HomeMy WebLinkAbout1668 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 1668 A RESOLUTION in the interest of good government, and in support of proposed legislation concerning the consolidation of Washington cities and soliciting the non-partisan support of all Washington legislators for its passage. WHEREAS, the passage of House Bill 1435 (Chapter 8, Laws of 1984) has made any attempt at consolidation of the Tr-Cities constitutionally suspect, robs the citizens of Pasco of statutory protections from post-consolidation assumption of debt, and politicized the consolidation procedure respecting any attempt at consolidation of the Tr-Cities without deference to the interest of good government state-wide; and WHEREAS, the sponsors of House Bill 1435 have expressed a public committment to introduce legislation at the 1985 legislative session to remove jurisdiction of county boundary review boards from a proposal for the consolidation of any Washington cities against the expressed public sentiment in the city of Pasco and southern Franklin County for the retention of such jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the existing statutory procedures for the consolidation of Washington cities contained in Chapter 35.10 RCW and Chapter 35A.05 RCW, as they existed prior to the passage of House Bill 1435, provided a sensible and logical framework for the consolidation process, with the exception of several ambiguities that have been removed in the proposed legislation attached hereto relating to the consolidation of Washington cities, which legislation also mandates the repeal of House Bill 1435 and retains the jurisdiction of county boundary review boards with respect to a proposal for the consolidation of Washington cities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PASCO CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Pasco City Council hereby makes its official record for support of the proposed legislation relating to the consolidation of Washington cities and towns, a copy of which is attached hereto. 2. The Pasco City Council by this resolution goes of public record seeking the support of all Washington legislators for the support and passage of the proposed legislation. 3. The Pasco City Council again goes of public record affirming its support for the continued jurisdiction of county boundary review boards over matters of consolidation. The ells, City Clerk tello, City Attorney Pasco City Council expressly affirms that the residents of unincorporated Franklin County, the City of Connell, and Franklin County government all have vital interest in any proposed consolidation of the Tr-Cities that entitles them to a voice in the consolidation process and a meaningful chance to be heard in a statutory mandated arena requiring a serious discussion and evaluation of the issues surrounding any such proposed consolidation. The boundary review board process insures that this will occur. PASSED this day of and approved by the Mayor. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: , 1985 J- 4 An ACT relating to the consolidation of cities and towns; repealing Section 1, Chapter 8, Laws of 1984 and RCW 35A.05.170; amending RCW 35.10.200 and 35.10.211; and declaring an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. Section 1, Chapter 8, Laws of 1984 and RCW 35A.05.170 are repealed. Sec 2. Section 1, Chapter 89, Laws of 1969 Ex. Sess. and RCW 35.10.200 are each amended to read as follows: (1) Two or more contiguous municipal corporations located in the same or different counties may become consolidated into one corporation after proceedings as required by this chapter either by consolidation or annexation by a city or town of all or a portion of another city or town. When municipal corporations are separated by water and/or tide or shore lands upon which no bona fide residence is maintained by any person, they shall be deemed contiguous for all the purposes of this chapter, and may be consolidated under the terms hereof, and upon such consolidation any such intervening water and/or tide or shore lands shall become a part of the consolidated corporation. Notwithstanding Chapter 35.01 RCW and RCW 35.02.010 in the event of sueh a consolidation, by annexation proceedings, the eemselidated--eity—shali—have—the—seme--eiassifieatien-as-the fermer-eerperatien-having-the-Iarges-pepulatien—and the annexing city shall retain its same classification regardless of population. (2) Notwithstanding any provision of Title 35A RCW, whenever any of such contiguous municipal corporations is a city of an optional class created by Title 35A RCW, the consolidation of such contiguous corporations may proceed under this Chapter or any alternative Chapter in Title 35 RCW. Section 3. Section 2, Chapter 8, Laws of 1984 and RCW 35.10.211 are each amended to read as follows: (1) The legislative body of either any of such contiguous corporations, upon receiving sueh a sufficient petition, as determined by the rules set forth in RCW 35A.10.040, signed by the qualified electors of either each of such contiguous corporations equal in number to at least one-fifth of the votes cast at the last municipal general elections held therein im sueh—eerperatien requesting that a proposition with respect to the consolidation of two or more contiguous corporations be submitted to the voters, shall, within ninety days after receiving it, or the legislative bodies of any contiguous municipal corporations meeting in joint session, may, upon their own initiative, after having determined by a majority vote of each such legislative body, that such a proposal should be considered by the voters, shall, by joint resolution, cause to be submitted to the electors of each such corporations, at a special election to be held for that purpose, the proposition of whether such corporations shall be consolidated into one corporation. The petition or joint resolution may shall set forth that-the-a consolidation proposition may that includes (a) the form of government under which the consolidated city will operate, (b) provision in regard to assumption of indebtedness if any proposal for the assumption of indebtedness is to appear on the special election ballot, (c) the name of the proposed corporation, and (d) whether a community municipal corporation shall be created for the smaller city or town as provided in RCW 35.14.010 through 35.14.060, and (e) the choice for classification of the proposed corporation, or in the alternative the petition or joint resolution may provide that any one or more of these items will may be submitted to the voters as a separate proposition on such special election ballot, in which case the proposed alternatives shall be listed on the petition or joint resolution eieeten-baliet for each such item. .fR}--Whenever--it-is--prepesed-that-a-first-elass-eity-and twe -meneharter-eede-eities7-ail-three-with-eettmeii--manager-ferms er --pians--ef--gevernment7--eemsel±date--under-this-seetiem7--the eemsel±datiem--shall--preeeed--under--ehapter---95A785---ReW7---A pet±t±en7--etherwise--vaid7--that--prepeses-sueh-a-eemselidatiem under --this--seeten7--shail--vaiidity-autherige--the--effert--te eemsel±date-as-previded-im-this-subseetien7 NEW SECTION Section 4. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing institutions and shall take effect immediately.