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RESOLUTION NO 1493' A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE SEGREGATION OF L I D NO 110 FINAL ASSESSMENT NO 3 INTO TWO ACCOUNTS, AS REQUESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS WHEREAS, Jack D and Sharon Wood and Lorraine Peters, have requested that the final assessment for L I D No 110 3 be segregated into two individual assessments, and WHEREAS, state law provides for such segregation of assessments by the provisions of R C W 35 44 410, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO Section 1 The City Treasurer is hereby directed, upon receipt of the fee stipulated below from the property owners, to segregate the following described original assessment as confirmed by Council action in Ordinance No 2236, passed February 2, 1981, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT The South 534 5 feet of that portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W M , in Franklin County, Washington, lying East of the Easterly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway No 3, as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded September 16, 1952 under Auditor's File No 147697, EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded September 12, 1963 under Auditor's File No 252048, and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within the right-of-way of Road 28 as said road now exists, into the following revised assessments $32,547 03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The South 534 5 feet of that portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W M , in Franklin County, Washington, lying East of the Easterly right-of-way line or Primary State Highway No 3, as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded September 16, 1952 under Auditor's File No 252048, and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within the right-of-way of Road 28 as said road now exists, AND EXCEPT the North 60 thereof NEW ASSESSMENT AMOUNT $28,711 70 Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM VAAL Greg -eZllo, City Attorney NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT AMOUNT The North 60 00 feet of the South 534 5 feet of that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W M , in Franklin County, Washington, lying East of the Easterly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway No 3, as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded September 16, 1952 under Auditor's File No 147697, EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded September 12, 1963 under Auditor's File No 252048, and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within the right-of- way of Road 28 as said road now exists $ 3,835 33 Section 2 The owners of each property unit to be assessed after the segregation shall pay a fee of $10 00 as required by R C W 35 44 410 Section 3 The property owners shall additionally pay a fee of $100 00 to cover clerical costs incidental to making the segregation, as provided by R C W 35 44 410 Section 4 This segregation of assessments shall be recorded as provided by law upon receipts of fees and calculation of the segregated assessments PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 1st day of March, 1982 Ira L Schmidt, Mayor Pro Tem ATT. T ou v h for your cooperation C---->) a-Af-4_-ouc--,---g--i ORRAINE PETERS c SHARON WOOD LORRAINE PETERS as PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR JAMES C PETERS, Deceased January 12, 1982 City Hall P 0 Box 293 Pasco, WA 99301 Attn Financial Director RE LID Assessment #110, Ordinance #2236 Amount of Assessment -(136,340 A.Lt'.-0-14214116=-) L>f We are hereby requesting that the above referenced LID Assessment be segregated into two separate accounts We are in the process of selling the North 60' of the property to the Plumber and Steam- fitters Local 598 Attached are the two legal descriptions which the LID should be segregated under We are aware that there are fees involved in this procedure Please advise the undersigned of when and in what amounts these fees will need to be paid The property will be closed through the office of Safeco Title Insurance Company if you need to contact the Closing Agent If there is anything else you need to proceed, please let us know. The address and telephone number of the Peters and Wood Co is as follows 1120 Road 28 North - P. 0 Box 2249 Pasco, WA ,aaaoa 99302 547-2438 ilo.o_c‹Ncy-ynsl/yjr. (10 Dear Sir LEGAL DESCRIPTION The North 60 00 fect of the South 534 5 feet: of that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwc-t quarter of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W M , in Franklin County, Washington, lying East of the rater]y rit;ht-of-way line of Primary State Highway No 3, as conveycd to the State of Washington by deed recorded Scptember 76, 1952 under Auditor's File No 1)47697, EXCEPT that portion thc/eof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed lecorded September 12, 1963 under Auditor's File No 252048,,and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within the right-of-way of Road 28 as said road now exists HOGERS SURVEYING, INC #14481 GCW/vmr 10/27/81 The South 534 5 feet of that portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W M , in Franklin County, Washington, lying East of the Easterly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway No 3, as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded Sep- tember 16, 1952 under Auditor's File No 147697, EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded September 12, 1963 under Auditor's File No 252048, and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within the right-of-way of Road 28 as said road now exists, AND EXCEPT the North 60 there- of :