HomeMy WebLinkAbout1559 Resolutionmayor /ells, City Clerk E. ubstel , C t — Attorn-v A Snider, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 1559 A RESOLUTION authorizing a joint agreement between the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa and Franklin County, providing for a single emergency management director for all three entities and emergency management services WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed Inter- governmental agreement for joint emergency management services be- tween the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa and Franklin County and after due consideration thereof has determined its acceptance to be in the best interest of the City of Pasco, NOW, THEREFORE, THE PASCO CITY COUNCIL DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That certain inter-governmental agreement between the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa and Franklin County, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein is accepted and the mayor is authorized to sign the same on behalf of the City of Pasco. PASSED this 17th day of January, 1983, and approved by the CITY MANAGER (509) 545-3404 Scan 726-3404 CITY of WWW34 ,0WW4AlfriM .NUNDP41114101iftv P 0 BOX 293 412 WEST CLARK PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 January 18, 1983 Mr Don Carter Emergency Management Director Franklin County Courthouse 1016 North 4th Pasco, Washington 99301 Dear Don Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No 1559 which covers the City Council's adoption of a joint agreement between Pasco, Mesa and Franklin County relating to emergency management and confirming that the County-appointed Emergency Management Director will serve the City of Pasco The original agreement accompanies the resolution. Please let us know when it has received the official approval of the Board of County Commissioners and the Town of Mesa Sincerely, LFK pt Leland F Kraft encl City Manager cc Mayor Mary Tschirky, Town of Mesa PASSED this 17th day of January, 1983, and approved by the mayor. 4. 41,1 . A. Snider, Mayor ATTT: i t-ve-i-v-n-Wells, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 1559 A RESOLUTION authorizing a joint agreement between the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa and Franklin County, providing for a single emergency management director for all three entities and emergency management services. WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed inter- governmental agreement for joint emergency management services be- tween the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa and Franklin County and after due consideration thereof has determined its acceptance to be in the best interest of the City of Pasco, NOW, THEREFORE, THE PASCO CITY COUNCIL DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That certain inter-governmental agreement between the City of Pasco, the Town of Mesa and Franklin County, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein ls accepted and the mayor is authorized to sign the same on behalf of the City of Pasco INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT An agreement by which the County of Franklin, a corporate municipal subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to "County", agrees to provide certain emergency manage- ment services to the CITY OF PASCO, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter called "City" and to the TOWN OF MESA, hereinafter as "town", in accordance with the provisions of R.C.W 39 34 (Interlocal Corporation Act). WHEREAS, it is felt by the County, City and Town that there is a local need for a comprehensive emergency services program and management of the kind defined and legislated by chapter 38.52 R.C.W.; and WHEREAS, the city and town have no full time emergency services director on staff, and WHEREAS, the county has provided for such a position; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto recognize the advantages to be gained from the estaolishment of a single emergency management office for the benefit of all the parties, NOW, THEREFORE, 1. The parties hereto agree that they will, for a period of one year for the calendar year 1983, operate an iritegrated emergency services program 2. It is agreed that the county, through its regular Board of Commissioners, shall appoint an Emergency Management Director after consultation with and agreement of the Mayors of the city and town. 3. It is understood and agreed that any Emergency Management Director hired or appointed shall be a county employee, and shall be paid all compensation, oenefits and other expenses by county funds. 4. It is, however, agreed that the city will reimburse the the county up to the maximum sum of two thousand dollars and the town will reimburse the county the sum of thirty dollars, which money shall be payable to the county by the city and town upon billing by the county for the services of the Emergency Management Director. 5. It is the intent of the parties that the city and town shall reimburse the county a prorata share of all expenses for the Emergency Services Management Director up to the limits as specified in Section 4 above Any expenditures for whatever purpose above and beond the limits of Section 4 will only be reimbursable in prorata share by the town and city with their prior approval in \r-iting on the authority of their respective legislative bodies ) APP As 'roRr-1, , ) orney - 1 V 01 aS CO 6. It is understood and agreed that, even though the Emergency Management Director will be a county employee, that he or she will work with city and town officers, or employees and shall provide reports and services to the cities or town, in the same manner and with the same thoroughness that such Emergency Management Director provides to county officials and employees 7. The Emergency Management Director shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of the county, city and town organization for emeraency services, subject to the direction and control of the County Board of Commissioners and the Mayors of the town and city for emergency services administration in their respective jurisdictions. 8 The Emergency Management Director shall not, by the terms this agreement, have any authority to enter into any contracts and incur any obligations against either the city or town 9. This agreement expires on December 31, 1983, unless earlier renewed in writing. Any party hereto may withdraw from this agreement by giving the other two parties >10100 days written notice therefore. This paraaraph is the exclusive method for terminating this agreement. 10 The town and city agree to save and bola the county harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands or from any liability of any nature arising out of the exercise of this agreement when servicing the areas within the respective Jurisdiction of the city and town; and, the county, likewise, agrees to save and hold the city and town harmless from any and all causes of action, judgements, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising out of the exercise of this agreement when servicing those areas within the unincorporated areas of Franklin County. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day of , 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON Chairman Memper Attest Attorney - Frank', in CoTrn-fy-- Attes ,- '''---n Eve yn ells, City Clerk ,- , E.A. Snider, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM. Greg A. %ubstello, City Attorney TOWN OF MESA Mayor Attest: City Attorney - Town of Mesa