HomeMy WebLinkAbout1637 Resolutionoe W. j kson, ayor . Wells, City Clerk & 110113L ello,Vity Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 1637 A RESOLUTION of the City of Pasco authorizing and directing the Mayor to sign an agreement between the City of Pasco and Burlington Northern Railroad for construction of railroad grade safety crossings. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Pasco to improve and bring the "A" Street railroad crossing in the vicinity of Front Street and the Ainsworth Avenue railroad crossing in the vicinity of Fourth Avenue up to present standards; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Pasco enter into an agreement with Burlington Northern (municipal agreement) to allow the project to proceed with construction; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Pasco do hereby approve the proposed agreement Section 2. The Mayor is hereby directed to 'sign the agreement for construction on behalf of the City of Pasco. Section 3. That a copy of said agreement be attached hereto for reference. Section 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect on its passage as required by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 16 day of July , 1984. BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION No. PETITION vs. Burlington Northern ttailrogid Co. Respondent City of Pasco Petitioner z , Ainsworth Ave. Roadway Name OIC 1.10 W.U.T.C. Crossing No. D.O.T. Crossing No. 89-708 K allocating funds from the "grade crossing protective fund" lot of active warning devices; Wain tett PACO installation and (installation and/or X lii Yes co] Has application for funding, pursuant to Surface Transportation Assistance Act been made to the State Aid Office for this project? If answer is yes to the question above, has the funding requested under the Yes No Surface Transportation Assistance Act been denied? Th - -1, Mayor City Of Pasco (Petitioner) P. 0. Box 293 (Street Address) Pasco, Washington 99301 (City-State-Zip Code) (See Instructions on page 9) Appbcation to hereby made to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission foe an order (check one or more of the following) directing the . C:3 gra d crossing: (construction-reconstruction-relocation) of a e directing installation of automatic grade crossing signal or other warning device (other than crossbucks) at a new crossing; directing upgrading , the method and manner of (replacing-changing-upgrading) warning devices at an existing crossing; . maintenance) authorising the construction of the project, funding to be pursuant to the Stuface Transportation Assistance Act in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Transportation State Aid Division, at the railroad grade crossing described in the following interrogatories and answers which are hereby made a part of this petition. The application filed herein gecko the relict(s) weaned above by (check one of the following) hearing and order. order without hearing. UTC -RR013 (00) (Family F-201) 0 • .0 4 • Town Pasco (if applicable) Street Ainsworth Ate. (if applicable) Franklin County Freight Trains (80 ) Passenger Trams ( 2 ) (Note: Round trip counted as two trains. Include number of switch movements. If any.) Minor Arterial Character of Roadway. (8) State Highway —Classifica don . (b) County Highway—Classification (c) City Street—Classification trucks and Projected total in years Including -----......school bus trips. , - IN TEM.. VTORIES State name of highway and railway at crossing Intersection: Existing or proposed highway A inswort h Ave. V mile post Existing or proposed railway Gov't. Loa I Located In _____ ...., IPS of Sec. 2L ,•Twp EL .Range IL.W.M. wUTC crossing number OIC 1.10 DOT crossing number , 89-708K 2. Character of crossing (indicate with X or number() where applicable): (a) Common Carrier ( X ) Logging or Industrial ( ) (b) Main line ( 2 ) Branch Une ( ) Siding or Spur ( ) (c) Total number of Stacks at crossing ( 2 ) (Note: A track separated 100 feet or more from another track constitutes a separate crossing ) (d) Operating maximum train speed Legal maximum train speed Paucnger ( 2s ) MPH Passenger ( 25 ) MPH Freight ( 25 ) MPH Freight (25 ) MPH (a) Actual or estimated Min traffic in each 24 hours. 3. (d) Number of traffic lanes existing in each direction ( 1 ) Number of additional traffic lanes proposed ( 2 ) Posted vehicle sped limit 30 30 Trucks MPH Estimated vehicle traffic in each 24 hours: 3600 Omen!? total . including ....._,._, trucks and ,....__,:chooll bus trips. ' Page 2 • ce) (n Automobiles ....... MPH Burl in ton Pbrthern RR m il e pos t • • 502° / 4. / (a) If temporary, state for what purpose crossing is to be used and for how long. N/A (b) if temporary grade crossing, will you remove the crossing at completion of operations? , N/A S. • Attach one or more prints shot/ins a vicinity snap and a layout of railway and highway as well as profiles of eack allowing in addition to profile, per cent of grade, for 300 feet, of highway and railway vhees approaching crossing from all four directions. On this print spot and identify obstotetions of view located in all four quadrants. Provide a traffic control layout showing the V0e3gioti of the existing and proposed signing of the Intersection. G. (a) state whether or not a safer location for a grade crossing exists within a reasonable distance in either direction from the proposed point of crossing and if so, what reason, It any, why such safer location should not be adopted, even though it be necessary to relocate a portion of the highway—or railway if proposed new construction. N/A (b) Are there any hillsides, earth, or other embankments, buildings, trees, orchards, side tracks (on which cars might be spotted), loading platforms, etc., in the near vicinity not practicable to move 0 which will obstruct view and which can be avoided by locating proposed crossing a reasonable distance therefrom by diverting the highway (or railway alignment ift proposed construction), and would it be practicable to do so? N/A 7 . (a) 18 it practicable to construct and use an vet Of under crossing at the intersection of said railway and highway? If not, state why. N/A (b) Does the railway line 88 any point in the vicinity of the proposed crossing pass over a fill or trestle or through a cut where it is practicable to construct an under or over crossing, even though it be necessary to relocate a portion of the highway to reach such point' N/A (c) If a suitable place for an under or over crossing exists in the vicinity of the proposed crossing, state the distance and direction from the proposed crossing and approximate cost of construction, and what, if any, reason exists why same should not be con- structed. N/A. Page 3 t a b 14* 144 .. 1 1 S. (a) State approximate distance to nearest public or private crossing In each direction of railroad involved herein. a ' 0.40 Nile North - West "A" Street 1.40 Mats South • N. Qua Street undarcross ng (b) If an existing crossing in near vicinity, or more than one crossing is proposed. Is it practicable to divert highways served and, to be served by existing and proposed crossings thus eliminating necessity for more than one crossing? N/A (c) If so. state approximate cost of highway relocation to effect such changes. N/A (d) Will the proposed crossing eliminate the need for an existing crossing or crossings In the %amity/ If so. state direction and approximate distance to such crossing or CtOU , Lngs N/A (el If this crossing is authorized, do you propose to close the existing crossing or crossings as indicated in stem "4" above? N/A (a) Is it practicable to provide a 2$ foot level grade crossing on both sides from center line of railway at point of crossing? N/A (b) if not, state in feet loci grade practicable to obtain. N/A 1c) Is it practicable to obtain an approach grade to such level grade of not to exceed (we per cent' if not, state why and percent approach grade possible. N/A 110. Do you know of any reason not appearing in any of the answers to these Interrogatories why I the proposed crossing should not be made at grade or at the point proposed by you? If so 0 please state same fully. 1 N/A Page 4 / 0 Interrogatened 1 1 and I: are to be oompkted only If this petition involves installation. folacemetit or chingong of automatic grade crossing signal or other warning device. other than sawbucLI 11 (a) State, in detail, the number and type of automatic signals or other warning devices (other than sawbucks) proposed to be installed. (This portion should be filled in only after conference between the railroad and the petitioning local governmentalagency. , 2 autotsatic fBashing Saght traffic control devices 0 cantilever type with gates and mation-sensing devaces. (b) State an estimate of the cost for installing the signals or other devices proposed, as obtained from the respondent railroad company $ .—... (c) State a cost estimate for maintaiitIng the signals or devices for 12 months, as obtained from the gefi ndent railroad company S (4) If this is an gaining crossing. what will the proposed protection replace In the way of existing devices? I I i 2 X -buchs . (e) As the petitioner, are you prepared to pay or will you promise to pay to the respondent railroad company, your share of the cost of installing the warning devices proposed as provided by law' Yea X . No .............. 02. Furnish a brief statement of why the Public Safety requires the installation of the automatic signals or other devices as proposed. Automatic cantilevered signals and gates 9411 provide greater safety for the benefit of the motoring public. Page S i X X X / WAIVER OF HEARING BY RESPONDENT }laving on n estigated the conditions existing at and in the vicinity of the point where it is proposed (check one or more. as appropriate) to _ the grade crossing described within, (construct — re constriot —relocate) and being satisfied that such conditions are substantially as described in the within interrogatories and answers thereto, and that the application should be granted, to upgrade automatic grade crossing signals or other (install new—upgrade —replace) warning devices desenbed herein, and being satisfied that conditions are sub- stantially as related within the interrogatories and answers thereto, and that signals or devices described in interrogatory 11(a) should be installed, and the cost of installation should be s 123,990. 00 subject to aonioval of an apportionment pursuant to the Surface Transportation Assistance Act by the Washington State Department of Transportation State Aid Division. (other. specify) As per agreement between the parties, hereto. hearing in this proceeding is hereby waived and an agreed order may be entered by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission without further notice. Dated at . Washington. on the day of 89 ..SSMIZSIMIO * i Respondent By Page 6 ; a Lni T tA vk) .35 / f NORt. BktRIZ REMOVE,. - E•ItSfing X-Was T Automat it light tmccoe Control devices (Caw) t`ii)z)LitTh ktts and riloi tot, s ,en-air9 deYsces UO T // to58 5 tOrasIng - m e 502* (t .to) -- / EXHibi ) ...111NAtZ, BN RAU-1%Z LL) SLJ\R)kt RF.-G x'eto,,Loi L sik)vroue 51 G \ AL FI)R Ai k AVE DA c-)CO WA S(...1CLE '-ljdel() CHILI k„.Nii7:04,t. 6' PL SE.AirLi t- e.s, • • A.. PROJECT NO. —np....3536 (6 ITEM NO. LOCATION AiVst.nur111, (i4P 130) RAIL ROAD (Si 130,r Mor71144..., AddetIonol Leftes Lane z DIMENSIONS A .D.,ALIA. (2) C G2 (I) Equals zero at no me Si.1110Unfed lights (2) Multilane facilities only Number of lanes to bo protocged Amount of future widening — 0 --- Most-Thowited fight wide may bo provided a s eonditiorto require (3) Gate length (4) Humber of flashing 11015 33 .12_Cr s ELEVATION VIEW No Scale oavecgalia__ .11.01.1.• 1 1 INSTRUCTIONS General Petition forms wath the interrogatories fully and correctly answered should be filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Highways—Licenses Building, Olym- pia, Washington 98504. Blank forms may be obtained from the same address. All pleadings herein shall conform with section 5 (WAC 480-08-050) of the Commission% Rules of Practice and Procedure. Number of Copies File the original and one copy if the "Waiver of Hearing by Respondent" is filled out. If petitioner intends that the Commission serve the respondent, the original and two copies should be filed. if the petitioner makes service upon the respondent, an affidavit of service in conformity with the requirements of section 6.5 (VAC 480-08-060(5) ) of the Corn. mission's Rules of Practice and Procedure must be filed. Pardee Who May Petition In general, the following may file or respond to a petition: The highway authorities (city. county or state), the railroad companies, and some state agencies with lawful authority to construct and maintain public highways (RCW 81.53.030).8n situations where there may be more than one party of interest as either a petitioner Or a respondent, all parties should be joined Petitions submitted by counties must be signed by at least two members of the Board of County Commissioners. Waiver of Hearing by Respondent The proceeding can usually be expedited by submitting the application to the respondent and securing the execution of the "Waiver of Hearing by Respondent" at the bottom of the form. As an alternative, respondent may file a separate "Answer". If the pleadings show that the respondent has no objection, an order may be entered without hearing at the discretion of the Commission, unless the public interest appears to require heating and unless hearing is required under the terms of section 81.53.060 RCW. In all other cases, the petition will be set for hearing. Crossing Construction Applications for crossing over state highways should be submitted in duplicate to the District Highway Engineer in the locality for his recommendation to be attached and forwarded to the State Department of Transportation Secretary, Olympia. Petitioner, after having been granted authority by the Commission to construct a crossing, must acquire right of way or easement from respondent inasmuch as the order of the Com- mission merely relates to public safety and grants only the right to cross, subject to ac- quinng a right of way or easement from respondent. Time for Replying to a Petition A petition not answered within 20 days of the date of service, shall be deemed denied and will be set for hearing If a qualified or conditional answer is filed by the respondent, the petitioner may file a "Reply" within 10 days of the date the "Answer is served. (PLEASE DISCARD THIS SHEET BEFORE FILING PETITION) Page 7 hearing and order. flu order without Rearing. lin oppncation for funding. pursuant to Surface Transportation Assistance Act Yes No been made to the State Aid Office for this project if answer is yes to the question ebove 0 has the funding requested under the Yes No Surface Transportation Assistance Act been denied? Mayoi°/ City Of Pasco (Petitioner) P. 0. Box 293 (Street Address) Pasco, Washington 99301 (City—State—Zip Code) (See instructions on page ?) BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION City of Pasco N 0 0 0.10000=0=01110.0000 PETITION Petitioner It B. Burl in gton Northam Rai lreed Respondent Roa d way Name east "A" Street W.U.T.C, Crossing No. 1 " 0 10 D.O.T. Crossing Ho, 115.5418 Application is hereby made to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 'for an order (check one or mom of the following) directing the • (construction—reconstruction—relocation) of a grade crossing; directing installation of automatic grade crossing signal or other warning device (other than crossbucks) at a new crossing; directing upgrading the method and manlier of (replacing—changing—upgrading) warning devices at an existing crossing; allocating funds from the "grade crossing protective fund" for and maintenance of active warning devices; maintenance) X installation (Installation and/or authorizing the construction of the project 0 funding to be pursuant to the Surface Transportation Assistance Act in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Transportation State Aid Division. X at the railroad grade crossing described in the following interrogatories and answers which are hereby made a part of this petition. The application filed herein seeks the relict(s) specified above by (check one of the following) LTIC—RROI 3 (6/20) (Forirvily F-201) S . Passenger ( 25) MPH Freight ( 25) MPH Passenger (25 )MPH Freight es ) MPH (e) Freight Trains ( 35 ) Actual or estimated train traffic in each 24 hours. Passenger Trains g (Note: Round trip counted as two trains. Include number of switch movements, if any.) INTERROGATORIES State name of highway and railway at crossing intersection: Existing or proposed highway , E. "A" Street mile post F.enting or proposed railway Burlington Northern PA wile post 0 • 2971' Located in SE 4 f the SE 54 of Sec. 29 , Twp. 9 N ,Range 30 E WM, WtITC crossing number 1P .1 DOT crossing number , 854418 Pas co Franklin Street, E ° "A" St ° Town County (if applicable) (if applicable) 2. aural:ter of crossing (indicate with X or numbers where applicable): (a) COM00054 Carrier X ) Log,ing or Industrial ( ) (b) Main Line ( 2 ) Branch Line ( ) Siding or Spur ) (c) Total number of tracks at crossing C 3 ) (Note: A track separated 100 feet or more from another track constitutes a separate crossing.) (d) Operating maximum train speed Legal maximum train speed 3. Character of Roadway: (a) State Highway—Classification (b) County Highway—Classification (c) City Street—Classification Minor Arterial id) Number of traffic lanes existing In each direction ( 2 ) Number of additional traffic lanes proposed C 0 ) (c) Posted vehicle speed limit 30 Automobiles 30 MPH Projected total In years , Including , trucks and chool bus trips. Page 2 Trucks Cla=3,1110.40:01elan MPH co Estimated vehicle traffic In each 24 hours: 7800 Current total ,Including ,:.==c,.„=„=, trucks and „school bus trips. 4. (a) if temporary, state for what purpose crossing is to be used and for how 1013. N/A (b) If temporary ade crossing, will yoo remove the crossing at completion of operations? NiA g. • Attach one or mon prints showing a vicinity map and a layout of railway and highway as well as profiles of each, ohowing to addition to profile, per cent of grade, for 500 feet, of highway and railway when approaching crossing from all four directions. On this print spot and Identify obstruction of view located in all four quadrants. Provide a traffic control layout showing the location of Oho existIng and proposed signing of the Intersection. 6 . (a) state whether or not a safer location for a grade crossing exists within a reasonable distance in either direction from the proposed point of crossing and if so, what reason, if any, why such safer location should not be adopted, even though It be necessary to relocate a portion of the highway—or railway if proposed new construction. N/A (b) Are there any hillsides, earth, or other embankments, buildings, trees, orchards, side tracks (on which cars might be spotted), loading platforms, etc.. In the near vicinity not practicable to move, which will obstruct view and which can be avoided by locating proposed crossing a reasonable distance therefrom by diverting the highway (or railway alignment if proposed construction), and would It be practicable to do so? N/A 7 0 (aD Is it practicable to construct and use an over or under (=Nadu at the intersection of said railway and highway? If not. state why. N/A (b) Does the railway line at any point In the vicinity of the proposed crossing pus over a fill or trestle or through a eug where It is practicable to construct an under or over crossing, even though It be necessary to relocate a portion of the highway to reach such point? N/A (c) If a suitable place for art under or over crossing exists In the vicinity of the proposed crossing. state the distance and direction from the proposed crossing and approximate cost of construction, and what, If any, season exists why same should not be con. structed. Page 3 a, • S. la) state approximate distance to nearest public or private crossing in each direction of railroad involved herein. 3.3 Miles South - Main Street tPutil le) 0.4 Mite North - Lewis Street (Public) (b) if an existing crossing in near vicinity, or more Mao one crossing Is proposed. Is it practicable to divert lughways served and to be served by existing and proposed crossings thus eliminating necessity for more than one massing? NA (0) If so. state approximate cast of hiertny relocation to effect such changes. N/A (0 Will the proposed crossing eliminate the need for an existing crossing or crossings In the vicinity? If so. state direction and approximate distance to such crossing or cross- ings. (e) If this crossing is stithorized 0 do you propose to close the existing crossing or crossings as indicated in item "d" above? N/A 9. (a) Is it practicable to provide a 23 foot level grade crossing on both skies from center line of railway at point of crossing? N/A • (b) if not, state in Beet level grade practicable to obtain. N/A I c) Is it practicable to obtain an approach grade to such level grade of not to exceed five per cent? if not, state why and percent approach grade possible. N/A Do you know of any reason not appearing in any of the answers to these Interrogatories why the proposed crossing should not be made at grade or at the point proposed by you? If so, please state same fully. N/A Page 4 • t te 4 eet, dc •• • CP. Interroptorks 18 end 12 are to be completed only if this petition involves Installation. replacement Or changing of automatic grade crossing signal OF other warning device. other :ham sawbseets. 11. (a) State, in detail, the number and type of automatic signals or other warning devices (other than sawbucks) proposet8 to be installed. (This portion should be filled in only after conference tweets the railroad anal the petitioning local governmental agency. 2 automatic flashing light wafilic control devices ° cantilever type, with gates and motion-sensing devices. (b) State an estimate of the cost for installing the signals or other devices proposed. u obtained from the respondent railroad company ..............S :21.870.00 , (C) State a cost estimate for maintaining the signals or devices for 12 months, as obtained from the respondent sagroad company ••....•..•...•....••S (d) If this is on colods8 crossing, what will the proposed protection replace in the way of eat:wig devices? Shoulder mounted flashing light signals. (e) As the petitioner, are you prepared to pay or will you promise to pay to the respondent railroad company, your share of the cost of installing the warning devices proposed as provided by law? Yes X No 6.X.EMINZIZZCZSICO 82. Furnish a brief statement of why the Public Safety requires the installation of the automatic signals Of other devices as PrOpefga. Automatic cantilevered signals and gates will provide greater safety for the benefit of the motoring bli Page 5 • A • , automatic grade crossing signals or other to upgrade (install new—upgrade—replace) warning devices described herein, and being satisfied that conditions are sub- stantially as related within the Interrogat(?i es and answers thereto, and that signals or devices described in interrogatory Ma) odd be Installed, and the cost of installation should be OOOOOO . OOOOO .....0. OOOOO 00••00• S 221 -870.00 0• Page 6 a U n I WAIVER Off HEARING BY RESPONDENT Having Investigated the conditions existing at and in the vicinity of the point where it Is proposed (check one or more ° as approppiate) to the grade crossing described within ° (construct—reconstrqd—relonte) and being satisfied that such condit ,ns are substantially as described in the within interrogatories and answers thereto ° and that the application should be granted ° subject to approval of an eoPortionmeste pursuant to the Surface Transportation Assistance Act by the Washington State Department of Transportation State Aid Division, (other; specify) As per agreemen% twisters eho pardon • hereto° hearing in this proceeding is hereby waived and an agreed order may be entered by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission without further notice. Dated at °Washington ° on the day of ., I9 Respondent 1 X X X INSTRUCTIONS General Petition forms with the interrogatories fully and correctly answered should be filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Highways—Licenses Building, Olym- pia. Washington 98504. Blank foams may be obtained from the same address. An pleadings herein shall conform with section 5 (WAC 480-08-050) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Number of Copies File the original and one copy if the "Waiver of Hearing by Respondent" is filled out. If petitioner intends that the Commission serve the respondent, the original and two copies should be filed. If the petitioner makes service upon the respondent, an affidavit of service in conformity with the requirements of section 6.5 (WAC 480-08-060(5) ) of the Corn- mission's Rules of Practice and Procedure must be filed. Pasties Who May Petition In general, the following may file or respond to a petition: The highway authorities (city, county or state), the railroad companies, and some state agencies with lawful authority to construct and maintain public highways (RCW 88.53.030). In situations where there may be more than one party of interest as either a petitioner or a respondent, all parties should be joined. Petitions submitted by counties must be signed by at least two members of the Board of County Commissioners. Waiver of Hearing by Respondent The proceeding can usually be expedited by submitting the application to the respondent and secunng the execution of the "Waiver of Hearing by Respondent" at the bottom of the form. As an alternative, respondent may file a separate "Answer". If the pleadings show that the respondent has no objection, an order may be entered without heating at the discretion of the Commission, unless the public interest appears to require hearing and unless hearing is required under the terms of section 81.53.060 RCW. In all other cases, the petition will be set for hearing. Crossing Construction Applications for crossing over state highways should be submitted in duplicate to the District Highway Engineer in the locality for his recommendation to be attached and forwarded to the State Department of Transportation Secretary, Olympia. Petitioner, after having been granted authority by the Commission to construct a crossing. must acquire right of way Of easement from respondent inasmuch as the order of the Come mission merely relates go public safety and ants only the right to cross, subject to se- quiring a right of way or easement from respondent. Time for Replying to a Petition A petition not answered within 20 days of the date of service, shall be deemed denied and will be set for hearing. If a qualified or conditional answer is filed by the respondent 0 the petitioner may file a "Reply" within 10 days of the date also "Answer" is served. (PLEASE DISCARD THIS SHEET BEFORE FILING PETITION) Page 7 .4 0 : 1 i 6, I • 1 C 7o 414c N 1....i.:J St1/4St.44 SW. 29 T 9 U .62 WE. ,(ADIAti SNois 122i3424f t Crosson O$21 r COIVI PA LI LIE - Sfiria, , CVfaa WORK b y ai.iRe REMOvE - EA ist irq S‘gnals IMSTALL- A‘.71orna4c. CldS 14 ,ACI lIght tra-fc. contrei dcvices (caret. +ype)$.41+1., crites 4 rnot ion seeNcinc3 devoces EX1-111317 FIN (ZAILROAD CO SEA-Poel* Re-Glom — CitiEwv?.. AMSLJOR"TH PGRADT, SIGWALG Al '4 STREET NE:14..P1614 SEC. 32, 1 914 .12. 30E. Adtrtn i DOTI'. t3tv 89-541E3 , % co 44, PASCO, WA. ecALE, I •=so* CH%E.F ENGINEEIZ,VEGtot.1 — SEA Le 4-6,-E13 —11N 8-19-93 1 AVAre&Wiert2OPAPIZAW 011iOngrie WAr 1101 —Or 084 8 0 Sui‘lo op 60 doquanst e—Scr 43 6186 8 0 8 0 5 (t) eo gaboa ovot mwoo so pomma6 o q o mits par/ Oomsetoto.soe n e getwoPP ()AIN a o setoetwe etZ .060080A OQ 08 80001 60 40161gen A m * ouolowi n (g) s im m i pozwieko-leowi ow p oma esent3D V30j 71-7—c. 0 f3 7: co ) Torre r es w 0 w C:=It27. 'ON 011311 (ayotsi° .014 loarotid SNOISN3V410 eiont.sei A. A3N 39w Coe 3 3 5 sateel le u0 6 8 1 0P1/ (S) 0 v 0 tl 1 v 41elkirs N 0 I IV 0 1 3 LITO 0 8 03 S 0 N M3 IA NOLLVA313