HomeMy WebLinkAbout1853 ResolutionATTACHMENT "B" 1853 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION adopting a housing assistance plan for the City of Pasco, Washington; WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development requires entitlement communities to adopt a housing assistance plan to qualify for Community Block Grant Funds; and WHEREAS, a housing assistance plan covering the federal fiscal years of 1989, 1990 and 1991 has been prepared by the City in fulfillment of HUD requirements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the housing assistance plan dated October 13, 1988 [attached hereto] is hereby adopted as a guide for the use of federal housing resources in Pasco during the federal fiscal years of 1989, 1990 and 1991. S ED by the city Council of the City of Pasco this /9 day of , 1988. di ler, Mayor ATTE ED: / Evelyn Wells, City Clerk Approved as to Form: /6 ()? Greg Rub tello, City Attorney ved )63 U S DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN 1 NAME OF COMMUNITY City of Pasco All.L-1 ,,LIAILLI1 LA -- -- — -- _ 2 GRANT NUMBER — M C— 5 3— 0 0 09 3 PERIOD OF APPLICABILITY FROM 11/1/88 To 10/31/91 HUD APPROVAL 4 DATE OF SUBMISSION 10/18/88 4 e IR7 Original • Revision • Amendment (Signature of Authorized Official( (Date) PART I - HOUSING ASSISTANCE NEEDS , . . TABLE I - HOUSING STOCK CONDITIONS TENURE TYPE STANDARD UNITS SUBSTANDARD UNITS SUBSTANDARD UNITS SUITABLE FOR REHAB OCCUPIED UNITS VACANT UNITS OCCUPIED UNITS VACANT UNITS OCCUPIED UNITS VACANT UNITS Total Lower Income A B C D E F G 6 Owner 3 465 82 147 8 142 57 0 7 I, Renter 3,053 602 350 48 310 227 34 TABLE II - RENTAL SUBSIDY NEEDS OF LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS ELDERLY SMALL FAMILY LARGE FAMILY TOTAL H I J K 8 Very Low Income 98 565 133 796 9 Percent 12 % 71 % 17 % 100% to Other Lower Income 61 318 46 415 li ETR 19 71 30 126 12 To be Displaced 0 0 0 0 13 Total 178 955 209 1,347 14 Percent 13 71 % 16 % 100% PART II - THREE YEAR GOAL , TABLE I - UNITS TO BE ASSISTED REHABILITATION OF SUBSTANDARD UNITS NEW CONSTRUCTION CONVERSION 10 STANDARD UNITS HOME IMPROVEMENTS N 0 L M 15 Owner 18 0 0 0 16 Renter 0 0 0 0 (UNITS EXPECTED TO ASSIST LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS) 17 Owner 18 0 0 181 Renter 0 0 0 TABLE II - LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS TO RECEIVE RENTAL SUBSIDIES ELDERLY SMALL FAMILY LARGE FAMILY TOTAL P 0 R S 19 Households to be Assisted 38 203 49 290 20 Percent 13 % 70 % 17 % 100% TABLE III - GOALS FOR HUD RESOURCES SUBJECT TO LOCAL REVIEW AND COMMENT ELDERLY SMALL FAMILY LARGE FAMILY TOTAL T U V W 21 Households to be Assisted 38 203' 49 290 HOUSING TYPE PREFERENCE (Maximum Number of Units that will be Accepted) 22 NEW REHAB EXISTING 0 160 130 23 • Check this box if the applicant wishes to review State Housing Agency proposals within its Jurisdiction PART III - GENERAL LOCATIONS 24 Attach map identifying the general locations of proposed assisted housing r-I HUD 7091 1 (10-82) (24 CFR 570306) - US DLPARTMEN1 OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN , 1 NAME OF COMMUNITY City of Pasco 1 r 2 GRANT NUMBER B - 8 8 — M C — 5 3 — 0 0 019 3 PERIOD OF APPLICABILITY FROM 11/1/88 TO 10/31/89 4 N Original • Revision • Amendment 5 INCREMENTAL YEAR OF SUBMISSION 15 1 MI 2 II 3 6 HUD APPROVAL (Signature of Authorized Official) (Dm) 7 INCORPORATION OF HAP, PARTS I- III, BY REFERENCE Parts I, II and III of the HAP approved are Incorporated by reference and are not contained in this (second) (third) year submission (Latest amendment date of the HAP, Parts 1 - 111, if any ) PART IV ANNUAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE GOALS PROGRAM OR PROJECT HUD B UNITS TO BE ASSISTED LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS TO BE ASSISTED List HUD Assisted Rental Housing Programs first then other Renter Programs and Owner Programs Separately NUMBER OF UNITS C HOUSING TYPE D ELDERLY E SMALL FAMILY F LARGE FAMILY G TOTAL H A (1) Section 8 Existing (2) Housing Rehab., Sub-Standard, Owner Occupied (3) Moderate Existing X X 6 Existing Rehab Existing Rehab 25 2 0 115 3 122 10 1 38 150 6 160 HUD-7091 2(10.82 (24 CFR 570 3Cla HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN EFFECTIVE DATE Pasco, Washington 11/1/88 thru 11/31/91 SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE 1. PART I, TABLE I, HOUSING STOCK CONDITIONS: A. Housing units were derived from the 1980 Census data, updated to reflect new construction and demolitions through August of 1988. Tenure type determined by Census data updated with building permit records. B. Occupancy/vacancy rates determined by survey for Office Financial Management, State of Washington, population estimates 1988. C. Substandard units were determined from a 1982 Housing Quality Survey. Data was reconciled with census data and data supplied by HUD. 2. PART I, TABLE II, SUBSIDY NEEDS: A. All data for 1980 Census, renter households paying 30% or more by household income for rent adjusted proportionally to reflect population and household unit changes. 3. PART II, TABLE I, UNITS TO BE ASSISTED: A. Owner-occupied rehabilitation of substandard units represents 3-year goal of city sponsored Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Program. B. Due to circumstances in the community, it is unrealistic to set goals for new construction for the next several years. 4. PART II, TABLE II, RENTAL SUBSIDIES: A. The Pasco Housing Authority indicates difficulty in placing large families in other than conventional public housing, thus, lower proportion of large family assistance and larger proportion of small family assistance. 5. Definition of "Substandard": Chapter 10, Uniform Housing Code, 1985 Edition, published by ICBO, (Copy attached as exhibit "B") 6. Definition of "Substandard and Suitable for Rehabilitation" Any unit with one or more of the conditions enumerated in the definition of "substandard". HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN -2- EFFECTIVE DATE Pasco, Washington 11/1/88 thru 11/31/91 7. Impact of Rental Conversions: Historically little activity; one conversion involving 30 units over past 16 years. No notable conversion activity anticipated in next three years. 8. Special Housing Needs of Handicapped Persons: The exact number of handicapped individuals that reside in Pasco is unknown as to their housing status. 9. Special Housing Needs of Single Individuals with Dependent Children: According to 1980 Census, Pasco contained 674 households headed by single female with dependent children (no data for single males with dependent children). Housing status is unknown but majority of these households are assumed to be included in small family rent subsidy needs. 10. Special Housing Needs for Other Particular Groups of Lower Income Households: No other special housing needs reflected in available data. 11. Lower Income Minority Households: A. Household Lower Income Households in Substandard Units, by Tenure, Household Type, and Race Type, and Race Race Owner-Occupied Rent-Occupied Total E SF LF E SF LF E SF LF Black 4 1 0 1 10 15 5 11 15 American Indian 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Asian 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 Hispanic 4 1 0 3 27 39 7 28 39 SUB-TOTAL 8 2 0 4 39 57 12 41 57 White 57 8 4 12 106 151 69 114 155 TOTAL 65 10 4 16 145 208 81 155 212 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN -3- EFFECTIVE DATE Pasco, Washington 11/1/88 thru 11/31/91 B. Households Paying 30% or More of Income for Rent, by Household Type and Race (Rent Subsidy Needs) Race Elderly Small Family Large Family Total Black 14 58 12 84 American Indian 1 3 1 5 Asian 2 7 1 10 Hispanic 36 151 31 218 SUB-TOTAL 53 219 45 317 White 141 583 117 841 TOTAL 194 802 162 1158 12. NARRATIVE ITEMS FOR THREE YEAR GOALS A. The City of Pasco will continue to operate its housing rehabilitation program from the annual entitlement grant. The program is available only to owner/occupied households with a total income less than 80% of the Tr-Cities median income for applicable household size. B. The goal of assisting rental households will be met by the city working in conjunction with the Pasco Housing Authority. The Housing Authority will be applying for Section 8 certificates in 1989 to meet this goal. C. The moderate rehab goals will be fulfilled by the Housing Authority through the use of vouchers for the proposed units. D. In 1988 the city initiated a stringent Code Enforcement Program to ensure multi family dwelling units in Pasco meet minimum housing standards. Through this program the city will be encouraging the preservation of existing housing for low to moderate income persons. E. The city has not anticipate the displacement of any low to moderate income persons as a result of city actions mentioned herein. The Rehabilitation Program is designed to preserve existing housing units thereby preventing displacement. Under the Code Enforcement Program, the city will work with property owners with appropriate time frames to correct problems to avoid displacing low to moderate income persons. 13. NARRATIVE ITEMS FOR ONE YEAR GOALS SEE THOSE ITEMS LISTED IN #12 ABOVE. • t- Map of eJeighborhoods and 1980 Census Tract Boundaries gagmigsweico NE I GHBORHO CT Wiz• Census Tr , Boundaries \ \ \ Cl 2.03 MIMS Lier31 111. loft 11 MIR MO d wow N IF - I Immeillgt ......_ woe • 4 /4,9r tiei,vra- Vfm•tuNtrr)- —