HomeMy WebLinkAbout1849 ResolutionST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: GREG A. R BSTELLO, City Attorney N ELLS, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 1849 A RESOLUTION Calling for a special election to allow an increase in the utility tax rate on the privilege of conducting an electrical energy, natural gas, steam energy or telephone business to eight and one-half percent (8.5%). WHEREAS, Prior to 1983, the City of Pasco imposed a tax on the privilege of conducting an electrical energy, natural gas, steam energy, or telephone business at a rate of eight percent; and WHEREAS, In 1982 the Washington State Legislature passed legislation requiring the City to progressively decrease the rate of tax on the privilege of conducting electrical energy, natural gas, steam energy, or telephone business to a rate which does not exceed six percent unless the rate is first approved by a majority of voters of the City voting on such a proposition; and WHEREAS, The decreased revenue to the City from taxation on the privilege of conducting an electrical energy, natural gas, steam energy, or telephone business has contributed to the financial hardship of the City; and WHEREAS, A means is necessary to continue financing measures to combat criminal activity in the City, including the hiring and continued employment of additional police officers in lieu of an annual special levy for such purposes; and WHEREAS, RCW 35.21.870 allows the City to impose a tax on the privilege of conducting an electrical energy, natural gas, steam energy, or telephone business at a rate which exceeds six percent if first approved by a majority of the voters of the City voting on such a proposition, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County Auditor shall place on the regular election ballot for the year 1988 as specified by RCW 29.13.070 the following question: Shall the City of Pasco increase the tax on the privilege of conducting an electrical energy, natural gas, steam energy, or telephone business to a rate of eight and one-half percent (8.5%) for anti-crime purposes? Yes or no? 2. The following ballot title is suggested: PASCO ANTI-CRIME-UTILITY TAX. 3. The City Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Franklin County Auditor and to the Franklin County Commissioners on Friday, September 23, 1988. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 22nd day of September, 1988. ED HENDLER, Mayor September 23, 1988 Franklin County Auditor 1016 N. 4th Pasco, Washington 99301 Attn: Zona Lenhart Dear Zona: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 1849, passed by the Pasco City Council at a special meeting on September 22, 1988, calling for a special election to allow an increase in the utility tax rate. We respectfully request this be placed on the November General Election ballot. Sincerely yours, Evelyn Wells City Clerk Encs. Day Phone REGISTERED VOTERS BY CUSTOMER REQUEST CHECK ONE OF THE BELOW LIST A PHABETICALLY BY PRECINCT NUMBER OF LISTS REQUESTED CIRCLE ONE OF THE BELOW LEGISLATIVE PORT PRECINCT PRECINCT/LEVY PUD SCHOOL COUNTY WIDE CEMETARY CITY COMMISSIONER FIRE ' HOSPITAL _27.11 -4 CHECK ONE OF THE BELOW LABELS ALPHABETICALLY BY PRECINCT NUMBER OF LABELS REQUESTED CIRCLE ONE OF THE BELOW COUNTY WIDE LEGISLATIVE CEMETARY PORT CITY PRECINCT COMMISSIONER PRECINCT/LEVY FIRE PUD HOSPITAL SCHOOL COST $20 00 AN HOUR EACH REQUEST WILL BE TIMED IN AND PROCESSED IN THAT ORDER YOU CAN EXPECT TO RECEIVE YOUR COMPUTOR PRINT OUT 48 HOURS AFTER REQUEST TIME MAY VARY DEPENDING ON OFFICE WORK LOAD MAPS $2 00 EACH OR $6 00 FOR FULL COUNTY SET I understand that the Count y Auditor is re q uired b y law to furnish copies of current re g istration lists of re g istered voters in his possession to an y person, upon re q uest, PROVIDED that such lists be used onl y for political purposes and shall not be used for commercial purposes (RCW 29 04 100) I further understand that an y violation of RCW 04 100 relatin g to the use of lists of re g istered voters is a felon y and shall be punished b y imprisonment in the state penitentiar y for a period of not more than five y ears or a firi6of not more that five thousand dollars, or both such fine and imprisonment, in addition to possible civepenalties Signature o person making request Ni Agency ,calklidate or Corrimittee Mfliation Alternate Phone /I/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED LIST COMPUTER START TIME COMPUTER END TIME NUMBER OF LIST REQUESTED DEPUTY RECEIVING REQUEST DEPUTY PROCESSING REQUEST DATE PROCESSED LABELS COMPUTER START TIME COMPUTER END TIME NUMBER OF LABELS REQUESTED