HomeMy WebLinkAbout1708 ResolutionPASSED this 20th day of January, 1986 and approved by the Wells, City Cler "Joe W. J son, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 1708 A RESOLUTION approving the revised Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the counties of Benton and Franklin and the cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland (police information network). WHEREAS, it is recognized by the participants to the interlocal agreement for a police information network that circumstances have changed since the interlocal agreement was first entered into; and WHEREAS, the participants have worked cooperatively together to prepare a revised agreement that incorporates and meets the current needs and understanding of the participants, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That certain Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the counties of Benton and Franklin and the cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland, Washington for a police information network, a copy of which is attached hereto as an Exhibit and incorporated by this reference herein as if fully set forth, is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized to sign the same. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON A FRANKLIN AND THE CITIES OF KENNEWICK, PASCO AND RICHLAND (POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK) WHEREAS the Interlocal Cooperation Act codified in RCW 39.34 allows public agencies to exercise their powers jointly thereby maximizing their ability to provide services and facilities which will best fulfill the needs of the community as a whole, and WHEREAS the joint exercise of a regional criminal justice record and information system will promote the deterrence and solution of criminal incidents by providing increased access to local incident and warrant information, reducing the need for redundant data entry, improving the protection of criminal files against loss or destruction, and increasing the responsiveness of the respective law enforcement agencies through crime analysis and investigative support functions, and WHEREAS the Counties of Benton and Franklin and the Cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland, through their respective law enforcement departments, desire to jointly utilize an expanded law enforcement information system to be operated by the Kennewick Data Processing Department, NOW THEREFORE BE IT AGREED in accordance with the provisions of RCW 39.34.030: Section 1 - Formation and Purpose of BI-PIN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN, AND THE CITIES OF KENNEWICK, PASCO AND RICHLAND hereby establish the Benton-Franklin Police Information Network (BI-PIN). "111-PIN" means the recordkeeping computer system jointly developed and utilized by member agencies and the organizational structure established by those member agencies to administer the system and related activities. In order to assist the participating police and sheriff's departments in the deterrence and solution of criminal incidents and in recognition of the high cost of technology and operation of information systems, the participating members are entered into a joint undertaking for the following purposes: o Increase access to local incident and criminal history information. • Enhance the sharing of information among the criminal justice agencies. Improve availability of operational and management information. Provide for increased responsiveness to crime analysis and investigative support functions. Reduce the need for redundant data entry and duplicate data files. Provide for improved protection against loss or destruction of criminal information files. Section 2 - Organization of BI-PIN 2.1 Coordinator The Coordinator of 81-PIN shall provide general oversight of 81-PIN activities. This individual shall report to the Executive Committee .2- and is responsible for contracts administration to ensure compliance of contractees with terms of their respective agreements; coordination of BI-PIN activities including calling meetings, preparation and issuance of minutes of meetings; coordination of all BI-PIN system development and maintenance projects including engaging programmers or others as necessary to ensure adequate design, coding, testing, training ° installation and documentation of software modules; continuous project review to ensure conformance with existing 81-PIN system standards; coordination with City of Kennewick Data Processing Supervisor to install new system modules In production; preparation of the annual budget based on priorities recommended by the Law Enforcement Users Committee; and such other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Executive Committee. The individual who serves as Coordinator shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee and shall have prior experience in data processing management activities. 2.2 Executive Committee The City Managers from Richland, Kennewick and Pasco and a member from each of the Boards of County Commissioners of Benton and Franklin Counties shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for appointing the BI-PIN Coordinator, setting policies regarding all aspects of 81-PIN activities, approving contracts which shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the Executive Committee, approving the annual budget, setting the cost recovery fee for new BI-PIN members, determining the final allocation of any software marketing proceeds, 3 making final decisions on system development plans, and making all other general management decisions regarding the operation of the 8I-PIN orgnization. Except as otherwise specified herein, approvals shall require a simple majority affirmative vote of committee members. The Executive Committee shall elect a chairman and secretary who shall serve one year terms with no limit as to the number of consecutive terms that may be served. The Executive Committee will meet when a report from the Coordinator or any of the committees requires the review and action of this group to consider for final approval or at such time that a member of the Executive Committee determines a need for additional action. This committee shall keep minutes of its meetings. Copies of these minutes shall go to all members of the committee and to the executive head of each of the participating members. 2.3 Law Enforcement Users Committee The Law Enforcement Users Committee shall be comprised of the law enforcement head of each of the participating members or his designee. This committee shall be responsible for developing an annual plan of software development priorities for recommendation to the Executive Committee for approval, actively participating in system design activities to achieve the most appropriate systems to meet their collective requirements, approving final system designs, resolving any operational problems to ensure successful joint operation of the systems and making any other decisions regarding - 4 • the design and operational features of BI-PIN software. With regard to special purpose software for which development is funded by some of the member agencies of BI.PIN, a law Enforcement Users Sub-Committee of only representatives of those funding agencies shall make all decisions regarding design of such special purpose software except for any decisions that affect other general purpose BI-PIN software. This committee shall elect a chairman and shall meet as often as necessary to assure the smooth and effective functioning of BI-PIN systems. The chairman shall seove one year terms of office with no limit as to the number of consecutive terms that may be served. This committee shall keep minutes of its meetings. Copies of these minutes shall go to all members of the committee and to the executive heads of each of the participating members. 2.4 Data Processing Review Committee The Data Processing Supervisors of each of the participating member agencies shall constitute the Data Processing Review Committee. This committee shall be responsible to provide technical guidance to all BI-PIN users to evaluate feasibility of proposed software modifications enhancements or new modules; to assist in system design activities; and to assist in preparation of the annual budget. This committee will review all requests for modifications or changes that entail supplemental budget expenditures during the year. This committee shall elect a chairman for one year terms of • 5 office with no limit as to the number of consecutive terms that may be served. This committee shall keep minutes of its meetings. Copies of these minutes shall go to all members of the committee and to the executive heads of each of the participating members. Section 3 - Operational Responsibility The City of Kennewick through its Data Processing Center, shall be responsible for the actual operation of the BI-PIN system. The City of Kennewick Data Processing Supervisor shall have day-to-day supervision and control over operation of the BI-PIN system; subject, however, to the policies set by the Executive Committee In consultation with the Data Processing Review Committee and subject to the terms and conditions of this joint agreement. The Kennewick Data Processing Supervisor shall be responsible for monitoring the data security system to ensure adequate security against unauthorized access or improper utilization of the BI-PIN system. Section 4 - Ownership of Software Modules Proprietary rights to all software modules developed with BI-PIN resources or developed by other agencies for which ownership interest is transferred to BI-PIN members jointly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement shall remain with BI-PIN member agencies. It is understood and agreed by all parties to this agreement that the BI-PIN Executive Committee has the exclusive right to protect by copyright or otherwise the right to reproduce 0 publish, sell or distribute such software. All written materials including programs, flow charts, listings and other program documentation originated by BI-PIN shall remain the exclusive property of BI-PIN member -6- agencies. Each party to this contract understands and agrees that the software and all written materials as described above originated by BI-PIN or owned by BI-PIN are of a confidential and proprietary nature and therefore that each party shall exercise due care to not either knowing or negligently sell, grant, convey, make available or in any other manner disclose to a third party the software owned by BI-PIN unless agreed to in writing by the BI-PIN Executive Committee. It is hereby specifically agreed that any disclosure of this software by a participating member or their employees or agents to third parties is a material breach of this agreement and the BI-PIN Executive Committee shall have the right to immediately terminate such agency's membership in BI-PIN and pursue such legal remedies including injunctive relief and damages as may be available. Law enforcement related software modules developed by member agencies with their own resources or at their own expense may be contributed to BI-PIN by the agency as an in-kind contribution in lieu of part of the agency's annual software development contribution. Such contribution of software and the value of the contribution must be recommended by the Law Enforcement Users and Data Processing Review Committees and approved by a majority of the Executive Committee. Software modules having utility to only a segment of the BI-PIN members may also be contributed to BI-PIN. In which case, the members wishing to use the software shall transfer a cash amount to the member agency who developed the software equal to their pro-rata share of development costs. Development costs for purposes of valuing such software modules shall include direct salaries and employee benefits attributable to development of the software or direct out-of-pocket contract costs related to development of the software. - 1 - Section 5 Funding for Software Development or Purchase Cost Funding for software enhancements, modifications or new modules shall be by BI-PIN with contributions from its member agencies. Software with special purposes not applicable to all members shall be funded by separate contributions from those agencies having direct need for the software. Member agencies that provide technical programming or project management personnel, computer resources or other direct support to a software development project shall reduce that agency's software development cash contribution by the direct cost of the resources provided. Each agency who will be ultimately using the software under development is responsible for full participation in the software design activoties as a responsibility of membership. Section 6 - Reimbursement for Provision of Resources by Member Agency Any member agency who provides significant programming support, training, customer technical support, marketing support or other assistance to BI-PIN activities other than those that benefit only its own agency shall be reimbursed from BI-PIN funds for direct salaries and fringe benefit costs. Requests for such reimbursements shall be submitted with appropriate supporting documentation to the Executive Committee for approval. Likewise any agency who provides significant computer time for testing, training or marketing support other than the City of Kennewick under their operations agreement shall receive reasonable reimbursement for computer processing time and data storage to be paid from 81-PIN funds. Requests for such reimbursements shall be approved in advance by the Executive Committee. a 8 - Section 7 - Procedure for Making Modifications After Start-Up Modifications or betterments to the fl-PIN system after start-up that require a supplemental budget, shall follow a four-step clearance process (See Appendix A). Step 1. Al! requests for modifications, betterments, etc., shall be addressed in writing to the Law Enforcement Users Committee, The Committee shall consider the request on its merits in light of existing priorities and shall be responsible for developing a narrative statement about the request, detailing the reasons and benefits of any proposed change requested by a member agency, and recommending a priority for the modification. If the proposed changes are not accepted by all jurisdictions, this committee Is responsible for achieving full support or rejecting the proposed modification. Step 2. All of this information shall be submitted to the Data Processing Review Committee for the purpose of evaluating the feasibility of the proposed modification; the hardware and software that will be required; the priority that would be appropriate vis-a-vis other existing priorities; the recommended timing of the proposed modification; an estimate of time and cost to complete the work; and a funding plan to cover the relevant costs. Step 3. The request, including narrative statement, comments and recommendation from the data processors, together with a verification of the funding and cost allocation plan, shall be presented to the Executive Committee for review and approval. - 9 - Step 4., After approval of the plan of action by the Executive Committee, it will be transmitted to the Coordinator of 01-P1M to coordinate Implementation. Section 8 - Inspection and Approval by Kennewick Required The participating members, before going on line to the Kennewick Computer Center with any new hardware or software modules, shall first have the necessary forms, standard operating procedures and hardware communication lines inspected and approved by the Kennewick Data Processing Supervisor to assure compatibility with the Kennewick system and to assure that security precautions ate properly dealt with. Such approval by Kennewick shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the Data Processing Supervisor of the affected member agency, with a copy going to the chief executive officer of the entity. The City of Kennewick will be responsible for purchasing and owning the equipment at the Kennewick Computer Center, which is approved in advance by BI-PIN Executive Committee as being necessary for BI-PIN operations. Kennewick will be responsible for its installation, operation, and maintenance. Kennewick will be responsible for development and maintenance of system software in the Kennewick Computer Center to customary data processing standards. Section 9 - Responsibility of Participating_ Members The participating members shall be responsible for supplying, at each member agency's own expense, all of the on-premises and direct support equipment - 10 - necessary to make the 111-PIN program operational for that agency. Moreover, each agency shall be responsible for developing and maintaining any additional software programs at its own expense except as provided in Paragraph 4 - Ownership of Software Modules. Section 10 - Annual Budget/Cost of Service The annual budget for continued development and operation of BI-PIN shall be formulated each year at the appropriate time by the Coordinator, with advice from the Data Processing Review Committee. The budget will be prepared based on the annual plan of software development priorities. The preliminary budget, showing the allocable expense to each agency, shall be presented to the Executive Committee for review and approval before July 31st of each year. The members of the Executive Committee shall be individually responsible to present such budget to their respective legislative body for consideration of necessary budget appropriations. The operating cost of service for BA-PIN systems shall be billed quarterly to each agency based on the agency's actual CPU hours used. The method of calculating cost for service may be modified by the Executive Committee with a 75% vote of the Executive Committee members. With regard to special purpose software developed separately by te sub-group of BI-PIN members, those member agencies who fund development and who utilize that special purpose software shall retain budgetary control over development and operation of that software by their Executive Committee representatives who shall separately approve the budgets for development and operation of such special purpose software. Section 11 - Cost Recovery for Subsequent Participants Any agency that joins 61-PIN after initial start-up pursuant to this agreement will be charged a cost recovery fee that shall be calculated by the Executive Committee, taking into account the operating and hardware costs relative to the 81-PIN dedicated equipment at the Kennewick Computer Center as well as any proceeds from software sales or any other factors deemed relevant by the Executive Committee. The new agency will be billed its proportionate buy-in costs and each existing agency will receive a credit equal to its share of the recovered cost from the new agency. Section 12 - Withdrawal Any member of Bl-PIN may withdraw from membership in 81-PIN by serving a notice of withdrawal upon all members of BI-PIN. This notice shall be given at least one year in advance of the date of withdrawal. Membership shall terminate on the last day of the calendar year. The withdrawing member agency shall receive no further distribution of income proceeds after the date of termination. A copy of the software used by the member agency may be made available to that agency for its own use subject to the trade secret provisions described in Section 4 above. The withdrawing member shall pay Its pro-rata share of any outstanding obligations, any outstanding contribution amounts due to BI-PIN and any cost directly associated with the member's withdrawal. A copy of all data belonging to a particular agency will be made available to the agency on the most feasible medium at the actual cost of reproduction. Copies of the software and data will be made available only after payment for any amounts owed are received by BI-PIN. - 12 - Section 13 . Termination of Agreement In the event of termination of this agreement, each member agency shall be responsible for its pro-rata share of any remaining costs or penalties for the termination of leases of equipment or any other outstanding obligations. A copy of the BI-PIN software used by each member agency will be made available to each agency at actual cost of reproduction. A copy of all data belonging to a particular agency will be made available to the agency on the most feasible medium at the actual cost of reproduction. Section 14 - Security of Data Each agency shall safeguard 0 by appropriate means, the confidentiality of the information contained in the 61-PIN system. The Kennewick Computer Center will protect access with specific sign-on controls and procedures as developed by the Data Processing Review Committee with the approval of the Executive Committee. Section 15 . Liability Coverage The City of Kennewick shall assume all risk of injury or damage to hardware and software on City premises. Each agency shall hold harmless and indemnify each other and BI-PIN for suits, claims, or judgments arising out of any error or omission committed by it, its officers, agents or employees arising out of this agreement. It is the intent of this agreement that each member agency is wholly responsible for the accuracy and completeness of data that it enters into the DI-PIN databases except as they may rely on erroneous data entered by - 13 - another member agency. Liability for errors or omissions in data rest solely with the agency that entered such data. It is agreed that 81-PIN may obtain Insurance coverage, if reasonably available. The cost of such insurance shall be shared equally by the member agencies. It is agreed that 8I-PIN has no corporate existence of its own and that each member bears its own responsibility for its own conduct with respect to the use of the BI-PIN systems. Section 16 - Term of Agreement This revised agreement shall become effective at the time all the terms and conditions of all Sections have been met and agreed to by the governing authorities of all the participant members. Once effective, this revised agreement shall run to December 31, 1986 and shall continue thereafter for successive one year periods, unless a member requests a renegotiation of the agreement by giving notice in writing to all other members at least 90 days before the expiration date of the agreement or the Executive Committee by a majority vote requests renegotiation of the agreement. To become effective, any modifications or addendums to this agreement require a 75% vote of the Executive Committee. This revised agreement supercedes the prior interlocal BI-PIN agreement dated November 24, 1982 between the Cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland and Benton and Franklin Counties. - 14 - Section 17 - Recordkeeping The Coordinator of BI-PIN shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of cash and in-kind contributions by each agency and the purpose for which the contributions were made. The Coordinator shall also maintain accurate records of expenditures made during the year and for what purpose. The Coordinator shall provide to the Executive Committee on a periodic basis a report of budgeted income and expenditures as compared to actual income and expenditures. Section 18 - Allocation of Income to Members Income accruing to BI-PIN from the sale of software, software royalties 0 software rental fees 9 or any other income from outside sources shall be distributed to member agencies as follows, Any operating income shall be allocated to each member on a pro rata share based on the number of members and their respective contribution. Income generated from the sale of software modules shall be distributed on a pro rata share to members based on the number of members and their respective contribution 0 with the exception of proceeds from any special software whose development was paid by certain members of BI-PIN. Those members who contributed to its development shall receive 40% of the proceeds of the special software to be divided prorata among them according to their contribution and 60% of the proceeds shall be divided equally among all members including those who participated in the development costs. This allocation shall continue until the members who funded the develoOvent of the software modules receive 100% of their software investment. At that time any future proceeds shall revert to the pro rata allocation Method. Only members who are in good standing 0 who are current - 15 - with their contributions to 8I-PIN, shall be eligible to participate in the allocation of income. Cash disbursements for these income allocations will be made by the Coordinator of 8I-PIN at the direction of the Executive Committee. An amount to be determined by a majority of the Executive Committee may be withheld from such allocations to cover the administrative costs of marketing support and general 8I-PIN administration. IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties have set their hands this :24/ day of 985 CITY OF KENNEWICK CITY OF PASCO CITY OF RICHLAND COUNTY OF BENTON COUNTY OF FRANKLIN -16. APPENDIX A BENTON-FRANKLIN - POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK BI-PIN Software Enhancement/Equipment Acquisition Flow Chart Law Enforcement Users Committee Initiate Proposals: . Detailed Narrative • Evaluation of Importance • Anticipated Result Data Processing Review Committee Determine: . Feasibility • Priority . Timing . Cost Executive Committee Approval based on: . Local Need . Local Commitment . Availability of funds Members Kennewick Police Chief Richland Police Chief Pasco Police Chief Benton Co. Sheriff Franklin Co. Sheriff Members Pasco Data Processing Mgr. Kennewick Data Processing Mgr. Richland Data Processing Mgr. Benton County Data Processing Manager Members Pasco City Manager Kennewick City Manager Richland City Manager Benton Co. - Commissioner Franklin Co. - Commissioner 0 17 - BENTON-FRANKLIN POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS COORDINATING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Chairman: Chief Robert Farnkoff. City of Kennewick Kennewick Police Department P. O. Box 6108 Kennewick, WA 99336 582-5141 Chief David Lewis, City of Richland Richland Police Department 505 Swift Boulevard Richland, WA 99352 943-2639 Chief Donald Francis, City of Pasco Pasco Police Department 1015 N. Sth Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 545-3481 Sheriff Bob Rupp, Benton County Benton County Sheriff's Department P. O. Box 230 Prosser, WA 99350 735-6555 Sheriff Wallace Bradley, Franklin County Franklin County Sheriff's Department 1015 N. 5th Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 545-3501 DATA PROCESSING REVIEW COMMITTEE Chairman: Ken Nielson. City of Pasco 421 W. Clark St. Pasco, WA 99301 545-3417 Bob Coplin, City of Kennewick Kennewick City Hall P. O. Box 6108 , Kennewick, WA 99336 586-418ll • 18 - DATA PROCESSING REVIEW COMMITTEE (Continued) Curt Gjerdevig e City of Richland Data Processing Supervisor 505 Swift Boulevard Richland, WA 99352 943-9161 Marjorie Norden, Benton County P. O. Box 608 Prosser, WA 99350 786-3550. FRANKLIN COUNTY: No representative at this time. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: Ron Jones. Benton County Benton County Courthouse P. O. Box 470 Prosser, WA 99350 545-2496 Bruce Whitemarsh. Franklin County Franklin County Courthouse 1016 N. 4th Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 545-3535 Neal Shulman. City of Richland City Manager P. O. Box 190 Richland, WA 99352 943-9161 Joe Painter, City of Kennewick City Manager P. O. Box 6108 Kennewick, WA 99336 586-4181 Gary Crutchfield. City of Pasco City Manager P. O. Box 293 Pasco, WA 99301 545-3501 -19- BI-PIN COMMITTEE DESCRIPTIONS Law Enforcement Users Committee This committee is comprised of each of the law enforcement heads of each of the participating members or his designee. The chairman shall be selected from and by its committee members. The chairman will then be responsible for the coordination of all committee activities. Those activities include, but are not limited to, assuring that 1) all committee members receive sufficient advance notification of meetings and agenda items; 2) meetings are conducted In an orderly manner; 3) minutes are taken at all meetings; and 4) minutes are distributed to all members of the committee and to the executive heads of each of the participating members. Meetings shall be called as often as is necessary to assure the smooth and effective functioning of the DI-PIN. The committee will review all requests by member agencies for modifications, betterments, etc., and considerations shall be made based on their merits in light of existing priorities. Responsibilities also involve developing a narrative statement about the request, detailing the reasons and benefits of any proposed change, evaluating the importance, anticipating the result, and recommending a priority for the modification. If the proposed changes are not accepted by all jurisdictions, this committee is responsible for achieving full support or rejecting the proposed modification. This information shall then be submitted to the Data Processing Review Committee for the purpose of getting input from the data processing experts on the feasibility of the proposed modification. -20- Committee members shall be responsible for regular attendance and coming to meetings prepared. Data Processing Review Committee This committee shall be comprised of the data processing supervisors of each of the participating members. This committee shall assist the Law Enforcement Users Committee, as required, by providing technical guidance on data processing software and hardware requirements for the regional records network. The committee will review all requests for modifications or changes that entail supplemental budget expenditures. In addition, this committee will make a determination on the feasibility of the proposed modification; on the hardware and software that will be required; on the priority that would be appropriate vis-a-vis other existing priorities; the recommended timing of the proposed modification, and an estimate of the cost. The chairman shall be selected from and by its committee members. The chairman will then be responsible for the coordination of all committee activities. Some of the responsibilities include assuring that: 1) all committee members receive sufficient advance notification of meetings and agenda items; 2) meetings are scheduled as often as is necessary to conduct business; 3) meetings are conducted in an orderly manner; 4) minutes are taken at all meetings and are distributed to all members of the committee and to the executive heads of each of the participating mbers; and 5) all reports are forwarded to the Executive Committee. All committee members shall be responsible for regular attendance and coming to the meetings prepared. One of the specific committee activities Includes developing and monitoring specific sign-on controls and security procedures for safeguarding the confidentiality of information. Executive Committee This committee shall include a county commissioner and a city manager from each of the participating Jurisdictions. The chairman and secretary shall be selected from and by committee members. The chairman will be responsible for assuring that: 1) all committee members receive sufficient advance notification of meetings and agenda items; 2) meetings are conducted in an orderly manner; 3) minutes are taken at all meetings and are distributed to all members of the committee and to the executive heads of each of the participating jurisdictions; 4) entering into agreements on behalf of 61-P1N; 5) coordinating the activities of the Coordinator; 6) evaluating the performance of the Coordinator. Meetings shall be called as often as is necessary to assure the smooth and effective functioning of 61-P1N. The secretary will be responsible for: 1) preparing the minutes of meetings; 2) signing contracts on behalf of 61-PIN0 The Executive Committee will et to consider final approval for a specific system development plan which has met with the consensus of the law enforcement heads and the data processors o to consider approval of the annual -22- budget, to set policy, to determine cost recovery fee and approve new 81-PIN members recommended by the Law Enforcement Users Committee * to appoint or terminate the Coordinator ° to set the Coordinatoes compensation, to approve contracts, to approve allocation of software sales proceeds, or at such time or for any purpose that a member of the Executive Committee determines the need for additional action. This committee will make its determinations based on local need, local commitment, and availability of funds. Once an action plan has received clearance by the Executive Committee, it will then be transmitted to the Coordinator for implementation. All committee members shall be responsible for regular attendance and being prepared at meetings. -23- BY-PIN COORDINATOR JOB DESCRIPTION This position is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee of BI-PIN. Day to day coordination is through the Chairman of the Executive Committee. The position may be full time or part time as required. The position may be filled by an outside contractor on a retainer basis, by an employee of 61-PIN or by an employee of any of the member agencies of BI-PIN with appropriate reimbursement to the member agency for direct salary and fringe benefits for the hours spent on BI-PIN's behalf. Any remuneration for this position is to be approved by the Executive Committee. An hours budget for the Coordinator should be approved annually by the Executive Committee and revised during the year as justiffed with approval of a majority of the Executive Committee. The hours budget should not be exceeded except in unusual circumstances with approval of the Executive Committee Chairman. In the case of outside contractors or an employee of a member agency, invoices should be submitted regularly and authorized for payment by the Executive Committee Chairman. The individual filling this position must be technically qualified in the data processing field with the skills normally required of a data processing supervisor at the member agencies. -24- This individual is responsible for the followOng 61-P1N activities: • Contract administration of progra ing. software development, software marketing and other agreements except any agreement covering this position, including coordination with the vendors to ensure that the terms of their agreements are adhered to and that 81.PINs interests are served; Coordination of software development projects including regular review of progress, and quality control review over design, coding 0 testing, and documentation to ensure compliance with 118.PIN standards; • Coordination of user training activities for new modules or enhancements to ensure that users in all member agencies are properly trained; . Assistance to committee chairmen in arranging meetings and distributing inutes. -26.