HomeMy WebLinkAbout1890 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO 1890 A RESOLUTION endorsing improved relations between ethnic minorities and local law enforcement WHEREAS, a perception of insensitivity toward ethnic minorities on the part of the city's law enforcement officers and city officials has been raised recently by various representatives of the ethnic minorities residing or employed in the Pasco community, and WHEREAS, the various ethnic minority representatives have formed a Citizen Advisory Committee on Law Enforcement (CACLE) whose principal objective it is to improve communication with and local services to ethnic minorities in the Pasco community, and WHEREAS, the CACLE and local law enforcement officials have entered into a cooperative agreement providing for their mutual assistance in working toward an awareness and understanding of cultural differences, as well as improved relations with local law enforcement, and WHEREAS, maintenance of racial harmony and cultural understanding among all citizens is essential to the preservation of a safe and peaceful community in which to live and work, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO That the City Council wholeheartedly endorses the working agreement between CACLE and local law enforcement officials (a copy of which is attached hereto) and, further, the City Manager hereby is authorized and directed to take such administrative action as he may deem necessary and appropriate to fulfill the objectives of said agreement -6ezASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this ? -77—d---(14-t} , 1989 /a day of ATTEST dip _ a&R, Mayor LY WELLS, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM in 1N (A? A4Q 4ZZ74 GREG A C..JBSTELLO, City Attorney COMMUNITY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Franklin County, Washington Date .›TroJe.t.i)1989 .) The following statements of understanding represent an agreement between the Franklin County Sheriff's and Pasco Police Departments and the Citizen Advisory Committee on Law Enforcement. The agreement is for a specific course of action related to establishing a community advocacy group, the recruitment and employment of racial minorities and the review of current policies and procedures to improve communication and services to the community, and specifically the ethnic minority community, was accomplished during joint meetings involving the afore-mentioned parties commencing on June 22, 1989 in Pasco, Washington. These sessions are being provided on-going technical assistance and facilitated by P. Diane Schneider, a representative of the Community Relations Service of the U.S. Department of Justice, Region X, Seattle, Washington, to cooperate in achieving mutual goals. 1. The Franklin County Sheriff's Department, and the Pasco Police Department, with the approval of the respective authorizing governmental entities, will meet every fourth Thursday with the Citizen Advisory Committee on Law Enforcement, (hereinafter referred to as CACLE) and as otherwise determined necessary. This group will consist of representatives of Franklin County and City of Pasco ethnic minority communities and Franklin County/City of Pasco law enforcement agencies. The participating entities will work to create effective community relations programs specifically in the ethnic community to include: (1) Improved open communication between law enforcement and racial/ethnic minorities in the community. (2) A better understanding of the roles and capabilities of law enforcement among members of Franklin county/City of Pasco racial/ethnic community. (3) A better understanding of racial/ethnic minority concerns among law enforcement officials/officers (ie. cultural uniqueness, cultural awareness, sensitivity training.) (4) Work cooperatively and assist law enforcement in combating the drug problem and other criminal activity in the community. (5) A means of assisting law enforcement agencies with recruitment of personnel for affirmative action to achieve parity in hiring of ethnic minorities and in development of selective certification criteria to improve services to the ethnic minority community. (6) Jointly pursue police/citizen partnerships (e.g. community-oriented policing). 2. The Tr-Cities American GI Forum, The Tr-Cities Latin American Association, The Benton/Franklin Hispanic Voters Coalition, The Hispanic Professional Association, The Tr-Cities NAACP, Pasco Laos Family Committee and other interested ethnic minority community service organizations agree to jointly assist the Franklin County Sheriff's Department and the City of Pasco Police Department in minority recruitment efforts by identifying and recommending suitable candidates for employment consideration. By: Je e Torres, President City of Pasco by: by: 3. If the parties are unable to agree on a resolution of a problematic matter after the issue has been fully researched and discussed, mediation will be sought through the Community Relations Service or other appropriate dispute resolution organization. DATED: This -9,/ day of 1989. Franklin County Sheriff's Department: Y: 'chard at im, Sheriff Citizen Advisory Committee on Law Enforcement: Witnessed by: P. Diane Schneider, Conciliator Community Relations Service U.S. Department of Justice