HomeMy WebLinkAbout1795 ResolutionPASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by t e Mayor this 8th day of September, 1987. Joe W. J son, Mayor OVED AS T F RESOLUTION NO. 1795 A RESOLUTION approving the 1987-88 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Pasco and the Pasco Police Officer's Association, for the "Uniformed" Employee Bargaining Unit. WHEREAS, the City and the Pasco Police Officer's Association through their respective negotiators, have collectively bargained an agreement concerning wages, hours and working conditions for the "Uniformed" employees in the Pasco Police Department to cover the calendar years 1987 and 1988; and WHEREAS, the Pasco Police Officer's Association has ratified the agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference herein as specifically set forth, and the City's negotiator and City Manager have recommended the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement on behalf of the City; and WHEREAS, the members of the City Council be and are satisfied with the agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Pasco and the Pasco Police Officer's Association for the "Uniformed" Employee Bargaining Unit within the Pasco Police Department attached hereto, is hereby ratified and approved by the City Council. Section 2. The Mayor of the City is hereby authorized to execute the attached Collective Bargaining Agreement on behalf of the City. velyn Wells, City Clerk Greg Rubstello, City Attorney 1987-1988 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF PASCO AND PASCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION "UNIFORMED" EMPLOYEE BARGAINING UNIT ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION ARTICLE II - TERM AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT Section 1. Effective Date Section 2. Entire Agreement , Section 3. Proposals for Collective Bargaining ARTICLE III - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 1. Prerogatives of the Employer 2. Rights Reserved a. Taking Action Re: Positions Within the Department b. Disciplinary Action c. Control Department Budget 3. Insure Functioning of Department ARTICLE IV - PERFORMANCE OF DUTY ARTICLE V - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 1. Discussion with Supervisor 2. Written Grievance to Chief 3. Grievance Appealed to City Manager 4. Grievance Appealed to Arbitration a. Request in Writing b. Arbitrator Selected by Mutual Agreement C. Arbitrator Limitations d. Hearing Dates for Arbitration e. Arbitrator's Decision Binding f. Costs of Arbitration g. Costs of Preparation h. Arbitration Waives Right to Litigate Special Provisions 1. Term "Employee" 2. Grievance Time off Without Loss of Pay 3. Grievance Steps Advanced Upon Agreement 4. Time Limits for Grievance Decisions 5. Grievance Settled if Time Limits not Met 6. Waiver of Right to Further Consideration 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 ARTICLE VI - Section 1. Section 2. ARTICLE VII Section 1. Section 2. DAYS OFF EXCHANGE Shift Exchange No Overtime Liability - SICK LEAVE Purpose LEOFF I Section 3. LEOFF II 11 a. Accrual of Sick Leave 11 b. New/Probationary Employees Accrual and Use of Sick Leave 11 i. Sick Leave Credited After Six Months 11 ii. Dates for Sick Leave to Commence 12 c. Sick Leave with Pay 12 i. Reporting Sick Leave 12 ii. Reporting more than 3 Days Absence 12 iii. Medical Certificate May be Required 12 iv. Medical Examination by Request of City 13 d. Return to Work After Sick Leave 13 e. Sick Leave - Payment in Lieu Thereof 13 Section 4. Family Illness 13 Section 5. Return to work 14 Section 6. Paternity 14 Section 7. LEOFF I - Frozen Bank 14 ARTICLE VIII - OVERTIME 15 Section 1. Overtime Approval 15 Section 2. Call-Back/Court/Training 15 1 Section 3. Other Rules 16 a. In Service Training 16 b. No Overtime for Class Attendance 16 c. No Overtime for Vacation Leave - Exception 16 d. No Overtime for Military Leave 16 e. Witness Fees 16 f. Civil Witness Fees 16 ARTICLE IX - BEREAVEMENT 17 ARTICLE X - MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND LIFE INSURANCE 17 Section 1. Medical and Dental Insurance for Employees and Dependents 17 a. City Payment 17 b. Employee/Employer Share Rate Increases 17 c. Excess payments by City 17 1. Amount of Deductible per Calendar Year 18 ii. Deductible and Accident Expenses 18 iii. Dental Deductible 18 Section 2. Vision Care 18 Section 3. Life Insurance 19 ARTICLE XI - HOURS OF WORK 19 Section 1. Standard Work Week Hours Defined 19 Section 2. Employer to Establish Lunch and Rest Breaks 19 11 -"'" IrVf: .0*-".44.1itornmA , ARTICLE XII - CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 19 Section 1. Uniforms Furnished by Employer 19 Section 2. Replacement of Uniforms "As Needed" , 20 Section 3. Lost Equipment and Clothing 20 Section 4. Annual Clothing Allowance 20 ARTICLE XIII - WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 21 ARTICLE XIV - HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS 21 Section 1. Vacations 21 a. Vacation Credit 21 b. Accumulation of Vacation 21 c. Probationary Employees 22 Section 2. Holidays 22 Requirements for Additional Holiday 22 a. Continuous Employment 22 b. Written Notice to Supervisor 22 C. Supervisor Approval of Date 23 d. Must be Taken During Calendar Year 23 Section 3. Paid Holidays 23 ARTICLE XV - WAGES 23 Section 1. Dates and Increases Set Forth 23 ARTICLE XVI - POLICE ACADEMY ATTENDANCE 24 1 Section 1. Compensable Time 24 Section 2. Transportation 24 Section 3. Costs for Clothing and Equipment 24 ARTICLE XVII - SAVINGS CLAUSE 25 ARTICLE XVIII - POLICE OFFICERS CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 25 Reimbursement Schedule 26 Education Premium 26 a. Police Officer 26 b. Sargeants and Corporals 26 c. Evidence Technition 26 ARTICLE XIX - EFFECTIVE DATE 26 SIGNATURE PAGE 26 APPENDIX "A" SCHEDULE OF WAGE RATES 1 Page APPENDIX "B" LEOFF I SICK LEAVE CASH OUT 1 Page iii 1987 - 1988 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF PASCO AND PASCO POLICE ASSOCIATION THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City of Pasco, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer," and the Pasco Police Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Association." WITNESSETH: It is recognized that continued harmonious relations are ^ essential between the Employer and the Association. It is the intent of the Association to maintain the past excellent relationship and meet any differences which may arise in a rational, common sense manner. ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION The Employer recognizes that the Association is the exclusive bargaining representative for all the employees of the Pasco Police Department in the civil service classifications of sargeant, corporal, and police officer (and evidence technician depending upon the final resolution of PERC Case No. 06453-C-86-00332 after all appeals are concluded). "Employee(s)" as used herein means and is limited to police department employees employed in the civil service classifications of sargeant, corporal, and police officer (and evidence technician depending upon the final resolution of PERC Case No. 06453-C-86-00332 after all appeals are concluded). -1- ARTICLE II - TERM AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT Section 1. This Agreement shall become effective at the start of the first new pay period following ratification of this Contract by both parties (see last page for effective date), and shall remain in full force and effect to and including December 31, 1988. Section 2. The Agreement expressed herein in writing constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no oral statement shall add to or supersede any of its provisions during contract years 1987 through 1988. Provided, however, if the parties hereto have commenced negotiations for a new contract in accordance with statutory requirements and such negotiations are continuing at the termination date written above, the provisions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect until the parties reach impasse in their negotiations or the effective date of a new contract, whichever first occurs. Nothing herein shall be construed to interfere with any person's ability to initiate a representation question or election with PERC. Section 3. The parties acknowledge that each has had the unlimited right and opportunity to make proposals with respect to any matter being the proper subject for collective bargaining. The results of the exercise of that right are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly agree to -2- waive the right to oblige the other party to bargain with respect to any subject or matter not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement. ARTICLE III - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Any and all rights concerned with the management and operation of the department are exclusively that of the Employer, unless otherwise specifically provided by the terms of this Agreement. The Association recognizes: 1. The prerogatives of the Employer to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with its responsibilities and powers; and 2. That the Employer reserves those rights concerning management in operation of the department which include, but are not limited to the following: a. To recruit, assign, transfer or promote members to positions within the department; b. To suspend, demote, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against employees for just cause; c. To control the department budget. 3. To take whatever actions are necessary at all times in order to insure the proper functioning of the department. -3- —IT ,An 4"e"-"'Tr - 71 - cii‘ " )),A-s, ,177,,;k7rii,.... A ARTICLE IV - PERFORMANCE OF DUTY Neither the Association, its officers, or agents, nor any of the employees covered by the Agreement will engage in, encourage, sanction, support or suggest any strikes, slowdowns, blu flu, speed-ups, mass resignations, mass absenteeism, the willful absence from one's positions, the stoppage of work or the abstinence in whole or in part of the full, faithful and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purpose of inducing, influencing, or coercing a change in the conditions of compensation or the rights, privileges or obligations of employment. In the event that any employee violates this Article, the Association shall, upon becoming aware of the situation, immediately notify any such employees in writing to cease and desist from such action and shall instruct them to to immediately return to their normal duties. Any and all employees who violate any of the provisions of this Article may be discharged or otherwise disciplined. ARTICLE V - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A grievance shall be defined as a dispute or disagreement raised by an employee or group of employees against the employer involving the interpretation or application of the specific provisions of this Agreement. It is specifically understood that any disputes regarding matters governed by Civil Service rules or statutory provisions shall not be considered grievances and not -4- be subject to the grievance procedure hereinafter set forth. Nor shall any disciplinary actions which may be appealed to the Civil Service Commission be considered grievances and subject to the grievance procedure herein. Grievances, as herein defined, shall be processed in the following manner: 1. Discussion With Supervisor - As soon as possible, but in no case later than ten (10) calendar days after an employee knows or should have known of the event giving rise to a complaint, an employee shall first discuss his complaint with his immediate supervisor. Said supervisor shall make an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances of the complaint and attempt to resolve the matter. If the complaint is not settled, the employee shall notify the Grievance Committee of the Association in writing, setting forth the nature of the complaint. Said notifications shall cite the relevant facts, provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated and the remedy sought. The Grievance Committee shall meet within three (3) calendar days to determine whether a valid grievance does in fact exist. If the complaint is found not to constitute a valid grievance, no further action will be taken. 2. Written Grievance to Chief of the Department - It the grievance committee finds a valid grievance, its written findings and the original complaint of the employee shall be forwarded to the police chief within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date -5- .• Vr1 _ - • 1 „ „<- " - , ^ ,$ — • , sr,r , _ go• .11 • tsg.t, g - r s r • - , y seog-t.' y _ , 4 „ 4 ,t 7-` - - ) \ „, n - y „ 7 A s t, --r-yososs t — 4 .* 7 ^ - ,,, -:2A, •.,,,••,-;:".v.,<1 ;„'S- 4-n , „,.`:;,.r,,,lisz“ 4 ,,,::::,', .ef ,',1 43, .P.;,:.: "li ,-;-;"•-",..,..`,;f74.1 ...?"-9-J+Thtl- (.7"•-.01i'''7.-Itr-Y<, ..',s`c• cklk. 1,-"7"4.1-k%,'''''-i- -,1. /:,%,e'i., +1-114 7, ,k ''..0Y(s 4 ".',.;'-'( ty!‹ 72- -:J . , . , ... , _ - . zf,',..,....„: 13.,":.1,,,,"; ,h-.." j ',IS '''. i',.„: k„,'4irt;',',-;-?..;15 is3 1 -;•^,‘..-1,,!,,,,...:S1 t :::-.1.4.4` sltr-tx ry , -5.74, ....,s477,/ ,,,..,7„;,..7.,.„ ,,. ,,..F.. ... •:.,,,,,, ,1 ,... ss -.A' ' ... , ', _.• ' 's `:.: ' 7 - ... -I' "'s. ' - - 7., ss , 7- - .1,:-.7,4 ., , i s .„. .. / X ,. .„,„. _ ' ' t. I nreadab le Orvonal 2.“' ..7-,,.., '.. ... 1 V ;>Z.-1'. , 7 . I ''' , ' '... ,,,, , i.11; ,V47 "X(., ,1";;V ' - ,...g.,3 ...' ' l5,1-, '..`"'+''';e :" J4?•1\ ., r b. An arbitrator may be selected by mutual agreement of the parties. In the event the parties cannot agree on the selection of an arbitrator within ten (10) calendar days, a joint request shall be made to the State PERC for a list of five (5) arbitrators. Selection shall be made by alternatively striking names from the list with the party striking first determined by lot. c. The arbitration hearing shall be convened within thirty (30) calendar days after the selection process is completed. PERC rules and procedures shall govern the hearing. d. The arbitrator shall be limited to determining whether the City has violated, erroneously interpreted, or failed to apply properly the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the appropriate remedy. The arbitrator shall have no power to change, delete from, add to or alter the terms of this Agreement. If possible, the arbitrator shall also designate the losing party. e. The parties agree that the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and implemented within thirty (30) calendar days following the rendering of the decision. f. The cost of the arbitration shall be born by the losing party including the arbitrator's fee and expenses. Room rental, if any, and cost of court reporter's time shall be evenly shared. Each party shall pay for the cost of any copy of the -7- written record that party orders from the reporter. If the arbitrator cannot designate which party is the loser, each party will pay one-half (1/2) of the cost of the arbitration. g. Each party shall bear the cost of the prepamation of its own case. h. The taking of a grievance through arbitration constitutes an election of remedies and a waiver where lawful of all rights to litigate or otherwise contest the appealed subject matter in any court or other available form. Likewise, litigation or the contest of the grievance subject matter in any court or other form, shall constitute an election of remedies and a waiver of right to arbitrate the matter. Special provisions 1. The term "employee" as used in this article shall mean an individual employee, or group of employees, accompanied by a representative. 2. An Association representative and/or aggrieved party shall be granted time off without loss of pay for the purpose of processing a grievance from Step 2 forward. Any investigation undertaken by the Association upon the work site shall be conducted so as not to disturb the work of uninvolved employees and only after advance notice to the department head. 3. A grievance may be entertained or advanced to any step in the grievance procedure if the parties so jointly agree. -8- 4. The time limits as specified in this procedure may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties involved. A statement of the duration of such extension of time must be signed by both parties. 5. Any grievance shall be considered settled at the completion of any step if all parties are satisfied or if neither party presents the matter to a higher authority within the prescribed period of time. 6. Failure to act within the time limits specified in any step, other than a failure to meet or respond within the time limits, shall constitute a waiver and forfeiture of the moving party's right to further consideration of the grievance. Failure to meet or respond shall be deemed a waiver of that step and the grievance may be referred to the next step of the grievance procedure if the aggrieved party gives written notice of its intent to do so within five (5) calendar days after the deadline for meeting or responding. ARTICLE VI - DAYS OFF EXCHANGE Section 1. Shift Exchange. Employees shall have the right to exchange days off when the exchange does not interfere with the best interests of the police department or result in overtime liability for the employer. Requests for exchanges of days off shall be made forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the day -9- requested, excluding holidays and weekends, and be subject to the approval of the Chief of Police or his designee. Section 2. No Overtime Liability. A shift exchange shall not result in overtime liability for the employer and the parties agree to adopt the 7 (k) exception of the FLSA for purposes of this Article. When an exchange results in an Employee working hours that would qualify for overtime, the excess hours worked shall be excluded from the calculation of hours for which the employee would otherwise be entitled to overtime. Where employees trade hours, each employee will be credited as if he or she had worked his or her normal work schedule for that shift. ARTICLE VII - SICK LEAVE Section 1. Purpose. It is understood that sick leave is solely for the purpose of illness or injury when the employee is unable or unfit to report to work. For all employees, paid sick leave shall not be available for illness or injury resulting from or caused by accident connected with other gainful employment. A doctor's certificate may be required by the Chief of Police, at his discretion. Section 2. LEOFF I. Employees hired prior to October 1, 1977 (LEOFF I) shall receive sick leave coverage in accordance with this section. Employees shall be granted paid sick leave covering periods of illness or involuntary physical incapacity which does not exceed five (5) working days,up to the maximum -10- extent of one hundred (100) hours per year. An employee not having made application for disability retirement under Chapter 41.26 RCW after absence from work due to illness or injury for five (5) continuous working days shall immethately confer with the Chief of Police or his designee regarding the nature and extent of their illness or injury and make application for disability retirement thereafter if requested to do so by the employer. Nothing herein shall be construed to infringe upon the right of an employee to file for LEOFF disability retirement (leave) at any time allowed by statute. Section 3. LEOFF II. Employees hired on or after October 1, 1977 (LEOFF II) shall accrue and receive sick leave benefits as follows: a. Accrual of Sick Leave - Sick leave shall accrue at the rate of 8.25 hours for each month for each regular employee to a maximum accumulated sick leave of 120 days; however, the severance benefit provided hereafter shall be based on the product of twenty-five percent times the accrued number of sick leave days up to a total of 90 days. b. New/Probationary Employees Accrual and Use of Sick Leave i. Neither a temporary, provisional or probationary employee is entitled to take paid sick leave, provided, however, a probationary employee shall be entitled to take paid sick leave A t3 1 I •I 3 .3•33 after six (6) months of probationary employment. A probationary employee shall earn sick leave credit in accordance with paragraph a. which shall be credited to him after six month of probationary employment. ii. New employees beginning work for the City prior to midnight of the 15th of the month shall earn sick leave credits from the first of the month. All employees beginning work for the City after 12:01 A.M. on the 16th of the month shall not earn sick leave credits until the 1st of the succeeding month. c. Sick Leave with Pay - Employees shall earn and may be granted time off with pay covering periods of illness for involuntary physical incapacity except time off caused by accident connected with other gainful employment to the extent that sick leave has accrued. In order to be granted sick leave with pay, an employee must meet the following conditions: 1. Report to his chief, immediate supervisor or designated representative the reason for the absence. Sick report must be made not later than two hours after the beginning of the scheduled work day; ii. Keep his chief, immediate supervisor, or designated representative informed of his condition if the absence is of more than three working days duration; If absence extends beyond three working days duration, the employee will be required, at the option of the -12- t ti,4,744qt "I-- , chief, to submit a medical certificate signed by a physician stating the kind or nature of sickness or injury, that the employee has been unfit for work for the period of absence or quarantine or required to receive out-patient care and is again physically able to perform his duties. The cost of obtaining such medical certificate shall be at the City's expense. iv. Permit the City to make a medical examination or nursing visit if the City deems it so desirable. The expense of such a medical examination or nursing visit shall be paid by the City. d. Return to Work after Sick Leave - The City may require a certificate from an employee's physician stating that the employee is physically capable of returning to work. The City may, in addition and at its expense, require the employee to be examined by a physician of the City's choice to determine the ability of the employee to safely perform his assigned tasks. e. Sick Leave - Payment in Lieu Thereof - An employee at the time of leaving the City, except for any such employee who has not given at least two weeks written notice of their voluntary termination of employment with the City, shall have twenty-five percent of his or her accumulated and unused sick leave up to an aggregate credit of ninety days paid to them in accordance with regular City payroll procedures. Section 4. Family Illness. Notwithstanding any other Article, employees shall be allowed to use accumulated sick leave -13- or permitted time off with pay for periods of illness or involuntary physical incapacity allowed by this Article, up to four work days each calendar year for illness in the immediate family. However, the chief may require the employee to furnish satisfactory proof of an illness requiring the family member be attended. Immediate family shall include only the employee's spouse, children living at home, or any other relative living in the employee's home. Section 5. Return to Work. LEOFF II officers will be allowed to return to work after full recuperation from serious illness or disability after a maximum period of six (6) months. No light duty is available to such officers. Section 6. Paternity. Employees will be granted up to five (5) consecutive days off without pay immediately after the birth of their (legitimate) child if sick leave is not otherwise available. The employee at their option may use accumulated sick or vacation leave benefits in order to avoid the loss of pay during the period of paternity leave. Section 7. LEOFF I - Frozen Bank. For purposes of settlement of this Contract the City recognizes that the LEOFF I employees named in Appendix "B" hereto are entitled to payment of the amount set forth respectively with their name in Appendix "B" upon their termination of employment with the City in full compromise and settlement of the "frozen sick leave" claims arising from the 1975 bargaining Agreement. -14- ARTICLE VIII - OVERTIME Section 1. Except as otherwise provided herein, overtime work shall include only that work performed by employees at the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee, which exceeds the standard 8.25 hour work day or 41.25 hours of work in a seven day work period. Except as otherwise provided herein, overtime work shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's "regular rate of pay" as that term is defined in the FLSA. Section 2. Call-Back/Court/Training. Overtime worked due to call-back but which is not an extension at the beginning or end of a normal shift shall be paid a minimum of three (3) hours at the overtime rate. Overtime due to court appearances requiring less than one (1) hour of the employee's time shall be paid two (2) hours at the employee's overtime rate. Otherwise overtime due to time in court shall be paid a minimum of three (3) hours at the overtime rate per twenty-four (24) hour day with additional hours worked paid on an hour for hour basis as required when an employee is actually in the courtroom or required to be in the Public Safety Building prior to the giving of testimony; Provided, however, such minimums are paid only when call-back for court time is not an extension at the beginning or end of a normal shift. If it is an extension of the shift, either at the beginning or the end it shall be at the overtime -15- rate only for the actual time spent in court. In Service Training time (outside of a scheduled shift) shall be paid at employee's straight time rate with a minimum of two (2) hours. Section 3. Other Rules. The following additional rules for overtime shall be followed: a. In Service Training. Travel time to and from classes shall not be claimed as overtime. b. Overtime shall not be allowed for class attendance while an employee is on sick leave. c. Overtime shall not be allowed while an employee is on vacation leave, unless it is for a court appearance. d. No overtime will be allowed an employee who is on military leave or disability leave. e. Witness fees paid to officers by the court shall be paid directly to the City of Pasco. No officer shall collect both overtime pay and court pay for any court session attended; provided that travel fees paid by any such court for travel by the officer to and from court, shall be excluded. f. When civil witness fee payments of any kind are received for testimony required in any court case, it shall be the option of the employee to accept either the witness fee paid by the non-city party or the city's paid overtime fee, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. In no case shall an employee be entitled to overtime payment for testimony in a case where a civil payment has been received. -16- ARTICLE IX - BEREAVEMENT In the event of a death in the immediate family of an employee, the employee shall be granted up to four (4) days off with pay. Additional leave for such purpose may be taken and charged to other earned leave upon authorization of the Police Chief. Documentation of the need for such leave may be required by the City. Immediate family for these purposes shall be defined as follows: spouse and children of the employee; mother; father; brother; sister; and grandparents of the employee and those of his spouse. ARTICLE X - MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND LIFE INSURANCE Section 1. Medical and Dental Insurance for Employees and Dependents. Effective January 1, 1987, through December 31, 1988, the parties have agreed to the following: a. The City will pay up to Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per month per Employee for medical and dental insurance. b. The Employee and the Employer will share any rate increases on a fifty-fifty basis up to a total premium of Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($260.00) per month for medical and dental insurance. c. The employer will pay any excess premiums above $260 per month. -17° " The City retains the right to maintain a self insurance program or to select insurance carriers, for the purpose of containing the premium rate increases. During the term of the Agreement, the City retains the right to: i. Raise the deductible and medical to One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per person per calendar year to a maximum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per covered family per calendar year. ii. Maintain a deductible and Eighty/Twenty Percent (80%/20%) co-insurance which apply to all covered medical and expenses incurred, with the exception of the first Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) of accident expenses, which will be covered One Hundred Percent (100%) to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and not subject to the deductible. iii. Establish a Twenty-five Dollar ($25.00) deductible per person per calendar year on dental to a maximum of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per covered family or Class 2 and Class 3 dental expenses. The deductible will not apply to Class 1 dental expenses, i.e. covered diagnostic and preventive dental care. Section 2. Vision Care. LEOFF II officers shall be eligible for reimbursement to an annual maximum of Two Hundred Dollars for the combined usual and customary charges for (a) visual examination, (b) corrective lenses, (c) frames. The program will not cover oversize, photogray, or decorative -18- glasses. An examination and new lenses may be obtained every twelve (12) months, but only if the latter are medically required. Repair and/or replacement of broken or lost glasses is not an eligible expense. Section 3. Life Insurance. The City, for the term of this Agreement, shall continue to provide an employer-paid plan with benefits increased to Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) of face value term insurance. ARTICLE XI - HOURS OF WORK Section 1. The City will declare a standard 41.25 hour duty week consisting of five (5) days of 8.25 consecutive hours. The Association recognizes the right of the City to establish and/or modify work schedules and the City recognizes the need to confer with the Association to take employee interests into account. Except for emergency situations, at least forty-eight (48) hours notice will be given to the Union before an overall long-term change in the regular work schedule is implemented. Section 2. The employees agree to confine time spent on lunch and rest breaks to those periods as established by the employer. ARTICLE XII - CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Section 1. All uniforms, protective clothing or protective devices required of employees in the performance of their duties shall be furnished to the Employee by the Employer. All such clothing and equipment remain the property of Employer. -19- - nreadabie Original ..54 -.5 4 ...5EN 1.7-7: rt.", ,--nrr, Section 2. Replacement of uniform parts shall be made on an "as needed" basis. The City will provide for the cleaning of up to twenty (20) uniform articles each month to each uniformed employee. "Uniform articles" means employer issued shirt, pants, jacket, tie and vest. Section 3. Equipment and/or clothing lost, stolen, or destroyed or damaged in the line of duty and without neglect on the part of the Employee will be replaced by the Employer without recrimination, cost, or charge to the Employee. Clothing and equipment provided by the Employer shall be purchased and maintained with due regard to the Employee's health and safety. Section 4. For those Employees required to wear plain clothes in the course of their assigned duties (detectives), the employer will pay an annual clothing allowance of Four Hundred Two Dollars and Sixty Cents ($402.60) prorated to the term of service for each year. Payment shall be made in quarterly installments. Employees working less than one (1) year shall pay back to the City any such clothing allowance received on a prorated basis. The City will provide for the cleaning of up to six (6) articles of clothing for each plain clothes officer each month. "Articles of clothing" means sports coat, slacks, suit jacket, vest, pants, sweater or shirt. -20- ARTICLE XIII - WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION Any Employee covered by this Agreement working out of classification for more than five (5) continuous working days shall be paid the rate of pay for the higher classification retroactively to the first full shift and for each additional full shift. The out of classification rate paid to the Employee will be based on the difference in base pay of the two classifications. ARTICLE XIV - HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS Section 1. Vacations. (a) Vacation Credit. All regular employees shall receive vacation credit at the rate of one (1) work day for each month of continuous service starting from the date of his probationary employment. After entering his tenth (10th) year of continuous service each employee shall earn vacation credit at the rate of one and one-fourth (1-1/4) work days per month. After entering his fifteenth (15th) year of continuous service, each employee shall earn vacation credit at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) work days per month. (b) Accumulation of Vacation. Normally, employees will be required to take annual vacation. No accrued vacation will be allowed in excess of two full years earned vacation or vacation/holiday time. Time not taken which causes accrual beyond two full years will be lost to the employee. Normally, employees will not take more than one and one-half (1-1/2) years -21- accumulation in any one year; however, the ci t y manager may authorize longer leave in special cases. (c) Probationary Employees. Neither probationary employees nor temporary employees are entitled to take vacation leave. A probationary employee will earn vacation credit which shall be credited to him when he becomes a regular employee. Section 2. Holiday. The four (4) listed holidays will be added to regular accrued vacation. HOLIDAY DATE New Years Day Martin Luther King's Presidents Day Christmas Day January 1 Birthday Third Monday in January 3rd Monday in February December 25 Including the addition of the four (4) holidays as vacation, it will be permissible for an Employee to accrue vacation time in an amount equal to that which can be earned in two (2) years at the applicable rate, plus four (4) days, subject to increased accrual as allotted by years of service. Each Employee may select a day on which he desires to take one floating holiday, subject to the following conditions: a. The Employee has been continuously employed by the City for more than six (6) months; b. The Employee has given not less than fourteen (14) calendar days of written notice to his immediate supervisor; provided, however, the Employee and his supervisor may agree on an earlier date; -22- c. The supervisor has approved the date; d. The floating holiday must be taken during the calendar year or entitlement to the day will lapse; except when an Employee has made reasonable request for a personal holiday and the request has been denied. Section 3. Paid Holidays. In addition to the four (4) holidays listed above, the following six (6) listed holidays will be paid. Payment for these holidays will be made on the first pay period in December. ( HOLIDAY DATE Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September November 11 Fourth Thursday in November Fourth Friday in November All Employees covered by this Agreement shall earn eight and one-quarter (8.25) hours straight time pay for each designated paid holiday. Upon separation from the department for any reason, any Employee that has accumulated holiday time shall be paid for time not taken at the then prevailing rate of pay. ARTICLE XV - WAGES Section 1. The wages under this Agreement for January 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987 shall be as set forth in Appendix "A" attached hereto, representing a one and one half percent (1-1/2%) increase in hourly rates of pay over those wage rates prevailing -23- in 1986. For July 1, 1987 through December 31, 1987 wage rates shall increase an additional one and one half percent (1-1/2%) and on January 1, 1988 an additional three percent (3%). ARTICLE XVI - POLICE ACADEMY ATTENDANCE Section 1. An employee at the Police Academy or other training facility, when required by the City, is subject to the provisions of Article VIII - Overtime and Article XI - Hours of Work. No overtime will be claimed unless mandated by the FLSA or state law. Travel time to and from the academy or other training facility is not compensable time unless required by the FLSA or approved by the Chief of Police. Section 2. The City shall determine the means of transportation for an employee to the Police Academy or other training facility and pay the actual cost of transportation for the initial trip to the academy location and the final return trip. If the employee's personal automobile is used as the means of transportation the City shall pay the employee mileage at twenty cents per mile. Any trips home during academy attendance, when required by the City, shall be by means of transportation determined by the City and the cost thereof or mileage will be paid by the City. No other transportation costs or mileage will be paid by the City while an employee is attending the Academy. Section 3. The cost for all clothing and equipment required for academy attendance and physical education classes -24- nrc Mi.r1-01 will be reimbursed by the City up to a maximum reimbursement of $75.00. The required physical examination will be paid in full by the City. ARTICLE XVII - SAVINGS CLAUSE Should any article, section or portion of this Agreement be held unlawful and unenforceable by final order of any court of competent jurisdiction or administrative agency having jurisdiction over the subject matter, or by legislation of the State of Washington or federal government, such decision or legislation shall apply only to the specific Article, Section or portion thereof directly affected. Upon issuance of any such decision or legislation, the parties agree immediately to negotiate a substitute, if possible, for the invalidated Article, Section, or portion thereof. All other portions of this Agreement, and the Agreement as a whole, shall continue without interruption for the term hereof. ARTICLE XVIII - POLICE OFFICERS CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN The City and the Association recognize the benefits brought to the police function by increased educational levels. In an effort to increase members educational levels, the City will reimburse an employee covered by this Agreement for tuition and expenses incurred by any employee taking college level course work when engaged in a continuing education program at any accredited educational institutional in the areas -25- criminal justice, or other police-related of law enforcement, field of study approved by the Chief of Police after considering input from the Association. Such reimbursement shall occur upon 1 completion of the course according to the final grade obtained as follows: -- for an "A", 100% -- for a "B", 75% -- for a "C", 50% -- for a "D" or failing grade, no reimbursement Effective 1/1/87 each employee shall be eligible for an education premium for compensable work upon obtaining a college degree in one of the above specified areas of study in the following amounts: a. Police Officer: Degree Level Achieved 0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11+ yrs AA (AS) BA (BS) $50/mo $75/mo $100/mo $100/mo $125/mo $150/mo b. Sargeants and Corporals: Degree Level Achieved AA (AS) in Police Related Field BA (BS) in Police Related Field c. Evidence Technition (if remains in Degree Level Achieved AA (AS) in Police Related Field BA (BS) in Police Related Field Amount $75/mo $125/mo bargaining unit): Amount $40/mo $80/mo -26- ARTICLE XIX - EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement is September 21, 4 1987. Dated this 8th day of September, 1987. PASCO PO By ;45kes'dent By Secret ry CIATION: CITY OF PASCO: // By ( ayor ATTEST: 8020 -&2-1 Clert APPROVED AS TO FORM: By V j i City torney -27- a "APPENDIX A" 1987 - 1988 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PASCO AND THE PASCO POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1987 The Hourly wage rate for employees covered by this Collective Bargaining Agreement shall bo as follows POSITION CLASSIFICATION 1/1/87 7/1/87 1/1/ 8 Sergeant 1 2nd Year $ 14 4565 $ 14 6733 $ 15 1135 I 1 1st Year 13 9005 14 1090 1 ,- L323 Corporal 13 3387 13 5388 9450 Police Officer 36 Months 12 7827 12 9744 L.) 3(336 24 Months 12 2209 12 4042 12 7763 12 Months 11 6474 11 8221 12 1768 6 Months 11 1031 11 2696 11 6377 Entry 10 5246 10 6825 11 0030 Evidence Technician " 48 Months 11 3126 11 4823 11 9268 36 Months 10 7452 10 9064 11 2'336 24 Months 10 1718 10 3244 13 L,341 12 Months 9 6104 9 7546 10 0472 Entry 9 0429 9 1785 9 4b39 If position remains in the bargaining unit recognized by this agreement 1/1/87 and 7/1/87 reflect 1 5% increases, and 1/1/88 reflects a 3% increasr , For 1987 and 1988, the wages listed above reflect increases at the pay period inhich incijde tlw date noted Hourly rates for Sergeant, Corporal, and Police Officer are calculated on the basis of a 2,14') nrur average work year Hourly rates for Evidence Technician are calculated on the basis of a 2,080 hour average wok year APPENDIX "A" - PAGE 1 OF 1- APPENDIX "B" CASH-OUT OF SICK LEAVE LEOFF I OFFICERS Current Hourly Sick Leave 25% Cash-Out Total Cash-Out Employee Wage Balance Represented Value Fred Anderson 14.8024 0 0.00 0.00 _ Charles Chambers 14.2429 40 142.43 142.43 Robert Martin 13.1416 448 1471.86 1471.86 Henry Montelongo 12.5938 192 604.50 604.50 Cliff Nelson 14.8023 424 1569.04 1569.04 Archie Pittman 12.5938 544 1712.76 1712.76 *Charlotte Supplee 11.3762 176 500.55 500.55 Terry Trulson I 14.2429 0 0.00 0.00 Total: $6,001.14 $6,001.14 1 1 i * If determined to remain in bargaining unit. APPENDIX "B" - PAGE 1 OF 1