HomeMy WebLinkAboutBosman Enterprises FW-1102CITY OF PASCO INFORMATIONAL COVER SHEET FOR DOCUMENTS REQUIRING CITY MANAGER SIGNATURE (Print on Blue Paper when completed.) Project Name: Agricultural Lease No. FW-1102 Vendor Name: Bosman Enterprises Contract Number: FW-1102 Amount seeking approval for: $_0 __ DIVISION: Date: 8/20/2019 G/L Account #: ---------- CONTRACT OVER 100,000 • D Administration D Engineering D Operations D Sewer D Water D Irrigation D Treatment Plants D Reuse C8I Other AGREEMENT TOPIC & BACKGROUND: Lease Agreement Lease Agreement with Bosman Enterprises and the City of Pasco to farm crop circle 8 and 11. Lease begins 08/10/2019 and expires 10/31/2020. Lease is renewable for two years (after the first year is complete) with mutual agreements between both parties. Lessee will farm 278 acres at $460 per acre. CONTRACT SELECTION PROCESS: D Consultant Roster D RFQ D Formal Bid D Small Works Roster D Negotiated [8J NIA or Other ____ _ BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Revenues: Rent Lease Hold Tax (12.84%) Total Funds Available $113,328.61 $14,551.39 $127,880.00 CONTRACT EXPIRATION DATE: 10/31/2020 D Council action needed for future renewal D Contract language D Insurance coverage reviewed D Performance & payment bond approval ATTACHMENTS: Lease Agreement Date last update l 2/ l 1/2018 Expenditures: Preliminary Engineering (PE) $ Right-of-Way (RW) $ Construction ( CN ) $ Total Est. Expenditures $ INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: ------- tJL 5---u-19 City Engineer Date F~w q/&/u_ Date D Funding source approval DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION AFTER SIGNED: • Original to City Clerk with copy of blue sheet • Original or Copy to vendor (their choice) • Copy to Public Works Department • Copy to Finance Department Location: Engineering Working Folder>FORMS>Pasco Blue Sheet 12-11-2018 t CITY OF PASCO Agricultural Lease No. FW-_!.U!l THIS AGRICULTURAL LEASE is entered into August to. 2019 by and between the City of Pasco. a Washington Municipal Corporation ("lessor"). and Bosman Enter:p rises ("Lessee"). This Lease is made upon the terms and conditions and for the consideration enumerated herein. I. Descri ption of Leased Property. Lessor leases to Lessee, and Lessee ]eases from Lessor, on the terms and conditions stated below, crop irrigation circle(s) numbers 8 amLLl for the production of agricultural products upi>n the following described re~1 property ("Premis~s"): A portion of the irrigated cropland located in the NW 1/4 Section 3, and the NW 1/4 Section 2, Township 9N, Range JOE, commonly known as Irrigation Circles 8 and 11; comprising m acres, more or less all in Franklin County, State of Washington. 2. Process Water Reuse Facility and Wastewater. Having been fully apprised of the cri~cal need to -apply reuse w~ter t~ th¢.Pi-emise:,,.at ·such times as may be imposed by Lessor, arising :from Lessor's obligation to timely . distribute such reuse water from affiliated' food processing facilities, Lessee, shalJ without limitation,. submit to a cr<>p harvest scheduling plan prepared or ~pproved by L-e .... wr. Lessee agrees to strictly adhere to such plan at the behest of Lessor with the specific· o~jective of maintaining availability of adequate field areas for the application of reuse water to field crops. Lessor reserves the right to limit the Lessees number of crop cuttings to three (3) cuttings per season unless additional cuttings are approved, in advance, by the-City. The City's approval for additional cuttings shall not be unreasonably withheld dependent upon the Lessor~ .. operational requirements of its reuse facility. The parties unde.rstand and acknowledge that the Leased Premises are served by two watering systems, specificaJly (1) the irrigation system consisting of wells servicing the Leased Premise.-.., and associated pipes an4 other fixtures; and (2) the fruit and vegetable process wastewater system, consisting of the offset pump -station, ana pipelines to the Leased .Premises. The parties further understand and acknowledge that both sy~tems shall be operated. by Lessor, and that Lessor .shal1 , subject to the further terms hereof: have the discretion to regulate, the blend of wastewater andwelJ water delivered to tbeLeasedPremise.s forirrigationpurposes. 1b.e Lessee agrees to coordinate with the Lessor and accept vegetable and fruit .process wastewater to be applied to the Lessee's crops and farmlands as-outlined in the current City of Pasco Crop Rotation Plan and Farm Operations Report (CRP/FOR) and State Discharge Permit No. ST5369. The Lessor shall have the final say on the wastewater application rnte and schedule. The Lessee agrees to abide by the CRP/FOR requirements inc]uding the proper Agricultural Lease -I operation of the circle and well pumps, a balanced fertilizer program for the specific crop taking into consideration the total nitrogen, nitrate, and TKN of the wastewater,' well water, and residuals in the soils as identified in the CRP/FOR. No fertilizer shall be applied upon the premises without the Lessor~,; prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld nor delayed. Commercial fertilizers shall not be app'lied in excess of suggested label application~ or in a manner inconsistent with label instructions. Lessor's management and nitrogen applied to the premises is critical to the utilization of the premises as a portion of .its Reuse Facility. Therefore, any violation of .this section shall constitute a substantial breach of this Lease. The Lessee shall report to the Lessor the results of all tests on the crops and yield. The Lessee shall provide to the Lessor copies of any and all test results including moisture tests taken on the.Lessor's farmlands. 3. Term of Lease. (a) [_] (check box if applicable). Single Season. The term of the Lease shall be for: (i) Circle 8 and 11 commencing on the I 0th day of Au~ust , 2019, and terminating on the 31st day of October. 2020 (unless earlier terminated or renewed as provided below. In the event this Lease terminates prior to the compJetion of harvest, the term of this Lease shall be extended for a reasonable period for tinie to allow for completion of harvest. L~ssee shall give a minimum of ten (10) days written notice to Lessor ~fore completion of harvest or end of planting. Prior to vacating the Leased Premises, Lessee shall leave the Leased Premises and all improvements thereon in the state of repair and cleanliness required to be maintained by the Lessee during the term of this Lease. (b) L X _] ( check box if applicable). Renewal. Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease for ..1 additional growing seasons commencing and terminating on the dates as provided in subsection (a) above for the following calendar year conditioned upon: (i) Lessees written notice of its intent to exercise the option to renew no later than November 30 of the current year; (ii) agreement with the Les);or as to the rent to be applicable for the renewal term as an amendment to Section 4 below by December 15 of the current year; and (iii) Lessee:~ prior faithful performance of the terms and conditions of this Lease. 4. Rent. (a) ·•Total Payment" shall be the sum of: I) the total of all rent (rent per acre x total# of acres) and 2) Washington State Leasehold Tax calculated on said total rent. Agricultural Lease -2 (b) '·Payment per acre" shall be the sum of: rent per acre and (2) the Washington State Leasehold Tax as calculated on the rent per acre amount. ( c) Lessee shall pay for said Premises the following amounts to Lessor: ---- Circle Crop Total Rent Per Tax Per Payment Per Total No. Acres Acre Acre Acre Payment 1 Sand New 278 $407.66 $52.34 $460 $127,880 I 11 Alfalfa J (d) Total payment includes Washington State Leasehold Tax in the amount of 12.84% which lessor shall deduct from total payment made by lessee and remit to State. [Total payment of $127 ,880 = total rent of $l 13 ,328.61 + 12.84% tax of $14 ,551.39. (e) In the event that the Washington State Leasehold Tax percentage increases during the term of this lease. this lease shall be modified to increase the tax rate under this section 4. and the Total Payment shall be increased accordingly. unless other agreed by the parties hereto. (t) Total payment shall be made in two (2) installments. First-half payment in the sum of $63 ,940 shall be due and payable on/or before April I. 2020: and the second half payment in the sum of $63 ,940 shall be due and payable on/or before Octo ber 3 I • 2020. In the event of renewal. subsequent year payments shal I be made on the same dates as provided above. (g) All payments shall be made to the City of Pasco. c/o R. Henry Johnson. 2202 West Clearwater Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99336, or such other place as the lessor may designate. Lessee shall have the City of Pasco included as payee on any check received by the Lessee from the sale of crops from these Premises as long as there is any rental or other charges for repair and maintenance due and owing by the lessee. All payments shall be remitted within fifteen ( 15) days of sale of crops. (b) In the event the Lessee desires a change in acreage, crops, or use, prior written authorization must be received fromLessor. Approval to such change may be conditioned upon an adjustment in the payments provided above. Agricultural Lease -3 --------- (i) For each renewal term as provided in Section 3(b) above, the Parties shall determine the rent and total payment based upon the appropriate market price. crop yields, and cost of production records of which shall be provided by the Lessee. 5. .Rental Ad justments. Lessor retains the right to assess additional charges for circles which are not pl~ted in a timely fashion to cover crops where and when appropriate for best cultural case, not meeting the CRP/FOR crop _schedules, or on which wind erosion occurs. The extent of the charge shall be at the discretion of the Lessor, and will not exceed $20.00 per acre and will be in addition to the payment of rent as described above. Said charge does not supplant the responsibility of the Le.vsee to establish a cover crop. Lessee agrees that since Lessor is responsible for the cost of electrical power to distribute irrigation water to the Lea<ied Premises , it is justified for Lessor to impose reasonable limits on total irrigation water used. .Accordingly, Lessor may -at its soJe discreti.on add an assessment to Lessee's final annual rental payment of an amount equal to the actual cost of power to distribute irrigation water to the Leased Premises when water -usage for "best-:practice" crop production exceeds the standard for the subject crop requirements in the relevant area of Franklin County as expressed in the Washington Irrigation Guide. Water applied at 1he preference of Lessor for the sole purpose of consuming "process re-use water" shall. not be considered as contributory to the "crop production" application expressed herein. 6. Uses of the Premises. Lessee shall put the Leas ed Premises to the full beneficial use in accordance \\~ith customary industry standards, p _ermitted uses, acres, and crops designated herein, in compliance with the CRP/f"OR. Said uses shall be further restricted by the. tenns of any federal, state, or local law or regulation applicable thereto, and the tenns of Lessor's Water Permit .from the State of Washington, together with any other encumbrance of record or known use being_ exercised at the time .of the execution of this Lease. It is -further understood and hereby ac.km-;w:tedged that the ultimate objective of the Lessor, with respect to this pro~erty, is to prepare and utilize the pi:operty for reuse wastewater treatment and application. Accordingly, throughout each crop year during the term of this Lease, Lessor reserves the right an~ shall be entitled to test, inspect, investigate, survey, excavate, construct, maintain, and otherwise utilize the property constituting the Leased Pre.mises preparatory to and/or as necessary to accomplish the stated objective in such a m_ariilcr as Lessor deems appropriate, including without limitation, by requiring Lessee to accept reuse wastewater for disposal on the Premises in such q~antities and at such times as determined by Lessor. Lessee will cooperate with Lessor to facilitate such activities~ and will not unreasonably hinder or delat any :such activities: Lessor · ~grees to reimburse Less~e for crop or fiei~f damage, .if any,, ;rising froi:n ,the ies.~br's utilization of the Premises a." set forth above. It shall be the responsibility of the Lessee to substantiate any claimed losses with evidence satisfactory to Le.vsor. 7. Crgp Damace from Agplication of Wastewater. Lessor states that with respect to any t iming, quantity, or quality of reuse wastewater which may be delivered to Lessee and Agricultural Lea-.e -4 ._ applied to Lessee's crops under prov1s1ons of this Lease requiring Lessee to accept such delivery(ies) and application on the behest of the Lessor, it is the intent of Lessor not to cause crop damage by such application of wastewater, nor to disavow responsibility for damage which might demonstrably occur on said crops solely from such application. However, the parties to this L-ease having previously observed the nature of wastewater applications are fully cognizant . . not only of the uncertainties relating to the developing technology of the process, but also of the difficulty in proving crop loss as having been exclusively caused by said waste applications. Accordingly, while Lessor shall make every reasonable effort to av.oid delivering wastewater at such times and under such circumstances as are likely to cause harm to crops, the burden of proof of any damage claimed · by Lessee to have been caused to crops of Lessee, shall rest solely with Lessee. 8. Water and Irription System. Le.vsor shall be responsible for all costs of operating the irrigation system on the Lea~ed Premises, and shall be responsible for the payment of irrigation power charges except as limited _under Section 5 herein. Lessee shall not be responsible for the cost of reuse water pumped to the Leased Premises by Lessor. The Leased Premises come equipped with center pivot irrigation systems, including wells, pipelines, turbine pumps, and electrical pump motors and switchgear. The famishing of said irrigation shall imply no warranty on the part of the Lessor to provide or guarantee an adequate water supply or the continued opcraticm of the irrigation system. All mai:Iitenance , repair, and replacement of parts of said irrigation system shall be the obligation of the L essor, both as to _performance and payment of costs, except those repairs and replacements as may be caused by the Lessee, it~ agents or. employee's negligent acts or omissions. The Lessor shalJ make reason.able eftbrts to provide reuse wastewater that will not clog the irrigation system. Both parties, however, must assume there will be a certain amount of unclogging re.quired. Both parties agree that Lessor shall be primarily responsible for any unclogging, hut also agree that in the event that Lessor is unable to do so, Lessee may perform unclogging at their discretion. Operation of the water and irrigation system shaU be upon a schedule as approved by Lessor. 9. Liens. (a) Lessee shall pay as due all cJaims for work done on and for services rendered or materials furnished to the Premises which are done for the account of the Lessee as herein provided. Lessee shall keep the Premises free of .any liens and indemnify, defend and bold the Lessor harmless from all costs, damages, or charges, including attorney's fees, necessary to discharge such -liens. Lessor, at its option, may pay the amount of any claim or lien and add· said amount to total payment required under this lease, including interest.on said claim or lien amount at the rate of twelve percerit(l2%) per annuni, or the maximum amount permitted by statute, on said amount paid from the date of payment. Payment of a claim or lien amount shall not constitute a waiver of any right or remedy which Lessor would otherwise have on account of Lessee's default in this or any other term of the Lease. Agricultural Lease -5 (b) The Lessor may file and maintain a landlord or crop lien in order to secure any payment or obligation required under this Lease. JO. Chemicals and Fertilizers. In addition to those requirements as provided in Section 2 above. Lessee shall apply chemicals and fertilizers to the Leased Premises according to standards applicable to the industry and consistent with the current standards ~1ated within the CRP/FOR. Lessor shall not incur any responsibility or liability to any third party for the negligent or wrongful acts of the lessee related to the chemicals and/or fertilizers used or its application. and shall defend. indemnify. and hold lessor harmless from any damages resulting from such negligent or wrongful act of the lessee. I 1. Erosion -Control and Crop Jlqtatiop. Lessee shall follow an effective program of soil erosion control, particularly ~gainst wind_ ~nd wa_ter. Lessee agrees to plant the Premises to a cover crop to the specifications of the lessor within .fifteen (15) days after each harvest, as appropriate and consistent with the overall objecti_ve of the CRP/FOR. Crops will be .rot,ated so that potatoes wiJl not be planted two (2) years consecutively in the ~.ame field. The planting of two consecutive crops on the same land with the intent of obtaining a harve-st from both crops within the ~me crop year (doub_le cropping) is prohibited witbout the expre~ written permission of Lessor. TJie Lessor reserves the rig)lt with · the granting of such permission to assess additional rents from Les ... ee for this practice. Grazing of crop aaeonatb -is not permitted. 12. Prem~es Maintenance. Lessee shall not commit or permit to be committed any waste, strip. damage to, or mis use of tbe Premises. All farming operations shall be conducted in a husbandlike manner acco.rding ·to. standards of the industry. Any and all fences, gates, roads, field accesses, and other improvements to the property (including the irrigation system) shall be maintained by Lessor. lessee shalJ eradicate weeds,. p~rticularly puncture-"vine and prevent al1 noxious and other weeds from encroaching upon -the Premises , utilizing practices apprnved by the local weed control authorities and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Lessor. 13. Deleterious . Hazardou s. Toxic . or Harm ful Substances- (a) Deleterious Material. The Lessee shall not make, or suffer to be made. any filling in of the lease Premises or any deposit of rock, earth, ballast. refuse, garbage, waste matter:, chemical, biologicaJ or other wastes, hydroc.arbons, any other pollutants, or other matter within or upon the lease Premises , except as approved in writing by the Lessor. If the Lessee fails to remove all non-approved fill material, refuse, garbage, wastes or any other of the above materials from the lease Premises, the Lessee agrees that the Lessor may, but is not obligated to, remove such materials and charge the Lessee for the cost of rernova,1 and disposal. (b) Hazardous . .'J'oxic. or Hann ful Substances. The Lessee shall not keep on or about the lease Premises, any substances now or hereinafter designated as or cantaining Agricultural Lease -6 components now or hereinaJier designated as hazardous. toxic, dangerous, or harmfol • and/or which are subject to regulation as hazardous, toxic, dangerous, or harmful by any foder,ll, state or local law, regulation, statute or ordinance (hereinafter collectively referred to as ''Hazardous Substances'1 unless such are necessary to carry out the Lessee's pennitted use(s) under Section 6 above, and unless the Lessee fully complies with all federal , state and local laws, regulations, statutes, and ordinances, now in existence or as subsequently enacted or amended. (c) The Lessee shaU: (I) Immediately notify the Lessor of (i) all spills or releases of any Hazardous Substance affecting the lease Premises. (ii) all failures to comply with any federal. state. or local law. regulation or ordinance, as now enacted or as subsequently enacted or amended, (iii) all inspections of the lease Premb,es by. or any correspondence, orders. citations. or notifications from any regulatory entity concerning Hv.ardous Substances atlecting the lease Premises. (iv) all regulatory orders or fines or all response or interim cleanup actions taken by or proposed to be taken by any government entity or private party concerning the lease Premises; and (2) On request, provide copies to the Lessor of any and all correspondence, pleadings, and/or reports received by or required of the Lessee or issued or written by the Lessee, or on the Lessees behalf with respect to the use, presence, transportation, or generation of Hv.ardous Substances reJat ed to the Leased Premises. (d) The Lessee shall be fully and completely liable to the lessor, and shall indemnify, defend, and hold hannless the Lessor and its agents and employees. with respect to any and all ~mages, costs, tees (including attorneys' foes and costs), penalties (civil and criminal), and cleanup costs assessed against or imposed as a result of the Lessee~ use, disposal, transportation , generation, and/or sale of Hazardous Substances, or that of the Lessee s employees, agcmts, assigns, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, invitees, and for any breach of this subsection. 14. Indemnification. Lessee has inspected and accepts the Premises as he finds them. Lessee agrees to assume all risk ot: and indemnify, defend with legal counsel acceptable to Lessor, and bold harm.le~ the Lessor from any loss, costs, Jfability, claim or expense on account of personal injury to or death of any persons whosoever including, but not liinited to, employees of the Le.vsor and damage to or destruction of property to whoms~ver belonging including. but not limited to, property of the Lessor, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, arising from the Lessee's use of the Premises or exercise of rights herein granted . Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as indemnification against the sole negligence of the Lessor, its officers, employees, or agents. Agricultural Lease -7 IS. Insurance. Lessee agrees, during the term of this Lease or any renewals thereot: to carry general l.iability insurance for personal injury and property damage liability, and to maintain workmen's compensation coverages as required by law. General liability insurance _policies shall name Lessor as an insured and be with an insurance carrier acceptable to L_e..iisor. Such insurance shall provide for property damage liability coverage of at least $ L00,000 and personal injury coverage of at least $1,000,000 for each occurrence and in the aggregate. Lessee shall furnish Lessor with certificate indicating that such insurance is in force and the premiums therefore have been paid. Lessee agrees to be personally responsible for the repair or replacement of any irrigation equipment component or other improvement to the property damaged by the Lessee or Lessee :V otncers, employees, or agent, or as a result of their negligent acts or omissions. 16. Interest. Any amount due by the Lessee to the Lessor not paid within fiflcen ( 15) days shall bear interest at the rate of twelve ( 12%) per annum, or the maximum amount permitted by statute. from the date due. 17. lmproye..,ents. All improvements placed upon the Premises during the term of this Lease shall become a part of the Premises and the property of the Lessor, unless the Les:wr agrees otherwise. Lessor may require Lessee to remove any property placed upon the Premises which the Lessor deems unfit to remain thereon at the termination of the Lease. If the Lessee fails to remove the same when so requested. Lessor may do so and charge the expenses thereof to the Lessee. 18. Sublease or Assiz=ament Prohibited. No part of this Lease or the Leaved Premise.,; may be assigned, mortgaged, subleased, or otherwise transferred, without the prior written consent of the Lessor. With such consent, the Le.vsor reserves the right to chaQge the tenns and conditions of the Lease a~ it may affect the assignee. This provision shall equally apply to transfers arising by operation of law, or trdnsfers to any by trustees in bankruptcy, receivers. administrators. executors, and legatees. 19. Default. The following shall be events of default: (a) failure to pay instaUment of rent and Leasehold Excise Tax (total payment installment) on or before the date provided in Section 4 above; (b) failure of Lessee to comply with any tenn or condition or fulfill any obligation of the Lease, other than the payment of rent and tax, within fifteen (15) days after written notice by Leswr specifying the nature of the default with reasonable particularity, or abandonment by the Lessee of the prop.!rty; and (c) failure to pay, when due, any tax, assessment, or payment required under the terms of this Lease. If the default is of such a nature that it cannot be completely remedied within the fifteen (15) day period, this provision shall be complied with if Lessee begins correction of the default within the fifteen (15) day period and thereafter proceeds with reasonable diligence and in good faith to effect the remedy as soon as practical. Agricultural Lease -8 Jn the event the default is not remedied as provided above, Lessor shall have the right to re-enter, take possession ofthe_Premises, and remove any persons or property by legal action or by self:help with the use of.reasonabie force and without liabiJity for damages. Such right shall be cum_ulative and in addition to all · other remedies available to the Lessor under appl_i¢able Jaw. lessor may recover reaso.nable attorney's fees and -costs expended to enforce the provisions hereot: In the event of an uncured default, Lessor may initiate an action. without further notice, for an unlawful detainer or for damages with venue being pl3:ced in Franklin County, Washington. and with the substantially prevailing party entitled to an additional judgment against the other for their reasonable attorneys· fees and costs incurred incident to said action. Waiver by either party of strict performance of any provision of this Lease shall not he a waiver of or prejudice the party's right to require strict performance of the same provision in the future or of any other provision. 20. Notices. Any notice under this Lease shall be deemed given when actually delivered or when deposited in the United States mail. as certified mail. postage prepared. addressed as follows : Lessor: C ity of Pasco c/o R. Henry Johnson 2202 West Clearwater Avenue Kennewick WA 99336 Lessee: Bosman Enterprises 6641 Sagemore Road Pasco, WA 99301 Or to such other addresses as may be specified from time to time by either of the parties in writing. 21. Succession. Subject to the above-stated limitations on assignment of lessee's interest. this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the panics, their respective personal representatives. successors. and assigns. 22. Inspection of the Premises. lessor reserves the right to itself and its agents to go upon the Premises at reasonable and proper times to inspect the same for purpose of determining that the Lease is being kept and performed by the lessee. 23. Time is of the Essence. The parties acknowledge and agree that time is of the essence with respect to all of the terms. conditions and provisions of this Lease. Agricultura l Lease -9 24. Entireb· of Lease. This document and its exhibits. incorporates the entire agreement of the parties. No prior representation. stipulation. agreement. or understanding will be valid or enforceable unless incorporated herein. Any changes or additions to this Lease or its attached exhibits shall be in writing and executed by the parties hereto. Neither the lessor. nor the lessee shall be bound by verbal or implied agreements. DATED this 10th_ day of August. 2019. AgricuJturaJ Lease -J 0 LESSOR: LESSEE: City of Pasco Bosman Enterprises ~Jh« Da~ u.L~ ,,~~~ \J\,\(.e, . .~ Authorized Ollicer State of Washington ) : ss. County of Franklin ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Daye Zabell is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument. on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it. as the City Manager of the CITY OF PASCO. a Washington municipal corporation. to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this aL day of ~:vt,rn lU 20JL_. State of Washington ) : ss. County of h o..~\~'() ) Q}J-5R':'PlJB~lC}nand for the State of Washington Residing .at • ~ Mi\wttd My Commissioil Expires: f) \ I b (p lctbM , I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Mike Bosman is the person who appeared before ~e, and said person acknowledg~ that -he/sh4t signed this-instrument; on oath stated that he/she. was authorized to e2 ecute ihe instrument and acknowledged it. as the 'O\P\I\~ of Bosman Enterprises to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this ']J.) day of ~ ~1" , 20 \ °I . ~:.APRiLculwetL: -~ _:~,:~1t:~~ki~f~::i ~-~-0 ~:E~'t'.-lfES ;;'.! Agricultural Lease -11 ~4 . rARYtJBL1c in and for Residing at Pt:t.~ , '1J A- My Commission Expires: 07/~ f 2 0--l--3