HomeMy WebLinkAbout1524 Resolutionls, City Clerk APPROVE1 AS TO FO M. Rubste , City Attorney Gre RESOLUTION NO. 1524 A RESOLUTION adopting a revised and extended comprehensive street program for the City of Pasco. WHEREAS, R.0 W. 35.77.010 provides for annual revision and extension of the Comprehensive Street Program of each city and town, and after holding public hearings thereon; and WHEREAS, it is now time to revise and extend that Comprehensive Street Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the revision and extension of the City of Pasco Comprehensive Street Program on BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Council of the City of Pasco hereby adopts the revision and extension of the Comprehensive Program for the ensuing six years as attached hereto and labeled "Six-Year Construction Program, 1983-88", incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth herein; and That the Comprehensive Street Program shall be filed with the Department of Transportation. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 23 day of August , 1982 Ira Schmidt --; Mayor Pro Tern _keypunching Note: Data entered in C019 I -8 Must 1 0 1 9 1 1'1°13-G 7-8 be on all cards punched from this -form. City/County _ City No. Counts N.o. SIX YEAR TRANOPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19_83T0 19 ee 151 A 1-2 Hreartng Date — 1 6 -8Z. Adophon Date e -Lib -63 Re8o1ut ton Nurr ber PROJECT COSTS 111 THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ..- OBLIGATION PROGRAM - 2 ..-. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION in 2 15 `,.' 0 a a 2 Work Code _ Total Length (Mt les) 1rncfionat Cia I Rural/Urban 1 ii 1 h C OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE :TOTAL FUNDS 7,11e, Route, Road Log No., Section No., _ _ y _E_ A R FEDERAL U A.B. LOCAL LocatiWTermint,Descrip -lion of Work, Beginning Milepoof 4 Bi r i d g e No. 1 st (Amid-di Element) T-- and - 3rd 4,5 4 G +h AMOUNT PROGRAM i 2 -9 _ 3S :LS 7 96 4 51 40 5 41 44 0 4S 7 4647 48 et 9 5r - 30 52_ _ 35 11 SG 59 12 CO 63 13 44 61 - 14 C8 11 15 72 75 le 76 79 17 ao as SiTtateteiTt 1 0 NielatLintlISI IV1RII1 0 1 0 -S 1-tlitS-NDIII L000 tip p. , 1,0,0 100, 131 0 10 1 -r- 1 -r-r' i • -1.--T I • • 161 0 1 0 i , 16,olo, Z. z &TM tie CHAiSe Xve z A (3 0 F 0 S di Z 0 4 • • 4 S. 3. rz. 4-0 INQA.4* Botkneta...1 ei0F. C431v vv,kitte... 134,s4.... Cis 1 t e_ot e_. - hecessq.•1 to be co st.pcwkIbte w ,+t% A , 60 5; 00 l'. 1 0,4 0 e 0 W 0 rAO IA 0.% atki'efLeir..011.4 O. 6 f- X..%rt„, et,d G -1 I 1 I I I i I 1 I I I I i I i 1 I I I I I I I i i I / i i n IA i I 1 11 5 I 1 i 2-1 0 I I i I I I I I I I i I I 1 4 4 S. I i 14 iik 5." (3 4 141/441. A-3 Z. dtbow e.. - ei .. 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(cool:nes aux) INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NOTE This form is set up in "Elite" typewriter format (12 characters per inch) for coding computer input Only that information appearing in the coding blocks will be entered on the computer Additional information may be included on the form for the Agency's convenience but will not be placed on the computer file A An obligation program indicated the allocation of funds to major phases of project development i e preliminary engineering right of way and construction Show the funding amount for the entire phase or phases in the expected year of obligation even though the expenditure of funds may take place over several years • Include all proposed projects regardless of location or source of funds, however, urban arterial trust fund projects need to be included only in six year transportation improvement programs beginning in odd numbered years • Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following instructions HEADING City/County County Number City Number Hearing Date Adoption Resolution Number COLUMN NO 1 Item No 2 Project Identification 3 Major Class of Work Enter name of local agency and appropriate county Enter the 0 F M assigned number in code blocks 7 & 8 Enter the 0 F M assigned number in code blocks 3 thru 6 Enter the date of action by the City Council or County Legislative Authority Enter the date of action by the City Council or County Legislative Authority Enter City Council or Co Legislative Auth resolution number (if applicable) Enter local agency project identifying numbers in chronological order Enter appropriate information noted in column heading Enter Route Name and termini in code blocks 9 thru 35 Enter the appropriate code number(s) Enter major code in block 36 1 New construction on new alignment 6 2 Major widening (additional lanes) 7 3 Minor widening (increase lane width, add shoulders) 8 4 Rehabilitation/reconstruction 9 5 Resurfacing Traffic control Capital purchases Non capital improvements Non Motor Vehicle use 4 Work Codes A Grading B Draining C Light Bituminous Surface D AC or P C C Pavement E Sealcoat F Curbs & Gutters G Sidewalks H Channelization I Signalization J Lighting K Signing 5 Total Length in Miles Enter appropriate code letter(s) Enter major items of work in code blocks 37 thru 40 L Bridge M Landscaping N Paths & Trails O Bikeways P Transit Facility Q Commuter Pool R High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes S Surveillance Control & Driver Information T Ferry Facility U Project Studies Enter Length of project to nearest hundredth in code blocks 41 thru 44 6 Functional Class Enter one appropriate code letter in code block 45 M — Major Arterial (Principal) S — Secondary Arterial (Minor) C — Collector Arterial (Collector) A — Access 7 Rural Urban 8 Carryover Project 9 1st Year (Annual Element) 10 12 (2nd, 3rd, 4, 5 & 6th years) 13, 15, & 16 Funding by Source 14 Program 17 Total Funds Enter the appropriate letter R — Rural U — Urban in code block 46 Enter (x) if project is carried over from previous years annual element (Funds were not obligated during previous year) Enter in code block 47 Enter total project costs to be obligated in the first calendar year of the six year program in code blocks 48 thru 51 Enter estimated project costs to be obligated in each year or years in code blocks 52 thru 55 Enter the dollar amount to be obligated under applicable funding source column in appropriate code blocks Enter the funding source program (FAUS, FAS, SOS, etc ) in code blocks 68 thru 71 Enter total project cost in code blocks 80 thru 85