HomeMy WebLinkAbout1633 ResolutionWells, City Clerk AT AP Gre stello, City At orney PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 18 day of June ,1984. oe W. Jac • , Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 1633 A RESOLUTION adopting a revised and extended comprehensive street program for the City of Pasco WHEREAS, R.C.W. 35.77.010 provides for annual revision and extension of the Comprehensive Street Program of each city and town, and after holding public hearings thereon, and WHEREAS, it is now time to revise and extend that Comprehensive Street Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the revision and extension of the City of Pasco Comprehensive Street Program on June 18, 1984 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Council of the City of Pasco hereby adopts the revision and extension of the Comprehensive Program for the ensuing six years as attached hereto and labeled "Six-Year Construction Program, 1985-90", incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth herein; and That the Comprehensive Street Program shall be filed with the Department of Transportation no later than July 1, 1984 SIX YEA F? STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PROJECT 1985 0986 1987 1988 1989 - 1990 FUNDING I. OREGON AVE ("A" ST TO AINSWORTH) 475000 90% UAB 10% 1/2 CENT 2 EAST LEWIS (WEHE TO AVERY) 560000 560,000 90 % U AB % 1/2 CENT 3. OVERLAYS (VARIOUS STREETS) 150,000 150,000 150,000 ti T TAX Y 150,000 150;000 150,000 CITY t ofionr T 4 OREGON AVE (SR-I2 70 NORTH CITY LIMITS) 220,000 t00% 1/2 CENT 5 FILTER PLANT AREA L.I.D 666,000 L. I. D. 6. SOUTH OF AINS WORTH L.I.D. 263,000 L. 1.0. 7 BETWEEN THE RAIL- ROAD TRACK L.I D. 592,000 L.I.D. 8. TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90% FASP 10 % 1/2 CENT 9. 4TH AVE (SYLVESTER TO 3RD) \,. 150,000 100% 1/2 CENT J U AB * 0 0 TO TO 50 50 FAUS * 365 36 _TO TAL S SOURCE 1987 1988 198' CITY UTILITY TAX 150 I5C STATE I/2-CENT GAS TAX 135 135 FA M COMMITT 80 80 80 41b ANTICIPATED/ PROJECTED REVENUE FOR 1 ' STREET PROJECTS (IN 1,000s OF DOLLARS), i *- NOT INCLUDED IN TOTALS RtvrNui P1CTURF It would seem appioptiate to outline what the ,,titt t It 1••_ to be leasonably anticipated tevenues. Thit wa, %ou members will have a better understanding ot the vaiiou- 5 sources and the consttaints and rules relating to the.,_ u.W ,.la sources. It should be pointed out that going into lqr , not only is the city's street fund in better shape than it hi, 4 f or the last few years, but also both the State and Fcd. 0 ''Ir 't-Ig ' sources have significantly improved due to the tnkt, n . 1 tax at each of those to levels. CIT1 FUNDS. The sole source of city funds for stlt_ot 1 .( ,. • . Is the 1% utility tax designated for overlaying stitkt- ,% Improved to a highei standard and specifically a)phill streets. It is anticipited that that fund will lia‘t a I 1 (rid cash balance of •ppro%imately $150,000 and it 1. 1.• thit the citl will receive approximately $150,000 fot next -,ix years It ..hould however be noted that this .1 V. could chlnqe dowtmord dipendtng on the P U.D.' . akti t, , to t it,- and the ¶,11 • , (lit)? payments a 5 , STA -E FUNDS (One-Halt Cent Gas Tax Fund): The 1983 buc. 1 anticiptted receiving $q1,800 or $4.92 per capita In lqf , The ..tite, in light of the increase in gas tax late prkil ,t $5.50 per capita and a total of almost $105,000. Lith -,ut , population increase, that figure again due to the ta n tn. . should result in $6.60 per capita in 1984 and a total of '127.,.000 • and $7.20 per capita in 1985 and subsequent years and a ti '11 o• $135,000 per year. There are essentially no strings att, h-, „u this roney and it can be used on any street in town piovi.e0 tat the finished improvement provides a project that complies %%it', state standards. The money can also be used to match mo-. gra-It sources that do not provide 100% funding. URBA% ARTERIAL BOARD MAN: The 1983 legislature twou,1 ,t1 , inLrease in the gas ta%, provided the authority to is.,ii. one r.ir,ion dollar- 01 bone funding to the Urban Artelt '1 is a 90* grant funding program and projects that th. , ••• ot I risco -,ubmits, mu .t coi,pete with other jurtsdik t tot , out to.7ton uhich include, Naklma, Walla Walla, kennowtcl., ond i it' land The Urban Aitelial Boaid has been without funds for -a vet ii ant' its refunding is vet y encouraging Although unkno%...n i• t ht. t I rti._ , it is mo .t pr ()bible t h It on t ht.. ot di 1 ot 3.5 Intl II( r ,, I I I. will be allocited to ptojects in out region at the Octob.1 iqlt Boaid meeting 11,gliae projects are restricted to arterial routes (statt will pro%ide a map at meeting indicating routes) and it is impottant th it the city consider how the state prioritizes project-, to insule that we submit oui best projects from a eompetative rtinJ t )oint. Theta pliority iating considers total trattt, t tffic accidents, conjestion, and structural condition 1 - the tollr mo-,t significant factors. rrnEnAL FUNDS (Federal Aid Urban Systems (FAUS) Program : so-tetimes referred to as FAM): Federal legislation in 19rt! ito ,tded for the continuation of the FAUS funding procitar. which otherwise would have terminated at the end of the first ,uartcr 0. r.,Ifm-al fiscal year 1983. These Federal grant fund , II. 01 .ithuted to the states who in turn make allocttion-, to I t, the state. This a 83% grant funding program Thg_ eit of Pao with the proposed 4th Avenue improvement project has el is in the process of committing its allocation through 1985. In the following !out years, we are advised that the cite %sill ieccive about $80,000 per year. erncRAL MD SAFETY PROGRAM (FASP): These are Federal fund., that are periodically distributed to the states and in turn the State of Washington allows the eitys to submit graat applications which compete with the submissions of other cities on a priority basis. The;e funds vary from 100% grant to as lot. as 50% grant. L\urples of projects that the city has re,:eived would be traffic signals, permanent pavement markings - railroad xing projects. tit Is a total unknown a; to how much )ney will be available. It is anticipated that the foregoil3 was rather lenghty, however, it is information that should be made available to the clty's policy body. 4. a) I/1 la CR3 S kyr NT I ALNUT HIS TNO 43 I t-lt ILL 54 4 • 010•4 • 401, N p2 N z BEEC 0 - OWEN 2 D006 vi • EL M sYcAmont N HUGO N s1 4:44 WALD! MA OMB, • 40.404 • •MiNCIVVIM co ROAD co 4 5,1 WA, 4-4 at In H OA() 4-4 j ROAD 44 tt D ROAD JASON § &RE RAINIERT, ST UP -a 1/I 413 0 0 to 4 5 7 AV A if 4.1 44400 3 0 v ; V ). 43N 0 NEHE rnI voG N Itt• 14.'a 1•1 14TH 4/1 OD 1.4 4,4 gen r4 •-• -44 MIL f 70 XI titt t r ▪ ''' 'U ": 191 " Z I) ID 4" i` 3 U. ,r, c.. Z 40 f"- (r- -4 t WS RD 39 it RD $.0 • RD 37 gx 4 • NO ... In aa• t.. Rip ig r l 4 -4 rt 1 v, 4/1 .-4 t a 4.44. o At tit ROAD 32ND Ft 4.424 -0. • 4 3 %,413 s to 14 -A 4 01 EN1 1 $ 34 • cnt 0,4 LSI UI 414°141. tiCit° NO 5"0 141 CCe ... „ , . , U. is ',, by • wi , ", Hi Is's III Ill N '"101114 AVI 4 , 4, U1 4- 1FTH -4 1 641 ze I le TH AVE 34; -_ ISTE1 ,'L. AVE Itr4 ' " AVE if 1 1 4 1 1 1 ' 13TH AVE j,1 , r IV r)1'1 12TH rot) AVE in -o Pi 1 CO 14, AVE .1,4? * o r N 10TH 9TH AVE ' N 8TH 3 4, 9 r. q in 0 -I c, --I AVE 4 1 "3 !7TH 'T„ A N 7TH ' El m 6TH AVE 7 1.; N 4 -4 4 -• 5TH AVE -• In la 4/I tr4 , ROAD NANALIN AVE 1 CHARLES Si 6 10 LI 10 r In AVE y 1...v (.7 ST it• -< U) ▪ IAv ST $1 4. ST In I tn -0 U)1)114 37 X 0 C at rv 0 D u; 2 -I al 0 4,1 IS 0••• 113 D ict it i t_n4 .-- -‹ - m e l 444 ' IN --.1 24 ig.e In 1 13 '-.4 i I , 77 I II v is.2 AVE :or Itt ws I 0 to I o "4 .11 II -a 4 _ U rq In -4 0 4 C 1. 4 n I. K A . ,... os ;--- - *1 • • G,: -‹ r tt A 4 .1 rn tt r, 11 7 ROAD t" 44 11 ,.. 4 , 44a Iv In 4 r! .11 141 (111, ITV ill,. In 4.4 i • .1; 40 -• -• ft, " r ._ b. I, 381 0,, .., :- r3 I. 36 IS C471.40114 s. AVE tn. 1_ 4,) 1 t1 tfla roo '12 I IRUv nr8 fli GREE Fr-tHE v • r Z. 0 4 St fl I. 44 le -44 10 ,AATO ST 27 S I 41 El AVE V) -4 VP 34314°) 0 -4 4_4 • 1 4 04°3 1 440•44 • demo 1. 4•10.0114.0•44 • am* • 41•04 • 04 I. I I S ST 4.1 r ROAD MD 26 E411.)All -4 -4 SI 4 A V E Dt) 4-1 1.4 T.. In el I 0 "11.1 1.00 0 -4 II It! 0 Z fr • filasi 'wastes onco C amp • ammt cam t• mow • as • C ass ROAD 40 EAST 8. 4WD 4.414LE) STATE OF WASHINGTON IRBAN ARTERIAL fiCARO ARTERIAL 6 YEAR PROGRAM (Supple entai Section) LE-En Et PAL It NO i530 ROAD OR STREET NAME LEWIS STREET 00 ERUCT URAL. 32 PAVEMENT WE I Al'' I ANC I 35 PROT TRIY DAMAO' CT-Ill ACCIDENTS X I) 36 INJURY ACCIDENTS (ACCIDENTS X 6) 37 A'AL ACCIDENT., (ACCIDENTS X 25) ‘CCIDENTS (Recof ci DT of , The Basis of a 2 Year EAperience) 020 I 66 0 NO 01 iNTI IA ItiTY S. 1 2 1 2 II NVINI 01 R01111 IC 1 I 2 37 1+3 39 40 4 42 43 44 uc WEHE 'AVERY E C/L 1 1_11 11 1 I 1 11_1_1 1 ill 11_1 S11 TRAIT IC EmslINC, A AL)! 41 CAE A(II (110u1,1 4) 44 V /C 14/1n 110 45 i PEANI (31 E‘A I ING5I FEL) " 1 . 73 '04 uc 003420 00000 9 1 _ 1 .00 1 35 it I? 18 23 ,.10 34 35 37 38 39 WISE_ DA IA UD 12 EIS llo 55 Act 41_ { R10111471U7ARI 18 19 54 11_ 57 TYPE Of WORK 0 7°1 26 56 61 LEGISLA TIVE DISI RIC I 36 37 1_ (OS! THOUSANDS 5, 5.3 65 PEEN IM,NARY ENGINEERING tUAB) 47 50 I 60 F 5# (,'o WAS (1JAELI 53 56 I 1 71 71 6g CONSERUC I ION (UAW 67 70 I I 75 77 70 TOTAL LUAB) 73 76 1 1 _ 71 TOTAL PROJECT COST IUAB -4 LOCAL) 1 34 1 I 77 80 41 1 42-43 * TYPE OF WORK ,ATEIT RELATED 5RESURF ACE 1 III S OCR ION 6IPAFF1C CONEROE 7 me j o R 7 BRIDGE 3 MINOR WILEENING 8 BIKEWAY 4 RECONSTRUCTION 9 ENERGY RELATED ALENT CCIDENTS / MILE 0058 RK S USE eAcK OF SHEET 22 41109600003COS11UE21 DEFICIENT T IME PER ICO ADOPTTON DAD (101A) 4/10/6/ BUS RESOLUTION NO ROUTE /33 N VIS 0 PLANE NC NO CAPACITY DATA FOR CONTROLLED INTERSECTION SECTION LENGTH MILES INSTRUCTIONS IT3'" USE 10• If 83) USE 50 OR (64) USE 5' IF ACTUAL (40) (OOE I COD 3 ORD 1 RA ACTUAL GREATER 2 FRO 5 SA NOT KNOWN (93) (94) USE 10. If ACTUAL (96) USE 65.. IF ACTUAL NOT KNOWN (97) USE 070 If ACTUAL (66) USE 0 05 1 ACTUAL 199) CODE I on' SIDE 200114 3 NONE NOT NOT NOT IMOTAIN NOT KNOWN CINOWN KNOWN SIDES Os 0 9 ARIA 3 3 ARP WIU1TT WAY wAE SIR To C 'O0 00 "' I I 00 00 1197175 (94 RI 00 ''4 0 I I 000 0 6 0 BASE PEAK sl tA LOAD HOUR MINI FACTOR ;ACTOR 00" COO" 000" ' 0 ' 35 00 000 0'00 0 PARK 1140 3 -0 St OULFECE a) I 0 0 3 00 CO 000 0 0'00 35 CO 01 00 3 I U I I 0 3 00 00 00 0 • ' 0 1 35 00 000 000 4 I 0 I e I 5 I I 1 _L -1 a —0 —L- I ' 0 " Et 11', ATT A C" VICINITY MAP (SHOW ROUTE AND LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT) 2 2 r" c;) (A) N•ml LO (DE ROUTE SIL/Em CIS NO NO NO NO SI ‘TION 4 11 09E0 '0 0001°009 1 ' 1 PASCO 1 I lilt 1111111_I_I_I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 XISTING CONDITIONS GEOMETRICS UB 02 17 NUMBER Of THRU lANES (BOTH DIRECTIONS) 24 le PAVEMENT WIDTH Oa 48 40 0 3 1 ENE 191 70 25 17 RIGHT SHOULDER r o011.1 11-1 1 NMOUIDE R Wi011-E TOTAL ROADW A E eIDTH PREVAILING SIGNALIZ A 110,4 AREA DEVELOPMENT J NONI H•40 1 ACTUATED I CPO 7ERINLA 3 OW 3 PIK/C.0E551w! 4510R SIGN 4 RtsotNTIAl 5 SUSUI•13 IMPROVEMENT YEAR PI AK DIO !auk,. URBAN 01 HR SPLIT I 1, It ROI MAHON TERRAIN CLASS (IWO (3.4 '' 0000' 00'7 0106" 0" 1 13•4 '00 '00 ° 01 '06 0 1 I • 11.4 Ioo '00 d1O6 o 1 • )3.4 00 CO CC • 01 '06 0 I I • ' ' I 2 I S I I I II 1 I I URB COUNI V CIME ROUTE SECTION RIG NO NO NO NO z 3 4 ' 11 ° C 4964 '0 0003 14 COS , , Yl>tt;)ei ; t A _• A - 1 VA-13" sig-IA‘ I— r .-• ,tt-- as ' A \ ‘ Ar -1--- : 03 .1 a" • \ g'1. -0 • , • 10 -I ,...- .,- tk % ." r 41' -9- 11 .. ‘ * ' D• - --- yo.--": e!-- C " Ar.. .,- - q • 9 -i -s" A A t -,' ----3-t.i f$: 1 -, "A ' -5' - • $ , .0 \ I : • , - . • • ',.... -1:: 0' A 1,3 •F -11 „ r- It, 1,e.r*----r, r"v--1r 4 - -I :or- ..-* r.:- g , : fer-- -rl r-r-- -In Ira 41 -_, lit A ";}-ti I - 0 - • 1 '1 4 1 1.1 n• •I 1 1 ., -I f 1 a t i • I -' --1 7 Ze- - al .-4. ' pl.T Alt -- 1-L., iri-;._4 ° , 9:16 ,-- , -1 At, - ts 8 - — -4. L-- 1-- - _ ,..-# 4-, !..a.t. _lie - _ F 1 .--f - ji-f ----: I 1 - C.. -... 1 - - — S r .-- q-• r 1-.....,-,7 Tr ' -•••• r- --T 1 1 1 i i ; I i i •,-4 g I , It i 1 ,,,i A 1 0 1 $ I; 4 -1;... - i t 1 ' 1 ; - - a _ _ • _.......-r ... , .„, 0.• • • -• „ • 1 „„ t .1110 • s _ . est 1 • e • cr - L t .7.• [ I ""•1 Irr " 1 '-'1" -0 i FA- ri 1 • 1-1 i i k I' ; at II i t 9 j L t - 1 -- -061; - -XL iLZ:r -t-7.-• — ----J - .1 . 4:1.,_f_o_ ::•:t _L'" IF.....a..-..__ -Al 1 .1.. '.• . r. ,d • 1 • le i.29 •; 211 ▪ 10 1_ t • ,-,7 - ti i --1) i--;- 1 t--- il ; tr rr1 ra- 1041 Il 1 I 1 1 1 t 4 .4 1 el 1 2 6 14 i -JP 1:t 41 -1 IL:, _AA .1,1 LI- _i L...1 LLY_Ii L.2.142 a., _ t t t a, - •f. .0001. Li --!. -1 1.-- - A -.-. "r ik ... ‘,... ' r— '""Ti - J 1 -IL % 1 "--- 1 ---- a ••.---scrii. j.:;,A0 31, '. _.e.Liar-c' --). I Orel II. :€1 _.. .„..„ „..s - -,:,....,-- .„----le , 65 - a P - ......,07*-- 1......'" "TV ,.. ei!-- " '.; ,- tjj „"..c ....;„..--• cc__ _ ,..c.:::. 1 4 t ‘ \ --3.t., *.*..111 < 7 \•l '0 C t * I A1 , . ..". .. 1 -,1,-„,-Ascl fes 3 çiri tit „tie • 1 a f"le -15;1-1_ V A 17"t -11 le' it L.I' 1:1 _ - er —Irv!a 1 on 1\A.:1:4 1 • I . i e. • 1 l' I' I I ii II J 1 1 1 I i I 6 i P 1 I 9 I I I I I ri v i i I 1.- - , 1 i I 41 , ---%* y.'-‘-'5 .- --nt; ,ii ra.,--4f ‘,0-i m, ;....,...4.7. 7 L • .,, -1•4 1 A I t ,: X - L i 1 , . 3. li 1 A i -1-2 -T-.171., \).„.-;- • i 1 I iv, ri ' 1 7 0 \ a ___.. tA".. e..% 1 63i Alf 1 if ,. Loa A tat -i n .: ...h._ _.1 t—,>. _, ,, "\ ‘,' ,._,-;!.--\ .1. 1..:il , 11 I , (WI' a Lt ".....gi rarr ir 40. .'i 5;1 LI' 11 I LI 1 A -i 5 i _i, 1 I t _ L ot 1 II -1.-: ...1, \ \ \ ,% ..,,,,, , !, • 1, , 1 , r ) , \, N ° „..-- :Ili.* .4 oL 1-10f9 J..t..- -1A1 00-.1.11. Lai. 41.1 110- 0 f l L' J. - -,-..11-1,,----,t ,--,,,,-„--, ri At ' • _A, . 4,; i n ,r-•• P -1 7 '''.1.' "r-11 '--1 ..- ......., „ % .......4 ....., a , c ,..7. AA\ i • 1 1 _ _ __ , • _ I , 1 , ...- 1 4, • T, [ 11- a - cf.)* i .. 1 ".vi 4 ! 1 1_ _IV - 1 4 :.-- __ T 1, _ I LS %-. • - n •-•••3 ,....---1 %•-1L IL, trfttitt 1-11;-1.2.. lUtfL,I.1....• ' es 3 a. . ;L., t ! 0 7 - V--- - •t 0 I e. • .a "griiii, )i 1 \ft'.\:1 1 t \ : I Lf 0 L ..... _ ; l .. I .z_. 1 1 1-1.• LA _ ,....._.-3 tALI _..0 Ac4ai ) 1 LEWIS STREET WEHE AVENUE TO AVERY AVENUE l uz 800'-0" 4ANZA ANA 4NED AMNIA .10MID MB 00 exam ••• •••• •n•• '1940 t o 41 42 101 0 41 44 1 i 0 45 46 ,4 5 ,6 9 , o 9 I 10 7 00 1823 30 34 35 37 38 39 , 2 11 _ , 4 _01 Le 3,6F 6 14, '7 1 4 1 • $ OF WORK RESURFACE 6 TRAFFIC CONTROL 7 BRIDGE 8 BIKEWAY 1-NERD.' RELATED 47 50 53 56 67 70 73 76 77 80 SECTION NO -RD UPS 011 R OU T E PT RFC 7 0 ATTACH VICINITY MAP (SHOW ROUTE AND LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT) sC 45 ro SE OUENCE so 2 3 4 5 (93) (94) USE 10 II ACTUAL NOT KNOWN 196) USE 65 II ACTUAL NOT KNOWN (97) USE 0 7011 AC TUP NOT KNOWN 1 1 8) USE 08S IF ACTUAL NOT KNOWN (N) CODE I ONE SIDE 7 BOTH SIDES 3 NONE JO 03 1NHR 2 I I o I Oil 2 o 01 I BASE 1RAV GREEN PEAK SPEED "Mi LOAD HOUR PARK MT H FACTOR FACTOR ING 67 69 la 77 0 I o I I o 1 a I I I 0 I 0 I I I o t 0 I n t 0 PIA KTIF F,JC URBAN AD! HP I H HP POPULATION TERRAIN CLASS IA (./.0 I 000 CIPTY a S 4 ? 5 5 , INSTIRUC I IONS 12 USE 10 IF ACTUAL NOT KNOV N 61 USE 50 OP GRI A TER US( 5 IF ACTUAL NOT KNO 'IN PO CCJDI I (RI) 2 FBI) OBD 3 91 5 SA I I 0 1 1 0 I ) I Ff O il 2 o il 7 I 0 511 L410TH ARIA 2 F At A SIR ( 10 C '94 ,3 4 10 (30 SECTION LENC,IH 0 FEDERAL ROUTE NO 2^ ROAD OR STREET NAME 1516 19 IOIREGO IN AIME, EXISIING CONDITIONS GEOMETRICS UB STATE OF WASHINGTON ARTEROAL 6 YEAR PROGRA (SuppDemeMall SecUon) ARD PE JA C ,-,) (3, 0 CO 0 CiTY NAME PEC CO CI ROUTE STUDY CIS JO NO NO NO SECTION 3 10 4 17 4 1 1 0 9 6 0001 1 00 1 2 PASCO REGISTERED ENGINEERS SIGNATURE ADOPTION DATE (0 I leigq RESOLUTION NO /G. 53 (10 I A ) BUS ROUTE N YES f ROM TERMINI 01- ROUTE TO 0 EMILESN0 NK GH Ac2 ARIA 46 60 72 76 188LNAO ,A,IiNS IWIO1R 1H1 A„ST,Rg p , T, 1 0,4 04, 4, 1 2 TRAFFIC UC 12 — I 7 NUMBER Of THRU LANES (BOTH DIRECTIONS) 0 37 38 18 PAVEMENT WIDTH 19R RIGHT SHOULDER WIDTH 191 LIFT SHOT/101k %MTH 20 TOT Al ROAD‘sAY WIDTH )5 2/ PRES All INC SICNALI souN AREA OTT/HOF I TH 0 NONE ACTUAHO I CBD 2 ,PiNGI out 3 PROGRESS!'. 4 ,101 49TsIDENTIAT 5 SUBURB STRUCTURAL 39 EXISTING AADI 43 CAPACITY (HOURLY) 44 V /C RATIO 45 1 RI NI 01 ER/STING 51110 MISC DATA UD I? 55 AGENCY PRIORITY NUMBER 1 3i 18 19 I 57 lYlE Of WORK 26 61 II CISTAIIVI 1)ISIRK I 36 37 1 6 , U C UD 75 /7 COST THOUSANDS 65 PRELIMINARY LNGIRILLRING (UA13) 66 RIGHT Of WAY (UAB) 69 CONSTRUCTION (DAB) /0 TOTAL WAN /I TOTAL PROJLC COST (UAII f LOCAL) * T Y F' E 0 A1119 RELATED 1 TJ1W 10LATION 7 MAJOR 11101NINC 1 1IN Q R WIDI131140 4 WECON'Olity IION 32 PAVEMENT LIFT f PICIANCY 62 63 L I 0 ACCIDEr IS +Record Doto on the BasTs of o 2 Year Expelience) 15 PROPERTY DNS AG1 OFJo k ACCIDLNIS X I) 1 1 I 0 69 /I 3o INJURN ACCIDENTS ACCIDENTS X 6) 1 0 1 72 /4 3/ FATAL \CCIDEN.s ,SCCIDENTS X 25) 1 01 EQUIVALENT ACCIDENTS , VOL( MA ES S Replaces route 0010 Section 001 Maitland Avenue CAPACITY DATA FOR CONTROLLED INTERSECTION ocf j., --- i '7 -1 G =--.1 .-_ 0:" / -* - 4..1 L 4 ..... 4-......N I i / a ' t .4 0 1 -4. - '"" ,* ..1 '1. 1 .0_ ..1 Fil.7.4.1 44....... / i 0;0.4., 1, , x - ' v`i , L: -3 •••• Awl 4 0 7 - - - -- 17. -- .41 10 it".- =sr z - F 7:7"..7J Fr- TA . 01:47, r 6100. 1 I " • w e E ° .- ,--"".? ..4•'; 4 % 0 O-' ‘1, " - - • /1 a s • \ ..). - -..,;.+- ,.....--, '-47;‘• 1 it -- 0- r ''-‘.,.. 4.:;. it 7----5-1.5.- .\:,...,.....„, ,,,-... 4 .1 I ova., N \ j 10. 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I 2 6 , 2 63 6 Grading, Drainage, Curb, Gutter, Sideya k Pave, Illumination 7..riTIWE EIN !TILE, ,R AI1LR 0A D IT R, IL ID 0 . • • 4 I 5 9 2 , 1 , 1 I I 5,92 159,2 Grading, Drainage, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Pave, Illumination R ,• IF I ! 1 I , k ,4 1 1v. • : • I 14 I I 1,, I I I U X 9 0 19 0 , ,9, 0 2 70 48 6 FA SP „ 54 54 0 8 Lewis Street at 28th, 7th, & Oregon Ave. Sylvester Str. at 20th Ave., Court Str. 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