HomeMy WebLinkAbout1597 Resolution - Recordedyñ ells, City Clerk Eve 42 1 `2,3.70 RESOLUTION NO 1597 A RESOLUTION accepting right-of-way on Court Street. WHEREAS, adequate right-of-way does not presently exist on the 3200 block of West Court Street, and WHEREAS, such right-of-way is needed for public safety, and WHEREAS, the U-Haul Company of Inland Northwest has signed a conveyance of public right-of-way to the City of Pasco for the needed right-of-way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: The City Council of the City of Pasco hereby accepts the right-of-way granted in the signed conveyance from the U-Haul Company of Inland Northwest. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 6 day of September ,1983 Ira L Schmidt, Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: REOORDCD w VOL 77/ OF OrPf,_Mit 1r-7.60144 / Pit( c°31:t5,s ofqPfco vn SEp 7 II la hill 133 fiEVitd t,tgr VI er ()PIM Greg ubs .tello, City Attorney 01:= P 0 Box 293 Pasco, WA 99301 AGENDA REPORT NO. ) Si Pr i Datel WORKSHOP REGULAR FROM James Ajax, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dennis Wright, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT. Conveyance of Right-of-Way on Court Street FOR: TO: City Council Lee Kraft, City Manager DATE: August 17, 1983 I Date11-6, REFERENCE(S), (List only those attached) A. Vicinity Map B. Conveyance Form C. Statutory Warranty Deed D. Waiver of Claim for Damages (2) E. Resolution U. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATION: A motion adopting Resolution No , dedicating additional right-of-way on Court Street. II. FISCAI IMPACT: (Capital Outlay and M.0.) None V. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: The city currently has only 36-feet of right-of-way on the south side of west Court Street at the U-Haul property. The normal right-of-way for major arterials is 40-feet on each side of centerline. In conjunction with an addition to their building, U-Haul will be constructing new curb and gutter and sidewalk They are also conveying the additional four feet of right-of-way we need to bring the total right-of-way on the south side of the street to 40-feet. . DISCUSSION I. OTHER COMMENTS, 14. KZ H. ADMINISTRATIVE ROUTING: xc: Dennis Wright, Assistant City Engineer ) Richard Lontz, Building Inspector I 9 • 50 — • - -St_ , 1.1 1 I , I to t, ;: , , i L) _ sit 17-1 -, r F7 ;7; Jr, L.. 'c, I r , — .{,f,- ,1;;;?-14 .--,,,:p;,:;1 I f.• 2 ...;c6l.... L. .i I ., ,..., • ,,,i ,• ; 3 ? ' , • ota. 2 13 S 5 I• •0 2 II .__. ELL;1•'11•1 1.1.1 ILL•,..t..,_,._ ; laiii:L:tr-1177 4•i. r. , 11 --1:1 ? 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Grantot Grantor CONVEYANCE OF PUBLIC BIGHT-OF-WAY For val able consideration consisting of 6.7,1 , receipt of which is hereby acknowledg et te rdAilid A./Au hereby grants and conveys to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington located in Franklin County, its successors and assigns, the right-of-way, including the privilege to construct, maintain, repair, and maintain a roadway, utilities, and appuitenances thereto, and such other rights associated with the public tight-of-way, over and upon the following land, located in Franlilin Coutt%, State of Washington, to-wit: The south 4 feet of the north 40 feet of the east 397.63 feet of the north west quarter of the north west quarter of Section 25 T 9 N Range 29 E, WM, Except the east 30 feet thereof. rho grantor shall make no use of the land inconsistent lith the us eiee't n-,0 of it as a public right-of-way. La e\ercising the rights herein granted, the grantee and its successors lnd assigns, ma} pass and repass over said land to cut and teeeve btush, trees and other obstructions which in the opinion of the 01.1'teC inteltere uith the use of the land as a public right-of-uay and to ktholul-,e use and occupy the land consistent with its construction, 11111 Int • and uses a-, a public tiqht -of -way. '1 he covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are bit mu upon all subsequent owners thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has executed this instrument STA,1 01 WASHINGTON) :ss. Cou t% o' Franklin ) , appeared before me id: LC- this da} of , 19 (1 ,0 to me kno n-%. 16 -be the individualfs) described takt %.ho eweuted the ithin and fotegoing Instrument, and acknowledgf sign the same as free and voluntary act and thtt deed, r';'T the uses and put poses theiein mentioned. under my hand and official seal hereto le day and year firs abo("e (.ritten. 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WHEREAS, adequate right-of-way does not presently exist on the 3200 block of West Court Street, and WHEREAS, such right-of-way is needed for public safety, and WHEREAS, the U-Haul Company of Inland Northwest has signed a conveyance of public right-of-way to the City of Pasco for the needed right-of-way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: The City Council of the City of Pasco hereby accepts the right-of-way granted in the signed conveyance from the U-Haul Company of Inland Northwest. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of ,1983 E. A. Snider, Mayor ATTEST: Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Rubstello, City Attorney