HomeMy WebLinkAbout1745 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 1745 A RESOLUTION of the city of Pasco, Washington asking the President of the United States to require that the site selection process, including site characterization studies, for any potential national spent fuel repository, for the disposition of high-level nuclear waste, be based solely upon concerns for public safety and environmental soundness based upon detailed technical and scientific data, and without determinations of political expediencies; and further asking the President of the United States to require that all areas of the United States be fairly considered and studied for their potential as a national spent fuel repository site and to continue to search for a second repository site in the eastern United States. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington because of its proximity to the Hanford site, its dependence upon the agricultural community in southern Franklin and northern Benton Counties and its concern for the quality of the water in the Columbia River which provides the City with its domestic potable water source has an on-going interest in assuring that all activities on the Hanford Reservation are conducted in a safe and environmentally sound manner; and WHEREAS, the residents of the City of Pasco, Washington have an immediate and direct personal interest in the health and safety aspect of activities on the Hanford site; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington is knowledgeable concerning the issues currently under public debate concerning the selection of Hanford for further site characterization studies as a potential national spent fuel repository for the disposition of high-level nuclear waste; and WHEREAS. the disposition of high-level nuclear waste is both a local and national concern, and believing further that it is in the best interests of the Country that the ultimate determination of site selection, including the selection of sites for further site characterization studies must be made solely upon determinations of safety, environmental soundness, based upon detailed technical and scientific data, and without the inclusion or exclusion of any potential site due to political expediencies; and WHEREAS, preliminary studies did not rank the Hanford site as being within the top three safest possible site of those site considered, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington further believing that the selection of Hanford as a site for ST: AP Rubs el o ity Thrney 411PP Leland F. Kraft Mayor Pro Tern further site characterization studies as a potential national spent fuel repository has placed an economic cloud on this area of irrepairable and disastrous proportion, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Pasco, Washington, acting by and through its City Council, as follows: Section 1. The City of Pasco, Washington requests that the President of the United States, based on existing law, require that the site selection process, including the selection of sites for further site characterization study as a potential national spent fuel repository site, be determined and made solely out of concerns of safety and environmental soundness based on detailed technical and scientific data, and without inclusion or exclusion of any site based on political expediencies. Section 2. The City of Pasco, Washington opposes the current selection of Hanford for further site characterization studies as a potential national spent fuel repository site, since the selection of Hanford was not made solely upon considerations of safety and environmental soundness based upon detailed technical and scientific data, and without concern for political expediencies. Section 3. The City of Pasco requests that the President of the United States require that the site selection process should consider all areas of the United States with equal consideration, and that all potential sites in the nation be fairly explored and that the search for a second repository site in the eastern United States continue. Section 4. A copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Honorable Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, and to this State's Congressional Delegation. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor at the regular meeting of the Pasco City Council, held July 21, 1986. Evelyn Wells, City Clerk