HomeMy WebLinkAbout1724 ResolutionRESOLUTION No. 1724 A RESOLUTION establishing a policy of the Pasco City Council on the use and appropriation of City hotel/motel tax receipts. WHEREAS, over the past several years the Pasco City Council has received requests from various groups and agencies throughout the year for appropriations from the City's hotel/motel tax receipts to finance various projects relating to tourism in the City of Pasco and the Tr-Cities' area; and WHEREAS, the receipt of such requests for funding outside of the annual budget preparation process has created confusion and difficulty in the proper administration of the City's hotel/motel tax receipts and planning by the City Council for the best and most appropriate use of said funds; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires that a substantial portion of the annual tax receipts from the hotel/motel tax be preserved and accumulate interest for the future funding of capital construction authorized by Chapter 67.28 RCW; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it should determine and issue a policy statement to remedy its concerns and facilitate the desires of the City Council in the accumulation and expenditure of City hotel/motel tax receipts, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PASCO CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: CITY COUNCIL POLICY RE: USE OF CITY HOTEL/MOTEL TAX RECEIPTS I. PURPOSE: The City receives approximately Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) annually in hotel/motel tax receipts, to be used in accordance with RCW 67.28.210: ...paying all or any part of the cost of acquisition, construction, or operating of stadium facilities, convention center facilities, performing arts center facilities, and/or visual arts center facilities, or to pay or secure payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds or revenue bonds issued for such purpose or purposes under this Chapter, or to pay for advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the • purpose of attracting visitors and encouraging tourist expansion... the policies set forth herein below are hereby established to provide a clear indication of how the City intends to use such tax receipts. The basic intent of this policy is to prescribe the amount of such funds to be available for allocation of the various promotional activities, the procedures to be used, and the preferred objectives to be used as criteria in the allocation of such funds. II. OBJECTIVES: It is essential that any promotional use of hotel/motel tax receipts conforms to the provisions of RCW 67.28.210 (Attraction of Visitors from Outside the Benton and Franklin County Areas, Particularly Those Requiring Overnight Accomodations). In addition, however, it is the preference of the City that the use of such funds for promotional purposes achieve one or more of the following local objectives: A. Stimulation of local commerce. B. Provision of an event readily available to the community at large. III. COMMITMENT OF FUNDS: A. In recognition of established local and regional promotional programs already dependent on a portion of the hotel/motel tax receipts, the City Council intends to commit the respective annual amounts to the following organizations dependent, of course, on their respective performance in the promotion of visitors and tourists to Pasco in the Tr-Cities: 1. Tr-Cities Visitor and Convention Bureau: $20,000.00 2. Pasco Chamber of Commerce: 5,000.00 B. Each year, $10,000 should be made available for allocation to organizations other than those listed above and the City Council will allocate such amount in general accord with the procedures and objectives set forth herein. C. After the above allocation of hotel/motel tax receipts are made, the balance of the annual receipts shall remain on account, accumulating interest, for future Construction projects authorized by law. IV. PROCEDURE: Not later than September each year, the City Council shall PASSED this 21st day of April, 1986. 0 J • Mayor seek eligible users of the $10,000.00 to be allocated for expenditures during the following calendar year. Proposals for the use of such funds shall be publicly requested; all proposals so received shall be reviewed by appropriate City Staff prior to public review by the City Council (normally during a workshop meeting), such public review to occur not later than November 20 each year. The City Council shall determine which proposals will be allocated such funds and the amount to be allocated, but the total of such allocation shall not exceed the amount set forth in the public notice. Requests for allocations or proposals for allocations received by the City after the above deadlines shall be considered untimely and will not be considered by the City Council for action. i