HomeMy WebLinkAbout1513 Resolution - RecordedRtt01150 IN V41 /61( OF oiFFIOA.L fIgg8h14§ P@W1' 2 33 PM V. NEVA (w-Lq 0.11 441g1f611 0-1".gEF F TO: Cil 1 o, City Attorney City of Pasco P.O.Box 293 Pasco,Wa. 99301 velyn 0 W lls, City Clerk 41.9253 ,.;. 41,9253 , RESOLUTION NO 1513 A RESOLUTION accepting a utility easement from Eucon Corporation WHEREAS, the Second Pressure Zone Waterline Project, will install waterline across private land, and WHEREAS, the ultimate ownership of the utilities will be with the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Pasco obtain and maintain legal easements for the installation, operation and maintenance of the water, utilities across private lands, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO The City hereby accepts the attached utility easement from Eucon Corporation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to file the easement in the legally prescribed manner PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 21 day of •unP , 1982 lommAt. - AMAN °IP JO A Snider, Mayor ATTEST 419253 i1.010.pa rg, LA5LMJ fla 4.1.Y,4541 • For valuable consideration, includin g benefit to the g rantor's oppurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the g rantor, EUCON CORPORATION does hereb y g rant, conve y , and g ive to the g rantee, Cit y of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washin g ton, its successors and assi g ns an evclusive public utilit y easement across, ()ve x , and upon the followin g land, located in Franklin Count y , State of Washin g ton, Lo-wit North 20' (feet) of Lot 15, Buck's Subdivision in the town of Pasco, Franklin County, State of Washington Ihe g iantee shall have the right, privile g e, and authorit y to construct, Improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entit y ma y be g ranted the use of the above described land for an y public utilit y without the g rantee's expressed wtitten consent The g iantor shall make no use of the land occupied b y said public utilit y easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts it h the g tantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercisin g the rights herein g ranted, the g rantee, its successors and assi g ns, ma y pass and repass over said land to cut and iemove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the g rantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utilit y ('aselm_nt and to othetwise use and occup y the land consistent vith its constluction, maintenance, and uses as a public utilit y easement Ihe covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are bindin g upon all subse q uent omIers hereof IN WPINES UHFPF0F, the said g iantor has 0 ,ecjuted this instrument this da y of , 193i blAIE OF WASHING1ON) Grantor SS Count ; of Iranklin ) Grantot On tins dly of (LA- 4_,2_,± , 19 gl_, before MC tht undel ,,igned, a tk)tily Pnblic -1n and for the State of Washin g ton, dul y commissioned and s,orn, personall y api)eared to me knownto hp the Individual descrihod in and Yho executed.. ,t4ie within and foregoing instrument, and ackno,,led q ed that - ,, 40 Ihe ,,,Imr, -1 ,., "X....4_,0 II cc and voluntat ; act and deed,' _ ___ Uses drid puiposes therein mentioned _ ,:-- -). ",... undei II ) hond and of seal the da y aiii-T—M -e7a- firsre ' JutZZ hiOR Q"7 Pi 1. A EPUTY (,Iven above written RECORDED IN VOLd/ OF OFFICIAL REOGF,US A 22/J r "'EcT OF 12 13 NI 'BZ \ L C." 110 at rub ic in and SLaLe of X Washin g ton, residin g at EVA I FR G.? _ lit7-nn••n•rt wr -etry 41. rcs MM TO. cJ (ED -- 4.91 ol 4* S bOS 5 _ I I 4, I ,05.Vb1 N, 0 • gMYJAV 1115 --1/7 wp _ 'O<A ----„Eg/-„9/ -6* L_ sff n Of` C.1 6 ,00/ t.3 0? 3.5 9_52 .1 NY 1.4/3S b (Sa r- kr) C't A