HomeMy WebLinkAbout1563 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO 1563 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGU- LATIONS AND STANDARDS OF OPERATION FOR A NON- EXCLUSIVE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE TO BE GRANTED TO MICRO CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION WHEREAS, the City Council is considering the granting of a non- exclusive franchise to Micro-Cable Communications Corporation to provide cable television service to residences and institutions of Pasco, and WHEREAS, Section 2, of the proposed franchise ordinance provides that Rules and Regulations and Standards of Operation for cable television shall be established by Resolution as a part of the granting of a franchise, NOW, THEREFORE, THE PASCO CITY COUNCIL DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Rules and Regulations for Customer Service Standards (a) Grantee shall maintain and operate a local office in the service area throughout the franchise period (b) All subscribers shall receive all legally available services requested insofar as their financial and other obligations to the Grantee are honored Neither the Council nor the Grantee shall, as to rates, charges, service, service facilities, rules, regulations, or in any other respect, make or grant any preference or advantage to any person, except as modified herein, nor subiect any person to prejudice or disadvantage Nothing in this provision shall be construed to prohibit the reduction or waiving of charges in conjunction with promotional campaigns for the purpose of attracting subscribers, nor shall this provision be interpreted to prohibit the establishment of graduated schedules which vary with volume of usage, to which any subscriber, or programmer on a leased channel, included within a particular classification, shall be entitled (c) The cable television system shall be extended to every new sub- division of the City,and the capacity to provide cable television service shall be provided by Grantee during the construction phase of every new subdivision, pursuant to the provisions of the requirements of the Franchise Ordinance and subsection 7 4 of this Enabling Ordinance (d) There shall be no charge for service calls except in cases of willful or repeated damage (e) The loss or theft of a converter or decoder will incur a penalty of $150 00 plus replacement cost to the responsible subscriber unless a Police report has been filed If a Police report has been filed and copy furnished to Grantee, then the subscriber shall be charged not more than current wholesale replacement cost (f) In the event of service interruption of over 24-hours duration, or unresolved service complaint not caused by the subscriber, Grantee shall credit the subscriber's account upon request by a subscriber, on a pro-rata basis Grantee shall inform all subscribers at least every four months of this rule (g) No polls or monitoring of other two-way responses to subscriber shall be conducted by Grantee without the subscriber's consent The program of which the poll is a part shall contain explicit disclosure of the nature, purpose and prospective use of the results of the poll No commercial or other use of information of individual subscriber viewing habits or patterns may be made and no release of such information shall be permitted without the prior consent of the City Council or pursuant to rules and regulations duly adopted by the City This does not preclude Grantee's use of aggregate subscriber viewing data for the above stated purposes (h) Whenever Grantee elects to rebuild, modify, or sell the system, or in the event that the Grantor revokes or falls to renew the franchise, the Grantee shall do everything in its power to ensure that all subscribers receive continuous, uninterrupted service regardless of the circumstances during the lifetime of the franchise In the event of system purchase by the Grantor, or change of Grantee, the current Grantee shall cooperate with the Grantor to operate the system for a temporary period, not to exceed one year, in main- taining continuity of service to all subscribers Grantee shall be entitled to the profits or losses from operation of the franchise during such temporary period Section 2 Standards of Operations Programming (a) The programming of the Basic TV, FM and Premium (Pay TV) services shall be at a minimum as set forth in the City's CATV Plan (1) Grantor may require Grantee to provide other unidirectional and interactive cable services such as security, Teletext, Videotext, and Playcable when such services have been demonstrated to be technically and economically feasible on other cable systems of similar description and size (b) At least once per year, the Grantee shall furnish to all subscribers along with their monthly service statement, a complete descriptive menu of possible programming and services, including area independent stations, satellite carried programming, local programming, and other services available to Grantee The menu to be in the format of a mallback survey for determination of the subscriber's programming preference The results of the survey are to be provided the City by the Grantee with any proposed change(s) in programming to accommodate subscriber's desired revisions as indicated by the results of the survey The first such survey shall be conducted within one (1) year following franchise award The requirements of this paragraph shall not continue beyond three (3) years from the award of this franchise unless so directed by Grantor When demonstration is made by the survey or other means , that sixty percent (60%) or more of Grantee's subscribers desire a modification and/ or addition to the cable television services, one for which the majority of those subscribers have previously paid or agreed to pay a sufficient amount of money to Grantee to return Grantee's investment for the providing of such service with- in a period not exceeding five (5) years, and Grantee elects not to provide modified or additional service, the City may require Grantee to show cause why it should not be required to modify and/or add to the service to provide said service to the subscribers Should Grantee not be able to demonstrate that it Page Two -- is unable financially and on a technically viable basis to modify and/or add to the service, the City may require Grantee to provide such modification and/or addition to the service Section 3 Institutional, Commercial and Government Services (a) The City will have the option to utilize, at no cost to the City, Institutional and Residential systems frequency spectrums in full 6 MHZ channels and other bandwidths when desired for video, data, facsimile, and/or audio transmission community services The City will be responsible for the provision of all terminal and cable access equipments, i e , modems, etc , for such applications Grantee will be responsible for headend interconnection (and switching if required) of the channels for bi-directional communications Grantee shall perform the interface of the City's terminal equipments on a time and materials cost basis (b) Grantee shall whenever requested by the City, provide the capability for live cablecasting of Council meetings and other municipal activities conducted in the Council Chambers at City Hall This shall require a minimum of a two-camera capability, with a permanent cabling and lighting installation in the Council Chamber (c) When required by the City, Grantee shall provide an interconnect with Columbia Basin College, for imortation, and distribution on Grantee's Pasco System, of programming originated from the College Section 4 Standards of Operation Technical (a) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules and Regulations, Part 76, Subpart K (Technical Standards) shall apply However, because of emphasis on interactive and other innovative services, modifications of FCC standards, as presented in the specifications herein, are considered necessary to meet system design objectives The following referenced specifications will also apply, unless exception is agreed upon between the City and the Grantee (1) Applicable City, County and State and National/ Federal Codes and Ordinances, (2) Applicable Utility Joint Attachment Practices, (3) National Electrical Safety Code,NFPA No 70, (4) Local Utility Code Requirements, (5) Local Right-of-Way Requirements, *7`• , _ -k,I- --,-- / , (b) Technical standards and parameters are to be referenced to the mean temperature of the Pasco area The system shall be designed to meet all specifications over a temperature range of + 50 degrees F from the mean temperature of the Pasco area Page Three (c) The forward portion of the Residential System plant shall be capable of carrying a minimum of 54 6 MHZ video channels, the full FM broadcast band and adequate bandwidth for Pilot Carriers or such auxiliary signals as required for system control In the event that future FCC restrictions prohibit use of portions of the band (e g , the Aircraft Navigational frequencies from 108 to 120 MHZ), a commensurate reduction in channel capacity may be affected or modifications made to the slope/gain control method to retain channel capacity The combined forward trunk and distribution system will deliver signals to each and every customer's TV receiver that will meet or exceed the technical specifications set forth in the City's CATV Plan at the Pasco mean temperature + 50 degrees F This shall include the effects of drop cables, interior splits, and any terminal equipments such as descramblers and set top converters (d) The Residential and Institutional systems shall have the capability of providing and delivering return signals from each subscriber and Institutional tap to the extreme downstream end of any area in compliance with the specifications set forth in the City's CATV Plan This capability shall include transmission of color, video, black and white video, and both low and high speed data, whether analog or digital Where applicable, the end of the system specifications shall include the effects of any signal reprocessing equipment necessary to achieve forward transmission (e) Although the programming procedure of shared channel usage for non-contrasting programming is encouraged to preclude having numerous channels with large blank periods (1 e , infrequent programming), it is an implicit obligation of the Grantee in accepting the franchise renewal to actively foster development of full usage of entertainment, access, and local origination channel capabilities, including readily activating additional channels as necessary to fulfill this obligation (f) Technical specifications addressed in this Section are intended to ensure accommodation of possible multiple institutional and residential interactive data information and cable communications applications, e g , security services, information retrieval, and educational services, as well as possibly significantly expanded entertainment service offerings Grantee shall make additional service capacity available including an expanded Institutional cable network if necessary, when required by the City to accommodate those Institutional and/or Residential broadband communications services beyond the capacity of Grantee's then existing system Grantee will assist the City in determination of the requirement for expansion of the Institutional cable network to ensure timely provision of additional service capacity The City, however, reserves the right of requiring Grantee to construct and activate an expanded institutional network in part or throughout the system, at the City's sole option and without unilateral, monetary or other ore-conditions on the part of the Grantee Grantee may not require financial pre-conditions for the construction of the expanded Institutional cable network, but Grantee does not thereby waive the right to request a rate increase for such construction and operation after the period stated in Section I of Resolution No 1562 , pertaining to Rates and Charges The City will not apply unreasonable criteria in determination of the requirement for the expanded cable system coverage Page Four APP AS TO FORM Greg R ello, City At orney PASSED by the y Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 77 day of , 1983 E A Snider, Mayor Page Five