HomeMy WebLinkAbout1519 Resolution1 /, F A Snider, Mayor M '1T lin" ‹D 1 erl, CIFT OF PASCO RLSC-UTIGN 1,0 1D19 A 7nImm pncryrum-rom 4-hc coun t ic:of and the cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland approving an interlocal coopera- tion agreement between these counties and cities for a Police Information Network (BI-PIN) WHEREAS, an interlocal cooperation agreement between the counties of Benton and Franklin and the cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland for a Police Information Network (BI-PIN), a copy of which is attached hereto, has been reviewed by the respective councils of the cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland and the Board of Commissioners of the counties of Benton and Franklin;-ahd WHEREAS, the agreement, if entered into Joy all of said counties and cities, will be of mutual benefit to all the parties and a valuable tool for laT , enforcement in and between all of their respective :uris- dictions, NOW, THEREFOPE, THE CITY COUNCILS OF THE CITIES OF KENNEWICK, PASCO AND RICHLAND AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That the interlocal cooperation agreement between tne counties of Benton and Franklin and the cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland for a Police Information Network (BI-PIN), a copy of which is attached to tnis resolution, is nereny approved 2 Each respective city council and board of county commissioners authorizes their mayor or commission chairman, as the case may be, to sign the attached agreement on behalf of their respective city or county. 3. The agreement will not become effective or impose any duties or responsibilities upon any party there- to until both the counties of Benton and Franklin and all three of the cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland shall have signed the agreement after approval of their respective councils or Board of Commissioners DATED this day of , 1982 PASCVD this 19 11 -,(1 approved by its Mayor 1982, by the rOUPril PA:DbLD this c:ay of , 1982, b‘, tne 1?1chland Cit / Concil and approved by its Mayor ATTEST Leslie Smith, City Clerk Thomas M Logston, Mayor PASSED this day of , 1982, by the Kennewick City Council and approved ny its Mayor. ATTEST. Margery Price, City Clerx Donald Kuhns, Mayor PASSED this Commissioners. d a y of , 1982, 1D - the Betor, Cou ,-ty ATTEST Bill Sebro, Chairman Benton County Auditor Benton County Board of Commissioners PASSED this Commissioners. ATTEST. day of , 1982, by the Franklin County Harold Mathews, Chairman Franklin County Auditor Franklin County Board of Commissioners LM_ERF,OCAT COOPLIAJI0i AGWEL,1LNr BT EN [HE COUNTIE OE r3ENTON AL,D 7!0KTM A;ID THE CITIES OF KENNFVICK PASCO AND RICHLACD (POT1c 17 INFORMATION :\T -'7 TYORK) WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act codified in RCW 39 34 p-blic agencies to ez,ereise their powers jointly thereby maximizing their ability to provide services and facilities which will best fulfill the needs of the community as a whole, and "T:7 PAS ti irt exercise of o rerional rri-lnel trcc record and infotmation system will promote the deterrance and solution of criminal incidents by providirg increased access to local incident and warrant information, reducing the need for redundant data entry, improving the protection of criminal files against loss or destruction, and increasing the responsiveness of the respective law enforcement agencies through crime analysis and investigative support functions, and WHEREAS, the Counties of Benton and Franklin and the Cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland, through their respective law enforcement departments, desire to jointly utilize an expanded law enforcement information system to be implemented by the Kennewick Data Processing Department, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED in accordance with the provisions of DrTT J-t ,J, Section 1 - Formation and Purpose of BI-PIN THE COUNTIES OF BENTON AND FRANKLIN, AND THE CITIES OF KENNEWICK, PASCO AND RICHLAND hereby establishes the Benton-Franklin Police Information _Te.twrk (BI-PT:;) :n order to assist tqe paLt.eipating police and sheriff's departments in the deterrance and solution of criminal incidents and in recognition of the high cost of technology and operation of information systems, the participating members are entered into a joint undertaking for the following purposes - Increase access to local incident and want/warrant information - Enhance the sharing of information among the criminal justice agencies - Improve availability of operational and management information - Provide for increased responsiveness to crime analysis and investigative support functions - Reduce ti ,e lined for_ redundant data entry and duplicate data fibs - Provide fa: improcc protection against loss or destruction of criminal information files Section 2 - Coordinating Oversight Committee Established The general wversight of BI-PIN shall be accomplished througn tne means Ll Coordinating 0\orsight Committee comprised of each off the parLiclnatinL L3W enrol:cement: ncads of each of the partAcipating Tombers (Scc AppendIx A) Thi.i, cc-mitt-2 shall select a chair and shall meet as often as is necessary to assure the smooth and effective functioning of Bl-PIN This committee shall keen mlnutes of its meetings and copies of these minutes shall go to all members of the comm]ctee and to the execucive neads of each of the part ILL- pacing members Section 3 - Data Processing Review Committee Established Tr1:- caJa processiPg bupezcisors of each --)f tre 77c -ribeis snail constitute the Data Processing Review Committee (See Appendix A) This committee shall assist the Coordinating Oversight Committee, as required, by providing technical guidance on data processing requirements for the regional records network The committee will review all requests for modlfications or changes that entail supplemental budget expenditures Section 4 - Executive Committee Established The City Managers from Richland, Kennewick and Pasco, and the Chairmen of the Boards of County Commissioners of Benton and Franklin Counties shall constitute the Executive Committee (See Appendix A) The Executive Committee will meet when a report from the Data Processing Review Committee via the Coordinating Oversight Committee requires the review and action of this group to consider giving final approval for a specific plan of action which has met with the consensus of tee l enforcement heads and the data processors, or at such time rftar a member of tee Executive COm —i'ree 'ierermines the need for Icidi'loral action Section 5 - Operational Responsibility Pinpointed The actual of the BI -PIN system will be assumed or tne effective date by the City of Kennewick through its Data Processing Center Tee City of Kennewick Data Processing Supervisor shall have day- to-day supervision and control over the BI-PIN system, subject, however, to the policies set by the Coordinating Oversight Committee in consultation with the Data Processing Review Committee and subject to the terms and conditions of this Joint agreement Section 6 - Procedure for Initial Start-Up The operating entities will reach a separate agreement on the first year purchase costs for creating a capability in the City of Kennewick Data Processing Center to meet the aggregate records and data file requirements for the participating members The members agree that a cost sharing agreement, equitable to all parties, has been arrived at (See Appendix B, Sub-section I) Additionally, the membeis agtee that the City of KennewicK shall have use of the excess capacit y of this disc drive for so long as such excess capacity foc aor-ielated BI-PIN data piocessing requirements exists lhe entitie ,, shall also reach agteement on the estimated first year operating buclut For BI-PIN, which budget is to cover Lee [list ;,e,=1/- of ,)nelarihg costs eating iron' the erfecii -ce dare of this agreement Each entity makes an Irrevocable commitment to Lover its fair sraLe oF_ its allocated part of the agr.:,ea upon first n CCI1 oudget Section 7 - Procedure ror Making nodifications After Start-Up e- b -tt-rme -,-s to the 31-PIN systc — after start-up that requires a supplemental budget, shall follow a four-step clearance process (See Appendix A) St-E, reque-,,,, for modifications, betterments, etc , shdil be addressed in writing co Erie Coordinating Oversight Committee Tne Committee shall consider the request on its merits in light of existing priorities ana shall be responsible fo - devele)p1 -17 a ,—arratis -e sLacernent abouc the :Ernest, ectalling the reasons ana benefits of any proposed change requested by a member agency, and recommending a priority for the modification If the proposed changes are not accepted by all jurisdictions, this committee is responsible for achieving full support or rejecting the proposed modification Step 2 All of this information shall be submitted to the Data Processing Review Committee for the purpose of getting input from the data processing experts on the feasibility of the Proposed modification on the hardware and software that will be required, on the priority that would be appropriate vis-a-vis other evistirg Priorities, the recommended timing of the proposed modification, and a funding plan to cover the relevant costs Step 3 The request, including narrative statement, comments ana recommend,;tion from the data processors, togetner with a verification of the fending and cost allocation plan, etc , shall De presented to the Executi -re Committee for revie ,;, and approval Step 4 After clearance of the plan of action by the Executive Committee, it will be transmitted to the City of Kennewick Data Processing Steering Committee (through the Kennewick City Manager) for implementation Section 8 - Inspection and Approval by Kennewick required The participating members, before going on line with the Kennewick Computer Center, shall first have the necessary foluis and standard operating procedures and hardware communication items inspected and approved by the Kennewick Data Processing Supervisor to assure compatibility with the Kennewick system and to assure that security precautions are properly dealt with Such approval by Kennewick shall be in writing and shall be aadressed to the Data Processing Supervisor of the affected City or County, with a copy to the chief e%eLutive officer of the entity The City cf Kenne -\-ick ‘Aill be responsible Col purchasing the equipment at the Kennewick Computer Center which is agreed upon as peInu necessar7 :ol BI-PIN and Kennewick will be responsible for its installaLiorl and its operation Kennewick will be responsible fol the development no maintenance of the system software in the Kennewick Computer Center up to customary data processing standards and, with the assistance of tne Dace Processing Review Committee, wail develop a u-,els proeedure manual Section 9 - Responsibility of Paruitipating Members The q17,41 eacT be ,nspor ,-nle for sdpplyi-g, at each member agency's own expense all of the on-premises and airecc support equipment necessary to make the BI-PIN prop -ram operational for that agency Moreover, each agency shall be respo-sibic for developing and maintaining any additional software programs at its own expense, however, the City of Kennewick, as the operator of the Computer Center, shall make its programmers ax,ailahle on a time available basis to consult with and assist the 9-'e Cit ./ Kc,-ewic, shall lb.=, chid actual cost of toe direct lapor expenses involved for this assistance, when utilized, together with applicable fringe benefit costs Section 10 - Annual Budget/Cost of Service The annual budget for the operation of BI-PIN shall be formulated each year at the appropriate time by the Coordinating Oversight Committee, working with the Data Processing Review Committee The preliminary budget, snowing the allocable expense to each agency, shall be presented to the Executive Committee for review and approval before July 31st of each year The members of the Executive Committee shall be individually responsible to assure that the appropriate resources are in that entity's budget for the ensuing Year The initial first year operating costs are estimated at $21,738 and will be shared by the Cities of Kennewick, Richland and Pasco ant tne Codnties of Benton and Franklin The initial year costs will be Pilled quarterly (see Appenaix B, Supsection II) The subsequent cost of service for BI-PIN, after approved as herein required, shall be billed quarterly to each agency based cr :he agency's act_al CPU hors usec during that quarter Cost sharing adjustments based upon the actual costs incurred in the previous year shall be aaded to or subtracted from the established annual proration Section 11 - Cost Recovery for Subsequent Participants Any agency that joins BI-PIN after initial start-up pursdant to this agreement, will be charged a cost recovery fee that shall be calculated by the Coordinating Oversight Committee and approved by the Executive Committee, taking into account the operating and hardware costs relative to the BI-PIN dedicated equipment at the Kennewick Computer Center The new agency will be billed its proportionate buy-in costs and each existing agency will receive a credit equal to its share of the recovered cost from the new agency Section 12 - Withdraual Procedure Notice of withdrawal snail reauire the serviee on all members ol a written notice to terminate on a certa_n date, and thIs notice shall be given at least one Tear in advance of the date of withdrawal Section 13 - leLmination of Agreement In the event of termination of this agreement ecieh member agency will be responsible for its share of the remaining costs or penalties for the terminataon of leases of equLp ,uent A copy of the Kennewick Computer Center sofc'vare relaLive to BI-PIN will bc madc available to eaeh agency acLuliCO re0-nJucLion rc0pj 0E at1 daLd b Longiag to a agenc/ ,,L11 ac made avallabl_ co Lnc agency on cne most feasible medium at L-elc actual cost of reproduction Sec:ion 14 - Security oE Data Each agency shall safeguard by the BI PIN system The Kennewick Computer Center will protect access with specific sign-on controls and procedures as developed by the Data Processing Re1eT7 Committee with the approval of the Executive Committee Section 15 - Liability Coverage The agencies shall jointly 5eeufe a good ane eiac liaoll ci insurance policy indemnifying and naming all agencies as Additional Insured, covering the agencies for any damage to hardware or software or misuse or loss of information in the system The City of Kennewick shall assume all risk of Injury or damages to hardware or software on city premises caused by city employees or any invitee or any person on the premises with the consent of the City The insurance shall be paid on a pro rata basis among the agencies as their interests may appear and to the extent that coverage is afforded to each Each agency snail waive the right of subrogation against the other party by reason of loss or damage incurred under the casualty leases covered by the insurance Notwithstanding anything to the contrary within this section, the agencies' obligation to carry the inS canoe provided to may be bloL_ght —i-hin the coverage of a so-called Blanket Policy or policies of insurance carried and m.qintnined by any ind ,,dunl agency, provided that all other agencies are named as Aduicional insured thereunder, as their interests may aonear and that the coverae afforded the other aqenclec will not he Leduced or diminished by reason of the use of such blanket policy of insurance, and provided further, that all of the requirements of this section are otherwise noted Section 16 - Term of Agreement This agreement shall become effective at the tie all the terms and conditions have been met and agreed to oy the governing authorities of all the participant members Once effective, the agreement shall run to December 31, 1983, and shall continue thereafter for successive one year periods, unless a member in writing requests a renegotiation of the agreement by giving notice in writing to all other members at least ninety (90) days before the expiration date of the agreement IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties have set their hands this day of , 1982 CITY OF KENNEWICK CITY OF PASCO CLIY OF RICHIAND COUNTY OF BENTON COUNTY OF FRANKTIN - 5 - ti tree Data Processing Review Comm t tne k n 1 S Determine I pc Nil 3 tie , - 1 Feasibility 2 Priority 3 Timing 4 Cost PPPENDIX A BENTON-FRANKLIN POE ICE INFORMAIION NETWORK 1I -PIN SoftYare Enhcricement/Equipment Flow Chart rE xecutive Conuittee Kennc ,/ick Data Proces—,tr., Stee ,inj o Local Need o Ability/Capacity 0 Timing o Cost Allocation o Local Commitinent ,In= e Pel ice is e 01 0 Sne iff - , in 1_,( ,net ff Pasco Data Processing Kennewick Data Procossing Richland Data Proce;sing Benton County Ddta Processing Pasco City Manager Kennewick City Manager Richland City Manager Benton Co - Admin Franklin Co - Admin Kcnnewick Asst City Manager, et al (City Saff Personnel) IX [3 R fl j L i;`1L ( E Ov1011‘1 '14F 0;t ,h n ICti )i Et, (Fly( tia)or 3Jr1sdictIon, Only) 'Ini L')LA - ;ST YE, -,' POCHAS 't:. COST ' 01 - _ ' s 0) 1\.o , -'or (_, 0 tic, oly T'E i ) -OTAl 1 ,,t tt l P Q UilCh r r- COST i s r 1 0T,L FO: tST [AR (2) Benton (1) frankl)n (Fxv,ting) (2 ) Konnwild (1 ) Pasco (1) Ricnland To / )1VO,P $ 6,556 $ 3,823 S 6,556 S 3,283 $ 3,283 S2J,JC 1 7,410 3,720 3,720 3,720 18,601 b,/00 3,350___ - 3,350 3,350 16,70 $20,706 10,353 $ 6,556 $10,353 510,353 S52,8I $ 1,638 S 1,092 S 3,700 $ 3,159 $ 2,769 S11,r)5 1,440 720 720 720 3,040 240 120 120 120 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 S 4 ,318 ''', 2,932 -:, 3,?.00 $ 4,999 $ 4,609 -3.)2.,73 $75,024 ,13,785 S9,756 $15,352 $14,962 •)] :1;1 D OPER - - 511 ut111zat '00 Lins ourcha ')e costs include discoun ,s, tax(s and fright I T otliec' With built -in printer 0$1,(00 additiondt cost each