HomeMy WebLinkAbout1707 ResolutionAPPROVED AS TO FORM F2 E S C) I___ u --r 1 c• NI N C3 - 1707 A RESOLUTION authorizing a Joint agreement between the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa, the Town of Kahlotus and Franklin County, providing for a single emergency management director for all four entities and emergency management services WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed inter- governmental agreement for Joint emergency management services between the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa, the Town of Kahlotus and Franklin County and, after due consideration thereof has determined its acceptance to be in the best interest of the City of Pasco, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO That certain inter-governmental agreement between the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa, the Town of Kahlotus and Franklin County, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein is accepted and the Mayor is authorized to sign the same on behalf of the City of Pasco PA ED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of 1986 A6 ,- C(J6 eW - / Jackso' Mayor ,. ATTEST r Vs.,Le---a--- Eve yn Wells, City Clerk Q.. Greg ubstello, City Attorney INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT An agkeement by whtch the County 06 Flankftn, a cokpokate muntckpat AubdtvkAkon o6 the State 06 WaAhtngton, hekeknaltek ke6ekked to "County", agkee's to pkovkde ce4tatn Emekgency Manage- ment SekvkceA to the CITY OF PASCO, a muntckpat coltpokatton 06 the State o6 Wazhkngton, hekekna6tek cafted "Ctty" and to the TOWN OF MESA, and the TOWN OF KAHLOTUS, heitetna6te4 catted "TOWNS", tn accokdance wtth the pkovkAtonA 06 R.C.W. 39 34 (Inte4focat Co4pok- atkon Act). WHEREAS, tt tA 6eft by the County,* Ckty and Town-s that theke tA a tocaf need 6°4 a compkehenAtve EmeAgency SeAvkce4 pltog4am and Management 06 the ktnd de6tned and tegkAtated by Chaptek 38.52 R.C.W.; and WHEREAS, the Ckty and Town's have no 6utt tkme Emekgency Sekvtee's Dtkectok on Ata, and WHEREAS, the County haA pkovkded 6ok Auch a poisktkon; and , WHEREAS, the paktkeA helLeto kecognkze the advantage's to be gained 6/tom the eAtabtkAhment 06 a Akngte Emekgency Management ,o66kce 6ok the bene6kt oti att the paktteA, NOW, THEREFORE, 1. The paktke's heketo apee that they wktt, Soft a pekkod 06 one yeaa tioa the catendaa yeak 1951C., opeitate an kntegkated Emekgency SekvtceA paogaam. 2. It kA agkeed that the County, thkough ttA kegutak Boaad (16 CommkAAtonekA, 'shaft appotnt an Emekgency Management Dkkectok a6tek conAuttatton wtth and agkeement 06 the MayokA o6 the Ckty and Town's. 3. It 4.4 undeustood and apeed that any Emekgency Management Dkkectok hoted 04 appotnted haft be a County emptoyee, and Ahaff be pakd att compenAatton, bene6kt4 and ()theft expenAeA by the County 6undA. 4. It tA, howevek, agkeed that the Ctty wttt ketmbuAe the County up to the maxkmum Aum o6 two thouAand doftaus and the Town 06 MeAa wttf kekmbuAe the County the Aum 06 thtkty dottaus, and the Town 06 KahtotuA wtft kekmbu'se the County the 'sum 06 thktty doffaus, whtch money 4hatt be payabte to the County by the Ckty and Twon4 upon bkttkng by the County 604 the AekvkceA 06 the Emekgency Management Dkkectot. 5. It AA the kntent o6 the paktteA that the Ckty and Townis Ahatf kekmbuAe the County a pkokata Ahake 06 aff expenAeA 6ok the Emekgency Sekvtce's Management Vkkectok up to the ttmttA a's Apecked kn Sect-con 4 above. Any expendktuke4 604 whatevek pukpoAe above and beyond the tkmktA 06 Sect-con 4 wktt only be ketmbukAabte tn pkokata Ahake by the TownA and Ckty wtth thetk pktok appkovat kn wkkttkng on the autho4tty o6 thetk keApectkve tegkAtattve bodkeA. 1 6. It tis unde4Atood and ag4eed that, even though the Eme4gency Management Dk4ecto4 wttt be a County empfoyee, that he 04 she wktf wo4k with the Ctty and Town o66kce44, 04 emptoyee4 and Ahatt p4ovkde 4epo4t4 and 4e4vkeez to the City 04 Town, in the Aame manne4 and wkth the Aame tho4oughneAA that Auch Eme4gency Management Doteeto4 p4ov4de4 to County o66kckatz and emptoyeez. 7. The Eme4geney Management Dk4ecto4 Ahatt have dutect 4e4pon44bkfkty 6o4 the 04gankzatton, admtntAtkatton, and opeitatkon 06 the County, City and Town 04gantzatton 604 Eme4geney Se4vkee4, Aubjeet to the docectkon and cont4ot 06 the County Boa4d o6 Commk44kone4A and Mayo4A 06 the TownA and City 6o4 Eme4geney Seavkee4 admtntAt4at4on kn thek4 4e4peetkve juutAdtettonA. 8. The Eme4gency Management Dt4ecto4 Ahatt not, by the te4m4 06 thk4 agkeement, have autho4kty to ente4 knto any cont4act4 and kncu4 any obtkgatkon4 agaknAt ekthe4 the Ckty 04 TownA. 9. Thk4 apeement expk4e4 on Deeembe4 31, 19*, unte44 eafttke4 4enewed kn w4ktkng. Any pa4ty he4eto may w4thd4aw 640m thkA apeement by gkvkng the othe4 paittke4 30 dayA w44tten notkee the4e6o4e. Thk4 pa4ag4aph 4.4 the exctu4kve method 604 te4mknating thk4 agiteement. 10. The Town's and City wee to save adn hotd the County ha4mte44 64om any and att cau4e4 o6 action, judgementA, etakm4, 04 demandA 04 iROM any tkabtkty 06 any natuke a4kAkng out 06 the exc./m.44e 06 thk4 apeement when 4e4vkekng the afteaA within the nehpeetive ju4k4dketkon o6 the City 04 TOWNA; and, the County tikewk4e, agkee4 to save and hotd the Ckty and TownA haitteA4 64om any and att cauAeA 06 action, judgement, ctakmA, 04 demand, 04 6/tom any tkabktkty o6 any natu4e a4k4kng out 06 the exe4ck4e 06 thk4 ag4eement when 4e4vkekng thoze alLea4 whttn the unknco41004ated aftea4 06 F4anktkn County. In Wktne44 whe4eo6, the pcuttte4 heiteto have 4et thek4 handA and seat 4 the Day 06 , 19 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON CHAIRMAN MEMBER MEMBER ATTEST. ‘ . e• . lio i til . -Aiwa& ATTO:` EV C1TV OF PASCO PROSCUTOR - FRANKLIN COUNTY 1 tty Cfekk -1 Paco APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 i Ctty At Aiftney - Patco Atti4t. TOWN OF MESA MAYOR Atte4t: City Attoftney - Town off Ma - Town o6 Me4a TOWN OF KAHLOTUS MAYOR ATTEST: CLERK - TOWN OF KAHLOTUS CITY ATTORNEY TOWN OF KAHLOTUS CITY MANAGER 5091 545-3404 Scan 726-3404 P 0 BOX 293 412 WEST CLARK PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 January 23, 1986 Honorable Bruce Whttemarsh Chairman Board of County Commissioners Franklin County Courthouse 1016 North 4th Pasco, Washington 99301 Dear Bruce Please find attached a copy of City of Pasco Resolution No 1707 approving the joint agreement for emergency management services in Franklin County Also enclosed is the original agreement signed by Mayor Jackson Please return to this office a copy of the agreetnent once it is fully executed Sierely, GC ps field end l City Manag r cc Evelyn Welly/City Clerk