investments in Category 3. All temporary investments are stated at cost which approximates market. Management intends to hold the time deposits and securities until maturity. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to regulated industries, reductions in market value are not reflected on the financial statements. Similarily, gains or losses on bond swaps are deferred and amortized over the life of the replacement investment. Other gains or losses on investments sold or exchanged are recognized at the time the transactions are completed. NOTE 5 -PROPERTY TAXES The County Treasurer acts as an agent to collect property taxes levied in the County for all taxing authorities. Collections are distributed after the end of each month. Property Tax Calendar January 1 February 14 Taxes levied and become an enforceable lien against properties. Tax bills are mailed. April 30 May 31 October 31 First of two equal installment payments is due. Assessed value of property established for next year's levy at 100 percent of market value. Second installment is due. Property taxes are recorded as a receivable when levied, offset by a deferred revenue. During the year, property tax revenues are recognized when cash is collected. At year-end, property tax revenues are recognized for collections to be distributed by the County Treasurer in January. No allowance for uncollectible taxes is established because delinquent taxes are considered fully collectible. The City may levy up to $3.60 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for general governmental services, subject to two limitations: a. Washington State law in RCW 84.55.010 limits the growth of regular property taxes to 6 percent per year, after adjustments for new construction. If the assessed valuation increases by more than 6 percent due to revaluation, the levy rate will be decreased. b. The Washington State Constitution limits the total regular property taxes to 1 percent of assessed valuation or $10 per $1,000 of valuation. If the taxes of all districts exceed this amount, each is proportionately reduced until the total is at or below the 1 percent limit. The City's regular levy for 1992 was $3.60 per $1,000 on an assessed valuation of $382.1 million for a total regular levy of $1,376,560. NOTE 6 -INTERGOVERNMENTAL GRANTS AND ENTITLEMENTS A Schedule of Financial Assistance is provided in the Additional Information section. NOTE 7 -FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION A. General Policies Major expenditures for fixed assets, including capital leases and major repairs that increase useful lives, are capitalized. Maintenance, repairs, and minor renewals are accounted for as expenditures or expenses when incurred. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated cost where historical cost is not known. transactions for 1992. The accompanying Limitation of Indebtedness computation discloses the City's legal debt margin as of December 31, 1992. The annual requirements to amortize outstanding debt, including interest and capital lease payments, are as follows: General. General Obl.igation Obligation Revenue Revenue Annual. Debt Bonded Debt other Debt Bonded Debt other debt service 1993 $244,544 $ 238,964 $ 664,627 $ 70,048 $1,218,183 1994 139,630 239,936 441,932 68,628 890,126 1995 143,497 620,092 463,898 67,208 1,294,696 1996 146,735 647,196 483,207 65,788 1,342,926 1997 139,535 579,518 499,650 64,368 1,283,071 1998 78,920 523,250 523,038 62,948 1,188,156 1999 79,650 0 159,456 61,529 300,635 2000 0 0 0 60,109 60,109 2001 to 2008 429,753 429,753 TOTAL $972,511 $2,848,956 $3,235,808 $950,379 $8,007,655 In proprietary funds, unamortized debt issue costs are recorded as deferred charges and bonds are displayed net of premium or discount; annual interest expense is decreased by amortization of debt premium and increased by the amortization of debt issue costs and discount. At December 31, 1992, the City has $9,524 available in the debt service funds to service the general bonded debt. Restricted assets in proprietary funds contain $1,480,433 in sinking funds and reserves as required by bond indentures. B. Refunded Debt The bond issues shown as refunded on the Schedule of Long-term Debt are excluded from the amortization schedule because refunding bond proceeds have been placed in trust and used to purchase securities with maturities and interest rates sufficient to meet at debt service requirements of the refunded debt. As of December 31, 1992 the trustee was holding cash and investments of $508,698. These refunded bonds const ute a contingent liability of the City, but are excluded from the financial statements. C. Capital Leases To account for financing leases, lease purchase and installment purchase contracts in governmental funds, the City charges payments made or due during the fiscal period as debt service. In the year that the asset is received, the City records the present value of future lease payments as a capital outlay expenditure and as an offsetting other financial source. The present value of payments due in future periods is shown as a \ liability in the general fixed asset account group. The minimum lease payments due in 1993 through 1996 are $44,597, $44,597, $44,597, and $26,015, respectively. NOTE 11 -CONTINGENCIES AND LITIGATION The City has recorded in its financial statements all material liabilities, including applicable estimates for situations which are not yet resolved but where, based on available information, management believes it is probable that the City will have to make payment. In the opinion of management, the City's insurance policies and/or self-insurance reserves are adequate to pay all known or pending claims. The City participates in a number of federal and state assisted programs. These grants are subject to audit by the granters or their representatives. Such audits could result in requests for reimbursements to grantor agencies for expenditures disallowed under the terms of the grants. Other than the instances described above, City management believes that such disallowances, if any, will be immaterial. The City maintains a deferred compensation plan for employees through the International City Management Association (I.C.M.A.). The City is contingently liable for the market value of employee contributions until such time the funds are distributed. As of December 31, 1992, the market value of employee contributions was $500,945. NOTE 12 -COMMITMENTS Pension commitments are discussed in Note 8. Other employee benefit commitments are discussed in Note 1-F-12. NOTE 13 -INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCES A. Classification of Interfund Transactions Interfund transactions are classified as follows: 1. Transactions that would be treated as revenues, expenditures or expenses if they involved external organizations, such as buying goods and services or payments in lieu of taxes, are sirnilarily treated when they involve other funds of the City. 2. Transfers to support the operations of other funds are recorded as "Operating Transfers" and classified with "Other Financing Sources or Oses". 3. Contributions to the capital of enterprise or internal service funds, (transfers between those funds and the general fixed assets account group) transfers to establish or reduce working capital in other funds, and transfers of remaining balances when funds are closed are classified as residual equity transfers and reported as direct additions to or deductions from fund equity. 4. Loans between funds are classified as interfund loans receivable and payable or as advances to and from other funds on the combined balance sheet depending on the time period for which the loan was made. Interfund loans do not affect total fund equity, but advances to other funds are offset by a reservation of fund equity. The following table displays interfund loans/advances activity during 1991: Interfund Loans/Adyanges Payable Borrowing Lending Balance Balance Ji:J.Ln.g E.lUU1 1/1/92 New Loans Payments 12/31/92 010 195 $ 261,700 $ 0 $ 0 $ 261,700 010 410 18,920 0 0 18,920 010 620 251,469 0 14,883 236,586 196 195 220,000 0 0 220,000 196 515 330,000 0 0 330,000 705 625 5,800 0 0 5,800 716 620 9,200 0 6,700 2,500 719 620 28,000 0 12,000 16,000 720 605 47,500 0 16,300 31,200 721 620 117,341 0 12,041 105,300 722 620 48,671 Q B,261 40,600 $1,338,791 $ 0 $70,185 $1,268,416 NOTE 14 -FUND EQUITIES A. Governmenta1 Fund Types Reservations of Fund Balance Fund balance in governmental fund types is reserved for two purposes: (1) Where certain amounts are legally committed for specific future uses, such as outstanding purchase orders (encumbrances), continuing appropriations, capital projects, or debt service; and (2) where assets are not available for appropriation, because they have been expended as inventories or prepayments. B. Proprietary Fund Types Contributed Capital Contributed capital in internal service funds records the amounts of working capital and fixed assets received from other funds. Contributed capital in enterprise funds consists of contributed fixed assets or contributions for fixed asset acquisition from other funds, governments, customers, developers and other sources. Contribution in the Water/Sewer Fund is amortized off on a basis of the percentage relationship of contributions to utility plant assets. When closing the depreciation expense account, the percentage applicable to contributions is charged to the contributions account, the remaining amount charged to retained earnings. Reservations of Retained Earnings Retained earnings in proprietary fund types reserved to indicate that a portion of retained been externally restricted for specific purposes. reserved equals total restricted assets except intended for payment of current payables and projects. is generally earnings has The amount for amounts construction C. Designated Fund Balances and Retained Earnings This category is used to set aside fund equity when City management has plans or tentative commitments to expend resources for certain purposes in future periods. Further legal action will be required to authorize the actual expenses or expenditures. D . Negative Fund Balances and Bank Overdrafts The following funds report a negative fund balance and/or a bank overdraft at December 31, 1992. Comm. Devel. Block Grant Fund Senior Center Old Bridge Demolition Fund Demolition and Repair Fund Golf Course Residential Devel. Fund General Purpose Construction Fund Equipment Rental Operations Fund NOTE 15 -JOINT VENTURES Fµnd Balance (2,865) (33,656) (26,157) (64) (556,125) (71,281) (3,580) A. Bi-County Police Information Network Cash Balance (76,757) (29,565) (40,305) (64) (5,982) (70,984) N/A The Bi-County Police Information Network was established January 20, 1986, when an Interlocal Agreement was entered into by five participating municipal corporations, the cities of Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland, and Benton and Franklin Counties. The agreement is sanctioned by the provisions and terms of the "Interlocal Cooperation Act" pursuant to RCW 39.34. The initial duration of the agreement was one year, and thereafter is automatically extended for consecutive one year periods, unless terminated by one or more of the participating entities. Any such termination must be in writing and served upon all participants at least one year in advance of the date of withdrawl, and such termination shall then become effective on the last day of the calendar year. Bi-County Police Information Network, hereafter referred to as BI-PIN, was established to promote the deterrence and solution of criminal incidents by providing increased access to local incident and criminal history information, enhance the sharing of information among the criminal justice agencies, improve the protection of criminal files against loss or destruction, and increase responsiveness of the respective law enforcement agencies through crime analysis and investigative support functions. The financial participation among the participating entities is based upon a combination of the agency's actual CPU hours used and hours of projects approved for the year. BI-PIN is served by an Executive Committee, composed of City Managers from the participating cities, and a member of the Boards of County Commissioners of Benton and Franklin Counties. The executive Committee is responsible for the following functions: 1) Appoint the BI-PIN Coordinator; 2) Set policies regarding all aspects of BI-PIN activities; 3) Approve contracts and budgets; 4) Set the cost recovery fee for new BI-PIN members; 5) Determine the final allocation of any software marketing proceeds; 6) Make final decisions on system development plans; 7) Make general management decisions regarding the operation of BI-PIN. In addition, a Law Enforcement Users Committee, comprised of the law enforcement head of each participating agency, shall be responsible for developing an annual plan of software development priorities for recommendation to the Executive Committee. The Data Processing Review Committee, comprised of Data Processing Supervisors of each participating agency, shall be responsible for the following: 1) Provide technical guidance to all BI-PIN users; 2) Evaluate feasibility of proposed software modifications, enhancements or new modules; 3) Assist in preparation of annual budget, and review requests for budget adjustments. Effective January 1, 1992, the City of Kennewick assumed responsibil y for BI-PIN "Operations" via a BI PIN Service Aggreement. The City of Kennewick has agreed to provide financial services, computer services, BI-PIN management and adinistrative overhead services for the BI-PIN Agency. These financial statements represent the BI-PIN Agency Fund and do not include information on the BI-PIN Operations Fund which is administered by the City of Kennewick in compliance with the above mentioned Service Agreement. The BI-PIN budget procedures are in accordance with Section 10 of the Interlocal Agreement, as amended March 28, 1988, and include: 1) The Coordinator and the Data Processing Review Committee submit a proposed budget to the Executive Committee before July 31st of each year; 2) The Executive Committee is responsible for assuring that the appropriate resources are in the budget; 3) The participating agencies are informed of the proposed budget and the required financial participation for the ensuing year. BI-PIN currently holds capital leases which are recorded as assets and as long-term liabilities at the pesent value of the future lease payments when the asset is received. The fund records lease payments as reductions of the long-term liability and as interest expense over the life of the lease. The fund also records depreciation expense to amortize the assets over the lease term or over the life of the asset. The minimum lease payments due in 1993 through 1995 are $37,602, $37,008, and $5,970, respectively. Condensed financial information for the Bi-County Police Information Network joint venture follows: Assets Current Assets Equipment Total Assets Liabilities Balance Sheet December 31, 1992 Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Equity Contributed Capital Retained Earnings Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 81,215 97,761 $178,976 $ 35,591 47,202 82,793 18,058 78,125 96,183 $178,976 The share of equity belonging to the five participating entities: % of Equity 1992 Equity Eq:uity 1/1/92 I rn;;: ;i;;:e a ::uil l2l:3l/92 City of Kennewick 18.50% $13,960 $ 3,835 $17,795 City of Pasco 10.49% 7,916 2,174 10,090 City of Richland 14.69% 11,084 3,045 14,129 Benton County 34. 72% 26,197 7,197 33,394 Franklin County 21. 60% 16.298 4. 477 2Q I 775 Total 100 .-00% $75!455 $20,728 $96,183 Liabilities are the responibility of the five participating agencies. GENERAL FUND The Genera1 Fund is used to account for all financial resources and uses of the City of Pasco except those required to be accounted for in other funds. The General Fund of the City, as in most other municipalities, is the largest and most important fund in the City. Primary revenue sources are taxes, licenses and permits, intergovernmental revenue charges for services, and fines and forfeitures. Primary expenditures and uses are for police and fire protection, court operations, park and recreational activities, library, and general administration. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than major capital projects, and trusts) and are segregated into individual funds to insure that expenditures are made only for qualified purposes. City Street Fund -responsible for the maintenance of all City streets, traffic control devices, and storm sewers. Primary revenue sources include state-shared revenue and a portion of the City's sales tax. Arterial Street Fund -accounts for the development of arterial streets (main thoroughfares) in the City. Main revenue sources are state-shared revenue, and federal and state grants. Street Overlay Fund -responsible for the maintaining of City streets that have previously been upgraded through Local Improvement District assessments. Block Grant Fund -responsible for the administration of the Federal Community Development Block Grant Program. Block Grant Revolving Loan Fund -is used to account for loans made to small businesses who qualify for the program. King Community Center Fund -accounts for revenue and expenditures generated and spent on Community Center activities. Contingency Fund -this fund accounts for revenue reserved by the City Council to meet emergency or unforeseen circumstances. No expenditures can be made without specific Council approval. Cemetery Fund -accounts for revenues and expenditures •to run the City-owned cemetery. Revenue is derived through fees. Athletic Program Fund -accounts for user fees and related expenditures.for specific team sports. Senior Center Fund -accounts for grants, donations, and City and County contributions to support senior citizen activities for seniors throughout the County. Old Bridge Demolition Fund -accounts for federal grant money and local matching funds for the demolition of the old intercity bridge linking Pasco and Kennewick. Boat Basin Fund accounts for revenue and expenditures related to the City's boat marina. The marina was leased from the Army Corps of Engineers and subleased to a private concern for operational. purposes. Revolving Abatement Fund responsible for the abatement of nuisances, such as condemned buildings and public eyesores not remedied by owners. Park Fund accounts for fees charged to new developments to offset future development of parks within the specific areas assessed. Capital Improvement Fund -accounts for real estate excise tax revenue and other sources as deemed necessary by the Council, to fund capital projects. Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Development Fund accounts for the proper receipting and disbursement of funds utilized, borrowed, received, amd expended in connection with the lease-purchase agreement for certain real property necessary to facilitate industrial wastewater treatment development and for the development of facilities on such property. Stadium/Convention Center Fund accounts for hotel/motel tax money that may be spent only on a stadium, convention center, or other qualified tourist promoting activities. Sun Willows Residential Development Fund accounts for revenues and expenditures associated with the financing, development, and sales of land and improvements located at the Village at Sun Willows located at the Sun Willows Golf Course (formerly Pasco Municipal Golf Course). CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) CITY ARTERIAL STREET STREET ASSETS Cash $ 372,546 $ 267,012 Investments 0 0 Receivables, net: Taxes 0 0 Accounts 178 0 Interest 0 0 Grants 0 0 Loans/Advances Receivable 0 0 lnterfund Loans Receivable 0 0 TOT AL ASSETS $ 372,724 $ 267,012 LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 4,934 $ 0 Retainage Payable 0 0 lnterfund Loans Payable 0 0 Due To Other Governments 0 0 Consumer Deposits 880 0 Deferred Revenue 178 0 Total Liabilities 5,992 0 FUND BALANCES Reserved for lnterfund Loans 0 0 Reserved for Block Grant Program 0 0 Reserved for Revolving Loans 0 0 Reserved for Future Uses 0 0 Unreserved-Undesignated 366,732 267,012 Total Fund Balances 366,732 267,012 TOT AL LIABILITES ANO FUND BALANCES $ 372,724 $ 267,012 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit B-1 BLOCK GRANT STREET REVOLVING OVERLAY BLOCK GRANT LOAN $ 267,482 $ (76,757) $ 7,827 0 0 1,705 23,674 0 0 0 706 0 0 0 0 0 74,552 0 0 0 142,405 0 0 0 $ 291,156 $ (1,499i $ 151,937 $ 0 $ 660 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 706 0 0 1,366 0 0 0 0 0 (2,865) 0 0 0 142,405 0 0 0 291,156 0 9,532 291,156 !2,865) 151,937 $ 291,156 $ (1,499) $ 151,937 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) BOAT DEMOLITION BASIN AND REPAIR ASSETS cash $ 7,160 $ (64) Investments 0 0 Receivables, net: Taxes 0 0 Accounts 0 0 Interest 0 0 Grants 0 0 Loans/Advances F!eceivable 0 0 lnterfund Loans Receivable 0 0 TOTAL ASSETS $ 7,160 $ ~64l .LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 0 $ O· Retainage Payable 0 0 lnterfund Loans Payable 0 0 Due To Other Governments 578 0 Consumer Deposits 0 0 Deferred Revenue 0 0 Total Uabilities 578 0 FUND BALANCES Reserved for lnterfund Loans 0 0 Reserved for Block Grant Program 0 0 Reserved for Revolving Loans 0 0 Reserved for Future Uses 0 0 Unreserved-Undesignated 6,582 {64l Total Fund Balances 6,582 {64! TOT AL UABILITES AND FUND BALANCES $ 7,160 $ (64) See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit 8-1 , concluded WASTEWATER CAPITAL TREATMENT PARK IMPROVEMENT DEVELPMT $ 125,178 $ 54,003 $ 46,773 0 0 0 0 6,271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 125,178 $ 60,274 $ 46,773 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125,178 60,274 46,773 125,178 60,274 46,773 $ 125,178 $ 60,274 $ 46,773 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES• BUDGET AND ACTUAL Exhibit 8-2 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) CITY STREET ARTERIAL STREET VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL {Unfavorable) BUDGET ACTUAL {Unfavorable! REVENUES Taxes $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Licenses & Permits 1,000 685 (315) 0 0 0 Intergovernmental Revenue 340,600 328,917 (11,683) 160,700 175,484 14,784 Charges For Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest 8,000 17,012 9,012 10,000 20,038 10,038 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 9,760 9,760 0 0 0 Total Revenues 749,600 756,374 6,774 170,700 195,522 24,822 EXPENDITURES Current: Security of Persons and Property 0 0 0 0 0 0 Physical Environment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation 732,650 605,919 126,731 0 0 0 Economic Environment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Culture & Recreation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlays 171,000 9,269 161,731 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 903,650 615,188 288,462 0 0 0 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (154,050! 141,186 295,236 170,700 195,522 24,822 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds Fom Sales of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfers -In 0 59,564 0 0 17,071 17,071 Operating Transfers -(Out) 0 !170,044} 170,044 (335,000! (349,872! {14,872} Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 {110,480! 170,044 (335,000! (332,801 l 2,199 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses (154,050) 30,706 465,280 (164,300) (137,279) 27,021 Fund Balances, Jan. 1 226,859 336,026 109,167 467,000 404,291 (62,709) Prior Period Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residual Equity Tra{lsfers-ln 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund Balances, Dec. 31 $ 72,809 $ 366,732 $ 574,447 $ 302,700 $ 267,012 $ !35,688) See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. $ BUDGET 204,200 0 0 0 7,000 0 211,200 0 0 600,000 0 0 0 600,000 (388,800) 0 270,000 0 270,000 (118,800) 180,850 0 0 STREET OVERLAY $ ACTUAL 219,164 0 0 0 8,721 0 227,885 0 0 (1,456) 0 0 0 (1,456) 229,341 0 270,000 (485,573) (215,573) 13,768 277,388 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 14,964 0 0 0 1,721 0 16,685 0 0 601,456 0 0 0 601,456 618,141 0 0 (485,573) (485,573) 132,568 96,538 0 0 $ 62,050 $ 291,156 $ 229,106 $ BUDGET 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 32,300 0 0 38,730 0 0 71,030 228,970 0 0 0 0 228,970 0 0 0 BLOCK GRANT $ ACTUAL 0 0 308,391 0 0 46,564 354,955 36,187 0 (54) 74,912 30,662 112,052 253,759 101,196 0 0 (93,680) !93,680) 7,516 (10,381) 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 0 0 8,391 0 0 46,564 54,955 (3,887) 0 54 (36,182) (30,662) (112,052) (182,729) (127,774) 0 0 (93,680) !93,680) (221,454) (10,381) 0 0 $ 228,970 $ (2,865) $ (231,835) CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES• BUDGET AND ACTUAL Exhibit B-2, cont. FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) REVOLVING LOAN KING COMMUNITY CENTER VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable} REVENUES Taxes $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Licenses & Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intergovernmental Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges For Services 0 0 0 0 158 158 Interest 0 3,487 3,487 0 (354) (354) Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 1,000 2,457 1,457 Total Revenues 0 3,487 3,487 1,000 2,261 1,261 EXPENDITURES Current: Security of Persons and Property 0 0 0 0 0 0 Physical Environment 0 0 0 0 674 (674) Transportation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Economic Environment 0 54 (54) 0 63,374 (63,374) Culture & Recreation 0 0 0 64,100 1,090 63,010 Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 54 (54} 64,100 65,138 11,038) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 0 3,433 3,433 (63,100} {62,877) 223 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfers -In 0 93,680 93,680 63,100 66,761 3,661 Operating Transfers -(Out) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 93,680 93,680 63,100 66,761 3,661 ExceH (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 0 97,113 97,113 0 3,884 3,884 Fund Balances, Jan. 1 13,000 54,824 41,824 0 (3,038) (3,038) Prior Period Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residual Equity Transfers-In 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund Balance&, Dec. 31 $ 13,000 $ 151,937 $ 138,937 $ 0 $ 846 $ 846 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. $ BUDGET 0 0 0 0 9,000 0 9,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,000 0 0 (45,000) (45,000) (36,000) 180,000 0 0 CONTINGENCY $ ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 5,424 0 5,424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,424 0 0 0 0 5,424 134,419 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 0 0 0 0 (3,576) 0 p.576) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {3,576) 0 0 45,000 45,000 41,424 (45,581) 0 0 $ 144,000 $ 139,843 $ (4,157) ==== $ BUDGET 0 0 0 103,800 1,400 850 106,050 0 120,210 0 0 0 0 120,210 {14,160) 0 29,260 0 29,260 15,100 (1,550) 0 0 CEMETERY $ ACTUAL 0 0 0 72,999 54 1,660 74,713 0 120,182 0 0 0 0 120,182 (45,469) 0 32,113 0 32,113 (13,356) 17,348 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 0 0 0 (30,801) (1,346) 810 (31,337) 0 28 0 0 0 0 28 (31,309) 0 2,853 0 2,853 (28,456) 18,898 0 0 $ 13,550 $ 3,992 $ (9,558) $ OLD BRIDGE DEMOLITION BUDGET 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ ACTUAL 0 0 (19,169) 0 (362) 0 (19,531) 0 0 17,137 0 0 0 17,137 (36,668) 0 0 0 0 (36,668) 10,511 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 0 0 (34,169) 0 (362) 0 {34,531) 0 0 (2,137) 0 0 0 (2,137) (36,668) 0 0 0 0 (36,668) 10,511 0 0 =$===0= $ (26,157) $ (26,157) $ BUDGET 0 0 0 0 300 4,000 4,300 0 0 0 0 2,650 0 2,650 1,650 0 0 0 0 1,650 4,950 0 0 BOAT BASIN $ ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 292 2,160 2,452 0 0 0 0 2,938 0 2,938 (486) 0 0 0 0 (486) 7,068 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 0 0 0 0 (8) (1,840) (1,848) 0 0 0 0 (288) 0 (288) (2,136) 0 0 0 0 (2,136) 2,118 0 0 $ 6,600 $ 6,582 $ (18) ===== $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 60,000 0 0 0 4,000 0 64,000 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 120,000 {56,000) 0 0 0 0 (56,000) 111,000 0 0 $ ACTUAL 68,893 0 0 0 2,114 0 71,007 0 0 0 0 0 80,709 80,709 (9,702) 0 0 0 0 (9,702) 69,976 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 8,893 0 0 0 (1,886) 0 7,007 0 0 0 0 0 39,291 39,291 46,298 0 0 0 0 46,298 (41,024) 0 0 $ 55,000 $ 60,274 $ 5,274 ====== WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEVELOPEMENT $ BUDGET 0 0 0 0 8,000 232,000 240,000 0 0 0 0 0 530,950 530,950 (290,950) 0 175,000 0 175,000 (115,950) 114,225 0 0 $ ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 (651) 237,722 237,071 0 0 0 0 0 447,377 447,377 (210,306) 0 260,000 0 260,000 49,694 (2,921) 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 0 0 0 0 (8,651) 5,722 (2,929) 0 0 0 0 0 83,573 83,573 80,644 0 85,000 0 85,000 165,644 (117,146) 0 0 $ (1,725) $ 46,773 $ 48,498 $ BUDGET 774,200 1,000 1,025,509 164,475 87,700 247,450 2,300,334 32,300 120,210 1,392,650 332,417 195,250 822,600 2,895,427 (595,093) 55,000 604,860 (435,000) 224,860 (370,233) 1,789,369 0 0 1992 ACTUAL $ 821,609 685 972,653 146,429 111,775 314,900 2,368,051 36,187 120,856 721,689 397,581 187,449 651,088 2,114,850 253,201 83,436 870,342 (1,099,169) (145,391) 107,810 1,796,282 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 47,409 (315) (52,856) (18,046) 24,075 3,887 67,717 (3,887) (646) 670,961 (65,164) 7,801 171,512 780,577 848,294 28,436 265,482 (664,169) (370,251) 478,043 6,913 0 0 $1,419,136 $ 1,904,092 $ 484,956 $ BUDGET 695,850 1,000 2,233,108 158,530 94,700 312,600 3,495,788 28,200 109,460 2,052,341 551,323 175,180 366,445 3,282,969 212,819 44,000 263,550 p25,000) 182,550 395,369 1,394,000 0 0 $ 1991 ACTUAL 781,569 270 2,303,317 154,841 92,132 382,883 3,715,012 35,088 106,346 777,341 340,238 142,162 1,996,577 3,397,752 317,260 21,938 276,109 (217,967} 80,080 397,340 1,398,942 0 0 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 85,719 (730) 70,209 (3,689) (2,568) 70,283 219,224 (6,888) 3,134 1,275,000 211,085 33,018 (1,630,132) (114,783) 104,441 (22,062) 12,559 (92,967) {102,470) 1,971 4,942 0 0 $1,789,369 $1,796,282 $ 6,913 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of general obligation bond principal and interest from governmental resources and special assessment bond principal and interest from special assessment levies when the government is obligated in some manner for the payment. 1971 G.O. Bridge Bond -accounts for special levy property tax to meet debt service requirements on bonds issued for the construction of the Intercity Cable Bridge linking Pasco and Kennewick. Local Improvement Districts -project financing is ultimately provided through the issuance of L. I. D. bonds. Bond principal and interest payments are paid with moneys provided through assessments made against the specifically benefited properties. L. I. D. Guaranty Fund responsible for the guaranteeing of payment of bonds, coupons, and warrants issued against any City local improvement district created after the creation of the Guaranty Fund. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) 1971 G. 0. BRIDGE L.I.D. BOND ASSESMENTS ASSETS Cash $ 9,524 $ 358,374 Cash with Fiscal Agent 0 40,169 Investments 0 0 Taxes Receivable 0 0 Accounts Receivable 0 0 Assessments Receivable: Current 0 38,535 Delinquent 0 1,216,685 Deferred 0 203,196 Interest Receivable 0 0 lnterfund Loan Receivable 0 0 TOTAL ASSETS $ 9,524 $ 1,856,959 LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 0 $ 44 Matured Bonds Payable 0 30,000 Matured Interest Payable 0 10,169 lnterfund Loans Payable Cemetery Trust Fund 0 18,500 Fire Pension Fund 0 177,100 L.I.D. Guaranty Fund 0 5,800 Accrued Interest Payable 0 803 Deferred Revenue 0 203,196 Total Liabilities 0 445,612 FUND BALANCES Reserved for lnterfund Loans 0 o· Reserved for Debt Service 9,524 1,411,347 9,524 11411,347 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES $ 9,524 $ 1,856,959 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit C-1 L.I.D. TOTALS GUARANTY 1992 1991 $ 451,127 $ 819,025 $ 852,517 0 40,169 102,703 0 0 0 53,074 53,074 68,947 0 0 4,947 0 38,535 55,246 0 1,216,685 1,485,280 0 203,196 124,722 0 0 3,780 5,800 5,800 5,800 $ 510,001 $ 2,376,484 $ 2,703,942 $ 0 $ 44 $ 0 0 30,000 95,000 0 10,169 7,353 0 18,500 37,200 0 177,100 213,702 0 5,800 5,800 0 803 803 47,951 251,147 192,598 47,951 493,563 552,456 5,800 5,800 5,800 456,250 1,877,121 2,145,686 462,050 1,882,921 2,151,486 $ 510,001 $ 2,376,484 $ 2,703,942 Exhibit C-2 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) 1971 G. 0. BRIDGE L.l.D. L.l.D. TOTALS BOND ASSESMENTS GUARANTY 1992 1991 REVENUES Property Tax $ 3,796 $ 0 $ 319,986 $ 323,782 $ 391,721 Principal Payments 0 69,862 0 69,862 103,934 Penalties and Interest on Assessments 0 63,052 0 63,052 58,875 Interest 297 4,765 25,048 30,110 51,078 Total Revenues 4,093 137,679 345,034 486,806 605,608 EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay 0 0 4,094 4,094 164,054 Debt Service: Principal 0 530,000 0 530,000 720,000 Interest and Fiscal Agent Charges 0 186,476 0 186,476 251,336 Total Expenditures 0 716,476 4,094 720,570 1,135,390 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 4,093 (578,797) 340,940 (233,764) (529,782) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 0 0 202,551 202,551 231,879 Operating Transfers • In 0 592,550 38,820 631,370 986,162 Operating Transfers• (Out) 0 !38,820) (849,117) (887,937) {1,172,587) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 553,730 (607,746) (54,016} 45,454 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (Uses) 4,093 (25,067) (266,806) (287,780) (484,328) Fund Balances, January 1 5,431 1,417,199 728,856 2,151,486 2,889,895 Assessment Adjustment For Foreclosures 0 19,215 0 19,215 {254,081) Fund Balances, December 31 $ 9,524 $ 1,411,347 $ 462,050 $ 1,882,921 $ 2,151,486 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 Exhibit C-3 1971 G.O. BRIDGE BOND L.I.D.ASSESSMENTS VARIANCE VARIANCE Favorable Favorable BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) BUDGET ACTUAL (Unfavorable) REVENUES Property Tax $ 0 $ 3,796 $ 3,796 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Principal Payments 0 0 0 0 69,862 69,862 Assessment Penalties and Interest 0 0 0 0 63,052 63,052 Interest & Miscellaneous Income 0 297 297 0 4,765 4,765 Total Revenues 0 4,093 4,093 0 137,679 137,679 EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service: Principal 0 0 0 0 530,000 (530,000) Interest and Fiscal Agent Charges 0 0 0 0 186,476 {186,476) Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 716,476 (716,4761 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 4,093 . 4,093 0 (578,797) 854,155 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds From Sales of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfers -In 0 0 0 0 592,550 592,550 Operating Transfers -(Out) 0 0 0 0 (38,820) (38,820) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 0 0 0 0 553,730 553,730 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures and Other Ananclng Sources (Uses) 0 4,093 4,093 0 (25,067) (25,067) Fund Balances, January 1 2,000 5,431 3,431 0 1,417,199 1,417,199 Assessment Foreclosure Adjustment 0 0 0 0 19,215 19,215 Fund B1llances, . December 31 $ 2,000 $ 9,524 $ 7,524 $ 0 $1,411,347 $1,411,347 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. $ BUDGET 312,000 0 0 28,500 340,500 0 0 0 0 340,500 111,500 45,000 (612,900) (456,400) (115,900) 627,500 0 $ 511,600 L.l.D. GUARANTY $ ACTUAL 319,986 0 0 25,048 345,034 4,094 0 0 4,094 340,940 202,551 38,820 {849,117) (607,746) (266,806) 728,856 0 $ 462,050 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 7,986 0 0 {3,452) 4,534 (4,094) 0 0 (4,094) 8,628 91,051 (6,180) (236,217) (151,346) (142,718) 101,356 0 $ (41,362) $ BUDGET 312,000 0 0 28,500 340,500 0 0 0 0 340,500 111,500 45,000 (612,900) (456,400) (115,900) '629,500 0 $ 513,600 $ TOTALS 1992 ACTUAL 323,782 69,862 63,052 30,110 486,806 4,094 530,000 186.476 720,570 (233,764) 202,551 631,370 (887,937) (54,016) (287,780) 2,151,486 19,215 $1,882,921 VARIANCE Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 11,782 69,862 63,052 1,610 146,306 (4,094) (530,000) (186,476) (720,570) 866,876 91,051 586,370 (275,037} 402,384 (171,880) 1,521,986 19,215 $ 1,369,321 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Capital Project Funds are used to account for financial resources segregated for and dedicated to the construction of major capital facilities, other than those financed by proprietary funds. City Street Construction Fund accounts for interfund subsidies allocated for general City street construction. Arterial Street Construction revenues distributed by the construction only of arterial streets. Fund -State (main accounts for earmarked for thoroughfare) General Purpose Construction Fund -accounts for revenues and expenditures related to any general purpose project not required to be accounted for elsewhere. Street Overlay Construction Fund -accounts for revenues and expenditures related to the City ongoing street overlay program. L.I.D. Construction Fund accounts for the construction of public improvements deemed to benefit a given area where upon completion assessments will be made against the specifically benefited properties. STREET OVERLAY CONSTRUCTION $ 8,412 0 0 $ 8,412 $ 0 0 0 0 0 8,412 $ 8,412 LIO CONSTRUCTION $ 7,930 0 0 $ 7,930 $ 0 149 0 0 149 7,781 $ 7,930 TOTALS 1992 1991 $ 60,972 1,566 0 $ 62,538 $ 34 419 1,746 1,559 3,758 58,780 $ 62,538 $ 45,890 2,116 0 $ 48,006 $ 1,625 18,439 1,746 1,761 23,571 24,435 $ 48,006 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) ARTERIAL CITY STREET STREET CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION REVENUES Intergovernmental $ 0 $ (1,363) EXPENDITURES Other Services & Charges 0 0 Capital OuUay 62,647 20,587 Total Expenditures 62,647 20,587 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (62,647) (21,950) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfers -In 150,044 79,871 Operating Transfers • (Out) F,397} (17,072} Total Other Financing Sources 142,647 62,799 Exceas (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Financing Sources over Expenditures 80,000 40,849 Fund Balances, January 1 0 17,387 Prior Period Adjustment 0 0 Fund Balances, December 31 $ 80,000 $ 58,236 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit D-2 GENERAL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION $ 162 0 96,235 96,235 (96,073) 0 0 0 (96,073) 424 0 $ (95,649} STREET OVERLAY CONSTRUCTION $ 0 0 477,581 477,581 {477,581) 485,573 0 485,573 7,992 0 420 $ 8,412 LID CONSTRUCTION 0 0 17,876 17,876 (17,876) 20,000 (967) 19,033 1,157 6,624 0 $ 7,781 TOTALS 1992 1991 $ (1,201) 0 674,926 674,926 (676,127) . 735,488 (25,436) 710,052 33,925 24,435 420 $ 58,780 $ 105,750 0 411,333 411,333 (305,583) 353,972 0 353,972 48,389 (23,954) 0 $ 24,435 1992 1991 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current LlablllUes Accounts Payable $ 23,554 $ 165,092 Matured Bonds Payable 5,000 0 Matured Interest Payable 140 0 Due to Other Governments 1,023 14,685 Retalnage Payable 18,585 11,729 Tolal Current Liabilities 48,302 191,506 Payable from Restricted Assets Accrued Bond Interest 58,341 53,883 Deposits Payable 10,913 13,292 Total Payable from Restricted Assets 69,254 67,175 Long-Term LlablllUes Accrued Employee Benefits 46,951 40,191 Bonds Payable 2,505,000 2,770,000 Loan Payable 930,460 979,605 Total Long-Term Liabilities 3,482,411 3,789,796 Detemtd Credit• Other Deferred Credits 211,970 205,564 Total Liabilities 3,811,937 4,254,041 EQUITY Contributed Capital Municipal 294,431 301,144 Customers 2,087,033 1,965,108 Intergovernmental 2,580,279 1,775,361 Total Contributed Capital 4,961,743 4,041,613 Retained Earnings: Reserved for lnterfund Loans 18,920 18,920 Unreserved , 7,750,017 7,255,683 Total Retained Earnings 7,768,937 7,274,603 Total Fund Equity 12,730,680 11,316,216 TOT AL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $ 16,542,617 $ 15,570,257 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON ENTERPRISE FUNDS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 AND 1991 Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from customers Cash paid to suppliers Cash paid to employees Cash paid for other operating expenses Cash paid for taxes on revenue Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flow from Non-Capital financing acUvites: Operating Transfers-In Cash flows from Capital and related financing activities: Contributed capital Proceeds from sale of revenue bonds Proceeds from sale of assets Bonds Defeased Accounting loss on defeasance Principal payments-bonds Principal payments-State loan Purchase of fixed assets Interest paid Net cash used in capital and related financing activities Cash flows from Investing actlvltes: Principai received on note receivable Interest received Net cash provided from investing activities Net Increase In cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, January 1 Cash and cash equivalents, December 31 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit E-3 1992 1991 $2,580,738 $ 2,378,764 (61,067) (90,825) (501,609) (546,889) (910,804) (616,985) {302,330} !240,5701 804,928 883,495 57,427 0 169,445 110,702 0 2,251,278 0 1,138 0 (525,000) 0 (35,574) (265,000) (215,000) (49,145) (49,146) (528,320) (2,558,781) {135,567) {82,0241 !808,587} p,102,407! 8,939 3,191 35,213 52,565 44,152 55,756 97,920 (163,156) 1,056,885 1,220,041 $ 1,154,805 $1,056,885 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL-RENTAL-CENTRAL OPERATING REPLACEMENT STORES ASSETS Current Assets Cash $ 14,091 $ 607,454 $ 6,844 Investments 0 0 0 Interest Receivable 0 0 0 lnterfund Loans Receivable 0 330,000 0 Inventories 0 0 5,456 Total Current Assets 14,091 937,454 12,300 Property, Plant & Equipment Equipment & Machinery 0 1,299,636 0 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 0 F1s,02s1 0 Total Property, Plant & Equipment 0 524,611 0 TOTAL ASSETS $ 14,091 $1,462,065 $ 12,300 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current LlablllUes Accounts Payable $ 6,006 $ 7,301 $ 1,466 Due Other Governments 0 0 14 Revenues Collected in Advance 0 0 0 Consumer Deposits 1,534 0 0 Total Current Liabilities 7,540 7,301 1,480 Long-Term LlablllUes Accrued Employee Benefits 10,131 0 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES 17,671 7,301 1,480 EQUITY Reserved for lnterfund Loan 0 330,000 0 Reserved for Asset Replacement 0 1,124,764 0 Reserved for Inventories O· 0 5,456 Reserved for Future Claims 0 0 0 Retained Earnings (Deficit) (3,580) 0 5,364 Total Equity !3,580) 1,454,764 10,820 TOT AL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $ 14,091 $1,462,065 $ 12,300 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit F-1 MEDICAL/ DENTAL TOTALS INSURANCE 1992 1991 $ 234,505 $ 862,894 $ 880,216 0 0 0 0 0 3,455 0 330,000 330,000 0 5,456 3,030 234,505 1,198,350 1,216,701 0 1,299,636 1,117,927 0 !775,025! !672,886! 0 524,611 445,041 $ 234,505 $1,722,961 $1,661,742 $ 0 $ 14,773 $ 87,907 0 14 5,688 0 0 0 0 1,534 1,534 0 16,321 95,129 0 10,131 8,542 0 26,452 103,671 0 330,000 330,000 0 1,124,764 985,378 0 5,456 3,030 234,505 234,505 251,701 0 1,784 {12,038) 234,505 1,696,509 1,558,071 $ 234,505 $1,722,961 $1,661,742 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT MEDICAlJ RENTAL-RENTAL-CENTRAL DENTAL Exhibit F-2 TOTALS OPERATING REPLACMENT STORES INSURANCE 1992 1991 OPERATING REVENUES Charges for Services $ 5,094 $ 31,422 $ 12,056 $ 15,568 $ 64,140 $ 56,980 lnterfund Charges 308,463 185,020 0 593,571 1,087,054 979,676 Total Operating Revenues 313,557 216,442 12,056 609,139 1,151,194 1,036,656 OPERATING EXPENSES Personal Services 58,229 0 0 0 58,229 52,581 Personnel Benefits 15,146 0 0 618,209 633,355 506,459 Supplies 128,035 0 9,999 0 138,034 121,506 Services and Charges 96,607 0 0 0 96,607 95,473 Depreciation 0 134,422 0 0 134,422 124,997 Total Operating Expanses 298,017 134,422 9,999 618,209 1,060,647 901,016 Net Operating Income (Loss) 15,540 82,020 2,057 (9,070) 90,547 135,640 NON-OPERATING REVENUES Gains on Sales 0 2,136 0 0 2,136 12,836 Interest Income (1,349) 75,461 0 11,256 85,368 45,602 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 0 350 350 1,173 lnterfund Transfers-(Out) 0 (220,538! 0 0 (220,538) 0 Total Non-Operating Revenues (1,349) (142,941 l 0 11,606 (132,684} 59,611 Net Income (Loss) 14,191 (60,921) 2,057 2,536 (42,137) 195,251 Fund Equity, January 1 (17,771) 1,315,378 8,763 231,969 1,538,339 1,343,088 Prior Period Adjustment 0 200,307 0 0 200,307 0 Fund Equity, December 31 $ (3,580) $1,454,764 $ 10,820 $ 234,505 $ 1,696,509 $ 1,538,339 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Exhibit F-3 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR 1991) EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT MEDICAU RENTAL-RENTAL-CENTRAL DENTAL OPERATING REPLACEMENT STORES INSURANCE 1992 1991 Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from users $ 313,557 $ 216,442 $ 12,056 $ 609,139 $1,151,194 $1,036,656 Cash paid to suppliers 0 0 (11,697) 0 (11,697) (118,221) Cash paid to employees (71,786) 0 0 (622,784) (694,570) (538,999) Cash paid for other operating expenses {228.471! 0 0 0 (228.471! 195,473} Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 13,300 216,442 359 !13,645} 216.456 283,963 Cash flows from non-capital financing activities: lnterfund Transfers 0 {220,538} 0 0 (220,538} 0 Cash flowa from capital and related financing activities: Sale of fixed assets 0 2,136 0 0 2,136 26,398 Purchase of fixed assets 0 (64,817) 0 0 (64,817) (190,957) Interest paid {1,515} 0 0 0 {1,515} (1,155} Net Cash used by financing activities: (1,515} (82,6811 0 0 (84,196) {165,714! Cash flows from Investing activities: Interest received 0 78,143 15 12,180 90,338 48,762 Net Increase (decrease) in cash 11,785 (8,634) 374 (1,465) 2,060 167,011 Cash, January 1 2,306 616,088 6.470 235,620 860,464 713,205 Cash, December 31 $ 14,091 $ 607.454 $ 6,844 $ 234,155 $ 862,544 $ 880,216 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating Income $ 15,540 $ 82,020 $ 2,057 $ (9,070} $ 90,547 $ 155,372 AdJuatments to reconcile net Income to net cash provided by operating Activities: Depreciation expense 0 134,422 0 0 134.422 124,997 Decrease in Accrued Employee Benefi~ 1,589 0 0 0 1,589 309 Decrease in Inventory 0 0 (2,426) 0 (2,426} 311 Increase in Accounts Payable {3,829} 0 728 {4,57?} (7,676) 2,974 Total Adjustments (2,240) 134,422 !1,698! {4,575) 125,909 128,591 Net Cash Provided by Oparatlng Activities $ 13,300 $ 216,442 $ 359 $ {13,645) $ 216,456 $ 283,963 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Trust funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity. Agency funds are used to account for assets held by the City as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units and/or other funds. Cemetery Trust Fund -accounts for principal amounts received and related interest income. interest portion of the trust can be transferred Cemetery Fund for perpetual care of gravesites. trust The to the Fire Pension Funds -accounts for the sources and uses of funds to meet the pension benefit rights of those firemen covered under the Plan prior to the creation of Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters (LEOFF) pension system in 1970. Primary revenue sources are fire insurance premium tax, property tax, and investment earnings. Deferred Compensation Fund -this fund accounts for the market value of employee contributions to the City-offered deferred compensation plan held for employees in accordance with the provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 457. This is a voluntary plan with no employer-matching contributions. Payroll and Claims Clearing Funds -accounts for the receipt and disbursement of moneys for payroll and accounts payable of the various funds of the City. GENERAL ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets Account Group account for the City's capitalized general other than those related to proprietary or funds. is used to fixed assets, similar trust General Long-Term Debt Account Group is used to account for the principal of the long-term general obligation debt of the City other than that accounted for in proprietary funds. Included are voted and non-voted general obligation debt, special assessment debt, accumulated employee leave benefits, and other general obligation debt, all of which are backed by the full faith and credit of the City of Pasco. MCAG NO. 0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE OF LONG-TERM DEBT• L.1.D. ASSESSMENTS VEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 ISSUE ID. NO. AND DESCRIPTION PURPOSE DATE 253.11 CLIO 103-104 541.30.63 5/80 253.11 CLIO 106, 107, 111 534.30.63 3/81 253.11 LID 109 534.30.63 5/81 253.11 LID 110 534.30.63 4/81 253.11 CLIO 117-118 534.30.63 10/81 Total253.11 263.73 LID 105 534.30.63 11ne 263.73 LID 116 541.30.63 4/83 263.73 LID 119 541.30.63 1/86 263.73 LID 120 541.30.63 10/88 263.73 LID 121 541.30.63 9/91 263.73 LID 122 541.30.63 10/91 Total 263.73 TOT AL L I. D. ASSESSMENT DEBT SCHEDULE9 FINAL ORIGINAL MATURITY INTEREST ISSUE DATE RATE AMOUNT 5/92 10.800% $2,370,032 3/93 11.125% 639,389 5/93 11.500% 2,212,963 4/93 11.125% 1,380,541 10/93 10.250% 460,506 7,063,431 11/91 7.500% 13,600 4/93 9.000% 47,811 1/98 10.000% 148,707 10/98 9.000% 67,392 9/02 7.500% 117,341 10/02 7.500% 48,861 443,712 $7,507,143 MCAG NO. 0292 CITY OF PASCO LIMITATION OF INDEBTEDNESS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1992 Sections: I II Ill IV Assessed Valuation• 1992 for 1993 Taxes GENERAL PURPOSES Councllmanlc: $ 423,364,028 Indebtedness for General Purposes Without a Vote of the People: Legal limit -0.75% of Assessed Value (Excluding Capital Leases) Less: Bonds Outstanding Bridge Equalization General Fund Liabilities-Accrued Vacation & Sick Leave Benefits 720,000 43,147 Margin of Indebtedness Still Available Excluding Cspital Leases Indebtedness for Capital Leases Legal Limit • 1.50% of Assessed Value Computer System Certificates of Participation Payable Margin of Indebtedness Still Available Voter-Approved: Indebtedness for General Purposes with a 315 Vote of the People Legal Limit • 2.50% of Assessed Value Combined Indebtedness (Sections I & II) Margin of Indebtedness Still Available UTILITY PURPOSES Voter-Approved: Legal Limit • 2.5% of Assessed Value Remaining General Purpose Capacity Total Utility Purposes Capacity OPEN SPACE and PARK FACILITIES Voter-approved: Legal Limit-2.5% Assessed Value) Remaining Utility Purposes Capacity Total Open Space and Park Facilities Capacity SCHEDULE 10 $ 763,147 496,400 138,523 1,930,000 $ 3,175,230 1,259,547 1,915,683 6,350,460 2,068,523 3,022,390 7,408,870 3,328,070 10,431,261 10,584,101 10,431,261 21,015,362 10,584,101 21,015,362 $ 31,599,462 INVESTMENTS DEBT SERV CLAIMS P/R TRANSFERS OTHER DlSBURS ENDING PURCHASED & MED/DENT TRANSFERS TRANSFERS OUT ADJUSTMTS BALANCE FUND 0 337,620 3,513,619 4,505,437 1,142,962 314,814 9,814,452 931,133 010 0 0 263,063 186,347 340,634 35,130 825,174 372,547 110 0 0 0 0 349,872 0 349,872 267,011 120 0 0 0 0 485,573 0 485,573 267,482 130 0 0 177,307 58,157 124,968 26,533 386,965 -76,401 140 0 0 117,500 0 0 0 117,500 7,827 142 0 0 40,377 22,865 3,734 -15,006 51,970 1,226 145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139,843 155 0 0 34,304 50,367 36,116 2,269 123,056 5,247 160 0 0 54,979 11,996 1,500 916 69,391 54,740 165 0 0 85,885 149,684 49,272 1,387 286,228 -29,260 170 0 0 54,089 0 0 169,619 223,708 ·40,305 175 0 0 2,577 181 350 963 4,071 7,160 185 0 0 123 0 0 0 123 -63 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125,178 192 0 0 81,224 0 0 2,426 83,650 54,002 193 0 187,073 309,845 0 0 0 496,918 46,773 194 0 0 85,133 0 0 0 85,133 443,539 195 0 0 15,193 0 1,465 0 16,658 77,360 196 0 0 390,877 0 0 -10 390,867 -281,647 197 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 314,131 197 0 0 20,917 0 4,000 55,968 80,885 321,849 198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,524 270 0 0 17,136 0 52,908 0 70,044 100,000 301 0 0 60,849 0 22,027 13,327 96,203 59,983 340 0 0 71,834 0 0 0 71,834 -70,985 360 0 0 469,038 0 8,542 0 477,580 8,413 375 0 0 0 0 269 0 269 149 391 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,020 392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -13,239 393 0 0 1,796 0 10,241 7,102 19,139 0 394 0 0 0 0 6,538 3,387 9,925 0 395 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 0 0 0 0 0 -476,428 -476,428 660,280 410 0 0 1,225,405 441,386 924,520 941,393 3,532,704 -314,351 410 0 475,512 0 0 0 -510, 137 -34,625 809,240 410-1 0 0 213,505 56,751 30,019 -51 300,224 14,092 510 0 0 84,057 0 221,298 12,240 317,595 557,452 515 0 487,716 135,085 0 0 0 622,801 234,506 520 0 0 11,697 0 0 0 11,697 1,726 530 0 0 0 0 8,850 -20,575 -11,725 129,204 605 0 0 20,822 0 41,648 -90,452 -27,982 582,209 620 0 0 4,095 0 810,297 -435 813,957 451,127 625 3,704,539 0 0 0 0 -7,597 3,696,942 "6,169,788 650 0 0 0 0 0 5,491,313 5,491,313 23,709 690 0 0 0 0 0 7,551,069 7,551,069 116,758 695 0 695,185 86 0 0 76,462 771,733 358,376 700 3,704,539 2,183,106 7,562,417 5,483,171 4,677,603 13,585,627 37,196,463 558,776 MCAG NO. 0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON OPERATION OF INVESTMENTS • ALL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 FUND FUND NO. DESCRIPTION 010 General Fund 410 Water/Sewer 620 Fire Pension 650 Surplus Cash TOTAL INVESTMENT BALANCE 1/1/92 $ 0 0 344,920 6,250,000 $6,594,920 SCHEOULE12 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENT (AT COSTS) BALANCE ACQUIRED LIQUIDATED 12/31/92 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 344,920 3,696,941 3,777,154 6,169,787 $ 3,696,941 $ 3,777,154 $ 6,514,707 MCAGNO0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON CASH AND INVESTMENTS· SHORT-TERM INTEREST-BEARING DEBT• CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS• FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 ALL MONEY HELD FOR REDEMPTION OF LONG-TERM DEBT CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash and Deposits Federal Securities Federal Agency Securities Other Securities SHORT-TERM INTEREST-BEARING DEBT .Balance as of Beginning of Year Balance as of End of Year $ $ $ CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Retirement Programs To Federal Social Security System To State Administered Employee Retirement System To Locally Administered Employee Retirement System For Commerical Annuity Plans Direct Pension Payments TOT AL ALL RETIREMENT PROGRAMS Insurance Programs For Health, Hospital, Dental and Disability Insurance For Life Insurance For Workmen's Compensation Insurance For Unemployment Compensation Insurance TOTAL ALL INSURANCE PROGRAMS 764,241 0 0 0 764,241 0 0 SCHEDULE13 SCHEDULE14 SCHEDULE 15 UNEXPENDED PROCEEDS OF BOND ISSUES $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 0 0 0 0 328,831 323,757 0 0 20,259 672,847 621,206 7,528 86,395 15,617 730,746 ALL OTHER MONIES $ 4,814,323 117,365 650,000 727,555 $ 6,309,243 MCAG NO, 0292 CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 BARS CODE DESCRIPTION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE EXPENDITURES 512.50 515.20 521.10 521.21 521.22 521.24 521.30 521.31 521.40 521.50 521.92 523.60 Municipal Court City Attorney Police -Administration Police -Investigation Police • Patrol Police -Laboritory Police -Crime Prevention Police -D.A.R.E. Program Police -Training Police -Facilities Police -Communications Care & Custody of Prisoners (Jail) Total Current Year Criminal Justice Expenditure• CALCULATION OF MINIMUM EXPENDITURES 1989 Total Criminal Justice Expenditures (Base Year) PLUS: Current Year Revenues 336.00.82 336.00.83 313.70 PLUS: Reserves From Previous Years Spent In Current Year MINUS: Current Year Revenues Held In Reserves Total Minimum Expenditures SCHEDULE18 144,334 41,336 CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL EXPENDITURES $346,180 198,743 142,366 330,885 1,630,015 40,486 47,231, 81,649 49,197 27,005 401,412 756,719 $4,051,888 $2,823,923 185,670 0 0 $3,009,593