HomeMy WebLinkAbout1728 ResolutionATT is, City Clerk VEDA ello, ity tto ney Gre ED by the City Council of /€E City 1986. day of Joe , -- sco this Q5 -- II/ 7:17-3h, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 1728 A RESOLUTION of the City of Pasco authorizing and directing the Mayor to sign Supplement No. 1 to the municipal agreement between the City of Pasco and the State of Washington (for Federal Highway Administration programming for funds). WHEREAS, the City of Pasco has improved Sylvester Street by the installation of new traffic signals at the intersections of 10TH and 14TH Avenues; and WHEREAS, the City of Pasco has entered into an agreement with the State (municipal agreement) to allow the project to be funded in part by the Federal Highway Administration; and WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration has now made additional funds available to pay for this project; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary that the City of Pasco enter into a supplemental agreement with the State to provide for the supplemental Federal funding of the project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Pasco does hereby approve the proposed supplemental agreement. Section 2. The mayor is hereby directed to sign the supplemental agreement for additional funding on behalf of the City of Pasco. Section 3. That a copy of said supplimental agreement shall be attached hereto for reference. Section 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect on its passage as required by law. L_L-4.: Tili"Fcii'lz" 14 L. _ I .91-R EARL Fl rrn J 3p 4 70 -1 r as t. 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RONNE VILLE ST :11r 1 'Z I I it r;"1 J t r0, ;Mil 6 0111 .5 di hilt] CLAP ST —1‹.:67771 F57777.1M77,7,71,9 Tim , 0100,%1, r5 SYLVESTER STREET SIGNAL PROJECT WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENT NO 1 PROJECT NUMDER PASCO TQX-0001(3) DATE AGREEMENT NUMBER GC 7241 The City/Ootinty of Pasco desires to supplement the agreement entered into and executed on February 1, 1983 as identified above All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement The changes to the agreement are described as follows 0.23 Miles Name Length Termini 10th Avenue to 14th Avenue Description of Work: NO CHANGE REASON: For supplement Revise engineering and construction (Amounts Revise percentage Federal participation TYPE OF WORK ESTIMATE OF FUNDING (1) mBnous AGREEMENT/ SUPPLEMENT (2) SUPPLEMENT (3) Estimated Total Project Funds (4) Estimated Agency Funds (5) Estimated Federal Funds , P Ea Agency Work b State Services C Other d Total Prelim Eng Cost Estimate 5,000 1,000 6,000 1,100 — 900 200 6,100 100 6,200 -0- -0- -0- 6,100 100 6,200 Right-of-Way e Agency Work f State Services g Other h Total R/W Cost Estimate Construction i Contract Engineering i Agency Force % k State Force { 107,500 11 000 r 1,000 500 120,000 12,900 -7,300 15O0 t - 500 6,600 120,000 3,700 2,500 126,600 -0-- -0-- -0- 120,400 3,700 2,500 126.600 I Audit m Other n Other o Total Construction Cost Estimate TOTAL COST ESTIMATE OF THE P PROJECT 126,000 6,800 132,800 132,800 The local agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations, and policies and procedures, and as - - • ndition to ment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions AGENCY ,FFICIAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sylvester Street Signals CHAIRMAN viry -Commilsioners/Mayor WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By State Aid Engineer Date Executed Form 140 041 OT Revised 3/81 WSDOT USE ONLY/WORK ORDER ACCOUNTING PLAN WOA NO Prop PC CS AUTH CODE LAate AUTH BY PREVIOUS REQUESTED TOTAL DATE P E a Agency Work b State Work C Other d Total Preliminary Engineering Cost Right-of-Way e Agency Work I State Work g Other h Total Right of Way Cost , Conotruction i Contract Engineering i Agency Force We It State Force I Audit m Other n Other 0 Total Construction Cost