HomeMy WebLinkAboutRotschy, Inc - Desert Sage and Sage Flats Performance Bond 3151686 (FP 2019-010 and FP 2019-011),. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. 3151686 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Rotschy, Inc. ---"-'----------------------- as Principal, and Great American Insurance Company authorized to do business in the State of Washington , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto -----=<-------------- Ci of Pasco as Obligee, in the penal sum of Three Hundred Forty-Seven Thousand Sixty-Four and 05/100 ••• ($ 347,064.05 ••• ) DOLLARS, lawful money of -------------------------the United States of America, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Rotsch , Inc. has agreed to construct in Desert Sage and Sage Flats the following improvements: Per Cost Estimate dated 11-7-19, attached as Exhibit A NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS S UCH, that if the said Principal shall construct, or have constructed , the improvements herein described and shal l save the Obligee harmless from any loss, cost or damage by reason of its failure to complete said work, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed, sealed and dated this 14th ----day of November , 2019 RotsLJ C ~ Principa l y: -y ~-- Great American Insurance Company By:_~-"-'-~---=.::..;-'---'-~-'---'--'~~--- Vicki Mather Attorney-i n-Fact S -3689/GE 2/98 XDP Bond Estimate Desert Sase and Sage Flats 11/7/20l9 Item# · Item 1 Landscaping 2 Mas'onry Block Fence 3 Curo Ramps 4 Sidewalk 5 Lld for Air Vac Vaults 6 Street Signs ·7 Survey Monuments 8 Type Ill Barricade 9 Str iping · 10 .tisbullt Survey 11 Asbullt Plans 12 Set ~ot Pi ns .----:-, , EXHIBIT A Q11antlty \)nit V°rilt /,:Qst Amoynt 1 LS ' .. '$""'''' iO,QOO.Q0 $ 70;0,00:00 3,450 LF .. "$ 40,00 s '138,00Q,99 2~ EA' . -$ ' as3 .si 1~-20,320.73 3,841 SF $ 3.67 $ ,. 14,0~6.47 4 'EA $ 472.50 $ 1,890.00 1. lS $ $,3Q7 .75 $ 5,307.75 1· [s" : $ '3,997 .96 $ : l,997.96 ·4 EA $ 630.00" s . 2,520.00 1 lS $ 4;66i.OQ $ 4,662 .QO ·1 LS $ 1,000.00· ·s . ' 7,000.00 1 LS $ 9,500.00 $ 9,500.00 1 lS $ 35,000.00 $ . 0 35,000.00 Total : $ 312,294.91 GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY® Administrative Office: 301 E 4TH STREET • CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 • 513-369-5000 • FAX 513-723-2740 The number of person s authorize d by th is power of attorney is not more th an ELEVEN No.O 14750 POWER OF ATTORNE Y KNOW ALL M EN BY THESE PRESENTS: "lllat the G R EAT AM E RI CAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation o rganized and existing un der and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oh io , does he reby nom inate, constitute and appoin t the person o r persons named below, each indi v iduall y if mo re than one is named, its true a nd lawful attorney-in-fact, fo r it and in its na me, p lace and s te ad to execute on behal f o f the s aid Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts ofsuretysh ip, or other written obli gations in the nature the reof; provided that th e liabi lity of th e sai d Company on a ny such bo nd. undertaking or contract o f suretyship executed unde r this authority sh all not exceed the limit state d below. PH ILIP 0. FORKER J. PATRICK DOONEY JOEL DIETZMAN BRENT OLSON VICKI MATHER RAY PAIEMENT Name GLORIA BRUN ING RICHARD W. KOWALSKI CHRISTOPHER A. REBURN KAREN A. PIERCE TAMI JONES Address ALL OF PORTLAND, OREGON Limit of Power ALL $100,000,000 T hi s Power of A ttorney revokes all previous power s issued o n behalf of th e attorney(s)-in-fact named above. IN W ITNESS WH EREOF the GREAT AMERI CAN IN SURANCE COMPANY has caused these pre sent s to be signed a nd attested by its a ppropriate officers and its corporate seal he reunto affi xed this 30TH day of APRIL , 2019 A«~I 4c e. ~-OREATAMERIC7f/;);7)'flv AssiMallf Secretary /J1V1s1011a/ Semur V,ce Prt!sulem STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY O F HAMILTON -ss: MARK VICARIO (877-377-2405) O n th is 30TH day of APRIL , 2019 , before me personally appeared MA R K VICA RI O , to me kn o"11, being duly sworn , deposes and says that he resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, that he is a Divisional Sen ior Vice President o f the Bond Division o f G reat Ameri can In surance Company, th e Company described in and which executed the above in strument; th at he kn ows the seal of the s aid Company: that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal ; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the By-Laws o f said Company, an d tha t he signed hi s name thereto by li ke autho ri ty. This Power of Attorney is granted by authority of the fo ll owing resol utions adopted by th e Board ofDirccto rs o f G reat A merican Insurance Company by una nimous written consent dated June 9, 2008 . RESOLVED: That the Divisional President, the several Divisional Senior Vice Presidents, Divisional Vice Presidents and Divisonal Assistant Vice Presidems, or any one of them, be and hereby is authorized , ji·om time to time, lo appoi/11 one or more Attorneys-in-Fact to execute on behalf of the Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts ofsureryship, or other wrillen obligations in the nature thereof; to prescribe their respective du ties and the respec tive limits of their author ity; and to re voke any such appoimm enl al any time. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Company seal and the signature of any of the aforesaid officers a11d any Secreta,y or Assistant Secretmy of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of allorney or certificate of either given/or th e execution of any bond, undertaking, contract of suretyship, or o ther wrillen obligation in the nature thereof, such s ignature and seal when so used being hereby adopted by the Company as the original signature of such officer and the orig inal seal of the Company, lo be valid and binding upon th e Co 111pany with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. CE RTIFICATION I, STE PH EN C. B E R A HA . Assistant Secretary of Great American Insurance Company, d o hereby certify that th e foregoi ng Power of Attorn ey and the Resolutio ns o f th e Board of Di r ectors of June 9, 2008 have not been revoked a nd are now in full force and effect. S ig ned and seal ed thi s S1029AG (07/18)