HomeMy WebLinkAbout1634 Resolutionubstello, City Attorney roe. W. Jar son, Mayor .e i' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 1634 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, declaring its intention to: Order the improvement of specified streets within the City of Pasco, Washington, to City standards, and all work incidental thereto, create a Local Improvement District for the purpose of assessing that portion of the total cost of the ordered improvements and associated incidental work and expenses, to City Standards commensurate with the district to be improved, against the properties especially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said Improvements to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on July 9, 1984. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington to order the attached listed improvements within the City of Pasco: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to create a Local Improve- ment District to Include, for the purpose of assessing, all properties especially benefited by such improvements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total cost of such improvement shall be borne by and assessed against properties especially benefited by such improvements BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all persons who may desire to object to the improvements herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 412 West Clark Street, Pasco, Washington at 8:00 P.M. on July 9, 1984, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing matters relating to said proposed improvements and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said improvements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer of the City of Pasco, is hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to July 9, 1984 all data and information required by law to be submitted. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 18 day of Ju ne , 1984. NATURE OF IMPROVEMENTS UNIT 1 STREET IMPROVEMENT: In accordance with standards established by the City of Pasco, including the necessary excavation, grading, ballasting, asphalt concrete surfacing, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage facilities, and all other work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Department of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer, for the following described streets- "A" Street from 20th Avenue to 28th Avenue 28th Avenue from "A" Street to Lewis' Street DOMESTIC WATER IMPROVEMENTS. In accordance with standards established by the City of Pasco, including installation of the necessary water- mains, fire hydrants, valves and other appurtenances for the purpose of supplying water for domestic use and fire protection, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Department of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer, within the following described areas: "A" Street from 20th Avenue to 28th Avenue 28th Avenue from "A" Street to Lewis Street SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: In accordance with standards established by the City of Pasco, including installation of the necessary sanitary sewer, side sewer service lines and other appurtenances, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Department of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer, within the following described areas: ' "A" Street from 20th Avenue to 28th Avenue 28th Avenue from "A" Street to Lewis Street INCIDENTAL WORK: All work deemed necessary in connection with the above listed improvements and considered incidental thereto, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Department of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer. It is the intention of the City Council to include in the Local Improvement District as Unit 1 for the purpose of assessing, all properties especially benefited by such Improvements, in particular all properties within the boundaries described as follows: That portion of the southeast quarter of Section 25, T9N, R29, EWM, described as: A strip of land 150 feet in width falling on each side of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast corner of said section 25 which is the intersection of the centerline of "A" Street and 20th Avenue, and the true point of beginning; thence westerly along the "A" Street centerline to the intersection with the centerline of Road 28; thence northerly along the centerline of Road 28 to the inter- section with the centerline of Lewis Street, which is the end. Including: Eagle Estates Block 1, Lots 11 through 20, and Block 2, Lots 11 through 20. Eagles Estates No. 2, Btock 1, Lots 8 through 14 and Block 2, Lots 7 through 20. NATURE OF IMPROVEMENTS UNIT 2 STREET IMPROVEMENTS: In accordance with standards established by the City of Pasco, including the necessary excavation, grading, ballasting, asphalt concrete surfacing, curb gutters, sidewalks, drainage facilities, and all other work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Depart- ment of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer, for the following described streets: 18th Avenue from Lewis Street to "A" Street DOMESTIC WATER IMPROVEMENTS: In accordance with standards established by the City of Pasco, including installation of the necessary watermains, fire hydrants, valves and other appurtenances for the purpose of supplying water for domestic use and fire protection, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Department of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer, within the following described areas: 18th Avenue from Lewis Street to "A" Street SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. In accordance with standards estab- lished by the City of Pasco, including installation of the necessary sanitary side sewer service lines and other appurtenances, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Department of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer, within the following described areas: 18th Avenue from Lewis Street to "A" Street INCIDENTAL WORK: All work deemed necessary in connection with the above listed improvements and considered incidental thereto, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pasco, Department of Public Works, and approved by the City Engineer. It is the intention of the City Council to include in the Local Improvement district as Unit 2 for the purpose of assessing, all properties especially benefited by such improvements, in particular all properties within the boundaries described as follows: That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 30, T9N, R30, EWM, as described as: A strip of land 160' feet in width falling on each side of the following described line: A line beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Lewis Street and the centerline of 18th Avenue which is the point of beginning; thence southerly along the centerline of 18th Avenue 488.80' (feet) more or less to the intersection of the centerline of 18th Avenue and the centerline of "A" Street which is the end. • '11 -RFC T • „.14 111.F_ COURT — I 1 l Iffli.u.) 11 ,111.L1 ,1 1.:1 ,11•1 ,1.1 17, • 0 • [7 1 ,1,4j•Itl: --ro • • • • 611 1 ‘,',1,1 • • itn11111141111111h Jill 000W - r•••••• • IC • AY r ; rfri 14444.2_ 111•141( Li; U r oirli IITTYM 11E1:71 1 '1 1 •. ,TiiiiI 11 L11"; Il 1if II I I!l'ilM 17,7-7TTI :I.- 1 ITT.F0.111 ..---krrtt7N11 ' F; 'Li .714T7477 ,....,u ,-414 t..7.49 1.; LITJ .1 Lii1 ; - Sr rm 07, ram 0-s- 7-;1 4141 [1147 17 1! ,1119 L T_L_11 ,1,',;Z [71 ;f•LT tC • .1 If 0 u S Jo • 0- CCiAV HENRY . 11 III pI 111 111 1 1. 1 1111 ,I=911111T 1111113_ • Z •0•0111 7171ITIrri L _ _ 7.1111!1, 1 1 1 1111 11111 IT•Ei-•- - --1 Si tirk kt, „ o0111 • •cANtv LLE , 7 Cl I ,7,---- --`‘.‹!.„..--T 53—r----,---, 1,6 --- ,..E.---- , ."/ •••,. , / `-..., / I 1 ra --.:" ''' ,171, _ r. 4 1 4PM —IS— I 3 - 71q3G--1 1---------:: , _.—.0 •n ,—L- C 1-12;°--Tk ------:: -G___ ,.T :, ----,,--, D 1 , • , *all y) ,' / ,, 1.• '4? 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