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Park & Recreation Advisory Board - Meeting Minutes
Date: 10/8/2020
☒ Zach Ratkai ☒ Nolvia Salinas (1) ☒ Bradyn Leyde (5)
☒ Dan Dotta ☒ Tom Davenport (2) ☐ Jason Ruud (6)
☒ Brent Kubalek ☐ Julie Campos (3) ☒ Kate Bonderman (7)
☒ David Milne, Council Rep. ☒ Edgar Delgado (4)
I. Call to order: 5:35 p.m.
II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Date: September 2020
Motion: Edgar Delgado
Second: Thomas Davenport
Approval Vote: Unanimous
III. Staff Reports:
a. Parks and Facilities
Rebuilt planter beds at Volunteer- Updated the look and worked with PD to help
resolve complaint issues.
Completed 5 irrigation mainline repairs.
Installed two donated benches at Wade Park.
Removed tree at City Hall that was declining.
Worked with police to remove boat that was dumped at Chiawana Park boa launch
Uplifted trees at Chiawana windscreen on the east side of the park.
Fall fertilizer application
Fall herbicide application
Cleaned sidewalks downtown
Record month at Cemetery, $65k and 23 funerals
Swapping out new locking bolt at Golf Cart Sheds
Installed new roof at Cemetery
Installed new mini split for IS
Installed security cameras in various locations
b. Recreation
First in-person programming since March starts tonight with a small Cornhole
Lost our Footcare Nurse to retirement at the onset of COVID, in process of hiring new
Lampson Cable Bridge Run – meeting with timing company Friday 10/9/2020 to make
final decision to go virtual or not.
Highland Park Restroom Building Grant – Ranked 25th of 37 applications. (Need
Legislative Budget of $9Million to get funded).
Virtual Challenges:
o Mount Rainier Challenge – Ended up with 228 participants – 135 mile
challenge –
Solo multi-sport competitor went 496 miles
o Columbia River Challenge – Longest and most challenging (320 miles) –
102 participants
o 20-Mile Challenge – geared toward youth – 1 mile a day running and
biking + sit, push, & Jump
Halloween Events (Sponsored by GESA):
o HalloWeekend Cinema – These are Drive-in style movies to be held on
October 23 & 24 at the GESA Stadium parking lot. We will be showing
Hocus Pocus on Oct 23 and Coco on Oct 24.
o Drive-Thru Trunk-or-Treat – This is just as it sounds, a COVID-safe
alternative to trick or treating. Families will come in their vehicles and
drive from booth to booth where they will receive treats from the
participating organizations.
c. ACS Director
Council Goals Approved
Working on Capital Improvements Budget – Park & Recreation Comprehensive Plan
as well as Community Center Feasibility Study have been approved for 2021.
Peanuts Park Farmers Market
o After bidding and then needing to reject the bid that came in May will be
going out to bid in the next couple of months.
IV. Other:
a. Volunteer Opportunities
There is a opportunity at each of the Halloween events to volunteer. At the
HalloWeekend movie showings, we need volunteers to help with set-up, check-in,
parking, and clean-up. At the Drive-Thru Trunk-or-Treat we need help with set-up,
check-in, booth monitoring, and clean-up. An email will be sent to each Park Board
member with further details.
b. Project Updates
Chapel Hill Park
o 100% Design complete Next Week
o Design based on feedback received from citizens in 2017.
o Will submit for building permit next week.
o Going to the hearing examiner next Wednesday, 10/14/2020 at 6:00pm. It
can be viewed on Pasco Cable TV channel, the City’s YouTube live
stream, or you can register to join the meeting and give public comment at
o After feedback from the Hearing Examiner is received we will incorporate
the feedback and then go out to bid with the bid opening projected to
happen during the month of November and construction starting by spring.
o A “Coming Soon” sign with a QR code linking to the “Current Park
Projects” page of the City Website will be posted at the site.
A Street Sports Fields
o Have reached 100% Design
o Went before the Hearing Examiner in September and was approved
o Currently preparing bid documents
o An RCO YAF Grant Project – Will send bid documents and plans to RCO
for approval.
o Will also submit for building permit next week.
o Once approved by RCO, will go out to bid with the bid opening projected
to happen also during the month of November.
o Construction to begin by Spring
GESA Batting Cage
o Contractor was slow to start the project but has now started and is working
o They received a 5 day extension due to the week of hazardous air
o Are back on track to finish on time.
Schlagel Park
o Design is moving forward and look to have 60% drawings by December.
o Working with Corps and others to obtain all needed permits.
o Looking at splitting the project into two smaller projects, 1) the restroom
and 2) the launch & dock.
V. City Council Rep Report and Suggestions:
a. No report
VI. Park Board Member Round Table:
a. Bradyn Leyde and Kate Bonderman no park related comments.
b. Edgar Delgado – Asked about increase in funerals. Dan responded that they have been
able to make connections with the Russian community and provide good customer service.
c. Thomas Davenport – Suggested New Years as an option for the fireworks display
d. Nolvia Salinas –
Asked about the coming soon sign at Chapel Hill and weather we should advertise the
Hearing examiner meeting. Brent responded that the design took into consideration
past community feedback,,that people were welcome to attend but it would not be on
the sign. The sign would have a QR code that links to the Current Park Projects page
of the city website where they could keep tabs on progress of the project.
Asked if field lights would be installed at the A Street Sports Fields. Brent responded
that there were no lights as part of Phase 1 but would are part of the concept plan for
future Phases.
Asked about the Picnic Tables in parks looking a little worn. Dan responded that the
tables were stacked and not put out until recently due to COVID restraints. And said
that would tables would be sanded and repainted over the off season.
VII. Meeting Adjourned: 6:25 p.m.
VIII. Next Meeting: November 5, 2020