HomeMy WebLinkAbout1593 ResolutionATTE Wells, City Clerk AS TO FORA AP tello, City At orney RESOLUTION NO 1593 A RESOLUTION accepting a storm drain easement from the Port of Pasco WHEREAS, a storm drain in the location of South Oregon Avenue from approximately 900' south of "A" Street to the Columbia River shall be constructed across private land, and WHEREAS, the ultimate ownership of the storm drain will be with the City of Pasco; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Pasco obtain and maintain legal easements for the installation, operation and maintenance of the storm drain across private lands; NOV', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO. The City hereby accepts the attached utility easement from the Port of Pasco BE IR FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to tile the easement in the legally prescribed manner. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of August , 1983 OF A Snide , Mayor 1 GRANT OF EASEMENT For pipeline THIS AGREEMENT OF EASEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1983, by and between the Port of Pasco, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called Grantor, and the City of Pasco, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called Grantee. 1. GRANT OF EASEMENT. In consideration of the mutual promises and undertaking herein expressed, and the mutual benefit to be derived from the construction of a pipeline to be constructed by Grantee, the Grantor hereby quit claims to the Grantee, to have and hold in perpetuity, an easement twenty feet (20°) in width and lying ten feet (10') on each side of the following described line in Franklin County, Washington Said easement shall be for the purpose of the construction, maintenance and rePair of a storm sewer 36" in diameter, subject to the terms and limitations hereinafter set forth. (See Exhibit "A") A storm drain easement along a strip of land 20.00 ft. in width laying across a portion of the east half of Section 32 T. 9 N., R. 32 E., W.M., Franklin County Washington, the centerline being described as follows: Commencing at the 'northeast corner of said Section 32; thence S 00' 41' 06" W along the east line of said Section 32 a distance of 1824.69 ft., thence N 89° 17' 05" W parallel with the north line of said Section 32 a distance of 583.02 ft. to a point on the north property line of the Big Pasco Industrial Park and true Point of beginning, thence S 32° 11' 04" W a distance of 225 57 ft.; thence S 21 0 04' 39" W a distance of 1021.51 ft.; thence S 26° 01' 03" E a distance of 752 73 ft.; thence S 26° 58' 00" W a distance of 435.00 ft.; more or less to the line of normal operating pool elevation of the McNary Reservoir 340 M.L.S and terminus of said centerline description 2. CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION. The storm sewer to be constructed and located upon this easement shall be subterranean and shall be placed at a depth of a minimum of twenty-four inches (24") below the anticipated future grade The surface above shall be seeded, landscaped or otherwise treated in such fashion as to stabilize the ground and prevent erosion in order to maintain such minimum depth 3. ACCESS FOR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE. Grantee shall receive and enjoy reasonable access across such easement at all times for the limited purpose of repair and maintenance of said sewer line, as the same may be reasonably required. Nothing herein shall be construed, however, as granting unto the Grantee, any general right-of-way of roadway easement, and access by Grantee shall be for the limited purpose of maintenance and repair of the pipeline as aforesaid 4 AGREEMENT TO COMPLY. Grantee acknowledges that it has read and understands the limitations and undertakings set forth herein and agrees that it will comply with the same in its use of the easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands this 14th day of July , 1983. 2642 35 VAC/ /1( re—r- • • • xre"" V*1 • 4 LINE'S -1 rsi 09 9 I • 1 0 4 1 55/ Q 3c1' Ns) ,,,,,/ -).2 Aci . i-2-,. -.. -77 ... I •a, . .s, 0 .c- 4- i; z -.k. -s . . ..›, 14-.1 _, , c4:7/ n .,..., --... .r /I,/ ..., 6 o, leze -., . ez7 ,,.. ilf? --- .... ...ea. . mit t '" t." 0 -0 • \ THREE (3) 6INCN PETROLEUM LINES RUNNING PARALLEL t-1 60 011 / 4; 5 c‘eyi/ o 0 ;11 g McNARY POOL 2 (;1 /)/ EL340 2 IL