HomeMy WebLinkAbout1699 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 1699 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Mary Ramirez as Municipal Court Judge upon her acceptance of the conditions stated herein, and regulating the operation of the Pasco Municipal Court. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco operates a Municipal court governed by Ch. 3.50 RCW; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has elected to appoint Mary Ramirez as Municipal Court Judge for that term of office beginning January 1, 1986, upon the confirmation by the City Council and the written acceptance by Mary Ramirez of the terms and conditions of the appointment stated herein; and WHEREAS, the operation of the Pasco Municipal Court is an important matter to the citizens of Pasco and local government; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section One. The appointment of Mary Ramirez as Pasco Municipal Court Judge is confirmed upon her written acceptance of the terms and conditions of her appointment set forth herein for a four year term of office beginning January 1, 1986. Section Two. The salary for the Municipal Court Judge position is to be set by ordinance as required by law. The position is part time with an expectation of 20 hours per week being required to fulfill the duties of the position. No other benefits shall accrue except a two week vacation leave (one standard payroll period) per calendar year without loss of pay. Section Three. The Municipal Court shall continue to operate in open session on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday nights for non-jury matters and in the District Courtroom of the Franklin County Public Safety Building. Jury trial settings shall be for 8:30 a.m. on Monday and Fridays; provided, however, the City Manager may modify the dates, times and places when the court shall be in session. Section Four. The Municipal Court Judge shall have regular weekly office hours at the Municipal Court for the performance of her administrative responsibilities and other necessary business of the court at such times as agreed upon between the Municipal Court Judge and the City Manager. Section Five. It shall be the duty of the Municipal Court Judge to make, without unreasonable delay, new local court rules not inconsistent with the court rules for justice courts in the State of Washington reasonably necessary to fulfilling the duties and obligations of the office and to otherwise promote the efficient and judicious operation of the Pasco Municipal Court, and to revise the same from time to time as circumstances dictate. Section Six. The City Attorney shall not be required to appear in matters where the other party is not represented by an attorney except in cases where a jury trial has been set. Cases involving the City Attorney shall be given a preferential setting and hearing over other cases. Cases involving the City Attorney shall be in blocks of time so as to make the most effective use of the City Attorney's time. Section Seven. (1) The Municipal Court Judge shall accept her duties as Police Court Judge as her first pariority and in cases of conflict or potential conflict shall give first priority to Municipal Court matters. Whenever because of illness or other sufficient reason approved by the City Manager, the Municipal Court Judge cannot be on the bench, then she is to advise the City Manager in advance of court as to who is to preside in her absence and the reason therefor. (2) In order to avoid conflicts or the appearance of impropriety, the appointee's spouse Joseph Ramirez, nor any other present or future law partner or associate of the appointee shall accept the defense of cases filed in Pasco Municipal Court. (3) The appointee shall not participate in any criminal defense panel or contract for indigent defense in any court Section Eight. Time pay agreements for the payment of penalties, fines and costs totaling Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and less, shall not be granted by the Police Court, unless specifically ordered by the Municipal Court Judge when exceptional circumstances of financial hardship are found by the judge to exist. Time payment agreements for fines, penalties and costs shall be consistent with standards determined jointly between the Judge and City Manager. Section Nine. The enforcement of City regulatory ordinances in the areas of environmental regulation, animal control, nuisance abatement and the like are important to the city and the Municipal Court Judge shall accept his responsibility for working for the effective enforcement of ordinances in the areas of sentencing and case disposition. -,e__-Gf------ EveaSih Wel s, City Clerk 'I ... .. Nothing in this section should be construed to infringe upon the Municipal Court Judge's discretion in fact finding, the application of the law to the facts and the fair administration of justice. PASSED by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on this /6,- day of December, 1985. ATTEST: