HomeMy WebLinkAbout1818 ResolutionAPPROVED AS TO FORM: /411 ATT T: ,A1 Jut ED HENDLER, Mayor ELLS, City Clerk GREG A. UBSTELLO, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 1818 A RESOLUTION to approve amendments to the Interlocal Agreement creating the Washingtdn Cities Insurance Authority. WHEREAS, the Washington Cities Insurance Authority has been a functioning and operating organization for the past seven (7) years; and, WHEREAS, Article 26 of the Interlocal Agreement creating the Washington Cities Insurance Authority allows for amendment of the Interlocal Agreement; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Washington Cities Insurance Authority has identified certain articles of the Interlocal Agreement creating W.C.I.A. as in need of amendment to promote the future efficient operation of W.C.I.A; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The Pasco City Council unanimously approves the adoption of the attached amendments to Articles 15, 20 and 21 of the Interlocal Agreement creating the Washington Cities Insurance Authority and approves the presentation of the same to each of the city councils of each of the member cities of the proposed amendments for their ratification and approval to amend the Interlocal Agreement. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 15th day of February, 1988. WASHINGTON CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY DATE: February 4, 1988 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jill Makela, Authority Secretary RE- Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement and Reference Manual Update Enclosed is a resolution for your City Council to adopt amending the WCIA Interlocal Agreement. The amendments to the Interlocal were approved by the Board of Directors at the January 14, 1988 meeting. However, they do not become effective until all member city councils adopt a resolution ratifying the proposed changes. Please have your City Council adopt the enclosed resolution as soon as possible, and return a copy to the WCIA offices, attention: Jill. Also enclosed is a three-hole punched copy of the new Interlocal Agreement, an updated Joint Protection Program, and membership roster. These documents should be placed in your Reference Manuals. We suggest you remove the old copies from your manuals to avoid confusion. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Enclosures (4) 1. Resolution 2. Interlocal Agreement 3. Joint Protection Program 4. Membership Roster 15215 52nd Ave South, Suite 10 Tukwila, WA 98188 (206) 764 6471 SCAN 443 6471 INTERLOCAL CHANGE: COMBINE ARTICLES 20 & 21 - "WITHDRAWAL" & "CANCELLATION" - IN ITS ENTIRETY. REPLACE WITH NEW ARTICLE 20 - A) "CITY WITHDRAWAL FROM AUTHORITY MEMBERSHIP" AS FOLLOWS: (1) A Member City may withdraw as a party to this Agreement pursuant to requirements of Article 18. (2) A Member City which signs the Agreement and enters the Joint Protection Program pursuant to Article 18 may not withdraw as a party to this Agreement and as a member of the Authority for a three-year period commencing on the effective date of the Joint Protection Program, as determined by Article 18. (3) After the initial three-year. non-cancellable commitment to the program, any Member City may withdraw from membership only at the end of any fiscal year of the Authority, provided it has given the Authority twelve months prior written notice of its intent to withdraw from this Agreement. Such notice shall be hand carried or mailed to the offices of the Authority by certified mall. (4) Withdrawal of membership will result in automatic cancellation of such Member City's participation in the Joint Protection Program, any excess insurance and any other programs offered by the Authority effective the date of withdrawal. Further, the Authority reserves the right to non-renew said withdrawing Member City's coverage in any Authority program during such City's notice period. DELETE ARTICLE 20 - "CANCELLATION" AND REPLACE WITH NEW 1`, ARTICLE 20B 20B) "AUTHORITY TERMINATION OF CITY MEMBERSHIP". (1) The Authority shall have the right to terminate any City's membership in the Authority at any time. Such Termination of Membership shall be upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at a full Board meeting where such motion for termination of membership is presented. A City's termination of membership shall become effective no later than sixty (60) days after the date such motion is passed, but in no event shall membership extend beyond the last day of coverage in the current Authority insurance coverage program in which said City is a participant. (2) For purposes of this section, Membership in the Authority consists of a Member City's right to have a representative on the Board of Directors and to vote on Board matters, and the right to participate or receive coverage in any Joint Protection Program, self-insured retention or excess insurance program, and to utilize any Authority services or programs. (3) The Authority shall notify a City in writing of its intent to vote on a motion for Termination of Membership of the City at least 30 days before the meeting at which the motion is to be voted upon. The notification shall include reasons for the proposed Termination of Membership. The affected City has the right to be represented at the meeting where the motion for Termination of Membership is to be voted upon and will be provided an opportunity to address the Board members present if they so choose. ARTICLE 21 - "CANCELLATION" SHOULD BE DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY AND REPLACED WITH NEW ARTICLE 21 - "CANCELLATION OF COVERAGE". (a) The Authority shall have the right to cancel any Member City's participation in any insurance coverage program offered by or through the Authority. The terms of such cancellation of coverage will be specified in each of the coverage documents for the Authority's various programs, except that excess coverage in any program shall automatically cancel effective the date of cancellation of its self-insured coverage. Further, coverage in all Authority programs shall cease effective the date of a Member City's voluntary withdrawal of membership from the Authority. (b) The Authority may cancel any Member City's participation in any insurance coverage program offered by or through the Authority without termination of the Member City's membership in the Authority. However, any City whose Membership in the Authority has been terminated pursuant to Article 20B shall automatically be cancelled from participation in all insurance coverage programs offered by or through the Authority as of the effective date of termination of membership. INTERLOCAL CHANGE: ARTICLE 15 "RESPONSIBLE FOR MONIES" SECTION B: (b) A bond in the amount set by the Board, but-Tmot—limmi—emr-imme—mikkion-doiiars OiTeee T eee} ((as outlined by State RCW)) shall be required of all officers and personnel authorized to disburse funds of the Authority, such bond to be paid for by the Authority. Date