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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.02.19 Council MinutesREGULAR M EETING CALL TO ORDER: MrN UTES PASCO CITY COUNC IL FEBRUA RY 19, 2019 The meeting was called to o rder at 7:00 p.m . by Matt Watkins, Mayor. ROLL CALL: Co uncilm em bers present: Ruben A lvarad o, Blanche Barajas, C ra ig Maloney, Sa ul Martinez, Davi d Milne, Pete Serrano, a nd Matt Watkins. Staff present: Stan Strebel , De puty City Manager ; Leland Kerr, C it y Attorney; Steve W o rley, Public Wo rks Director; Rick White , Community & Economic Development Director; Richa Sigdel , Finance Director ; Zach Ratkai , Administrative & Community Services Director; Bob Metzger, Po lice Chief a nd Bob Gear, F ire Ch ief. The meeting was o p e ned w ith the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: Approva l of Min utes To a pprove the minutes of the Pasco C it y Co unc i l Specia l Meeting dated February 1 1, 2019. Bills and C ommunications To a pprove c laims in th e t o ta l amount of $2,045,355.7 1 ($1,2 18 ,2 78.01 in C h eck Nos. 227290-227521; $32,708.94 in E lectronic Transfer Nos. 823487, 823565 ; $19,382.73 in C heck Nos. 52417-52433; $774,986.03 in E lectroni c T ran sfe r Nos. 30130286 -30130793). To approve bad d e bt write-off for Utility Billing, A mbu la nce, Cemetery, General Accounts , Mi scell a neo u s Accounts, a nd Municipal Court (no n- crimi nal, criminal, and parking) accounts receivable in the total amount of $344,97 1.95 and , of that amou nt, authoriz e $248,299.20 to be turned over for c o ll ec ti on. MOTION: Mr. Malo ney m oved to approve the Consent Agenda as read. Mr. Martinez seco nd e d. Motion carried b y un a nim o u s Roll Call vote. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICE RS: Verbal Reports from Councilmembers • Ms. Barajas attended the Bento n Franklin Counci l o f Governments Meeting. • Mr. Alvarado attend e d the Greater Co lumbia H ealth Co mmunicatio ns Committee a nd the last PAC (Po lic y Advisory Co mmitte e ) fo r Bento n Franklin Coun c i l of Governments. • Mr. Alvarado vo lunt eered to b e the primary liai son fo r the Bento n Franklin Council of Governments. M s . Baraj as volunteered to be th e a lternate . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RE L ATING TO HEARINGS: Rivershore Reconveyance Update and Discussion REGULAR MEETfNG MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 19 , 20 19 MOTION (Option 2): Mr. Maloney moved to ap prove Reso lut ion No. 3894, as a m e nd e d , requesting reconveyance of s p ec ific federally-owned park lands, unneeded tl owage easements, openspace, and fe deral s ho re lin e la nd s abutting private pro perti es along the Columbia River t o Cit y o f Pasco ownership . Mr. Milne seconded. Motion carried unanimo u s ly. Pas co res id e nts who spoke in favor of th e reso luti o n (Optio n 2): Michae l K o renko, Peter Voordepoorte , Kurk W atts, Joanne Shadel, Max Burn s, Gerry Roach , Larry Swisher, Don Harlow. Ordinance Amending PMC Regarding "Purchasing" MOTION: Mr. Maloney m oved to adopt Ordinance No. 4423, amending C h apter 3.85 "Purchas in g" o f the Pasco Municipal Code a nd, further, a uthorize publicati o n b y s ummary o nl y. Mr. Serrano second e d . Motion carried un a nimo us ly. Administrative Review of Right-of-Way Dedications and Short Plat Right- of-W ay Improvements (MF# CA 2018-005) MOTION : Mr. Malo ney moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4424, amending PM C Title 26 rega rdin g the dedicati o n of publi c rights-of-way, and further , authorize publica ti o n by su mmary only. Ms. Barajas seconded. Motion carr ied unanimo us ly. Single Room Occupancy Housing (MF# CA 2018-004) MOTION: Mr. Maloney moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4425, amending PM C T itl e 25 allowing Single Roo m Occupancy H o u s in g, and further, authori ze publicatio n b y s ummary only. Mr. A lv arado seconded . Motion carried unanimo u s ly . MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION: Mr. Strebel expressed hi s appreciati o n for the p atie nce a nd comments from the public as we ll as the hard work put fort h by the Police, Fire, Public Works and Facilities st aff during th e winter storm s. Mayo r Watkins ackn owledged the Fire Department w ho used social m edia to offer help to tho se in need of gettin g their medications during the winter storm and t hanked C ity s taff o n h ow they responded to the storm in coordinatio n with o ther agencies. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Council adjourned to Executive Sess io n at 8:47 p.m. fo r approximate ly 15 minutes t o consider acquisit ion of real estate and establish sa les price o r lease a m ount of real estate with the Deputy C ity Manager a nd C it y Attorney. Mayor Watkins ca ll e d the meeting b ack to order at 9:02 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: T he re being no further business, th e meeting was adj o urned at 9:03 p.m . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of March 20 19 . REGULAR M EET ING APPROVED: MfNUTES PASCO CITY COUNC IL ATT EST: FEBRUARY 19, 20 19 4JJF41/~ ~-tr q .. 'cfl,..~ Matt Watkins, Mayor C ity C le k