HomeMy WebLinkAbout05032018 Code Enforcement Board Hearing AgendaA. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLLCALL Board Members Present C. ADOPTION OF MfNUTES D. H EARfNGS Administration of Oaths Hearings Scheduled Agenda for the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Pasco, Washington May 03, 2018 at 7:00 pm i. CEB2017-2956 8507 PACKARD DR -CRAIG & JANICE BENEDICT, owner NICHOLAS POTVIN, Code Enforcement Officer Descriptio n: Front yard not maintained in hea lthy growing condition. (REPEAT) PMC 25.75.110 (I) (1) Violation : Failing to maintia in landscaping a nd/o r screening fre e of weeds and trash and not providing, protecting, and perma n e ntly m a inta inin g a ll landscaping mate rial , areas and plants in a health y, growing condition, replacing it when n ecessary. (2 ) Corrective Ac ti on: Remove an d lawfull y d isp ose o f a ll weeds a nd trash and re pl ace any dead/d ying pl ants a nd other ve g et at io n . Maintain landscaped areas in compli ance w it h the p rovisions descr ibed above. Description: O verg rown w eeds throug hout front yard. (REPEAT) PMC 9.60.030 (JO) (i) V io lation: Trash , litter, rags, accumul a tions of empty b arrels, boxes, c rates, packing cases, m a tt resses, b edding, e xcelsior, p acking hay, s traw , or other p acki ng mater ial; lu mbe r or scrap m e tal not neat ly piled or a n yt h ing whic h may be a fi re danger. (2) Correcti ve Action: Re move a nd lawfully di s p ose of a ll trash, litt e r, and other de bris which is not neatl y piled and/or which is a fire da nger. Amendments Dismi ssa ls Motion E. STAFF REPORT AND OTHER BUSINE SS F. ADJOURNMENT Thi s meeting is broadcast li ve on PS C-TY Channel 191 on Ch a rter Cable and streamed a t www .pasco-wa.gov/psctvlive. Audio equipment avai lable for t he hearin g impaired; conta c t sta ff for assist ance. CE B Agenda Page I of I