HomeMy WebLinkAbout1591 ResolutionATTES 7!"`"--W- lls, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 1591 A RESOLUTION adopting a revised and extended comprehensive street program for the City of Pasco. WHEREAS, R.C.W. 35.77.010 provides for annual revision and extension of the Comprehensive Street Program of each city and town, and after holding public hearings thereon; and WHEREAS, it is now time to revise and extend that Comprehensive Street Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the revision and extension of the City of Pasco Comprehensive Street Program on BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Council of the City of Pasco hereby adopts the revision and extension of the Comprehensive Program for the ensuing six years as attached hereto and labeled "Six-Year Construction Program, 1984-89", incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth herein; and That the Comprehensive Street Program shall be filed with the Department of Transportation no later than PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 18 day of July , 1983. E A. Snider, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Adtba Greg ibste11o, City Attorney 51A t AK IIANOP'OKIflILJN IMI -#KUYL.N11.14 rKt.JUKANI 84 su IV 89 OBLIGATION PROGRAM Neartng Pate Adoption Date Reeo1ution Number PROJECT COSTS IN THOU5AND5 OF DOLLARS 13 IA1 1 .z Yeypunching Mote: Data entered in cols I - 8 frtli5f 3 G be on all cards punched from ibis -Form. City/County City No. County No. • o z E ti - PROJECT IDENTIFICATION I MoJor Cloas of Work Work C o d e Total Len9th 00: le o -.. 6 — tie § t. c e. .0 \ 71 cc 3 OBLIGATION SCHEDULE ft FUNDING 500RCE TOTAL FUNDS Tit ie, Route, Road Log No., Section No., t Y_ E A R FEDERAL U.A.B. LOCAL Location/Term' nalDeecripilon of Work, g ,, I. et .. (Annual ( Etement) - 2 net 3 rd Beginning Mdepoof 4 Bridge No. 4 , 5 4 Gth AMOUNT PROGRAM Z -j3 1 115 - 343 2 zA,D,FIG 4 37 40 5 At 416 0,0,5,3 6 65A8 M 7 u 8 9 47)48 56 X i 4 i 8 i 10 52 _ 55 ILI a 11 SG 59 L.I 12. CO 63 III•III.III.,,. 13 64 67 14 68 11 15 72 75 14 13 ;1 4 1G 76 '78 114 P 17 d0 845 i i 14,8 10 i 2,(), ,T,H, ,A,V,Et 'SLR, 11,2, 11.101 ,N,CIBIC,BIDIRIY 1 kliden to 62 feet,Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk,Channelization, Grading, Drainage, Paving, Illunination 2 E„ I., E, W, I L S„ W, E, H, E, 1 T 1 0„ A,V, E, R, Y, , 1 i 1 _i_ 2 K A, Dif ,G 1%7.3 M_Ll I 5161 a 1 n 1 Iii II, 1 i 1 , ii . 5 A 4 1 .5 4 lit51610 Grading, Drainage, Widento 52 Feet Curb, Gutter, , Sidewalk, Iilumination 3 I • G I AVE A Ti Al SW' / ADFG 1 4 4 1 , Grading, Curb, Gutter, Pave at 52 Feet Railroad Crossing, Illumination 4 1,n, ,T, H, ,Atv,F, ,A, IT, 0, ,c1L1A1R1K1 , .,,,, 3MF, G1H4I 101119 M. U , 31 81 0 , 1, ii, II, IL, 1,1 342 1,3 8 , i 13 18 JO Widen to 62 Feet, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Signal Modernization 5 2ifi1Lal:LL_LAALEJ1S.a.L.1t2_1 faB.LC_LII1D_LiLY_L2_EAA_1ELG,_Ik5_1_I_ELLLIL_L4 Widen to 62 Feet, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Channel- ization , Grading Drainage, Paving, Illumination L_8aLu_._i___i____L—L__L_i—L_±1--L-1—L----1---L--L----4 -a--13--L--1--JA--aA-_ 6 IA. Y,S, iViAiRIIIOWISI iSiT,RIFIFIT,S, ,01v1F1R11 5D1 ., , ,34,0, 1LX 1 2,0,0 , 1. 510 111510 141510 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 1 9 15 0 1 1 19 15 41_, Overlay various city streets which have existing ACP 7 Fi iliFIWITIS1 IWIFIHIF1 ITIO1 ICiFiDIAIRI 1,111 2MA1D1F1G .0.47,1 ri II III III clic, 11 111 t i ili fl F1 At Ili silt 12,70_,,,1 ic 10 Grading, Drainage, Widen to 52 Feet, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Illumination '8 OiR,F,G,O,N, 4AIVIE, lAt J.01 al liNISIWtOIRIT.H. L JKAID I F I G .0444 . SJI jit 4 1 1 _i_kt At 910 , 1,21 0 FIAISP , , , Agn I 1 A 19,n Grading, Curb, Gutter, Pave at 52 Feet, 'Railroad Crossing, Illumination DASIRI BUT I ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID E 4alt4 E ER ' 'I AGENDA REPORT NO. FOR: City Council T0 Lee Kraft, City Manager WORKSHOP REGULAR j s 4 • 1 Date17/11/83 1 Datel 7/#8/83 James Ajax, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: SUBJECT Six Ycar Street_ Construction Program (1984-1989) r . REFERENCE(S): (List only those attached) A Vicinity Map B Proposed Construction Program C Detailed Outline of Revenue Picture by Source [I. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATION, A) WORKSHOP - DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION B) REGULAR MEETING- (1) Conduct Public Hearing (2) MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution No. , establishing the Six Year Street Construction Program for calendar years 1984 through 1989. N. I ISCAI IMPACT (Capital Outlay and M.O.) N/A V. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF, Each year all citys are required to submit a Six Year Street Construction Program The proposed projects in terms of cost must reasonably equal anticipated revenue The revenue picture for the coming year looks considerably brighter than thepast few years due to the accumulation of money in the city's overlay fund, increase in gas tax funding, funding of the Urban Arterial Program, and the continuation of Federal Highway Funding Programs DISCUSSIU\T It is staff's belief that there are four major projects that are really overdue, those improvements being 1) 20th Avenue (Bypass to Airport) estimated cost $480,000 2) East Lewis (Wehe to Avery) estimated cost 560,000 3) Oregon Avenue Extension ("A" to Ainsworth) estimated cost 475,000 4) 10th Avenue ("A" to Clark) estimated cost 380,000 Each of these projects are eligible for Urban Arterial Board funding consideration and if we are reasonably fortunate, at least one of these projects will be funded The most important item in terms of timing is 20th Avenue as with the stat going ahead with widening 20th Avenue in the area of the interchange and thus, it is imperative that our improvement occur in 1984. I. OTHER COMMENTS II. ADMINISTRATIVE ROUTING 6 (a DATE- July 8, 1983 C r• S — t 4t _C=1 —4 21 s+D -J slq C==== c Lhirrirg FL PASCO WASPI INOTON Ccoleavrati, drooktpment Deport...no STWEE V Pli. AX — ICASO3 1/40N1 date, 2 19 196a tUt74:ATID 1• Pa PROJECT C05T5 IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 84 TO 19 89 - OBLIGATION PROGRAM Keypunching Note'Dataentenndin cols1-8nnust 3-4 be on all cards punched from iht5 -form. 1 -2 City/County City No. Count9 hlo• 31115111 LIM Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number • 0 z E p-. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1Mcwor Cloos I of Work Work Code Total Length N ile .) --/ 75, fl t c u? I Runt Vtlrba r 1 b 4 ,, t,,, 0 OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL FUNDS Title, Route, Road Log No., Section No., YEAR FEDERAL U A.B. LOCAL LocatiWiermtni l Descripilon of Work, Beginning Milepost # brid9e No. 15t (Annual Element) - Z nd 3rd 4,5 it 6 th AMOUNT PROGRAM 2 S )314 4 37 40,41 5 4 4 0 45 7 4 6 / 8 47 9 40 SI 10 52 35 II Sa 39 12 13 co 63/64 61 068 14 "II 15 VI '75 16 76 79 17 SO SS 9 T, R, A, F, F1 II C, .S1 1 1 G 1 N, AI L, , 1 1 M 1 P, R, 0, V, E t M, Eitsl i T I S wit,. ,,, In( ,8,5„.i% 5 . , 81 5 12 55. A5 19 SF IA iS IP I 1 1 • 1 5 1 1 i . 15 i i 0 Lewis street at 28th, 10th, 7th, & Oregon Ave. loth Ave at A Str. & Clark Str. Sylvester Str. at 20th Ave. Court Str. at 4th. Ave & Rd. 36 or Rd. 34 I.,,,L.,..illiiLliiiii 4 ,,I Kt,. Ili ill iii III 'It III 11. 1,1 II, till, a F i AI St Ti O LF,. Ti 1-',_,-; L.', V ci Li I, a 1111i _ __,-,, 4nk 134 OL F , . 1 7 A U 7 I 5 r0 I , 1 Iii 11 II • III iii 111 n 15-1 ° Grading, Drainage, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Pave, Illunination , II,ItItii,atialiiii,alik.,1 . MA I 1 1 1 4 1 I I I III Ill I 11 It I II II I I I I 11111 DiSTRIBUTION coPy DISTRICT STATE AID ENIaltslrER 150 150 • ANTICIPATED/ PROJECTED REVENUE FOR STREET PROJECTS (IN 1,000s OF DOLLARS) UNOBLIGATEE CASH FORWARD END 1983 1988 1989 SOURCE STATE 112-CENT GAS TAX TOTALS t- - NOT INCLUDED IN TOTALS •. , 11111 11J1 ;al "r ,1 1:111'1. CITY UTILITY TAX 0 TO 1,000 135 135 REVENUE PICTURE It would seem appropriate to outline what the staff would estimate to be reasonably anticipated revenues. That way, you as Council members will have a better understanding of the various funding sources and the constraints and rules relating to these funding sources. It should be pointed out that going into 198t ,, not only is the city's street fund in better shape than it has been for the last few years, but also both the State and Federal funding sources have significantly improved due to the increase in thc gas tax at each of those two levels. CITY FUNDS: The sole source of city funds for street improvement is the 1% utility tax designated for overlaying streets pre‘lously improved to a higher standard and specifically asphaltic concrete streets. It is anticipated that that fund will have a 1983 year end cash balance of approximately $150,000 and it is anticiplted that the city will receive approximately $150,000 for each of the next six years It should however be noted that this figure could change downward depending on the P.U.D.'s actions relating to rates and the IPPPSS debt payments. ,STATE FUNDS (One-Half Cent Gas Tax Fund): The 1983 budget anticipated receiving $91,800 or $4.82 per capita in 1983 The state, in light of the increase in gas tax rate projects ) $5.50 per capita and a total of almost $105,000. Without a 'population increase, that figure again due to the tax increase should result in $6.60 per capita in 1984 and a total of $125,000 and $7.20 per capita in 1985 and subsequent years and a total of $135,000 per year. There are essentially no strings attached to this money and it can be used on any street in town provided that 1 the finished improvement provides a project that complies with state standards. The money can also be used to match most other o , , grant sources that do not provide 100% funding. URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD (UAB): The 1983 legislature through the increase in the gas tax, provided the authority to issue one million dollars (DI: bone: funding to the Urban Arterial Board ' This is a 90% grant funding program and projects that the city of Pasco submits, must compete with other jurisdictions in our region which includes Yakima, Walla Walla, Kennewick and Richland. The Urban Arterial Board has been without funds for several years and its refunding is very encouraging. Although unknown at this time, it is most probable that on the order of 3.5 million dollars will be allocated to projects in our region at the October 1983 3oard meeting. i Eligible projects are restricted to arterial routes (staff will provide a map at meeting indicating routes) and it is important that the city consider how the state prioritizes projects to insure that we submit our best projects from a competative standpoint. Their priority rating considers total traffic, traffic accidents, conjestion, and structural condition as the four most significant factors. ,FEDERAL FUNDS (Federal Aid Urban Systems (FAUS) Program - Sometimes referred to as FAM): Federal legislation in 1983 provided for the continuation of the FAUS funding program which 4otherwise would have terminated at the end of the first quarter Aof Federal fiscal year 1983. These Federal grant funds are distributed to the states who in turn make allocations to citys within the state. This a 83% grant funding program. The City of Pasco with the proposed 4th Avenue improvement project has or is in the process of committing its allocation through 1985 In the following four years, we are advised that the city will receive about $80,000 per year. 1 FEDERAL AID SAFETY PROGRAM (FASP): These are Federal funds that " are periodically distributed to the states and in turn the State I' of Washington allows the citys to submit grant applications which compete with the submissions of other cities on a priority bac,is. These funds vary from 100% grant to as low as 50% grant. " Examples of projects that the city has received would be traffic signals, permanent pavement markings and railroad xing projects. , It is a total unknown as to how much money will be available It is anticipated that the foregoing was rather lenghty, however, i it is information that should be made available to the city's policy body. ar, 0,1r eftly'''A 1„11 3 /10-- ;