HomeMy WebLinkAbout1870 ResolutionCITY RESOLUTION NO 1870 COUNTY RESOLUTION NO gq-3 A Joint Resolution for the City of Pasco and Franklin County creating a Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, defining its membership, listing terms of office, and prescribing duties THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 There is hereby established a Senior Citizens Advisory Committee for the City of Pasco and for Franklin County, which committee shall jointly advise the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners on matters relating to recreational, social, health and educational needs of senior citizens of the City of Pasco and Franklin County, and which committee shall perform such other advisory functions as may be assigned to it from time to time by the concurrent approval of the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners The committee herein constituted shall pay particular attention to the interests of senior citizens in relationship to the Franklin County/City of Pasco Senior Citizens Center when the center is completed and operational Section 2 The committee shall consist of nine (9) voting members who shall be electors of the City of Pasco and/or Franklin County, and who shall be appointed concurrently by the Mayor and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners All appointments shall have the concurring confirmation of both governing bodies of the City and County The President or Vice President of the City of Pasco/Franklin County Senior Citizens Club, by virtue of his/her office, is automatically a voting member of the committee and shall serve on the committee during the term of his/her tenure Section 3 A regular term of office on the committee shall be a term of three (3) years The initial appointments shall be for one, two, and three years respectively, so as to create staggered terms of office with the ultimate objective of having one term of office expire each year Section 4 The committee shall annually, at the first of the year, elect its own Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary, and shall keep records of its proceedings which shall be open to public inspection Meetings of the committee shall be conducted consistently with the Washington State Open Meetings Act The committee shall establish procedures and bylaws for conducting its meetings and transacting business before it Section 5 Committee members shall not receive any salary or other compensation for services performed Section 6 The City Manager or his designate and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or his designate, shall be additional non-voting ex-officio members of the committee Section 7 The Director of Parks and Recreation of the City of Pasco shall be the staff liaison officer for the committee and, in this capacity, shall represent the day-to-day interests of the City and County as they relate to senior citizen matters The Director or his designates from the Parks and Recreation Department staff, shall provide reasonable staff support services for the committee, including setting meeting dates, preparing agendas, typing and disseminating minutes of meetings, and other related clerical duties. Section 8 Copies of agendas, minutes, or other reports created by the committee, shall be sent to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and to the City Manager Section 9 All recommendations emanating from the committee shall be in writing and shall be signed by the Chairman of the committee and shall be directed jointly to the City and County, to the City Manager and to the Chairman, Board of County Commissioners -at ells, City Cler Rubstello, City Attorney 44, Clerk o Boar 1 Lg.". Section 10 This joint resolution rescinds and replaces the Joint resolution, City No 1342 and County No 80-40, establishing the City of Pasco/Franklin County Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Section 11 This joint resolution shall be in full force and effect after its passage by both the City and County PASSED by the Cjc Council of the City of Pasco and approved this day of , 1989 Ed Hendler, Mayor ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM PASSED by the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County this 7 - day of , 1989 Flarold Mathews, Chairman ATTEST 2