HomeMy WebLinkAbout1546 ResolutionMayor. ATT ls, City Clerk . Rubstello, City Attorney 07-AiLlt ETA. Mayor Alp / RESOLUTION NO. 1546 A RESOLUTION providing for a moratorium on the issuance of a business license to a new business that handles, stores, or transports radiological or toxic chemical wastes. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the present zoning provisions in Title 22 of the Pasco Municipal Code appear to be deficient in regards to the location of land uses which involve the handling, storage and transportation of radiological and toxic chemical wastes and, further, that said zoning provisions appear to lack adequate and appropriate standards of review for such land uses; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Pasco and property owners in Pasco to be unnecessarily threatened by the apparent deficiencies of Title 22 PMC in regards to the location as well as adequate and appropriate stand- ards for review of those land uses principally involved in the handling, storage and transportation of radiological and toxic chemical wastes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PASCO CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Council hereby declares a moratorium on the issuance of a business license to any business that has as a primary part of its business activity the handling, storage or transportation of radiological or toxic chemical wastes and is not now licensed for such activity. 2. That the effective period of the moratorium is hereby declared to be Monday, November 15, 1982, to Monday, March 21, 1983, unless earlier terminated or extended by action of the City Council. 3. The City Planning Commission is hereby directed as a matter of top priority to investigate Title 22 PMC for revision for land use activity involving the handling, storage and transportation of radio- logical and toxic chemical wastes and to recommend what appropriate amendments, if any, to the Pasco Municipal Code should be made with a report back to the City Council within the time period set forth in Section 2 above. 4. The term "primary part of its business activity" means the activity earns 50% or more of the business's annual gross revenue or requires 50% or more of the time of its employees. PASSED this 15 day of November 9:2, ail&->approved by the