HomeMy WebLinkAbout1578 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO 1578 A RESOLUTION of the City Council stating the City's policy about the operation of the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility by the East Pasco Neighborhood Council WHEREAS, the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility (EPNF) was constructed with federal funds for the purpose of providing a facility in East Pasco for multi- use purposes, and WHEREAS, one of the primary uses of the facility is to provide a base of operation for a community recreation program, and WHEREAS, the East Pasco Neighborhood Council (EPNC) is a non-profit corporation of the State of Washington, directed by citizens representing the interests of the East Pasco community, and WHEREAS, the East Pasco Neighborhood Council has expressed a desire to operate the recreation program at this facility, and the City Council has expressed a desire to put this arrangement into effect, NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PASCO CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS Section It A division of responsibility at the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility is hereby declared to be as follows (a) The City of Pasco will maintain the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility in good repair, will pay utility expenses, will pay appropriate property damage and liability insurance, and will provide, at City expense, custodial service up to thirty (30) hours per week. Cb) The East Pasco Neighborhood Council will be the primary program provider for the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility and will be responsible for the development and maintenance of a diverse recreational program at the facility, and the expense for doing this will be the responsibility of the East Pasco Neighborhood Council Section 2 The City Manager will assist the Board of Directors of the East Pasco Neighborhood Council in an advocacy role before United Way to help the Council obtain United Way funding for recreational programs at the facility Section 3 The Director of Parks and Recreation and his designees will provide technical assistance to the Board of Directors of the East Pasco Neighborhood Council and its staff on recreation program matters Section 4 The East Pasco Neighborhood Council will employ its own recreation staff and will provide adequate supervision over this staff to assure that the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility will be protected from wilful neglect and vandalism, and to assure that the safety of the persons participating in the recreation programs is protected Section 5 The City of Pasco will strive to annually budget a minimum of Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000 00) to be transferred to the East Pasco Neighborhood Council Recreation Fund, which City funds are to be devoted to recreation program services at the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility The East Pasco Neighborhood Council shall make an accounting on an annual basis to the City Manager and the City Council on what the funds were spent on Section 6 The City waives the rent on 200 square feet of office space at the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility, which space shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the East Pasco Neighborhood Council and its staff, providing the facility use regulations are being adhered to Section 7 The East Pasco Neighborhood Council shall be permitted to sell refreshments at the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility and shall be authorized to charge admission fees for special events at the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility gymnasium, and shall use the net proceeds therefrom to program activities at the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility with emphasis on recreational programming Admission charges for gymnasium special events shall be approved by the City Manager or his designate in advance of the special event before it is scheduled All revenue obtained from food sales and special event fees shall be reported to the City Manager in the annual report stipulated in Section 5 Section 8 The East Pasco Neighborhood Council, at its own expense, at or before the adoption and subject to all provisions of this resolution, agrees to furnish all of the insurance required under this Section 8 All policies of insurance shall name the City of Pasco as an additional insured and a copy of which shall be delivered to and held by the City Clerk and shall be with insurance companies approved by the City Manager Each such insurance policy shall contain a provision that it cannot be cancelled unless thirty (30) days notice of cancellation shall first have been served upon the City Manager The East Pasco Neighborhood Council shall take out and maintain during the life of this agreement the following insurance to cover its operations and recreational programs at the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility LIABILITY $500,000 $500,000 To Cover Each occurrence Aggregate Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage Premises/Operations - Recreational Facility Products - if any Owners and Contractors Protection Stop Gap Broad Form Liability Supplement Contractual Liability Personal Injury Premises Medical - $1,000 per person Host Liquor Liability Fire Legal Liability - $50,000 each occurrence Broad Form Property Damage Employees as Additional Insured Extended Bodily Injury City of Pasco as Additional Insured (30 day notice of cancellation) Section 9 The President of the East Pasco Neighborhood Council Board of Directors shall provide to the City Manager in writing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the persons who are in charge of the Neighborhood Facility for given periods of time The purpose of this requirement is - 2 - Greg A bstello, City A torne • • to pin point responsibility at all times that the facility is open to public use so that the lines of authority and responsibility are clear and distinct at all times Section 10 The East Pasco Neighborhood Council shall prepare a recreation program budget for the calendar year, showing revenues anticipated to be received and the sources thereof, and the expenditures planned to be made and the specific programs to be funded This budget, after its approval by the Board of Directors, shall be submitted to the City Council, through the City Manager, for information purposes This budget shall break down the cost elements by program and activity and shall indicate how the city funds, if any, are to be devoted Preferably, this budget shall be in the City's hands by the time the preliminary budget for the ensuing year is being prepared by city staff Section 11 The East Pasco Neighborhood Council and the City Council agree that the ultimate goal is that the entire East Pasco Neighborhood Facility will be leased for a nominal amount to the East Pasco Neighborhood Council and that the East Pasco Neighborhood Council will, at that time, maintain the building in good repair, operate the recreation programs, and rent out the office space and collect the rents, however, in the interim, the City of Pasco, through its Director of Parks and Recreation, will continue to manage the rental space, and the City will collect the rental income and will apply this income towards the operating and maintenance of the facility Section 12 The respective responsibilities for the operation and maintenance of the Kurtzman Park Youth Center and for the programs therein, will be covered by a separate City Council policy statement Section 13 The gymnasium shall be open for public use at least twenty (20) hours a week and a copy of the scheduled recreation activities for the facility shall be filed with the Director of Parks and Recreation c11),ASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this /1 4 day of , 1983 AI1EST yn Wel s, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM