HomeMy WebLinkAbout09062018 Code Enforcement Board Hearing AgendaAgenda for the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Pasco, Washington September 06, 2018 at 7 :00 pm A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLLCALL Board Members Present C. ADOPTION OF MrNUTES D . HEARrNGS Administration of Oath s Hearings Scheduled CEB2017-2113 4110 W MARIE ST -WILLIAM E DRAKE (ET AL), owner Rosanna Johnson, Code E nforcement Officer Description: Inoperative/unlicensed vehicles must be removed from property or stored within a fully enclosed structure. IPMC 302.8 (I) Violation: Allowing inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicles to be parked, kept or stored on any premises, and/or a ll owing vehicles at any time be in a state of maj o r disassembly, disrepair, or in th e process of being st ripped or di smantled. Pain ting of vehicles is prohibited unless condu cted inside an a pproved spray booth a t an approved location . (2) Corrective Acti on: Remove a ll vehicl e (s ) in the condition(s) described above from the property or move said veh icle(s) to an enclosed structure where the vehicle is out of pu bl ic view a nd/or d iscontinue painting vehicles at this location. Description: Recrea tional vehicles ca n only h e parked on s treet for no longer than 72 hours within any 2 week period. PMC 10.52.030 (4) (!)Violation: Storin g or maintain ing any b oat , motor home, camp t rai le r , trailer, fifth wheel , pickup camper, snowmobile, o r utility trailer, et c. as defi ned in T itle 25 on any p ublic st reet, rig ht-of-way, or other public areas. (2) Correc ti ve Action: Discontinue storage on the street of any of the types of vehicles except such it ems may be parked in publi c right-of-way in front of an owner's property for a period of seventy-two hours in any given two-week period for loading and unloading purposes. D escription : Vehicles ca nnot be parked on grass. PMC 25. 78.030 (4) (1) Violation: Vehic les are being parked on an unapproved surface (such as dirt or grass) and/or more than four (4) vehicles at a time are being parked in the front driveway. (2) Corrective Action: Park ALL ve hicles on an approved s urface such as asphalt, g ra vel or concrete a nd/or discontinue parking more th an 4 vehicles at a time in the front dri veway. D escription: Camper only allowed to b e parked/sto red within the side or rear yard of your property upon an approved s urfa ce. R ecrea tional trailer cannot b e parked on the front lawn. PMC 25. 78.140 (!)Viol a ti o n: CEB Agenda Page I o f 4 Boats, motor homes, camp/t ravel /u t ility trailers, or other recreational vehicles are being stored in the fron t ya rd a rea of your property. (2) Corrective Act ion: All recreational vehicles in an R-S-20, R-S-12 and R-S-1 distr icts must be stored in e ither t h e side or the rear ya rd of your property on an approved surface such as asphalt, gravel or concrete. Description: All garbage. litter and junk must be lawfully dispos ed of PMC 9.60.030 (6) (I) Viol ation: Any parcel withi n t h e C ity which is fi lthy, litter ed or t rash -covered d ue to p lacing, dropping, di s posing, throwing away, or otherwise d iscardin g li tter, garbage, refuse, cans, bo ttles, paper or p aper material, meta l, organic or inorganic mater ia l on areas of the propert y other than approved garbage containers. (2) Correct ive Action: Remove and lawfully dis p ose of all litter, gar bage, junk o r vegetative waste on the property. Description: Vehicle parts. scrap metal and all other debris must be properly disposed of or stored within a fully enclosed s truc ture. PMC 9.60.030 (9) (I) Violation: Scrap metal, ashes, bric-a-brac, broken stone o r cement, broken crockery, b roken glass, broken plaster, automobile bodies and/or p arts, and a ll such trash or abandoned materia l t h at are not kept in approved containers. (2) Corrective Act ion: Re move a ll veh icle p arts, scrap metal , machinery, di sassembled vehicles, etc. from the property or stor e these items in a n enclosed container or building. Remove and lawfully dispose of all junk items (e.g. any items or which have served their intended original purpose) and unusable veh ic le parts. D escription: Junk vehicles cannot b e s tored on site and must be lawfully disposed of PMC 9.62.050 (A) (I ) Violat ion: Permitting the storage of any unauthorized junk motor vehicle o r parts thereof on pri va te property. (2) Corrective Action : Remove and lawfully dispose of all junk vehicle(s) and ve h icle parts o r store them in an enclosed bu i lding. CEB2018-1258 604 WY A KI MA ST -T Y SON FEL LMAN (E T UX), owner Rosanna John son , Code Enforcement Officer D escription: Fail ure to obtain a building permit or remove the unpermilted stair cover/awning. Permit application 818-1163 expired without a permit being issued. PMC 16.04.010 Violation: Failure to secur e a Ci t y o f Pasco building permit where a permit is requi red (!B C I 05. l and IR C I 05.1 ). Cor rect i ve Act ion : Discont inue a ll construct ion activities and submit an appl ica ti on fo r a bu ild ing permit from th e City of Pasco (call (509) 543-572 1 for information on permit requ i re men ts). If no permit can b e obtained, unpermitted construction must be removed. CEB2018 -1260 312 N MA IN A VE -IRI S BA R RET O RA MIREZ, o wner Ma rtin Baraja s, Code E nforcement Office r Description: i noperable vehicles, vehicles under repair and in dis repair stored outside. in front of the building in public view and in th e City Right of Way. PMC 25. 70.150 (3) CEB Agenda Vio lat ion : Inoperable vehicles, vehicle parts, ti r es and accessor ies that are not readily moveable and for i mmediate sale are not being stored o r parked b ehind a p proved scr een ing or wit h in the bui ld ing. Corrective Action: Remove a ll in operab le vehicles, veh icle parts, tires and accessories into the buildi n g, be h ind an approved screen ing, or completely to a n approved location. Page 2 of4 Desc ription : In operable vehicles s tored in th e public right of way. PMC 9.60.020 (3) Viola tion : Unlawfully interferin g with , obstru cting or tending to obstruct or render dangerous for passage any public right-of-way (i.e. stream, public park, parkway, square, street , highway or sidewalk) in the city. Corrective Action: Remove a ll items/object s/vehicles/etc. which may be obstructing any public right-of-way. CEB2018-1279 605 ROAD 27 -BULMARO & RITA CHAVEZ, owner Rosanna Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer D esc ription: Failure to maintain required active garbage service a t this commercial lo ca tion. (REPEAT) PMC 6.04.090 Violation: Lack of required garbage service through Basin Di sposal In c. (servi ce is required for a ll occupied residences and businesses within the City). Corrective Action: Start or restart garbage service (please call Basin Di sposal In c. at (509) 54 7-24 76). D escription: Garbage accumulating on this property due to lack of garbage removal service. All waste must be immediately removed up receipt of this notice. (REPEAT) PMC 6.24.010 V iolation: Permitting accumu lations of fil th, garbage, decaying a nimals or vegetable matter, etc. Corrective Action: Remove and lawfull y dispose of all garbage, waste, debris and a ny decayed/decaying matter. Maintain property free from al l filth , waste and garbage at al l times. D escription: Accumulation garbage bags throughout th e property. (RE PEAT) PMC 9. 60. 030 (6) Violat ion : Any parcel wi thin the City which is filthy, littered o r trash-covered due to placing, dropping, disposing, throwing away, or otherwise di scarding litter, garbage, refuse, cans, bottles, paper or paper material, met al, organic or inorgani c ma terial on areas of the property o t her than approved garbage containers. Correcti ve Action: Remove a n d lawful ly dispose of al l litt er, garbage, junk or vegetati ve waste on th e property. CEB2018-12851911N13TH A VE -PATRICK & JOY D UN YON, owner Rosanna Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer D esc ription: Failure to maintain required garbage service at this occupied residence. PMC 6.04.090 Violation: Lack of requi red garb age serv ice through Basin Disposal Inc. (service is required for all occupied residences an d bus inesses within th e City). Corrective Act ion: Start or restart garbage service (please call Basin Di sposal Inc . at (509) 547-2476). CEB2018-1347 4437 GALWAY LN -LISBETH A FITZGERALD (ETAL), owner NICHOLAS POTVIN, Code Enforcement Officer D escription : Tires stored in th e front yard and a h ood stored or kept on th e south side of th e house. PMC 2 5. 70.150 (3) CEB Agenda Violation: Inoperable vehicles, vehicle parts, tires and accessories that are not readi ly moveable a nd for immediate sale a re not being stored or parked behind approved screening or within the building. Page 3 of4 Corrective Action: Re move all inoperable ve hicles, vehic le parts , tires and accessories into the building, behind an approved sc reening, or completely to an ap proved location. Description: Failure to maintain a health y, growing condition for the front lawn . PMC 25. 75. J J 0 (J) Violation: Failing to mainta in landscaping and/or screen ing free o f weeds and tras h and not pro viding, protecting , an d permanent ly maintaining all landsca pi ng materia l, areas and plants in a healthy, growing condi ti on , rep laci ng it when necessary . Corrective Action: Remove and lawfully dispose of a ll weeds and trash and replace any dead/dying plant s a nd other vegetation. Maint ain landscaped areas in com pli ance with the provisions describ ed above. Description : Ford pick-up tru ck s tored or kept on the.front yard. PMC 25. 78.030 (4) Viola tion : Vehicles are being parked on an un a pproved surface (such as dirt or grass ) and/or more than four (4) vehicles at a time are being par ked in th e front driveway . Corrective Act ion: Park ALL ve hicle s on an approved surface such as asphalt, gravel or concrete and/or discontinue parking more than 4 ve hi cles at a time in the front driveway. D escription: Store appliances and oth er items that have s erved th eir inten d ed original purpose within an enclosed building or properly dispose of them. (REPEA T) PMC 9.60.030 (9) Violation : Scrap metal, ashes, bric-a-brac, broken sto ne or cement , broken crocker y, broken glass, broken plaster , automobile bodies and /or parts, and a ll s uch trash or aban d oned materi al that are no t kept in approved con ta in ers. Corrective Action: Remove a ll veh icle parts, scrap metal , mac hin ery, disas semb led veh icles , etc . from the property o r store these item s in an enc losed con tainer or bui ld ing . Remove and lawfully di spose o f a ll j unk item s (e .g. any it ems or whi ch have served their int end ed origin a l purpose) and un usable vehicle parts. Amendments Dis missals M otion E. STAFF REPORT AND OTHER BUS INESS F. ADJOURNMENT This meeting is broadcast live on PSC-TV Chann e l 191 o n Chart er Ca bl e and strea med at www.pasco-wa.gov/psctv live. Audio equipment avai la ble for the heari ng impaired; contact staff for ass istance. C EB Age nda Pa ge 4 o f 4