HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.02.18 Park Board MinutesPark & Recreation Advisory Board - Meeting Minutes
Date: 8/2/2018
ATTENDANCE: X Troy Phillips X Dan Dotta Brent Kubalek
X Edgar Delgado X Arthur Job Heather Watts
X Thomas Davenport Kate Bonderman Saul Martinez
Roberto Garcia X Jenny Rieke X Jason Ruud
Nolvia Salinas X David Milne X Nolan Harper
I. Call to order Time: 5:40 pm
II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Minutes Approving: 6/7/18 Motion: Thomas Davenport
Second: Edgar Delgado Approval Vote: Unanimous
III. Staff Reports
a. Recreation
i. Pool Season going well
a) $5,000 more in Season Pass Sales; ($10K 2017, $15K 2018)
b) Average Open Swim Attendance up (End of July comparison: 2017 =
366/day, 2018 = 427/day)
c) Swim Lessons (Through 4 Swim Lesson Registrations Comparison:
2017 = 1849, 2018 = 2037)
ii. 4th of July - Well attended - More at Parade than previous years
a) Events at Memorial went well - Car show up from 25 to 51 entries this
b) Added Kona Ice, Face Painting and Food Vendors
c) Bounce Houses moved from SB Complex to Memorial - much better
d) Received a $5,000 Fireworks Sponsor - Hayden Homes - Allowed us
to do more promotion and to give out ice Cream at GESA stadium
e) Added Veterans VIP Area at GESA and a post fireworks movie.
iii. Summer Ultimate Frisbee League Added - 4 teams, 52 players
iv. Summer Sundown in Tri-Town Concert Series - Wednesdays - 4:30-
a) Partnership with DPDA
b) Added Famers Market, Food Trucks, Info Booths, Knockerball, 2
bands per week
c) 4 Weeks in 4 More to go
d) Going well - better attendance than past years concerts, still a lot room
for growth.
v. After School Program - Very well attended - Averaging 35 students a day
a) Received Sponsorship from 7-11 - Providing 1 meal per week and
applied for a $2,000 grant from 7-11 waiting to hear back.
vi. Other normal Programs going well, Toddler Shorts - Sold Out 3 sessions
b. Senior Center Highlights
i. Footcare and other programs operating as normal
a) Conducted survey in Spring and found that younger seniors (Baby-
Boomers) are looking for active programming - As a result we are
Offering a 40+ 4v4 cross court Basketball League in Fall
c. Park Maintenance Highlights
i. Parks
a) New program working with interns from Pasco High
School. Currently have six working. They follow work with the
groundsmen, receive high school credit and receive minimum
b) Main line break at Chiawana Park. Working with the CORE to
attempt to make the repairs, but have not been successful. As a
result they are watering by hand lines.
c) Highland goal post is repaired.
d) Working with Eagle Scouts on spreading wood chips.
e) Spraying growth regulators (Not sure where they were spraying)
ii. Cemetery
a) Had 11 funerals this month.
iii. Facilities
a) Working to improve landscape at Train Depot and Sacajawea Trail
Head. Showed before and after photos of clean-up work to board
members. Board members gave positive feedback on work that
had been completed.
b) Working with a vendor on water conservation
c) Grand opening for the disc golf on Aug. 4.
IV. Other
a. An update on the Chapel Hill Park was given
b. Dan mentioned that the hours of operation were extended at softball complex
splash pad due to the closure of the pool last weekend.
c. Dan mentioned that they are working on WIFI in park
d. Dan mentioned that water bottle filling stations are in volunteer park. Said it was
very inexpensive to make the conversion and that they would be looking at adding
more stations in the future.
e. Dan mentioned that he is waiting to receive three concept drawing back from
various vendors
V. Council Member Suggestions & Report
VI. Park Board Member Round Table
o Jenny Rieke- mentioned that the Chiawana Boat Basin was a mess after the 4th of
July fireworks. Wanted to know what could be done to combat this problem by
educating youth about the importance of keeping the environment clean. Troy
mentioned that it could be a good opportunity to educate people on social media.
VII. Meeting Adjourned Time: 6:40 pm
VIII. Next Meeting: Sept 6, 2018