HomeMy WebLinkAbout1495 ResolutionClerk of tl/Board ATF Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS 10 FORM FRANKLIN COUNTY RESOLU1ION NO 82-32 CIlY 01 PASCO RESOLUTION NO 1495 JOINT RESOLUlION BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND THE CITY OF PASCO, PASCO, WASHINGTON IN THE MAT1ER OF APPOINTMENT TO THE FRANKLIN COUNTY/CITY OF PASCO HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD WHEREAS, there has been a vacancy created on the Franklin County/City of Pasco Housing Authority Board through the expiration of the term for incumbent 1, Cosmore Edwards, and WHEREAS, the City of Pasco Ordinance No 2299 and Franklin County Ordinance No 17-81, which created a Joint Housing Authority for the City and County, provides in Section 1 that the incumbents of Positions 1 and 3 are to be selected by the Board of County Commissioners WHEREAS, Don Didier, Star Route, Eltopia, Washington, 99330, whose name has been submitted as an individual interested in serving on the Joint Housing Authority for the City and County BE IT RESOLVED that Don Didier be appointed to fill the vacancy created on the Joint Housing Authority Board, said five year term to expire on January 28, 1987 DATED at Pasco, Washington, this 8th day of , 1982 March BOARD OF-FRANKLIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTES1 Chairman Meinber r'*4 Member DATED at Pasco, Washington, this 1 day of March , 1982 raL Schmidt,,Mayur Pru Tem -2-4^1,-- 4---- A-,-,A--- ..-- FRANKLIN COUNTY RESOlUILON NO ATII I APPROVED AS 10 FORM F C ells, City Clerk CII1 01 PASCO RESOlUIION NO 1495 101NT RISOLUI1ON BEFORE THE BOARD or COMHiSS1ONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND IHE CITY OF PASCO, PASCO, WASHINGTON IN IIIF MAIIFP 01 APPOINIMIN1 10 IHF IRANKLIN COUNIY/C1IY OF PASCO HOUSINC, AUIHORLIY BOARD WH1RLAS, there has been a vacancy created on the Franklin County/City oP Pasco Housing Authority Boaid thiough the expiration of the term for incumbent 1, Cosmore idwards, and WHLP ,-/S, the City of Pasco Ordinance No 2299 and Franklin County Ordinance No 17-81, which created a Joint Housing Authority for the City and Count„ rrovides in Section 1 that the incumbents of Positions 1 and 3 are to be selected by the Board of County Commissioners WHFREAS, Don Didier, Stir Route, Fltopia, Washington, 99330, whose name has been submitted as an individual intereAed in serving on the Joint Housing Authority for the City and County BI 11 RESOLVED that Don Didiei be appointed to fill the vac-1nel/ created on the Joint Housing Authority Board, said five year term to expire on January 28, 1987 DAFFD at Pasco, Washington, this day of , 198? BOARD OF FRANKLIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASIIINCTON Chaii man Member , AIIES1 Member Clerk of the Board 1 1 DAIED at Pasco, Washington, this March day of , 1982 . L Ira L Schmidt, Mayor Pro Tern 1,-