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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.08.17 Council MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 17, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8.00 P.M. by Joyce DeFelice, Mayor ROLL CALL: By Deputy City Clerk. Council Members present were: Joyce DeFelice, Michael Garnson, Edgar Hargrow, Chris Jensen, Charles Kilbury, Dan Lathim, and Carl Strode. Also present were. Gary Crutchfield, City Manager, Greg Rubstello, City Attorney; Jim Ajax, Public Works Director; Webster Jackson, Personnel/Purchasing, and Kurt Luhrs, Administrative Assistant PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION Mr Garnson moved to approve the Consent Agenda Seconded by Mr Lathim Motion carried Consent items are as follows. A) Approval of Minutes. To approve minutes of Regular Meeting held August 3, 1992 B) Bills and Communications To approve General Claims in the amount of $258,981 60 ($28,961 41 being in the form of Wire Transfer Nos 2752 and 2753, and $230,020 19 consisting of Claim Warrants numbered 77731 through 77953) C) Appointments to Senior Citizens Advisory Committee To concur in the Mayor's re-appointment (with the concurrence of the Franklin County Commissioners), of Joe Balthazor and Dorothy Miller to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee to terms that will expire on June 16, 1995. D) Resolution No 2027: To approve Resolution No 2027, authorizing Ben-Franklin Transit Authonty to install a new bus shelter adjacent to 20th Avenue on Red Lion Property at a point just south of Sun Willows Boulevard and, further, to authonze the relocation of the existing bus stop to that point E) Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement - Road 68 Tank To approve the proposed amendment to the Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement No PW-5-89-962-036 and, further, to authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment PROCLAMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS None VISITORS. None. REPORTS FROM COMMI I IEES AND/OR OFFICERS. Mayor's Activity Report. Mayor DeFelice reported that on August 13 she gave a welcome address to the Pacific Northwest District of Optimists International MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1992 Pasco Downtown Development Association Board Meeting - August 4. 1992: Mr Kilbury reported that he was unable to attend the meeting. Parks and Recreation Advisory Council Meeting - August 6. 1992. Mayor DeFehce reported that the meeting consisted of routine reports from staff. Air Pollution Control Board Meeting - August 6. 1992. Mr Hargrow reported that there will be two new enforcement officers hired because of the number of dust control complaints being received from Benton, Franklin, and Walla Walla Counties There was a lengthy discussion on the enforcement action of illegal burning. Policy is being written for the control of "fugitive dust" caused, primarily, by new construction The final decision for a "no burning" area in Pasco will be available in October, 1992 Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting - August 10. 1992 Mayor DeFelice reported that the meeting was routine in nature; however, there were comments on the lack of transportation for evening activities. BFRC Tn-MATS Policy Advisory Committee Meeting - August 13, 1992. Mr. Kilbury reported that the City of Richland requested an amendment to the 1992 BFRC Transportation Improvement Program They applied for funding for their sewer program and found that it was ineligible They received approval to change to the Street Overlay Program The annual report of the Tn-Cities Area Metropolitan Transportation Study was handed out to the membership B F Transit Board Meeting - August 13. 1992 Mr Garrison reported that information on the average weekly boardings was handed out and, in almost all cases, productivity was significantly higher. The Transit went through a State audit with flying colors PUBLIC HEARINGS None. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATED TO PUBLIC HEARINGS. None UNFINISHED BUSINESS. None NEW BUSINESS* Raised Channelization at 20th Avenue and Court Street MOTION. Mr Garrison moved to authorize staff to install raised channelization on the four approaches to the intersection of 20th Avenue and Court Street Mr Lathim seconded the motion Mr. Kilbury expressed his concern with raised channelization in this intersection and doesn't feel this action will solve the problem. He feels it could increase the problems in this intersection and, therefore, couldn't support this action. Mr Garnson explained that this was an issue of public safety and should be a pnonty of the Council. Mr Jensen stated that he shared Mr. Kilbury's concerns and also felt that this action would force traffic up into residential areas He was -2- Felice, Mayor Jo MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 1992 also concerned for the businesses in the area and, for these reasons, he would not support this action Motion failed by a roll call vote of six (6). Sale of Surplus Real Property. Mr. Jackson addressed Council and explained that Mr & Mrs. Pruneda turned m the only bid received for this property in the amount advertised MOTION: Mr. Jensen moved to sell Lot 21, Block 1, Keystone's Addition, Pasco, Washington, in the amount of $100 00 to Ovidio Pruneda and Frances Pruneda Mr. Lath= seconded the motion Motion earned MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL. Mr Garnson moved to schedule a Special Meeting for August 24, 1992, at 8 00 p.m. to discuss the amendment of the City's Six-Year Comprehensive Street Plan and to approve applications for Federal Enhancement Project funding. Mr. Jensen seconded the motion Motion earned. Mr Strode explained that the Benton-Franklin Health Department held a pubhc hearing regarding fee schedules for food service permits As a result of this hearing the recommendation of the committee to the Health Board will be to approve the new schedule for fees ADJOURNMENT No further busmess, the meeting was adjourned at 8 35 P M ATTEST Cathenne D Seaman Deputy City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED this c7 day o , 1992 3